
Kirk Cameron - Balancing Apologetics and Evangelism 

Living Waters
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@walterroberts5805 6 лет назад
I Loved Him as an actor on Growing Pains and I love Him even more as a "Man of Faith In God!"
@metalrico9480 4 года назад
Too bad I can’t unlike more than once...
@dinerdashing 3 года назад
Hi Walter! Me too. Be well, stay safe, and God bless you. 😃
@margiewelch9942 2 года назад
Thank you Kirk for all you and your sister do to forward the word of God and not be ashamed of your Faith. God bless you
@denisearmstrong77 3 года назад
You and Ray are powerful and inspiring examples. God bless you! & Thanks so much!
@Jonathan_Beloved 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for this message! I am blessed by it. 🙏
@eyesup9542 3 года назад
So good. Thank You Holy Spirit for directing me to this teaching. Very encouraging, supportive, and confidence building.
@BibleMunch 8 лет назад
May we always be ready to answer the question, of why we hope in Jesus!
@RotPhalkun 5 лет назад
This man shape my entire Christian life. I love him, watching him on Growing Pains, Left Behind the movie. I think about him all the time. Even now, his name stick in my brain. He's my idol. God touches me through him. I'm so grateful for him.
@brandyD33 5 лет назад
Jesus should shape your entire Christian life, brother. You should think of Jesus all the time. Not some famous person who believes the same beliefs you have. This is idolatry, a detestable sin to the Lord our God. Here are some important verses to consider: Their idolatry made the Lord jealous; the evil they did made him angry. Deuteronomy 32:16 GNT bible.com/bible/68/deu.32.16.GNT “You must not have any other god but me. You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods." Exodus 20:3‭-‬5 NLT bible.com/bible/116/exo.20.4-5.NLT Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry. I Corinthians 10:14 NKJV bible.com/bible/114/1co.10.14.NKJV Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen. I John 5:21 NKJV bible.com/bible/114/1jn.5.21.NKJV They served their idols, Which became a snare to them. Psalms 106:36 NKJV bible.com/bible/114/psa.106.36.NKJV “Those who regard worthless idols forsake their own Mercy." Jonah 2:8 NKJV bible.com/bible/114/jon.2.8.NKJV "‘I will make the land desolate (ruined, deserted), because they have acted unfaithfully [through their idolatry],’ says the Lord God.” EZEKIEL 15:8 AMP bible.com/bible/1588/ezk.15.8.AMP ‘But this people has a stubborn heart and a rebellious will [that draws them away from Me]; They have turned away and have gone [into idolatry].' JEREMIAH 5:23 AMP bible.com/bible/1588/jer.5.23.AMP The evil that the people have done keeps them from returning to their God. Idolatry has a powerful hold on them, and they do not acknowledge the Lord . Hosea 5:4 GNTD bible.com/bible/69/hos.5.4.GNTD "They will punish you for your depravity, and you will bear the consequences for your sins of idolatry. Then you will know that I am the Lord God.” Ezekiel 23:49 CSB bible.com/bible/1713/ezk.23.49.CSB Turn away my eyes from beholding vanity (idols and idolatry); and restore me to vigorous life and health in Your ways. Psalm 119:37 AMPC bible.com/bible/8/psa.119.37.AMPC
@vukrakocevic4466 3 года назад
God probably did touch you through him, but that doesn't mean we should put a man before God and making him our idol. God clearly sais that we should praise God only and only give glory to Him. I don't know if you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal saviour, but you should put your complete trust in Him and follow His commandments, let Him be on your 1st place. God bless you.
@annuitcptis3032 3 года назад
Uh.... your idol??? That's idolatry!! Don't do that to yourself and to the people of God, in this case, Kirk Cameron. God doesn't share His Glory with no man!!! Kirk is a man, not a God. He can fall from grace like any other person. Dont idolize people, its a sin against God himself. Follow Jesus, praise and worship only God, He is the only worthy of it!!!
@beaberean3842 3 года назад
This is a great teaching. I took many notes while listening to this. 🙌
@patrickgiambrone5840 2 года назад
I have to repeat what Walter said. I remember Kirk as a funny kid in in growing pains. I watched it all the time. But now I love you as a Christian brother. This was really good Thank You Kirk Pat G.
@VelvetJazz 3 года назад
God bless you for being so honest!
@debb6054 3 года назад
That was fantastic. I never heard your testimony before. You are a gifted speaker. Well done. I learned a lot and will pass this on.😉😊🤩
@Jeffreycox521 7 лет назад
god bless you kirk Cameron thanks for your work for us im a born again Christian too i also evangelize too around the web
@vanessao1533 3 года назад
When you spell God, use a capital g. A lower-case g is used when referring to false gods.
