
John Wayne: The Unquiet American Biography 

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An interesting perspective on John Wayne's life and career.
There is a piece about Vietnam 26.54 into the Video.
(Update) 16/07/2020 Unfortunately MGM, Fanatik Film - E. have come in with a new copyright claim for the 18 second clip of (Red River)
I've appealed against it as Charlton Heston beforehand is giving a critique about that movie.
RU-vid should get a grip on this copyright thing.
(Update )18/08/2020 Latest on the copyright appeal, video is now blocked in Denmark, but remains viewable elsewhere.
A grateful acknowledgement
Ry Cooder (c) Warner WMG
On behalf of: Warner Catalog and O/H
#johnwayne #biography #actor



28 сен 2024




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@geetarnut 10 лет назад
Simply put,,, John Wayne was a decent man,, he was imperfect, just like you and me! His movies always portrayed a man striving to ACCOMPLISH something difficult,, NOT to allow ANYTHING to defeat him, or allow him to QUIT! And in life, isn't that exactly what we are all faced with? Death,,, waits for us all, allowing no one escape! Today, we are a bunch of whining, sniveling half-men,,, always complaining, always tearing others down by character assassination! John Wayne,,, American!!!
@captainbigwig 10 лет назад
What so many forget is that John Wayne was a man. Sure he was larger than life, and sure his image outgrew him. In the end though he was a man, with all of the flaws and faults that that comes with. I will continue to admire the man for what he accomplished and for the beliefs that I share with him.
@patriciateel9099 10 лет назад
Oliver stone criticizing John Wayne for making an "untruthful" movie. Now that is funny. We miss Mr Wayne and we could certainly use you now.
@jackhammer4656 8 лет назад
I don't give a damn about his personal life. The message he provided for all Americans was pride and that cannot be understated.
@nerblebun 9 лет назад
Damn, Maureen O'Hara is so beautiful. She was a total knockout as a young woman and maintained her beauty even in old age.
@tomjeffersonwasright2288 8 лет назад
I spent a fair amount of time drinking with a man who was a double for John Wayne in making movies and other situations. He talked a lot of John Wayne, and all of it was positive.
@cliffordgraham932 7 лет назад
Abbie Hoffman, the radical of the 1960s, paid tribute to Wayne's singularity, saying, "I like Wayne's wholeness, his style. As for his politics, well-I suppose even cavemen felt a little admiration for the dinosaurs that were trying to gobble them up" Things like when someone like Abbie Hoffman could express admiration for the man or the time Wayne showed up at Harvard to accept the Brass Balls Award and he received a standing ovation tell much more about him than a bunch of individuals speaking 20 years after his death
@56sox 10 лет назад
John Wayne always a fine an decent man, he wasn't perfect , I'll take him over most of the actors of today.
@AndreAlexsen 9 лет назад
God Bless John Wayne ! All America and all our Troops Vets and Patriots ! WAKE UP AMERICA !!
@headedsomewhere 10 лет назад
I loved him as a kid 40 plus years ago and I'll still love him up til I take my last breath....and I have always appreciated what he tried to stand for even with the flaws.....I'm glad he's not here to see what our good ole USA is trying to become.....signed fan 4 life
@ccaammiinniiito2 10 лет назад
Those are beautiful sentiments. Still, I hope that we will discontinue this habit of trying to deify a sinning mortal, of which we are all part of. We are flawed individuals, and so was Wayne. I don't think his views on "white supremacy," for example, should become a standard for human behavior, however powerful a cinematic figure he was!
@headedsomewhere 10 лет назад
indeed those were my words and how I felt about him, also I didn;t say he hung on a cross that was the task for one, who sits on HIS throne in Heaven, and as for the white supremacy thing, being a Black American that was just the time he grew up in no different than my Mother who often says things that reflected that America, that's all
@kim-jf4nk 8 лет назад
I agree; Yet, it seems as though even as far back as the early 1970's, John Wayne saw what was already happening in politics and in hellywood as well and he didn't like what he saw then; So, I don't feel that he would be surprised at how it has turned out. Maybe if he were younger and was still with us; then he would have been a force to reckon with and maybe things wouldn't have gotten so bad in this country. He would have been a powerful and respected activist against the communism being inflicted upon us today; in my humble opinion. We are still allowed our opinions aren't we? lol Well, barely; same as our freedom of speech with the pc ridiculousness and our liberties slowly being erased. America seems to have been seized by our enemies from within.
