
Jonathan Sumption: The case for Shamima Begum 

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@robcleaver4964 7 месяцев назад
It troubles me that all this time, care and money is lavished on this girl whilst eg the families of those killed (mainly children) in the Manchester bombings by the death cult she supported are largely forgotten.
@yusefkhan1752 7 месяцев назад
Those families and all victims of Islamic “terror” should blame their government as Palestinians should blame Hamas.
@TheConduit10 6 месяцев назад
The institutions of the Country are in the hands of the Political Left , The Judiciary , The police , The Christian House of Lords , The Media , Human rights Lawyers ,... The English population are natural socialists/christians , They will accept islam as the vehicle to carry forward Socialism forward within the next 20yrs
@dianamincher6479 6 месяцев назад
not true=she was asked a leading question?
@dianamincher6479 6 месяцев назад
The 425 British killer Isis fighters have all returned to the UK with no punishment. They are probably being shielded by the mosques.
@dianamincher6479 Месяц назад
The two incidents are wholly unconnected!
@mikemines2931 7 месяцев назад
Her whole family in the UK is a threat to national security especially the father. Read his history.
@SkepticalTeacher 7 месяцев назад
The father was at one of those demonstrations where some men were holding aloft signs that stated "behead those that insult Is...". She had no chaance with a father like that!!
@manusha1349 7 месяцев назад
The entire family should be deported. They're patently anti-British ... no one marries his daughter off to a jihadist if his own beliefs don't align with that cancerous ideology
@maryrose4712 7 месяцев назад
I read that her father now resides in Bangladesh and has done for years.
@mikemines2931 7 месяцев назад
You are beyond satire.@Letsthinkaboutit-mb7nn
@angr3819 7 месяцев назад
I see an adult MALE whenever I look at that one. Those wide male shoulders. The face in general. Know a m2f actor when you see one. I also remember when he was supposedly interviewed in the so-called camp. A room with double glazing so new they hadn't removed the protective blue film from some of the window. It's always been another distract, divide and conquer hoax to stop you all from looking at what you need to be looking at. Central bankers, their royal relatives and politician family members etc. "Islam is the broom we will use to sweep Europe clean".
@DiamondMind 7 месяцев назад
She was not "groomed", she was not "trafficked", she was not "tricked" into fleeing the UK and joining ISIS. She is/was a sincere believer in a salafi strain of Islam that takes their religious beliefs very, very seriously. Living under sharia and a caliph, waging and supporting jihad, these ideals are as old as Islam itself, all of which Shamima wanted. This notion that she was "trafficked" is absurd. She is merely an ardent believer in her Islamic faith and took these religious demands seriously.
@kenlennon 7 месяцев назад
She was a child. She should be treated as a child.
@pedazodetorpedo 7 месяцев назад
​@@kenlennonthe age of criminal responsibility is 10 in England...
@DiamondMind 7 месяцев назад
@kenlennon I disagree. At 15, you know damn well that murdering, subjugation and beheading people who don't agree with you or your religous convictions is wrong. To put it as simply as possible, she was committed to waging jihad and living under islamic rule, which incidently is what any sincere and devoted Muslim would want.
@kenlennon 7 месяцев назад
@DiamondMind British law agrees with me. At 15, your a child. That doesn't condone her actions but distances itself from vicious religious groups. We're far better than that.
@DiamondMind 7 месяцев назад
@@kenlennon she's a teenager. Not a child.
@marijkasutcliffe5141 7 месяцев назад
If she was allowed back in country it would be a complete mess. She’ll never be safe, never work and never accepted and protecting her will cost tax payers a fortune
@garypautard1069 7 месяцев назад
My point exactly her coming home is a pointless discussion . If Begum comes home her life will always be under threat.
@RicktheRecorder 7 месяцев назад
Surely this discussion fails to address her conduct after reaching her majority. My understanding is that she did not regret her decisions or mend her ways.
@dianamincher6479 Месяц назад
Shamima Begum is stateless and should be given her British citizenship according to the law?
@kirs1064 7 месяцев назад
Stop bleeting on that she was only 15. She's not 15 forever as she persists with this into adulthood age 16,17 &18 and only decided she wanted to leave when isis lost.
@craigsteven9665 7 месяцев назад
if one of the rochdale grooming victims was 15 when the grooming started but continued until she was 20 would you say "stop going on about her being 15. she's not 15 forever"?
@kirs1064 7 месяцев назад
@craigsteven9665 Those girls in Rochdale were not as you describe 20 years old... They were in many cases young vulnerable girls from broken homes or in the care system who were taken advantage of groomed and plied with drugs and alcahol.
@kirs1064 7 месяцев назад
​@craigsteven9665 Where you getting 20 years old from!?...Those girls were as young as 13 years old. In many cases from broken homes on the streets or in the care system. They were taken advantage of and plied with drugs and alcahol.
@ajax201000 7 месяцев назад
​@@craigsteven9665you are comparing a criminal to a victim
@craigsteven9665 6 месяцев назад
@@ajax201000 if she was groomed at 15, she's a victim if a grooming victim went on to become a prostitute, which is a crime, would op say "stop going on about her being 15, she's 20 now"?
