
Julie Roys, Journalism, and James MacDonald 

Doctrine and Devotion
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@marleneg7794 2 года назад
When corruption meets Godly integrity and Integrity wins out. We should all rejoice
@matthewrsmart 5 лет назад
Great interview. 1 Peter 5:2 shepherd the flock of God among you...not for shameful gain...not domineering those in your charge."
@johnharms6178 5 лет назад
enjoyed this interview. Julie knows her stuff.
@IBLV2DOU 5 лет назад
We went through same mess in our last church. People were pushed out; money abuse; lies. I would love to write an article on how pastors are in charge and no one will say no to them. People are fearful, elders let it go. All the stuff you mention is alive and well in organized religion where pastors are revered not held accountable. No one fears God more than they fear rebuke of pastors.
@khappy1286 4 года назад
This doesnt make me uncomfortable. It makes me cheer that you spoke up! Thank you! ( not because of his fall but that you SPOKE UP!)
@carolinecorman2240 5 лет назад
I am one of the idiots that sent him money. I hope McDonald cannot abuse his authority over any more Christian people.
@824thor 5 лет назад
This was cathartic Thank you. I subscribed!
@patkole9164 5 лет назад
I was at Harvest in the beginning over 20 years ago. Sadly Pastor James had these issues back then. Always kept hush hush. Pastor James is a highly competitive person. There are a few other mega churches in that area that started around the same time. He was competing. He is very intelligent and he does have a very bad temper. Seen it a few times. I loved Harvest back then but it was clear something was wrong and left.
@davidalan2469 5 лет назад
And there's something wrong with you. You're making enemies spouting your mouth. That's not going to go well in the end.
@MsAmericanthinker 5 лет назад
YOU stop your attack against the commenter. She was very polite in her comment. You have the issue.
@mamaJmama 5 лет назад
@@davidalan2469 praise the Lord that He is who He says He is ,and you have a rude awakening cuz it aint you . Any one reading your words can see the pride before the fall. May the Lord be merciful to you and shine his face upon you. He loves you stop breaking his heart.
@lindaolsen7089 Год назад
@@davidalan2469 No.
@ewaldradavich7307 5 лет назад
Check out calvary chapel elk grove illinois
@glubbywubby1253 5 лет назад
Sad but praying.
@MagsT_UBU_IBMeBee 5 лет назад
Transparency and an accountable power structure with checks and balances is key and a must! Speaking to churches here, don t make the govt. step in on this stuff. 501C3 status is put at risk and begs more scrutiny. Police yourselves! I'm a believer myself, worked for nonprofits my whole career in accounting. I understand the necessity for responsible stewardship of charitable assets. Stop messing it up! Being a Trustee is a huge responsibility. Look up the meaning of the term for heaven sake! Stepping down seems more than fishy to me. They carry as much if not more responsibility than James did. And what of the banks that lent far too much? Who is going to pay the 45M? Better not be me and my tax paying neighbors! Sick of this religious organization crap. Get it together.
@melisheva57 5 лет назад
Thank you Julie for being a women of integrity!
@judassecrets5712 5 лет назад
she's not, she is a certified liar who selectively reports or buries information to spin stories as she pleases
@ewaldradavich7307 5 лет назад
If I lived up n that area I'd go 2 calvary chapel elk grove il
@Francine1117 5 лет назад
I have no problem with journalism like Julie! God bless her!
@CloseEncounters1 5 лет назад
Thank you so much Julie Roys for giving us a voice. I felt spiritually, mentally, and emotionally abused sitting through James MacDonald's sermons for years. That man's ego knows no bounds and some of the false doctrine he preached was colored by that ego.
@karaa7595 5 лет назад
Ryan Hu no one was forcing you to sit there. So why did you?
@CloseEncounters1 5 лет назад
@@karaa7595 You don't recognize these problems right away. Abused people don't always realize they've been abused until later. The abuser has a way of making you feel that you deserve it. When you point out the problems to other church goers they start treating you differently as if you are just hurting the church and their holy leader. . After a few years I left the church. Do you still attend Harvest?