@FactStorm 3 года назад
You aren't intelligent enough to proselytize, the ones who do are snakes taking advantage of fools.
@michaal105 2 года назад
Amen brother! I'd recommend evangelizing with other believers. Going out together to reach the lost. The Holy Spirit gives power and wisdom for this - so you can be confident in God. Pray and have faith for it. Amen!
@xKellogsx 6 лет назад
Kirk, you are an exceptional speaker. You and Ray and the other guys are doing such a wonderful work. I'm so glad you got together, it was clearly of God. I am changed as a Christian forever. No more do i go to church, hear the message and go home. Now I want to go out there and win souls. Thank you for this inspiration. Keep fighting the good fight!
@donhall1834 2 года назад
What an incredible testimony, a miracle of God. Kirk had everything that people think would make them happy, but like King Solomon came to the realization that it was all futile. Just imagine the pressure that his Hollywood friends, coworkers and management put on this young man of God and how they made him feel. An example of the power and love of God to see him through it all to become a true and humble servant of God 🙏🏼
@ryte2229 8 лет назад
as an agnostic I could not stand this guy. now I watch this and agree with everything he said. makes me wonder just how bad Paul felt after his conversion
@MikeAndDrewPranks 8 лет назад
wow, praise God
Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort are wicked false teachers, as they tell the lost that they have to turn from all sins to be saved which is contrary to what the scriptures teach.. If one could turn from all sins then one would be sinless, and the bible says that those who say they have no sin deceive themselves they're liars and the truth is not in them. 1 JOhn 1:8-10 KJV Jesus did not come to save the sinless, because there are none who are without sin, for all have come short of the glory of God. Rom 3:23 KJV THE BIble also says that Jesus only came to save ungodly sinners not those who claim to have turned from all their sins. Rom 5:6-11 KJV The bible clearly says that if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness which means eternal forgiveness as the believer receives the imputed righteousness of Christ. 1 John 1:9. Rom 4:22-24 KJV Simply admit you're a sinner like the publican by placing your faith in Christ for eternal forgiveness of sins for salvation Rom 10:9-10 KJV Show less
@ryte2229 8 лет назад
+Eternally Redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb I actually thought about this for a few days after my initial post and came to the same conclusion. repentance is a fruit of salvation, not something needed as a prerequisite for being saved otherwise grace is not the unearned gift.
ryte2229 Repentance is a change of mind, as Jesus said "repent and believe the gospel," so what were they not doing? They were not believing the gospel. Jesus also warned that those who did not believe would die in their sins. John 16:9. John 8:24, 2 Thess 1:8-9 KJV So this is the simplicity of repentance.. You can also find me over on facebook in my groups "Eternal Security Defended and False Teachers Exposed," if your interested. Grace and peace to you in Jesus name amen.
@jupiterfive1331 7 лет назад
Eternally Redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb The first step is to repent, and if you're serious, God will grant you forgiveness.
May God continue to Bless You Kirk Cameron and all the lives you’ve touched, will touch. And... for those who’ve witnessed your efforts to feel encouragement by the Holy Spirit to spread the word of God & most importantly the necessity of repentance....
@daledurbin1990 8 лет назад
It makes a lot of spiritual sense. I went the same road of doubting that lead into depression. But I began to doubt my doubts.
@nakiasimone 5 лет назад
I own and love every episode of growing pains. I love that I just prayed to my own Father with this guy. So cool to me.
@roslyngaudin4753 8 лет назад
So grateful for our Creator.
@piratekitty9481 8 лет назад
I love Ra too!
@vinnytaranova6163 6 лет назад
The Universe works in mysterious ways.
@curiousela1 8 лет назад
I find Biblical men so beautiful. I pray God so He gives me a Biblical man as a husband.
Kirk Cameron is a wicked false teacher who teaches a false gospel of works, as he teaches that one has to turn from all sins to be saved when the bible says that Jesus only died for the ungodly sinner.. Kirk is confused because the bible does not say that Jesus died for those who turned from all their sins, as it says he died for sinners not the sinless.. The bible says that those who say they're without sin are deceived, they're liars and the truth is not in them. 1 John 1:8-10, Rom 5:6-11 KJV BE NOT DECEIVED www.jesus-is-savior.com/Wolves/kirk_cameron.htm
@MeleciaW 8 лет назад
+Eternally Redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb where did u get your theology from?
