
Judaism vs Christianity on Sin: Rabbi Tovia Singer Explains Why We Differ 

Tovia Singer
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According to a core doctrine of Christian theology, humanity’s sinful state resulted from the Fall of Man. This hopeless condition has been characterized by the Church as a sinful nature of all humans through collective guilt. This teaching is based primarily on the epistles of Paul and the teachings of Augustine. Rabbi Tovia Singer explores the Jewish Scriptures in order to uncover what Tanach really says about this intriguing topic, and how atonement is achieved.
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@ericd1022 2 года назад
As an American Jew living in the Midwest i have been tempted with Christianity only because it surrounds me on all sides. When everyone around me is telling me I’m wrong and they’re right, how could I not be tempted? But today many Christians are leaving their faith.
@stephaniereif7790 2 года назад
Hi Eric, that must be so hard, to live apart from Jewish community. Here’s why you know you are right; does it make sense to have to pray through a third person to communicate with G-d who loves you as his child and is your best friend? Do they realize that praying to statues and paintings is idol worship? And who is Jesus to the Jews? He is our cousin. We are all cousins. Jesus would be so sad at how many have died “in his name”. He would not want it that way. He was a good Jew, just reminding us to stay on the path, as Elijah, Isaiah, and Moses did. Now and then we need a reminder, apparently.
@mousethatroared1213 Год назад
As another fellow Midwesterner, I know what you mean.
@mattmiller9809 Год назад
As a history major btw I can ensure you that this feeling you have is why Jewish enclaves have formed. It's not the only reason but it's a reason.
@healthyselfwithkristi7459 Год назад
I believe you know in your heart what is true. Don’t let what others say sway you. Find your tribe. They are out there!
@susanehamlin8550 Год назад
I just block them because they are extremely rude. They do not understand that Judaism & Christianity are two completely different religions.
@Robangledorf 4 года назад
Guys! The audio works in stereo but doesn't in mono. Listen on a set of speakers instead of your phone and it will work. Even headphones will make it work
@odoga4095 2 года назад
Thank you!
@SublimeLullaby 6 лет назад
Im in the process of showing my love to the God of Israel by renouncing christianity...............
@stephenmurphy1003 5 лет назад
Check out Islam. Muhammad was a true prophet. You should investigate it for your own sake.
@stephenmurphy1003 5 лет назад
Peace and love
@erasethehate5616 4 года назад
Islam is the the religion of Gentiles. if you want to be Jewish but also accept Jesus Islam is the way. The foretold Noahide Religion.
@nothingbutthetruth613 4 года назад
All the best to you in your quest. I'll just leave you with one thought that I hope you are aware of. Although the religions of the world firmly believe that the only way to heaven is their way, Judaism is totally not like that. If you are not a muslim to the muslims or a christian to the christians you are going straight to hell according to them. It doesn't matter who you are or how righteous you are. In judaism we know that as long as you are a good person you have a share in heaven just like any good jew. You don't have to be a jew at all. As long as you keep the Noachide laws which are all basic moral laws that any good person intrinsically knows deep down already, you are good to go. Just believe in one God and be a good person. Then you will accomplish in this world and do the one thing we are put on this planet to do, grow. Good luck to you.
@PawsomeFeeders 3 года назад
@@erasethehate5616 no
@joycesky2583 3 года назад
I have to plug for the Rabbi...the 2 teaching books ‘Let’s Get Biblical’ are AWESOME TRUE TEACHINGS right from the REAL Hebrew Scriptures...DEFINITELY get those books because they are worth more than diamonds and gold!
@saul2491 Год назад
@Iyas kelu actually watched hundreds of his videos. He couldn't be more honest and make Jews everywhere who have different opinions on everything so happy with literally 99.9% of all videos. And books are lrettu cheap. He definitely isn't getting rich. You are just another angry christian with no way to defend yourself so lashing out and using aggression. Would ne nice to you nut you just seek to discredit the ine guy helping the mist people here. If you don't likexhis videos stop coming to his channel and watching them
@saul2491 Год назад
@Iyas kelu nothing he has taught is false and I didn't have to trust him. More like usually many opinions even within rabbis from orthodox Judaism yet he manages to not be wrong about literally anything. You see yourself he almost always is referencing text nd it almost always being tanach. He is right hebteaches truth Jesus and christianity and the Nt are 100% false though we knew that before Rabbi Singer Abd you have argued with me plenty before too. You have never been right when doing so. Ever. You just waste people's time. I couldn't be any more sincere when I tell you that your rekogion Is false and a real joke.
