Sakina jangan terpengaruh oleh karim yang ingin mengganggumu..apalagi sekarang sudah tau bahwa anda mau menikahi Ali..pertahankan komitmenmu..jangan kecewakan Ali lagi..🙏👍💞
Como assim? Ninguem pode fazer isso com Alli e Sakneh, eles tem o direito de realizar a união deles como quizer, tendo convidados como os amigos e parentes e festa.
Building a high wall is not convenient at this time. Building materials have to be brought in yet. Once the roof is finished then inner and outer walls, electricity, gas and work to the kitchen. Once they build walls there can be a gate but at this time money and energy are going to a house.
A si es cierta tu terreno con una pare alta y le haces una puerta para que Karin no pueda entrar solo dejas entrar a personas gratas a gente de paz Karin es conflictivo no sirve para nada bueno lo único que sabe es fastidiar todos los dias
Pak operator semoga ceritanya tidak sama seperti yang dulu, Karim menggagalkan rencana pernikahan Ali dan Sakineh, singkirkan Karim, biarkan Sakineh menikah dengan Ali, biarkan mereka hidup bahagia selamanya, agar ceritanya menyenangkan, jangan kau buat kecewa para pemirsa yang telah mendukung channel Chaver
Porqué se empeña en seguir bañando a la niña con una jarra de agua revolcando el mugre, sucio y el contenido del pañal en la bañera? Tienen una regadera y un baño señoras, no sean antihigiénicas
Creo que lo mejor es que Ali busque otro lugar donde vivir con Sakineh y los niños y ése lugar dónde están viviendo venderlo, que se alejen de ése desgraciado de KARIM.
Когда Сакине убежала далеко и поселилась в палатке в грязи, он и туда приехал. Он не может простить, что она развелась с ним и построила наконец жилье, которое он не смог дать ни одной жене. Только о обещает продолжение нашего обмана.
The fights between Ali and Karim are so phoney. Ali tries to look tough by carrying around a brick but he never uses it. Whenever Karim throws him down on the ground he always seems to fall onto a pile of soft sand. These guys always tell each other I know what to do with you but then they never do anything! I think Ilda must have bounced her son up and down when he was a baby, like she does to the baby now, and scrambled Karim's brains up a little. I wonder how poor old Murad is getting along? Ilda has been gone so long perhaps he's taken a second wife by now, haha
I only wish now for Karim's 3rd wife to be pregnant and have a twin baby or more than a twin .. So, he will not come to create chaos with Sakinesh and Ali and Roya,Rachee,Arsum anymore.. Karim should rush to produce the baby from his new machine .Let Sakinesh have happiness in her life .
Setuju klo pernikahannya,, Sakinah dn Ali jng spe dipublikasikan,, yang saksikan kluarga Ali dn Sakinah Linda suaminya sja,, biar gk dikacaukan Karim,,
Sakinet no salgas corriendo lucha con todas tus fuerzas tu tienes derecho a ser feliz denuncialo que venga a ver sus hijos el dia que dictamine el juez no te deje lucha de la mano con te rindas ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
He should get a job...he can't stay home to watch Sakinah everyday. Karim does not come daily. How often have you heard her say "Karim has not been here in 2 days".. she apparently missed him.
It is good Karim knows that Sakineh has chosen to move forward in her new life as a divorced woman. Maybe he will stop begging to live in the home and act like he never deceived Sakineh with all his wives. Keep an equalizer handy Ali , Karim is a weazle
Sake nah! Put that baby down & love on your other children ilda is not their mother you are, start being one!!!and for Pete’s sake buy rachel some toys!! She is bored!!!!
Cuando termina este hombre de ajusticiar está flia!! Basta de violencias!! Una mujer que ya está divorciada porque tiene que vivir esta SITUACIÓN!! PORQUE NO LO DENUNCIAN TIENEN PRUEBAS!! QUE LE SUCEDE AL OPERADOR??? ES COMPLICE DE KARIM??
Parece que a nadie le molestan los gritos de Raheel, todos siguen como si nada y nadie le llama la atención y la chiquilla es una berrinchuda que con dos nalgadas se educa!!