@chegayvara1136 7 месяцев назад
This seems to be a purely moral argument rather than legal argument. Furthermore morally, Bangladesh could be blamed for having laws that allow people with solely Bangladeshi citizenship to arbitrarily lose said citizenship at 21. She was a dual citizen when her UK citizenship was retracted. Should Britian adjust it's laws based on the laws of another country? Is that practical to do for all 192 countries that could change their citizenship laws at any time? EDIT: I also don't buy the argument she's not a threat because she is only 15 and just a girl. She is more than capable of strapping a bomb to her chest and blowing up a public space or ramming a car into pedestrians. She has also demonstrated she is very susceptible to people who could convince her to do such a thing. The age of criminal responsibility is 10, why should an exception be made for this individual?
@howmanybeansmakefive 7 месяцев назад
This is not a ‘purely moral argument’, or about making an exception. Lord Sumption knows a thing or two about the use of prerogative/statutory powers and evaluating the scope and legality. One of the best aspects of the British legal tradition is being able to look beyond the theoretical and do fact-intensive analysis to understand what how it fits with the law. This is especially so/needed in ‘conflicts of laws (the area of evaluating the interaction of different legal systems) and dealing with ‘legal facts’ of other countries. As Sumption said her Bangladeshi right to claim citizenship was a purely formalistic/fictional one. She was not in substance a dual citizen’ at the time. You’re selling the English legal tradition short. we shouldn’t allow another country’s legal system to dictate how our own law is applied without looking at the actual substance. You talk about practicality, but determining whether legal powers exist/are effective is exactly what courts are meant to do! It’s in no way an added imposition in any analysis of whether a certain action will make someone stateless. If you know anything about Sumption’s Jurisprudence you’d be aware of how faithful he is to the law and law alone, without being swayed by irrelevant moral/political factors.
@Bakeroo 7 месяцев назад
She was deemed to be a risk to national security therefore her citizenship was revoked. Full stop. I'm a dual national, my British citizenship is not an absolute right, despite what national security risk I could pose to others.
@chegayvara1136 7 месяцев назад
@@howmanybeansmakefive he says himself it’s a moral argument and the legal case against her was sound. He personally just does not like the minister having that power. I happen to agree, but believe that power should still exist and held by the judiciary. As for his opinion on Bangladeshi citizenship; he claimed it was a fiction because it was revoked at 21 (presumably because she or her parents had to take certain steps to maintain it). This is how citizenship by descent works in most countries. I am assuming he knows this so the only logical inference is that he believes the court should have take into account that in several years she may or may not lose her citizenship depending on her particular circumstances or ability to fulfill administrative requirements with the Bangladeshi government. This is not only impractical (as a foreign nation can change their citizenship law at anytime without any say from the UK) but also unequal. It would be chaos if courts had to consider a variety of indirect consequences as a result of action or inaction by an another entity years in the future and it would absolutely lead to unfair application of the law (eg by accident of birth you can get off lightly for a heinous crime because you parents were born in a particular country).
@patavinity1262 7 месяцев назад
That isn't true at all - which of his arguments do you consider to be non-legal? In any case, this is a distinction without a difference. All laws are created to enforce a moral code, and as such, arguments based on the moral principles contained within the body of the law are valid legal arguments.
@brunischling9680 7 месяцев назад
So people can't change and mature? I shudder when I think of my susceptibility to all sorts of influences when I was 15. But I was lucky . the influences were mainly benign.
@sidstam 7 месяцев назад
On grooming: She was 15 and groomed by a 21 yr old man. Wrong? Yes. She travelled 100s of miles to be with said man, married him and then had 3 children with him. Whilst initially what happened was legally rape, what then ensued - was certainly legal after 16 - appears to have been consensual. (Even after the fall of IS, she hoped to join her husband in the Netherlands.) Contrast that with a 15 yr old from Rochdale picked up under the pretence of love, plied with alcohol and cocaine, and passed between 30 men per night for sex - that isn't anything like the grooming that went on with Begum. The discussion about her grooming needs nuance. If anything, she was groomed by her religious belief in Islam long before she set out for Syria/Iraq.
@MichaelPetek 7 месяцев назад
Whether it was legally rape or not depends on its characterisation under Syrian criminal law.
@GlasPthalocyanine 7 месяцев назад
The point is that she did nothing to protect other children or other women, as an adult. The girls in Rochdale and Rotherham were already living in a country where the horrors of what happened to them were illegal. The legal system wasn't working for them because they weren't believed or protected. There are parallels because many of those girls weren't able to escape their abuse until they were a bit older. But they weren't glorifying that experience and recruiting other girls. Syria wasn't functioning under the Rule of Law at that time, and SB played her part in that. At some point citizenship is about responsibility to other citizens, and not one persons rights. That's why SB is a risk to the UK.
@hotmess9640 7 месяцев назад
Isis isn’t supported by muslims, that’s why they’re a radical extremist group. Extremists are condemned in islam, but this case has a lot of nuance involved. She’s definetly a victim, but after all shes seen done and been through it’s a risk to allow her back into western society. I’m muslim myself and I’ve almost been killed by terr0rists, we must minimize that threat as much as possible.
@loupaws5153 7 месяцев назад
There was zero grooming with her so no nuance needed. Also I doubt sex with even a ten year old is illegal over there and that's where she did it isn't it? The worrying thing is how much of this teaching of charge is going on here in our own country? Needs eradicating.
@fibber2u 7 месяцев назад
Nuance is correct and you do not seem to wish to use it on the subject of abuse. I'm confident from your post that you know full well that the victims of abuse are subject to psychological control that keeps them in vile relationships and that the emotional damage done often has them return after they have left their abuser. But they are still victims. You refer to Islam as if it was a religion. In fact it is a family of many very different religions, just like Christianity is. Those religions are so different that some reserve there greatest hatreds for other Islamic religions, just like some Christian ones do (and others such as the Roman Catholic Church and Church of England etc. etc. did). That topic too needs nuance. But you are correct her groomers were from a particular Islamic religion and they did their work in the UK. But it is still grooming.