@MeleciaW 8 лет назад
+Eternally Redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb reopentance means to turn away
Jesus said repent and believe the gospel, what were they not doing? They were not believing the gospel, the free gift of eternal life for all who believe on Christ. so repent means to change one's mind from unbelief to believing on Christ. God repented many times which proves repentance does not mean that one has to turn from all sins.. Jesus only came to save the ungodly sinner, if one could turn from all sins then he/she would be sinless having no need to be saved from his/her sins. Rom 5:6-11 KJV Those who would not believe the gospel, therefore remained in an unrepentant state because they would not repent, which means they would not beleive the Gospel, as they would not receive Jesus as the promised Messiah. Luke 13:4-5:[4] Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem? [5] I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. The bad news bearers will tell you that repentance means "turning from sin," "being willing to turn from sin," "wanting to turn from sin," and so on. Accordingly, they will misinterpret passages such as the one above to bolster their mistaken belief. Repent means "a change of mind." In the above passage, Jesus is challenging His listeners to change their minds regarding their relative goodness. They thought that righteousness was graded on a curve. In other words, these people thought that they would escape God's judgment because they were not as bad as those who died when the tower fell. But, Jesus told them they needed to repent - change their minds - and realize that their relative good works would not be good enough to earn eternal life. Our only hope of eternal life is based on Christ's righteousness, not our own. Repentance is a change of mind, God repented many times in the old testament, God does not turn from any sins, he's sinless, which proves that repentance means nothing but a change of mind from unbelief to believing.. Jesus said, to repent and believe the gospel. What were they not doing? They were not believing the gospel, so this is what needed to be repented of UNBELIEF. The Jews were also called to repent to bring forth fruits meat for repentance.. These Jews were trusting in Abraham alone for salvation but salvation comes through faith in Jesus alone for salvation as Abraham also believed in Jesus for salvation and this is what these Jews were to repent of. (change their minds from trusting in Moses for salvation to believing on Christ as the promised Savior of whom Moses and the prophets did write about, for all the prophets give witness that only through Jesus can one receive remission of sins, eternal pardon of sins, eternal forgiveness. Acts 10:43, John 5:45-47 KJV Matt 3: 8 Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance: 9 And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. Other examples of the simplicity of the true meaning of repentance Matthew 21:32, “For John came unto you in the way of righteousness (Jesus SAVIOR), and ye BELIEVED him NOT: but the publicans and the harlots BELIEVED him: and ye, when ye had seen it, REPENTED NOT afterwards, that ye might BELIEVE him.” Matt 21 KJV 28 But what think ye? A certain man had two sons; and he came to the first, and said, Son, go work to day in my vineyard. 29 He answered and said, I will not: but afterward he repented, and went.
@deborahjackson7639 8 лет назад
He said that sant claus is on our side😲 I am sorry but "these" so called man of God needs to wake up! We are leaving in the last days! It's time for the church to stop with the paganism, and believe and obey the Bible!
@therealhardrock 7 лет назад
To all atheists who want to diss and troll Kirk, you're wasting your time. Anything you can say about him is something he's already heard. As he said in the video, he's already experienced many people attacking him the way you do.
@roquefortfiles 6 лет назад
There's a voice inside my head that guides me too. Its called my conscience.
@ThomB50 5 лет назад
roquefortfiles What are you talking about? If you are hearing voices in your head you should probably seek help.
@MikeAndDrewPranks 8 лет назад
God bless Kirk Cameron!
@glamwithtraceyann3823 8 лет назад
Preach It Brother Kirk.Jesus is the way and the truth and the life.Amen.🕇🕆
@SilverArrowNZ 8 лет назад
Gorgeous. Gigi Grandma amen
@roquefortfiles 6 лет назад
Anyone who believes the Jesus myth has a few screws loose.
@TJTAMPA2000 8 лет назад
Excellent, thank you very much. I am so encouraged and lifted in my spirit for people of some celebrity or influence who are brave in giving their testimony and who do it without a lot of hype. Praise to the Almighty and Shalom.
Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort are wicked false teachers, as they tell the lost that they have to turn from all sins to be saved which is contrary to what the scriptures teach.. If one could turn from all sins then one would be sinless, and the bible says that those who say they have no sin deceive themselves they're liars and the truth is not in them. 1 JOhn 1:8-10 KJV Jesus did not come to save the sinless, because there are none who are without sin, for all have come short of the glory of God. Rom 3:23 KJV THE BIble also says that Jesus only came to save ungodly sinners not those who claim to have turned from all their sins. Rom 5:6-11 KJV The bible clearly says that if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness which means eternal forgiveness as the believer receives the imputed righteousness of Christ. 1 John 1:9. Rom 4:22-24 KJV Simply admit you're a sinner like the publican by placing your faith in Christ for eternal forgiveness of sins for salvation Rom 10:9-10 KJV
@TJTAMPA2000 8 лет назад
+Eternally Redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb 🌴 You are both right. (1) Everyone sins. (2) We are to turn from sin, meaning stop that lifestyle/habit/focus. Now the focus should be to aim better, do better & any sin that we can't sincerely shake off, we do have a high priest, an intercessor, an advocate :) Thank The Good Lord Above.