@joeguzman3558 8 лет назад
What a wonderful man an American symbol of what we all are about -Freedom love for our county and justice.
@rerite2 8 лет назад
What a life. Beautiful kids, grand kids, great grand kids, wives, fame, fortune, troops of friends...and it all started as a poor boy from Iowa.
@ElectedOfficial1 9 лет назад
I don't understand his "said to be" political views, but I loved the man. He portrayed inner strength in America in his acting & may have been the somewhat deciding factor in putting a halt to thoughts of war from our adversaries. I mean, thoughts of, "if America is anything like that, I don't think so!!! Lol. And our men were influenced by the same in keeping up with the expectations!! Facade or not! Yes, John Wayne WAS a serviceman in giving America HIS own role & probably saved, potentially, a few, if not thousands of lives being in the center ranks, not as in Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Green Berets, and more, but as..." Then there was Marion, or rather, John Wayne, right in the middle! His own branch of Government. I was born in the 50s & I loved him, still do! Oh that part w/ Lucille Ball? I can hear them laughing👖👗lol...
@DDay-vv9ec 4 года назад
My middle name is Wayne. My father was a big John Wayne fan.and so am I.
@papo826 8 лет назад
John Wayne stood for, and was, all things American. He was what America was at one time but is no longer. I, millions of us, grew up in his shadow. We admired and stood for the same things as he. Gone, he remains deep within many of us. Communism has taken firm grasp of his/our America but for those he championed, for whom he existed, remain there beside him. John Wayne, AMERICAN.
@jerico641 7 лет назад
A country where Donald Fucking Trump can get elected as POTUS, and you think communism has taken over America??
@clearspira 7 лет назад
I'm British but I agree wholeheartedly with you as America is easily my favourite foreign country. We didn't start as friends but damn hell have we ended up as one. Unfortunately the same communist s**t has taken root firmly in Britain too. I don't want a return to Empire, but a return to Churchill would be the dream of many.
@ryldurant9732 7 лет назад
how has communisum taken over America? still America last time i looked. and a much better America and will still get better. no one wants to be a hypenated American but it is people who think like a John Wayne who keep you from becoming an educated American citizen then blames you for not becoming one then tells you to stop whining about it. but i still believe America is a Great Country, we just have to wait for all those small minded selfish people to disappear and they will and America can really be Great Again.
@mikemarvela 4 года назад
John Wayne is the best actor of all time. I hope that his movies will not be remade. I love all of his movies!
@lonewave1 9 лет назад
Being a strong gentleman in today's world seems to be corny. In my life, the women I have met and befriended pretty much say the same thing. They don't want a man to be weak. They like a man who takes charge and is caring. They know he's not perfect but respects and enjoys the position of being the leader of the union. If you'll take notice here. John Wayne also liked his women to be strong too. I would like to think most men would like their wives to be more strong and show more independence. John Wayne felt this way and always wanted to try and produce a good image of what a man should be. Unfortunately in this world today people feel that's outdated. They're wrong and don't ever buy into it. You have a good day mate and thanks for your comment.
@tripods66 8 лет назад
+lonewave1 thank you for getting this right. American men no longer know how to be MEN. I am a marine, starting in Viet Nam stand 6'5" and 283 pounds and live with six very real wolves as housepets. I have stopped dating American women since they are quick to castrate you anyway they can. I prefer the attention I get from my wolves, some are 200 pounds. I met the Duke while I worked on his boat, the Wild Goose. He was the same man you saw on screen. You felt good just to be in his presence.
@carledward3019 7 лет назад
Slamming a guy for being a great actor.............that's how Hollywood liberals speak of a conservative.
@drake8065 8 лет назад
John Wayne a good man.
@BohdiSanders 8 лет назад
We need many more men like him!!
@JCVD1998 9 лет назад
JOHN WAYNE will live forever
@marri8041 8 лет назад
It is my understanding that a very young John Wayne knew the real and very old Wyatt Earp, and that through talks with him, John more or less adopted Earp's personality in his cowboy movies.
