
Kindred are trapped in a game that cannot actualize their excellence || Casual Champion Review 

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@fox9315 3 месяца назад
The sheer fact that Kindred's ult is not a giant Wolf running at you like Ornn's ult is the greatest loss of potential for the pair in history.
@shichimamire5296 3 месяца назад
Or, r chuld have been switching from lamb, to wolf. Thoughts?
@apolonier11 3 месяца назад
Nah, not in character.
@FratoiuAlex 3 месяца назад
​@shichimamire5296 so bringing back old Quinn
@zaklarc6441 3 месяца назад
I imagined Kindred ult would be an arrow like urgot Ult but global and if you hit someone you unleash Wolf to kill the target
@fox9315 3 месяца назад
@@apolonier11 Considering the recent cinematic, no I think it's quite in character in my opinion. You don't accept the quick death by Lamb? Here is Wolf, have fun.
@NarantsatsraltOrgil-y2o 3 месяца назад
Kindred is trapped in r/Darkinfolk
@ReianRodrigues 3 месяца назад
@Springy05 3 месяца назад
Oh god don't remember me of that cursed place...
@supremeoverlordvader5552 3 месяца назад
They didn't have to make lamb so thicc... but I am glad they did that.
@nicoaraeduard3317 3 месяца назад
Not that wicked subreddit not here
@Tinywarriorhippo 3 месяца назад
Yes and so am I
@sugerblu 3 месяца назад
Falling to my knees, crying, screaming and throwing up. I forgot to draw something for my favourite champion, my main. I had something planned and everything! We're not recovering from this one boys, you'll hear from me again Nicholas.
@azurabbit12 3 месяца назад
I'm pretty sure he's put art of the previous week's champ a few times, maybe you still have a chance
@sugerblu 3 месяца назад
@@azurabbit12 i will upload smth to the discord channel in approximately 2 hours 👁👄👁
@cayoticsgaming2328 3 месяца назад
​@@sugerbluan hour has passed, how it going?
@sugerblu 3 месяца назад
@@cayoticsgaming2328 just posted my drawing in the discord server hehehe
@cayoticsgaming2328 3 месяца назад
@@sugerblu and now I must join nickys server
@blakesummers3764 3 месяца назад
Ace man doesn't understand the sexyness of something that can kill ya
@Armorion 3 месяца назад
Insert the "I love the kind of woman that would actually kill me" meme
@Boney_Paladin 3 месяца назад
We didn't make up the term "Lady death" for nothing
@FratoiuAlex 3 месяца назад
And that's fine, let him cook something more exiting than "sex"
@Armorion 3 месяца назад
13:15 I Think Lamb's shots at him are like "You wanna die yet? How about now? How about now? You're still going? What the hell is going on just accept death already? How are you fighting off wolf this long?"
@blastoise8udaboss993 3 месяца назад
Yeah, that's how I interpreted them too. Each of the arrows she fires isn't so much an attack, as an offer.
@ninacochrane569 3 месяца назад
Kindred having mostly the same kit, but swapping the ult for WOLF MODE would be rad. Make them melee, quad their size, have wolf be HUGE, and take all the attack speed from items and make it Armour and MR. Allow them to deal a fuck load of damage as a raid boss for like, 30 seconds or until someone dies.
@SirPotato43 3 месяца назад
reverse k'sante
@nadeemlo 3 месяца назад
@dylanmcfiggins5816 3 месяца назад
i love this idea. (balancing aside, just throwing out ideas that sound sick,) gain a bunch of defensive stats like you said, and change up the attacks, different but still similar to lamb, like Q is still a dash that hits multiple targets, but maybe its similar to like a better Nidalee pounce, W maybe an AOE howl that slows, and gives you life steal for a few seconds, and E, being a bite attack that inflicts a stacking bleed. idk this is just off the top of my head, id love to hear other ideas.
@legalok7993 3 месяца назад
Oh no k’sante
@Blu_Moon_Owl 3 месяца назад
What about a kit similar to Xayah/Rakan but the are attached to each other still like Nicky proposed. Wolf being a tanky/sustaining AD engage while Kindred is like Varus attacking from a distance and charging up a big shot for a ton of damage
@Dr_Weirdoo 3 месяца назад
7:22 there is an even more PEAK lore thing for Kindred here you can think about. You could even argue that the Etherfiend was made EXCLUSIVELY to kill Kindred and kills the other spirits in the meantime Lamb can't kill Wolf because Wolf never stops, he's always looking for the new hunt, always moving and never giving in. Wolf can't kill Lamb because Lamb never runs, she's always calm and collected, willing to accept death when it comes. Even if the Etherfiend didn't exist Lamb and Wolf could hunt down the other death spirits. But they are friends that will always have each other because they LITERALLY cannot kill each other
@Boney_Paladin 3 месяца назад
Regarding Lamb's proportions, her thick thighs do 3 things for her design 1) the musculature of her thighs, shoulders, biceps and back muscles makes it much easier to read her as an athletic fighter, and makes her a remarkably more believable "Ranger archer" than Ash who has absolutely no muscles on her in spite of the fact that effective use of a bow requires heavy use and training of the back, arms and shoulder muscles, plus a hunter must be able to quickly track their prey so her having very muscular legs gets that point across mighty well 2) combined with the black color of her calfs it further accentuates her thinner animalistic lower legs with a significant contrast in proportions in turn making the hooves stand out more 3) and lastly it's another design element that contributes to her unique body type, you can take the silhouettes of all female humanoid champions' body types from the knees up and Lamb would almost certainly be one of the first five you'd recognize All in all while they most certainly did not intended for her to be sexualized, but the internet would've sexualized her with or without her current proportions So honestly I'm glad she looks the way she does for the aforementioned reasons Plus Thick thighs saves lives 🙏
@Eden_AI 3 месяца назад
The main problem with kindred's gameplay is the fact that you are an ADC, in the jungle, that REQUIRES your team to look at their map and even sometimes leave lane just to help you get a mark if you get collapsed on. Noone in low elo even looks at their map, let alone decides to help the jungler, because "YOU DIDNT GANK MY LANE LEVEL 3 AND CARRY ME IMMEDIATELY SO IM NOT GONNA HELP AT ALL!!!"