TJTAMPA2000 No! Ray Comfort is WRONG and you are blinded by his false teachings. He tells you to turn from all your sins in order to get saved.. Have you done this? If you say you have, Jesus calls you deceived and a liar who has not truth 1 John 1:8-10 kjV further more if you say you have turned from all your sins, ceased from sinning, then there is no need for Jesus to save you from your sins because Jesus only died for ungodly sinners. Rom 5:6-11 KJV You are clearly not getting it, very sad indeed..
@TJTAMPA2000 8 лет назад
+Eternally Redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb Lunatic!
***** Its exactly what Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron teaches that one has to turn from all his sins to be saved and you are deceived under the spell of their wicked teachings.
@jeanneauger1722 2 года назад
This is so amazingly good! Brilliant and practical approach to the truth of the supernatural /Jesus Christ! Thank you!
@salchst 7 лет назад
He has been very fortunate in life. It's easy to stand up and preach. It's a lot harder to solve the real problems in the world.
@zellerized 5 лет назад
Consider yourself fortunate if you're still alive and able to repent and put your faith in the God of Abraham, Issac and Joseph. That people don't do that is the real problem with the world. If it were not true you would be consistent in thinking you should do anything you like no matter what happens. But then again if it were not true, you would have no reason to believe anything your mind, or anyone else's mind, tells you.
@letscarryit 8 лет назад
what a powerful message by brother Kirk.
@FaithfulRead 2 года назад
One of my fave actors. Ive come to know and respect him through RU-vid videos. Is he a pastor? Minister? If not, he should be.
@amandakelly2747 4 года назад
It still blows my mind that when I was a teenager,I had Kirk Cameron picture on my door I had such a crush on him. It is amazing how he has grown and became such a good Christian for God.
@lindsayallen4022 8 лет назад
Saving this to watch later. I have been wrestling with this exact question for a while-- what is the balance between apologetics and evangelism?
@MsDownTheRabbitHole1 7 лет назад
as a former atheist there are other dirty little secrets or reasons such as resentment or having wrongly been advised as a child in an evil indoctrinated system
@roquefortfiles 6 лет назад
Former atheist? So you became crazy again?
@michaeldacoata2208 6 лет назад
It's interesting, what made you change your mind?
@MrWumbo-ck8iy 4 года назад
What a godly man. I have so much admiration for his evangelism. I look up to him, and am thankful for his insights. So rooted in scripture
It is good to hear the Word. Good to hear from you. The Harborside Christian church band, who has been traveling the Nation with Kirk sounds and expresses God's message. Thank you for spreading the word.
@teresarommel 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for such a wonderful explanation
@cd123atd4e 5 лет назад
kirk u have been a great person for me to look up too man.. God bless you my brother in Salvation..
@tamestew 2 года назад
Excellent teaching in this video.
@hanksawyer7133 4 года назад
To win souls for the kingdom of God
@alejandromorales5822 8 лет назад
wow brother, I love the way you present it.
@Cesar-pq2ck 3 года назад
Joel Osteen needs to hear this message.
@Irishcloth 3 года назад
Even Jesus uses wolves.
@veejoy3 8 лет назад
God Bless you and your family brother,,,thank you,,helped,,thanks
Hello, sadly Kirk Cameron is a false teacher as he teaches that the lost person has to turn from all sins to be saved, when would mean the person would be without sin which is impossible. The bible says that those who teach such lies deceive themselves as the truth is not in them, as Jesus only died to save the ungodly sinner.. 1 John 1:8-10, Rom 5:6-11 KJV Here's a link exposing Cameron.. www.jesus-is-savior.com/Wolves/kirk_cameron.htm
@MeleciaW 8 лет назад
+Eternally Redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb you're confused
Melecia W I'm an eternally saved saint of God in Christ Jesus, I'm warning you that this man Ray Comfort is a false teacher, and you are obviously under his spell. I'm a former Roman Catholic, and I can tell you that he teaches the same works garbage as this false Satanic church and if you wish to stay under his teachings, then so be it. Don't tell my I'm confused, if you want to be foolish enough to pervert the gospel of Christ by thinking that you have to turn from all your sins to get saved, then you will have to do the impossible.. This is just another trick to keep the lost person under the curse of the law to do all of the law in order to gain salvation which is impossible with man as only Jesus could fulfill the law and this is why Jesus is the only righteous Savior, believe on him today and be saved eternally..
