
June 2024 wrap up 

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#booktube #Christian #books #reading #wrapup #history #historybooks #classicnovels #classics #bigbooksummer #bigbooksummer2024 #nonfiction #faith
Big Book Summer:
Valiant Ambition by Nathaniel Philbrick
Bloody Crimes by James Swanson
Rebel Yell by S.C. Gwynne
Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
How Now Shall We Live? by Charles Colson
added as a bonus:
Grit by Angela Duckworth
Library book-
Heard about Grandma Gatewood's Walk by Ben Montgomery from
• Summer of Sport 2024 -...




4 окт 2024




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@Nicole-ic7zv 3 месяца назад
You have beautiful hair. I love your videos.
@BookZealots 3 месяца назад
Thank you for the sweet comments. What types of books do you enjoy?
@nancyegee2804 3 месяца назад
So glad you are a fan of Uncle Tom’s Cabin and I’m excited to see your character study video. Rebel Yell sounds intriguing.
@BookZealots 3 месяца назад
hello~ I'm kind of surprised I liked Uncle Tom's Cabin as much as I did. I had started and restarted the book about two or three times. Two for sure. And there was just the part of getting past the very beginning of Mr. Healy and Mr. Shelby. I don't know what it was. But this time I pushed through. Plus, there were people saying it's not that good. I don't know what they were talking about. maybe they don't like all the points of view? All of the characters? The hypocricy? The abuse? That is hard to read. I was interested with the part of the mean Irish northern slave owner. (Tom's last owner), because the part reminded me so much of a character in Roots and I wonder if Alex Haley borrowed from Harriet. The author Gwynne, of Rebel Yell, did a great job giving the information without it being obviously bias or boring.
@BookZealots 3 месяца назад
This one should have all of the sound
@nat4465 3 месяца назад
I’m currently reading Uncle Tom, I’ll look forward to your videos once I’m finished ☺️
@nat4465 3 месяца назад
Have you ever heard of Catherine Beecher Stowe’s works? I read a bit of A Treatise of Domestic Economy, it was interesting and some of her words encouraging for me to read as a stay at home mom. It was a while back that I read it so idk what I may think about it now
@BookZealots 3 месяца назад
I'm sure you'll complete Uncle Tom before I record the character video. LOL But my goal is this month. I have my rough draft written out and normally I don't rehearse what I'm going to say. I like your channel picture. Very pretty!
@BookZealots 3 месяца назад
@@nat4465 I have heard of Catherine Beecher's American Woman's Home that she wrote with Harriet, but I haven't heard of A Treatise of Domestic Economy. It's wonderful when books are encouraging at the times we need it. Different seasons of life, different needs. 🤗
@lindseyreads5450 3 месяца назад
You read ao many great books in June! I read Rebel Yell 10 years ago and it's stuck with me. Jackson was such an interesting person.
@BookZealots 3 месяца назад
Thank you Lindsey. This year has been a really good book year. Jackson really was an interesting person and I'm so glad he was able to be a great leader during such a horrrific time. He really surprised his students who became soldiers. He was a very fair man, but he definitely had standards and held everyone to them. Yesterday, I was looking for the top books for the confederate perspective, since I'm very new to it, and Rebel Yell was listed #1 on one of the lists I found. Interestingly, #2 was a book I just bought. I don't even know how I heard about it. But I'll have a book haul video next week. How did Fable do with the fireworks? I remember you saying last year she did better. If I recall correctly. My neighbhors behind me set off a few and my dog was a little scared. But we had a thunderstorm yesterday too, and she came up to me during that as well. LOL When we first adopted her she didn't do that. So I guess she's more comfortable coming to us for protection and love? And when we first adopted her she didn't know if she could?
