
King David and Messiah are both of the tribe of Ephraim - not Judah 

Psalm 27
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Disclaimer: the viewpoints expressed in this video have been gleaned from scripture, line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little.
Upon review of these comments on 17 January 2024, I see that the bulk has been erased and not by me. The forces that should not be are hiding the truth because they know that only in the truth is the power of God, which can be ours by the unction of the Holy Spirit.
I Samuel 17.12
The real Bethlehem is in Galilee.
Bethlehem was the name of the firstborn son of Ephraim. You will never learn this truth in "church", which is meant to keep you blind. Bethlehem means: House of Bread. The Messiah is the Bread of Life. And Joseph was the Nourisher in the time of famine (Gen 45.11) and he provided Bread (47.17) and living Water for all of the children who came unto him.
The Messiah is the Lamb, not the Lion. David was a keeper of His Sheep.
Please read the Bible and learn about the Way, the Truth and the Life. Unfortunately, lineages have been corrupted, but if you read carefully and ask the Holy Spirit to help you, He will guide you into all Truth.



24 сен 2024




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@psalm2764 5 месяцев назад
If the genealogy of Messiah had been known, Herod would have killed Him but could not, because he did not know. Conceivably, the true lineage of Messiah will not be known until the Judgement, which will prove to be a fascinating - and true - dissertation of world history from the beginning until the end of time.
@johnmcook1 2 месяца назад
his name is michael hun not the son ( the lamb ) shiloh the commander of heaven
@psalm2764 2 месяца назад
@@johnmcook1 SDA is satanic, hun.
@Kittensforchrist 3 месяца назад
Wow astounding wk thank. You✝️🔥💕💕
@psalm2764 10 месяцев назад
Messiah was born in Israel, as the Holy One of Israel, and crucified by Esau in Jerusalem of Judah. There is a new "law" in the United States: he who tells that truth, that Esau slaughtered Messiah, is a criminal. The Bible will soon be outlawed as well. The Light must be snuffed out before total darkness can prevail.
@psalm2764 6 месяцев назад
Judah hath dealt treacherously, and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah hath profaned the holiness of the Lord which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange god. The Lord will cut off the man that doeth this, the master and the scholar, out of the tabernacles of Jacob, and him that offereth an offering unto the Lord of hosts. (Malachi 2.11-12)
@christinabernier4860 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing. I recently discovered in Genesis 49:8-12 that the “blessing” on Judah isn’t actually a blessing. The blessing is in Genesis 49:22-26 and it is placed on Joseph who was separated from his brothers (just as the remnant has been scattered to the nations). Joseph’s branches also correlate with Isaiah 11:1. Ephraim gets the blessing of Jacob in Genesis 48:16 when he puts the name Yasharel/Israel upon Ephraim and Manasseh, not Judah. The struggle between Judah and Ephraim/Israel is outlined in 11:13. Shiloh is in the land of Ephraim, and Genesis 49:8-12 says for a time kingship will be given to Judah, but the word of YAHUAH will stand in the end and Shiloh/Ephraim will receive the rightful crown. Also compare Genesis 49:11-12 with Isaiah 63:1-2-the fake mashiach will come from Judah, and we know from history Judah became the Roman Empire in the 1st century, and Idumea/Edom capitalized on the takeover. The Catholic (Universal) church and Judaism (Talmudic) synagogue of satan come from this unholy union. By the way I’m NOT a Christian, I’m Torah-observant and believe YAHUAH is the King and Savior of Yasharel (Isaiah 43:3, 11, 25) not the Greco-Roman, pagan god-man Jesus.
@psalm2764 2 года назад
Yes, Joseph "was not", according to his brothers - in particular - Judah - just as we are told today that Israel has "disappeared" from history. Altogether too much significance has been attributed to Judah. Judah "received the praise of his brothers" because he was a bully. He was consistently challenging his eldest brother Rueben, vying for dominion. His sceptre is of unrighteousness (Ps 125.3) Judah is related to "the lion", who is of course, satan. Judah was sold to Greece and became the "orthodox" peoples. (Joel 3.6) (who killed the lions? David/Ephraim and Samson/Dan). The real "struggle" is between Jacob´s children and those of Esau, who has "redeemed" his "birthright" through stealth and bloodshed of children of Jacob. (wwI, wwII) Ephraim does not envy Judah - on the contrary. Israel are the children, Judah are the dogs. (Mt 15.22-26) There are clues that Dan poses a much bigger problem. (Gen. 49.16-18, Judges 18). Shiloh is Messiah. Notice how the scribes always write "they went down to Israel" - when in fact, Judah was relegated to the south. Possibly the tribe of Dan will bring forth the counterfeit messiah. Dan, the serpent, the Assyrian, King of the North, Germany. Germany is often thought of as representing the tribe of Judah and many will be deceived. Satan´s seat is located in Berlin. Jacob tells us that "Dan shall judge .. AS one of the tribes of Israel". Herod was an Edomite and Pilate a Philistine. The Philistines whoreship the fishgod, "Dagon". The Romans are the Philistines. Caesar campaigned in the lands of the Hebrews (roughly: Germany, UK) in order to eradicate them. Charlemagne was to finish the job until Hitler took over. And now Esau himself is in charge, but that yoke will be broken off soon. Scripture is interpreted such, that "Peter" is the "the rock" founding the universal pagan "church" -when in fact that is the false rock. There is only one true Rock. In fact, the "church" is a communistic device to communicate false doctrine to the herds. There was no real reformation, simply trance-formation. Mystery babylon is counterfeit "Israel" with its serpent whoreship kaballah - kaan-baal-allah. Her obedient daughters are catholicism and islam. All relegions dovetail into ecumenism, set up to deceive the entire world. (Rev. 13)
@tshepozindela4618 Год назад
you are wise
@psalm2764 4 месяца назад
Judah is not Rome. Judah was sold after Edomite captivity (Amos 1) to Greece (Joel 3.6). Judah is called "the Greek" in the "new" testament.
@psalm2764 4 месяца назад
Catholicism is a variation on talmudic judaism. As is Islam and protestant re-legions.
@psalm2764 4 месяца назад
God CAN become man (Is 7.14) but man cannot become a god.
