
John McCain on The View 9-12-2008 part 2 of 3 

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John McCain on The View 9-12-2008 part 2 of 3



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@pete1667 16 лет назад
How can you not like and admire this guy??? He is truly an American hero.
@ligyro 16 лет назад
mccain is so genuine. you can tell he's speaking from the heart
@oddlyreasonable 16 лет назад
I'll never forget where I was the day the view galz exposed John McCain. I wish they had more time. And I wish more people would ask these questions on behalf of the people who don't get the chance. Joy, Barbara, Whoopie. You guys owned this episode. Beautiful. :)
@oddlyreasonable 16 лет назад
Agreed, The galz of the view did a splendid job asking a couple tough questions on behalf of those of us that aren't sitting right beside him. Damn the first segment was delicious. Thx a bunch good ladies. :)
@BlushingRoses 16 лет назад
Thank you very much for posting this. I didn't get to see it, and I think it was very brave of the Republican candidate to go on this show.
@budwhitfield 16 лет назад
WOW, To hear a 20 yr. old with a good head on her restores a little bit of faith in me towards our younger generation in this country, I wish more your age would follow suit!
@arvedsin 14 лет назад
NJ,VA and Mass.got it.I'll be back in about two months...I'm gonna conduct an interview in those states.Wow I feel so intimidated by your knowledge,you're a genius,I thank God for you,you're officially changing names,you will be "The Gift".
@bkurilko 16 лет назад
Kentwood, I want to thank you for your honest critiques and rational debate on this topic. I've got to wake up in the morning, and so this is probably the last of my posts for the night, but I wanted to make sure you know I do respect your civility. I honestly hope that any elected official would act within a separation of church and state. It's the talk of overturning Roe v Wade, or "offering alternatives to evolution" that I seriously fear could become federally mandated initiatives.
@jaseyboy 16 лет назад
Hey Ariesdragon123. I just sat down and got a chance to read through all your posts. Really interesting stuff, thank you for taking the time to explain without resorting to vitriol like so many people do on RU-vid. I found those quotes very interesting and really thought-provoking. So thank you. My problem with religions is that they can be taken in any context someone wishes. No one knows the true intentions of those who wrote it which is why it can be so dangerous in hands like Hitler's.
@FoxifiedNutjob 16 лет назад
"Secular schools can never be tolerated because such schools have no religious instruction, and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith.. we need believing people." -Adolph Hitler's speech, April 26, 1933
@BlazinBillUSN 16 лет назад
Regarding his 1st marriage,McCain said he "had not shown the same determination to rebuild (his) personal life" as he had shown in his military career,and that "marriages can be hard to recover after great time and distance have separated a husband and wife. We are different people when we reunite,but my marriage's collapse was attributable to my own selfishness and immaturity more than it was to Vietnam, and I cannot escape blame by pointing a finger at the war.The blame was entirely mine."
@TIPTON340 11 лет назад
I got tired of hearing everyone calling him maverick. He was not the underdog he wanted everybody to think he was. He always went with less. Less regulation, less quality, less restrictions. He wanted to appear as an alpha-male, but in reality he is an old codger in a world he doesn't understand with old, out of touch notions suffering with penis envy.
@carter7937 5 лет назад
Watching this 10 years later. I miss when we had this kind of relaxed political climate.
@jc729 16 лет назад
McCain's view of judges was actually dead on and one of the few things I agree with. He's right, the supreme court judges shouldn't be legislating. They should be making their decisions based on the constitution.
@IsidroJoe 16 лет назад
you know a lot of people keep saying "oh they keep cutting him off", but if they didnt, he would just keep shoveling shit out of his mouth, I am glad they got straight to the point
@leftfieldk2k 16 лет назад
LOL, thanks for the kind words.
@bade34 16 лет назад
zile77... how amazing u nailed all the lobbyists turned campaign managers of mccain together.
@MinLee2 15 лет назад
Thank you.
@krakhaid 15 лет назад
(continued) It works this way: Executive - executes (enforces) the law, which includes military and police. Can veto congress. Controls the army. Legislative - makes the laws. Can override veto with 2/3s majority. Controls taxes. Judicial - Presides over the constitutionality of both systems' decisions, but can only do so when a case is brought to them. Controls interpretation of the constitution. When you look at it, each branch has roughly the same amount of power.