@warg474 3 месяца назад
Not really. The biggest problem with Kindred's gameplay is that people focus too much on marks, and int themselves, which are not needed for her to be useful (it is good to have them but they are mostly QoL and come naturally), she can function just fine because she is such an oppressive jungler. You can easily cheese most champs on lvl 3 which is her biggest early power spike. Also people tend to build her wrong instead of On-hit they build her crit which is inferior build just because of RNG factor. On-hit gives u damage and survivability and you are able to survive a lot in the late game. It's not a Kindred problem it's just players building her wrong.
@Eden_AI 3 месяца назад
@@warg474 As someone who one tricks the champ in master mmr, I can confidently say crit was better for a few patches, only recently onhit became better. Also, crit VS on hit kindred is entirely preference. I have Jesus's rng, so I get crits pretty often. Plus I like a more assassin like playstyle on her, so I build crit over on hit just because it does better damage and I play at a higher skill level than most people, so I find better performance in crit. On hit may be "better" on paper, but it really does come down to your playstyle. Secondly, her mark system has some inherent flaws. And no, I completely disagree that kindred "doesn't need marks to be good." At less than 4 marks you're basically a glorified melee champ. Her range increase is huge power spikes throughout the game. The other passives are QoL for sure, but her range increase is the big hitter, and the better E execute. Her marks are very necessary especially into the late game, because after all she is designed to be a scaling champion. As for acquiring marks, I find its much easier in high elo than it is in low elo. In low elo its much more common for people to not look at map or ping their later missing. If I see the enemy jungler on the other side of the map then I'm of course going to go for a mark if its on my side. If I get collapsed by two lanes even after sweeping for vision then it's honestly not my fault at that point and I just hope my laners can extend that lead. In low elo noone does, but in high elo, laners leaving for jungle can be detrimental sometimes.
@warg474 3 месяца назад
@@Eden_AI Yea I agree that marks system isn't perfect but still besides that range most other stat bonuses are kinda QoL since you already get a lot of dmg and attack speed from items and Kindred's base stats are already pretty good and again you can always get them passively by ganking and invading so you don't really need to rely on your teammates, especially if you are good at tracking enemy jungler and know which camps they cleared you can influence marking that way. For on-hit vs crit debate I agree that it comes down to the preference but if you don't get good rng you don't deal dmg so on-hit is more reliable bcs dmg output is guaranteed and survivability is bonus, plus utility like armor shred if you are running BC. Kindred is so strong rn and had never been better, especially in low elo and I can say as a low elo player who only plays for fun. Also just to add I don't want to come out as hostile or rude I am just speaking from my experience with Kindred.
@chrishaven1489 3 месяца назад
@@warg474 As an unranked silver kindred player, I understand your criticisms............I'm still going for that mark. Setting aside all the benefits that come with stacking marks, it's just a lot of fun. I feel like a ninja diving the enemy jungle, stealing their lunch money and ducking tf out. It's even funnier when they catch me doing it and I've already sprinted for the hills like a thief in the night. Team fights are the best times to get those marks. For every enemy champion that joins a team fight is a champion that's not in my way of those scrumptious marks. As for the item build, I'm too new at this game to understand what all the items do, so I just build the recommended. Turns out, when I look at my match history, the league gods have been recommending me on-hit stuff so......*thumbs up*
@chrishaven1489 3 месяца назад
@@Eden_AI E does a lot of damage, it actually surprises me. I'm chipping away at the enemy health with my auto's and then out of nowhere the wolf takes a massive CHOMP! at their health bar and I'm like WHOA! As for laners helping me, I've rarely had teammates help me get marks, and I've never expected them to. Mostly because marks always appear either at the river or the enemy jungle and I don't expect laners to abandon their lanes to dive into the darkness behind enemy lines. If anything, missing laners cause too much attention. If I'm taking a mark, I don't want anyone to know I'm there
@Monnatu 3 месяца назад
In my opinion, I love how Kindred works in Still Here. Lamb shows herself and starts to pull the Arrow, and the act of denying the arrow is your decision, but even then, she won't stop shooting at you, because people can always go back on their word. And she always take a long time to shoot her arrows, because she gives you time to think again. Also, Tryndamere blocking her arrow makes me think that she wait until you notice that she will let you chose again.
@GumshoeClassic 3 месяца назад
Not only does HotS offer Cho'Gall as a concept for Kindred, there's also just... Rexxar. And frankly it baffles me that they didn't think of Wolf being a permanent Pet, which could also help Lamb survive in the jungle as a squishy marksman by tanking for her. What if he had a Frenzy mechanic kinda like Briar that you have to manage, find balance between sticking to Lamb and sending him out to hunt or he goes wild and stops listening to you, but becomes stronger in the process so you could for example just let him run rampant in a teamfight to cause a ruckus. Having Wolf be more active like this, and essentially peeling for Lamb, would also allow her to lean into that "one shot, one opportunity" playstyle that has her prepare and calculate her shot, without being a complete sitting duck in the meantime.
@LegendLeaguer 3 месяца назад
But then you get the opposite problem with people only thinking of Kindred as Lamb, with a little bit of Wolf. Anyone will tell you from HotS that Misha is the main character of Rexxar & Misha, and if Misha dies while tanking you're basically not a hero for a while
@locomotivo4644 2 месяца назад
Rexxar was what came to my mind immediately when I pondered on what Kindred could have been after being disappointed during their reveal. Glad I was not alone
@luckypeanut9943 3 месяца назад
The idea of asol dying and wolf just knawing at his ankle sounds hilarious
@krok2112 3 месяца назад
I think I speak for most people here when I say that Kindred is the one champ I wish I knew how to play. Champs like Ornn and Lewis both look cool AND have gameplay that clicks with me, but Kindred feels so alien for some reason.
@aurum316 3 месяца назад
Who's Lewis?
@dimyell 3 месяца назад
Because she's an ADC jungle invader. Yuck. Talk about wasted design.