@elijahochoa8431 3 года назад
Should I be worried for the souls of my family members who are Catholic or Evangelical Christians? Will Hashem punish them for their idolatry...born into these traditions are they at fault? I was also born into Pentecostalism but recently have found my way out realizing the accuracy of Rabbi Singer's analogy that Christianity follows Judaism just as Mormonism follows christianity and the God is not triune.
@stephaniereif7790 2 года назад
Eli, HaShem will not punish anyone for being a different religion. We are all His children and we will all meet in heaven. Shalom.
@debrapaulino918 2 года назад
We can only know as much as we can at anytime in our lives. Hashem considers the heart. The majority have been literate maybe 150-175 yrs. and now internet. As an Education major, intelligent people are afflicted with reading disorders so they don't. I'm lucky.
@stephaniereif7790 2 года назад
@@debrapaulino918 so they don’t… do what? I don’t understand. Btw early Hebrew was found on a cave wall on the exodus route, in an uninhabited area. The Jewish people were reading Torah widely by 200 BCE.
@nrmsln1448 2 года назад
He will, Hashem will punish them for their idolatry. It is very sad, but we can do nothing but save ourselves and our loved ones who are still alive today.
@amsumalivallaart2805 Год назад
Don’t worry God is not a prejudiced Jew Christian or Muslim and Hindu God doesn’t care about puny man made religions that were written by humans in the name of god every one except fools know that god is not a respecter of religions races individuals planets star systems universes aliens Rather HE knows everyone and their intentions each will be judged by how clean your conscience is when you die Unclean conscience no religion or religious practice can save you So ask who of your relatives has a clean conscience never mind man made religions
@TCgirl Год назад
Catholic bibles translate that passage in Isaiah from I create evil to I create calamity. Thank you for your videos, I really enjoy listening and I am learning a lot! ♥
@jaredt2590 4 года назад
There is no such thing as a sinful human nature. A person can commit a sin but that is a choice. People as we are made in the image of God, naturally strive to do good. Such a thing as a nice area wouldn't exist if people had a sinful human nature.
@debrapaulino918 2 года назад
Some are mixed up about good and why we have a written Scripture to tell us. How long before we would probably go back to human sacrifices to gods? Look what ecumenism has already done. Eliminate Torah and anything is possible.
@gezmondean293 Год назад
Jared we are only made in the image of God , Art is one of his many gifts some paint , sculpt ,write,sport excel , design buildings in honour of God before people could read the listened and looked at pictures drawn on walls they became elaborate 3 dimensional to focus ones mind . Dont confuse a statue painting or scroll with idolatry
@SilviaSumberaz1 16 дней назад
Amazing teaching, thanks ❤
@panfluteman2000 7 лет назад
Powerful preaching, rabbi Singer!
@safrobricho6406 Год назад
It is fascinating and baffling that, if we take the Gospels at face value, Jesus did not profess the doctrine of Original Sin. Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: `I desire mercy, not sacrifice. ' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." Who are the righteous, the ones Jesus did NOT come to call? Jesus said, "I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent." Again, who are the righteous, the ones who do not need to repent? It is perfectly clear that Jesus recognized that there were righteous people living during his time who did not need to repent, and so were not hopelessly bound to the Original Sin of Adam and Eve. It is totally shocking that the doctrine of Original Sin has endured as a fundamental principle in the Christian church for thousands of years, and has shaped the whole lives of innumerable Christians.
@nathanyahuyisrael1352 7 лет назад
This person is just showing you very plainly and clearly with "THE SCRIPTURES" that there is no need whatsoever any need of another god/mighty one.None other "SAVIOR" no jesus,buddha,alah etc.etc.!
@287_shaikhmustafa7 4 года назад
What are you talking about Allah is the same God as of children of israel if you want proof watch rabbi Tovia video about it.peace
@voiceinthewild8385 3 года назад
@@287_shaikhmustafa7 Muhammad is a false prophet and a sinful man using G-d to fulfill his selfish heinous desires and lusts.
@wasiemqutteneh7346 6 лет назад
Very rational, I love you rabbi!