@viviennecuff6612 7 месяцев назад
Taking away herBritish citizenship might deter other teenage girls from following her example and make them aware that one is privileged and extremely fortunate to have UK citizenship, it is to be valued.
@paulheydarian1281 7 месяцев назад
You wouldn't have felt the same way if she came from a different demographic. You may deny your racial bigotry but then you'd be a liar too. Keep in mind, if you've got one, that Shamima was 15 yrs old and she showed poor judgement. Everyone, specially teenagers must receive second and even third chances in life. You can disagree, but you'd be wrong. Shamima needs to be shown an achievable path to regular life in UK society. No one's beyond redemption, and yes that would be the Chrsitian thing to do.
@VT-mw2zb 7 месяцев назад
You realise that she escaped justice, right? Imagine instead of Britain and MI5, it's Russia/Soviet Union and the FSB/NKVD. She would be quickly repatriated home and shot against a brickwall. There's this Russian pilot that defected to Ukraine, brought along his helicopter, and got his two unwitting passengers killed by the Ukrainians. He got a payment and a visa to live in Spain. The Russian intelligence caught up to him and shot him five times. That's enforcing the rule and punishment of the state. The UK is not doing that.
@Aijan100 7 месяцев назад
Muslims have been taking advantage of the Christian ethics and western values in general for too long. You should be worried about having Islam’s fifth column in your country. Being nice and kind with these ideologically charged people is foolish and dangerous.
@matangox 7 месяцев назад
The way you think you should live in Putin's Russia.
@VT-mw2zb 7 месяцев назад
@@matangox ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ No thanks. The West doesn't have the ability to keep an eye on these dipshits or throw them into prison. Piss weak. And that's why migrating to the West is so much fun. If you have money, Western institutions will roll put red carpets and protect your wealth.
@helenh8540 7 месяцев назад
waste taxpayers money for such case. nothing good for the country, only lawyer gets money.
@sue.F 7 месяцев назад
Except, when you or somebody you love have your rights removed by questionable laws based on this ruling.
@snowbunny783 7 месяцев назад
This situation can be summed up in two words: Good Riddance. Now do the rest of the people who ran off to fight for terrorists and those who support terrorists financially
@dianamincher6479 6 месяцев назад
425 British killer Isis fighters got back into the UK with no punishment at all at huge risk to the UK population.
@loupaws5153 7 месяцев назад
You make your bed, you lie in it. What bothers me is just WHAT teachings did she grow up with in our very own country? That's the real issue. Root it out and destroy it.
@howareyou857 7 месяцев назад
She was not religious
@anibrown5374 7 месяцев назад
She like many grew up border-less, nation-less on-line.
@dianamincher6479 6 месяцев назад
Oh grow up!
@PentaRaus 4 месяца назад
You'd have to deport Islam in it's entirety.
@joanna4289 2 месяца назад
Good point, also she was given a good education, I was robbed of mine.
@dingolovethrob 7 месяцев назад
Question: Who is paying for her lawyers and all these court cases?????
@grandmastarflash 7 месяцев назад
Probably pro bono
@njoy8974 7 месяцев назад
What’s out to you ?
@tillitseac3774 7 месяцев назад
You and me 😅
@fraserbailey6347 7 месяцев назад
You are. Who else?
@bbyng7316 7 месяцев назад
Muggins Blighty 😮
@Bakeroo 7 месяцев назад
I'm a second generation immigrant with dual nationality and think the right decision was made. I also used to work for a charity and helped house someone who used that property to make bo m bs and planned to cause more damage than 7/7. There's nothing like getting an unannounced visit from the counter terrorist unit to make one aware of the risks. Shamima Begum decisions continued well into adulthood. The court's decision offers some protection and also acts as a deterent to others.
@dianamincher6479 6 месяцев назад
425 British killer Isis fighters are back in the UK without punishment with gret risk to the UK population.
@dianamincher6479 Месяц назад
Ha Ha said the clown-genocide is genocide-the Tories don't like blacks and Muslims!
@harveyneedleman817 7 месяцев назад
I couldn't care less about her and her tribe , as they have nothing but contempt for the rest of us.
@mogznwaz 7 месяцев назад
I said basically the same and my comment disappeared. Online censorship is getting very sinister
@harveyneedleman817 7 месяцев назад
@@mogznwaz yes , it happens to me all the time , occasionally I get my message through.
@dianamincher6479 6 месяцев назад
and what about the 425 British killer Isis fighters who are in th UK without punishment and at great great risk to the UK population.
@useridgaf-p6b 7 месяцев назад
So she was not old enough to know right from wrong at 15 whilst children younger are old enough to know when they want to cut off their privates?
@dianamincher6479 Месяц назад
Ask the ex Muslim from Pakistan Sajid Javid of the Tory Home Office why he killed Baby Jarrah avoidably and needlessly!
@AndySmith-lq2di 7 месяцев назад
Can we have Shamima back in return send the 750,000 back who have come in this year good deal ?
@debspringchannel831 7 месяцев назад
@RR-vg5hg 6 месяцев назад
Go away racist troll
@dianamincher6479 Месяц назад
Ask Sajid Javid the ex Muslim Home Office Secretary for the Tory party?