@tadihotado3518 3 месяца назад
she is really too simple yet somehow too mechanically demanding, her kit is so simple its basically just press and watch the magic happens, but somehow you gotta earn that magic as well. It's weird yet intriguing, like Kindred.
@TalhaFaisal1 3 месяца назад
@@aurum316 new champ
@krok2112 3 месяца назад
@@aurum316Lewis the gator
@jerryhook5906 3 месяца назад
Personifying death as a "loli", as you put it, demonstrates Ionia's attitude towards death. It is not cruel. It is not something to be feared. It is kind and gentle. They'll greet you with a smile. Death is the Lonely Child, and they've been waiting your whole life to get to finally meet you.
@FratoiuAlex 3 месяца назад
That's such a cute little story🥹. Too bad the internet has really nasty apples there🤬
@Armorion 3 месяца назад
@LegendLeaguer 3 месяца назад
A little late on that imo
@Armorion 3 месяца назад
@@LegendLeaguer let a man hope T_T
@mon0lithic629 3 месяца назад
My guy, the concept of being attracted to death has existed for as long as the term "Lady Death" has. I mean, have you SEEN Sandman's version of Death?
@bioraidos5454 3 месяца назад
Or Lady Death from Marvel. The love triangle of Deadpool, Death and Thanos will never not be funny.
@mon0lithic629 3 месяца назад
@@bioraidos5454 Honestly
@mememologies7363 3 месяца назад
I mean the WW2 sniper in the Red Army known as Lady Death irl did get married twice.
@ivanslucki 3 месяца назад
people sure love death........and that contradiction will never be not funny
@josiahkrodel4656 3 месяца назад
Nickiboy ill be honest, its not just the look of lamb, its the super soft elegant and mysterious nature of them But even moreso the voice
@thecrimsonflare4522 3 месяца назад
As a Kindred main the rework that I would want, even though it would be a nightmare to balance, would be splitting the stacks between Lamb stacks and Wolf stacks. Lamb stacks would come from the jungle camps and boost her q damage and auto attack range. Wolf stacks would come from champs and increase his e damage and auto attack damage when the w is activated. The biggest change would be the ult. Based on who has more stacks the ult would change. When lamb has more stacks it would be the ult that it is now, and more lamb stacks = a greater heal at the end. When wolf has more stacks activating the ult drastically reduces lambs auto attack range and speed (if it was a full vgu Wolf would take over the main body and become a pure melee), and convert it into an ad and health steroid. The idea being that wolf takes over and begins his hunt. The change would give low base stat increases and scale heavilty with stacks and items. The idea being you want wolf ult to become a powerhouse in late game team fights and lambs ult early game for survivability and utility. Since it's easier to get jungle stacks early on and champ stacks later on. However, this would be an absolute nightmare to balance and would add way too much complexity to the kit. Even if, imo, it would be really cool.
@slifer867 3 месяца назад
I have 1M mastery on kindred and actually enjoy the marksman gameplay, but would trade it in a HEARTBEAT for a version containing the wolf design from Still Here. It would be interesting if both lamb and wolf were separate entities and you could toggle between controlling them and they each had different abilities sort of like Nidalee or Jayce. I also think you could just rework wolf's model to be a large ethereal wolf that bites people and you mainly control lamb. The ult could be a replacement effect where lamb becomes a bot that is untargetable (like an azir soldier) and wolf becomes completely solid and you gain control of him instead and you fight like shyvana in her ult.
@TheVideoSpaz 3 месяца назад
I always thought something like Druid in Dota would work to. Druid has a bear "minion" that basically is a melee extension of him self. They share stats, damg taken, abilities work with both, etc. Druid (the player) directs bear and bear is very much so the main threat, in the front line, and a lot of druid's plays funnel through bear. The big thing being he becomes significantly less powerful when the bear is killed/downed (has ability that summons bear). Ont he flip, his ult make druid himself the main threat... So kindred could be in the back playing through wolf, who would be more built for extended fights. Takign and giving a beating. Then Kindred's ult allows lamb to step up and deliver a terrifying blow (which game wise controls the cooldown of a more one shot ability) ... And would give riot a change to actually have a true minnion control champion since they usually got the more soft minnion of just a little damg boy that is on timmer.
@magicianvv489 3 месяца назад
The Cho'Gall idea is pretty interesting, personally I think that doing a Samira style character would be pretty cool. You could have Lamb do the ranged attacks, Wolf could swap in to do higher damage melee attacks. Could also do a different take on the 'combo' idea, where instead of just needing to spam any different attack, you could have their abilities enhance one of them depending on which half the ability involved. Like if their 'q' was Lamb shooting a charged up arrow, it could enhance their ranged 'aa', until you used their 'e' to charge in with Wolf, which would enhance their melee 'aa' and give em a speed boost or something. Could also have their Ult switch depending on the last ability used, Lamb would shoot an arrow, maybe have it deal bonus damage if the enemy cant see Kindred to represent the 'unseen death'. And Wolf's could be something like a single target Pike ult.
@theminecraft4202 3 месяца назад
yea i was thinking even like a nidalee, where you swap between forms
@Armorion 3 месяца назад
@kunibertrandolf1886 3 месяца назад
Big difference of kindred to the other death spirits is that most of then are born from a believe of what happens to your soul once you die, while Kindred is about severing your soul from life. Kindred doesn't "kill"anyone, as we saw with tryndamere. She is the death realm mirror to whatever happens to you in your last moments. Just like the grim reaper doesn't actively kill people but just "rides along" and THEN makes sure that the dying are dead, Kindred cannot choose to kill someone. All other death gods come in right after the moment Kindred killed them to embrace their souls and lead them onto their path. Death is also a concept unique to Runeterra - celestials do not die in the same sense as mortals so Aurelion and the rest of the bunch are out of Kindred's jurisdiction by default. Pantheon showed that there seem to be extra clauses for celestials teinted by the mortal realm, but since lore is effectively discontinued, we'll never get clarification on that.