@danyaewashington3625 9 месяцев назад
If possible, can you turn subtitle on this old video? Thanks!
@kittyind 3 года назад
Could someone point to me the song which is played at the end of the video? It is present in most of the Rabbi Tovia Singer episodes. Would love to hear the complete song.
@lovepankie 3 года назад
Adom Olam check it out on youtube
@farziran87m6 5 лет назад
Can u fix the audio
@ronnelalfonso4841 2 года назад
If God created evil won’t it goes against the nature of God?
@saul2491 Год назад
No. Why would it. G-d has great reason for it to take place in his plan. In fact tou would agree of yoi knew the reason and coupd understand it. You don't think G-d has excuses for everything he does? Because personally of trust G-d. Your average christian missionary wannabe no. But G-d yes.
@margaretpringle5989 6 лет назад
The sound isn't coming through for me.
@percibalfelicesjr4203 5 месяцев назад
Jesus himself even his original 12 apostles never mentioned the original or inherited sin from Adam.
@saul2491 Год назад
Paul thinks he is in a recording studio mixing: 'OK increase the easy scale with just believing in jesus - but lower the self esteem - increase evil inclination to give people no chance - lower personal accountability - increase the fear of hell - ...
@joshuamartinpryce8424 2 года назад
I think its great to take note of sins and try to remove them from our lives. We should focus on trying to be sinless, and in that attempt sin will not have a strong hold on us.
@saul2491 Год назад
No just on improving. Sinless is not aword we would ever use and wouldn't be a helpful word. Weirdo christian. If tou want to be sinless don't bother Jews proselytising eve4. You are wanting their nation wiped out and it is no less evil than a terrorist wanting their nation wiped out. Youxate that bad right now. No need to think aboit sinless anytime soon
@gezmondean293 Год назад
Joshua this very platform is surrounded by sinfull advertising half Naked people its like the Garden of eden .but so called Teachers dont mind to line the pocket with it , i cant cast a stone nor should you
@villiestephanov984 6 лет назад
Then Abimelech asked Abraham, " what is the meaning of these 7 ewe lambs which You have set by Themselves". Therefore he called that place "Beersheba," because the two of THEM swore an oath there.!! is a fiery red dragon sign in the book of Revelation, because of Deuter. 33: blessing!! So Samuel told all the (8:10) words to The People who asked him for a king.!!! First King (1:28) David answered and said, " call Bathsheba to Me"!!!
@GENESIS-3 7 лет назад
This is spot on. Paul corrupted the text Moses wrote, and if this is clearly understood - it will help a messianic Jew (or any other sort of Christian) to altogether leave the N T and the J'eshua message.
@debrapaulino918 2 года назад
Protestant Messianic disregard the final sacrifice of their risen lord. Mainstreamers think Messianic is returning to the law which the NT says is over and in the first place was only for Jews. Job 4:14 states "who can draw what is pure from what is not pure. No one."
@geraldwarnken3426 2 года назад
Very interesting!!!
@RoseSharon7777 4 года назад
Paul's teachings were corrupted by Rome. In other of his books he teaches just the opposite of people being born completely unable to stop sinning. If he believed we couldn't stop sinning then he wouldnt have taught repentance.
@debrapaulino918 2 года назад
?? He says he is at war with himself doing what his higher self says not to do. "Woe is me."... He also advocates celibacy and castration. Borderline Personality Disorder in that guy.
@debrapaulino918 2 года назад
May I suggest moving into the left side of the Bible instead of dwelling on Rome.
@jaclynrichmond1049 Год назад
Seems the Bible can always say two things, so God is in fact the author of confusion i guess.
@RoseSharon7777 Год назад
@@jaclynrichmond1049 Actually for the same reason he spoke in parables, its not for everyone to figure out. Only those who study to show themselves approved and establish the word of truth by 2 or 3 witnesses line upon line precept upon precept. Rightly dividing the word of truth from lies inserted by lying scribes to deceive people. Jer 8.8. Most never find the truth because they are too lazy to search for it. Where your heart is there your treasure will be also.
@zealousideal Год назад
Meh…though yes Rome also incorporated many of its own paganistic influences, it wasn’t Rome per se. There is so so much wrong with Christianity…and Always was. Infact, the entire thing was always false, fabricated, corrupted or misunderstood.
