
Julia Hartley Brewer clashes with union boss: "That's not poverty!" 

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Eddie Dempsey from the RMT explains why he is on strike: "Some of my members are living in poverty. A lot of my members are on £24,000."
Julia: "That's not poverty!"
It comes as rail passengers are suffering fresh travel chaos on Wednesday after thousands of workers walked out on strike, crippling services across the country.
Disputes in the bitter row over jobs, pay, pensions and conditions are worsening, with more strikes due in the coming days, and a wave of industrial action planned next month on the railways and London Underground.
Only around one in five trains are running on Wednesday, on around half the network, with some areas having no trains all day.
Picket lines were mounted outside railway stations as members of the Rail, Maritime and Transport (RMT) union at Network Rail and 14 train operators went on strike.
Passengers were urged to only travel by train if they must, and, if it is necessary, to allow extra time and check when their last train will depart.
Trains will also be disrupted on Thursday morning with a later start to services as employees return to duties.
The Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association (TSSA) has also announced a strike by its members at Avanti West Coast on Wednesday, while members of the drivers’ union Aslef at seven companies will strike on Saturday.
#talktv #talkradio #juliahartleybrewer



26 июл 2022




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@talktv Год назад
Is a salary of £24,000 consistent with living in poverty? 🤔
@jaydentate6080 Год назад
@edwardkerrigan5356 Год назад
@@jaydentate6080 What rubbish - there are masses of people earning well under that.
@joesheppard5960 Год назад
Can we talk about the amount people get for carers allowance ?
@jaydentate6080 Год назад
@@edwardkerrigan5356 yes dead beats
@whatsreallyhappening5669 Год назад
I live in london and pay £18,000 a year just for rent. Gas and electric £2,000. Does 4K sound like a lot for everything else?
@citizen530 Год назад
If these services are 'essential' then they should never have been privatised in the first place!
@kerryburns6041 Год назад
Private water companies, owned by foreign companies, are now unencumbered by European regulations and are happily discharging sewage into Britain´s rivers and sea. This is cheaper than treating it, allowing bigger dividends for the shareholders and bigger bonuses for the bosses. Perhaps this is why Julia is full of you-know-what.
@davidgrahambrown3793 Год назад
@@kerryburns6041 Water regulations haven’t been reduced because of Brexit, a shortage of water treatment chemicals are in short supply, which has lead to sewage discharges into our rivers.
@kevinmartin5489 Год назад
Privatising them, removes responsibility from the gov, they have someone else to blame.
@theresamorrison1411 Год назад
Oh yeah, it was great when it was British Rail wasn't it?
@citizen530 Год назад
@@theresamorrison1411 Yes it was. Every developed country has state owned railways even america, it's just a case of how you run it!
@johnmckenna9295 Год назад
Eddie's last comments just destroyed brewers smug attitude
@josierogers7254 Год назад
People are getting poorer while the rich are getting richer. Share holders being paid high dividends and company bosses on massive salaries.
@xBestii72 Год назад
£24k after tax/ NI = £19843 this equates to £1654 a month - not including pension contributions . What's the average cost to rent in London? What's the average expenditure on essentials? I'm amazed at the cheek of some of these media folk and how far detached they are from reality, the whole system needs a reboot.
@jonathanhpantsil9841 Год назад
Can't afford to live in London...move out then! Dumb@ss
@chris-jh4cx Год назад
I'm a PhD student with a grant of £1300/month and somehow I manage to live in one of the most expensive cities in the country.
@xBestii72 Год назад
@@chris-jh4cx I'm sure that's a lavish lifestyle. Going by that comment, I assume you have no aspiration for more?
@chris-jh4cx Год назад
@@xBestii72 ofc I do the big bucks come when I finish. Getting a fully funded PhD is extremely competitive.
@MrGraemeb2022 Год назад
Fair play to to Mr. Dempsey. The fact is most people in this country have not had pay rises consistent with the cost of living for a number of years. Whenever unions try to improve conditions, the MSM immediately start the line about 'how will your actions affect 'hard working' people'? The irony is, the people asking the questions are often in receipt of six figure salaries.
@tombishop2962 Год назад
Them and us... Got news for you ... 99.999999% of us are the US We should support these people.
@dts7824 Год назад
They are trying to divide the working people, it's the only way they can win
@chrissmith6650 Год назад
Julia has no idea what living on £24,000 a year is like. Her father was a failed Labour candidate and her mother was a GP. Julia is also Oxford educated.
@andrewoliver8930 Год назад
She's admitted to struggling in London in her youth when she was on £9k in the 1990s Funnily enough, the equivalent of £24k in today's money.
@chrissmith6650 Год назад
@@andrewoliver8930 Julia's idea of struggling is paying a bill at the expense of going out on a Friday night piss up.
@kevinmartin5489 Год назад
Probably plenty of handouts then.
@sorehammer Год назад
have you seen the cost of a rail ticket from Birmingham to Manchester it's a disgrace.
@markws5952 Год назад
Walk then. Or Lay your own railway.
@FKA1303 Год назад
Just cost me £312 for 4 of us to get from Manchester to London, can get a flight to Dublin for £9 per person, disgraceful
@joegadd9668 Год назад
@@markws5952 How's the boot taste
@theRab1609 Год назад
We need to pay shareholders and the top brass their bribes this is why the tickets are so expensive.
@markws5952 Год назад
@@joegadd9668 ?
@desmondroberts6034 Год назад
'Everyone likes the free market until it comes to a free market in labour'. Never a truer word spoken, thank god that someone said it.
@MinkieWinkle Год назад
if we had free market for labour we would not have a minimum wage. i take it you support that then? we would be allowed to hire and fire people if they do not provide the labour that they are paid to do.
@desmondroberts6034 Год назад
@@MinkieWinkle Free market economies generally have regulations anyhow; strong unions and collective bargaining is more important than a minimum wage.