@supremeoverlordvader5552 3 месяца назад
16:38 Bard be like: bro, I am the Keeper of Balance, get f*cked
@BlazeWox101 3 месяца назад
Hello, Kindred main here, I think the idea for 2 people piloting Kindred and being tethered would be fascinating and thematically awesome, the only downside being forcing them into bot lane, and I personally think Kindred is fun in every lane and forcing them into bot would hurt. Also Kindred is the only marksman I enjoy, so I don’t mind them being a marksman, but I think it could be cool to see them in different classes, would be facilitating. Loved the video, you did Kindred justice!!!
@zaklarc6441 3 месяца назад
Or a duo jungle ala Lost viking or chogall from hots
@thosebloodybadgers8499 3 месяца назад
​@@zaklarc6441 "Hey guys, me and my duo are gonna be Kindred!" The ADC Jinx main: "I'm in danger!"
@josiahkrodel4656 3 месяца назад
Kindred hunts as the both of them. But lambs shots are only going to land if you accept your fate in the struggle. Wolf fights those that resist lamb.
@maz9665 3 месяца назад
I like to think part of the reason Tryndamere fights both is because of Lambs curiosity, we see it tilt its head at him and barely shoot at him (even hesitating to) while wolf does most of the fighting. Although Trynd is torn between fighting and giving up, death as a spirit would know which he would choose, its literally their whole thing, which is why Wolf goes straight into attacking while Lamb watches from the side. Lamb is rational and curious in nature, and is curious to see Tryndamere who can do the impossible and prevent death. I think it adds depth to Lambs character, which is nice because it adds more contrast between Wolf and Lamb, where Lamb is complex and Wolf is kinda more shallow and just like 'hm yes fight'
@PinesOfChaos 3 месяца назад
Singed eats an apple to keep the doctors away, this is very in line with him poisoning enemies.
@LucasTheSlime 3 месяца назад
Little cool detail, Og Pentakil Mord has a tattoo of the Wolf on its back
@imwhatthekidscallcringy3858 3 месяца назад
I love Kindred so much!!! I started playing league right before their release, and they're the reason I got into character lore in the first place. Absolutely incredible character writing and design
@x0v0x31 3 месяца назад
As a Kindred main and ex otp, the idea of kindred getting a cgu terrify me and would be enough to make me permanently quit league of legends. What I would want for a Kindred rework would be to make Wolf a physical entity that you can freely control inside w and make him react to your abilities like he could dash to the nearest target when you Q or dash to the target of your E, his auto attacks could slow and you could cast R on his location for big brain plays. Also if possible make the Q attack speed buff break the 2.5 attack speed cap because space gliding is cool.
@BoastfulIvy 3 месяца назад
I'm wondering; would simply replacing Lamb's attack animation with Wolf lunging be a solution to balancing out for Kindred's mechanics and lore? Increasing attack speed representing Wolf growing more ferocious and powerful as time goes on seems to fit, while the actual abilities are Lamb's efforts, something far more controlled, planned, that fits with her emotionless calm and 'precision' in a way.
@FratoiuAlex 3 месяца назад
I feel like that was one of the riot original ideas, to basically make lamb shoot wolf, if that makes sense
@Armorion 3 месяца назад
@emericcoude4068 3 месяца назад
I do feel like there's another hero from HotS we could be inspired from and that's King Leoric. For those who don't know, when Leoric dies, they remain on the map in a spectral form instead of getting stuck on a death timer screen. While in that form, they can move around, cannot deal damage, but they can use their abilities to reduce their death timer, and they will they revive exactly where they stand. I feel like it would make sense for Kindred to not outright die, but just sort of put themselves out of the fight, or get disabled in that way. Otherwise like others have mentioned, the fact that Wolf is an accessory sucks, make Kindred a transform champion, remove their Ult for a wolf mode, or an ult passive where the swap could be conditional/automated instead of controlled. I feel like most people love the character but hate the champion. Change her ult for a damage ability like they did for Rek'Sai and make the passive more forgiving and I bet their popularity would skyrocket.
@FratoiuAlex 3 месяца назад
Yeah like new passive should remove there death timer and be a character swap, but that would also mean some serious weakness to counter the fact of an "immortal unit". Maybe have like a new type of abilities functions similar to how Aphelios is. Maybe have like each time one of them die, they get a stack of weakness that wears off over time, but it will stack and reset the timer, giving them less on almost everything until it wears off. Like keep dieing constantly can get you to the point of been useless and the enemy can still get money out of you till your worthless and become more of an inconvenience.
@Catspirit123 3 месяца назад
I love kindred so much but I'm just not big on jungling. I used to play them mid which was really funny though since you could still roam to camps. It's funny you brought up Cho'gall in HotS because another hero I wish Kindred mimicked is Rexxar. He was two characters at once where you piloted him as this sort of slow auto attacker while also controlling his bear, Misha, who was a sort of tanky bruiser that frontlined for him. I could see a version of Kindred that functioned similarly where you primarily control lamb while wolf is this separate entity you guide with your skills
@deucesommerfeld1248 3 месяца назад
Okay, in conjunction with the Cho Gall idea. WHy not release both Lamb AND Wolf? Lamb being an AD Caster like Varus or something like Caitlyn, with built in missing health damage and she's more sneaky and hidden. While Wolf is something like Naafiri, big bruiser, bleed damage, hunting those who run from death all over the map. Lamb can be an assassin in mid or an ADC maybe a Jungler for Nightblu fans, and Wolf's a Toplaner, a midlaner, Support cause he could have CC to pin foes down, or jungle. Regardless, great vid, LOVE KINDRED, I hope we get to see them in the never to be seen MMO
@Armorion 3 месяца назад
Before anyone calls me sus or anything, let's just agree that Lamb's voice is beautiful
@Yuyubonks 3 месяца назад
Kindred kinda seems like a perfect fit for somewhat of a Nidalee or a Gnar playstyle, considering the ult is so unfitting for the character maybe that can be reserved to instead be the ability for a swap between Wolf and Lamb. Although transformation characters have run through most consepts it could still be interesting if they could use abilities which specifically combine with the other forms abilities making swapping a necessity with both Lamb and Wolf then being equally valuable. As an example you could make the three hit mark that they have now but only Wolf could activate the last hit or something.Idk just what I could not stop thinking about during this video which was great btw. Really good recap of the lore and I learnt some things that I haven't even thought about, like their ult being so out of place for the character. Exited to see the next review!