@rasull 3 года назад
Listening via earphones work
@jaclynrichmond1049 Год назад
This all seems disingenuous. There are so many Jewish verses that support God directly made the wicked, chooses people and nations, hated esau and left his heritage to jackals. I would have liked to hear what the rabbi says about that Jewish doctrine.
@journeyintothebible 4 года назад
The garden story is not about sin and punishment, but a partnership with man. Adam had no knowledge he was doing wrong by eating the fruit. The serpent was an animal, not a supernatural being and had no free will. God gives the snake dust to eat and they go their own way. But with woman and man, he has this relationship with them. The first thing we see in chapter 4 is Eve saying, with the HELP of the Lord I brought forth a man. It doesn't say with the PUNISHMENT of the Lord, right?
@debrapaulino918 2 года назад
Actually they were told and the consequence was stated. They didn't understand death. Her gratefulness for help that brought forth a son can be understood as the birthing event being uncomfortably traumatic. This is an instance in which pashat is needed. There can be many opinions but only one pashat.
@journeyintothebible 2 года назад
@@debrapaulino918 Where did God command Eve not to eat the fruit? And how would they know what death was?
@jordanjoestar-turniptruck Год назад
@@journeyintothebible Genesis 3:3
@user-kv9nv3kg7w 7 лет назад
You can't hear anything at all!
@villiestephanov984 6 лет назад
Jay Nunez , Abe! That's what We call 8 Revelation's !!!
@-td4abba4truth40 3 года назад
This is called CAUSE & EFFECT and is EXACTLY what is happening TODAY with the v I r u s & the need for the V a c c I n e / cause the problem give the solution.. At least this is what I believe ABBA is showing me, can anyone elaborate more on this for me..??
@spyrogaira9819 Год назад
How come this vid has no audio on Rabbi speaking and his answer? You can only hear the question give but rabbi had No audio
@edcrfvtgbyhnujmikolpqazwsx Год назад
I was having the same issue, but if you listen with headphones you can hear him.
@spyrogaira9819 Год назад
@@edcrfvtgbyhnujmikolpqazwsx oh yeah funny it actually works hehe Thanks a lot buddy God bless
@michel1862 2 года назад
Hebrew: the Poel Participle of the verb bara’ (create) which, with "evil", requires the rendering "bring about". Not the same form as in verses: Isa_45:8, Isa_45:12, or Isa_45:18, in connection with the earth. In Jer_18:11 the verb is yazar, to frame, or mould. In Amo_3:6 it is ’ashah, to bring about. A word of wide meaning; its sense has to be determined by its context. Here, disturbance in contrast with "peace". never rendered "sin". God brings calamity about as the inevitable consequence of sin. It is rendered "calamity" in Psa_141:5; "adversity" in 1Sa_10:19. To say that God is good and is evil (because He created it) is a great blasphemy.
@stevenadkins5784 2 года назад
if you didnt know the 7 sin unto death.. being a glutten is a sin...the words says fast pray with trembling an fear . gods may hear you an save your soul from his judgement...if you lie once.if you breaks laws ,any laws your sinning.. like goin over the posted speed limits.. any of these an other sins will bring el,s holy judgement... an without the blood of the son you will be gulity an sent into darkness an then the fire!! repent your great learning ,humble your before god he may lift you up. but only by his sons name do ask god for forgiveness. nothing else will save you from hell, nothing! reform yourself by yourself you have wood hay stubble to go thru the fire. do good works in the christs name . you have gold ,silver. to god thru the fire ,it will remain. all self works will be burned up ,so will you..
@mr.monster91666 2 года назад
Something happened to the audio here
@jibreelhamashiach6305 7 лет назад
The real, original and genuine Name of our Creator in the original Hebrew Holy Scriptures is 'YÁO-HOO' and that of the genuine Messiah is 'YAO-HÓO-SHUA.' (accented on the syllable 'hoo')
@autifmalik8742 5 лет назад
What's your point?
@debrapaulino918 2 года назад
@@autifmalik8742 That she doesn't know ... but doesn't know it ... believing instead the lie that her source for her statement is valid as taught by her leaders.
