
Korra VS Storm (DEATH BATTLE!) Review 

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Queen Shit.
Biff Weeds video: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-pQoxpOWXz_M.html
0:00 - Intro
0:17 - Gaara VS Toph
6:11 - Aaang VS Edward Elric
15:14 - Korra VS Storm



24 ноя 2021




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@calvinsmith9070 2 года назад
I gotchu. Essentially Korra is in almost every way Aangs opposite at the start of the show. She's brash, hot headed and is far more willing to resort to violence. Despite being born a water bender she has the tenacity of a fire bender. But over the course of the show she's beaten and humbled by the world around her. Her arc is learning that even if she lives in a world that doesn't want her they will always need her. She grows up a lot over the course of the show, from a sheltered headstrong girl to a calm mature woman. While Legend of Korra does make a lot of mistakes (season 2) she wasn't one of them.
@daboi8734 2 года назад
@TheTribalOne Well to be fair Korra was at her strongest in the first 2 seasons since she still had her past lives (Death Battle uses characters at their peak) plus its a lot easier to create a reason for them to fight. But i do agree with you overall.
@flaremawile726 2 года назад
@TheTribalOne Yeah, it's just anoying that people hate korra for some Bullsh*t
@user-kq5ci7ol8o 2 года назад
I find it funny/refreshing to find Korra fans saying season 2 is as bad as it is, I tried getting into Korra a while ago, and season 2 felt like I was getting punished for doing so, so whenever I heard Korra purists tell me I just don't understand season 2, or are actively looking for the negatives, and junk, it made me feel more and more like joining the "Korra is shit" side, although even if I do get into Korra I still don't think I'll be able to join the "Korra is better written than Zuko" crowd, season 1 and 2 just didn't beat her hard enough for being brash, as even season 1 of avatar beat Zuko for his beliefs and attitudes
@cirnosnumberfan6449 2 года назад
@@user-kq5ci7ol8o Season 2 it's the weakest of the Seasons but it's not entirely that bad, there's still some enjoyment to be had. Also comparing Korra to Zuko isn't really a fair comparison, they're both their own things with their own characters and different arcs.
@user-kq5ci7ol8o 2 года назад
@@cirnosnumberfan6449 Really? All I hear is that out of any avatar character Zuko is the closest to Korra due to both of them being hot headed jackasses at the start, starting out with the wrong idea/mindset (Zukos is admittedly more extreme due to him wanting to help out fire bending Hitler), and needing to learn through their mentors (Which both constantly disappoint), trial, error, and the world constantly beating them over the head due to their failures to change, and coming out a better person, I mean they sound the closest on paper (Which I found odd cause I found Zuko to be the best character of Avatar, and I couldn't stand Korra, so seeing his formula being changed a bit and all the sudden I don't like them as much anymore, if at all, caused to believe he was lighting in a bottle, or something, then again like I said, I sort of dropped Korra, and only came back in for a few episodes now and then, and then left again, so I guess this would be like dropping Zuko after he backstabs Iroh, and deciding "Yeah he sucks", so my opinion really doesn't have much ground to stand on)
@davidogundipe808 2 года назад
I like how death battle were trying their hardest to give Korra a win situation.
@lynxfresh5214 2 года назад
Meanwhile DB states Storm had several insta-win conditions. Keep in mind Storm was written at a time where the speed of thought > light-speed in Marvel comics and Storm can active her powers with "less than a conscious thought" (I know it makes zero sense but that's comic-book logic for ya). Similar to Flash Vs Quicksilver, this is another DB where one character gets killed dozens of times over before they can even think let alone realise they're already dead... :/
@pkurbo5779 2 года назад
@@lynxfresh5214 at least in Flash vs Quicksilver admitted Quicksilver gets absolutely destroyed and stands 0 chance In Korra vs Storm they really tried to pull the “Korra could’ve won if this and that” bullshi-
@zeospark9715 2 года назад
@@pkurbo5779 Yeah as soon I saw this matchup, i knew Korra stood no chance and there was no way she could've beaten Storm. Storm is like easily one of the strongest characters in all of the X-Men series and has plenty of experience.
@misterdewott8766 2 года назад
Which is why DELSIN ROWE WOULD'VE BEEN INFINITELY BETTER!!! (And no, I'm never letting that go)
@colemacgrath8846 2 года назад
@@misterdewott8766 Yeah, I agree, totally not biased
@spicybean2004 2 года назад
Lmao I love how Nemesis acknowledged that he's in the spirit realm along with his delivery "IM FUCKING DEAD?!"
@default0502 2 года назад
Yeah lol
@marcelineabadeer8380 2 года назад
Nemesis ended up in the Spirit World thanks Cyber.
@jobsidian4219 2 года назад
*soul society
@atomicrevolution1 2 года назад
Hi! Korra fan here. I understand that Korra gets a lot of hate, but I over all enjoyed her series. They wrote her to contrast Aang. Aang was a human learning to become the Avatar, Korra was an Avatar learning to be human. Yes, she postures and is arrogant in the beginning of the series: as she enters a society she's actually very unfamiliar with and tries to assert herself in a position of leadership that she hadn't earned. She thinks that because she is the Avatar, everyone will just respect and listen to her. That is a lesson she unlearns throughout the series as she attempts to figure out her place in the world. She carries herself with bravado when she's in public, but struggles with her confidence when she's alone. She wants to prove herself very badly, but always falls short. I think that makes her relatable: she cares deeply about Republic City and is willing to push herself, but she isn't the whole and complete Avatar she believes herself to be. She is also naive, as she just believes that good and evil are evident: overlooking the evil under her nose, because it's more gray than she expected. I think she's way more complicated than people give her credit for.