@athanazius 16 лет назад
Hitler often praised Christian heritage, German Christian culture, and professed a belief in Jesus Christ. In his speeches and publications Hitler spoke of Christianity as a central motivation for his antisemitism, stating that "As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice."
@angelmusa11 16 лет назад
I agree. Lack of proffesionalism, incredible!
@colouredpictures 16 лет назад
This sounds like magic.
@lucybug72 16 лет назад
EXACTLY! He thought he was going in for a nice, light interview with some ladies....geeze they took the claws out for that one. And then BO comes on and it's like "Gee Obie...what's your favorite color...?"
@kuhlsnu 16 лет назад
"In god we trust" only appeared on coinage in 1864 and was NOT the national motto until 1956. That phrase, he used to vigorously to defend himself, wasn't not created or initiated by the founding fathers. Which btw were a lot more level headed and educated than any of the politicians we have had run for office in a long time.
@sailordragon 16 лет назад
I agree with ya- she changed the subject so fast..... I also respect the man even if I don't agree with him. I think he was the best candidate for the Republicans this time around, but I'm so for Obama because I agree with just about everything he says.
@budwhitfield 16 лет назад
That was one of the first things I noticed, Whoopi rolling her eyes and trying to contain her discontent. And her statement "will I be returned to slavery". When was Whoopi a slave? In a movie? To be returned to slavery one would have to have been a slave at one time.
@bkurilko 16 лет назад
Comment removed. Awesome, thanks for letting me voice.
@honeyonly192007 16 лет назад
He basically dogged almost every question he was asked. I for one could NOT stand to be in any one of those lady's shoes!
@EJR914 16 лет назад
Good job, John. You handled yourself very well in such a liberal biased forum! You're the man.
@oddlyreasonable 16 лет назад
Whoopie had a point bro. She just wanted to clear up the fact that the constution is not written in stone and had many a flaw to it. In her own candid way of course. :)
@sfsherrill 16 лет назад
I remember clearly having strong intuitive feelings as I listened to George W. Bush being interviewed prior to the 2000 election that he was frightening and dangerous. History has proven that those feelings were absolutely accurate. My intuition is screaming at me once again as I listen to John McCain. THIS MAN IS SCARY!!!!
@woodstockbri 16 лет назад
"In God We Trust is the official national motto of the United States and the U.S. state of Florida. The motto first appeared on a United States coin in 1864, but In God We Trust did not become the official U.S. national motto until after the passage of an Act of Congress in 1956." -wiki He's more of a hot air ballon than a history buff!
@Umbreona 16 лет назад
LOL...I love watching these girls Pw McCain...Now that is good comedy.
@letthemeatcake69 16 лет назад
That will be the day when a man tells me what I can and cannot do with my own body. In this country, everyone has the right to choose and they live with their decisions. They aren't going to take my rights away...never.
@leftfieldk2k 16 лет назад
Your right. If I offended anyone on this thread saying that, I apologize. With that said if you read all my comments, I stated that I do respect him and John Kerry that I do not have the balls to withstand that torture.
@TomMikeAvaMilan 16 лет назад
Thats a compliment to all the people who have mental issue. Turettes is not a mental disorder.
@riskydiceTCG 16 лет назад
i can't believe people back this guy
@nick_video 16 лет назад
McCain: Help for the wealthiest Americans Obama: Help for middle class and low income
@kellybob94 12 лет назад
Politics aside, the hosts treated McCain unfairly on this show in comparison to when Obama was on the show
@Esqibo 16 лет назад
He is a hero; We should vote for him... YAH RIGHT!!!
@michaelclark2971 Год назад
Whoopi should ask Biden why he says “ may God protect our troops” at the end of his speeches.
@gammafighter 16 лет назад
lmao, he said he wanted the constitution to be followed in terms of law-making and whoopi said "are you trying to say i should be a slave?" let's forget the fact that there were free black men in america at the time the constitution was written.
@crucifuck8004 16 лет назад
"dont let McCain get away with canceling the debate do a google search for demandthedebate2008 to sign the petition."