DharmaMidget All Catholic Jesuits hate the saints of God who preach about the free gift of eternal life, there's nothing new under the sun there.. 2 Timothy 3:12King James Version (KJV)12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
@quentin_lgrd 8 лет назад
You are the only one who think that our "false" repentance means to turn away from all sins in the sense of never commit them again to get saved. Repent means to turn away from all sins in the sense of recognizing all sins as what they are, a rebellion against God, and therefore hating them and fleeing them no matter how you are saved. You have first of all to agree with God's standard and take it as your model of life. That's why because Jesus is this perfect expression of God's standard, you can't say Jesus i believe in you alone and truly trust in you if you always want to live a life of sin in contradiction of who he is, if that is the case you are a liar in your heart and only confessed Jesus superficially with your mouth. If you have genuine faith, then you will not want to walk anymore in a life of sin, but by the supernatural work of God in you, will always repent after falling in and will be more and more sanctified and sinless. So I don't say to you repent, because if you have true faith then you already did this and therefore hate sins and have evidence of God's work in your life. Be blessed.
@BlazingLove316 8 лет назад
Thank you Kirk, you have many times been in my thoughts. See you at the banquet!!
Kirk Cameron is a wicked false teacher who teaches a false gospel of works, as he teaches that one has to turn from all sins to be saved when the bible says that Jesus only died for the ungodly sinner.. Kirk is confused because the bible does not say that Jesus died for those who turned from all their sins, as it says he died for sinners not the sinless.. The bible says that those who say they're without sin are deceived, they're liars and the truth is not in them. 1 John 1:8-10, Rom 5:6-11 KJV BE NOT DECEIVED www.jesus-is-savior.com/Wolves/kirk_cameron.htm
@BlazingLove316 8 лет назад
+Eternally Redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb Sorry you feel that way.
BlazingLove316 I'm not going by feelings, I've examined Kirk with the scriptures and exposed him. He tells you to turn from all your sins to be saved, the bible says the opposite, that he who says he has no sin deceiveth himself he's a liar and the truth is not in him. Jesus only came to save the ungodly sinner not the sinless BE NOT DECEIVED. 1 John 1:8-10, Rom 5:6-11 KJV
@BlazingLove316 8 лет назад
+Eternally Redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb Then go sin all day if you want.
BlazingLove316 You are deceived, as all our sins are forgiven, the body of sin has been put off as far as God is concerned, he's not imputing sin to us, he remembers our sins no more.. Rom 4:8, Col 2:11-13, Heb 10:17 KJV God is talking about service when he calls us not to allow sin to reign in the flesh, as the flesh does not enter heaven but our souls are saved with the Spirit who abides with us forever. Eph 1:13, John 14:16 KJV We are called not to allow sin to reign in the fleshly mortal body until we receive our new incorruptible immortal eternal body. Rom 6:12-23, Rom 7:14-25, Phil 3:21, 1 Cor 15:50-54 KJV The bible also ways we are saved from the second death as we have passed from death unto life 2 Cor 1:9-10, John 5:24KJV You need to study these scriptures because you are being led astray by wicked false teachers.
@-learningaswegrow3396 8 лет назад
Great Message! I love my evidence Bible!!
@juanamaciel67 8 лет назад
i seen myself in your testemony....thank you brother
@vegerzri 4 года назад
37:56 woooow that was it!! Amazing! Thank you God!
@dudleyperrin9508 8 лет назад
Good to listen to you Kirk in Southwest England!
@naomipeninia614 4 года назад
That was very helpful, thank you
@BrianTerrill Год назад
I've heard people who say they knew God saved them, and their eternal life was secure. They later went on to elaborate that they could kill someone and still go to heaven.
@tomgrissom5677 7 лет назад
Those who are Saved know what Saved means. Those who aren't are called Lost because it's impossible to know without a personal experience of being Saved yourself.
@joaobolzan9867 8 лет назад
Praise God! Well said brother, and the focus always in Jesus!!!
@almostemptynester777 8 лет назад
love love love this!!! Thank you
@FactStorm 3 года назад
“Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool.” - Mark Twain.
@kingshousetube 2 года назад
Thankfully knowing Yeshua the Messiah is about Relationship not religion.
@Kingdonomics 8 лет назад
inspirational kirk
@luxurylass 8 лет назад
Kirk was so right on when he explained the dirty little secret
@laynekieschnick1175 4 года назад
Jesus Christ is King!
@e.n.6079 4 года назад
@FactStorm 3 года назад
Lol, you follow an Iron Age Middle Eastern doomsday cult. How gullible are you?
@dabasha66 6 лет назад
God bless you brother.