@knightshade2654 2 года назад
While she did very much annoy me in the first and most of the second seasons, I did grow to like her as time went on. Seeing her deal with the trauma from the season 3 finale was very well done, in my opinion.
@battlelon133 2 года назад
@@knightshade2654 I don't personally see Korra's PTSD and the whole Season 3 Finale's effect on her as particularly well done (It felt a little hamfisted in my eye. Missed a lot of the nuance I felt), I do like specifically the effect of losing so much of her ability does to her. Korra struggles a lot with the idea she isn't a demi-god that can just punch things into being good and that effects her character much more in my eye than the PTSD. Basically, I prefer the fallout of the PTSD to the actual PTSD representation. Her going to Zahir for counselling is and always will be weird.
@battlelon133 2 года назад
love this breakdown though. I tried to give my unique perspective elsewhere but your hits a note mine couldn't. Especially the idea of her learning to be Human. Cause that's really what it is. It's both her greatest written weakness and her greatest written flaw. It's written so well at times that I the viewer want to sock her in the chin. By the end of it though, I was happy to see who'd she had become.
@knightshade2654 2 года назад
@@battlelon133 Oh, I agree with her going to Zahir. What I will always be struck by is seeing the hot-headed character I despised for nearly two full seasons be both mentally and physically broken, confined to a wheelchair. While you can debate how well they handled her recovery, that imagery during the end of season three still sticks with me.
@SoulGizmo 2 года назад
Woah shes just the opposite of Aang, so complicated.
@me5o164 2 года назад
The scene with the ghosts isn’t for storm’s clusterphobia but there is an area in the Avatar universe that is filled with the regrets of the dead and it swallows the will to live for anyone who goes in it
@mariojordan9543 2 года назад
I guess they forgot to mention it
@kirbonicpikmin8809 2 года назад
I think the biggest missed opportunity in this fight was sending Storm to the Spirit Realm to see dead Death Battle contestants, and Storm being actively affected by it, and NOT having WOLVERINE appear to her to give some kind of emotional moment to help her push through instead if just... Pushing through regardless. Instead we just got another Ben 10 (and I guess Sonic?) Joke. Huge missed opportunity.
@dylanaroberts97 2 года назад
Holy shit that would’ve been good
@skyblueblazes9332 2 года назад
Technically, Wolverine pep-talking her counts as outside help, so that wouldn’t be allowed
@aksghazi868 2 года назад
As a massive Fullmetal Alchemist fan, it was depressing seeing Ed being reduced to a short joke.
@lynxfresh5214 2 года назад
Especially with all the character growth he went through in FMA.
@thomasthecoolkid7228 2 года назад
@@lynxfresh5214 Heh... character _growth..._ Okay, I'll shut up now
@darksonicyt5430 2 года назад
Same, and it doesn’t help that the episode barely has any of edward’s character. The most in character thing about Edward in this fight is him getting insulted by being called little. That’s literally it, but it wasn’t even directed at him so, that’s also still out of character. I don’t recall that ever happening in the show cause when the “little” joke is always thrown at him, it’s always directly at him, he has ears, he knows who calls him little or not, and he doesn’t literally fight to the death over being called little.
@lifeofentropy 2 года назад
To be fair at least half of the eps of fmab include at least one short joke and its brought up nearly everytime ed meets a new person. They only really stop near the back half of the show when the themes get deeper and the comedy takes a back seat the the story.
@3kb04_aliefakbar4 2 года назад
I love how they made this fight look fair, While in reality, This fight is one of BIGGEST stomp in Death Battle history
@godhaloknight6332 2 года назад
I know you said "one of the BIGGEST stomp," but nothing, and I mean NOTHING will come to a bigger stomp than Flash vs Quicksilver.
@lynxfresh5214 2 года назад
@@godhaloknight6332 Quicksilver might as well be a regular human compared to Barry plus both Marvel and DC writers have confirmed as well as shown Barry > Pietro (On multiple occasions), that DB was a wash... :/,
@Mousie10 2 года назад
I mean Quicksilver's top speed is somewhere around 9.151 MPH (several sources cite this number, I thought it was clocked as much higher). Which is impressive... until you look at Flash who can literally run so fast he can travel through time. It's like putting a snail up against a NASCAR racer... and wondering which one might win. So yeah I'd easily call it the biggest stomp. This is the 2nd biggest stomp because as soon as it was announced we all knew who would win. The fact that Storm got so bodied in the fight was mind boggling to me. I assume it was to as Nemesis said "To make it look fair" despite the fact we all knew it was anything but.
@daboi8734 2 года назад
Ohoho, are you guys forgetting that Dr Strange vs Dr Fate exists? Nem himself explained how batshit the difference in stats were.