@jenniferr2341 4 месяца назад
I’ve been looking into this too and believe the same. The genealogy in Matthew and Luke doesn’t match so can’t be accounted as 2 witnesses. Birthright was Ephraim’s and David came from an Ephraimite. When I saw the prophecy of 9/11 in Isaiah 9 even if it was repeating prophecy I knew we were Ephraim and the 13th tribe. My thing is who exactly is Judah? I thought the royals for a while but I also don’t understand something. I’m related to the Stewarts (not direct line) but I don’t see how I’m related to the current monarchy who are German. Could the Stewarts have been Ephraim and current monarchy is Judah? A lot of the Stewarts left Scotland after the Jacobite wars and some even live in the same state as me. We know Judah was always against Joseph. What’s in the Middle East currently is most definitely Esau.
@psalm2764 4 месяца назад
Thanks for your comment. Who do you mean by "we"? The United States? Or Scots? Evidently one genealogy pertains to Joseph and the other to Mary and of course we know that they are both wrong from David on. God in His wisdom hid the genealogy so that the Savior could be born. Conceivably the Messiah came through David´s issue with Abigail, as much has been revealed about their meeting and her stellar character: probably it was one of their two sons: Caleb or Daniel. We will find out at the Great White Throne Judgement. Scripture makes it plain that David was of Ephraim, but Judah is pushed and the majority believe what they hear because they do not actually read the Bible. I didn´t either, but when I started reading, the scales fell from my eyes and I haven´t been the same since. Judah was taken into captivity by Esau (Mystery Babylon, because nobody seems to know who Esau is), apparently over a period of time. 2 Chronicles 28.17 for example tells us this. Take a look at Amos 1 and you will see that the WHOLE captivity of Judah was delivered into the hand of Esau by "Gaza" (Philistine) and "Tyre" who I think could be Dan, who is Assyria, the King of the North, Germany. Many of the children of Wickedness are in cahoots against Israel, to eradicate his seed from the earth. They don´t know God, who promised US that we would be His people and He would be our God, who will bring us toward a good and expected end. Jeremiah 29.11 Obadiah further incriminates Esau/Edom/Idumea/Mt. Seir and Ezekiel 35 & 36 blatantly accuse Esau of stealing both the identity of Israel and Judah and their land, and Habakkuk 1 & 2 confirm, calling Esau "the Chaldean" in order to hide his true identity. In the so-called "new" testament, Judah is therefore known as "the Greek". It is a kind of code, concealing true identities. Esau calls himself "the jew" and Israelites he calls "gentiles", who are ALL non-"jews". Esau makes no distinction and he certainly does not want the children of Jacob-Israel to know who WE are. Esau would have us, the children of Jacob-Israel, relinquish our birthright unwittingly to him! That is his plan! He wants us all to take the mark of the beast and whoreship his god, who is satan. My impression from the scriptures and reality is that Ephraim is the "minority" of the UK (Manasseh): Ireland, Scotland Wales. These are the downtrodden, always fighting Esau AND Dan (I believe) and now even Ishmael for their "right" to retain their own identity and our birthright. Even Manasseh hates Ephraim and would love to see him dead. (Jd 12) These Ephraimites speak Gaelic and due to this one clue I believe they are those "Galileans" who returned from their Captivity to meet Messiah and become chosen by Him as His disciples. (Is 60, Jer 46.16, Mt 26.73, Acts 1.11, Acts 2.7 etc) Messiah Himself is called a "Galilean". (John 7.41) These Galileans of Ephraim (as I believe) spoke differently: Judges 12. And Peter was conspicuous due to his accent (Mk 14.70). So, it could very well be that the Stewarts who were thwarted, as Ephraim always is (the last shall be first), were of Ephraim, the first born. When Esau came in from Holland to rule over England, Cromwell had the King Charles, who I believe was a Stewart, beheaded for no reason other than that Esau should rule. Or maybe his successor was of Dan, I do not know. For a long time I thought the Kings were of Dan, but they could be of Esau and/or mixed. I do not know. Yes, quite a few of Ephraim (Ireland, Scotland, Wales) were forced to leave the UK for the US and the other "Isles" like Australia. Yes, Judah was a bully very much inclined to violence as were Levi and Simeon. He was always vying for the birthright of Rueben (who lost it) and Judah hated Joseph and sold him into slavery. Judah has a lot in common with Esau and that could be why God let Esau take him captive. And probably a lot of their seed is mixed. Often you will see media "personalities" wearing a read thread around their wrist. This could signify offspring of Judah mixed with Esau, but I do not know, it's just an observation. Yes, "jews" are Esau and they cannot deny it. They are not semitic. They are mixed. Malachi 1
@ziondynasty2820 2 года назад
str8 facts beloved!! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 All Praises to the Most High YAH for your scholarship.
@psalm2764 2 года назад
Praise God you see it. I am not a scholar. Only God can give understanding.
@psalm2764 10 месяцев назад
Our Messiah is a "just man, perfect in His Generation and walked with God" (like Noah, the foreshadowing: Genesis 6.9-14) Judah was not a just man (Gen 38.26), nor was his offspring perfect in their generation, because Judah´s offspring was mixed with Canaanite (first wife who died, Gen 38.2) and Edomite of Esau blood (Tamar, Gen 38.15). The Messiah is of Jacob-Israel through Joseph/Ephraim (Gen 49.24) and not of Judah, who was a criminal, breaking God´s commandments and dishonouring his father Jacob-Israel. That is why Judah was cut-off. Pharez/Perez/Peres/Uphärsin (Daniel 5.28) means BREACH. Ezekiel 22.30: "I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one." God found no one, so He went Himself to stand in the Gap and is there called by Isaiah, the REPAIRER of the BREACH. (Isaiah 58.12) the Messiah is literally the Reparier of the broken walls, the firm foundation, and the Rock of Ages, whose line can be traced back to Ephraim of Joseph, the firstborn of God. (Exodus 4.22, Psalm 89.27, Jeremiah 31.9) The branches of Joseph run over the wall, who is the Branch? The Messiah (Isaiah 11.1). Genesis 49: 22Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well; whose branches run over the wall: 23 The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him, and hated him: 24 But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob; (from thence is the shepherd, the stone of Israel:) 25 Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee; and by the Almighty, who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breasts, and of the womb: 26 The blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills: they shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his brethren. Joseph was separate, he was the only one who could bring back his father the EVIL report of his brothers (Gen 37.2), of whom Judah was the ringleader (Gen 37.26-29, 49.8) Judah called Joseph Lord (Gen 44.18) and bowed to Joseph many times. (Gen 44.14) Separate means "holy". (Deut 33.16, Revelation 18.4)
@imhere8380 11 месяцев назад
Yes, what you say is absolutely correct. It does not make any sense that a heavily pregnant woman would leave her hometown, in a heavily populated Roamn army presence and travel away from their own family and relatives to go to a city in the south. I know that land well and there is no way, with stoned roads, soldiers, being on a donkey travel over such a distance.