@Valendran874 3 месяца назад
"I cannot believe how much Kindred art there is!" yeah me neither Nicky
@bjurrr 3 месяца назад
What I think it would be really cool gameplay wise, would be since kindred can choose a mark, that that marked character can choose to accept death, meaning you play as lamb until that mark is gone, or deny death, meaning you would play as wulf. Thematic that would fit really well, and is interesting from a strategy perspective on both sides.
@julian-jf2zj 3 месяца назад
@ardenumbraheart3278 2 месяца назад
My sister and I also thought of the fact of having Wolf and Lamb be their own characters played by separate people, but be linked in some way. If they had to make it 1 player, then have the ult be a swap ult like Nidalee, but you swap between Lamb who does high burst range but is squishy, and Wolf who is a sustained damage bruiser similar to Warwick since he'd likely 'feed' on them due to his 'hunger' that he talks about a lot.
@javierduarte395 24 дня назад
I like how he plays the champion whilst explaining everything about them and his opinions!
@inukimaice3629 3 месяца назад
I've always thought Kindred would serve well if they made them play like Ice Climbers. They would another shapeshifter champ. One of 2 ideas come to mind. 1. Have them be like nidalee/elise where R is form change and have them switch who is the main one you are controlling while, the other is tagging along in the background (basically wolf and lamb would trade places) OR 2. Still be lamb heavy and have a Gnar approach, where if you land a certain number of hits/damage/ something, on a champion; wolf forcefully comes out to finish the job. Alternatively they could change places after a certain amount of time in combat.
@christopherjones7771 3 месяца назад
I would've loved to see Wolf grow in the same manner as Cho'Gath whenever it gets a mark, and whenever it gets taken down, it just returns to that ethereal form until it revives.
@eniqmo6144 3 месяца назад
I really love what legends of runeterra did with the aspects of death . The separate things like ionias last wind and first breath . Even the shadow isles lost idol
@eliteappanda8450 3 месяца назад
As a kindred main, something I think would be super interesting is making kindred a shapeshifter type champion! My idea is that kindred at the start of the game and by default would be lamb, with a long auto attack range but VERY low attack speed and small amounts of % current health damage on hit. Then kindred marks a champion with their passive (keeping the whole passive because I like it) and then if kindred is close to them (say 400 units) and the target falls beneath 50% max hp, kindred transforms into wolf for a set time or until target's death and has more of a crit bruiser playstyle with lots of base resistances and reduced AD to compensate. This would maintain kindred's status as a crit marksman but fit more with lamb's calculating nature and wolf going berserk on a target that resists their death. This may be very difficult to balance, and would require completely new abilities for wolf and possibly replacing lamb's q and/or w, but I think it would be super fun and very unique. Almost like Warwick in a sense, but more complex!
@grim6129 3 месяца назад
My take on Kindred's kit: P: Selectively mark a champ to increase range, vision, and Attack Damage + Hybrid Resistance for Lamb, while Attack + Movement Speed + Lifesteal for Wolf. The champ with the mark can infect to other champs, neutrals, and minions upon death. P: Lamb's arrows in Q, W, and E can be countered with any of the enemy champ's skills (except R) but summon Wolf to gnaw on them if do so. Lamb: Q. same but add the summoning Wolf to knock them up. W: Varus' W but stuns once it hit, then Wolf appears below to block the vision within range. E: same, adding reducing cooldown to P Wolf: Q: Chase the enemy champ then bites them, causes stun to make a signal for Lamb to shoot an arrow W: Naafiri's E with knockup effect, making Lamb shoots multiple arrows E: same stacking but different attack animation, adding reducing cooldown to P R: Final Choice (only triggered with the mark while Q, W, and E are on cooldown) - switches Lamb and Wolf's positions with a final strike Wolf: roars, causing fear effect and marks everyone on the map. Lamb: becomes untargettable to prepare one piercing shot. Has execute effect and is global.
@Vexiglass 3 месяца назад
My first ever league main was Kindred. Even though I could see tons of ways that idea of yours for how you'd do them could end in disaster, the chance that it would actually work is enough for me to root for it. What an amazing idea, mister NickyBoi! :)
@stefanocoviello5280 3 месяца назад
I haven't been following you for a long time but i agree in part with the last ideas you've had, turning Kindred into a special duo bot would be a very interesting idea, turning the wolf into a synergistic support kind of character, kind of like Rakan with Xayah, would be very interesting. Unfortunately league itself as it's designed would never let it happen in the same way as Cho Gall would be
@ethanstyant9704 3 месяца назад
5:44 the mask mother could have also worked with the grey man to realise his dream, him splitting his essence and the mask mother giving them form
@tiny2339 15 дней назад
i just found your channel and my god do I love it. you're awesome
@gabriellima9697 3 месяца назад
as a Kindred fan hear me out: either 1: Remove the ult, they won't miss it, and make a new one where you summon Wolf, just like Daisy, and Wolf also gains buffs from Lambs stacks 2: Do it like the old Quinn, the ultimate swaps between them, but to balance it out, make it like Bel'Veth transformation, you have a bar that slowly goes down and then you go back to Lamb, of course you can revert early if you want, but the cd is longer if you do to me those are the only ways to make a lore accurate gameplay
@appleman1459 3 месяца назад
What I was thinking as a Kindred reword is where the R or W is a stance change where you swap between a Marksman and a Bruiser.
@MarkD5678 3 месяца назад
in my ideal alternate timeline, Wolf would be the primary character of the Kindred as bruiser with Lamb being in charge for their ult as a ranged execute. But I struggle to think of what Wolf's kit would be without just ironically being a mix of Warwick and Naafiri.