@user-kq5ci7ol8o 2 года назад
I loled when Wiz said, "This fight wasn't as straightforward as you'd think", and he then proceeds to state Storm is stronger, more skilled, has faster reaction time, is faster period, and anything Korra could throw at her she could easily just shrug off, or wouldn't do shit since energy bending means jack shit to Storm, that seems pretty straightforward to me
@scarletsage6267 2 года назад
Fun Fact: Storm can actually bend all 4 elements too but they wanted to make Korra look more diverse with her elements when we all know that’s a lie
@brazenduke8164 2 года назад
I don’t doubt that at all, cause comics be comics, but when did storm control earth? I can see fire easily, but earth and metal don’t seem to fit the whole atmosphere idea.
@dofflamingooverfiction7561 2 года назад
@@brazenduke8164 when was metal an element
@hammyboy2417 2 года назад
@@dofflamingooverfiction7561 it's an extension of earth bending
@shepardoakenshieldprime3357 2 года назад
She can't control earth but she has caused an earthquake. And she can control magnetic fields like Magneto
@hammyboy2417 2 года назад
@@shepardoakenshieldprime3357 they take big reaches to what constitutes as "weather". She can basically control whatever she wants depending on the writer.
@breadbybread 2 года назад
this is a fight for Korra fans. the setting, spirit portal, cars, fog of lost souls (Featuring Zhao, other opponents. and literally you), Korra making the ice barrier aang did in the beginning of Avatar, Raava, etc. Storm just kind of got screwed in terms of x-men representation.
@lifeofentropy 2 года назад
I suppose thats to offset that this is one of if not the biggest powergap in death battle history.
@King-ze2kt 2 года назад
So here's my interpretation of Korra's character. The main difference between Korra and Aang is that Aang was raised as a monk and eventually was told he was the Avatar while Korra was told from a very young age that she was the Avatar and was trained to use her powers. Korra always wanted to be the hero she was told she would be but while having the power to do so she didn't have the mind she needed as she had more focus put on her training than diplomacy. Korra's brash nature led to her immediately calling out Amon (the biggest threat she saw) and trying to solve the problem by defeating him, only to be beaten easily and only spared so Amon's movement could grow. Korra's mistakes give her PTSD that she has to work to overcome while having to accept that her position of Avatar is of a diplomat first and a protector second.
@lifeofentropy 2 года назад
She wasnt told she was the avatar, she was probably told about the avatar and tried to bend the other elements learning that she was the avatar in the process. Remember then the white lotus came to assess her and she busted through the wall yelling that she's the avatar.
@King-ze2kt 2 года назад
@@lifeofentropy yes but still she learned it younger than Aang did
@lifeofentropy 2 года назад
@@King-ze2kt because he never tried. It took him 10 seconds to surpass katara the first time he tried water bending. After just a day of practice jong jong said aang was the most powerful firebender he had ever taught. He was the youngest airbender to become a master and get his tattoos. Aang at the end of his series has at the most a few months of training with the elements other than air. Korra starts her arc with 15 years of training. Thats the difference in talent we are looking at. Korra is good but shes no Aang.
@King-ze2kt 2 года назад
@@lifeofentropy I'm not arguing the skill. I'm just saying why Korra's and Aang's character differ. Or at least why I think so.
@brazenduke8164 2 года назад
Man. With Ryuko, Korra, and Edward, I think Death Battle may just have issues writing characters with any hotheaded tendencies. Funny enough, Edward is a pacifist like Aang, had a mental breakdown about attempting to use a gun on a literal monster who caused genocide.
@floatingf8783 2 года назад
Did he do it in the end?
@brazenduke8164 2 года назад
@@floatingf8783 Spoilers! Nope, couldn’t bring himself to do it.
@Briskeeeen 10 месяцев назад
Edward is NOT a pacifist, he just doesn't like guns and avoids killing people if he can.
@kingofsoy2413 2 года назад
"This is the equivalent of someone screaming before attacking you by suprise" I mean it's not like Aang has ever been screamed at during a suprise attack before. Just ask Sokka, he thinks it'll work.
@thathero5953 2 года назад
I think they had Storm do so little in the fight because everyone said Korra was going to get stomped. So they had her stomp Storm for a bit to keep it “competitive” until Storm pew pew pewed her to death.
@slimer44producciones3 2 года назад
The part in the fog was not ment to represent Storm's claustrophobia but rather people discriminating her for being mutant You can her in some parts something like "Freak", "Monster" and other kinds of derrogatory terms
@tonysonic456 2 года назад
Gaara vs Toph and Aang vs Edward are episodes that I hate for mostly the same reasons as everyone else. Korra vs Storm was an episode that I actually liked. The analysis for both characters was a load of nothing for me, but the fight was pretty good. I'm especially glad that they didn't spite Korra like I feared they would. Definitely the best Avatar episode we've had yet, and even then, it's just a 7/10.
@electromagneticpsychopath4973 2 года назад
I think that's why they didn't put korra up against rey
@Tonymeows43 2 года назад
Hi other tony
@darksonicyt5430 2 года назад
@Zewis Zedse That’s funny....that’s a real funny joke.
@e1iteyoshi998 2 года назад
Honestly the analysis was fine for what it is. But that;s all i can about it... it's fine. Not terrible, not good, just fine.