@lindseyreads5450 2 месяца назад
@@BookZealots I've read two biographies of Jackson, Rebel Yell and Stonewall in the Valley I think is the name. It focuses solely on his campaign in the Shenandoah Valley and I'd recommend it. Thank you for remembering and asking about Fable. Yes she's scared of the fireworks. We stayed home with her and she ran to a more enclosed space and spent a couple hours crying off and on. She got lots of cuddles. That's so sweet your dog sought you out for comfort. Fable was more independent as well but over the years has slowly relied on me more.
@BookZealots 2 месяца назад
@@lindseyreads5450 I will look into the Stonewall in the Valley book. Thank you. Also, I wonder if our dogs are less independent and trust us more when they're scared? 🤗
@ReadingIDEAS.-uz9xk 3 месяца назад
Picked up Uncle Tom's Cabin at a free bookstop this month with a great cover too. Best wishes from over the pond.
@BookZealots 3 месяца назад
Hello~ I hope you like Uncle Tom's Cabin when you get to it. It's definitely worth a free read. LOL Yesterday I found a tv show on youtube about three students from a state school and three from a private school, and they took a week at each others schools, including the head teachers. It was so interesting. The state school faces the scame issues that public schools here in the U.S. face. (especially in states like Cali, Texas, border states, but it's a broader issue now). I think the tv show was from 2015. I don't know the grade level of the six students. The second episode made me cry, but then at the end of the show one of the students was able to attend the private school through funding. We call that scholarships here. I couldn't find information on all of the students, but would love to know how they got on. The private school students definitely had more structure and more was expected of them. There may have been more consequences as well? Having worked in both private and public education, the private is much better, but my expectations were the same. There were a set of boys who were always getting into mischief and I was so happy when they went to middle school. I think they were 11-12. When they saw me in public or at the middle school they would run up and say hello. I was thrilled, because I had to be so strict with them in the school setting. I wonder where they are in life. They're the age of my older children and I do hope they're doing well in life. Do certain kids come to your mind like that? Sorry for the long response, but when I saw the show I immediately though of your run video about the testing of the students and how well they had to score. The gcpc's. I was still a little confused about one of the boys. They had to test to see where they'd be placed and he was placed higher in the state school? And would get an A, but in the private the highest he'd get is a C? I don't know. But I was so impressed with one of the private school boys who wasn't afraid to be a leader for the boy who got funding for the private school. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
@ReadingIDEAS.-uz9xk 3 месяца назад
@@BookZealots Great long response and thanks very much. Met an ex-student in town at the weekend who was complimentary - which was nice. Apparently I was strict - but in a good way! Behaviour was not always great in the school at times and I think they appreciated being able to learn. Over here in private schools discipline is easy and there only has to be one discipline technique - behave or we will kick you out and you will have to go to the none private school down the road! In tough schools you often need a range of strategies because that one is not available! I hope you are reading something great.
@BookZealots 3 месяца назад
@@ReadingIDEAS.-uz9xk That is a wonderful experience. Thank you for sharing. I'm glad the ex-student appreciated your structure. In England state schools there isn't a threat of being expelled? Here in the states students can be expelled from public schools.
@BookZealots 3 месяца назад
@@ReadingIDEAS.-uz9xk Weird, I responded, but it didn't go through. Thank you for sharing your experience of running into the ex-student and I'm glad they shared the compliment of your structure. In England students cannot be expelled? Here in the states students can absolutely be expelled from public schools. I never used that as a threat, but I know if they received too many citations they could be put on suspension. Not allowed to come to school for a certain period of time and then the parents have to figure out what to do with their child during that time period.
@ReadingIDEAS.-uz9xk 3 месяца назад
@@BookZealots Yes students can be expelled but the school gets financially punished if they do. Someone advised the government in the past that these expelled students end up wandering the streets and getting into trouble so they try to keep them in school. Like I say the school is effectively fined for expelling a pupil. The number of expelled pupils is logged and forms part of the report into the classification of the school. A school can be deemed a failing school for the number of pupils expelled. This could lead to the school being closed, teachers and management fired and the school re-opened under new management. Schools are under a lot of pressure to not expel pupils and have to prove they have done everything they can to keep the pupil in school. An expelled pupil has to be provided with work until they find a new place. A parent or responsible adult can take the school to the authorities and challenge the decision.