@h2o848 3 месяца назад
Kindred has been my favorite for a pretty long time now :D I'd like to see the duality explored more with the two being separated (and DEFINITELY giving Wolf legs) so here's how I would change the ult (Lamb being merciful is kinda weird?? and while Lamb's Respite is super cool as a concept, it fails to be useful in many scenarios). - Switch forms with R: Not like Elise/Nidalee/Jayce, but more like a temporary form change like K'Sante. Convert Attack Speed into resistance/health, boost movement speed, and enhance abilities. Q could be an AoE pounce, W could have Lamb dashing around and shooting in an area--applying on-hits/critting--and E could just be a one hit melee spell version of E. - At the end of the ult (either by recast or by timer), Wolf disappears and the champion returns to where R started, like Yone E. Lamb could provide support fire from the ult's starting point if enemies are in range, and if RW is up, it ends and Lamb returns to her starting point. While RW is up, the starting point has a mark on it instead of Lamb.
@Armorion 3 месяца назад
0:20 Yorick main here, Malz ain't a bad matchup as long as Yorick builds at least one tank time and then Lethality. It's not optimal but it's doable
@velconx15 3 месяца назад
Man, I almost forgot about Spirit Blossom Kindred until now.
@mooyah4129 3 месяца назад
Kicky talking about how kindred can't go to the shadow isle but that they believe it's inevitable re-access makes me thing of some kinda riot forge FPS game like the old arcade zombie shooters where SI turns into hunting season for Lamb, and Wolf gets to play Tactical Nuke INCOMING
@TheTruestZero 3 месяца назад
It's kinda weird that Grim Reaper's fursona ultimate move isn't about ending lives, but saving them. Yeah, you can try and reason that since their passive is pretty much a representation of Wolf hunting down preys that "refuse to end", so their ultimate would be Lamb's side of it, but Lamb still about that "game ending" stuff, but gentler.
@Dobonhonkero42 3 месяца назад
they could also do a second kindred release where wolf is the primary and lamb is the little floaty spirit that provides support.
@bunny6558 3 месяца назад
I think a cool idea for kindred's ult could be like nidalee, where you can switch from the marksman that lamb is with wolfs floating head - or you can switch to a melee champ as wolf with kindred riding him in his big form or something :D!
@khadajhin862 Месяц назад
Hey, Nickyboi! I was thinking of a fan rework for Kindred (only concept wise, not a programmist yet) and I wanna ask for an opinion. I know you're probably not gonna see it but am still curious what do you and others might think. Passive: Presence Of Death At the start of a match choose a supporting side of the character. If chosen, Wolf deals cheap damage to the enemy that Lamb attacks and occasionally blocks a singular enemy attack for her. If you choose Lamb, she occasionally heals you by a small amount while in combat and gives you vision on the marked target for a very short period of time upon marking a champion. You can mark (only) champions regardless of the form. Each stack increases the help of your supporting half: Wolf gains increased range and the attack blocking has smaller cooldown with each stack. (Ability haste does not work on the passive) Lamb increases the healing with each stack. Q: Approach the Dying/Decimating Jaws Approach the Dying makes Lamb do a small jump to the side of the cursor, firing an arrow to the closest enemy in range and an additional 3 at jungle monsters. If Lamb shoots an autoattack through Wolf she reduces the cooldown of Approach the Dying by 0.5 sec. If the arrow from Approach the Dying goes through Wolf the cooldown of this ability is halved. Decimating Jaws is a point and click ability which makes Wolf chomp an enemy, slowing the enemy for a short amout of time. If the enemy is marked Lamb will reduce their armor. W: Humming of Closure/Give Chase Humming of Closure passively gives Lamb a charge filled by movement and attacking jungle monsters. Whenever fully charged, Lamb's next autoattack heals her and gives her a slight burst of movement. Upon activation, Wolf stops attacking and starts orbiting around Lamb, blocking enemy projectiles for a short duration. Wolf does not autoaim at the projectiles. (Imagine having an orbiting braum shield for like 1.5 sec) Give Chase passively gives Wolf additional movement speed towards a marked champion. Upon activation Wolf jumps at the target direction, applying fear to all enemies he passes through and dealing damage in the aimed area (think mega gnar e with that hitbox). If the marked target is in range, using Give Chase again during the jump will immediately change the landing location to the marked champion's location (kinda like in the cinematic) but reduce the fear duration to that target. E: Respite of Acceptance/Eternal Feast Respite of Acceptance allows Lamb to blink to the corpses of enemies and allies in range. After the blink Lamb cannot autoattack for the next 0.4 sec. This ability has no cooldown but can be used only once per corpse. Eternal Feast makes Lamb encourage Wolf, giving him temporary armor, magic resistance, attack speed and lifesteal which increases depending on how many enemy champions are attacking Wolf. This ability can only be activated if the marked target is nearby. R: Never One/Without The Other Never One makes Lamb create a large area. If the enemy doesn't leave the area in a span of 3.5 seconds, Lamb shoots an arrow which prioritises a marked target. The arrow has a built in execute and deals massive damage. If there is no marked enemy the arrow prioritises the enemy with the lowest current HP. If the marked enemy leaves the area, Wolf interrupts their recall till their HP becomes full. Without The Other makes Wolf teleport to the marked target and create a small area in which both him and the target are invulnerable to damage. If the enemy doesn't leave the area in 1.5 seconds Lamb starts rapidly increasing regeneration of Wolf and all nearby allies for the next 4 seconds. If the enemy leaves the area Wolf deals additional damage for the next 3 seconds and doubles the movement speed from Give Chase for the duration.
@Sofia-ge6wm 3 месяца назад
As someone who mained Kindred when I played I've been WAITING FOR THIS VIDEO
@tadihotado3518 3 месяца назад
still waiting to see the gray man in full view in LoR, whenever that might be.