@psalm2764 11 месяцев назад
While that is true and I very much agree with you, Judah as patriarch is out of the question and that is my point. It is not biblical, it is impossible. The "lion of the tribe of Judah" is satan in the flesh and the "church pastors" know this. These false "shepherds" are leading their sheep to the slaughter.
@psalm2764 11 месяцев назад
Also: what you have written reminds me of what Russell Walker wrote on his website, dedicated to the fact that Messiah is of Joseph and not Judah. I have tried to get in touch with him by e-mail but both of my messages to him remain unanswered. On the other hand, the media made such a public to-do about him that I am not sure whether their motive was not perhaps ridicule? Hard to say, at any rate, both Walker and his website have apparently disappeared.
@johnmcook1 9 месяцев назад
If you see this there is more research to be done like the tomb of Rachel. More details need to be researched. This makes sense in how genesis 49 reads when jacob says the scepter will be judahs until shiloh which means it departs them. And him tying his doneky andcolt to the vine which jacob only calls joseph that vine. And shiloh is in Ephraim. If you want to study this more i would love to help.
@psalm2764 9 месяцев назад
Rachel was buried in Ephrata, that is, Bethlehem. (Genesis 35.19-29) Bethlehem was, I believe, the firstborn son of Ephraim, a fact which obtains, but has been covered up. I did a video on it about 2 years ago. In numbers 24.17 we learn that a Star shall rise out of Jacob and a scepter out of Israel (not Judah, who was cut-off. Pharez means: cut-off and not only that, but Judah was really a type of outlaw). David of Ephraim ruled over Judah and Omri (after Jeroboam) of Judah over Israel. Therefore, it is not really Judahs kin that holds the scepter but rather the kin of David of Ephraim. However, the seed was mixed by Solomon and again by Rehoboam and on down the line until Jehosophat´s son Jehoram (Joram) married Athalia, a daughter of OMRI, the Judahite. The "Scepter" can be wielded righteously or not. (Psalm 45.6) In Genesis 49 Jacob tells us that the stone of Israel is of Joseph, it is plain as day for all to behold. The blessing of Moses in Deut 33.13-17 makes it plain as well. Joseph was given the coat that covers by Jacob-Israel. Dipped in blood and sent to Jacob with a message that "the child is not" by Judah, the 4th born of Leah with the "weak eyes", who was a constant rival of the one born first, Rueben. Invariably there is always much more to learn. I appreciate your help, but I am already convinced that Messiah is of Joseph.
@ilsev6511 2 месяца назад
Luke 2 1 Now in those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that a census should be taken of the whole empire. 2 This was the first census to take place while Quirinius was governor of Syria. 3 And everyone went to his own town to register. 4 So Joseph also went up from Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, since he was from the house and line of David. 5 He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to him in marriage and was expecting a child. 6 While they were there, the time came for her Child to be born. 7 And she gave birth to her firstborn, a Son. She wrapped Him in swaddling cloths and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
@psalm2764 2 месяца назад
My dear, you can send quotes all you want. Do you not think I am familiar with these verses? The whole point is that there are lies in the Bible and contradictions put there to test your zeal for the truth. I am pointing them out for you. If you choose to close your mind, that is your decision and responsibility. Verses alone without a mind to interpret them, are meaningless.
@psalm2764 2 месяца назад
The Holy One of Israel, was born in Israel. Bethlehem is Ephrata and the Messiah is of Ephrata, which is Israel. Why did the scribe make sure to tell us this fact? Genesis 35.19 coincides with Micah 5.2, but of course, Bethlehem-Ephrata is not in Judah. Judah was cut-off. Pharez means "cut-off" (Daniel 5.28) This counterfeit was forged in the day of Rehoboam, who was a grandson of David. Messiah was born in the City of David, which is Bethlehem. (Judges 12.8, 2 Samuel 23.16, 1 Samuel 18.18) Line upon Line, precept upon Precept, here a little, there a little, (Is 28.10) why do you suppose Isaiah included that methodology if everything in the Bible were true? He knew there would be lies. If you continue to adhere to deception, you may have your mind darkened. (Eph 4.18) There is no hope in stubbornness and rebellion, which are of satan, the man of sin. (2 Thess 2)
@psalm2764 2 месяца назад
Why would Joseph and Mary go DOWN from Galilee in Israel to Judah to register? Herod lived in Capernaum, which is in Israel, to the North. If you live in New York you will not register in Vermont.
@psalm2764 2 месяца назад
The Magi (Is 60) visited and worshipped the Messiah in Israel, where He was born and Herod slaughtered untold numbers of infant boys in order to eradicate Him - in Israel. The disciples of Messiah and even his parents themselves were called out of captivity in Assyria to the land of their nativity for the birth of the Savior, in Bethlehem, Galilee of Israel. Galilee is where Messiah was born, he is called the Galilean. John 7.41-42. And so are His disciples. (Mt 26.73, Acts 1.11)
@chretientek3752 2 года назад
Mic 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.
@psalm2764 2 года назад
Ephrata is Ephraim and his first-born son was Bethlehem. Ephraim is Israels first born son. Messiah came to the lost sheep of Israel. Read Isaiah 9. I know this verse in Micah and "Judah" was added by lying scribes. The Almighty is the Holy one of Israel. David was of Israel. Read Samuel. Put aside what you have learned in Babylon and think. Only those who think for themselves can be saved. Leave the herd and join the narrow way.