@MinkieWinkle Год назад
@@desmondroberts6034 A union is not free market, it is collective based bargaining. Example of How collectivism works against the worker. Lets say you are a grafter, you turn up early, you leave last. you bust your behind off all day every day. If i was an employer, i would do my upmost to keep you on as staff. you are worth more than a guy in the same position that drags his knuckles all day. i would pay you more because you do more The union will say. employers must pay the same wage for the same position. irrespective of the efforts of the employee. you both get the same. So an employer can not aware hardwork. even bonuses. almost all unions demand collective performance bonuses, which lead to all get it or no one gets it. The problem is with that, those that did nothing all year bitch moan and whine they didn't get the bonus they did not contribute towards. and the hard workers that also didn't get the bonus will start to hate the lazy gits that stopped them from getting the bonus too. I would rather induvial bonuses, where hard workers are awarded and lazy workers get no bonuses. unionised collective bonuses are silly for both the hard worker and the employer. as employers would like to award the workers but can not as the union would say all or nothing, and because the hard workers are not being award for their hard work, they will not work hard for no award for doing so. So then the productivity drops even more, then you end up with a loop year after year of never giving out bonus as the collective didn't reach the threshold, mean while the good staff you wanted to awards have not all quit. leaving you with a work force that is lazy.
@maxpowerii7368 Год назад
@@MinkieWinkle that’s not a free market. That’s a captive market for employers. But ok let’s make a swap…scrap minimum wage in return for scrapping every single act of anti union law in this country? Deal? Yeah thought not.
@charlescaudell9493 Год назад
Daughter of a GP, educated at Magdalene college Oxford, lived on less than 25k! No way! (except as a student) What does someone like that know about poverty!!
@joemanktelow Год назад
Sounds like a decent bloke to be fair.
@paulevans3663 Год назад
As an ex police officer, I saw13 years of real terms pay cuts with no right to any protest. Now the Police are meant to have binding arbitration in lue of industrial rights but our experience teaches us when the arbitrator produces a figure the Govt don't like they forget the binding part and enforce their own figure. Without some industrial rights you are truelly defenceless to an employer who will always seek to work you over.
@ems4580 Год назад
Hope your lot get behind working class this time! They want another orgreave, stand with the people that will back our plod. Unfortunately our Bobby’s turn brown shirt quite easily.
@richardbanker3910 11 месяцев назад
Theresa May as Home Secretary ran down the size of the police force just has the Tories did to the rest of the public sector. What the ex police officer says is par for the course.
@bilbobaggins5408 Год назад
Julia often makes sense but is totally wrong on this.
@theprivilegecheckers 10 месяцев назад
I agree with what you said except for her usually being right. She's purely wrong wrong wrong
@klebyell Год назад
"I'm on a lot less than they are" doesn't mean they don't deserve a pay rise. Everyone does.
@klebyell Год назад
@Akfdthvc Xghuu so please explain why someone should be so poor they have to choose between heating their house or eating that day while the company they work for brings in record profits every year
@sharronturner1801 Год назад
@@klebyell Anyone I've seen on TV complaining they're poor, can't afford this or that are usually fat (so not starving). They usually have tattoos (not cheap). iPhones (I can't afford one). Sky TV etc etc etc! They're a single parent with three kids (where's Dad?). Simple - can't afford kids, don't have them. Why should the taxpayer pay for them? Priorities - moaners don't have them.
@klebyell Год назад
@@sharronturner1801 people on benefits aren't part of this discussion nobody predicted we would currently be living in a situation where months of peoples wages would have to go toward they're energy bill. Not to mention have a government who views people asking for a wage that they can live off as a peasant rabble to quell. You're a victim of the times I'm afraid you think everyone on benefits is a fat greedy leech because it's all you've been shown on TV programmes and the news. Educate yourself
@josephl5523 Год назад
£24,000 a year is poverty in this day and age!!!! maybe footballers could use the other knee this coming season for the people that support them the working class!
@carsandstuff4624 Год назад
Dont pay your money to football clubs then
@MinkieWinkle Год назад
Don't like footballers wages. then stop paying stupid money for sports packages, and tickets.... there wages is a reflection of the money they bring in from people like you. they get paid more, because they bring in more
@maxpowerii7368 Год назад
@@carsandstuff4624 and then English football declines and an important element of working class culture disappears? It’s not really a solution is it though? Having a footballing system like Germany where even top flight matches are cheap enough for working class people to attend would be a better one I’d suggest.
@garyspruce7736 Год назад
Is it ? How do you work that out ? 24, 000 living at home with parents! 24, 000 and your partner is earning another 30,000. There are lots of different choices in life .
@theRab1609 Год назад
@@garyspruce7736 yes you are correct for many their choices are which bill to pay, due to the low wages thst have fallen even further over past 12 years of Tory government while the wealthiest continue to profit and stash money in tax havens, in Thatchers day corp tax was 34% today it is 19% who do you think makes up the difference so I know it is hard for people like you, but try to have a little empathy for others or at very least be quiet.
@veilbreak5867 Год назад
24k a year in London is a joke of a wage! Especially with a family!
@almightyicarus Год назад
Live alone and I'm on just over 23k, it's poverty. Life sucks. The government shouldn't be talking about tax cuts, they should be discussing how they can invest in the economy and the public sector.
@HowDeepIsYourJesus Год назад
Try explaining that to these braindead gammons.
@SpartasEdge Год назад
I wish i was earning anywhere near to 23 grand.
@HowDeepIsYourJesus Год назад
@@SpartasEdge Yeah, unfortunately sitting at home jerking it to hentai usually doesn't pay very well.
@mirelle6010 Год назад
Go Eddie, He is absolutely right enough of the poverty wages in UK and there are millions of these jobs.
@myiironu Год назад
So don't live in London if you're on 24k/yr. Problem solved. What's that? You'll need a reliable and affordable train service to get into work? Oh the irony!!
@grahamrogers3345 Год назад
They are going on strike to make sure that you do have a train service in the future
@karenyoung8341 Год назад
👏👏 😂
@Charlieb6308 Год назад
Or if you don't like the wages your on go work somewhere else. Why is it some people think that lower paid jobs should earn the same as a surgeon. Deluded..
@JMT1985MO Год назад
How in hell can ppl who barely make 24k just afford to relocate? And no one expects a surgeon's salary, but a living wage. They deserve it.
@joycegibbs5267 Год назад
@@Charlieb6308 getting another job is not as easy as you think.