@jriley52 16 лет назад
I'm glad you're using your words and critical thinking skills to actually make a positive argument. Maybe you should read some facts and then incorporate them into a valid response.
@kuhlsnu 16 лет назад
She was proving a point that it can be changed, not that it can't. She wanted McCain to address that which was obvious to show that the Constitution is flexible and that he is NOT a constitutionalist.
@lifegiver36 16 лет назад
"The best way to do this is to become energy independent on renewable resources - not just drilling. The Saudis would love for us to try drilling our way out, because that would just make us stay dependent on their oil" Last I checked, Mccain said he was in favor of alternative fuels, as well as drilling. Its Obama who said he is against drilling. Mccain want to build 30 clean nuclear plants, as well as invest more in clean cole use. But he also wants to drill, which is smart.
@Atitoinnyc 16 лет назад
I am pro-life BUT I understand that raising a child under difficult circumstances will breed many unhappy and menaces. A woman is the only person who can decide if she wants to keep it or not. Why is this such a big issue in America?
@tumordoctor 16 лет назад
I never thought I'd miss Rosie O'Donnell.
@4u2cre8 16 лет назад
Anyone else notice that he never answered Whoopi's question regarding slavery? He said that he "understood her point", but never addressed it. He could have AT LEAST said that the idea of reinstating slavery was preposterous, or ridiculous, or that he would never appoint a Supreme Court Justice that would even think of doing such a thing...... but nope, didn't say a word. Hmmmm..... interesting.
@captaindiesalot 16 лет назад
Random: (thoughts) The fact is a pregnant woman does not have the right to take drugs, or engage in other acts which may harm her unborn child. The unborn have Rights, they're more numerous than can be listed here, all are recognized by law. This should be the legal argument against abortion.
@kornmaze 12 лет назад
I'm an Obama supporter and I even agree with that. They didn't even let Elisabeth give a chance to talk to him.
@TomMikeAvaMilan 16 лет назад
As republican I don't think church and state should mix. By the way, Right to life is not just a christian belief in case you didnt know. Some of us just think it's wrong to have a abortion. Period....
@ppzav 16 лет назад
the problem is not the fact that the written word is changing...the real issue is how you can interpret differently words that are not changed ( bible, constitution, different laws) - that's what she's talking about
@captaindiesalot 16 лет назад
Gamer: I think you should post a picture of you "flashed" on your profile and let us be the judge of that.
@tinkkiou 16 лет назад
He sure was a fine looking young man back in the day.
@captaindiesalot 16 лет назад
Glory: I live in Florida. Hurricane frequency is no greater now than the average. You can't name one place on the planet that is suffering from abnormal weather patterns. If you build your home in a flood plain, chances are your home will be flooded. A river delta is in the middle of a flood plain. That's why they call it a River Delta. Next.
@mbsurfin 15 лет назад
I second that motion
@leaveyourlover 16 лет назад
"do i have to worry about being a slave?" whaaaat??!! Sen. McCain is talking about Supreme Court judgement when talking about abortion, while if Ms Goldberg knew the constitution, she would know that slavery was abolished by an amendment to the constitution. On a side note for kwadruple, respecting a choice and agreeing with it mean different things.
@TheMartinandLuisShow 16 лет назад
When you blame Liberals and Liberals blame you. Your blaming the wrong person and slowing down change
@lifegiver36 16 лет назад
"Like Lincoln, Obama has chosen a very similar Civil Rights career path. " Lincoln was a republican so even though him and Obama maybe share some similarities, they differ a lot more then they are similar.
@xtallake 16 лет назад
Whoopi, Joy, Barbara, Rosie O Donnell, Susan Sarandon, Jane Fonda, Sean Penn, Michael Moore and any other hollywierd people and entertainers.....if they are for Obama....that is every reason in the world to vote McCain!!!
@Deztitute 16 лет назад
The key point being that it was changed. In the original interpretation the 13th amendment wasn't in it. Her point is entirely valid.
@bkurilko 16 лет назад
You're correct Kentwood, this isn't the place for this discussion. We should really be focusing on lipstick right now! :) Quickly though, I support morality, and personal responsibility. These are undeniably aspects of humanity that should only be fostered. I just have such a long-seated opposition to organized religions that it tends to rear itself sometimes. The topic was raised after McCain was asked about separation of church and state in this video. Remember, god's name is on the dollar.