@johnfritzsche4284 3 месяца назад
As a Kindred main I’m so happy to hear so many good points on their design, I think it could be really neat to have more autonomy for wolf whether that’s another player/more moves allocated to wolf
@Blu_Moon_Owl 3 месяца назад
What about a kit/playstyle similar to Xayah/Rakan but the are attached to each other still like Nicky proposed. Wolf being a tanky/sustaining AD engage while Kindred is like Varus attacking from a distance and charging up a big shot for a ton of damage. Lamb is still a marksman since she still needs her bow so can’t change it that much but marks work like Rengar but replenish after a while so no need to get them for jungle monsters
@nikcube8196 3 месяца назад
The idea with cho gall is pretty cool, especially since i find some champion gameplay Designs in heroes of the storm really cool. You could also go like smite and do it like hel. Shes one charackter that switches between two different champions one for death and for Life
@cally406 3 месяца назад
i’m a kindred main so i was so excited for this one
@luckypeanut9943 3 месяца назад
I think the best way to get kindred's concept well across is a gnar style champion but in reality theyd probably go for the nidalee style Kindred builds up 'unrest' mechanic as fights prolong because champions arent accepting of a merciful swift death so wolf comes out in a frenzy and suddenly theres this massive wolf running rampant
@Johnhamsta 3 месяца назад
I would turn Kindred into a transformation champion (using their W to transform) Lamb: Passive: deals 50% bonus damage to targets under 50% hp, fixed attack speed and increased attack damage per mark stack. Q: would remain for terrain transversal and harassment W: transform into wolf, gaining temporary damage resistance for a few seconds, mark current target (getting rid of clunky UI element) E: passively reduce detection radius of Kindred for enemies. Actively enter camouflage and gain movement speed. R: passively ignore some damage resistance, scaling with rank, actively use Lamb's Respite, same effect. Wolf: Passive: Deals 50% increased damage to targets above 50% health, gain per mark: movement speed and crit chance Q: coil&lunging attack (like a Warwick Q) that slows struck enemies, and roots slowed enemies. W: transform into Lamb, gaining temporary movement speed and a shield that scales with missing health, mark current target (getting rid of clunky UI element) E: passively lifesteal on last-hits, actively gain a shield that purges movement-impairing effects when broken. R: passively gain damage resistance, scaling with rank. Actively enter Wolf's Hunt, obscuring enemy vision and blinking to attack targets. Striking targets slows based on missing health. Lamb and Wolf would share ultimate cooldowns
@Chqrrys 3 месяца назад
imagine if kindred was a transform champ with lamb being ranged and her current kit or maybe more ranged caster focused, & wolf being a melee bruiser with his own kit
@BDR123 3 месяца назад
i would make it so kindred swaps modes, one melee and one ranged, when playing in wolf mode its an attack speed melee dps or a bruiser, and when playing as lamb she's a long range skill shotter. Maybe the more damage done as wolf, the more damage lambs skill shots deal
@rachelroyce278 3 месяца назад
Whats really interesting is how did humans have the concept of death before the kindred existed. Like what was their belief and shit
@kuroaf48 3 месяца назад
the Chauffeur augment from arena would be a great test of the kindred rework nicky proposed
@lewis3801 3 месяца назад
i think that kindred should work like a sort of tag in style gameplay, where you can play as lamb as a burst ad caster but at any given point you can turn into a bruiser as wolf, each would have their own health bar and when one dies you cant run around as them for a short while and are forced to be either a slow bruiser or a burst ad caster, however i do think this may be a bit op being able to adapt like that, a bit like gnar if he could control his big form
@ΧρυσανθοςΚορδελακος 3 месяца назад
coneheadart and monnatu are cooking with the fanarts
@mousy-4456 3 месяца назад
As a kindred main, I think an interesting change would be making wolf a summon to fight with you like yoricks maiden, and you're skills could involve commanding wolf to attack andretreat and strong snipe skill. Would make them lore accurate too imo
@mason_edwards1833 3 месяца назад
To explain how Kindred's ult makes sense thematically all you have to do is look at her ult's name, Lamb's Respite. Respite means a short period of relief from something unpleasant. Thematically I take this as Kindred giving you relief right before your death. You are still going to die, but Kindred gives you a break right before death.
@TitomaticoVlogsOficial 3 месяца назад
What I belive would be a good take for a Kindred rework is switching between Lamb and Wolf. This way you can have a new R to switch between them with low cooldown, playing around combos with their separated kits in conjuntion. Being able to fast switch would help a lot with this, making Wolf a bruiser with more bruiser oriented scaling with the stats provided by marksman's items, more useful for Lamb, or the opposite, getting Lamb to gain benefits from the stats provided by bruiser items. She is supposed to be precise and agile, and shooting fast instead of strong does not reflect it at all. Imagine Lamb marking, switching to Wolf for a dash into a bite that slows, switching to Lamb who jumps for repositioning landing a hit, switching to Wolf to push the enemy against a wall. That's just a made on the spot combo idea. Imagine what an actual combo could be and how much fun that would be too.
@michalmaleika6834 3 месяца назад
Personaly I like Kindred ult, since most ult in the game are already about killing the opponent, an ult like Urgot that execute a opponent would make a lot of sense for Kindred but it wouldn't feel very special. Having an ult that don't let anyone die is pretty unique and it give a mystical vibe to Kindred that the grim reaper has also some power on live.
@piiarwain2361 3 месяца назад
When my friend got me into league I sat and read every champion kit and lore And I immediately loved kindred and they were the first character I played in summoner rift. I died to my first jungle camp and it's a cool metaphor for the rest of my league experience
@Divock 3 месяца назад
I can't believe Nickyboi is the first league player to mention HotS and not shit on it incredibly based
@SuperRitz44 3 месяца назад
Kindred are PEAK character design and one of the best versions of "death," out there
@kryfold 3 месяца назад
I very much adore Kindred and the ideal rework for said champion because it lacks thematically what I want probably looks like one of two ways league can do it respectively: A) A Kayn situation where You begin play as Lamb and over the course of the early half of the game you can eventually pick to change your play style during the game to an empowered Lamb or instead change to Wolf, of course this would require a lot of time and riot would complain about “resource” issues and difficulties because there would be inherent difficulties in differentiating play style from Kayn and making them actually unique but it’d be a fun spin B) alternatively they could instead turn Kindred into a Casting Marksman and Bruiser with the ult swapping between lamb or wolf and changing play style to match respectively C) lastly the idea of having two people have to play a character in tandem sounds awesome but as mentioned this would likely force the two into Bot/Support role and you’d get the Xayah and Rakan situation where they don’t want to make paired skins or paired animations for them and so on so likely not this option preferably but it’d be a thematic upgrade for sure
@TekharthaMondatta 3 месяца назад
2 notes: I'm legit shocked Blood Moon Kindred hasn't been made by now, they're THE mask champion aside from Jhin and Jax, and one of them already has one. Second, I could see Kindred being reworked so that the ult switches you between Lamb and Wolf. Lamb can basically be unchanged, Wolf can play more like a bruiser Naafiri/cougar Nidalee and have some of your typical ADC stats convert to tankier stats so you can scrap without having paper stats.