@catherinehume9193 Год назад
£24k is not poverty. The nurses and the train workers are not living in poverty. Ask a care worker on £12k per year how they are doing. Ask a factory worker on zero hours contracts how they are doing. When I worked in care homes earning around £12k per year, almost all the homes I worked in, the staff are the residents’ left overs after meal times because the staff could not afford food. Doing home care, I saw the same. Care workers eating left overs. We need to ban zero hours contracts, and we need to lift care workers and other zero hours workers out of what is real poverty line living. I have friends who do not have a fridge and do not normally put the heating on and use work washing machines to wash their clothes because that is how they financially get by, plus eating clients’ left overs. £24k is poverty! I earn nothing near £24k and neither do vast swathes of the country. And this is why no one has any time or patience for the strikers.
@jeffreybocking5234 Год назад
I mean you skipped over the "living in London" part. £24k in London in 2022 is basically poverty. I share a flat with 2 others in London and pay roughly £1100 a month in rent before bills, if I was only on £24k I'd be on the picket line as well.
@simonwhitworth4688 Год назад
Ask me 66 year old gardener still working for £11 hour
@Pcaddictt Год назад
then they should fight for better, your suggestion is if you are lowly paid just put up and shut up, we want our services but we dont want to know about your struggles just dont inconveniece our lives?
@darrenleake3343 Год назад
Minimum wage means that if you're on a 40hr week, you're earning 19k a year, soooo not sure how you get 12k a year unless they're not working a full 40hr week, in which case that's their issue and not the pay itself.
@darrenleake3343 Год назад
@@jeffreybocking5234 problem is is that the rail workers are on an average of 49k a year which is almost double what many workers in other public sector jobs earn.
@andrewoliver8930 Год назад
When are MPs going to accept job cuts, fewer days off and efficiency drives? They don't, ever.
@kevinmartin5489 Год назад
They've regularly given themselves unchallenged rises. That never makes its way into these conversations.
@mickconners9377 Год назад
Julia Hartley Brewer surviving on 24k in London????!!! Actually probably a good wage in the 50s
@markscouler2534 Год назад
Would love to see her Mike and piers live on 24k a year fucking hypocrites 🙄
@markscouler2534 Год назад
Just found this she has a fucking nerve to have a go at people who want more than 25k a year When it comes to monetary accumulations, Julia Hartley Brewer’s Net Worth in 2022 is estimated to be a whopping $100 million. Her annual income counts as $4,00,000. The major portion of her income comes from Julia being a successful presenter, journalist and columnist. Previously, she has served for various channels both on television and radio. Not only that but also, she does write for different newspapers, from which she is believed to have earned quite a lump sum amount of money. Also, from her show, launched on RU-vid, Julia has earned quite a decent amount. Earlier, she has earned silly money of £3000 for a three minutes fabulous dinner speech.
@glenquinn6853 Год назад
We'll move sum wher els
@dlwf11111 Год назад
@@markscouler2534 yeah but she’s allowed too, we’re not 👀
@captricharddee3634 Год назад
@@markscouler2534 Nothing stopping you getting out and about and advancing in life. Instead of moaning about Julia, maybe you should vent your anger to the union bosses and their six figure salaries.
@andrewoliver8930 Год назад
"After that, I got a job at a local newspaper in London earning £9,000 a year. Even in the 1990s, that was still not a lot of money. It was a struggle. I used to walk everywhere because I couldn't afford public transport. I had no spare cash and still had college debts to pay off" J H-B struggling on the equivalent of £24k in today's money and not with any dependants.
@paulsamson6039 Год назад
Just let them keep going on strike we can get by without trains for the odd day here and there.
@stuartmiddleton1972 Год назад
Just refreshing to hear a trade unionist talk about workers, pay etc. rather than about identity politics.
@deepzepp4176 Год назад
That’s so true. I just wish more industries in this country were protected by unions.
@janekennaway8008 Год назад
There is that!
@cathcath1324 Год назад
Trade unions protect all their members
@andrewoliver8930 Год назад
Truss does the jealousy thing these days by saying that Sunak wears an expensive suit etc. The stuff that the Tories used to criticise others for doing.
@joycegibbs5267 Год назад
they'd use it if necessary, believe me.
@roberthay54 Год назад
Learn a lot from your show, as if Eddie needs educating from Talk Radio🤗
@Carwyn.Morris Год назад
I love how the questioning always starts with "On strike for a pay rise" but forget the whole bit where they are also striking to protect 3000+ jobs and to ensure safe working standards.
@theresamorrison1411 Год назад
The safe working standards is a total red herring to mask their greed. Why should these dinosaurs hold back technology just so they have a job? Technology changes the world, as old jobs go, new ones come but try telling that to the unions who're still living on the 1970s.
@Carwyn.Morris Год назад
@@theresamorrison1411 Assuming that is true it, doesn't change the fact that they never question them about it.
@sailingfreakshow Год назад
Yet again an inflammatory question assertion from someone with actual power. 24 grand for someone in London with kids etc. Definitely. 24 grand for someone sleeping in a hammock and foraging for food - no. Its all relative isn't it!
@chrisjones3901 Год назад
If I got 24 grand I'd be the happiest person in the UK.
@littlehammers9032 Год назад
@@chrisjones3901 Well no one will give it to you Chris Jones because we have a mandate that expressively ensures Chris Jones is to be Kept Unhappy for a very long time. I am sorry Chris Jones.
@A_New_Reality Год назад
It is laughable how expensive trains are, it costs me more to commute into work and back than it does to fly to Amsterdam … lmfao 🤣
@andrewoliver8930 Год назад
Foreigners own our rail.
@theRab1609 Год назад
The price is to pay for the shareholders and bosses bribes, automating the trains will just give them another reason to increase fares yet a lot of fools think prices would be reduced, this is just another scam to get the foolish angry at unions.
@MatthiasRosberg Год назад
especially when more people can get in a train then a plane to Amsterdam
@glynscothern3876 Год назад
trains have tracks .to maintane
@TheBunce21 Год назад
He’s on about £100k a year…. How much does he redistribute?
@treborsirrah7916 Год назад
78K a year since last Oct,before that he was on railway workers pay
@jonnyharris55 Год назад
Is this the dying last gasp of the Unions? They are 30 years too late
@stephenroberts8057 Год назад
I’m sure the union leader will still be paid during the strike !