@jenpaulhome1 9 лет назад
John Wayne was a good and decent man and the world would be a better place it he were still here. He totally had both Hollywood and Politics pegged, he said he did not think it a good idea for our government to pander to minorities for votes and that's exactly what has happened. our country is now 19 trillion dollars in debt and we can't balance a budget, one day when we default China will come knocking asking for all of our national parks as payment, China owns the majority of our debt and they are not doing this for friendship they want the upper hand and we have allowed this to happen. our politicians with their complacent greed have undermined the greatest country on earth. John Wayne would be hurt and disgusted with this.
@justinchambers5152 8 лет назад
+Jennifer Gearhart ...I m not American but I grew up with John Wayne movies and as kid, he was my idol. Your absolutely correct when u say that he would be disgusted at the way the U.S has turned out all in the the name of avarice...sheer and utter greed and as a result will pay the price dearly in the near future. I firmly believe that once china has amassed a military fleet not only equal to the U.S but far superior with the man power to match....that we all had better start learning to speak mandarin. It was once asked...Do the Chinese celebrate xmas.........NO, but I hear they have bought it.
@MacPro8CoreMan 8 лет назад
I miss John Wayne's America...
@icequeen8531 8 лет назад
I will always love him.
@bigjake762004 10 лет назад
I found it interesting they had so many people from far left thinking speak about him. You could definitely tell the difference between his friends and those that thumbed their nose at him
@lonewave1 10 лет назад
I find this documentary being quite one sided. John Wayne did a lot of good things in his life but this only showed his weaker side. When you got Oliver Stone and Plimpton being asked about Wayne then you're in trouble for balance. It sure is funny that the things Wayne talked about in politics and our country's culture came very true. Hollywood is runned by liberals. Hollywood has made men look entirely weak and not acceptable unless they are now homosexual. We are hyphenated Americans these days and not just Americans. Say what you want but John Wayne was a positive force for this country. And to that I say thank God. Oh that's right Hollywood doesn't like God either.
@ccaammiinniiito2 10 лет назад
A positive force, the image of which shaped by whom? The jury is still out on whether or not he was a "positive" force. I myself even wondered whether he retooled his thoughts on "white supremacy" once he met Woody Strode, Sidney Poitier, and perhaps even someone in the African American community on the level of General Colin Powell. Or better yet, Dr. Ralph Johnson Bunche, diplomat and humanitarian.
@garrylafferty100 10 лет назад
He played a drunk I don't see that as a positive image . A Republican not a good image in my mind. They vote against middle class and poor.
@lonewave1 10 лет назад
Jay Young If you are saying that Wayne shaped his own image then you are right. However, most people will shape their own image. Why? Because we all have the "greater than what we are" complex. It's what kind of an image that is being presented and is it one that encourages others to be better for themselves [positive] or one that tells them to play the victim roll and blame others for their problems [negative]. There is no jury per se on his being a positive force. My observation was about the documentary and it's bias in it's presentation. Wayne never pushed the idea of white supremacy only people like Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson were big on that idea. Poitier, Powell and Bunch were men who had deep passion about their professions. I believe Wayne would've agreed and left it at that. The idea that they were Americans of colour wouldn't have done anything to change that point of view. Also look at his view on the American indian and how they've been treated. Racist? No way. Was he a saint? No! But what he wanted to leave behind was a positive message that individualism is something we all need to seek. Thanks. Have a good day mate.
@elflaco6654 10 лет назад
A Hollywood western now days, Brokeback Mountain which was nominated for best picture Oscar. Give me a break, Hollywood and the motion picture industry has turned into a bunch of crap. Reflecting the downward spiral our country is in. John Wayne reminds me of how great America was. When the Duke died we lost more than a great actor, but a symbol of the greatest country "America" that is the Duke!!!
@garrylafferty100 10 лет назад
Andrew Garrett We lost a Republican no big deal.
@thorpypoo 8 лет назад
One of top ten great Americans.
@joeguzman3558 8 лет назад
45:13 what that lady is saying is 100%correct the radiation of the nevada desert in the 50s was very active.
@garymcaleer6112 7 лет назад
The Duke was king of the ability in discerning trends. And despite the man's weaknesses, the LORD GOD of Heaven blessed him with a patriotism against the tyranny abroad that has strengthened our nation despite the despots of liberal sins that contaminate any civilized society.