@callienn 16 лет назад
Whoopie should not be afraid of strictly interpreting the constitution because slavery is abolished in the 13th Amendment. A judge who interprets that amendment strictly is much less likely to change it than one who legislates from the bench. A strict constructionist would guard the 13th Amendment.
@yungmillz112 16 лет назад
Greenestgurl has a very good point, i couldnt of said it better myself... Whoopie Goldberg is going in on McCain... hes tip toeing around the questions
@budwhitfield 16 лет назад
Very well put Kentwood99!! You know your history!
@AndySaenz 16 лет назад
True, I'm pro-life and I've decided that I'm against war as well because I want world peace.
@MasterMoron 16 лет назад
Amendments aren't done by judges, though. Whoopi's comments were completely irrelevant to McCain's comments about wanting a judge who is a strict constructionist. A strict constructionist wouldn't disregard a constitutional amendment.
@BlazinBillUSN 16 лет назад
I'm sure your father was a hero, as is John McCain. He is a hero because he "served" his country. You may not like him, but he is a hero because of his actions. He may not be the perfect role model, but who is? If you would read his biography, he admits to multiple affairs "before" he met Cindy. His marraige was "long over" when they first met.
@celticmommy227 16 лет назад
give me a break! She is making a point. Some women were not alive before the Roe V Wade decision but the low protects them. IT WAS JUST A POINT!!!
@shred5 16 лет назад
I think when Whoopi Goldberg asks "Should I be worried about being a slave?" it sums up how out of touch John McCain is. The constitution was written hundreds of years ago, and whatever the founders thought is not necessarily relevant today due to amendments and the times changing and so forth. I will vote for the guy who wants to fix the problems in the constitution instead of focusing on enforcing it as our forefathers had intended, ie. only white male landowners have the right to vote!
@writersblock26 13 лет назад
@coolcat3232 Barbara Walters was simply trying to bring a little levity to an already tense conversation. Geez!
@BlazinBillUSN 16 лет назад
Senator McCain believes that abortion should be banned in all cases - except for rape, incest, and when the mother's health is in jeopardy.
@krakhaid 15 лет назад
No, I said enforcing a law is a show of less power when you didn't write the law. Who has more power, the person carrying out orders, or the one who wrote the orders? They are all roughly equal, but the fact that Congress has the ability to change the Constitution gives them incredible power. They don't use that power on a frequent basis, but it is their power. If Congress has a 2/3's majority, nothing can stop that decision, not the president or the supreme court.
@leftfieldk2k 16 лет назад
Really? I think its more insulting for a rich man to say that our economy is sound! Its amazing how people make this mans service so much better than others. Remember, for one McCain is a White American, his countrymen and government honored him when he came home, blacks could not catch a break no matter how great we served. Again its like an Afro-American has to be 3X's better than his white college in order to be equal. It has been proven once we are respected we will serve and serve well.
@spd13062 16 лет назад
The fact that both presidential candidates felt they had to appear on The View and listen to these yapping, cat fighting hosts only shows how far we have fallen. McCain appeared to have his panties in a wad during this whole appearance. Save the country, vote Obama 08'.
@SSCrow 16 лет назад
Can we stop with the POW talk? being a POW does not make you a better presidential candidate.
@BlazinBillUSN 16 лет назад
Listen, did you ever serve in the military? Most of the guys I served with were divorced with at least once. Unfortunately, the long separations do not make life easy. The divorce rate in the US is over 50%. In the military, it is over 75%. It's mostly due to the extended separations. McCain took all the blame for his divorce...yes, he is an imperfect man...as is everyone.
@MizzSweetness07 16 лет назад
First of all I am not racist.. My children are half white and half african american. I think some african americans are voting for him not because of his qualifications, but because of his race..
@1cujofan 16 лет назад
I think he was taking about how the economy is up 400 points today. That is IF we're talking about the American economy here; therefore, I would have to agree with him. The American economy is strong fundamentally.
@TomMikeAvaMilan 16 лет назад
He called his grandmother a racist. He did.
