
King David's Tomb: Part 1 -- Finding It 

Expedition Bible
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@adrienneshearer4284 2 года назад
I was reading Nehemiah just the last couple of days, and when he described in GREAT DETAIL, the rebuilding of the wall, I said to myself; "WELL WHY CAN'T THEY FIND THE TOMBS OF THE KINGS?" Then tonight I discover this channel!!! Now, that was a "God THING!!!"
@Gecalao_Clan 2 года назад
It's not a coincidence, I presume.
@deebreed1570 2 года назад
Ya think..
@Angelsangels1969 2 года назад
That's not, "king DAWEED, TOMB"
@varalaxmikkd9312 2 года назад
@varalaxmikkd9312 2 года назад
@RU-vid Censorship Good joke
@rickysneaks7424 Год назад
Absolutely love this channel. I was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy and I'm now 100% disabled. I've always had a fascination for lost treasure. But, around 10 years ago, I dedicated my reading to finding or solving lost Biblical Archeology. There are so many trails I've been down. If you ever need a researcher or someone to study something, feel free to ask.
@ariefsheik1716 Год назад
Hi, sorry to hear about your illness, I would like to mention that I had a classmate has the same illness and he went to China and had stemcell treatment which helped him kee his head upright. I have 2 boys with autism and did 3 shots stemcell which has improved their condition. If you need more info let me know can forward to you. Take care Godbless
@rickysneaks7424 Год назад
@ariefsheik1716 I've tried them. They worked for a couple months, but ultimately ended back up where I was. The best results I've found is, just don't give up and give yourself to Christ. This is not my life. My life will be eternal. Thanks you.
@rickysneaks7424 Год назад
@@ariefsheik1716 I really di appreciate it. Not many people care enough about strangers or others these days. ❤️
@kane4518 5 месяцев назад
@@ariefsheik1716 a disabled person shows there true love for God. Each lesson teaches us some give to us some take from us but how we recover is what truly matters
@_chosen_remnant 3 месяца назад
​@@rickysneaks7424"this is not my life. My life will be eternal." Such an inspirational outlook. Thank you for sharing your strong faith. I'm right there with you, my friend. This life is but a blink before we awake in eternity. Can't wait.
@kell4598 Год назад
I'm a "newish" Christian. I've gotten most of the Bible read. I am fascinated at the way you can verbalize what certain parts of the Bible mean. I appreciate that.....thank you so much!!! God Bless.
@katiebaldwin8108 Год назад
Monte Judah at Lion and Lamb Ministries has helped me a lot in my reading and understanding of the Bible.
@IdahoBrotherInChrist Год назад
Pray & ask for the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom, discernment, knowledge & understanding💟
@tommycoyote3258 Год назад
I really like the adventure Bible. It's actually for youth. There are lessons to explain the reading. It's fun, awesome, and informative. Charles Stanley daily study Bible is also awesome. You can read the whole Bible in a year in 20ish minutes a day
@SF-ru3lp Год назад
Blessings to you, Kell. I found it very useful to read the books if King's and Chronicles simultaneously, cross referencing as I went. You may be at a more advanced stage than that.... G Ire
@lancertreepuffer 11 месяцев назад
Keep reading your bible. The NLT is great for new Christians, easy to read and understand. After a few years you can move to a NKJ or another more literal translation. Welcome to the family
@missykowalewski Год назад
I’m hooked. How u take the difficult architecture verbiage and break it down is awesome. I’m learning so so much. Thank u. Jesus saved my life!! Praise Jesus!!
@chrisc5726 2 года назад
I “accidentally” found Expedition Bible channel led by this man of God and have been watching all of his videos. Not boring, precise and concise best way I find to characterize them. Imagine I started teaching about David to children in Sunday school (I’m being schooled 😄). This is so timing and wonderful. Thank you, Lord. Learning never ends. Continue to seek God, consistently and devotedly. May His mercy and grace be with you. Amen
@douglashall2141 2 года назад
Sir when it comes to the Lord God Almighty nothing is by accident it is all my design. So by saying this I believe that you were actually guided to this channel. When you are seeking him at a point in time in your life and you've asked a question with no one else around God's will hear it and he always answers. Never in a negative way and always in a positive way. Jesus said I am the life the truth and the way. He also said he is the light of the world. Which shall shine in darkness in his light shines brighter than all things his light has shown where you hear and guided you for a reason, by Design his design and his is perfect. Ours has not been perfected yet. That time is to come. At the second coming of the Messiah. God bless you all always and abundantly in Christ Jesus holy name amen amen amen
@wangmary888 2 года назад
@@douglashall2141 You are 100% correct. Any of my questions about and on the Bible have been answered days after it appeared even if I almost did not ask God but just have it in my heart and even was not that eager to know the answer. But for the prayers of other things, some of them has He realized while most of them seemed not to agree with me. But I am always content with this because I trust in Him and that He always gives me the best, and because I know very clearly that comparing with His love, might and wisdom, all mines are as low as nothing. He is the Lord or Master, and so obeying to His arrangement is the best for any His followers.