@deemariedubois4916 8 лет назад
My husband was born dirt poor in a coal mining family, served our nation in Vietnam & was spit on when he returned-with his best friend in a body bag. They met in boot camp and shipped out together. They represented those who fought in that war, poor white country boys-my husband-&poor black inner city boys-his best friend. My husband is a conservative Republican, but being nonjudgmental about a person's life style, he is friends with everyone he meets, gay, black, just like the Duke was with Montgomery Cliff & other liberals in Hollywood, My husband truly believes as the Duke did that being born in or legally immigrating to the USA is a gift like no other. He is & my BIL was Duke fans. My BIL, retired cop, received 3 Purple Hearts in Vietnam but couldn't get an appointment at the VA before he died. The DUKE's pride in America made both of them feel better about their horrendous treatment after Vietnam. One person CARED about vets & their sacrifice. And what a person he was, the DUKE!
@alicecaroline1986 9 лет назад
just wanted to point out that 2:38 isnt even john wayne but his younger brother Robert Morrison. I recognize the photo. John Wayne is cut out, but in the unedited photo standing to his left.
@bigrandyc9237 7 лет назад
John Wayne was,and will forever be,the Best actor in the movies.He was a good man and a great American.There will never be another John Wayne.
@johnmiller8338 4 года назад
R. I. P. john-wayne 1907-1979.
@thepostofficeplayboy4909 8 лет назад
@marjorielampe8269 8 лет назад
A man of Intellectual supr
@tedtedster8644 7 лет назад
A Man Of Intellectual Supremacy ...MORON
@cjmacq-vg8um 7 лет назад
wonderful documentary. nice editing job! but my comment isn't about mr. wayne but about Maureen O'Hara. how can anyone not just love Maureen O'Hara. I think she's great!
@OCD450 7 лет назад
God bless the Duke!!
@williesmall3855 4 года назад
John wayne was and is a legend and they sure dont have no one the last 40 yrs to fill his boots ,long live the legend john wayne
@JJF10101957 9 лет назад
@5764830 8 лет назад
Best docummentary ever made ove the life of John Wayne
@davelees6640 7 лет назад
GOD Bless John Wayne
@misctony 10 лет назад
I didn't like it at first I watch the whole thing it wasn't bad but he still my HERO
@dr.phil-federalinspector6023 4 года назад
The " Duke "..Mr. John Wayne..will always be..an American..to me...RIP...Marion..
@scmacsart 8 лет назад
he didnt serve in ww2 because he had a football injury. thats why he lost his scholarship.
@gogormagog 9 лет назад
A Proud American....A good man.....An American treasure.
@lisamartin3734 7 лет назад
An American Legend!!!!
@neilparga2091 8 лет назад
An American treasure
@arthurfiorillo8591 7 лет назад
@jerico641 7 лет назад
Gee, no offense or anything, but while Congress was dickering over what kind of award they were going to confer posthumously to John Wayne, it might have been nice for them to have done a little something for hard-working poor Americans (the real life heroes) who struggle to survive everyday, but who don't have a list of movie credits under their belts. I think maybe they could've made the time to do both, you know? Come to think of it, and I know this is just crazy talk here, but maybe they could do something right now, and call it the John Wayne Public Service Bill (if that makes them feel better about it).
@akibaforyou 10 лет назад
@meelusine 7 лет назад
When they say that Franck Sinatra was a public relation for the mafia, I say what about the other actors. John Wayne seems also to be a public relation for some big interests.
@HotCuppaCoffee 10 лет назад
Reading the comments below, I can't help but think that John Wayne would be sicken to see that his great legacy has been perverted into a rallying cry for hateful bigots and morons. He brought some of it on himself, but the man deserved better.
@damiendarksun 10 лет назад
Funny how he was so pro war but didnt want to serve himself lol
@SilvioManfredDante85 10 лет назад
That's not true. Do your homework before spouting off.