Mămică nu plânge că nu mai are drept asupra ta..poţi să-l dai in judecată dacă te bate .❤❤❤❤❤❤❤..Ali şi tu poţi să-l dai in judecată pentru lovire ..❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Yo opino que si deberían de dejarlo ver a sus hijas si ella no quiere que entre ala casa 🏡 de ella , se las debe prestar las niñas grandes por lo menos y llevárselas a comprar y pasear ellas no tienen la culpa de los problemas de sus padres 😢
Las niñas están creciendo entre mucho maltrato psicológico 😢 deben de ponerse de acuerdo en las vicitas y ella no quiere por eso él llega agresivo a buscarlas debe dejar verlas y dejar llevárselas de compras o un día de fin de semana
Don’t even try to hit me because you gonna be run or else…. Sakine don’t let no body step on you even though IIda or your family’s since you started this movie you work so hard.
The narcissistic returns. No surprise with his actions and threats. I do, however, think that Ali needs to take some defense lessons. The last time Karim picked him up and thru him to the ground. SMH 😮😮😮😮
Rachel is never a happy child. She’s been witnessing this violence from her parents who’s been pulling her whenever they fight. Also her sister is always mean to her and takes away everything from her. Also Sakineh doesn’t give much attention to her. She’s closer to Ilda and Ali.
Te apoyo ..... siempre lo da miedo mirar este canal por los niños que sufren...... tanto es la ambición por el dinero que exponen así a sus hijos.
Cambian al camarografo porque no hace caso alos comentarios de sus seguidores solo se hace el pendejo grabando y no leen los comentarios llaman a la policía 👮♀️ porque ese desquiciado patán no tiene educación ni respeto para nadie no entiendo porque le aguantas tanta cosa a loco desquiciado que sólo llega a joder
❤ espero que cuando termine la construcción de ese cuartito se acuerde de hacerle uno bien elegante para la abuela y su esposo para que puedan compartir esos nietos tan hermosos y tener una mejor calidad de vida abrazos a todos ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Sekinah o seu advogado já deveria ter posto Karim na cadeia ,até quando Karim vai ir perturbar sua vida ,nunca fez nada que preste casou três vez e se acha o dono de tudo ,denuncie karim as autoridades,ligue pro seu advogado conte que Karim fez com vc ,apresse sua prisão logo
Don't go anywhere, stay there, finish building your house, face Karim bravely, don't cry, Ali, grandma, the cameraman, will take care of you, and Allah will be with you, get married soon, so that Ali has the right to always take care of you and your children. Be a tough, strong and firm woman to face Karim, don't be soft.
Cuando se vayan a casar, que nadie sepa el día ni el lugar, para empezar casense en casa de Ali, que Karim no sepa donde es, porque es capaz de hacer un gran espectáculo.
Did anyone see the very big and fine house Ali’s sister has on the Ariyana2 channel? And Sakina either lives or records in these poorly built, uneven brick houses under constant construction. Ali’s sister has fine rugs and counters, hot water tank, cabinets, fancy sinks and toilet. Must make a lot of money on these channels for all the furnishings.
Сакине, входную дверь в дом надо помыть. Вся заляпанная глиной стоит. Только знает замуж выходить, да детей рожать. Оператор ещё на весь экран эту грязную тодверь показывает. Две бабы в доме, а порядок навести некому.
Kami sangat senang kalau sakinah jadi menikah dengan Aly ..aly adalah orang yg sangat baik ...bu Sakinah jangan kecewakan aly .. dia sangat sayang sama anak" mu dan bertanggung jawab ..ngk kayak dikarim yg egois dan tidak tau malu ..ok y bu Sakinah ..untuk paj oprator tolong dukung y pernikahan sakinah ..singkirkan si Karim
Karim said to Sakineh .... are you out of your mind .... You want to get married ! What kind of a privileged MONSTER is he ! He can marry 3 different women ... and God knows what he does on side .... but Sakineh is not allowed to marry another man ! What is it with this man ! How dare he , hit Sakineh .... how dare he order her around ... she is a human being, who has to be respected ! Karim knows that with Ali .... Sakineh will be treated like a Queen, which he has no respect for his mother .... how can he have respect for any other person! Ridiculous
Es la ley de sus antepasados de Cristo!! Ellos lapidaban a las mujeres eran crueles y siguen así nada a cambiado! Vean a karin y todos los videos iranies son así!! Lo llevan en la sangre ser crueles.