@chretientek3752 2 года назад
@@psalm2764 Num 13:6 Of the tribe of Judah, Caleb the son of Jephunneh. 1Ch 4:1 The sons of *Judah;* Pharez, Hezron, and Carmi, and Hur, and Shobal. ... These are the sons of Hur, the firstborn of *Ephratah*, the father of *Bethlehem*. 1Ch 2:50 These were the sons of *Caleb* the son of Hur, the firstborn of *Ephratah;* Shobal the father of Kirjathjearim, 1Ch 2:51 Salma the father of *Bethlehem,* Hareph the father of Bethgader. 1Ch 2:19 ... Caleb took unto him Ephrath, which bare him Hur. In 1 Chronicles Ephratah and Bethlehem are linked to Judah. 1Sa 17:12 Now David was the son of that Ephrathite of Bethlehemjudah ( David is from Ephratah from Bethlehem of Judah) 1Sa_1:1 Now there was a certain man of Ramathaimzophim, of mount Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah, the son of Jeroham, the son of Elihu, the son of Tohu, the son of Zuph, an Ephrathite: (Samuel and Jeroboam ) are linked to Ephrata of Ephraim. Notice the two words Ephrata and Ephraim are not the same. Gen_35:19 And Rachel died, and was buried in the way to Ephrath, which is Bethlehem. Gen 35:16 And they journeyed from Bethel; and there was but a little way to come to Ephrath: and Rachel travailed, and she had hard labour. Gen 35:21 And Israel journeyed, and spread his tent beyond the tower of Edar. Mic 4:8 And thou, O tower of the flock (Migdal Edar), the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem. Jacob was travelling from Bethel to the towerof Edar (Migdal Edar), So Ephrath is bettween Bethel and Migdal Edar, those towns are in Judah. Rth_1:2 And the name of the man was Elimelech, and the name of his wife Naomi, and the name of his two sons Mahlon and Chilion, Ephrathites of Bethlehemjudah. And they came into the country of Moab, and continued there. Again in Ruth Ephratites of Bethlehem Judah are linked to David. I do not see any problem with having two cities of the same name. I did not learn from Babylon to trust the Lord keeping his words from the lying scribes. In fact it is Babylon teaching to not trust the Almighty. Babylon always says "Did God really said?" "Can God keep his word pure?" And you can see that your theory is agreed by babylone also : www.timesofisrael.com/was-jesus-born-in-a-different-bethlehem/ In Isaiah 9, The prophecy is accomplished by the Lord starting his ministry in Galilee. Be blessed.
@psalm2764 2 года назад
@@chretientek3752 Dig deeper. The listings are circular and deceptive. There are some double names as well. Hur, Nun and Bethlehem were all the sons of Ephraim. You cannot trust the rendering of the genealogies in the Bible. They have been corrupted on purpose. Imagine we knew the truth all of these years. How different the world would be. Particularly if we Hebrews knew our true identity. We are not supposed to know the truth. Only the truth will set us free. In any case, we shall know the whole truth in the end. But much of it we can know now, through and with the help of the Holy Spirit. (You must realise that the Bible has a "jewish" slant. It has to do with the birthright, which belongs to Jacob-Israel, not Esau-Edom.)
@psalm2764 2 года назад
@entek3752 David is of Israel. Not Judah. Bethlehem is in Israel as is Nazareth and Ephrata. Bethlehem IS Ephrata. (Genesis 35.19) I understand and have identified some of the seeming "contradictions" and realise they are put there as stumbling blocks. The main reason is so that mankind will worship the "jew" and Judah as "royal" blood which is as far from the truth as east is from the west. Jacob was Israel, not Judah. Judah sold his brother Joseph into slavery and bowed down to him at the last many times. The Holy One is of Israel, not Judah. How often do you read: the holy one of Judah in the bible? Never. This is how we come to the truth - precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little there a little. I understand that the indoctrination runs deep. It takes wherewithal to reject the lies and embrace the truth. "jews" are not Judah. Read Obadiah. It is all about the judgement upon ESAU/Edom for having moved in to take Judah´s place in the day of his calamity. One thing I have learned is that Isaiah is right: for precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little. This is profound. This is the way to read the Bible. The lying scribes do not want you and me or anyone (except themselves) to know the truth. (Mt 23.15, Luke 11.52) If you believe them, you are in bondage to deception. I too was in bondage. The truth is not taught in "church" or anywhere.
@psalm2764 2 года назад
@@chretientek3752 Jephunneh - Kenaz - brother of Othniel - ESAU. Judges 1.13
@Dawood-Mushlam Год назад
That would also mean the place that David (A.S.) chose cannot be what’s considered modern day Jerusalem. Which means Solomon’s temple would’ve been in the north, and not Jerusalem (in the territory of Judah).
@psalm2764 Год назад
I am not sure what you mean by "that would mean". Could you explain what you mean by "that"? Don't forget that David first ruled in Hebron, the origin of which was most likely not in Judah but rather in Israel. King Herod the Edomite evidently changed the location. The scriptures have been slanted by the lying scribes to a false legitimation of Judah, which does not - line upon line, precept upon precept - here a little, there a little - exist. It is helpful to read the Bible as is, suspending all traditional beliefs of "the church".
@Dawood-Mushlam 9 месяцев назад
@@psalm2764I wasn’t notified that you responded and did not see your response until now. What I meant was, there’s no possible way that Solomon’s temple was in Jerusalem given he was from Ephraim. It also denotes that the Gospel writers got it wrong by claiming Jesus was a descendant of David through Judah, as David was not from Judah. Another thing I’m not sure if you’re aware of or not, but the Samaritans are not some mixed group from Babylon, they are the northern tribes of Israel, which Samaria was the capital of. The fact that Jesus is allegedly recorded as saying “salvation is from the Jews” when he was from Israel is another example of the lying pens of the scribes. It simply does not make sense and makes the authorship overtly obvious.
@psalm2764 9 месяцев назад
@@Dawood-Mushlam Solomon was a mixed breed and not the first born son of David of Ephraim. Bathsheba was apparently not an Israelite. David was indiscriminate and took her out of lust and the rest is now history. She was married to a Hittite - she may have been one. Ezekiel 16.3 comes to mind, particularly in light of the fact that Rehoboam the son of Solomon was an "Amonite". I realise that Ammonite and Ammorite are different, however, we do know that the lying scribes change and conflate issues at will in order to purvey a certain devious message by sleight of hand. Of course Messiah did not say "salvation is of the jews" and we can be sure that "jew" is code for ESAU and know therefore that "the jews" are not the "chosen people". Paul exposed the thieving "jew" with his circumcision as satanic and for that he should be lauded. However, his "not all Israel is Israel" and "all Israel will be saved" cannot possibly be true, line upon line, precept upon precept. This is how we interpret the Bible, also in light of history past and present. Thank you for your comment.
@psalm2764 10 месяцев назад
There are two Bethlehems: the "original" Bethlehem is located in Israel and I believe it is named after the firstborn son of Ephraim, whom Jacob-Israel claimed as his own firstborn. (Genesis 48.14, Jeremiah 31.9). Bethlehem means: House of Bread. The Messiah is the Bread of Life and He, as the firstborn Son of God, was born into the tribe of the firstborn, who is Ephraim. King David was an Ephrathite (I Samuel 17.12) of Bethlehem, Israel. The "counterfeit" Bethlehem was not built or fortified and perhaps even renamed to cause confusion until after David was long gone, by his grandson, Rehoboam of Solomon. The term Ephraim is synonymous with Israel. And the Holy One of Israel was of necessity born in Israel. He is called the Nazarene, Nazareth is in Israel. These are facts and if you deny facts for emotional satisfaction, you deny reality and ultimately, you deny God.