@akbarbracho5534 7 лет назад
happy passover Rabbi
@jesusisaprophet1 Год назад
Thx rabbi tovia
@tlsmith1501 2 года назад
There's no sound
@mathiasendresen2110 4 года назад
According to Eastern Orthodox Christianity, Jesus did not come to forgive man. Jesus came to defeat death, so that the incarnate God (source of life) destroys the power of death by entering into it like a trojan horse.
@debrapaulino918 2 года назад
It is taught by Paul also and in the gospels. "Where O death is your sting.". "I am the resurrection and the life."
@zealousideal Год назад
“Defeat death” 😂. Ok let me know how that works out.
@aaronscottbullock8843 4 года назад
No sound?
@CarolAnnD1 5 лет назад
No audio
@lauratempestini5719 3 года назад
Please explain Isaiah 53: 3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. 4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. 5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. 6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
@debrapaulino918 2 года назад
Church patriarch to his Council of Bishops in 235 AD stated Jews always believed it was themselves. Rashi didn't change it as missionaries claim.
@saul2491 Год назад
Laura he gas so so many isaiah 53 videos. Just search and choose one
@brexitannia9703 2 года назад
Can't even hear what the Rabbi is saying 🙄
@yosefwibowo1049 7 лет назад
no sound like it..
@logicalconceptofficial 2 года назад
I have great respect for your knowledge Rabbi, don’t take what I say as questioning that. The word God or any of the other forms which we may use to try to use or define the one, Hashem (the name) is really only an ok placeholder if we know what the definition of it is. This is the current Achilles heel of all faith that makes would be knowers into uncertain believers. God must be defined and the most logical definition is logic itself. All sides and implications and forms of the concepts we call logic (including the illogical and the logical). I say this on a device the ancients would call a miracle that works with logical reasoning and because of the application of logic to possibility (rational imagination). This is the truth, this is the one, this is the light (things that are true and logical) and the darkness (the inverse of the true and logical. The illogical, insane and immoral) and it should be obvious to everyone but isn’t because of illusion and lies. We need to wake up to this simple truth that the concept we call logic in English is the only thing that is completely tautological and self evident (true in and of itself) and that God must be fundamentally equivalent to Logic and the ability to reason possibilities (a “universal mind” or motherboard of existence so to speak). This is what both logic and the Bible (which I historically was not a fan of) say with a proper application of logic on your own end. When you know reason you will worship it all day long.
@debrapaulino918 2 года назад
Darkness is not the inverse of logic but a part of it. Whether in nature or in the human mind, it all has purpose. Since you're persuaded at this time by the logic you possess, Romans 8:28 tells you it all works together for good to them who love G-d. At this time you see it as loving JC. A bud opens to it's maturity then returns to the darkness of the soil. Hashem loves you and is watching over the budding of your conscious awareness as the husbandman of your soul. Shalom dear soul much loved.
@debrapaulino918 2 года назад
When you know G-d you will worship G-d all day long. A little book for you: The Kuzari by Yehuda Halevi. Don't pass this one by. Amazon.
@debrapaulino918 2 года назад
Am I wrong about you believing the NT? I won't put you down. Your comment was fine.
@shalomalcheim7402 6 лет назад
No sound
@RobbieSalome 4 года назад
✡SHEMA YISRAEL: Messianic Judaism, Yeshua, as high priest, Melech-Zadek....Hashem is a Spirit, and worship him in the Ruach ha-Kodosh, Spirit..Melech-Rachem, Baruch habab B'Shem Adonai,...Mashiac Yeshua, Ben Dovid....
@stevenadkins5784 2 года назад
to save this doughter he need a saul blinding an healing to believe.
@bluethunder6815 2 года назад
@LensFromNorthEast5338 2 года назад
Then why all these sacrifices?
@saul2491 Год назад
Mkst aren't for sin or atonement at all for givingnthanksnandnotherbstuffm onky 2 are yoi able to bring for just some of your lowest grade sins. If your poor theyxvsn even be flour and pil and such called a meal offering and havexnoxmeat or blood. Dint ever get your information in tanachxor Jews from the Nat. That is the worst place to go. Rhatxbookcis full of jew hate and misinformation
@chayabat-tzvi1215 7 лет назад
The Eastern Church (Syrian/Greek/Russian) doesn't believe in Original Sin.