@HeyYallListenUp 2 месяца назад
I read a good bit about Stonewall Jackson during college, and he was an odd duck, but a brilliant general. Valiant Ambition sounds interesting. Uncle Tom's Cabin was one of the most poorly written books I've ever read. Like you, after reading it I was confused why "Uncle Tom" is an insult, but I believe now that it is because Tom is such an idealized caricature, and he's not a real person.
@BookZealots 2 месяца назад
hey John! How are you? I wonder if Jackson was a bit OCD? He was defiitely a rule follower. An "odd duck." Yep, that's about right. I think he was a better strategist than Lee, but that's just based on the knowledge I currently have of both of them. What do you think? Uncle Tom's Cabin was simplistic in it's writing, but it didn't bother me. I have dnf'd much worse modern books. I'm currently slogging through one at the moment. It's so bad. I have dnf'd books on the first page because the writing is so awful. What I liked what how she wrote the characters. A little over dramatized, but that's to be expected for the time period. But I was really surprised it's a book about faith. I never hear anyone talk about that. Uncle Tom is a real person in the sense that we should all stand up against evil, but I know what you mean. Thank you for dropping in. I recently bought Prometheus some Brandon Sanderson books. A trilogy, but I'm having issues with the third book. He's never read Sanderson and someone told me he writes clean books. Currently though, Trigonometry is consuming most of his hours. And I'm taking up the rest so we can clear the foliage on the borders of our property. It's hard work. I hope your garden is magnificent. We actually have some beautiful hydrangeas this year.
@HeyYallListenUp 2 месяца назад
@@BookZealots I'm doing well. Jackson was best with a small, highly mobile, command. He would have struggled with a larger command. Longstreet was better with a larger, but slower moving, command and his corps was larger than Jackson's as a result. Lee certainly made mistakes during the war, but he knew how to get the best out of each of his commanders. I've not read any Brandon Sanderson. He's certainly popular, and I assume for good reason. However, I don't feel compelled to see what the fuss is about. My garden has done well.
@Littlebiglibrary 3 месяца назад
I Love grits. Real grits. Not instant grits. I Love grits with real butter! I might go cook me some right now. And no Quaker guy grits either. Have a wonderful Independence Day! -James & Bella!
@BookZealots 3 месяца назад
Not that kind of grit James! LOL I was wondering why you were talking about eating grits. 🤣 My brother likes grits. I abhor grits. but I think my brother puts brown sugar on his. ? I don't remember. Hope your Independence Day is wonderful as well.
@Littlebiglibrary 3 месяца назад
Hahaha. True Grit! I've never known anyone to put sugar on grits but, to each his own! Happy Independence Day!;
@BookZealots 3 месяца назад
@@Littlebiglibrary don't most people put butter on their grits? I know he doesn't like it usual way.
@Littlebiglibrary 3 месяца назад
Yes everyone I know that eats grits all put butter on grits. I know people put sugar in oatmeal? I don't eat oatmeal. Yuck! Give me Shrimp and grits!
@holt_arr 3 месяца назад
Hi, hello and what a month! I only read 5 books in June, the biggest was the USS Jeannette story and then some forgettable horror stories while waiting for my holds to come available. Which two did earlier this week! I'm on the new Lucy Foley now, Midnight Feast, and I also got Riley Sager's new one whatever it's called lol can't remember the title off the top of my head. I also added a new one to my list (13 week hold!) called James by Percival Everett. It's a modern day retelling of Adventures of Huck Finn which is getting really good reviews and was a finalist for a Pulitzer this year. If you had to suggest just one Confederate book which one would it be? Thanks for sharing and take care!