@christinemurray1444 7 месяцев назад
She was old enough to join a terror group and old enough to present a very real threat. On that basis alone she should be considered old enough to lose her British citizenship.
@Cellestino-q4x 7 месяцев назад
How old must one be to join a terror group?
@PatrickF.Fitzsimmons 7 месяцев назад
@@Cellestino-q4xyou just need to understand right from wrong and do it willingly.
@annaannan6840 7 месяцев назад
@@PatrickF.FitzsimmonsAt what age does someone become capable of deciding right from wrong?
@annaannan6840 7 месяцев назад
@@PatrickF.FitzsimmonsIn order to decide whether something is right or wrong, there have to be an adequate understanding of reality to base that decision upon . Anyones understanding of reality can under certain circumstances become very distorted . This is for example a common reported experience by young adults who unknowingly ended up within an organized cult . Children is of course several times more susceptible to these forms of distortions . I would say, She was young enough to be LURED into a situation by a group of adults.
@annaannan6840 7 месяцев назад
She was YOUNG enough to, intentionally be LURED into a situation by a group of ADULTS. ( Children of all ages have been lured into despicable situations. We usually don’t hold them accountable of what was done to them..
@sbalmer132 7 месяцев назад
Whatever SB did while she was with Isis was obviously so horrific that we are not allowed to know.Please do not let her come back to Britain under any circumstances.
@qigong1001 7 месяцев назад
Why is this so complicated? She can be can be tried as an adult for accomplice to murder. Being an enforcer for Isi, IT is responsible for the death of innocent people. .. including women who did not follow Sharia, or recruiting women as suicide bombers. She should be in jail.
@matangox 7 месяцев назад
You don't understand how things work in ISIS. Women are like slaves, let alone female children. That being said, the only thing I ever heard that can be proven is that she married an enemy combatant, which is not a crime. Also I don't understand how can you take citizenship from someone. That shouldn't be legal, but it seems it's legal in the UK. I wonder if there are cases where a British woman married a soilder of the 3rd Reich and lost the citizenship because of that.
@mikemines2931 7 месяцев назад
@@matangoxCouldn't care less, she made her bed lie in it.
@Slarti 7 месяцев назад
Fine but not in the UK - I don't want my tax paying for her prison stay.
@peanutbutterbruv 7 месяцев назад
​@@SlartiHow would you feel if the child of a British citizen who was born and raised in Bangladesh joined Isis and was deported to the UK?
@angr3819 7 месяцев назад
I see an adult MALE whenever I look at that one. Those wide male shoulders. The face in general. Know a m2f actor when you see one. I also remember when he was supposedly interviewed in the so-called camp. A room with double glazing so new they hadn't removed the protective blue film from some of the window. It's always been another distract, divide and conquer hoax to stop you all from looking at what you need to be looking at. Central bankers, their royal relatives and politician family members etc. "Islam is the broom we will use to sweep Europe clean".
@venkshenoi371 7 месяцев назад
There is no case for Shamima Begum. We don't want her here.
@ianoliver3130 7 месяцев назад
Suffer the little children.
@PatrickF.Fitzsimmons 7 месяцев назад
A shame people don’t fight this hard for all the good people in the world who make the right choices and end up screwed.
@tefilobraga 7 месяцев назад
The legalistic babble of judges and lawyers is among the most infuriating forms of discourse. It is totally certain that she would be a danger to the national security. Jonathan Sumption's idea that, because she is the most well-known person in the world in her situation, she poses no risk, does not hold water. In addition, and much more importantly, if this decision (as we all hope) prevails, she will serve as an example to everyone else in a similar position. That is what matters: to establish an exemplary precedent, which warns any others who consider mocking the British State and legal system.
@annaannan6840 7 месяцев назад
She is a woman. Statistically she is less dangerous than any man. Statistically, ANY random man walking down the street is far more likely to be planning for a future violent retaliation that someday Will come into fruition . ( Breaking all men into smaller subgroups just makes the comparison even more informative)
@shawnaweesner3759 7 месяцев назад
Well, what about the Hamas leaders that are living in the UK? Do you think they pose a risk to the U.K.’s national security? As far as mocking the British state and legal system….that is done quite well by you Brits.
@jacobcohen9205 7 месяцев назад
Keep her out.
@dianamincher6479 Месяц назад
Why when there are 425 Isis British fighters that got through the borders anyhow?
@jacobcohen9205 Месяц назад
@@dianamincher6479 They needed to be kept out, too. If any have dual nationality now, they need to be deported; if not, they should be jailed with hard labour for a long time. I hope this clarifies my position, and I believe the position of the majority of British people is clear. Shalom
@mikemines2931 7 месяцев назад
Their numbers in the UK are approx. 6% and rising fast, you aint seen nothing yet.
@RichardEnglander 7 месяцев назад
Yep, we warned that this would happen decades ago. What is happening at about 6% here is what I imagined 15% would look like, Islamification is happening here at an unprecedented rate because we have a PC culture which demands that we don't challenge it because 'racisms'. We are just giving away democratic freedoms and liberty, things that were hard-won and can't just be restored at a whim. We should not tolerate the intolerant, they forfeited their right to be tolerated by being intolerant and violent too. Time for Revolution and Reconquista ❤ it can be done, Spain did it after almost 800 years...
@TheLydiaR 7 месяцев назад
The "follies" of a 15 year old. Tell that to Brianna Ghey's parents. Bringing her back especially right now with people openly calling for Jihad on our streets would be a slap in the face for everyone.