@ccaammiinniiito2 10 лет назад
Another aspect of Wayne's thinking stands out. His earlier statements on "white supremacy" raised eyebrows. So it was interesting that none of his wives was Anglo! And the super patriot icon he became in movies, it was also interesting that he was not a veteran of any war! Finally, I wondered what his attitude, being Celtic and of Irish descent, was on the plight of the Irish in their historically testy relationship with England. And it wasn't untill recently that the English Royals visited nearby Ireland since the reign of George V, I think it is.
@pstpupful 9 лет назад
Hate to tell you but the way these assholes made it sound he wouldn't go. He would have gone, but some of the powers that be wanted him making war movies. If you think the pussy Hollywood elites are right then you're a lost cause.
@akrenwinkle 9 лет назад
Hate to tell you but if he wanted to go, he would have gone, same as Clark Gable, Jimmy Stewart, Kirk Douglas, Henry Fonda, James Arness, Ernest Borgnine, Glenn Ford, Lee Marvin, Tyrone Power, Carroll O'Connor, Steve McQueen, and the WW2's most decorated soldier, Audie Murphy, among other actors who put country first. You can cling to your fantasies about John Wayne and whatever else you choose to delude yourself because truth rocks your world, makes you wonder if anything is as it seems. Yes, there is reality, and there is bullshit. It's up to each person to find the truth, then respect it... or live in an idiotic dream world.
@celticlofts 10 лет назад
John Wayne typifies the smoke and mirrors of what America really is which is nothing more than a persona. He never served a day in uniform except on the back lots of Hollywood. I tell ya, I have far more respect for those who served their country and who gave their lives for it than i do for this third rate actor.
@bullsnutsoz 8 лет назад
Maureen you were correct: John Wayne; American!
@FriendlyPitbull1 10 лет назад
My father was cut from the same cloth. He was a man who made promises on a hand shake and kept that promise as to honor himself! He was a Democrat, Great American. He raised strong sons and me, his daughter how to be equally no fragile flower! Being Irish my father was no stranger to a fair fight but, only if he needed to defend someone or himself and never if he was drunk. John was human but, as such spent his lifetime stepping up to the plate and the image he held for all of us. Generations now are so feminine males and females. They whine, city, lie, cheat, steal! Not many have even the slightest amount of integrity! No other actor in my opinion can hold a candle next to John Wayne! I remember crying with Maureen O'hara I was little but, when she said: "I believe the plaque should say, John, American!" She was absolutely right. He is what this country should be. Sad, that its losing so much now!
@gonefishing1184 7 лет назад
Through his movies John Wayne did more for the American prestige around the world than any past and present American presidents would dream to accomplish. While growing up in France, we could not wait for the Sunday afternoon John Wayne movie on the tub. He made us dream of a far land where everything was possible. I have not counted how many time I have watched his movies but, it never gets hold.
@dougdanzeisen9608 8 лет назад
Wayne was a good man who loved his God, his country and his children. He did his craft well, lifted a lot of people up and showed us what we could be, what we should be and do. His body may have died, but those ideals never shall. God Bless his family.
@bamlin52 8 лет назад
John Wayne a little bit before my time but I still saw True Grit and then my favourite Brannigan I love that movie. I know some people didn't like it but at my age now at 60 I still love it. I live in the UK and John Wayne himself as Brannigan just stands out so different from anything else. He died when I was in my early twenties he is still very popular on UK TV CHANNELS his films are always being shown somewhere. One thing i forgot his accent it just stands out so much, i love it.
@markup357 8 лет назад
Many of us were influenced by John Wayne, and it still has an effect to this day.
@maudiepoot1 8 лет назад
this so called bio.leaves much to be desired
@13times 10 лет назад
Interesting to hear Oliver Stone and G. Plimpton passing judgment on Wayne. Hilarious!
@kentlewis987 4 года назад
There are some major inaccuracies...he was named Marion after his grandfather; he lost his athletic scholarship due to an injury from body surfing. It's also important to point out the reason The Big Trail flopped was because most cinemas weren't equipped to show widescreen films 1930. BTW it's an excellent movie. It's free on you tube. Check it out...you won't be disappointed.
@bewiseasowls 10 лет назад
John Wayne is a one of a kind. I'm glad to have grown up in the days that I did to remember him and have had exposure to him! I agree with his feeling of discouragement about America in the Jimmy Carter days! Imagine if he were here now!! He's right. People shouldn't label themselves as ' minority". We are all Americans!