@darksonicyt5430 2 года назад
@Zewis Zedse pretty sure everyone knows that, including me. Never said anything about me disagreeing with the results cause everyone including me agreed with it. The Episode itself on the other hand is shit. The analysis sucks, the animation although *looks* alright, the characterization on both characters are just... *AWFUL!* it’s clear they give 0 shits about any of the characters when....those are the most important things to keep in mind in a VS animation, cause we don’t go to Aang vs Edward for just their powers or some random shit, we go to Aang vs Edward, *TO SEE AANG VS EDWARD* and yes we saw the sprites of them there....but not the characters themselves. Hell the only one who’s in character in that episode is Aang until he goes avatar state by literally murdering Edward and following up with the terrible line “You left me no choice” characterization is extremely important in a vs animation, otherwise why even do the fight to begin with?
@treerockgaming2872 2 года назад
Nemesis was in Korra vs Storm so that automatically makes it a 10/10 ngl wiz
@renamon5658 2 года назад
nemesis was in the spirit realm in korra vs storm. A great cameo
@phanta8880 2 года назад
Another fight where one character slaps around the other for almost the whole fight and at the end the character that was getting slapped comes out with an abrupt death. Unfortunate (I mean unless I’m wrong about the whole fight. I watched the episode on a bus without earphones in so…)
@battlelon133 2 года назад
As someone who wouldn't recommend Korra, I never did like her but when sitting on it for a while she not bad. Atleast, eventually. This Korra is probably most in-line with season one and early season 2 when the love-triangle was sort of ruining the inter-character story. Korra is arrogant and effectively the definition of bravado. She was coddled most of her life and so it becomes a frustrating situation of watching her find her limits, which does take time. Most fans of Korra say Season 3 is the best and while I don't agree I do think it does the most for Korra's more negative traits. It's the first season where She hits her limits hard and her action while similarly not called out like the previous season, this time actually result in dire consequences that nearly get many people and herself killed. The show doesn't shy away from that idea either. Season 4 Korra is what really defines the best of Avatar Korra. She is taken from being the strongest Avatar (maybe 3rd at least) to easily one of the weakest physically. This takes all the wind out of her sails and finally we get that introspection of "does this world need an avatar?" that the other 3 seasons tried to highlight. Korra is rocked to her core and it's here where we see the type of Avatar Korra truly is. Korra goes from easily her worst enemy and a danger to those around her to acting only when she needs too. That defines Korra's growth. Korra goes into a world believing she is free to control it as she wishes. She's the Avatar and that's what Aang did, why not her? The World is a glorified playground. Then by season 4 she realizes that she doesn't control the world, she protects it. This simple change in perspective is what takes Korra from a borderline Mary sue of insufferable purportions to a respectable Avatar. I wish there was more. I especially wish the comics that retcon most of her personality didn't exist either. C'est la vie. What I recommend. To have a perfect idea of early Korra. Literally just watch her say "I'm the Avatar, you gotta deal with it". Which really kinda says everything you need to know about her. Then look at the bridge scene from the beginning of Season 3. Literally the single best Avatar Korra moment.
@thezurreal 2 года назад
i agree with most of it. What i would add is that Korra not only doesnt learn anything, but also the messaging of the show is never consistant.
@cirnosnumberfan6449 2 года назад
Honestly Aang is more of a Mary Sue than Korra is
@thezurreal 2 года назад
thats objectivly wrong.
@cirnosnumberfan6449 2 года назад
@@thezurreal Is it because Aang isn't female? Well if he was, he'll be more of a Mary Sue
@thezurreal 2 года назад
No, Aang is just a good Character, while Korra is a bad Character. simple as. Why do you insert gender in to this?
@SupremeMarioGamer 2 года назад
Death Battle rule #2: moral restraints against killing are removed;other traits are considered This means that Aang would still kill Ed if he felt he had to, he'd still be remorseful over things escalating to that point or give Ed a proper burial as a show of respect. Aang could kill while _still_ keeping him in character.
@rosestar1324 9 месяцев назад
Funnily enough, Aang kills in the series quite a few times. Most notable was when the water spirit merged with Aang and they killed many fire nation soldiers. Aang never seemed regretful for what he did.
@Derethevil 2 года назад
"It's Death Battle! Someone has to be killed." Yeah.. tell that to those episodes, where they didn't kill anyone or tied..
@kendrajade6688 2 года назад
"The winner is... metal sonic?" "Metal sonic."
@darksonicyt5430 2 года назад
The only defense I’ve heard from these are... “well those only happen in joke episodes” *Yet nowadays in joke fights we don’t get that*
@denovation4924 2 года назад
My favorite part of the episode is when they say the fight wasn't so simple and explain how Storm was 10x stronger than Korra in every way.
@markalexander5707 2 года назад
Ever since it came out, Aang vs Ed has been my absolute most hated episode. I adore FMA, and Aang is pretty cool, but neither got the love they very much deserve. My immediate distaste is how of all opponents, they chose Ed to fight Aang. This was doomed from the start, since Ed is essentially just a fantastic earthbender. He only manipulates the earth. Yes, he can be creative with it, but it's just earth. I immediately thought of two much better matchups for him as the next time came out: Toph and Terra. They both use the earth in unique ways and can hold their own against strong people with other powers. So the entire time, I knew Aang was going to win, but the absolute character assassination really just rubbed salt in a worsening wound. I have always hated this fight, but seeing people saying it's an average one really sits sour with me. It doesn't help that FMA is one of the unluckiest series in battle history. Ed's OMM fight was alright, but again, he lost. Then Mustang vs Zuko in DBX felt like it was just there to apologize to the Zuko fanboys after Zuko vs Todoroki. Zuko is easily the most popular ATLA character, and Roy was just a victim of popularity. I want retribution and a good fight for FMA (Same with Soul Calibur), but I fear that anything more is just going to dig the series a deeper grave. I highly recommend FMAB to anyone who hasn't seen it. It's a great story that has always stuck with me personally. It just hurts that most people only know it for the assassinated Edward Elric.