@douglashall2141 2 года назад
@@wangmary888 I pray for discernment for you which is the spirit of understanding as well as knowledge and wisdom. So that he may guide you always. And discerning and all things. Jesus said you must be reborn. Of the blood and the water. The blood is represented as the Holy Spirit Christ gave his blood for us on the cross is sacrificed to the Gentiles to being grafted with the Jews in that we have that choice then to choose to follow Christ Jesus and accept his forgiveness and mercy. They're in receiving the holy spirit the comforter. In Christ Jesus holy name amen amen amen.
@wangmary888 2 года назад
@@douglashall2141 I pray that Jesus will guide each His kid and bless you!
@helenemohlin4261 2 года назад
I just found it too it's fantastic 💜
@mv9587 Год назад
My God... The last part had my heart leaping and my hairs standing up..... The beauty of the Bible unfolding.... Even in these days.... Jesus come back soon... Waiting for u....
@davidcole1475 5 месяцев назад
Jesus explicitly said he would return during the lifetime of the apostles. Matthew 16:27 For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done. 28 I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.” This can't be referring to the transfiguration a day or two later. Everyone was alive and there are no angels and no judgement to reward anyone. For the same reason it can't be referring to Pentecost either. There were no angels and no judgement. It happened in AD 70 with the fall of Jerusalem. Some of the apostles (we know John was for sure) were still alive at that event. Jesus said he would return during his apostles' generation. Matt. 24:1 Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings. 2 “Do you see all these things?” he asked. “I tell you the truth, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.” (Reference to the destruction of the temple in AD 70) Matt. 24:3 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” (Jesus' coming was understood to be tied to the end of the Old Covenant age.) Matt. 24:4 Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. (apostles) 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains. (All happened in the first century leading up to the fall of Jerusalem.) Matt. 24:9 “Then you (apostles) will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. (The apostasy of the Judaizers and proclamation to all nations was fulfilled in the first century. Rom. 10:18; 16:26; Col. 1:6; 1:23) Matt. 24:15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of through the prophet Daniel-let the reader understand- 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let no one on the roof of his house go down to take anything out of the house. 18 Let no one in the field go back to get his cloak. 19 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! 20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. 21 For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now-and never to be equaled again. 22 If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. 23 At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect-if that were possible. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time. (Daniel's prophesy was fulfilled by the fall of Jerusalem. The abomination that causes desolation were the Roman armies that surrounded Jerusalem. See the parallel passage of Luke 21:20-23) Matt. 24:26 “So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the desert,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. 27 For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 28 Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather. (Refers to the slaughter of the Jews in the fall of Jerusalem.) Matt. 24:29 “Immediately after the distress of those days “ ‘the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken. (Metaphorical apocalyptic language about the fate of the Jewish leadership.) ’Matt. 24:30 “At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. 31 And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. (The resurrection in conjunction with the fall of Jerusalem.) Matt. 24:32 “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. 33 Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. 34 I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. (This generation is the apostles' generation, not any other generation. The Old Covenant temple (known as heaven and earth) was destroyed and the New Covenant kingdom was consummated with the opening of the doors of heaven for the dead.) James understood Jesus well. He read the signs and told them the Lord was near, right at the door in their generation. James 5:9 Don’t grumble against each other, brothers, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door! So there is convincing evidence for Christ's predictions of his return in conjunction with the end of the Old Covenant age and fall of Jerusalem. Considering the dead were raised in spiritual bodies rather than physical ones we shouldn't expect to have any visual record of it but must take it on faith to have occurred.
@Ashnola Год назад
Thank you for the bringing the bible to life! You're doing God's work, brother. May God bless you and your work.
@_daniel_6375 Год назад
What do you mean by bringing the bible to life ???? It doesnt make sense .. The bible itself is LIFE !
@kennethkiser2642 2 года назад
The Holy Bible is full of gospel truths all the way through. Praise God
@braydongintz2234 2 года назад
Yeah so is a book on facts praise book of facts
@Txfire409 2 года назад
@@braydongintz2234 It is a book of facts and I challenge you to prove otherwise.