@lionmane22 16 лет назад
"Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno. Sen. John McCain, speaking to a Republican dinner, June 1998.
@pa6xylly 16 лет назад
"...us white folk will take care of you!" Gotta love Barbara!
@gangstarrpirate 16 лет назад
Because states should have that power, not the federal government.
@leftfieldk2k 16 лет назад
Chaudhryhr, I applaud your efforts and thats great, I did not go to college either however being a hard worker and taking crap I make more money than my Mother and Father together. With that said it is still overlooked that John McCain and rightfully so is a great American, but how about Barack, here is a man like myself came up in a single family home, on welfare and still made it to Harvard, and rather than taking a well paying job he decided to help people less fortunate. Dont knock his work
@MistyVVaves 16 лет назад
Elizabeth Hasselbeck is sooo insignificant. I love it.
@starfighter85 16 лет назад
oh my gosh..whoppie is awesome...that comment on slavery was insane
@lifegiver36 16 лет назад
"If Palin had started running for VP when Obama started running for President, she would have still been mayor of Wasilla." Well Obama has only been a senator for one term, so what are you saying about Obama? That he hasn't done much as a first time senator since he has been to busy running for president. But lets give Obama some credit, since he has been a US senator, he has sent millions and millions in earmarks to his state.
@HaloedG 16 лет назад
Do your homework. It doesn't say it flat out and specifically. It DOES state that Blacks are only 3/5th human and not part of "All men are created equal."
@MasterMoron 16 лет назад
Strict constructionists DO apply amendments to the Constitution. They're just against creating new law that isn't written in the Constitution. Roe v. Wade created new law that was not written in the Constitution. There is no right to have an abortion in the Constitution. If there was an amendment to the Constitution that created a right to have an abortion that would be a completely different issue entirely.
@pplayer666 14 лет назад
@ninadbhatt "2 months ago" - I get chills when read comments like that.
@Arondeus 16 лет назад
Did anyone else notice that in the clip of McCain returning he had no trouble lifting his arms to salute? Did the injuries get worse over time with age ... or what? Just curious.
@AnotherRandomFellow 16 лет назад
Actually presents himself quite well here, as a soldier he has my full respect...as president though, no way!
@Arondeus 16 лет назад
For asking a simple question? I am saying: "I have no idea what the extent of his injuries were. I do not have any idea, even, WHAT his injuries were. I am asking the youtube public if anyone out there knows the particulars of his injuries and whether or not they persist to this day, or if the injuries have simply been enhanced from old age." It's a question, not an attack. I thought the "just curious" would have been enough.
@Birgle38 16 лет назад
The point was that Roe v. Wade was made into law based on a supreme court ruling, and not an amendment of the constitution. If nine people outweigh the voice of the constitution and the people we would live in a fascist government. He said it would be states decisions, so if all states made abortion illegal then so be it, because it would be a law, not a ruling. But, for Whoopi to insinuate that he was pro-slavery because he believed in the constitution was absurd.
@RRIDLEY100 16 лет назад
I have done the research of this issue an Obama comes out way ahead of McCain on tax savings for americans making less than 250,000. per year. with McCain plan, if you make less than 66K, your tax bill will be cut by 425.00 per year, with Obama, it will be 1220.00 per year. For people who makes 66K to 110K, McCain savings would be 1243.00 per year and Obama will be 2442.00 per year, That is a big, big difference.
@captaindiesalot 16 лет назад
Lefty: I bet your dad has more going for him than Obama. I'd vote for the guy if he understood that the nation needs less government, not more. I bet your father'd be a better President.
@ShockaSlim 16 лет назад
Slavery was in no way shape or form IN the constitution. The judicial branch didn't have the power to rule things unconstitutional and interpret the constitution until Judge Marshall took it upon himself to do so.
@foxpawz 16 лет назад
im canadian and let me tell you the rest of the WORLD wants to vote for Obama if we could!
@Myndegames 16 лет назад
Actually, my facts are fine. Bush really was a C student. And i'm not talking about Kerry or Gore. Obama really did earn top grades and got into Harvard on his own. And again, exec experience means little, since many bad presidents on both sides had lots of executive experience.
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