@maxpowerii7368 Год назад
Correct. Why would a union official take a pay cut because of government and corporate incompetence and ideological malfeasance? Not their fault Tory leaders want to role play Thatcher.
@stephenroberts8057 Год назад
@@maxpowerii7368 ooh , sounds like you didn’t appreciate the qualities of the best PM this country has ever had
@maxpowerii7368 Год назад
@@stephenroberts8057 the only people who think Thatcher was the best PM this country had are the Chinese and Indian billionaires she created at the expense of her own country and people. Just another traitorous prostitute who sold her country out for gold.
@andiharper4498 Год назад
What a stupid comment
@grahamrogers3345 Год назад
As he should be
@russellmcelroy9276 Год назад
So nice of the lady to sit in her ivory tower and punch down on people who just want to live and have money
@godzillas6301 Год назад
Between the 2 of them hes paid more .......... and he will be paid regardless of a strike or not . Simple salient fact is in covid they got paid to sit at home or do nothing . Now it needs paying back . Throw money at them and everyone gets money be it the schools the etc etc ... inflation never reduces , more money will need to be thrown there direction its a never ending story , the magic money tree always gives now doesnt it ? OR . They have been well rewarded for years .... now they need to suck it up buttercup and cope with the fact the decent reward they get isnt going to be worth quite as much . In time they may get a better deal as the present inflation chills out but theses demands and forcing the country to suffer will get paid back in kind ........ not that it will impact on your suit .
@garygee5365 Год назад
Seen it all before as a union member for 40 years accept the pay offer and lose jobs and conditions people get greedy.
@jonathanhpantsil9841 Год назад
@simonwhitworth4688 Год назад
If they don't like the job leave, of course they know they wouldn't get the same money anywhere else !
@EdWiley671 Год назад
“I’ve lived in far less than that in my time.” Key words: IN MY TIME That’s not the same as living on less than £24,000 during a cost of living crisis.
@michaelc3051 Год назад
This woman pontificating on poverty. What's her salary, out of interest? Does anyone know?
@paulpurves484 Год назад
What’s that got to do with anything?
@michaelc3051 Год назад
@@paulpurves484 She says £24,000 per year isn't a poverty wage in London. Out of interest, what does she get by on, is it 24K? Is she a champagne capitalist telling railway workers to be grateful?
@paulpurves484 Год назад
@@michaelc3051 I get your point but by the same token it’s surely hard for Dempsey to justify his £100,000 a year salary that’s pretty hard to stomach too!!
@michaelc3051 Год назад
@@paulpurves484 I think Dempsey gets £78,000, which is hardly a luxury life in London today. Hartless-Brewer isn't even talking about him; she says people on 24K can't be in poverty. How would she know?
@paulpurves484 Год назад
@@michaelc3051 were not long out of lock down we’re heading into a recession I think most of us are just glad to have a job never mind a pay increase
@garyhart8676 Год назад
Greedy Bastions.....
@arthurdonachy Год назад
Well ,if you ask the man a question,have the decency to let him answer and listen to the answer ; what's the agenda behind calling him a liar, he actually attends the negotiations.. "Do you want me to come in and solve the dispute " "well yeah. especially if you can get us a deal like your on for sitting on your arse and slagging workers.
@CharlieL292 Год назад
Julia talks about herself more than the issues
@markscouler2534 Год назад
Cant stand her Mike and piers they are such fucking hypocrites and so far up their own arses
@jordoncampbell5118 Год назад
It's her favourite subject.
@dlowrie4573 Год назад
Yet again Julia trying to put the unions down, strange that, somebody with 100k plus of a salary putting down the people who fight for low paid workers.
@tonyjones2838 Год назад
yes it is, it means you cannot afford disney+ and netflix and cannot upgrade your iphone or do bingo every week, plus limited to two takeaways and 3 nights in a pub. that is a disgrace
@littlehammers9032 Год назад
Tony Jones, are you related to the above..Chris Jones. If that is the case the same mandate that expressively ensures Chris Jones is to be Kept Unhappy for a very long time also extends to yourself. i am deeply sorry for this.
@justchris123 Год назад
Poverty is NOT having the latest smart phone, wearing designer clothes, driving a 4x4, having super fast WiFi god knows how many tv subscriptions, a foreign holiday every year. Some people need to experience REAL poverty before they say 24k a year is not enough.
@sixtythousand5937 Год назад
No they shouldn't. No one should experience poverty at any level.
@Dylanesque Год назад
Real poverty is not having a roof over your head. . And I foresee thousands being added to the already growing legions of the homeless because of this cost of living crisis. . Brewer won't be affected by any hardships because she's just another one of the very wealthy with nothing better to do than stir the 5.hit by creating an enemy for you to focus your attentions on rather than have you analyse the real culprits that have forced a cost of living crisis upon you.
@call_in_sick Год назад
Workers fighting workers exactly what they want.
@Pcaddictt Год назад
so the rich never have enough and you are for them getting more, while the lowest in society the beating heart should be quiet and suffer on what they are thrown, we are constantly pitted against each other for standing up for anything instead of holding those hoarding the wealth of this world to account.
@MinkieWinkle Год назад
@@sixtythousand5937 a little bit of depravity will bring people back down to earth. anyone thinking 24k is poverty is out of their mind. and is entitled beyond belief.
@johnrobertbainbridge7667 Год назад
Keep fighting lads & lasses 👍, why is no one up in arms when MPs give their selfs a massive pay rise every year?, privatisation is it working?, its all about profit not looking after the worker.
@keithbstar1 Год назад
MPs keep giving themselves pay raises because you keep allowing yourself to be extorted.
@lasttango7522 Год назад
@@keithbstar1 No politician alive will look after the worker. Neither will the trade unions. This is propaganda. A load of bull. The only people who have looked after the worker are the working class themselves. I saw my grandad tear himself apart during the 70s miners strikes. Only to find a prolific union leader owning a bloody expensive flat in London. Yet many miners were totally relying on charity. Its a joke.
@MrRailjunkie Год назад
MP's don't give themselves pay rises, they have an independent governing body for that.
@johnrobertbainbridge7667 Год назад
@@MrRailjunkie oh thats alright then ?.