@Dawood-Mushlam Год назад
That means the author of the Gospel according to Matthew was wrong by tracing Jesus’ lineage to David through Judah and not Ephraim.
@psalm2764 Год назад
The husband of Mary, Joseph, was not the father of Messiah. But Joseph´s lineage was given. According to the scripture, line upon line, precept upon precept, the Messiah came through Joseph, Ephraim and David and not through Judah. In other words, yes, the lineage given is wrong.
@Dawood-Mushlam 9 месяцев назад
@@psalm2764I’m sorry to break this to you, but the Gospels misquote the Hebrew Scriptures on several occasions, and the alleged “virgin birth” is a complete mistranslation of the Hebrew text of Isaiah. And in fact, the term “Emmanuel” meaning “God with us”, was meant in a negative manner. Meaning God was getting ready to destroy the nation, and this was referring to the Assyrian invasion that exiled the 10 tribes. Jesus, peace be upon him, absolutely had a father.
@psalm2764 8 месяцев назад
@@Dawood-Mushlam Messiah is God. If Messiah is not God, we are not saved.
@psalm2764 6 месяцев назад
@@Dawood-Mushlam the 10 tribes of the children of Israel were "exiled" long before Messiah Jesus Christ manifested on the earth, Emmanuel. God gathered Israel supernaturally for the first time then. Only God can gather what He has scattered. (Isaiah 9, Isaiah 11, Isaiah 60, Ezekiel 11.17, Hosea 1.11)
@josephmatsiko2486 Год назад
Ephrathite is not synonymous with Ephraimite! This is a wrong interpretation
@psalm2764 Год назад
That's not the point.
@josephmatsiko2486 Год назад
David is from the tribe of Judah! Messiah was born in Bethlehem which is in Judah. The blessing of Ephraim put him in conflict with Judah who also was given a blessing of leadership. That’s why you have a conflict between those two tribes throughout the life of God’s people all the way from when they settled the land up until the Babylonian exile. The union of the two tribes is achieved in Jesus Christ. I will write a paper on this soon. I just moved to the US (Atlanta) from East Africa to attend graduate school at a seminary here. You are asking good questions but you have only part of the answer. I can resolve it for you but I need sometime. May be during the school break
@psalm2764 Год назад
​@@josephmatsiko2486 You are missing the clues given by God Himself in His Word. I am not asking questions, I am giving answers. Ephraim is the first born. Ephraim is the defeater of Amalek, the first of the heathen. Judah sold his brother Joseph into slavery and is not part of Israel, which IS Ephraim, who is the first-born. Ephraim is Ephrata and Bethlehem, the first-born of Ephraim. Messiah was born in Israel. The Sceptre rises out of Israel (Numbers 24.17). If you are in "seminary", you would do well to drop out and seek the truth. "Seminary" is not a seal of authority, but of the lying traditions of men, in particular, of pharisees. Who have the keys to the Door, but neither go in themselves nor allow anyone else to go in. Also, Judah married a Canaanite woman, his first two sons were struck dead, they were so evil. Judah then "married" his daughter in law, Tamar, who was an Edomite. He committed incest with ESAU´s kin. This is not the ancestry of Messiah, who came through Ephraim. MALACHI 2.11: Judah hath dealt treacherously, and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah hath profaned the holiness of the LORD which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange god. First, you must understand that Judah, is NOT part of Israel. Remember not only the wilful abominations of Judah, but also his treachery, in particular in the person of OMRI, and his progeny, AHAB who married Jezebel. Judah was a megalomanic and still is. That is why he needed a lawgiver between his feet - he was lawless. That is HIS problem and it has nothing to do with Ephraim, of whom all of the brothers were extremely jealous - including Manasseh. Also, do not forget Achan, who sinned against God at AI and tried to hide his sin from the Almighty. What was his demise? And the end of Ahab and Jezebel - all of these are of Judah. The Messiah is a Lamb and not a lion. If you believe the "lion" is Messiah, you worship the counterfeit and the fraud.
@psalm2764 6 месяцев назад
@@josephmatsiko2486 At this stage I can see that the even greater conflict is between Ephraim and Manasseh. Take a look at the history of England vs. Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Ephraim was set before the eldest, Manasseh. Genesis 48.12. Take a look at the slaughter of Ephraim at the hand of Manasseh in Judges 12. Also, Dan has great disdain for Ephraim. Judges 18.
@rod8989 2 года назад
Isaiah 9/4For thou hast broken the yoke of his burden, and the staff of his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, as in the day of Midian.(Jesus yet) 5For every battle of the warrior is with confused noise, and garments rolled in blood;(Jesus first half but now its the Joseph messiah after this)but this shall be with burning and fuel of fire. 7/14 is Jesus and 9/6 is other Joseph messiah Zachariah 4/14 two anointed ones.... You make good arguments, I can see were you're coming from, probably the double portion two anointed men But also I believe it's Ezekiel 37 the two sticks come together Judah and Joseph in hand of Ephraim then says there will be one Shepherd and one king Jesus says "I am the good Shepherd"
@psalm2764 2 года назад
A remnant of Israel and Judah will be saved. "jews" are not Judah, they are Esau.
@rod8989 2 года назад
I like to read Matthew 23 alongside Jeremiah 2/28-37, 19/6-8, 44/11, 27
@rod8989 2 года назад
@@psalm2764 I'm actually pretty convinced all Judah is divorced if you read Jeremiah 3 carefully its really only Judah who is divorced. Rebellious Israel has justified herself more than treacherous Judah. Repent backsliding Israel...doesn't mention for Judah to repent... Jeremiah 31 in context see verses 1-9 never once is Judah spoken of and suddenly its all about Israel and judah in later verses and not Ephraim his firstborn? its speaking to Israel and Ephraim my firstborn verse 9 than verse 27 or 28 speaks of Israel and Ephraim being sown with the beast of the field I know it says Judah but Judah was sown with beast from the beginning Judah took a Canaanite wife. The covenant made with house of Israel and house of Ephraim I believe it should say verses Judah who is divorced from Jeremiah 3 who on her skirts is all innocent blood Jeremiah 2/28-37 who can't escape the judgment of Valley of Hinnom which correctly translated Matthew 23/33 says how can you escape the Valley of Hinnom? Which Jeremiah 19/6-8 Valley of Hinnom Valley of Slaughter I will make void the counsel of Judah hissing....see where Jesus gets snakes serpents. Destroy all Judah - Jeremiah 44/11
@psalm2764 2 года назад
@@rod8989 yes. Very powerful. Twofold more the child of hell ...