@davidschlender587 7 лет назад
Chaya Bat-Tzvi Very interesting. I think it originated (or was at least popularized) with Lutheranism, but I may be mistaken there. What do they teach as what constitutes it? Is it as arbitrary and all-encompassing as in fundamentalism? :)
@ashleytate6735 5 лет назад
Ugh, so much biblical inaccuracy. The word “sin” appears nowhere the garden narrative. And hassatan is not evil.
@amsumalivallaart2805 2 года назад
God is not Jewish or Christian or Muslim or Hindus These religions are postulations of god by humans often giving authorship to God himself No one will be rejected because they believe god has a son or not a son or the nature of sin and how each religion understood it
@saul2491 Год назад
Wow a completely unsubstantiated statement. Whatva waste of everyone's time
@goldengun9970 Год назад
Depends. Everything eill be taken into account. If someone grew up in idolatry and never knew better that will be fairly taken into account
@davidreynoso8593 5 лет назад
LORD jesus said destory this Temple/ flesh. I Will. Raise it up in 3 days ...Risen King death can't hold The King of kings (REPENT)
@gabrielgonzales7155 2 года назад
If Satan is the TEMPTER would these lines below in the New Testament be FALSE? I mean if God created evil(satan) in the first place, in a sense he(God) is the one through his creation Satan who is doing the temptation. How could I say this. If I make a gun to kill, and I send it off killing at will in a sense I am the one doing the killing because that is what I made the gun to do in the first place, and since the gun has NO TRUE FREE WILL, I have to be the one pulling the trigger every time the gun kills. So GOD DOES temp all mankind through his WEAPON SATAN. Since Satan has NO TRUE FREE WILL, God has to tell him what to tempt a person with, and when, and where. So the Gnostics are right in a sense by saying that God is evil. For any God that tempts his creations is an evil God. I know many EVIL women/men that tempt men and women through other women and men for the sake of gaining PLEASURE by the sufferings they cause their victims. Is this what the true God is all about? He wants every one to fail so that he can kill them? I true Gabriel G. from day one when I fell under temptation I DID NOT LIKE IT, I HATED IT LIKE YOU COULD NOT IMAGINE. I TRUE GABRIEL G. HATE BEYOND IMAGINATION BEING TEMPTED. TEMPTATION IS LIKE BEING IN SCHOOL on a DAY THAT EVERY CLASS YOU TAKE GIVES YOU A SUDDEN TEST THAT IS UNEXPECTED AND UNWANTED, as THOSE TYPES OF TESTS ARE HATED BY MOST CHILDREN EXCEPT the brainiacks/geeks, I true Gabriel G. feel that I am living an UNENDING SERIES OF TESTS that I DO NOT WANT TO TAKE. I HATE TEMPTATION, but most of all I HATE TAKEING TESTS PERIOD. One day before I became mentally disabled. It was a sudden over night disability that hit me Schitzo/mania/homicidal ideation/bi polar. Some one entered into my house without breaking a door or window, it is as if they had the key. They then STOLD my SHOTGUN. So when these voices began to TORMENT me and TEST ME QUITE BRUTALLY, if that gun would have NOT been stolen I true GABRIEL G. would have allready blown my head off of my shoulders. I thought that when I got out of school that the TESTS had ALL COME TO AN END, and I was FINALLY FREE of that BURDEN. How was I wrong. Jas 1:13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: Jas 1:14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Jas 1:15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.
@sdthyng 2 года назад
What became of the eternal covenant that Almighty God made? It all came down to this statement which we read in the Septuagint book of Jeremiah 38:31-32 . . ."Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Juda; not according to the covenant which I made with their fathers in the day when I took hold of their hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; for they abode not in my covenant, and I disregarded them, saith the Lord." He goes on to explain how he will write this new covenant on our minds and hearts. Has this not happened?
@debrapaulino918 2 года назад
@sdthyng 2 года назад
@@debrapaulino918 So, until that new covenant is instituted you are living under a covenant that God has disregarded.