@Jeffshighonlife 8 месяцев назад
@Txfire409 8 месяцев назад
@@Jeffshighonlife very well reasoned and thoughtful reply
@TrumpetReady 2 года назад
Hallelujah! HE is risen!! Eagerly awaiting my LORD, my SAVIOR, my KING. Blessing. 🙏🏻✝️
@deebreed1570 2 года назад
Why would God Excavate our hearts and minds and eyes to stumble across this video mostly all around the same time, how does that happen and why does that happen...Amazing.. Thank you Jesus.. In this hour in this season on so many levels He is bringing the bride of Christ together on so many levels 🙌
@richmondlandersenfells2238 Год назад
AMEN to that!
@samuelhannan5420 Год назад
RU-vid algorithm 🤷‍♂️
@deebreed1570 Год назад
@@samuelhannan5420 RU-vid allegory
@talostheking8529 2 года назад
I wish this stuff was taught in school. I would've been so much more prepared in life if I knew more about God and biblical history growing up.
@truthseeker9454 2 года назад
Amen, me too. But in the kingdom, during Messiah's reign, it will be! Let's work together to keep one another ready for His return, and spread the word so that the King's banquet may be filled. I look forward to meeting you there! :^ )
@lordofthestings 2 года назад
@@truthseeker9454, very nice comment.
@dmd5645 2 года назад
@@truthseeker9454 Amen!!
@tbabii6145 2 года назад
I agree & look how much people are doing crazy cuz each generation we know less & less abt GOD, now we at the ending times & it’s horrible scary for alot of people & absolutely dangerous
@jamesbond1231 2 года назад
@@imapiledriver2462 It's not satan that is keeping you in the dark. There's a reason Lucifer was the angel of light.
@daveyboygee Год назад
Your work and your ability to convey a story, a message that is true in it's intent as a Christian is really remarkable, Joel. Thank you for sharing it here. God bless you and your work. D
@laurieweideman9607 2 года назад
I’m shocked at how abandoned and rough this tomb is, so I look forward to part 2.
@celestejohansen 2 года назад
If you think of how many times Jerusalem was destroyed since King David passed away, it makes sense. After a while, the people remember where they came from when they are carried away, but they don’t remember their history.
@cdelane3335 Год назад
Love seeing this stories come to life through archaeology and the Bible. I can just imagine what things looked like.
@Ominivert Год назад
Not story dude... its history
@billybob-ro6qf 9 месяцев назад
@@Ominivert it is a story, a TRUE STORY of history
@Ominivert 9 месяцев назад
@@billybob-ro6qf not story its history
@davehugheswithmmaweekly4400 7 месяцев назад
Human nature to argue about even Godley things shame on you guys
@RevolutioXxNx Год назад
I love watching videos like this showing places from in the Bible. So glad you can actually go there and see with your own eyes and also allow us to see as well. Really great work and how you describe everything. Thank you !!!
@brandonb6274 2 года назад
You explain things very well and make them easy to understand. I love this channel
@adoptedchineseboy Год назад
I think this is the first video I’ve watched form your channel. Your illustrations and level of detail are superb!
@darrellcollins877 2 года назад
I was fascinated to see your explanation of the tomb and the reading of Psalm 16. Another Prophesy of Jesus Christ our Savior ! How exciting it would be to be there, in that place, hearing that scripture........yet everyone in the camera view looked more than UN-enthused about the Bible verse < I would have been lit up like a roman candle with Praise ! WOOOOOOOOO Thank you Jesus !
@MegaDavyk 2 года назад
How could jews have forgotten their most important Kings burial site, here is one possibility. “You (fake Jews) will never be able to live here in peace, because you left here black but came back white. We cannot accept you!” -Gamal Abdel Nasser (Egypt leader 1954 - 1970)
@Praise___YaH 2 года назад
HERE is Our TRUE Savior YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Semitic Scroll: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
@mv9587 Год назад
Exactly... I was thinking the same thing..How can they stand like rocks..... That last part was beautiful... My heart was leaping...
@briendoyle4680 Год назад
@carolineoates5964 Год назад
Totally agree with your statements. They were not amazed and astounded at all. Perhaps they were atheists. Walking around while he was speaking. Such disrespect to their guide. Brilliant videos. Love from Britain ❤️🇬🇧
@jutvari7050 2 года назад
I really enjoyed this. So good to see such a sensible quality presentation of Biblical Archology. Faith Building and Inspiring.
@sarahteodoro5706 Год назад
from all the story here wittnesing that the bible is true and correct .it is accurate we can trust all verses,what bible saying.
@Notpopularopinion Год назад
What's hilarious is how often your Bible has been misconstrued actual historical fact. Aliens. What human kind thought of as God is proven to be extraterrestrials this while time. The story of the war in heaven and the fall of the 1/3 host.... theres evidence amongst many non Bible cultures of a fight in space/upper atmosphere.... starting to think that mankind as it is now isn't decendant of monkies... but of extraterrestrial intervention for thousands of years. Original mankind ended with the Neanderthals
@boomerdiorama Год назад
The resurrection narrative at the end of this episode brought me to tears of joy! Halleluiah - He is Risen!