@mfblume1 3 месяца назад
Jesus is called Lion of Tribe of Judah in Revelation 5:6.
@psalm2764 3 месяца назад
Messiah is the Lamb and He does not shape-shift. This one-off insert cannot be substantiated by the rest of the scriptures, which teach that Messiah is of the firstborn Jacob-Israel, Joseph, Ephraim and David. The genealogy must be lost on earth (but not in Heaven). Otherwise the evil forces of Esau would have slaughtered Messiah before He was born.
@psalm2764 3 месяца назад
There is no reason whatsoever that Judah should be the patriarch of Messiah based upon the whole counsel of God, regardless of what Rev 5.5. says. It is a lie from the pit of hell. The "lion of the tribe of Judah" is satan.
@psalm2764 3 месяца назад
The name Blume is Edomite.
@RoseSharon7777 2 года назад
I read Isaiah 40:3 several months ago and it opened my eyes even further. LORD in hebrew is the Father not another prophet after John the Baptist who was the greatest prophet ever born amongst women. Very interesting.
@psalm2764 2 года назад
I think it means "born of a woman".
@PresiValentine 7 месяцев назад
@psalm2764 7 месяцев назад
John 12.20-23 - Israel and Judah (the "Greek") were gathered for the first time under Messiah. And He will gather them a second time at the end of time. Isaiah 11.11, Isaiah 60, Jeremiah 46.16, Ezekiel 11.17, Jeremiah 23,29,30,31.
@PresiValentine 7 месяцев назад
@@psalm2764 this is the end time
@keebinaboatametse4962 2 года назад
He was the Reference to the Lion of Judah.
@psalm2764 2 года назад
Keep reading and praying, maybe one day you will understand.
@psalm2764 10 месяцев назад
II Samuel 6.6-8 [6] And when they came to Nachon's threshingfloor, Uzzah put forth his hand to the ark of God, and took hold of it; for the oxen shook it. [7] And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him there for his error; and there he died by the ark of God. [8] And David was displeased, because the LORD had made a breach upon Uzzah: and he called the name of the place Perez-uzzah to this day. Uzzah touched the Ark of God, who struck him dead. Similar to the first two sons of Judah. (Gen 38.7-11) Uzzah made a breach: PEREZ-Uzzah. Perez means "Breach", which is the name of the firstborn son of Judah and Tamar, the Edomite. The Repairer of the Breach is Messiah: Isaiah 58.12 Deny the facts at your own peril.
@johnmcook1 9 месяцев назад
@psalm2764 9 месяцев назад
@johnmcook1 9 месяцев назад
@@psalm2764 other thoughts on this. Judas means judah judah sold joseph for silver same as judas. Saul named the same as king saul. Saul made blind on a specific road to Damascus. Joseph sees the the stars moon and sun bow to him. Joseph gets a coat of many colors like a rainbow ( covenant ) He is adorned with the covenant. He is lost in the world and thought to be dead only for them in distress later to find out he is now with great power in egypt. Now on to moses. Moses had great power but demands his people are let go so he can lead them home. Could it be this plays out again and is actually prophetic.
@psalm2764 9 месяцев назад
@@johnmcook1 There are many correlations between Joseph and Messiah, including the one you mention about Judah/Judas. Judah succumbed to the whore Tamar, Joseph resisted and went to jail for it, for example, and later, after patient tribulation in prison, was exonerated and exalted. Saul and Paul both of Benjamin. Both were blind at one point. King Saul remained blind however. The coat is significant, was it "rainbow coloured"? could be it corresponds to the coat of Jerobeam, ripped into 12 parts. The brothers envied it and dipped it in blood, sending it to Jacob and lying about their evil deed. They even continued to lie, even after Jacob was dead. But they could not fool Joseph. The only one of them with eyes to see. But Joseph was no longer around to report their evil deeds and bring their sordid report back to his father. And even when those envious brothers went begging to Joseph for food, Joseph forgave them, seeing the providence of God in their wicked act in "saving many people alive" through the suffering of the solitary Joseph. Who indeed was separate (holy) from his brethren. (Rev 18.4) This is the result of the whole history of mankind: God working through our evil deeds to create good. It's only taken 6 thousand years and He still is not done yet. The Messiah wore a garment, which was seamless. Lots were cast for it after His crucifixion. Joseph´s coat, bloodied, was the foreshadowing, Messiah´s garment was left unscathed. I´m not sure what you mean about Moses returning and history repeating itself. It seems that Moses was chosen because he was meek, maybe the meekest man that ever lived. His "power" came from God, not from within himself.
@joshamaya196 Год назад
Then both geneolgies of the Messiah in Luke and Matthew are wrong. Boaz and Jesse are descendants of Judah, not Ephraim. Genesis 49:10 Psalm 60:7 Revelation 5:5 What's more Ephrata/Ephrath and Ephraim are two different things entirely. Ephrath was a real person who founded the town of Bethlehem, as well as the Ephrath clan. This clan was of the smallest, and seemingly insignificant clans of Judah. The Bible plainly tells us this. 1 Chronicles 4:1-4 NET The descendants of Judah: Perez, Hezron, Carmi, Hur, and Shobal. [2] Reaiah the son of Shobal was the father of Jahath, and Jahath was the father of Ahumai and Lahad. These were the clans of the Zorathites. [3] These were the sons of Etam: Jezreel, Ishma, and Idbash. Their sister was Hazzelelponi. [4] Penuel was the father of Gedor, and Ezer was the father of Hushah. These were the descendants of Hur, the firstborn of Ephrathah and the father of Bethlehem. What's even more, 1 Chronicles chapter 2 has a whole detailed geneology stemming from Judah. I'm not sure why anyone would entertain this idea.
@psalm2764 Год назад
Either the genealogies are wrong, or God made a mistake saying that Jacob, Joseph, Ephraim and David were his firstborn. Judah had sex with a harlot, his daughter in law. Their issue resulted in twins - Zerah and Pharez. Pharez means Breach. Judah was divided from and was never a part of Israel. He sold his brother Joseph into slavery, which is a capitol offence deserving of death. Judah bowed to Joseph and never the other way around.