@mrgambino3406 Год назад
“By a continuing process of inflation, government can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this means the government may secretly and unobserved, confiscate the wealth of the people, and not one man in a million will detect the theft.” John Maynard Keynes
@libertasdemocratiam887 Год назад
Yes a sitting government that can be unelected wants vote losing inflation.
@mrgambino3406 Год назад
@@libertasdemocratiam887 - yet it’s been constant for decades as a debt based money creation system requires it. Another thing, you look at parties as the government. The government is permanent. Foreign policy, move towards surveillance state, military industrial complex and more. All areas that don’t care who sits in the throne. The real power. “Give me control of a nations money and I care not who makes the laws”.
@andyxox4168 Год назад
Union … Make us an offer Company … No Union … Make us an offer Company … No Union … Make us an offer Company … No Union … Make us an offer Company … No … and repeat for as long as it takes …
@joegadd9668 Год назад
And then you get replaced by 15 Somalians who get paid less, wahoo
@michaelsimpson4400 Год назад
They offered 2x 4% pay increases. RMT just want more
@tech10k14 Год назад
MPs get thousands, and the people get kicked in the teeth.
@ZenosOsgorma Год назад
If that's poverty, I'd wish my cleaning contract went up to £20 a hour because I have to deal with over 100 staff members that many have no manners or good hygiene behaviour, they don't flush toilets, leave wet tissue paper in the sinks, marks up the toilet bowl at least have the manners to scrub it quickly and flush, it's not my job to be a deep cleaner every day, where a single toilet bowl takes 20mins to clean while I have whole building to check and lock up too due to the unsociable hours. All this tells me is the well off have become entiled pigs and people like me suffer for on 0 hour contracts doing unsociable hours on near minimum wage. Tbh I'm the one that deserves a pay rise but these entiled high end middle class pricks don't value a clean work space, they take almost everything for granted.
@tanseygreen Год назад
Should've paid attention at school then
@uttaradit2 Год назад
I'm poor and everybody else should be ...
@jf710 Год назад
Lol what a stupid couple of paragraphs. You waste your time.
@jamieholmes4675 Год назад
Sounds terrible.....you need a good union✊️
@ZenosOsgorma Год назад
@@tanseygreen typical left thinks I only have one job xd. I run a small business too top up my wages and I'm on Universal credit as a emergency fail safe. Because not all people have the option of setting up a small online business, I was lucky enough to get a redundancy post covid. I would curb your enthusiasm BTW, your assumptions make you look ugly.
@johnmoncrieff3034 Год назад
What is the profit margins of the rail companies and the salaries of the top management/directors! In the UK we have a complete imbalance between the top individuals in businesses and the general workers in these companies! The Government are no help to the working man, in their fight to improve their wages! The government has placed so many restrictions on the workers (Unions) that they are fighting with both hands behind their backs! I am all for a free market economy but where the bosses remuneration is linked to the workers wages too! There are far too many bosses being rewarded for what is in effect failure, Such as cases where they are sacking workers so they can pocket the wages these workers had! Then forcing the remaining staff to take on the work of those just fired, without any rise in pay!
@leeossie Год назад
Lost a lot of respect for tv presenters who think people should accept a lower standard of living whilst they themselves are earning a fortune as a TV presenter
@louisaforeman1470 Год назад
Julia you are being bloody rude and elitist. You could NOT live on £24,000 with a family, in London today. Keep it up Eddie.
@JG-us9lu Год назад
Sorry Julia your wrong with this one.
@graemecreegan6749 Год назад
“Many people would be happy with 4%.” “…undoubtedly it’s a pay cut in real terms…” Why should people be expected to be happy with a pay cut 🤔 will MP’s forego pay rises? Will CEO’s and the burgeoning managerial class? And what has anyone else’s lack of a wage rise got to do with RMT officials 🤔
@MinkieWinkle Год назад
You do know of a business makes a loss, business owners do not get paid at all, right? You seem to think they have it all sweet and peachy. If the business makes a loss and your and employee. You will still get paid. The brass won't. If the business racks up debt, are you an employee responsible for the business debt? No. The brass is.
@graemecreegan6749 Год назад
@@MinkieWinkle well the businesses in question took half a billion pounds in profits during the worst trading period for the railways on record so I do not think there’s much chance that they are going to make a loss anytime soon whether they give pay rises or not.
@MinkieWinkle Год назад
@@graemecreegan6749 and there gross income was?
@graemecreegan6749 Год назад
@@MinkieWinkle whose gross income and what about it ?
@MinkieWinkle Год назад
@@graemecreegan6749 merely stating profit as you did means nothing with out knowing gross income. For all we know that could be 1 percent, 5 percent or 50 percent return. Take my own industry, it is commonly quoted that we make 2 billion profit per annum, okay yeah cool. The issue is,to make that 2 billion, we spend 20 billion. So total income is 22 billion. A mere 10 percent. Now factor in 9 percent inflation. That profit soon dwindles
@frankwalker5040 Год назад
Hartley Brewer, sits there with her huge salery and great contract, doesn't she realize that what happened to the workers of P&O is what this Government has in store for the rest of us. Eddy Dempsey couldn't put his point across because of her cavalier attitude towards the people who are going out working full time and still having to claim benefits, and sometimes even go to food banks. I see that the Chief executive of Thames water has been rewarded a huge payout, while at the same time allowing raw sewage into our rivers, which has probably saved them a huge amount of money, what is it doing to our rivers and people's health. Boris Johnson and the rest of these so called Honourable members don't care, as long as they're filling their own pockets. I've gone right off that arrogant woman.
@libertasdemocratiam887 Год назад
The government didn't sack P and O staff, a private business did. They broke the law in doing so. If you're going to make a comment you should go and polish up on your facts.
@libertasdemocratiam887 Год назад
Thames water is owned by private companies that are run by foreign governments. Guess who made it easier for foreign governments to buy our businesses, runing them abysmally, you a clue it wasn't the blues' and Bojo.
@midlandgeordie Год назад
Government does care about PandO workers!
@karenyoung8341 Год назад
I must be near to being a beggar on £22k……except I can’t strike. I’d just be replaced.
@peterbrown3799 Год назад
This dinosaur is living in the 1950's £30,000 a year I dont call that poverty.
@whatsreallyhappening5669 Год назад
A lot of people not falling for this right wing nonsense anymore. Workers keep our country running. Everyone deserves a fair wage.