@emelphick4742 5 лет назад
@@CloseEncounters1 from what you've described, he sounds like a narcissistic sociopath, which can be hard to tell at first about someone, is that how you would describe him? Thanks.
@CloseEncounters1 5 лет назад
@@emelphick4742 Of course I'm not a psychologist but that seems accurate. They tend to rise to high positions of power.
@emelphick4742 5 лет назад
@@CloseEncounters1 that's very true also, good point, thank you. I feel sorry for his wife & sons, what they must have gone through at home over the years. This is tragic.
@vinnythomas6958 5 лет назад
I will pray to God to forgive Pastor MacDonald
@lindaolsen7089 Год назад
You can do so, but until MacDonald himself humbles himself, repents and asks for forgiveness from God, instead of blaming church structures, other people, etc., we will continue to get the "fruits" which you see now, most recently assaulting a woman bodily after a parking rage incident. James MacDonald is unfit and needs to take a break. He needs mental health treatment. Nobody can force him to accept the spiritual and medical help he so clearly needs.
@davidalan2469 5 лет назад
Dear David, Thank you for posting your question and concern recently on our Facebook page. Because your question is about a perssonel-related matter, I wanted to reach out to you directly. Out of respect for her privacy and in keeping with the laws that govern personnel-related processes, we do not disclose or comment on confidential matters such as this. What I can confirm with you is that after much prayer and careful consideration, Moody Radio ceased production last year of "Up for Debate," and Julie Roys is no longer an employee of Moody Radio. I hope this provides clarity for you. May God bless you, David.
@davidalan2469 5 лет назад
Now I'll resume my monthly share donation. This lady is a Bull in a china shop. Seems she has no respect for the reputation of God's church.
@deborah3912 5 лет назад
Sad that things come to this. Thanks to this journalist, GOD bless you!
@esterabec5113 5 лет назад
I am very sad over this ! Why do they (pastors) do this??? Isn't God enough ? I stop following men a long time but there are so many people hurting right now. When we shut up the Holy Spirit we need the journalists ( love you Julie ) , God have mercy of us.
@ewaldradavich7307 5 лет назад
This causes the un saved not 2 become Christian & gives genuine Christian's a bad name.
@lindaolsen7089 Год назад
And whose fault is that? The whistleblower who tells about the rampant corruption going on for years, or the ones who practice corruption in secrecy and pretend piety publicly and want to keep the status quo and the godly grift going for themselves? People need to wake up.
@ewaldradavich7307 Год назад
@ewaldradavich7307 Год назад
@lindaolsen7089. Those not saved or people from cults are turned off by the notoriety of some pastors who create problems. In turn the parishioners are affected as well as a testimony regarding a particular church or denomination. Pastors are to be held to a higher standard as well as those who know of a serious issue. We are all fallible humans
@mamaJmama 5 лет назад
Julie you are not hurting the church ..the truth will set you free...lets talk about the real culprit..and the people that stood by and did not call him out ..all guilty
@davidalan2469 5 лет назад
She almost rivals Obama using the gay agenda to divide the church. Lucifer is crafty isn't he? Uses even the best of us. Let's see how many members stop going to worship at Harvest. Let's see how many associate Julie to Moody Radio and stop their support.
@mamaJmama 5 лет назад
There is no privacy in public ministry
@1songbird7 5 лет назад
Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church. I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren? But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers. Now therefore there is utterly a fault among you, because ye go to law one with another. Why do ye not rather take wrong? why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded? Nay, ye do wrong, and defraud, and that your brethren. Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. 1 Corinthians 6:2‭-‬10‭, ‬20 KJV Blessings Julie, May the Lord be with you.
@ewaldradavich7307 5 лет назад
I would never attend a church like this. I'd rather go to a good store front church, which is honest transparent, & teaching the bible rightly divided book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse.
@CloseEncounters1 5 лет назад
Then you might have gone to this church because that's how they did it.