@psalm2764 5 месяцев назад
If the genealogy of Messiah were known, Herod would not have asked the Kings of the Orient where He was. The "jewish" children of Esau would not have been "troubled", they would have known and removed Him silently. But they did not know. Matthew 2.3-7
@KerryRasol 5 месяцев назад
Joseph in the new testament is the same as the old. Ephraim the son. It was judah that sold joseph to egypt. It was judah that betrayed jesus in the new. They both had 12 followers sane story.
@psalm2764 5 месяцев назад
Very similar, however, Joseph in the "new" testament was said to be the husband of Mary, not the Messiah.
@KerryRasol 5 месяцев назад
There is that yes but if ephraim is the messiah it makes joseph the father, asenath, (neith) was the mother. Asenath was called Mari. Mari meant Israel.
@H-D33 7 месяцев назад
Jesus was born in Bethlehem not nazereth..thats is in the tribe of judah...david was born in Bethlehem also
@psalm2764 7 месяцев назад
Jesus was born in the same town of Bethlehem as David. There was no "Bethlehem-Judah" at the time of David's birth. "Bethlehem-Judah" was fortified and named, allegedly, by Rehoboam, David's grandson. Look it up. (2 Tim 2.15; Philippians 2.12) The Holy One of Israel was born in Bethlehem, Israel, of course. Judah is not of Israel. Judah was "cut-off", which is the meaning of the name Pharez. Messiah is still called Jesus of Nazareth. And because He was born in Judah, which is a sick talmudic joke on the slothful, which leads to poverty of mind and soul. (Prov 6.10-11) The Messiah was of Galilee, which is in Israel, where He spent much of His time. There is a juxtaposition between Galilee and "jewry", which amounts to the difference between Jacob-Israel and Esau, who has stolen the birthright. (Ezekiel 35.10, Obadiah). The Disciples of Messiah were of Galilee - except Judas. Jesus after He raised Lazarus from the dead would not "walk in jewry" but spent His time in the Wilderness of Ephraim, of which tribe He was born into. (John 11.54) Going to church and believing in lying traditions of mankind, which are based on the satanic talmud of Esau, will not lead you into all truth. Realize that the forces have conflated and convoluted issues - even in the Bible. The only way to come to an understanding of the truth is by and with the Holy Spirit, the only one who can help you to interpret line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little. (Isaiah 28.10) Indeed, I am sharing what I know. The darkness cannot comprehend the light. That is why the way is narrow and the gate is straight and few there be who find it.
@H-D33 7 месяцев назад
@@psalm2764 I'll do a little bit more research...thanks for sharing ..I never thought about this really .. it makes no difference to me either way..Jesus is the messiah but also would like to know the real truth ..thanks
@psalm2764 7 месяцев назад
@@H-D33 Yes, Jesus is the Messiah, AND the truth matters. The truth is the pearl of great price. We give our life for it.
@psalm2764 7 месяцев назад
@@H-D33 When the forces "reveal" their "man of sin" (2 Thess 2) and call him the lion of the tribe of Judah, which is a bold-faced lie - you will understand what I mean. Either you know that "moshiach" of the jews is not the Messiah or you don't. You must convince yourself and KNOW what you believe because Satan is poised, when he is manifested, to put you on trial if you do not take the mark of the beast.
@TheRealTomahawk 10 месяцев назад
Ephrathite is not the same as Ephraim
@psalm2764 10 месяцев назад
An Ephrathite is someone of the tribe of Ephraim.
@pedromq7807 Год назад
The reason Messiah comes from Judah is because Judah stayed in the place of Benjamin as tribute... Judah is also son of Leah which was the neglected wife of Jacob, she named him to praise God. Usuallly is not the favorites that God choose for that.. happened with Isaac (Esau), Jacob (Joseph and Leah).. Daniel and his brothers.. The mistake in the video is that pretty much like every older brother, its too focused on the heritage, lineage, blessing... miss the point. ;) I also think Ephraim was left out the 144.000 together with Dan.. dont know exactly why.
@psalm2764 Год назад
Your reasoning is based upon your opinions and bias and have nothing to do with what is actually written and therefore: bogus.
@TheWhyisthatso 2 года назад
Ephraim today is the United States of America..... the receiver of the "birthright blessing" and the "double portion" of inheritance. ( Genesis chapters 48 and 49 ) There are 10 sovereign nations in the world today who are prophetic 'Israel' collectively.......the USA is the leader among them. These are also the "ten horns" in Revelation, even NOW "giving their power to the beast". And NOW is the "time of Jacob's ( USA / ISRAEL ) trouble..... but he will be saved out of it . ( Jeremiah 30 :7 ) It is from Ephraim ( USA) that Messiah will come. ( Genesis 49:24 )
@psalm2764 2 года назад
Hello and thank you for your comment. I think the man of sin will emerge from Assyria, which is Germany. The seat of satan was removed from Pergamon and rebuilt in Berlin, which is known as "Babylon". I do believe that the 10 horns are European forces, which ostensibly will attack the United States. Yes, I agree that the United States of America is representative of Ephraim. Unfortunately, Americans, of which I am one, have reneged on their duty to drive out the evil from among them and have spoiled themselves and their heritage. They are not as important as they think and are shrinking into oblivion due to very gross negligence - particularly with regard to the slaughter of innocents, which is ongoing. However, a gleaning of the grapes of Ephraim must be and is forthcoming. (Genesis 49.24 / Numbers 24.17 have been fulfilled. Messiah came. After "Djjal" and "Madhi" Messiah will return in Wrath).
@TheWhyisthatso 2 года назад
@@psalm2764 ........"Babylon" is the world wide system of the ruling "Elite" that enslaves every nation today to their "flesh"........"Let us make us a name (authority)" above that of God. The "Assyrian" ( spiritually ) is the same world ruling "Cabal" that is NOW at war with the USA and ALL of "Israel" collectively. The "10 horns" ( 10 lost tribes ) will give their power to the "beast" for "one hour". " They will make war with the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them." Then they will turn on the "woman" ( Babylon ).....burn her with "fire" and eat her "flesh". ALL of Israel will be humbled before they are exalted again. The American people are being played by BOTH political parties, who are both the same "Cabal" fighting amongst themselves as they have always done. The goal is "divide and conquer" , " order out of chaos", as is always the plan. Their "New World Order" is the coming Quantum system ( "Q" )......and the people will love it so......until they realize that they have been played. BUT, little do "they" know that My Father is using them to establish His Kingdom ( Government ) when He sends His son David to restore the nation "Israel". " But Joseph replied, " Do not be afraid. Am I in the place of God " ? As for you, what you intended against me for evil, God intended for good, in order to accomplish a day like this, to preserve the lives of many people " ( GENESIS 50 : 19-20 )
@TheWhyisthatso 2 года назад
@@psalm2764 ......Would you like to know what Psalm 27 is about ? I wrote it, so I should know.