@billywitchdocter 2 года назад
Toph would stomp Ed in every way possible, as would probably Terra. If Ed was in Avatar, he'd be, at best, an Earthbender in training.
@darksonicyt5430 2 года назад
The only in character thing in that fight was Edward being mad at being called little. The problem though is that it wasn’t even directed at him, and he goes and tries to kill Aang over it when, he doesn’t do that in the show. Yes he can be a hot head but he’s still a pacifist, and doesn’t kill someone over that. Not to mention Ed’s not a moron, he has ears, he knows if it’s being directed at him or not so, even with that in character thing, he somehow goes out of character in it as well.
@dJ-jt9iy 2 года назад
Ang vs Ed is the only death battle i have yet to see because i wont watch it. its so unfair from a glance, and i love fmab so yeah. i hate when they match characters where one has 0 chance
@davidstournaments6620 2 года назад
Then being pacifist don’t matter on death battle they eliminate that
@darksonicyt5430 2 года назад
@@davidstournaments6620 their characters are still important when it comes to a VS Battle. We don’t want Aang vs Edward or any other matchup for their power set, we came for their characters and how well they bounce off each other and represented, we want to see the characters act like the way they do in their series. The whole “it needs to be a kill” bullshit excuse doesn’t justify ANYTHING
@yoshiwithabigiron4522 2 года назад
Nemesis has canonically died in the death battle
@z.j.karasik9601 2 года назад
or just got trapped in the spirit world... effectively the same thing
@daboi8734 2 года назад
As a massive Korra fan i didn't really like her analysis I liked the start but they focus less on her story or character development and more on the versus stuff (pretty ironic considering the matchup) hell, they don't even mention how the villains affected her and played a crucial role in her character development and only mentioned them as feats. Episodes like Dio vs Alucard and Batman vs Iron man did such an amazing job in explaining their story and building up to their strongest feats and i wish the same could've been said for this episode. The editing of Storm's analysis isn't even that good compared to previous comic and manga episodes. But the fight is pretty good, easily the best of the avatar episodes but Storm does get bodied throughout the fight and sometimes the sprites look a bit weird on the 3D background. But I like the choreography, the scene with Storm's claustrophobia is amazing and the death is pretty solid. Its a 7 out of 10 for me but it is kinda disappointing considering the previous sprite fights have been god tier this part of the season but i have high hopes for Madara vs Aizen.
@scarletsage6267 2 года назад
And the weird thing is they purposely ignored the fact that Storm has managed to get over her claustrophobia even though she still feels kinda uncomfortable in tight places
@daboi8734 2 года назад
@@scarletsage6267 Even if it wasn't the claustrophobia, the fog (i forgot the name of it) drains your will and turns you insane. So it works both ways.
@vernonsmith3609 2 года назад
That ending was VERY satisfying for me. Been a long time coming for that noisy sow. Good work, Storm! 👍
@chaoticangel97 2 года назад
I tend to imagine the fact that Korra doing far more attacks and variety than Storm during the fight was to show how one sided it was. Basically Korra had to use her whole arsenal just to knock Storm around a bit while Storm barely has to do anything to beat Korra.
@georgesummitt1980 2 года назад
I don't usually judge the analysis segments of Death Battle by how funny they are because we can't tell other people what they find funny. Like you didn't know Korra, I didn't know Toph, however I know people who are smarter than me who can provide me with info on what she is capable of. There is more in the analysis segment that they got wrong about her, "she eventually mastered sand bending and mud bending" no she didn't. The most that she did with her sand bending powers was make a fancy sand castle, turn sand into earth to give herself a better foothold when trying to stop the library from collapsing (and that was done out of desperation because she had to save the library while under attack, she was being pushed to her limit) and redirect small sand blasts away form herself. "She held her own against a new avatar" no, Korra was poisoned when she fought Toph, she wasn't fighting at her fullest and couldn't even activate the avatar state. "She fought King Boomie to a standstill" no she didn't, Toph was about to fight him but before they could continue Zuko and five others guys stopped them. Notice how in the panel that DB neglected to show only Zuko is restraining Toph while it take the other five guys to restrain Boomie which would imply that that he was more powerful than Toph. "She defeated an entire army almost singlehandedly" no she didn't, in the scene they are referring to there are three guys and Azula and Aaang did most of the fighting. "She can sense anyone on the world with her seismic sense" yes and no, she can sense anyone anywhere but only if she stays in the swamp, as soon as she had to leave the swamp she resorts to her traditional seismic sense which we see isn't as powerful. Also applying old Toph from LOK to her stats shouldn't have been done at all because that would lead to a ridiculous amount of assumptions. They even get basic facts about Toph's history wrong by saying she won earth rumble 4, no she won earth rumble 6 and the really embarrassing thing is that they got that detail right on the written part of the stats page (in roman numerals VI) but the dialog for the hosts still refer to it as earth rumble 4. Even when they sound like they are being smart, they are completely wrong. They say that they got the info of Toph being able to feel the earth even if it isn't connected to the ground from the Avatar the Last Airbender book 2 DVD behind the scenes special feature, but if you actually check that special features on that DVD, no such feature exists. The thing that this subtitle comes from is actually a rerelease of Avatar the Last Airbender called Avatar Extras. It was a pretty dumb rerelease because these subtitles are a permanent part of this series, there's no way to turn them off. BTW these subtitles are pretty inconsistent in Avatar Extras like how there is one that says Toph can't bend sand when we know that isn't true, if it said that she couldn't bend sand expertly then it would be correct. The analysis segment for Toph is bad because of the amount of stuff they get wrong, the one for Aaang is bad because it is boring and uninteresting, I consider them both just as bad but for different reasons.