@starcade90 Год назад
Marxist fools.
@whatsreallyhappening5669 Год назад
@BoxReactance your argument doesn’t make sense. Funny how you focus on the tiny % of workers that get above the average pay and just ignore most of the workers that get paid less than the average. Also the argument isn’t that people in the rail shouldn’t be paid more because nurses are paid less. The argument is that nurses should be paid more so they can afford to live a decent life. I think this radio station is turning your mind to mush. Give your head a wobble.
@keikoandgilly Год назад
@BoxReactance What constitutes a fair wage: How about the national minimum wage be £10, the living wage as £15, and have a progressive tax system that penalises tax dodgers, MPs outrageously abusing the expenses grant, and corporations who use tax loopholes and excessive profiteering and not justifying it?
@mariogmajner6549 Год назад
@@keikoandgilly Who voted for these idiots in power, oh yeah the same people who are now whinging for a pay rise. You should of voted for Corbyn.
@whatsreallyhappening5669 Год назад
We live in a country that has sold off our water, electricity and gas, travel. Next stop private health care where the richest get the best treatment. Welcome to boris Brexit Britain
@krissymarklewis1793 Год назад
Train drivers make a ton, my mate makes 34k. How is that poverty and how much do they want?
@kipsome45 Год назад
You’re kidding…£34k? The average salary for a train driver is well north of £50k. I know a guard/train manager and he is on £46k.
@krissymarklewis1793 Год назад
@@kipsome45 I guess it depends on how many hrs you do and what network you are on. I think he is on Chiltern rail but I'm not disputing what you are saying.
@SuperMitchell81 Год назад
Not everyone is a train driver mate, 3% of the work force is
@michaelc3051 Год назад
The RMT doesn't represent many drivers; they have the ASLEF union. The RMT represents a great many low paid railways workers e.g. ticket office, conductors etc.
@TheSpoovy Год назад
They want more. They always want more. Just enough for them to conveniently forget about the "safety" concerns. You have to laugh really that they get away with it.
@shawnaweesner3759 Год назад
I do get what Eddie Dempsey is saying. He is saying that the head honchos of the rail company want to get rid of workers, and give no pay raises in order to make even more money for themselves.
@chrisjones3901 Год назад
They been doing it in liverpool for the last couple of years guardless trains.
@patriciahopewell5085 Год назад
Oh Eddie, Eddie, back to your engine immediately. Disperse your rabble rousers, even if they are being paid by your union,
@vectorsdkprograms2447 Год назад
Big fan of Julia, but Eddie is right the living standards for the common man have diminished and we are at the tail end. There has been a slow erosion of consumer spending power for generations and is getting ramped up to the point where everyone is lifting their heads up and taking notice.
@Dylanesque Год назад
Brewer won't be affected by the cost of living crisis like you or I, and I very much doubt she'd give you a copper or two to help feed your children either. She's just another of the very wealthy with nothing better to do than help create divides between ordinary folk.
@jlm3124 Год назад
You think the living standards for the common man are bad, try being a common woman.
@johnsmith-xv5gy Год назад
@@jlm3124 maybe they self identify as women. How presumptuous of you!!! TRANSPHOBE
@darrelmorton8511 Год назад
I used to be a Union rep and was involved in negotiating, can't believe no offers on the table from some of the rail companies. When you go to the next meeting ask them what pay offer they are offering ,if they say none or we are not discussing it , say ok we wont meet up again until you are ready to make an offer and carry on with your industrial action .
@jonathanlake6053 Год назад
If there are less passengers on trains how can you expect a pay rise?Raise the cost of tickets & subsidies I suppose,dream on, those days are now over.
@darrelmorton8511 Год назад
@@jonathanlake6053 I agree , it needs explaining to the unions why no offer is being offered . Maybe they do , but the members not being informed.
@ZenosOsgorma Год назад
Lol great way to go about, the end result of thst is the corporations will just ignore you and work to replace you. The better method is to have daily meetings regardless if there's anything to talk about, soon enough the corporation will value it as wasted time, then finally work a solution. They respect economic value, not feelings. So the unions should play to that, rather than be minipulative and keep using grandparent government to solve the issue for them.
@chrisscahill54 Год назад
He's a lying rat 🐀
@hyperbole6529 Год назад
Delusional fool. You lose money and needed 16 billon in a bail out money thats 600 pounds for every household in Britain. Get back to work we are all suffering
@elizabethhadfield6492 Год назад
At least this union is sticking up for its worker even if it is a pain. However The unions have done nothing for workers for the last 20 30 years. They didn't strike when government contracts were given the other countries causing mass redundancies. Nothing when mp had payrises above inflation whilst most worker got nothing for the last 13 years. They did nothing when 0 hours contracts came in and again nothing when the banks were bailed out but refused to lend with mortgages. The took subs and nothing.
@matthewharding7342 Год назад
Welcome back to the seventies. Millions who work hard in the private sector won't see any rises like this.
@lorrainelane6583 Год назад
I loved the seventies
@jp80a68 Год назад
I would like to be poor on £58,000 !!. As somone who pays local goverment employees there are many , carers, teaching assistants, refuse collectors, and many others who are vital to the health and safety of the comumunity who earn less than half of this. Apart from this being political, which it is, I heard that due to the aftermarth of Covid, season tickets sales which are a proftitable part of the railways are down by 75% yet they expect no redundancies. If Tesco, Aldi ,Sainsburys etc lost 75% of customers there would be immediate job losses, but these unions expect their member to do 25% of the work and be paid the same. It is the unions who pit one part of the working class against other working people. I think I have de ja vu and it's 1977 again, at least this time round I don't have homework to do by candlelight.
@tanseygreen Год назад
You have no idea what you're on about
@kimperry4823 Год назад
@@tanseygreen I presume that's the best response you can come up with. I lived & worked through the 70's when red robo conspired to ruin our motor manufacturing capabilities that caused thousands of well paid jobs to be lost. Also the 3 day week in 1973 ruined thousands of jobs because companies couldn't make ends meet. The pay demands at the time caused inflation to top 15%. Strong unions got big rises for their member's, how about the majority of workers who are not union backed & found they couldn't keep up. I worked in the motor trade as a mechanic then & unions did nothing for us, the recommended union pay was peanuts to what we actually got so there was no benefit to joining! It's because their wasn't enough people in the industry to make it worth their while, which goes for a lot of industries. Consequently the wage gap widened between industries with unions & those that didn't. So, no change now!