@jbellemp 8 лет назад
Amazing testimony. Thank you. God is good.
@lionsandmoon 5 лет назад
Your relationships didn't go south "because of [your] beliefs." You are externalizing your own mistakes in order to avoid taking responsibility. On the contrary, your relationships went south because of your attitude while presenting your beliefs to others. This distinction is probably the most important lesson for any Christian apologist to take home. Don't gloss over that.
@Christiaan956 8 лет назад
Very good enjoyed it. Thanks. Bless you.
@renardgrise 8 лет назад
This is awesome... Thank you!
@DefensordelEvangelio 8 лет назад
Good Job
@shannonbenavidez7961 6 лет назад
Well well well said...thank you
@ninag.9007 2 года назад
How can I get the evidence Bible please let me know thank u
@Ssm1998 7 лет назад
how eloquently he speaks.
@southernbelle6838 2 года назад
It would be nice if he repeated what the audience members said...
@michaelsanders7484 5 лет назад
Great sermon Kirk.
@theladywyndraven6254 8 лет назад
Has-been 'actor' and I use that term very loosely.
@augustarowland7900 6 лет назад
@@hunkgolden5584 that sounds pretty hard, no?
@lionsandmoon 5 лет назад
@@hunkgolden5584 If God had to choose between "sjws and liberals" and you for limited slots in heaven, I have a pretty good guess which He would choose. Your character is quintessentially anti-Christian.
@Bloomsong1020 7 лет назад
Well said. This was a good reminder and helpful
@mooselee6699 2 года назад
I want to visit this church in person. What is the address?
@yahya2925 5 лет назад
With everyone's interpretation as truth from the bible etc etc.. all we can do is try our best as long as we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and acknowledge that all our sins are accounted for.
@juanamaciel67 8 лет назад
i believe evil exist because if everything was good.. all the time.. we would never seek the God...
@Phobos1483 4 года назад
God created everything and He created it good. Naturally to make it good you make it opposite to evil. And then Adam ate that fruit that gave us knowledge of good and evil. And human did evil. And creation fell and it was not good anymore.
@paultrosclair1775 5 лет назад
I think apologetics is an intellectual tangent and a mistake. 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 KJV And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: [5] That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. We should be emphasizing knowing the living God, not studying intellectual arguments for His existence.
@paultrosclair1775 5 лет назад
@OverProcessed I understand what you are saying but I don't really see it in scripture as something that was done or taught.
@paultrosclair1775 5 лет назад
@OverProcessed He sure did, with scripture.
@paultrosclair1775 5 лет назад
@OverProcessed I'm not saying you shouldn't ever use general reason with people but these apologetics guys seem to take it so far that it becomes a complex system all of its own. They seem to premeditate the Holy Spirit right out of the conversation.
@paultrosclair1775 5 лет назад
@OverProcessed then you should study what Paul did when he preached the gospel to gentiles
@Phobos1483 4 года назад
@@paultrosclair1775 so what did Paul do?
@karolinae499 5 лет назад
Why this evidence Bible is so very expensive. I can I learn if I can’t purchase it?
@hailtotheking321 4 года назад
Better than cant read it.
@pilotmike797 8 лет назад
We all have an appointment with it, up or down??
@DETPower 8 лет назад
+Mike Smith He was referring to death and how we all have an appointment with it. Whether we go up or down depends on our belief or unbelief.
@pilotmike797 8 лет назад
Det Power My point exactly, I knew what he was talking about :)
@DETPower 8 лет назад
***** Ahh ok got ya. :)
@bryandale7125 6 лет назад
What's the worst kind of evil you can think of? Mass child murder, infant rape, ethnic genocide? Yet you must first ask yourself, "what makes murder and rape evil." That's is, if you're an atheist/evolutionist you believe that human beings are no different then any other animal. Yet when a lion eats a zebra alive or even their own children or a monkey engages in forcible sex with a family member, you don't condemn them as being immoral and call it murder, rape, or incest. So, why are atheists/evolutionists imposing their moral standards of evil upon humanity and not equally upon other lifeforms? In other words, absent God's immutable laws, they have no basis for this discrimination and right vs wrong within their belief system.
@bobbob-sv4mk 8 лет назад
He looks great!!!
@lisacontreras3690 7 лет назад
@ServantoftheChristJesus 8 лет назад
Kirk My father Died in June of 2015 i had in times past told him to come to Jesus, he never would he died in pain and with out anyone there to hope and pray. i was was woken up by my Wife and Mom that my father had past. I cried so much angry with God no was I made with life yes. When I look at him there knowing he cant come back ever you are right it just does not seem right that any should parish. it still hurts me today.