@petedarock1521 2 года назад
tophs wire is something she made as an adult when she joined republic city police (dont know why they didnt mention is in the analysis though also with korra that is sorta how they portray her in the show with meditation and well most things that are not natural for her, she does have high points but most of the parts that the show really shine are when she is in a situation that forcefully humbles her, or when its focusing on the other characters (also i think they nerfed korra cause we have seen other benders do alot more.)
@TinkatonOCorviknightBodies 2 года назад
I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again- as a Korra fan, this felt patronizing. Giving us a bunch of calced Korra feats, while lowballing Storm and not even needing to use her best ones, having Korra dominate the fight only to get oneshot in a violent way that doesn’t fit her show, once again pulling the “close fight” bullshit by saying it was straightforward - even though it completely was and Korra had literally no advantages over Storm- it’s as if they thought wanking Korra like this would sate us, essentially saying “look how well she’s doing, she’s putting up such a good fight!” NO. What the hell does puffing her up do for us when the moment the fight is announced, everyone-even Korra fans- see that Korra will get absolutely curb-stomped! It doesn’t make me feel better that you’re doing this, it feels like you’re mocking the character! Evidently, someone from the research team has stated that they didn’t want to do Korra vs Rey to avoid turning the video into a toxic pit of haters of both sequel series. They want to “respect” Korra and Rey, not draw negativity to them. Well, thanks a lot, instead of a close fight Korra fans could respect, you fed her to an OP Marvel hero and had literally nothing going for her. I’m so happy you “respected” her by blowing her fucking brains out. And as Nemesis said, you didn’t even go into her character in-depth, just threw a bunch of calcs at us, so you didn’t even get that right. What’s worse is that the video’s comment section doesn’t even seem remotely filled with Korra hate. I’ve been seeing more negativity about it being a mismatch than i have anything to do with Korra specifically. I’ve even seen a few Korra haters essentially saying she deserved better. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think this was a spite fight being disguised as a “legitimate” matchup. Finally, their attitudes about this episode- in the DB cast before the fight, and in the one just released, they talk about how this fight was one they wanted to do, but weren’t confident in animating elemental attacks. They gush about how cool it looks and how “sometimes a playground kid mentality is alright”- not here. I want a well-written fight that I can actually debate on. It doesn’t matter how well it’s animated if it’s poorly paced and terribly predictable. Worst fight they’ve ever done, to me personally.
@captainbirch2.079 2 года назад
I think aangs turn to kill would make more sense if it seems like aang was trying to resist the avatar state the entire time, and only lets go once the pillars crush him
@Starshock1995 2 года назад
Your description of DB's Edward around 9:15 almost sounds like Bakugou described by someone who really hates Bakugou (minus the height), which makes me worry about what'll happen if they still decide to do a DB of Yang vs Bakugou one day.
@flaremawile726 2 года назад
Well. Korra is a character that had been put the expectation of being basically an Aang 2.0, however, she was practically the opposite of Aang, in Book one, Korra was at first an arrogant b*tch, but as the series went on, she matured and even was traumatized for almost dying at the end of Book 3, and Book 4, she had to regain the confidence she had lost, but putting all of her experience in the series in good use, and in the end, she became a respected avatar, even by those that were close to Aang when He was alive, it bothers me that basically Korra is hated because she's not Aang, and that's the point, She's diferent from him, and she had her own struggles. while Aang had to struggle to use other elements and refusin to use fire bending at first, trusting Zuko, and whenever or not murdering a genocide fire lord and not betray his morals, Korra had to struggle with some terrorist that were againts Bending, a totally non-villain uncle, almost dying in the hands of the red Lotus (A group that wanted to murder her in her avatar state, thus permanently ending the avatar cicle), and a ally that went crazy of power and almost destroyed everything at the end of Book 4. if that doesn't tell someone that Korra is a character, and not just "MARY SUE" acording to some fanboys obsesed of the last airbender (no ofense to those that love the last airbender BTW), I don't know what does. and Yes, I love Korra, even thoug Aang is one of my favorite characters, but to me Korra had a better character development.
@FunSize4Audibles 2 года назад
I agree, I don't know how you can look at all the times Korra fucks up, gets yelled at, gets her ass kicked, has victories with great struggle and great cost, and then say "wow, what a Mary Sue!"
@flaremawile726 2 года назад
@@FunSize4Audibles I know, right?, its just stupid, considering there are more characters more Mary sue than Korra.
@shepardoakenshieldprime3357 2 года назад
How anyone can call Korra a Mary Sue when Aang is right there is beyond me. And that's not to bag on him but he fits the description more than Korra fuckin does lol
@flaremawile726 2 года назад
@@shepardoakenshieldprime3357 I mean, you're not exactly wrong, while I don't consider him a gary stu, Aang does fit better than Korra, specially since hedid not go thorugh the same BS as Korra did, not even close.