@Pcaddictt Год назад
@@kimperry4823 if they are not a vital industry why are you bothered, are the only people allowed to retain their living standards are those on more than they need to begin with, you cant compare wages otherwise anyone any more should never get a pay increase.
@IanDarley Год назад
Yep, I remember that time, no electricity in rolling blackouts, candles for light, no fire service, no refuse collection, ruse piled high rotting in the streets, rats everywhere, the unions had everybody on strike.
@iknowyoureright8564 Год назад
The problem Is the reduction in safety staff, accidents can happen on railways easier than people would think, and with such a big network, any negligence to the physical infrastructure will lead to accidents, and 500 tonne+ trains travelling at huge speeds hitting brown points or a broken rail will be disaster. The outcome of anything never got better by cutting the focus on safety, and nothing beats a human eye.
@jimmyjohnson7027 Год назад
I am on minimum wage. I wish I was on twenty four thousand a year. Luckily, I do not have to support a family.
@Anduril1974 Год назад
Join a Union
@donjones5793 Год назад
Just asked her how much she’s earning at the moment
@milorudge5110 Год назад
24.000 . That should be EVERYBODY'S WAGE, problem sorted.!
@kevinb6831 Год назад
The problem is, it's in the interest of these union leaders to prolong it.
@jamesgray1210 Год назад
I'm sure that sounded edgy and clever in your head, but by that warped 'logic', it's in the British Army's interests for Russia to invade this country so that they would have an enemy to fight. The Union leaders are doing exactly what they're meant to be doing, standing up for their members. It's better for those leaders that a resolution is found, which would demonstrate the power of being in a union. Strikes are a means to an end, not an end unto themselves.
@kevinb6831 Год назад
@@jamesgray1210 I'm really not interested in being 'edgy', I see it as obvious. They have to justify their hefty wages. The British army is there as a deterrent, we don't want or need any invasions.
@jamesgray1210 Год назад
@@kevinb6831 Well yeah...they have to justify their pay by doing their job - which is standing up for their members. If they just sat around and let employers abuse pay and conditions then they wouldn't be doing their job 😂 Unions are supposed to be a deterrent too, a deterrent to poor employment practice and insufficient pay. Who else is going to stand up for people whose pay isn't anywhere near meeting inflation? If unionised workers feel a strike is their only leverage, then all power to them. I say that as someone whose week has been disrupted by the strikes.
@kevinb6831 Год назад
@@jamesgray1210 Their pay going up a lot means everyone else using their service paying more. That's the reality. Non rail workers also have to deal with inflation.
@jamesgray1210 Год назад
@@kevinb6831 Rubbish 😂 Do you know much some these rail bosses are making? Some were even receiving bonuses during a pandemic. Fares have been going up steadily for the last 12 years without matching wage increases, the two aren't connected. Yes, you're right, they absolutely do. That's why the BMA and CWU are looking at strikes too. Are you really saying that because all these sectors are suffering inflation that nobody should take a stand? That's a rather defeatist approach. Yes, let's all just sit back and enjoy the suffering lads, because at least we're all being fucked together. Better that some of them secure a proper pay rise than none of them.
@stuplant6693 Год назад
What a ridiculous smarmy statement by Julia. Saying she's lived on less than 24k. When? She's not eamred less than 100k per Yr in 20 years. She's no idea of the costs in London.
@adamelwahabi8456 Год назад
They on strike for us all well done union a good thing for all of us
@earlcollins9310 Год назад
What’s he talking about , living standards have improved immensely,, nobody doesn’t have a washing machine , fridge, tv, phone. When I was young nobody on my street had any of these things ?
@keikoandgilly Год назад
“A very temporary development” Except, in the long term, it’s not. The recession of 2008-2009 was a temporary development with long term disastrous effects. Since then, people’s wages have not kept up to the inflation that has caused. This is the second time this country has faced this. An 8 percent pay rise, conditional to essential cuts to safety and passenger accessibility and services, is a real terms pay cut that does not address the past twelve years.
@kevinb6831 Год назад
with the russians hoarding oil this will be happening everywhere.
@6chhelipilot Год назад
If I was PM I would give everyone a 12% pay rise and there wouldn't be any long-term consequences of that I'm sure.
@monk3yboy69 Год назад
@keakoandgilly It’s the second time this century it has happened. Certainly has happened many times before. I’m guessing you’re a youngster then.. Your fist rodeo?
@keikoandgilly Год назад
@@6chhelipilot a 12% pay rise can happen with a progressive tax system, one meant to penalise those who tax dodge and use loopholes, while rewarding those law abiding tax payers.
@keikoandgilly Год назад
@@monk3yboy69 I’m an 80s lad, if that’s what you are implying. No need to be snarky. ;)
@maddrivers1018 Год назад
Lords get £300+a day. Some people have it so good. Maybe we need to pay MPs Lords a lot more money
@andrewoliver8930 Год назад
Get them lazy beggars to accept worse conditions, job cuts and efficiency cuts.
@davecollins9075 Год назад
Jhb was losing this and wasn't clued up. Which is why she went into flippant mode. Jhb 0 Eddie 10
@supatrupa Год назад
That's not poverty by the RMT it's GREED all it will do is put the fares up and up wheres the sense in that
@Paul-eb4jp Год назад
Holding the country to ransom is a meaningless phrase trotted out by the right, the unions are doing the only thing left open to them.
@garyspruce7736 Год назад
Migrant workers moving all over the EU and the world in the last 30 years from poor countries is what has kept the workers wages down. Is he in support of labour who want to bring more migrants in every time there is a shortage in the labour market?
@ryanfinnerty6239 Год назад
Yep it’s tragic people cannot see this
@MrRailjunkie Год назад
Rubbish it's profiteering from disaster capitalism & 12 years of Tory Austerity. I think you've been reading or watching to much racist propaganda.