@ypiano99 8 лет назад
Yes, if we truly love someone we warn them. Live a life worthy of going to Heaven, and that is to follow Jesus in righteousness. My condolences go to you and your family, for my grandfather and grandmother (from my father's side) were Roman Catholics (idolatrous doctrines) and I don't know where they are now. Keep loving the Lord, Kelly.
@veejoy3 8 лет назад
@MJ4EVER68 8 лет назад
Enjoyed this. Only wish you used the KJV 1611
@Eighties_Child 8 лет назад
Oh no. The KJV Onlyists attack again. Ms. Pierce, with all due respect, the KJV (regardless of the edition/year printed) was not God-breathed and delivered to Moses on Mt. Sinai. Only the autographa (i.e., the original hand-written documents) were divinely inspired and completely without error. What we have now, and what Christians had for *centuries* before the ol' KJV, are faithful/trustworthy reproductions of those original autographs that are 95-99% accurate copies of what the biblical authors originally wrote. To make a long story short, *most* modern translations of Scripture are good and reliable copies of the autographa (examples of some exceptions would be the corrupt/heretical New World Translation used by Jehovah's Witnesses and Eugene Peterson's *badly* paraphrased "The Message"). Many (myself included) admire the KJV because of its historical significance, but a great many others (myself included also) prefer to use Bible translations that use modern English, which has changed tremendously since the 17th century, and that are based on the best available Old and New Testament manuscript evidence (the KJV is not). For me, the NASB is tops (most literal), but the ESV and HCSB are a couple of other superior word-for-word modern translations of Scripture. The New King James Version is also a better choice than the KJV in terms of language comprehension (this is really important because God's Word should be *easy* to understand, not confusing), but keep in mind that the NKJV is still based on the same outdated manuscript evidence as the original KJV.
@susanaalbornoz6492 7 лет назад
I do not understand or speak English, I could translate it into Spanish..Plis
@checkinkiosk5666 5 лет назад
Great job! Sorry but I was distracted by the ladies who are laughing. He's being serious and trying to convey a message but the ladies keep laughing:(
@Phobos1483 4 года назад
God created, wouldn't he create it the opposite of evil? Why is there evil? Because there is good.
@butterflyrw5393 6 лет назад
people who really want to know God will go to church , or get a bible, or call out to God - there are people who are ready to meet God - but the conduit is often extremely loving and friendly people :) Thank God for those :) ! I began doing an apologetics to an atheist - he would give me questions and I would go research them and give my answers - and that's when I realised I must read up more - but this didn't actually build my faith - yet... anyway - so I ceased because it wasn't helping me and my focus turned from God to apologetics - but I know after growing with God - I would be ready to speak gently and in love - because I've seen these things. but yet - I also know that no answer I give can satisfy an atheist who refuses to come to God in his mind - so that's not my focus anymore :) My focus is to love people - because I'm pretty much a non-confrontational person for good reasons - I've seen friends come to Christ through someone who can proclaim the gospel the right way - but I myself need more maturity to be able to balance apologetics and love. Just my own experience. - but I think apologetics is good for those who can do it successfully and in love!
@paultrosclair1775 5 лет назад
John 15:4-10 KJV Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. [5] I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. [6] If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. [7] If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. [8] Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. [9] As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. [10] If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.
@annambengo7491 6 лет назад
@pjstake1566 8 лет назад
Amen brother
@dawne2760 6 лет назад
wow. this was good. ((I had NO idea Mr C was a NZ? LOL I though he was Australian ;-) )) a couple years ago I was 'duking it out' / 'wrestling & contending for the faith' over RU-vid evolutionist. what an invigorating exciting time for me to be able to dialog with others on big subjects of archeology, palentology, biochemistry blah blah...going tit for tat et cetera blah blah, you know smashing the vessels, softening the hard ground making ready the soul to receive the truth. ?? ah ah. nope. I got totally caught up in 'arguing' 'debating'...I lost my way. after awhile, I yielded, listened, became convicted, and stopped. Our gracious Lord reaches past our intellect to our hearts. Modern peoples are 'seared'....it is truly a 'super-natural' MIRACLE - Gods miracle that SAVES people. Not me. Not my prowess, intellect, facts & figures...tit for tat...I am so happy to learn about Ray Comfort. I'm thankful we have him, to show us, HOW to engage others, to give others a little glimpse and food for thought...preparing the way...for who? Jesus Christ, our Messiah!
@henlaw1008 8 лет назад
@matthewsingleton8802 8 лет назад
Good stuff
@peanut12345 3 года назад
So Kublai Khan of China knew the 10 commandments of Moses? St. Thomas Aquinas didn't change his ways either. Did mr khan go to Hell?
