Mr Colbert is genius, and LOVE Brian Cranston, he;s really '"seasoned" his skills over the yrs..He can do ANYTHING...such talent, it was almost believable, lol as a movie not as real. ha ha (sorry about the pun...'seasoned"
@@ELBlDu --Don't forget Bryan Cranston was the father on MALCOLM IN THE MIDDLE--that was where I first saw him hone his comic 'chops'. (What a difference from his role on BREAKING BAD !)
He actually came to the show with John Mulaney during the Sack Lunch Bunch discussion. But Ava from Matilda could have come to perform, but if the next Bunch special is discussed, I think she should be on.
It says nothing except you’re gullible, lol. The skit is scripted, including reactions, little kids of recent birth have no idea who Bruce Lee is, lol.
"Well, maybe, but she could just be like, like kind of like, _turned_ into a villain, _gradually,_ because every Christmas Eve, Santa Claus has to _leave._ So then she turns sad and then gets mad, so then she-" 😲 Ooooh. This young lady is either going to grow up to write complex, psychological thrillers, or she's going to grow up to be a criminal mastermind.
Molly might come across as scarry but she's actually kinda smart. I'm fairly confident that no one will be breaking into. Molly's house after hearing about what she would do to home invaders.
HA came out in 1990. That doesn't feel too old to me either but that's 28 years ago! About 2 to 3 times the age of these kids. 15 years older than they are (more or less). For me that would be a movie from the early 1960s - which definitely feels old to me! So, let's face it. If you think their comment is way off - that means you are getting old! 😂
It's one of the reasons I enjoyed babysitting and being a 'teachers assistant' so have *amazing* minds! Other girls had 'bohunk posters' on their walls - I had pictures drawn by 'my class'. 😊
Everyone is giving Anabelle the props, but the best idea, the main conceit of the film, the idea of Atnas, being Santa's twin and evil and having a bad list is genius. That came from Tessa. She only said one thing but that was literally the best idea. This is a brilliant segment. Kids are so hilarious. So creative.
So, somehow I missed the previous "kids" episodes, but, after watching this EPIC movie pitch/trailer I finally caught up, & wow! More, more, more! Thanks so much for linking them to the end of this upload : )
Why Yes, our kids are loveable, adorable, and flat-out violent as hell. a fun regular wrecking crew they are, so merry Christmas and keep one eye open always. hope to see you new years?
Virtue-signaling here a bit. Come on, earlier generations had the likes of Coyote & Roadrunner cartoons & the 3 Stooges, etc. hitting each other, Punch & Judy puppet shows... & kids in a group are likely more raucous. Very "contained" cultures can be more violent. Mere mention of an ax & "You know what!" doesn't lead to Swingblade. Have a 9-1-one-derful day!
Tyler is amazing, he's a mini John Oliver with his quips and timing. Tyler was hilarious and real, he needs to be hired by the Late Show. Great collaboration with all the kids, very nice to see a group of humans being nice to each other and actively listening to what the other had to say. Mind blown.
Can we all please acknowledge how awesome these kids are? I wouldn't expect them to even know who Bruce Lee is, let alone recognize him as the legend he was. They were raised in good households!
So the other kids were cool with the first kid going all Jack Torrance from the Shining on the robbers but when Molly wants to drag them by a rope they can't allow that???
Oh, these kids are entertaining because of the color of their skin, not the content of their characters. So much progress. I'll vote Democrat now! ORANGE MAN BAD
Baby Chris Rock cracked me up with the $7 smack down. And poor Molly wanted to lynch criminals in her house and the other kids trolled her. Her expressions had me passing out from laughing so hard. Ultimately, these children have been exposed to the fallout over the 2016 election because the polarization is clear. Now go and have yourselves a 9-1-Wonderful day! :o)
Molly might come across as scarry but she's actually kinda smart. I'm fairly confident that no one will be breaking into. Molly's house after hearing about what she would do to home invaders.
Holy crap that little girl had a very good idea of how to gradually turn Mrs Clause into the villain. And gave good reasons for her to be so. That’s better writing then most Netflix series lol
gmkbelanger Same look of shocked sadness covered my little granddaughter’s face after she found out that she wasn’t dancing on stage with the real Michael Jackson, and that he was actually dead.
November 2000, the 20 year memorial of John Lennon's death (1980) came up in conversation. My son, born 1987, not quite age 17, was shocked: "Why didn't anybody tell me ?!!" They don't absorb it by osmosis. We have to teach our children history, on every level.
New Message Dude, I think the tumor pressing on the Broca's area of your brain is getting bigger. But apparently there's plenty of people out there with IQs between 80-100 that just love your "jokes" and your I'm-reeeally-reaching-for-it humor? Is that what your going for there, my little trooper, humor? You are just the most cringe-worthy commenter I've ever seen. Maybe you'd make a good friend for my little buddy, ugh (_belch_), my, my little Morty here. You, uh, you seem to have the same "Morty waves" that camouflage my genius, because you're as dumb as l am smart. You wanna go on mission with me sometime, New Mess guy? Yeah, yeah! Morty, you know, Mortys die sometimes... I, uh, I, I could use a (_belch_) a back up. Don't even trip, dawg. Get back at me on that. I gotta go. I... Yup, I just shit myself. Noob-noob! Get over here! Clean up my shit!
This is one of the best video of the year. Kids can be so creative and funny. Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, just give these cool kids an Oscar!
"theyre robbing my house. i might as well." that defense would stand up in florida. also, the shock about bruce lee's death lmao. this is a good one. the trailer gave it all away though ;)
Everytime a new kids segment comes out I remember these old ones and watch them all over again. Y’all need to do way more of these. They are just hilarious.
1. Tyler and Annabelle are the future. 2. These kids are so creative it's insane! 3. I love how John Oliver is always game with this kinda stuff. 4. THIS NEEDS TO BE A REAL F*CKING MOVIE!!!!