@Bakeroo 7 месяцев назад
Well said
@Cellestino-q4x 7 месяцев назад
A strange conflation of two completely unrelated issues. Brianna Ghey’s murderers have not been rendered stateless and have faced justice under the laws of the UK. The same privilege is not being afforded to Shamima Begum.
@johnmoore9862 7 месяцев назад
Completely irrelevant comparison.
@LetThereBeLight-wh2cm 7 месяцев назад
Well, she just has to make it to the Mexican border and walk into Cali or Texas...apparently its ok to not have a passport. Heck, ABC or CNN might give her a talk show!
@John-hc6mo 7 месяцев назад
Useful discussion. My question on Begum is why should the Kurds be left to deal with a problem born and raised in the UK? Do we pay them for her upkeep and incaceration?
@Tom_Samad 7 месяцев назад
I think the UN is taking care of her basic needs, not the Kurds.
@alistaircroll1036 7 месяцев назад
Very good point. We cannot absolve ourselves of the responsibility.
@shawnaweesner3759 7 месяцев назад
It’s ridiculous that the UK allows Hamas leaders to live in Britain while holding a 15 year old girl accountable for her actions!
@orihoola 7 месяцев назад
I found these even more interesting nuanced than I originally anticipated. Bravo for this discussion on a difficult topic
@elkpaz560 7 месяцев назад
Both her parents are Bangladeshi and I believe her father lives there now. The idea that she has no connection with the country is ludicrous. 'The follies of a 15 year old almost 16 year old' is madly sentimental - we don't say that about the murderers of Brianna Ghey and SB knew of the savagery of ISIS before she went out there.
@DominikNal 7 месяцев назад
IS was beheading UK, French, US citizens and humanitarian aid workers in 2014, it was all over every news site. She left the UK in 2015 to go to IS. We don't need people in the UK who align with that surely? What am I missing.@Letsthinkaboutit-mb7nn
@oznews1 7 месяцев назад
Just free Julian Assange ✌🏻👍🏻
@mikebluegalindez5329 7 месяцев назад
@dianamincher6479 Месяц назад
The Tories sacrifice blacks and Muslims to save their white arses!
@ataboyboyboy8895 7 месяцев назад
I wouldn't worry about Shamima, it is a temporary set back. She will be back, get her citizenship back, get all the benefits and live happy in the UK. It is just a matter of time, Labour (and their mutations and the media) will make sure of that
@fraserbailey6347 7 месяцев назад
Yes, that's the problem.
@k24532 7 месяцев назад
fuck that. she should rot
@KalK-ym7cd 7 месяцев назад
Sadly, you’re 100% correct
@cassandra-v4y 7 месяцев назад
Bangladesh is the perfect place for her.
@udaykadkade 7 месяцев назад
Bangladesh is not as radical as British muslims.
@cassandra-v4y 7 месяцев назад
Where do you think they came from or the Ideology of Islam? Did you lose any loved ones in their hands? I did, and I am running for my life...@@udaykadkade
@christinemurray1444 7 месяцев назад
​@@udaykadkadethat's why they don't want her there either. Still, better for her than the UK.
@Tom_Samad 7 месяцев назад
Bangladesh is dealing with their own home-grown Islamist militants. That country which i deeply love as that is my ancestral homeland should NEVER allow that terrorist lover to enter.
@ef-everythingfree896 7 месяцев назад
​@@christinemurray1444Bangladeshi murderers and radicals live in London with political asylum. In Bangladesh whenever something radical happens it always have roots in either London or Toronto. If you don't believe just check some information. I know people judge us with color, one does something bad it labeled on everyone. We also want peace and prosperity without Britishers nasty politics in south Asia.
@TheKatf 7 месяцев назад
Unherd's content strategy has been so good lately.
@udaykadkade 7 месяцев назад
@briangarrett2427 7 месяцев назад
How tiresomely reasonable
@PHYSIZIST 6 месяцев назад
thats what we used to pay him for
@puccaso 7 месяцев назад
10:00 in which case, should not Tony blaire also have their citizenship revocked? beyond being put to the gallows, i mean?
@charleslyster1681 7 месяцев назад
I am mystified by this. It appears perfectly clear to me that she is British born and bred and is our responsibility. She is potentially guilty of a number of serious offences and it is Britain’s responsibility to bring her back, try her and apply the appropriate penalties. That is just and would send a far clearer message to any potential sympathisers that casting her into the abyss of a war torn region with no power to influence what she does next. We have just recruited a terrorist and demonstrated that we do not hold the moral high ground and I am ashamed.
@deenaghmiller605 7 месяцев назад
Such sophisticated & elegant arguments & positions but I fear you are both so out of touch with what is actually happening in this country.
@beppebrotto 7 месяцев назад
I am dismayed with comments about 'fairness' in connection with her not being 'fully' developed and being given a second chance to redeem herself. There is a movie about prisoners at Guantánamo Bay, who after 15 years of incarceration show no remorse and are soon to be released and likely continue where they left off. I have listened to her remorse and I am reminded of Taqqiya in Islam. Never trust a man with a pronounced shoulder twitch (and openly biased), no matter how erudite. Instead I suggest it's fairer to consider the concerns of millions of British people rather than one person, which is what the Home secretary did.
@ianoliver3130 7 месяцев назад
Mob rule then! Not a lot of understanding, compassion or forgiveness on this thread I see. Funny how attitudes always seem to harden when the Tories are in power.