@imanorange8627 3 месяца назад
kindred's ult should become similar to that of annie, where u throw wolf into the fray, and finish off anyone under a certain amount of hp. Kindred is definitaly an awesome design that deserve more love in her actual game
@Mr_MiLLiN 3 месяца назад
I think one thing I would do would be to rework Kindred’s R. It’s still very similar though. Basically you create a zone in which no one can die while it is active. However when the duration of the zone ends, it deals damage to champions in the zone based on how low their health is (or it can even be an execute) and heals Kindred for a base amount, plus a percentage of damage dealt, and for any champions that died to it.
@okamiproject8981 3 месяца назад
Kindred was my first champ I played and became my main. Though I've grown accustomed to the playstyle, I wounder what they would be like as a shapeshifter champ like nidalee
@GuardianGrarl 3 месяца назад
Opp: You are no champion... You are... NBoi: Death. And I don't mean it metaphorically or rhetorically or poetically or theoretically or...
@xDarkestDemonx 3 месяца назад
Imo the better inspiration from other games for Kindred is Skadi from Smite. Skadi has Skaldr, her wolf, follow her around, but he is intangible (invulnerable and untargetable) and passive. However, she can use a spell to make him pounce on and attack enemies, upon which he becomes a targetable unit. When he dies, he returns to skadi in his intangible state and has to recover before he can be sent out again. And all of Skadis spells benefit Kaldr in some way (a skillshot that marks enemies for bonus damage for Kaldr, disrupting movement so Kaldr can hit ect.). I think something like that could work, especially with the assets that are alresdy present in League. He would, like now, follow Kindred around as a floating head, but she can send him out and make him a targetable summon. Sounds a lot like any other minion mancer we have and maybe making Wolf a summon would still not feel like they are equals, but imo a way to alleviate that is to 1. make Wolf summons NOT the ult and 2. maybe have the basic abilities different depending on wether Wolf is out or not. For example: New W: Wolfs Frenzy, Kindred sends out Wolf to attack enemies. He can be controlled (like Tibbers), maybe an on-summon effect like a pounce to a target area. His attacks can be the same as they are now. E: without wolf out still the same with wolf out, Wolf will pounce on the targeted enemy and snare him on-cast Just spit balling, but I think you get the picture
@IceColdEmber 3 месяца назад
Yesssss i love cho gal. My and my frind still play them sometimes. Amazingly done hero, its such a fun and cool concept that sadly i doubt we will ever see in league. Which is rather unfortunate because the collaborative gameplay of cho gal is an extremely fun and unique experience in a MOBA. The closest thing we have is yuumi, though she is *kind of* more similar to abarhur. Hots is a cool game
@DylanGosseye 3 месяца назад
A Cho'gall type of champion would be really cool and i have been saying the same for years. But kindred doesn't seem the right fit imo. Since they're still 2 seperate bodies. There was a story of singed putting 2 bodies together, that could be cool to use that idea for.
@Zornarka 3 месяца назад
I'm thinking one way Wolf could become more like its own thing, without separating them into two champions bound together, could be to change them to be more like Jayce, where you swap between marksman Lamb (good vs squishies) and bruiser/fighter/some other role Wolf? I imagine they could replace their ult like with Jayce, with the character swap, and give them 3 abilities each. It'd prolly be hell to balance, but would make Wolf a lot more present.
@nathandunkman3238 3 месяца назад
i think something cool they could do is rename Kindred to reflect that the current champ is something like Kindred (Lamb) and then add the inverse as Kindred (Wolf) to be a melee brawler with some ranged support from the lamb
@camimi7782 3 месяца назад
I can't believe HotS got mentioned by Nicholas Boioverse the First. Especially the most fun Hero of the game even, after Deathwing.
@kitcatq4915 24 дня назад
if i could, I would make Kindred a stance character (like jayce) where wolf gets more health and be upclose but lamb would get more damge and is ranged or something like that. Imagine pulling up to a lane as wolf, stunning and dealing some damage and when enemy is trying to escape lamb just kills him on the spot
@shichimamire5296 3 месяца назад
If i chould change kindred, I would make r switch from lamb to wolf, and the champ because melee, with 2 sets of ability's. That would give lamb more ability's, and wolf chould keep e, and lamb q. Giving lamb, a skill shot, and a difensive ability, and wolf would get an ability similar with current kindred w, and a gap closer. Thoughts? Edit: This way, kindred and wolf might look like in the, Still here cinamatic, so while in wolf form, the hitbox gets bigger, I mean meaby not has big has that, but wolf chould look actually big and scary. 2nd edit: or instead of wolf getting a gap closer, he chould get a cc ability.
@moxxym 3 месяца назад
Before I even watch the video, this titel NAILED how I think about Kindred
@kamifoltek2345 3 месяца назад
For the kindred change - i would make them a summoner. I think wolf could be kinda like tibbers or daisy - big body and hitbox, being the primary focus since he is on the frontline while lamb shoots from the back. I also think it would be thmatically correct that wolf would not be controllable by the player, since he is in his frenzy and is fighting like crazy, maybe exept for one skill, that redirects his frenzy a little (since lamb does give him some direction). Maybe it would be too broken for an marksman to have a big hp sponge protecting them at all times, but i think this would thematically be the best change for them
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