@susanwright9057 Год назад
I looked it up….have been reading Psalms……..now it makes sense thank you
@AggressiveSkunk 2 года назад
Man, I love your videos, It's cool to see video's made by good people and filled with great content, your also good at explaining stuff and you visit the coolest things from the Bible times and I'm really hoping to see plenty more content from you, God bless you! 👍
@connorlancaster7541 2 года назад
Hello do you need any prayer?
@Praise___YaH 2 года назад
HERE is Our TRUE Savior YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Semitic Scroll: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
@kimberlyatwood5154 2 года назад
I too just found this great explanation of Biblical archeologist explaining today’s sites based on the Bible and history! Thank you for sharing and explaining it all to us! Praise our Lord Jesus!
@Gwyntog-21 2 года назад
I praise God for leading me by His Holy Spirit to this wonderful channel,thank you brother for your work in and for our precious Lord.
@LisadeKramer 7 месяцев назад
I just got done reading this section of your book. I just love how you bring this all to life. Thank you
@george8641 2 года назад
I appreciate and watch your videos because you don’t get all religious and push a certain denominational faith but simply explain facts found strictly in the bible and a bit of archeology. Great videos and info!!!
@harveywallbanger2899 Год назад
Jesus said there is only one way and it’s through him. So you better get more specific in you life.
@syvonnie15 Год назад
He’s channel is called Expedition Bible. Maybe he should get more religious. With so much evil and crazy people in this horrible times
@fairygrammy 2 года назад
I really love watching these videos. I learn so much everytime. I may never get a chance to visit the Holy Lands, but that's ok, because it like I'm getting a private tour!! God bless you!!😊🙏
@jennyk8530 2 года назад
This was amazing!!! Thank you so much for sharing these videos and adding footage of your trips and sites! Makes it all come alive 🙌
@meliss36 2 года назад
So interesting, thank you for sharing! The Bible is never wrong, studying proves this. God is GOOD. 🙏🏻
@justbargelle Год назад
This is a great help for me to fully understand and visualize what I have been reading in the Bible. I am on the Book of Exodus and sometimes jump on to the other Books. This helps me alot to be on an advance reading too.
@dhoover5480 Год назад
Nicely done - very spiritually edifying. His word is truth
@eliasbutcher859 2 года назад
Every single video you make is fascinating. Wow king David… I was looking for that sculpture!
@seanhudson1675 Год назад
Praise Mighty Holy One Jesus Christ, and let Him make your marvelous works reach more people daily! Praise Jesus!!!
@24TRUTH1 2 года назад
Just bought your book! CANNOT wait to read it! Thank you so much for these videos! FASCINATING!!
@24TRUTH1 2 года назад
Update .. received the book...it is EXCELLENT! Very fascinating especially if you love Biblical history and archeology, like I do. Totally recommend this book to everyone!!
@emeleseru4635 Год назад
I love your programs and I just found out recently and I'm watching it every day I'm a bible student archeology is my favorite subject thank you
@nikkiwhitten860 Год назад
What baffles me is the fact that his tomb had to be discovered! David was so influential, how do we forget and lose this tomb?!
@Rafficarian Год назад
@LaughtersMelody Год назад
I agree, it is incredible to think about, and hard to believe in one sense. Though, many prominent figures who helped shape the world as we know it don't have known graves. For instance, the body of Alexander the Great was originally mummified and preserved for some time, which we know from historical records (there is even a story about Augustus Caesar, the first emperor of Rome, going to honor Alexander at his tomb). But Alexander's tomb was at some point destroyed and his body disappears from records, and some would say that his body was probably also destroyed. It's uncertain exactly what happened to it, though there are theories, and there are even recent discoveries where people claim to have found it. But if it was lost, it could have been due to natural disasters, it could have been due to rioting, it could have been war. Many things can happen over a long enough period of time, and especially in a situation where the people living in an area face a lot of destruction, upheaval and deportation - like they did in Jerusalem - it's not really uncommon to lose things like knowledge about locations, even if they are important. It's almost more rare when that knowledge is successfully preserved. From a scriptural sense too, I wonder if God allowed the location to be lost over time in part to keep people from worshiping David or turning him into an idol, as it seems God did when He hid Moses's body from the people of Israel (Deuteronomy 34:4-6).
@Rosie05610 Год назад
Nothing of ancient Jerusalem nor the old City of David, is the same It is still there, but has been rebuilt on top of it all, and more then once, so none of what is there today, is not what was there 2000 + years ago, I don't understand how anyone can say it is the same as it once was, many a wars have battled over Jerusalem leaving it floored to the ground. This is Historical and biblical fact. There are many that lie about the true biblical sites around Jerusalem.