@michaal105 2 года назад
Morality is engraved in conscience. You instinctively know its wrong to murder, to commit adultery etc. Those who have never heard the commandments will not be judged by them. They will be judged based on their conscience.
@MikejHamel 9 месяцев назад
Except...we are not saved by turning from sin, as Ray Comfort teaches. If turning from sin is a part of salvation, the Jesus died for nothing. We are saved from our sins by trusting in what Jesus did for us. After we are saved,by believing in the gospel of salvation, and Jesus is our foundation, then we will desire to live obediently. Whatever we do we must do through the Holy Spirit. We are born again only if we put all of our faith in Christ. None of our own self righteous works...ie. Turning from sin. Cleaning ourself up first. If we try to bring our filth rags to help Jesus clean us, we do not belong to him.
@johnbrennan203 8 лет назад
Apologetics tearing down argument please someone give an example
@butterflyrw5393 6 лет назад
Tl, dr: BE AN EVANGELIST. and come to God yourself! :) It's not just atheist who have the "dirty little secret" - all Christians do this - the whole world does - we all love sin - even if we think we don't. we are trained to not "the Gospel is not dead truth in the head, but living knowledge in the heart, and is effected by the holy Spirit" -I LOVE THIS! Can I quote you on this?
@barkaxii 2 года назад
Kirk's praying with his hands in his pocket?? Interesting, to say the least...
@davilip 8 лет назад
Could someone tell me what massive amount of evidence does he speak of?
@kenttribe 8 лет назад
when is evidence given? in a court room. who is the evidence given to? the judge. you are not the judge of whether or not the Bible is true or not. but the Bible says that the law of the Lord is written on every mans heart. this is why you know its wrong to steal and lie and murder and commit adultery. but you deny this because you love your sin and dont want to give it up. God sent his son to die on the cross to take the punishment for your sin. you need to repent and put your faith in the God you already know exists. stop running from the truth and turn to Christ and live.
@davilip 8 лет назад
You really didn't answer my question. All you did wass try and make me feel guilty for asking a question. If you could explain to me what he meant it I would appreciate it. Thanks
@kenttribe 8 лет назад
He ment there is evidence all round you including you. And you choose to deny it. You are not the judge to say which evidence is true or not. So by giving you evidence that would mean that Jesus Christ would be on trial. But he is the author and finisher. The beginning and end. Repent and turn to Christ. The Bible has all the evidence you need.
@davilip 8 лет назад
+Daniel Kent Ignorance of what has lead to your existence and mine is not evidence and there's not a shred of evidence in the bible. Just an awful lot of contradictions. I don't mean to insult. Honestly, I do not believe in a god. I do not think there is any tangible evidence however I just wanted to hear the point of view of those who do believe in a god.
@kenttribe 8 лет назад
+Ross Gannon i know you believe in god. its called the god of your imagination. creating a god to suit your needs. one that wont judge sin. see by giving you evidence makes you a judge. your creator God is not on trial.
@yamicanada 4 года назад
@BlueCollarBeerSnob 7 лет назад
the more physically attractive you are, the more spiritual credibility these type of churches give to their "leaders"... because, Jesus was blond.
@Lrapsody27 6 лет назад
The bible specifically says that Jesus wasn't particularly physically attractive, His body being made purposefully as such so that it was Him and not His physical looks which endeared Him so. He was of the house of David, a Jew, so probably dark hair, but maybe redheaded like David.
@Alex1611AD 8 лет назад
@joseperez-fw1vp 2 года назад
the true way to salvation is not the way he preaches for one sin is a false translation. it is to have a change of mind from self works to the grace of Christ. we are not under the law we are under grace. Galatians 5:4 You who are trying to be justified by the law have been severed from Christ; you have fallen away from grace. also there is no "HELL" O.T Sheol N.T Hades, Tartarus, Gehenna, the Lake of Fire what are they? Sheol and Hades are the same thing KJ translates them all as hell but they are not =Sheol Hebrew Hades Greek meaning the grave Jacob talks about going to Shoel with his fore fathers does this mean God's saints went to Hell? Tartarus mentioned 1 time in the bible, mentioned 1 time in the bible. it is a prison for Demons only not us Gehenna Joshua 15:8; Joshua 18:16; "valley of the son of Hinnom" (ge bhen hinnom), Joshua 15:8; Joshua 18:16 2 Chronicles 28:3; 2 Chronicles 33:6; Jeremiah 7:31; 19:2, 6; 32:35:00; "valley of the children (sons) of Hinnom" a place were bodies were burnt, Children were put in the fire for Moloch, a god whose bronze body was a furnace used for sacrificing children.
@kellyjustus 6 лет назад
Is the evidence Bible available in KJV?
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