@BookZealots 3 месяца назад
You read a lot in June! I've seen Midnight Feast on quite a few channels. It seems to be well liked. I don't think I've read any Lucy Foley books. I've read three of Sager's books. The first I liked, the second was okay and I hated the third and I broke up with him. A confederate book? JUST ONE?! 🤷‍♀️ I don't think I've read enough to give that kind of suggestion. Currently, with the very small amount of books I've read, I'd say: Lincoln Unmasked, Team of Rivals, The Man Who Would Not Be Washington, and Rebel Yell. (in that order). If you haven't already read Gone with the Wind, the last part explains why the white sheet men came into exisitence. Obviously it got out of control, but the reason it started is never talked about. I researched Margaret Mitchell. She grew up in the south and grew up on the knees of people who lived through the civil war. I had a hard time wrapping my head around that little bit of information. It's not glaringly obvious in the story. It's just part of the story during the northern occupation. Certain men behaved badly and the union soldiers weren't doing anything to stop it and the southern men weren't allowed to protect their women. That's not the narrative I'd always been told. That had me deep diving, because trying to find alternative information on google is orwellian. Every once in awhile, there's a back door, (and AI will slip), when the search is reworded. Sorry. At this point I cannot give a one book suggestion for a confederate book. Maybe by the end of the year? I have a book on the reconstruction of the south I still need to read. I'm really curious about that one too. Hope you had a great Independence Day. That pond/park was gorgeous!
@holt_arr 3 месяца назад
Thank you for the suggestions! I almost gave up on Riley Sager after his atrocious House Across the Lake book (the completely out of the blue nonsense ending had me actually angry) but I did enjoy The Only One Left so it's like a flip of the coin whether I'll enjoy one of the books or not lol. Outside of The Paris Apartment I've enjoyed all the other Lucy Foley books I've read My girlfriend has 2 of the 3 books in Shelby Toole's Civil War series, but those two books alone are almost 2,000 pages! It's supposed to be a VERY good series on the Civil War from start to finish but the page count is just so intimidating. It's also highly recommended by Joe Abercrombie which should be reason enough to read, but again with the page count! I like to save my really thick books til winter for some reason so hopefully I'll have one or two good thick non-fictions to read when it starts getting cold And yeah google search is almost unusable these days, I ended up adding an extension that completely disables the ridiculous "AI" results so at least I don't have to deal with that anymore
@BookZealots 3 месяца назад
@@holt_arr Well thank you for adding to my tbr. I just added the Shelby Foote civil war trilogy to my wishlist. LOL I searched for best books on the topic and Rebel Yell was number one on bookauthority dot org. best-civil-war-confederacy-books Your gf's set is listed as number 8. One of the books I recently bought is #2. I'll have a bookhaul video posted next week. Joe Abercrombie recommends the trilogy on the civil war? wow. I'm surprised. Isn't this author popular on booktube? It's not even the ai that I'm frustrated with, because it does slip and give the truth once in awhile. It's google I have issue with. But I'm really curious about the extension you're using. Could you share the name?
@holt_arr 3 месяца назад
Nice! I'm glad I could help to add to your TBR lol I just got Rebel Yell wishlisted, it's available to borrow now so hopefully it'll still be around later this year. I do think Joe Abercrombie is pretty popular but I never really see any video reviews or anything which is surprising. I'm such a fan of everything he's ever written. He's featured in a video on the Waterstones RU-vid channel titled "Shelfie with Joe Abercrombie" which is where I first heard of Lonesome Dove as well as the Shelby Foote's Civil War series. His bookshelf is seriously impressive too! And there's an extension for Chrome called Bye Bye, Google AI: Turn off Google AI Overviews, Discussions and Ads that should help turning off the suggestions
@BookZealots 3 месяца назад
@@holt_arr Thank you for the extension! I looked up the video you mentioned and I really like his builtin wall bookcase... WITH the ladder!!!! I had no idea Joe Abercrombie was from England.
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