@evanevanf4033 Год назад
I want to know if King David really was only five feet or not 😅
@carlosjerus9368 Год назад
@HansenMoments 6 месяцев назад
I Just discovered your channel after watching one of Sean McDowell’s interviews with you. As a history buff and a passionate lover of Israel, and God’s chosen people, I am absolutely grateful for your videos! I can’t wait to watch all of them and share them with my children.
@vdoniel 2 года назад
Your channel has become one of my top 5. You always have great content and you are a gifted teacher. Thank you for sharing your hard work.
@connorlancaster7541 2 года назад
Hello do you need any prayer?
@vashirvadam Год назад
He is saying the DAVID rose from dead!. ?
@denisesavoie9915 2 года назад
WOW, so interesting and you have so clearly described it. I’m looking forward to hear part 2. With much appreciation. Thank you
@fakechecknumber1198 2 года назад
This is awesome, Ron Wyatt did a lot of stuff before he left pretty awesome also just confirms that the Bible is absolutely correct no flaw whatsoever
@RogersMgmtGroup 2 года назад
Wyatt is a liar but there is a lot of good biblical archeology
@connorlancaster7541 2 года назад
Hello does anyone here need any prayer?
@Baldie731 2 года назад
Bible has flaws, bcoz they kept on translating it (humans) but the original version is certainly flawless.Which is sadly,lost in translation.
@connorlancaster7541 2 года назад
@@Baldie731 I think the King James Bible is the closed we have to the Greek.
@briendoyle4680 2 года назад
@georgebrown6540 2 года назад
I could watch this type of video content all day, thank you for sharing.
@kimmcanulty6864 2 года назад
I’m thrilled to have stumbled upon your channel! Great videos! Well done, concise & interesting. I can’t wait to see more!
@connorlancaster7541 2 года назад
Hello do you need any prayer?
@mobawenyei700 Год назад
I am so bless the verse you were reading in the tomb was found yesterday for the first time in my life in acts 2: 25 to 28 I had to write the comment because it was really necessary thank god and thank you.
@hextoken 2 года назад
Terric! I love your contribution to revealing the true history of the Bible!
@coleforbes2059 2 года назад
Does not give truth to the Bible. It gives truth to what we’ve already know. That the city of David as well as the King. Does not prove your sky daddy
@sparrowflying864 2 года назад
@@coleforbes2059 You just wish it didn't. Your time is short isn't it.
@waynegazard5038 2 года назад
@@coleforbes2059 I'm in agreement with you, think you hit a nerve end.ignorance and intolerance appears to be the most common way people argue their own chosen religion
@sabhishek9289 2 года назад
@@coleforbes2059 We only know about the city of David and King David from the Bible. The Bible is literally the number 1 source for archeologists to use to search for the city of David and it's King. You people are so foolish.
@sabhishek9289 2 года назад
@@waynegazard5038 It certainly triggers you that the archeological evidence does not confirm what you believe. And you are desperately looking for people with similar views to support what you believe.
@donavandean1078 5 месяцев назад
God's Word is so detailed and accurate, it is amazing that more people don't read and follow the directions!
@cleftoftherock6797 2 года назад
Excellent! Thank you! Nothing is more spiritual than the Psalter. David, the Harp of the Spirit. When you think of the Psalter, it’s the predominant reading of both the Jewish Services and the Orthodox Church. It’s everything. A foundation of faith.
@connorlancaster7541 2 года назад
Hello do you need any prayer?
@abcdjkx 10 месяцев назад
Thanks for your accessible and enjoyable explanations, delivered from the sites themselves.
@FlapjackR 2 года назад
I started watching this channel around a week ago and showed my daughters one of your videos. Since then they have asked to watch "The Jordan man" (because you mentioned Jordan in the video) almost every day.
@ExpeditionBible 2 года назад
That's really encouraging thanks for sharing. I love to see kids interested!
@coco_sloth 11 месяцев назад
@BAMA853 All you have to do is ignore it! Simple As! No if's no buts... just ignore it! They have God to answer to not guy who runs this channel.
@billgolcher2537 Год назад
This is simply amazing your knowledge is spot on
@MonteFleming 2 года назад
I'm a geologist but I love biblical archaeology, particularly practiced from the perspective of reverence for the Bible. I'll get your book-are there other good books on biblical archaeology you would recommend?
@briendoyle4680 2 года назад
This 'Bable' book is backed up by absolutely no facts and no evidence for gods! It is not proof for any god(s) The fables are intertwined within historical places and people... eg Egypt and the Pharaohs existed, whereas Moses did NOT exist, and the Exodus did not happen.. ! A 'global' flood never occurred in Geologic history !