@saul2491 Год назад
@Steven Thyng no you really screwed up bad and thanks to us Jews (you may know us pharisees ;)) knowing pir own jewish texts youxdidnt get a a ay eothxit and madeissionaroes look incompetent, deceptive and pathetic. 1. You quoted wrong. Is not chapter 38 verses verses 31-32. It is all in chapter 31. I will take over eloping you with ot and yoir question now though. Hints it hel0s Jews against Christian missionaries this chapter. Doesn't hinder. 2. You mention you use the Septuagint. Dumb move. This is jeremiah. Never had jewish scholars translating for the Septuagint any part of jeremiah anytime. Had only non Jews do it and edit and reedit it constantly all the way till 300CE. All a product of the church. You heard 70 or 72 Jews. They only translated 5 books of moses and that was lost in a fire but this is jeremiah. About to write ixamxly9ng. Lol no righteous anger for you. Yry rraf any introduction you like to any seotuagint and wnjoy having all i sais aboit the septuagint cobfirmed there. Now lucky for you I read the hebrew side before going to the English side. I am so helpful like that. But if you can't read the original hebrew just get a translation that just went from hebrew to English once. Use some common sense dude. Unless you prefer corrupted texts to try to deceive people and no christian missionary wannabewould ever do that, of course not 3. Let's Get to the text. The 2 verses you quotes don't at all say anything like for they abode not in my covenant and i disregarded them". Isn't that amazing that those particular words are falsely put into the vers 3 from looking at the words there is no motivation. Here. I will quote for you the text same one most would use here and answer your original question. 4. That sentence was "not like the covenant that I formed with th3ir forefathers on the day I took them by the hand to take them out of the land of Egypt, that they broke my covenant, although I was a lord over them, says the Lord' PRETTU DANG IMPPRTANT TRYONG TO SNEAK IN SO I DISREGARDED THEM. Not just those words aren't there. He never disregarded us. Eterbal covenant means eterbal. Now next 2 verses answers your question if it has happened yet. 32 " for this is the covenant I will form with the house of Israel after those days, says the L-rd; I will place my law in their midst and I will inscribe it upon their hearts, and I will be their G-d and they shall be my people. 33 "and no longer shall one teach his neighbour or one his brother saying 'know the L-rd' for they shall all know me from their smallest to their greatest, says the L-rd, for I will forgive their iniquity and their sin I will no longer remember" Well thus is so good for us jews/phatisees .- We fixed your accidental mistake we were not disregarded. Phew - the new covenant has G-d being our G-d and us his people. Woohoo that is same as before. Yay - hasn't happened yet as still jabe to teach yoimur neigjnoir and brother and not everyone knows G-d - but woohoo this future time whenever it is pirbsins are getting forgiven andxnot even remembered You were really dumb trying to use jeremiah 31 against us. You know verse 34 tells you that yes our covenant with G-d is eternal as long as there is a sun and a moon - verse 35 telps you it involves all the laws from before. Which makes sense as G-d wouldn't break old eternal covenants. He doesn't lie for he is notba man thatxwould chanhe his mind. Verse 36 really rubs it in how G-d will never reject israelm you can't win. All this time when people tried wiling us out. They should of teadbthis and saved having to fail in their efforts. They could of done something else. Haha this is an unbelievably awesome set or verses for jews especially when facing deceptive christian missionaries. Socks so hard to be you is what I would say to them l. Ypu of coirse made a purely accidental mistake........haha
@goldengun9970 Год назад
You have a false translationnfrom your septuagint. Which makes sense as the 70 jewishbscholats only translated the 5 books of moses not jeremiah. And that was lost in a fire. And the septuagint was edited and redited for years 600 You also wrongly wrote chaoter 38. Is jeremiah 31 where your mistranslated quote is from. Is not at all 'and I disregarded them.' That says 'and I was lord over them'. What dishonest christian editors ofbthe septuagint. They wish the L-rd disregarded us. But as the next verse says again covenant with israel. They can't change that eternal covenants are eternal. That no matter how much in tanach we sin and are punished G-d keeps his promises. Eterbal promises to our forefathers. Eternal laws. Eter am promises to us in torah that he will never forsake us. Told all over tanach we will always have a remnant preserved, restored and head of nations in the end. That includes in jeremiah and here even in jeremiah 31. Try Steven to nkt get the chapter wrong with yoirbreferemces and to cherry pick mistranslations from septuagint. We go to original hebrew rather than a christian corrupted translation and can see exactly what lies they have fed you christians. Thank G-d we read hebrew, in my case since early primary school hebrew with no English in my bible textbook so as to never be fooled
@goldengun9970 Год назад
@@sdthyng no. Hebrew doesn't say that. Only your church father corrupted translation says that nd dreams and desperately wishes it says that
@paweszul881 2 года назад
Im no so christian , and I know from Bible original sin doesnt exist
@saul2491 Год назад