@marksheffer625 4 года назад
All these critics wish they were half the man John Wayne really was
@carrallbright 7 лет назад
I was with him in 1970 i made a jail set for a movie for him rio lobo in Tucson AZ i also pick him up at the air port in Tucson we talked some i liked john when i was young i looked like Montgomery cliff the actor and he would stare at me and i wondered why he did that i found out he said i looked like cliff .
@mary5709 7 лет назад
You don't hardly see men like that anymore.
@TheStockwell 10 лет назад
I don't mind Oliver Stone talking about John Wayne. I'd rather hear someone I can disagree with than hear gushing tributes defending a man who didn't need people standing up for him. Wayne accepting an invitation from students to speak at Harvard in 1974 37:07 is amazing. That they made the offer was probably a joke - that he accepted is flat-out incredible. This Red State/Blue State situation we seem to be locked into isn't all that healthy. Despite being a conservative and supporting Nixon in 1960, Wayne had this to say about JFK winning: "I didn't vote for him but he's my president, and I hope he does a good job." It's almost impossible to hear that sort of moderation and fairness, anymore.
@michaelterry377 9 лет назад
. John Wayne Man the behind the Legend Sam Houston 1 year ago Love anything John Wayne. A man's man and a great Patriot. Much respect. I modeled a bit of myself out of his "call it like it is" and "shoot from the hip" mantra. He truly was a hero. It was not just a Hollywood act.
@ricardocantoral7672 8 лет назад
Good documentary but a tad too much venom. So the man was not everything he was as presented on screen, so what ?
@mikeadrover5173 9 лет назад
Thank you for this film. And thank-you ‘John Wayne’ ~M~
@nichtsschlagteinenastronau7782 4 года назад
„He stood for something...“ Yeah, je was a straight man. I still love him. I miss him. Greetings from a German Fan!
@glsigalos 10 лет назад
I understood that he had been a very heavy cigarette smoker and had a lung cancer in the past, possibly or probably a cause-effect relationship. Weather the stomach cancer was also causally related to cigarette smoking or due to radiation exposure from filming in a western state close to an A-bomb testing site is uncertain.
@curvy71 9 лет назад
I liked his westerns
@narimash1960 10 лет назад
John Wayne was extraordinary! He lived happily a full and good life. His family must be very proud of him. I love his movies!
@razorsedge7100 8 лет назад
One question Oliver Stone...where's Hanoi Jane and her comments?
@blacquesjacques7239 8 лет назад
How is that related to John Wayne ? I like a lot of people felt that she crossed the line but still didn't believe that we should have been involved with Viet Nam. Still , what does that have to do with Wayne ?
@MrShobar 7 лет назад
Oliver went to Vietnam. Marion dodged the draft in WW2.
@lonewave1 10 лет назад
To: Garry Lafferty I normally take my time to respond to those that comment on my comments. I try to be polite and hope to have a decent dialogue with that person. However, your response is so poorly written that I really don't want to waste my time. Did you ever graduate 6th grade and go on to get your high school diploma? Your spelling, grammar and structure of your response is ridiculous. Sorry I have better things to do. Even writing this response is really more than I wanted to do. Have a good day mate.
@West_Kagle 10 лет назад
As for the not serving in WWII, all I have to say is that he did a hell of a lot more good at home making morale boosting films, then he could ever have done in the military.
@Theseus9-cl7ol 9 лет назад
John Wayne, or Marion, was an awesome human being. I just love hearing him talk.
@bradbilbo6696 8 лет назад
I miss John Wayne
@samhouston4326 10 лет назад
Love anything John Wayne. A man's man and a great Patriot. Much respect. I modeled a bit of myself out of his "call it like it is" and "shoot from the hip" mantra. He truly was a hero. It was not just a Hollywood act.
@garrylafferty100 10 лет назад
Did you drink like him that was not a act.
@samhouston4326 10 лет назад
Garry Lafferty I said nothing about his drinking or smoking. All great heroes have human frailties. Well, except for the messiah Obama.
@garrylafferty100 10 лет назад
Republicans make them saints there not. Being a movie star don't make you a saint nor patriot.. Just like superman don't make you a hero. Its a movie not real.