@briendoyle4680 2 года назад
@RU-vid Censorship No solomon.... or moses ... or noah either Not in real history!!
@briendoyle4680 2 года назад
A Geologist..!! Good! ... Was there a 'global' flood which covered the whole complete Earth???
@briendoyle4680 2 года назад
@Jesus Christ is GOD Yep - a silly book from the Bronze age which canNOT even prove any gods... hahahaha
@sabhishek9289 2 года назад
@@briendoyle4680 There are eyewitness testimonies across the world confirming that there was a global flood that destroyed the earth. The global flood is real.
@HarryFromTheNorthSide 8 месяцев назад
I am of sikh born in canada ,i love learning about world history of all cultures and backgrounds.just subscribed!
@jaysunten 8 месяцев назад
Agreed. I’m not a believer, but I’m fascinated by biblical references to archaeology and history that are tangible. It’s sad that all the great writings were destroyed in war and religious conflict. 😟
@AliasVaughn 2 года назад
I have thoroughly enjoyed all of your videos so far, looking forward to seeing many more in the future!
@gwengwen4535 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing the gospel on your tour!!!🙌🏻🙏🏻💗
@rayross997 2 года назад
Thanks Joel, please keep the videos coming. This is just awesome.
@rebecca6380 Год назад
Just discovered your channel and I absolutely love it!!! I’m so excited to see your other videos.
@davekrochenski 2 года назад
wow, truly an entertaining and informative series, I've seen three episodes so far and they have all been really well produced and professional. Your approach and examples are absolutely suggestion worthy.
@DawnRay-lx2zg Год назад
Oh, and I LOVE your videos and use them in teaching Sunday School! So helpful to SEE where what you’re talking about happened. Thank you! I especially love Jesus: The Soul Shepherd!!! Used it yesterday!
@deven700 2 года назад
Thank you for delivering such fascinating and powerful information. I just bought your book and am excited for your future videos to come. Thank you sir.
@AuthenTech Год назад
so incredible! a study tour sounds amazing
@naterich3613 2 года назад
I like this content, when they prove the bible to be truth, not only by faith, but by history and facts.
@mindabarton6810 2 года назад
@SRV03101954 2 года назад
The reason you won’t find David’s bones is, he was raised in the first resurrection. When Yeshua was raised the patriarchs were seen roaming Jeruzalem.
@jasonfowler1986 2 года назад
Most people don't realize it but John the Baptist and the HOLY SPIRIT (2 witnesses of 1 Body) who prepared the way for the Ministry of the MESSIAH on earth also went ahead of the MESSIAH to the Bosom of Abraham to prepare the way and even when Lazarus was dead for four days he also could testify of the coming of MESSIAH even as he was raised up from Sheol. This is in accordance with the Law of Moses. The dry bones of the members of the bride's GROOM family being made alive wasn't difficult for the Ancient of Days to accomplish for HE was an Immortal being before HE was born and is an Immortal being and even Moses and Elijah had already been translated into Immortality prior to the Cross as shown when the appeared to the LORD and some disciples who sought to build a shelter for them. Now in the future when the two witnesses of chapter 11 of Rev. who are of a singular body body according to the original Greek descend before they ascend that seems to be the time when the Angel of the Second Spiritual Death will bind lucifer for 1000 years and the Angel of the first physical death is said to be the last enemy to be defeated and that would evidently happen at the end of the Millennial Reign after lucifer has been released for a short time prior to the Eternal State.
@MegaDavyk 2 года назад
@@jasonfowler1986 Another Troll with a sock puppet account talking nonsense.
@benny-reebezuidenhout2976 2 года назад
Now waiting for part 2. Excellent content. So grateful I found this channel.
@pgpd1338 2 года назад
Fascinating information - you make it so clear and easy to understand. Thank you!
@lyderpyder5048 2 года назад
This is my new favorite channel. I really enjoy seeing these less mainstream sites and how they connect up and corroborate the Bible. Great work!
@CanIbeWithThee 2 года назад
I love this channel. I've watched everything and I just found it the other day. 🙏💜
@Biblical_Mystery 9 месяцев назад
Hallelujah! Your story radiates with the transformative power of God's love. Your past struggles have become a testimony of His grace, and it's evident that your life is now a living testament to His mercy. May your family continue to flourish, and may your journey inspire others to turn to Jesus for hope and salvation. Amen!
@mariolugo6988 Год назад
WOW! what a powerful video brother! Thank you for all that you do for the kingdom of God. The Lord surely sees your mighty work for edifying the body of Christ. Loved this video. Very insightful and helped increase my faith in my savior! The bible is true and is the word of God! And the word of God was made flesh and dwelt among us! GOD BLESS!