@kevrussell5972 Год назад
Please tell with a labour shortage you expect these jobs to be filled then
@garyspruce7736 Год назад
@@kevrussell5972 firstly make sure our own youngsters are put first into the better jobs , start promoting trades again in schools instead of teachers telling all the children that they must go to uni to have a good job with lots of Money. The government have been promoting apprenticeships and offering companies good incentives, surely that's better than bringing in more migrant workers. Somehow we need to sort out the social care sector that is probably the difficult area. Farming can be visa run , but migrants coming into work short term, they do need to be treated better though , we also need more put into doing it mechanically. As a country we have to stop population growth and 300, 000 plus migrants a year coming to live here is not sustainable. We have the same poverty levels as most of the EU do to the same reason, we all import poverty to do the jobs we don't want to .
@kevrussell5972 Год назад
@@garyspruce7736 yes I agree but if we have a shortage of workers that means we don’t have anyone to do these jobs in the first place that’s why we have migrant workers in the first place they don’t come over and take our jobs they come over here and do the jobs what we can’t possibly do and that in turn builds the economy, with more jobs than the people to do them the economy goes down unless you use migrant workers, so it doesn’t matter how well trained our youngsters are there aren’t enough youngsters to fill these jobs and that’s when companies go bust , if you need 30 bodies to make your business run 20 won’t cut it and then that’s 20 people out of a job and one less business, so do you see my point it’s fine saying employ local people before migrants but there comes a point where that option is used up , look round the world some of the wealthiest countries rely on migrants workers because that’s what builds the economy up, I’m not saying this is right but that’s how the world works and always has
@davidhardaker192 Год назад
Back to the old ' this and them' argument of the 1970's. Why can't these dinosaurs see the world we live in. I thought Scargill died.
@garyspruce7736 Год назад
People will get made redundant in all aspects of work if the job is not there . Should we all strike . Supply and demand controls wages and working conditions more than anything.
@kevinmartin5489 Год назад
If the whole country did, wouldn't the stupidity stop pretty quickly?
@markdavies8869 Год назад
Full support to the rmt union,julia I usually enjoy your work but you are so out of touch with real workers wanting a decent pay rise.we are lucky to have good unions still.
@deepzepp4176 Год назад
She’s always been out of touch. She’s a Thatcherite, neo-con. She’s throws some red meat out to her regular listeners, but overall she’s a useless, establishment hack.
@johnwhite6346 Год назад
I think Julia like most of these presenters are forced to push a bs narrative on this. Otherwise they don't get their 30% rises
@deepzepp4176 Год назад
@@johnwhite6346 Wrong.
@andrewwallace3047 Год назад
Train drivers are extremely well paid.
@ninasnyman Год назад
It seems like employees in the UK who are funded by the tax payer think that money grows on trees. Where do they think the money comes from when the private sector is getting poorer and funds their salaries!!
@juliandenormanville5225 Год назад
How anyone can seriously claim living standards have been dropping for decades..? Just look at the average persons home?...no comparison between now and 10, 20, 30 years ago...
@Anduril1974 Год назад
He fucking OWNED that interview, as does Lynch is all of his. They are legends. NO BS, straight-talking, smart, and confident. But above all else, they care about fairness and equality. Solidarity to those striking! Enough is enough for the fat cats!
@phuckerby Год назад
Never travel on trains, already to expensive, so they can strike until their hearts content as far as I'm concerned.
@georgiecross9921 Год назад
The more I listen to this prat 🤣🤣🤣. Mate get yourself up north!
@dts7824 Год назад
I know, she's a complete buffoon
@keithbstar1 Год назад
Yes poverty. you keep yawning mummy's boy. Mummy's boy is about as believable as the MPs.
@aranci-nick6302 Год назад
Some of these comments make me laugh. Directing anger towards people wanting a fair wage rather than their fat cat bosses and the politicians who block it.
@kevinb6831 Год назад
define a fair wage?
@aranci-nick6302 Год назад
@@kevinb6831 I’m sure you’re smart enough to work that out. Now I’ll wait for you to reply and do the Tories bidding for them..
@call_in_sick Год назад
@@kevinb6831 🧐🙄🙄
@kevinb6831 Год назад
@@aranci-nick6302 I'm asking you, though. you're the one demanding a fair wage - how can that be met if you can't define what a fair wage is?
@aranci-nick6302 Год назад
@@kevinb6831 I’m not going to answer asinine questions. My commiserations to you for being gaslit by politicians and the media
@charlesdavies1585 Год назад
These cross channel economic migrants are going to be so disappointed to be living in such poverty 😞
@monk3yboy69 Год назад
You cannot pay your way out of this crisis. Now is not the time to increase wages nor decrease taxes. Sadly , we all need to buckle up and make some sacrifices. Redistribution …..ah yes, that elusive unicorn .
@andiharper4498 Год назад
Clearly JHB doesn't have wage or poverty concerns
@pauleaton947 Год назад
She is a rat mate !!!
@a.hoctavius5848 Год назад
He is so much smarter than she could ever dream of
@pollutingpenguin2146 Год назад
It is her job as an interviewer to challenge people on their points
@a.hoctavius5848 Год назад
@pollutingpenguin …. Is that what she was doing ? Couldn’t notice behind all her smug comments.
@davecollins9075 Год назад
@@a.hoctavius5848 she was losing this badly which is why she went flippant mode. Out of her depth on this one.
@robinburn4974 Год назад
This is purely political and our Eddie looks like a real piece of work
@dts7824 Год назад
He's a legend
@Seymourbutts6168 Год назад
Why doesn't people like him that really seems poorly educated in the logistics of economy and are completely useless, quit their jobs and give their wages to the workforce they are representing?
@assassinsunite3434 Год назад
Bollxxs to the unions rule Britainia God bless Mr Thatcher 🇬🇧
@Truthteller886 Год назад
Talk radio presenter..6 figure salary….is that right that she criticising workers on 30 k 🙄
@Maelstromaku Год назад
If Julia is intentionally trying to make him look good,she is doing fantastic job 👏
@SpartasEdge Год назад
You must be watching a different video to me.
@dts7824 Год назад
@@SpartasEdge another one manipulated by the big boys on the media. You're on the side of the greedy train bosses and not the working man? Keep on licking the boot mate
@sandiethomas6157 Год назад
My brother got a train from Barnham west Sussex at 3pm to Cardiff got home 11 20 pm disgusting. That was on Friday 12th August and no help from the staff. No wonder no one want to go by train.
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