@williamralph9008 6 месяцев назад
The voice of reason and humanity,once again.
@ogazm1865 7 месяцев назад
Very good. Thank you. I believe she should be dragged back and punished along with the men who groomed her.
@redjacc7581 7 месяцев назад
lets hope this is the end of this issue. why doesnt she go to bangladesh?
@Tom_Samad 7 месяцев назад
Because many people in Bangladesh, including the SECULAR government, don't want to deal with yet another terrorist sympathiser as Bangladesh has been tackling religious fanatics and militancy for nearly 2 decades now.
@dianamincher6479 Месяц назад
Why doesn't Appellate judge Carr recognise that Shamima Begim is stateless NOW and should not be deprived of British citizenship!
@chapers04 7 месяцев назад
Not intrested let the sand have her.
@juliethurner4099 7 месяцев назад
Very Interesting interview, thank you for having an open view Lord Sumption.
@njoy8974 7 месяцев назад
So many judgemental people in the world today. What a great distraction from looking at yourself .
@Brownwhale7 7 месяцев назад
Finally a rational take. The amount of people (evident in the comments section) making emotional arguments and the way the home secretary and UK justice system has pandered to those people is absurd but entirely consistent with the behaviour of the last few governments.
@mogznwaz 7 месяцев назад
There IS no case. Her father has gone home to Bangladesh too - they never saw themselves as British so why should we?
@storrienorrie7147 7 месяцев назад
This girl knew exactlynwhat she was doing and seemed to accept what Isa was doing. She didn't condemn them in an interviews which I saw. We are better off without her kind. She as made her bed and I have no sympathy with whatsoever. She had a privileged life here and spot upon it.
@storrienorrie7147 7 месяцев назад
Forgive my typing errores.
@patrickdial5810 7 месяцев назад
She has no remorse; she is still a terrorist; if she didn't believe in killing non-Muslims, she would have long distanced herself from the Muslim Religion whose direction book, the Koran, is a compendium for murder and killing non-Muslims.
@dianamincher6479 Месяц назад
Statelessness tumps national security and they're punishing Shamima Begum for nothing?
@AG-tj8ew 7 месяцев назад
Sumption always seems to speak a lot of sense. Great discussion. Thank you.
@philipanthony9596 7 месяцев назад
‘Grossly disproportionate’. Well said Jonathan! She was 15 for heaven’s sake. Bring her back. Put her on trial if necessary but leaving her in a prison camp in Syria for the rest of her life is simply wrong.
@guser7137 7 месяцев назад
She was 15 for a year. She has spent more time doing terrible things since then than not.
@ianoliver3130 7 месяцев назад
I think the poor girl needs a hug, more than anything else!
@swatigupta6015 7 месяцев назад
@robertchapman830 5 месяцев назад
She has no case 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤬
@MySpace662 6 месяцев назад
This is a fine way to set an example for others to follow.
@weltschmerzish 7 месяцев назад
Having the right to revoke someones citizenship just sends the message that person was never really considered a true member of that nation in the first place. Israel has done this to Palestinians with Israeli citizenship too. Can this happen to a 'native' Brit? Also she was a minor when she made these horrible decisions, so no I don't think it was right to do that. Jail someone for crimes or treason but don't strip them of citizenship
@guser7137 7 месяцев назад
No, what it says is that she no longer considered a true member. There's a social contract. She reneged in the worst way.
@Pomegranate_David 7 месяцев назад
It is called facism.
@guser7137 7 месяцев назад
@@Pomegranate_David No it isn't. You clearly have no idea what fascism is - but we are living under the true definition of it.
@barbaraallen4247 7 месяцев назад
Love this
@mikebluegalindez5329 7 месяцев назад
@elisaben3120 6 месяцев назад
Sir Sumption is one of the beest judge in the britain. I have read many of his cases. The one which attracted me is the negligence case woodland v Essex County council. Britain judge as always i say tthey are the counscious of parliament they do all what they can to be just and faire. The convention human rights 1998 is their most important tool to use. They are the best. They are very close to people rights.
@davidblack9321 7 месяцев назад
At the end of the day it's your allegiance to whatever cause or country you hold dear should be where you reside .Not just for the handouts
@ayoorchethan 7 месяцев назад
If you have people continually leaving country to fight conflicts abroad, you already have a problem. That should be addressed first.
@Pomegranate_David 7 месяцев назад
You are right. That is happening with Brits fighting in Ukraine and Israel too. All foreign fighting should be against the law.
@NigelStainforth 2 месяца назад
Keep her out
@dianamincher6479 5 месяцев назад
You don;t go round denying people passports on the whim of the Home Secretary!
@PentaRaus 4 месяца назад
It's crazy that it is even a discussion.
@eugenepelle4790 7 месяцев назад
If they let her in back in England, She might blow up half of England
@dianamincher6479 Месяц назад
The Pro Deo counsels for Shamima Begum should appeal on the ground of statelessness in the beginning and now and national security is not necessary as a ground of appeal. The Trial Court will adjudicate and pass judgment on the age of the appellant, the trafficking claims and the national security. and her conduciveness to the public good, The Appeal Court has illegally refuse to recognise that Shamima Begum is stateless and has been stateless all along an the stature says that all he appeal court in all its forms did no hand justice at all and failed to finalize his case! Pathetic personal vendetta enjoyed by all the judges. Conservative Sajid Javid has committed a gross injustice and is a manslaughterer of Baby Jarrah?