@ewaldradavich7307 5 лет назад
@@CloseEncounters1. No
@lindaolsen7089 Год назад
@@CloseEncounters1 No. No honest and transparent. Autocratic and self-important. Closer to a cult. James MacDonald still has not humbled himself before God and repented. He did much harm to the body of Christ, to the church, to his family and to himself. And he continually minimizes, deflects and blames. He seems to be decompensating and suffering from some type of mental / emotional disturbance. He needs help, yes, but he needs to acknowledge that. Any intercessory prayer should be in this vein.
@TempleofChristMinistries 5 лет назад
Cast evil man out from among you, and hand him over to Satan, for the Salvation of his soul, when a man suffers and believes in the Christ, and he has fallen into a pit, the only one he can call on is the Christ, even if the devil consumes him, Christ is the Salvation of all, in hope that he may turn from the evil to the good, in hope that this time it may be eternal.
@carolinecorman2240 5 лет назад
michael michael Amen
@markmacauley6028 5 лет назад
Julie is awesome, a real professional! The two host much less so! Here’s a tip stop trying to be funny and you attract more listeners...
@farmchick1413 5 лет назад
I felt like these guys/interviewers were immature college frat boys. I would have logged off with their juvenile intro if I hadn't anticipated the powerful interview. Fortunately, they calmed down later in the interview, developing more credibility.
@judassecrets5712 5 лет назад
@@farmchick1413 unfortunately that is the best JuLie can do
@khappy1286 4 года назад
Dont criticize them. Nothing wrong w them. They are different than Julie but are accountable Godly men. Thank God for them. Not enough in our world.
@genavieveshaw5654 5 лет назад
James McDonald must havebeen jealous of the young High School students Virality.
@carrotstick1970 8 месяцев назад
I think you are right, for the money given to the cause of Christ he was using for reckless consumption could not buy youth and the beauty of youth.
@willIV9962 2 года назад
This interview isn't aging well.
@rev2272 5 лет назад
Lady good, dudes Goofy
@susannilson5873 5 лет назад
@khappy1286 4 года назад
God loves goofy pastors, too.
@carrotstick1970 8 месяцев назад
Yes! I had to muscle past this to get to the interview!
@lovegodsomuch8094 5 лет назад
Autocratic- they’re alive and well in the church environment.
@mamaJmama 5 лет назад
He should have to give all the money back to the change partners
@judassecrets5712 5 лет назад
JuLie Roys: Gossip to the glory of God
@lindaolsen7089 Год назад
Reporting does not equal gossip.
@marygrech1837 5 лет назад
To much wasting time can't be noderd
@dj2big 5 лет назад
Realistically prayer is proper for all pastors regardless of who and where. The Devil is real and Satan is hard at work breaking up churches and he does it using the people within. I do question is this lady only reason to join a church was to make herself famous especially with her being a “journalist” and just like around till she find something to push hard at. I’m sure 100% she has her own sins. I would love an investigative report on her.
@ramiroperez7180 5 лет назад
The truth is presented to you and still rather put your head back in the sand? Really? you are part of the problem not the solution.. no discernment whatsoever in you including Holy Spirit
@bchungdmd 5 лет назад
you dudes are fine! Julie is cute!!
@CarlosGonzalez-mr5qz 5 лет назад
@davidalan2469 5 лет назад
Is publicizing others sins really a diligent endeavor for a so called Christian?
@davidalan2469 5 лет назад
Has Julie become a tool of Lucifer?
@PneumaticTube 5 лет назад
Mega churches and their leaders need to be held accountable. Too many of them are out of control. That's what the OT prophets and Paul the Apostle did. I pray that God would continue to prune as He sees fit.
@ontologos5768 5 лет назад
Ask Paul.
@CloseEncounters1 5 лет назад
@GuitarGary I'm thankful this is coming out about James misdeeds. I'm curious to know the source of the figures you quote. Do you have a link?
@mamaJmama 5 лет назад
David his victims should be validated and he is held to different standards as a teacher and leader..as the bible says be sure your sin will find you out and he shouldn't be teaching if this is true. but he is just a man..i do not look up to men
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