@samhouston4326 10 лет назад
Garry Lafferty Maybe you should delve into their back story called their REAL life. All patriots and not because of fame.
@garrylafferty100 10 лет назад
Maybe you should admit Democrats are more patriot then Republicans.
@johnniesmHan 10 лет назад
John Wayne...I miss you a lot
@JimFlynnMusic 9 лет назад
I don't think most of John Wayne's fans paid a great deal of attention to his politics. They enjoyed him as an actor and the roles he played in movies. He made movies, people went to see him in those movies, and they probably went home and dreamed about what they had seen on the screen when their heads hit the pillow at night. He became a part of the lives of the millions of people who came to love him through his movies. This will always be his greatest legacy.
@sableindian 9 лет назад
My first husband loved John Wayne. He quoted him as if he were quoting the Bible. He'd start by saying, "And like the Duke would say..." I only like one movie that John Wayne is in. Who Shot Liberty Valance and that is only because it is a Jimmy Stewart movie and John HAPPENS to be in the movie. There is a good side and a bad side to everyone. I think what a commenter called the 'bad side' should be told as well. The best thing, to me, about John is that he made commercials about lung cancer. I thought making him Ghengis Khan was plain silly.
@elijahskyeagle5651 8 лет назад
I loved John Wayne always respected him.One of the last great men as Katherine Hepburn put it.If there had been no John Wayne we would be a poorer society His influence lives! He's still loved by millions.And the Alamo was a success with the people maybe some critic's didn't like it but he went millions over budget with his money but he made money just took longer . The part about he didn't like the outdoors and the west and horses is a lie!!! He did had s ranch in nogalas az. had auction every year had all the famous Western painting s in his home Zane Grey the originals !! But he was also a intelligent,articulate man of great taste.He had a yacht the Wild Goose went deep sea fishing all the etc,etc.zI know because I'm a stone cold fan. yeah Elijah Skyeagle
@Mommakat1947 9 лет назад
Wonderful History of a Wonderful man.. Wish we had more like him !!
@jlschult45 7 лет назад
It's a good thing he isn't alive today. If he thought the country was falling apart then, he would be appalled at what is going on today.
@DraganB52 10 лет назад
John Wayne my hero!
@bingeltube 8 лет назад
Too many Oliver Stone comments in this documentary!
@lhcwresslar5033 9 лет назад
long live the "Duke"
@hayeslincoln3111 10 лет назад
The Myth of America? Not a mythe it's a fact. No where else in the world is such a place
@miltsar 7 лет назад
What I don't understand is why the government did not nduct him during the war. Did his studio intervene? ...did he have some ailment i.e. bad sight, bad knee etc that kept him from serving ? For all his fans out there this is an honest question. Please do not take it negatively
@robrobert9541 10 лет назад
Wayne saw what was happening to America and the world and knew that it was wrong. He may not have understood WHY it is the way it is, or even that many of the people he respected were responsible for it, but he saw what is coming, and it bothered him.
@JayArgonaut 10 лет назад
Thank you! I've been searching for this longer than Ethan scoured the West looking for Debbie. :) I had this on VHS from the original airing and in later years, I always ended up missing the repeats. You should've added "BBC Reputations" to the title as many people might be looking for it under that. Thanks again.
@Threewolfs- 7 лет назад
The Duke was and always be one of my Heroes, he passed two months shy of my nineteenth birthday, it was a great loss, for all, he was the Duke, there'll never be another.🤠
@rafaelramirez9109 7 лет назад
@markrubin9449 10 лет назад
Wayne was great.
@jetcitysinatra7300 4 года назад
One thing this documentary doesn't tell you is why the movie "The Big Trail" flopped. It was filmed in the new "Cinemascope" and most of the movie theaters still had square movie screens and the movie ran off the sides of the screen and onto the walls of the theater and it was hard to see.If they had had the correct size movie screens this movie would have been a hit for John Wayne.
@kellyjustus 7 лет назад
this person that made this, does not like John Wayne. We know he drank and smoked and liked women but all the rest of it is just negative of what he stood for and the way he viewed America. Just say them plainly. Quote his peers. What did people say about him when he was alive. America is better than anyone else, that is why people come here.
@jerico641 7 лет назад
The Green Berets was laughable, reprehensible, and a lousy movie.
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