@coraldyecoraldye7083 7 месяцев назад
The Law is poor. We are suggesting kids born in the UK to one parent who can confer foreign citizenship has less status than their sibling who has no such parent. It's partly a political cultural issue. Contrast with US citizenship...difficult to get but once you've got it uncle Sam will flight to the death to save you. UK foreign office considers you a chore and deprives you of status. Many people who are happy with the legal decisions I don't think have thought through the issue very much.
@boynamesue7720 7 месяцев назад
If you joined ISIL uncle Sam would not fly to the death to save you.
@kailashpatel1706 7 месяцев назад
agree..the Law will be changed, there is nothing to suggest she was involved in any criminality at all whilst out there...nothing...The consequences of this poor law are very serious..After 1945 the Allies designated certain people as Followers, people who did nothing to further the Nazi cause in a real sense but may have been members of the Nazi party or worked for the State..Exactly what they should have done to her..
@マリー-v4p 7 месяцев назад
5:32 idk why not keep her citizenship but charge her and throw her in prison for a long, long time? Seems like it would avoid a lot of the issues.
@ireneve3221 7 месяцев назад
“As of recent data, the average annual expenditure per prisoner in England and Wales is approximately £40,000.” Add to this the costs of benefits for her and her children after she is released (who would employ her?), the costs of protecting her (I am sure there would be problems with her own security in the UK) and the costs of watching her for life as she is a potential threat. I hope you agree there are better ways to spend taxpayer money.
@ireneve3221 7 месяцев назад
Another consideration - her example is a very useful deterrent for the others as today we have a growing population of people with backgrounds similar to Shamima’s.
@arturoalvarezkawai6773 7 месяцев назад
To say Lord Sumption is a treasure is an understatement.
@maureentravers3419 7 месяцев назад
@onepartyroule 7 месяцев назад
If she’d committed murder or rape she’d still be citizen of the UK. There’s no evidence she did anything other than make a monumentally selfish and reckless mistake as a troubled 15 year old. It’s highly likely she was subject to the kind of intense peer group dynamics that are not uncommon between teenage girls. It doesn’t automatically imply that she’s a psychopath or continues to be a credible threat to national security.
@loupaws5153 7 месяцев назад
Rubbish. It took time to plan what she did. Plenty of cooling off time so nothing reckless. You're also denying the indoctrination that turned her into this. It's who she is now, through and through. A UK hater. No room for her here.
@alunjprice 7 месяцев назад
Mistake? She wasn’t caught stealing lippy from Boots FFS, she willingly went off to join that death cult and become a womb for a vile murderous, bloodthirsty jehaddi, all of her own free will.
@smater332000 7 месяцев назад
She’s a psychopath 100%. She is a supporter of ISIL hence a threat to national security. ALL Muslims who support Islamist ideology are a threat to national security.
@Bakeroo 7 месяцев назад
​@@smater332000surely you mean Isis ideology? Islam is not to blame for a de@ th cult no more that Christianity is to blame for the Spanish Inquisition?
@dianasitek3595 13 дней назад
She chose to be a traitor to her country!
@rodneymarsden3003 5 месяцев назад
She was okay with having teens in the UK just going to a pop concert killed and injured. That says it all. She is no longer considered British. Seem fair enough to me.
@ricardokowalski1579 7 месяцев назад
This woman is NOT "stateless". She choose to be a citizen of the "islamic state". Her decision has consequences. There is no case FOR Ms Begum. There is always a case for keeping politics from interfering in justice. A known criminal must not be allowed to wrap herself on the later.
@NYmomAdrienne3915 7 месяцев назад
What did my Armenian family in Syria do to her? Nothing, they just have a different religion as did all their victims either have a different religion or didn’t follow theirs in the sick way she believed. She deserves no mercy for what she supported and ran to. She should be treated as they treated people. Send their kids to family abroad in hopes they can somehow eventually live a normal life; but no mercy on the people who made the decision to become war criminals.
@debbiegamon1232 7 месяцев назад
Our conventions had huge thought and sense behind them.
@hjs9td 7 месяцев назад
And should not be applied to those who are guided to abuse it.
@Cellestino-q4x 7 месяцев назад
The case is simple, she was a British citizen and should have been repatriated. If the government can take her citizenship, they can also take yours and for me that is an unacceptable situation. The secondary question is one of what her fate should be upon repatriation and the answer is that we’re not set up to provide what’s required. When she left, she was a 15 year old girl, the victim of grooming by vicious Islamic terrorists and a vulnerable individual who has since paid 1,000,000x over for the mistakes that she has made. She deserves our best efforts to rehabilitate her and help her face the demons of the time she spent within ISIS. I say all of this as somebody with a staunchly anti-Islamic philosophy and a loathing for the mass immigration policies that are a major part of the cultural and economic decimation of this country.
@MA-go7ee 7 месяцев назад
I think you have it right.
@williammkydde 7 месяцев назад
The case is simple: Bangla Desh.
@alunjprice 7 месяцев назад
Nah, let her rot where she is.
@Cellestino-q4x 7 месяцев назад
@@williammkydde Personally, I prefer Bangla Fish.
@christinemurray1444 7 месяцев назад
Shamina be gone. It may happen to you if you happen to join a terror group or aid terrorists fighting against us.
@Heretic-007 7 месяцев назад
The amount of Psychopathy. Where was your case for "Tommy Robinson"
@markmarcas6523 4 месяца назад
To use the law when it serves the govt and then to ignore it when it doesn’t serve the govt makes for a immoral. The fact that ISIS was supported by western allies such as SAUDI Arabia and others and perhaps even directly by western govt is immaterial i guess. This is about revenge and is bad for UK. I don’t really care about her or her outcome. I care about reputation of the west.