@tomvh9982 Год назад
This is amazing! Never heard of this before...
@jacqui7140 2 года назад
Thank you, this is a wonderful video. God bless you. Shalom
@abidhamid24 Год назад
wow ! keep up the good work brother. may god be your guide
@PrettySweetPea 2 года назад
I live on 16 acres. It's hard to imagine The City of David was only 11 acres. Thank you for your videos. Love learning new things.
@paulmatthews2175 2 года назад
that was about it, he was a tribal leader, as oppose a great king
@youstinayoussef1162 2 года назад
May God bless your service
@Yoo2ub Год назад
The main point is the Bible is the truth ❤
@johnpalmer9774 10 месяцев назад
Hearing you proclaim the gospel to your tour group was awesome!
@R3mProductions 2 года назад
thank you so much for making these videos ! they are a real blessing to many! do you also do guided tours in Israel ?
@ExpeditionBible 2 года назад
Yes, tour information is at ExpeditionBible.com
@stephengibson2869 Год назад
I've learned about the ancient cities are called 'tells '. Because archeological digs have been finding different layers from previous times that 'Tell ' about the earlier times of that area. Take care and God bless.
@JLCra87 2 года назад
Looking forward to part 2! I'm really enjoying your videos, keep up the great work!
@connorlancaster7541 2 года назад
Hello do you need any prayer?
@noam1836 11 месяцев назад
I am from the bloodline of King David (I have a genealogy chart that goes shows he is my ancestor) and it's just so beautiful to see this
@americanlostinvietnam3721 2 года назад
Could David's bones be missing because he was raised from the dead in Matthew 27:50-53?
@apurplegoldenfaith7 2 года назад
Ohhhhh!!!! yess!!!😯 I was thinking where are his bones? why *they didn't talk about it?
@hans-aloisdona3909 2 года назад
@yolandajane61 2 года назад
Yes . He came out of the grave with King Jesus.!!!He got his body back.
@rightfromwrong 2 года назад
Don’t mistake David with John Lazarus
@Hebrew42Day 2 года назад
No. They are missing because of grave robbers.
@repentstaythecourse5935 2 года назад
Greatest archaeological channel on the entire internet never mind just RU-vid... freaking awesome.
@slaveofjesus3878 2 года назад
ABR's "Digging for Truth" is a close second.
@deadmetal8692 2 года назад
That's Awesome! Thank you.
@eddieortua606 2 года назад
Looking forward to part 2. God bless you!
@GospelandSpade 2 года назад
Really interesting video! Have never seen, heard or read anything about that tomb and its possible connection with David. I look forward to your next video to see why that is the case.
@robertjohnson3855 Год назад
Despite his sin, David was faithful and a great King, there must have been a great tomb built for such a great man/prophet. I am so grateful for those of old who left us such a legacy to follow. I can't imagine David's bravery and courage as a boy to have volunteered so young to fight a giant muscular giant, approximately 10 ft tall. David's faith would not allow him to accept Goliath's mockery of the one tru God that He knew lived and the God he had grown to know and love. May we all grow to love our great God, so merciful and kind. I love you Lord, bless those of us who believe and have faith in you. Come soon Lord God, the earth is filled with evil, followers of Satan. I have my own sins to account for, I pray for your love and forgiveness. May our Merciful God come and fairly judge our weakness and may we have the strength to forsake our wickedness and serve thee only; Amen.
@douglashall2141 2 года назад
He is correct when David was speaking in that verse he was speaking of the Messiah the one to come. That was prophetic. The whole time David was being chased by King Saul while he was in the caves as it says if you're reading it and understand he was accompanied by the Holy Spirit. The comforter. Same one that God sent to the disciples after the Ascension of Christ Jesus. The Messiah. Yeshua. Every prophet in the Old Testament prophesied of the coming of the Messiah. The most prominent one was Isaiah. This is the wisdom in the Lord God Almighty. Proverbs 2:6 through 8. Daniel 12 1 through 13
@clevagal2 2 года назад
@briendoyle4680 2 года назад
@briendoyle4680 2 года назад
@Jesus Christ is lord Yes I do... !! hahaa See how that works..?..
@brigittabailey9439 2 года назад
@@briendoyle4680 i fear for you🕆
@brigittabailey9439 2 года назад
Yes, we wish he would
@RestfulLearning 8 месяцев назад
I’m so thankful for this channel.
@huntclanhunt9697 Год назад
It's sad that such a legendary man as King David would have his tomb violated so horrendously.
@wardad5628 Год назад
He isn't concerned, that is only his body, he is Heaven with the Son of David, the Lord Jesus Christ.