Terang saja si Karim iri, panas hati nya ,melihat ke adaan Sakineh dan Ali membangun rumah gede, Karim mana mampu..dari dulu hidup nya susah belom pernah punya rumah, sedang kan Sakineh lepas dari Karim malah senang, bisa punya rumah, kehidupan nya jauh lebih baik, sudah berapa kali Sakineh membangun rumah..kalo tidak di ganggu sama Karim, dan di bongkar sama pemerintah...Alhamdulillah rejeki nya ada saja, si Karim pembawa sial..Ali membawa keberkahan..buat Sakineh dan anak" si Karim mengacam maka nya lapor kan , biar dia di penjara,untuk apa ada hukum..kalo tidak ber Karim hanya meng gertak sebenar nya nyali nya kecil..
Quem faz dinheiro e Karim ele tem outros canais ,e td em família aí ,quanto .mais comentários curtidas e visualização,mais eles ganham ,ela já tá falando de sair daí ,daqui a pouco vão construir em.outro lugar ,eu não gosto do Karim o resto assisto bem 😢
This is fake. And she never calls the police. But watch he comes back with them because they always let him condemn them first. So slow with no common sense. But again none of this is real. All they want us to do is to keep watching and commenting to make them more money. They don’t really care about what we comment they just need us to comment. They only care about money. That’s all 😡😡😡
Alie I like how you treat the mother I hope this taste forever treat her right she needs love and be treated loved so be good to her and her girls and the baby boy respect her all the way and she’ll respect you too don’t start bossing her around and she won’t boss you around eithergive the girls manners teach him well
Ali debes hacer una muralla alta y mantener cerrado para que no pueda entrar sin autorización, Karin debe aprender que no es su casa , pon restricción de no acercarse a sus hijos por su conducta violenta.
The last time the wedding was stopped by Karim, he announced that Sakinah was pregnant and he was the father of the child. She lied and stated she was not until DNA test was done and she finally admitted it. Let's see what happens this time....Ali might be shocked again
Shakina and Ali, be brave and defend your self, do not let karim to make you to be affraid, Shakina if you let Karim to scare you, you will be under his power for ever, and you will be teaching your daugthers that is rigth to be affraid of a man and that they are not be able to live happy, and to Arsam you will be teaching him that is ok to hit a woman only because he is a man and is be brave and do not let the looser of karim to interfier in your life...❤❤❤
Salina do not let your Ex husband take away your future. If you truly love Ali marry him he adore you so much. You deserve a life of love and happiness. How dare your ex husband, didn’t he marry someone else. Not only did he abandon you he also abandoned his girls.
Does anyone else find it a little creepy and pedo when Ali forces Rahill to let him kiss her when she clearly doesn't want to? He has been doing this a lot lately.
Karin nao perde o costume de bater em mulher...covarde....e outra coisa ele diz .. vou tirar meus filhos de vc . Qe filhos karin.shakina gerou 9 meses amamentou ... noite acordadas e ainda continua a cuidar dos filhos sozinha . E vc faz oqee so sabe agredir e correr atras de mulheres voce e um irresponsável nao nereces os filhos qe vc fez e nao criou. Bora assistir e curtir.Ali cuide de Shakina como sempre fez a mais de 1 ano vc qem tem estado ao lado de shakina e cuidando das meninas.parabens Ali
Karim kamu sudah bercerai dari Sakineh, jangan ikut campur urusan Sakineh, biarkan Sakineh menikah dengan Ali, pergilah kau dari kehidupan Sakineh, kamu tidak boleh egois, mengatur kehidupan Sakineh, dan melarang Sakineh untuk menikah, sedangkan dirimu sudah beristri 3, tetapi kau tidak membiarkan Sakineh menikah, bisamu hanya menyakiti Sakineh
Sakineh & Ali, Pls proceed with your wedding. Don't delay anymore.. Karim Cannot do anything if Sakineh already married. Put Karim in jail for insult you. Sakineh start new life with Ali.