@mosorireayewale2820 2 года назад
Tbf to Toph, in the avatar comics she does the exact thing you said she wouldn't do; fighting on sacred grounds. In fact a large part of that story was dedicated to her disrespecting sacred, ancient things. So it's really in character.
@SergeantRyan11 2 года назад
Love your content!! Can you make reviews of the stick figure spotlights where they have those league of legends characters fight? I'm really curious about your opinion on those.
@bengates2420 2 года назад
Nemesis Bloodryche, the one and only DEATH BATTLE! Reviewer that made a cameo on a DEATH BATTLE!.
@FrancisL4D Год назад
Wat? Is it a ragna joke or?
@icysand3962 2 года назад
It's a shame that they butchered Aang vs Edward so bad. Ed vs Aang could've had so much good dialogue but instead all we got was, "I'm nOt ShOrT!"
@skeety2480 2 года назад
The only obvious gripe I have with the fight is that the second shot where Storm is crushed between the boulders, the top piece is just very clearly overlapping the bottom piece. It’s a bit distracting.
@mari2099. 2 года назад
I agree, Korra's stuff in the animation was amazing but Storm just kinda sat there tanked Korra's stuff and barely did anything. I'd give it a 6/10 which would have been higher if Storm actually did stuff.
@averagegamecritic 2 года назад
I keep forgetting this one exists. I knew she held up like waay more than a village and pretty sure she’s faster but they don’t explain that. I didn’t think about some of this. That’s why I love your analysis: Helps me to understand the animation which I’m not an expert in.
@akirayamaguchithekitsune4010 2 года назад
Nemesis when are you going to be a voice actor in death Battle
@yandereneko5523 2 года назад
What was every character in the spirit world? Some of the sprites looked kinda vague, but I was able to identify Ace, Ryu, Sonic, and Ben 10
@theultranot-owl8840 2 года назад
Storm Is A Stomp, Rey is incredibly hated and COULD be a stomp if you believe certain things, and Korra can’t see or hit star platinum in the jotaro matchup, so Delsin is the only one I can think of without horrible problems
@theultranot-owl8840 2 года назад
Man they treated Korra badly
@ericbodnarchuk2064 2 года назад
When Ed says ''What kind of alchemy is that?'' I think he was referring to Aangs airbending. Its been a while since I watched the original Fullmetal and I haven't even watched Brotherhood yet, but I'm pretty sure there's no one in Ed's world that has alchemy that can control wind.
@grandwarriorwaluigi1284 2 года назад
Actually, that is how the portals are basically shown in Legend of Korra. And the whole thing with the valley is that if you fall in there, you can literally lose yourself and become another lost soul in the valley, and you will here and see those who have become lost there, which is what I think they were trying to show.
@Xander0022 2 года назад
That fog she was in was known as "The Fog of Lost Souls." It's a place in the Spirit Realm where the dead roam. If someone is in there for too long, living or dead, they go mad slowly overtime.
@aerostrafe1075 2 года назад
I think my biggest issue for Gaara Vs Toph is the fact that the analysis was good but then everything after is just bad. The fight was bad, animation bad, what they did in the fight was bad, and the conclusion was bad. They listed no real justification on how Toph wins besides "controlling sand" as you said but there are many factors that go into play there. Toph has been taken by surprise by other benders before like the Dai Lee (hope I spelled that right) who also bend earth. She is not perfect in that regard. Gaara has also fought his father who controls gold similar to the way he controls sand. Both fighters have fought their respective element in some way so who simply being able to "control" said element is not an instant win for either of them. It comes down to what their win conditions are. Toph has to bend the massive amount of sand Gaara can control at once. If we are talking in terms of who has more quantity control it is Gaara and it has been shown in Avatar that bending something huge is difficult. Bumi bending the pillar from his fight with Aang and the giant statue when he freed Omashu on the day of black sun. Toph did slow the decent of the library so both have great deal of control over large quantities. We are again at a stalemate. This means we have to figure out if Toph is fast enough to actually get passed Gaara's sand. She is not. Toph has no speed feats remotely close to what Lee needed to do to get beyond the sand. Lee with his weights on is faster than Toph. Lee with his weights could not get beyond the sand. Toph is in a situation where she has to fight for control of sand that moves faster than she can react to it. Toph has only controlled large amounts of earth once while Gaara does it regularly. He has a stronger degree of scale here so he would win out. This isn't me being a naruto fanboy. I just really hate how that is one of the most forced and lazy victories death battle has ever done.
@knightshade2654 2 года назад
The Aang vs Edward fight was just another tally for the "FMA fans have two jokes" joke.
@mas8705 2 года назад
I guess in a way, the good sum of Avatar fights have left a lot to be desired (at least the ones shown since Zuko was covered already, and even then that was still not as good). Never had an issue with Toph winning, but the overall execution of the fight alongside with the end analysis needed to be better than just “see sees earth even when off the ground.” That would be like saying you can dodge the bullet if you see the shot (but something’s wrong with you if you still got shot). If anything, I was expecting something like “because Toph could be able to read someone’s heartbeat with earth bending, she would be able to know where Gaara was at all times, even if he were to make clones.” What would have been a neat explanation. But overall, just poor. And the Aang fight is a total agreement too. We’ve seen “accidental kills” in Death Battle before and we could have seen another here either by Aang not holding back by mistake or Edward accidentally axing himself off like a misfire which leads to him getting impaled or something. And for the Korra fight… it was ok, but Storm was in a league of her own. If Flash vs Quicksilver wasn’t a fight, many would argue this was the most obvious one sided fight of all time.