@bearmerica6668 Месяц назад
She should be with her father in Bangladesh. He has the same radical mind as her.
@paulbostock9039 7 месяцев назад
I would argue that Liz Truss is more dangerous than this lady.
@njoy8974 7 месяцев назад
Thank you Jonathan for being breath of fresh air amidst the insane.
@joechristensen8531 7 месяцев назад
Make stupid decisions, accept the consequences. She played with destiny and lost. It’s obvious her parents are paying a price for not raising her right.
@coolcat3452 7 месяцев назад
Justice is served!!…accountability!!😢😢
@andrewhull365 7 месяцев назад
Would he want to be her neighbour? Doubt it.
@leemackie8434 6 месяцев назад
Bangladesh 🇧🇩 is her country of birth and they should take care of her. She made the decision to go and make her home, marry and have children in not for just a year but for many years. I think the British government has acted correctly. She is not stateless she is Bangladeshi.
@George10767 7 месяцев назад
In the case of Rex v. Sussex Justices (1924) Lord Hewart, the then Lord Chief Justice of England stated his dictum that "Justice must not only be done, but must also be seen to be done". The recent judgement of the Court of Appeal in which Shamima Begum unsuccessfully appealed against the deprival of her citizenship was a contradiction of this principle. It was in 2019 that the Secretary of State deprived Shamima Begum of her citizenship on the grounds that she was a "threat to national security" and refused her leave to enter the UK to challenge that decision. As Lord Sumption makes clear, the Secretary of State was acting "not in law but in practice". What this means is that, by reason of their exalted position, a Secretary of State can dictate whatever outcome they wish without the need for legal process. This is especially applicable when dealing with a vulnerable person trapped abroad and without recourse to a British court. And by claiming the need for secrecy of evidence (whether such claim is true or false) their victim is thereby deprived of any right to refute that evidence. This was done on the basis of alleged "secret information" available neither to Shamima nor to the British public. The two subsequent appeals against this decision have not sought to challenge the validity of the "secret information". I think it is time that the validity were brought into question. The obvious question relates to Shamima Begum's age when she allegedly became a "threat to national security". If her age was less than 18 at that time then she is surely entitled to special consideration on the grounds that she was not a legal adult. On the other hand she may have been aged 18 or over. In which case it is surely reasonable that Shamima Begum be given sufficient information to enable her to seek to prove that she was not a "threat to national security" nor was ever likely to be. Otherwise this is justice denied.
@elccollins99 7 месяцев назад
So her husband is alive and living in the Netherlands?
@dianamincher6479 Месяц назад
Never arm a rookie like Sajid Javid with tremendous Conservative powers because this is what we end up with?
@phillipsugwas Месяц назад
He was not un- advised.
@B61Mod12 7 месяцев назад
Remain deported
@phillipsugwas Месяц назад
The Lord Sumption is correct. The Home Secretary, duly exercised his powers as conferred on him by the law. Whether he exercised them wisely is the question. ,😂 As the UK has ,an Irish stew of a legal system, and where we search for precedents and struggle to decide on prioritizing rights, it begs the question: when will the UK codify its laws into a written constitution which limits the powers of Parliament.( A constitutional court is needed.Not to become via a" living document" treatment as per the embarrasing ECHR, an alternate legislature) You ask why the downfall of the social environment exists as it does? It exists because the underpinning fabric of society is ,with exceptions, not based on a striving for the common good. It is based on " self". Like it or not ,the common good has Judeo Christian roots. If that is in decline don't( unrealisically) think that when significant numbers of people, espousing a belief that runs counter to that message of inverted power and " the first shall be last" land on our shores The worst aspects of dangerous Islamic overbearance would be contrasted with and not , as they do(?) overpower the former. Indeed, while their choices ,which they are free to make, for example, include indefensible descriminations against women these would not overpower the said common good- provided it is supported. But if you are not consciously espousing the common good , don't expect a different outcome.
@lenwilkinson672 7 месяцев назад
Too bad she was old enough to get pregnant three times.she went to join an evil army.The trouble with lawyers who find excuses all the time.
@elisaben3120 6 месяцев назад
Why all other countries have reapatriated their citizens
@ReginaldArthurWolfe 7 месяцев назад
Jonathan? Not to be pedantic Freddie, but wasn't this man a Justice and doesn't he bear the title of Lord? Isn't it Lord Sumption? If he wants to be called Jonathan all is well, but just let us know that's the deal. Otherwise it seems a bit weird!
@janicehillman2485 7 месяцев назад
At 15yrs old pinching sweets from Woolworths is different from watching people being beheaded.
@taqiya3504 7 месяцев назад
Shamima Begum should be tried and imprisoned for life in Britain. If she ever wants to be released then she must help to prosecute the Muslims that radicalised her.
@howareyou857 7 месяцев назад
2 of her friends who ' radicalised' her are dead.
@briancox9357 7 месяцев назад
What if she's tried and found not guilty?
@Pomegranate_David 7 месяцев назад
She has served her time. She was punished by God as she lost all her children to death.
@ajax201000 7 месяцев назад
It might be show justice but the outcome is the right one
@davidlea-smith4747 7 месяцев назад
I expect Roman lawyers were still arguing when Alaric sacked Rome. Our police force and legal system is near worthless.
А вы играли в school boy runaway?
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