Great. What about jesus and NT. If ant still thencyoixjabe the number 1 jew hate book so teyxagain when you get there
@justinfair5216 2 года назад
It is obvious that Christendom is filled with pagan belief systems...but that aside, it is interesting to read in the new testament that Jesus in John 4: 21-22 said in answer to the samaritan woman's question - 20. Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, and you Jews say that in Jerusalem is the place where one ought to worship.” 21Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father. 22. You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. 23. But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 24. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” He acknowledged that the jews had the teachings that revealed salvation. In the circumcision and the killing and eating of the passover is shown salvation. A removal or taking away firstly of the existing (no stranger shall eat of the passover) and then taking something new into us by eating. The reality behind the ceremonies is written of clearly in Ezek 11:19-20. The concept also brought to my consideration is that true worship of God supersedes place or groupings of people. This interview describes many things including the breaking down of the barriers of Jew to sarmaritan, and samaritan to Jew. The question: Salvation from inclination to sin? or salvation from a nature that compells us to sin against Life Himself? Well, if only salvation from inclination, then facts, or arguement, or threat should do the trick. But what is the record in Genesis? God said to the 'good' pair: Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; 2:17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” Adam and Eve fell because they rebelled against God's authority, when they took the same stance as Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12), questioning His authority....which changed their state of being from good to evil, they now knew (experienced) evil in themselves - and they naturally ate the fruit. For course there was no magical powers in the fruit. And God created them good, without the inclination to evil. They were created free-moral agents, but once they fell sin had its desire over them. Cain was born into sin. Abel was as well. But Abel grew sick of his nature having its evil way over his behaviour, and accepted salvation - that is why he brought a lamb to sacrifice as well as a thanks offering of the fruit of the ground. When Adam & Eve didn't die on the day that they ate the fruit, they realised (gradually?) that they were alive thanks to an act of God, of Him taking on the penalty of sin or death (although they were not 'saved' from they fallen state - that conviction led them to the place where they would plead for salvation . Cain refused to accept the offer of salvation, and eventually the uncontrollable passions arising from within his nature drove him to kill Abel. The only hope we have is a conviction of our evil state and an understanding of the lovely character of God. The only choice we have is to cry out for escape from the compulsion of our own nature to the Creator, the God of salvation. The change necessary is beyond our will to accomplish, it is beyond our mind to do - it requires an act of God. Then the 10 commandments will be written in our hearts.
@saul2491 Год назад
Jesus totally just shat on Jews multiple times. Hate him from this post alone. He should not be followed by anyone
@justinfair5216 Год назад
@@saul2491 So hate is the way forward then? How's that working out for you? He healed thousands upon thousands of Israelites of terrible illness and pointed many towards salvation from a course towards eternal death Israelites. He gave love for hate.
@saul2491 Год назад
@@justinfair5216 I don't even believe he existed or did any pd that bit the fi nest part is you christians won't listen We keep telling you that miracles are not mentioned for the messiah in tanach. And that anyone doing miracles does not help at all to qualify them as our messiah or as a prophet or as not a false prophet. Why doctou w aste oir time letting us know that you claim yoir character did different miracle tell us something that is relevant if you are going to force a conversation about a religion and false prophet we wouldn't otherwise think of
@justinfair5216 Год назад
@@saul2491 Is hate a constructive ethic or behaviour? Let's start there. You believe in God then? By the way, your spelling is difficult to negotiate my brother.
@saul2491 Год назад
@@justinfair5216 we are specific allowed to mock idol worshipers actually as per jewish law. That we get from the tanach. We would rather die than join you. Literally.
@BeautifulMuslim99 2 года назад
What about Islam?
@saul2491 Год назад
Nothing about Islam. This is a jewish rabbi who is a counter christian missionary. If you get muslims to target Jews for conversion as priority over others like evangelicals then maybe he will easily show your religion false too. And it would be superb easy yourbrelogionxmales sakenmiwtke as christianity. Dares tocsayxjuda8wm was true but you are a later revelation. It is vetted for you that he never focused on islam that way. Wouldbalsoxve able to show on top mess with christianity in the middle for you.
@goldengun9970 Год назад
Still a false religion but way way better and more credible than christianity
@BeautifulMuslim99 Год назад
Jesus is the messiah.
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