@josephmaurina4179 2 года назад
Thanks for teaching me things that, I have been taught before.
@skidmark7845 2 года назад
It’s said that when Jesus was resurrected, there were others that were raised from the dead with him. Could David be among those?
@cherylwebb8340 2 года назад
That's an interesting thought.
@davidcole1475 5 месяцев назад
Not likely.
@lindaheckert8495 Год назад
I’m learning so much thank You for sharing this!!!
@Eyes0penNoFear 2 года назад
This is a fantastic video 😊 I'm not a huge fan of the background music though, it makes it hard to concentrate on what is being said.
@roydeborahdejong978 2 года назад
My eyes tear upp and the end, the gospel always hitt, even if you spread it every day.
@cheycasters 2 года назад
Killer, I love these vids! THANK YOU Joel
@animulovers3881 Год назад
Thank you so much sir for this wonderful hestoric video i really love bible story about all the kings and profits meracle day and events they are experiencing.....thank you so much sir..
@sasharemez7373 Год назад
King David is my favourite Biblical character. I visited his tomb in Jerusalem . I wish I could meet him
@rookiecookie722 Год назад
My hero is of course the God of Israel who stands behind David and the Son of David. But the picture I have of young David with the army of Israel cowering behind him, the commander of the army whispering with King Saul, and the Almighty at David's back looking at him, as David trusts that there is Strength behind him without needing to see God present at his side, guarding him, as he approaches the champion of a godless nation, a giant among men. David carries with him his staff, a sling and a few smooth stones that he picked up from the brook that day. That is my mental image of David, and it is inspiring to me. If I could paint or draw, that would be my masterpiece, every other drawing would be working up to creating that piece.
@dmd5645 2 года назад
There are no accidents with God, period. Feel VERY blessed , and more importantly, thought of, by God Himself that HE cared to show any of us Joel's channel!. Where do you think we get our attention to detail characteristics?. God, Jesus. He cares about the SMALLEST details!!. Including the biggest one, our SOULS!. He wishes NONE would perish! Remember, He said,"Let US make man in OUR image"... Another verse? ,Cast all your cares on HIM, for he cares for you. Hallelujah!!!. Joel, I can't wait to see part two of King David's tomb!!!. I subbed!. Love from Michigan! John 3:16✝️
@smokeysmith1282 Год назад
Well done! Searching for truth is staying hungry for the things of God. ThankYou
@billschlegel1 2 года назад
Wow, it's amazing how uninhabited and accessible, and how much "dirt" could be removed in early 1900s. Waiting for the resurrection of which Jesus is the firstfruits. And still waiting for the Ai video :)
@marcgerges1380 2 года назад
Brilliant work, stirring, inspiring. Thank you!
@kennethjohnson4280 2 года назад
As a researcher, I would not put a name to this tomb. Is it David's tomb? there is enough data to posit a working hypothesis, but lacking anything with a name or even iconography to suggest the house of David, I would not risk my professional reputation on such a claim.
@maszkalman3676 2 года назад
that's what i wanted to say when i first heard his claim no other evidence or relic were found that would identify or connect this tomb to King david
@PlightOfAMan 2 года назад
It’s called click bait genius.
@briteness 2 года назад
If the Bible is not considered to be a reliable historical source, then no, we do not have adequate confirmation that this is the tomb of David. However, this channel differs from standard academic archeology in that it does understand the Bible to be historically accurate. Using his analogy of a treasure map, if you find a treasure buried in the location a treasure map says it will be found, it's a safe bet that what you have found is what the map referred to, even if there is no note saying, "Congratulations! You found the treasure from that map!"
@kennethjohnson4280 Год назад
@@briteness Let me start by saying I have a degree in theology and am attending seminary. Ok, so you appear to misunderstand the nature of how the Bible is a historical source, and you also clearly have never been to Israel. The Bible should not be understood to be a historical record in the modern sense of the word. While the Bible is the unerring word of God, it is not an accurate historical document in the sense that you can read it and say, "yes this is so-and-so's tomb". That was never its intent. There is no way you can read the bible and then walk among the literal thousands of burials in Israel that date to the first temple, and identify a specific one. This tomb has no objective evidence tied to it that would allow such a definitive statement. Is King David buried in Israel? 2 Kings say he is so I must assume that to be correct. But that's all it says. Don't read more into the bible than what's there, thats bad theology and don't read more into an archaeological dig than what is supported by the finds, thats bad science.
@briteness Год назад
@@kennethjohnson4280 Let me start and finish, by saying that I hold an M.A. in Theology as well. I also majored in Religion in college, and have spent decades after school studying as well. Do not accuse me of being an ignorant fool.
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