@psalm2764 2 года назад
@@TheWhyisthatso Did I touch a nerve?
@TheWhyisthatso 2 года назад
@@psalm2764 ...are you asking me...or yourself ?
@Doctor1933 Год назад
@psalm2764 Год назад
Glad you see it.
@nebiyoutsegaye3151 2 года назад
you are wrong read the genealogy of Jesus to Jude
@psalm2764 2 года назад
Please realise that in the Bible, including and especially the geneaolgies, have been distorted and falsified in order to trick the reader and the very Elect, if that were possible. Judah cannot possibly be the patriarch of Messiah. Have you read what he did to Joseph out of pure envy? How he dipped the coat of many colors in blood and sent it to his father, saying that "the child was not"? And then, later, how Judah BOWED to Joseph? How Joseph gave them food (bread) to eat and water to drink ? Why do you deny the truth? Are the lying traditions of the false satanic "church" so dear to you? Judah is very much akin to Esau, whom God hates. Esau married Hittite women and Judah married Edomite women. Tamar was an Edomite. Even "the jews" know this. You can actually look that up. Google it for yourself. Perez, whom Messiah supposedly came from, means "breach". Messiah was of Ephraim, as David was an Ephramite. Just read Samuel I and II. Over and over again we are told that David was of "Israel". The lying pens of the scribes have conflated much, but the WORD, who is God Almighty, can restore your mind to the truth, if you let Him. Amen.
@nebiyoutsegaye3151 2 года назад
@@psalm2764 every one claim that bible is changed the Muslims ,other religions and now you but it needs evidence. the first thing you have to do was to bring out this evidences .we cant simply say it is distorted
@psalm2764 2 года назад
@@nebiyoutsegaye3151 The Word of God is the truth, He never changes. Printed words, however, can be distorted. Do you believe that the synagogue of satan wants you to know the truth? Yes or no? Islam is a re-legion, made up almost 600 years after the ascension of Messiah. Islam and Catholicism are the obedient daughters of the whore of Babylon, which is Kaballah (kaan-baal-allah). Ecumenism involves all three of these re-legions: judaism, catholicism and islam. These will all follow after the beast, along with apostate "christianity", which involves all of the cults (LDS, JW, SDA) etc., who teach their people that the pope is the man of sin. What is coming will segue with islam and the bible, namely: a false prophet will appear on the world stage and be "defeated" by the man of sin, who will obtain a "headwound" but heal himself "resurrect". The "jews" will declare him as their Moschiach and the whole world, who believes the "jews" (Esau) are the chosen people, will follow after the beast. This is what I understand, I could be wrong. However, if the whole world is going to follow after the beast, the majority must have been prepared for it beforehand. If you listen to some videos by "jews" you will actually hear them say that Isalm is the same or tantamount to judaism. We know that most "christian churches" are "zionist" and this is of course by design. When the "jews" say "moshiach" is here, the entire conventional "christian church" will fall in line behind all other "denominations" to worship the beast. I understand it is hard to apprehend the truth. But if you are willing, and do, it will set you free. You will understand what is happening and can take a side. If not, chances are high that you will follow the crowd and do what is expected of you and take the mark of the beast.
@nebiyoutsegaye3151 2 года назад
@@psalm2764 you didn't answer my question . like all people claiming bible is distorted. and read about ad hominem fallacy
@psalm2764 2 года назад
@@nebiyoutsegaye3151 Like all people claiming the Bible has not been changed, you have not read it. If you had, the discrepancies would be clear to you. Did you listen to the video? Is there not evidence there? did I not quote scripture? The problem is located in the DISCREPANCY between what the Bible says, and what we are educated to believe by schools and media and other "experts". Have you read the Bible? Do not all the prophets indict the false teachers? Did not John say there were some in the "church" who were antichrist? Did not Messiah say that the pharisee "teachers" and "rabbis" were of the Synagogue of Satan? The problem is not with me, it is with you: you believe in and love lies and you are emotionally attached to untruths. If not, listen to the video and there you will find proof. If you do not believe the proof, pray to God to remove your blindness. And your stiff neck.
@flipschicago Год назад
@psalm2764 Год назад
The Holy One of Israel, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, was born in Bethlehem, the city of David, which is in Israel, not Judah.
@psalm2764 Год назад
"the lion of the tribe of Judah" is satan in the flesh. Beware.
@thewarriorwounds3124 Год назад
You are close just remove the Jesus idolatry.
@psalm2764 Год назад
Jesus Christ is God, Esau, and you know it.
@thewarriorwounds3124 Год назад
@@psalm2764 I find it so funny that you make this video talking about how David is not from Judah yet believe in the NT that 100% supports the idea that Jesus is the "lion of Judah" from the tribe of Judah. Revelation 5:5, we read this about Jesus: “Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah has conquered.”
@thewarriorwounds3124 Год назад
@@psalm2764 and Jesus doesn't even believe he is God. "Father if it be your will take this cup from me" so he is praying for himself to himself to help himself?
@psalm2764 Год назад
@@thewarriorwounds3124 Begone, Satan, your mind is darkened, God has given you up and over to strong delusion.
@thewarriorwounds3124 Год назад
@@psalm2764 lets have a real discussion here. Lets start with Daniel 7:25 he will speak great things against the most high, changes times and try to change the law. Now lets look at Hebrews 7:12, If the priesthood is changed then the law is changed. Wait a minute the priesthood changed? What does God say about the levites? Lets look at Jeremiah to see. Does this sound like the messiah will do away with the levitcal priesthood? “In those days and at that time I will raise up a righteous descendant from King David’s line. He will do what is just and right throughout the land. In that day Judah will be saved, and Jerusalem will live in safety. And this will be its name: ‘The Lord Is Our Righteousness.’ For this is what the Lord says: David will have a descendant sitting on the throne of Israel forever. And there will always be Levitical priests to offer burnt offerings and grain offerings and sacrifices to me.” Jeremiah 33:15‭-‬18 NLT bible.com/bible/116/jer.33.15-18.NLT
@thompsonfitt1014 Год назад
My brain just went into OVERLOAD…🤯🤯🫥🫵🙏🏴⚓️
@psalm2764 Год назад
Truth will do that.
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