@cross847 2 года назад
I'm surprised that they didn't include a bit about air bending being deadly by literally stealing your breath away, but I'm not sure that would be in line with Koras' character.
@sniperjacobandfriends6858 2 года назад
Rip, Nems Sanity for this matchup and episode. 2021-2021.
@AturkeyFrog 2 года назад
Enjoyed the Storm compliment. Death Battle should do that sort of thing more often when it's hero vs hero.
@fork3810 2 года назад
Gaara vs Toph was my introduction to Avatar. Didn't even know what it was before the episode. When watching the show for the first time I was just waiting for Toph to show up so I could just point and go "It's the person from the DB everyone hates!"
@haxmode6935 2 года назад
if you get to say what you know of a character's personality going in and how that is repersented determines your enjoyment, I get to say knowledge of how strong a character is going in and is repersented determines my enjoyment
@Chromaray 2 года назад
You got your cameo!
@trixahon 2 года назад
Fyi nem the part with storm being in the spirit world does make sense cause in cannon it slowly makes you go bananas too. So her not doing anything to escape at first isn't out of place.
@kingsdayinfirmi 2 года назад
Hearing Nem talk about to Black Clover threw me off- now I'm curious if he's watched more and if hed want to see Black Clover in DB
@seriousspikesam7770 2 года назад
I remember an off-panel where the readers were asking for Elward's height. He gave an answer (can't remember what) but that was with boots on and hair pointing up. They tried to force him on a measure but we never got an official answer there. Then again, Elward also tried to find his brother a date from an armoury... fun times.
@phantomshike 2 года назад
So, cutting in with the stats too soon in the analysis. The three you mention (Goku Black, Korra, and Steven Universe) are all in the loser's analysis? Do you think they're maybe jumping in with a really big stat right off the bat to make the character seem more hyped? Since all three fights ended up kinda unbalanced statwise too.
@Chaz1871 2 года назад
Why would Korra turn cars into metal armor for herself when she's fighting a character who can generate lightning?
@mylessmith9758 2 года назад
Season 1 Korra didn’t always sue her brain. And this is season 1 Korra
@thezurreal 2 года назад
there is no real difference between the beginning of korra and the end. only that the later gives you the release of not suffering through the show anymore.
@zettovii1367 2 года назад
@@thezurreal Eos Korra is more level headed and mature tho.
@thezurreal 2 года назад
she definitly isnt
@ndprod.animationenthusiast9376 2 года назад
Wait, Nem. How did you end up in the spirit realm? Also, hi. How is your day? Edit: Btw, Korra did in fact activate the avatar state. The other time is when she linked herself to the light spirit, Raava.
@JosephRiveraSantiago0617 2 года назад
DAMN! We were SOOO CLOSE to have a Perfect DEATH BATTLE! Season, but Aang VS Ed had to RUIN IT! Literally every other episode from Season 6 was at 7 at worst and a 9 at best, but Aang VS Ed just ruined it. That piece of shit.
@daboi8734 2 года назад
And the fact that its an Avatar episode makes it even more painful.
@TEO-rm4me 2 года назад
i didnt know nemesis was in the battle but now that i do know that i wanna see him in more
@e1iteyoshi998 2 года назад
Your rating for this episode is almost on point with mine. A lot of the problems i have with this episode are as the same with Steven Universe vs Star Butterfly, where the research is just fine and nothing else. However it also has the issue of how it bastardizes Korra's character. They just took the worst aspects of Korra and removed all traits of any character growth she received from Season 3 and 4 and just give her powers from those seasons.
@shayukitsune8879 2 года назад
The time she activated the avatar state the second time is referencing her tapping into its full extent when her and rava have truly became one
@everettwatsonrazorearcwolf6553 2 года назад
After the final episode, will you rank the seasons?
@fj9158 2 года назад
the way we all knew how this episode would end😭
@billyweed835 2 года назад
Yeah, I thought this one was good. Not, like, super-memorable, and the rundown had some pacing problems, but there were some funny moments (Like Korra trying to meditate, key word, trying, or the Cabbage Merchant somehow making his obligatory cameo IN THE SPIRIT REALM) and I do like how , even though Korra lost and everyone knew that going in, they managed to keep the animation looking relatively even, with Korra keeping Storm on the defense for most of the battle, but also clearly conveyed the difference in strength here, with none of Korra's attacks seeming to really do any actual damage to Storm. It's a fine example of how to keep a battle tense even when you know the outcome going in. Not amazing, definitely not on par with the likes of Reverse Flash VS Goku Black or, hell, Alucard vs DIO, but what is? A perfectly solid, serviceable episode. 7/10?
@aydinanuar8807 2 года назад
Why does Storm being in that spirit mist and saying her friends names just remind me of that one moment from Archie vs Flash. You know the one.
@kitty-kalamariart4577 2 года назад
Honestly one of the best things about Korra is how she's actually affected by the things that happen to her. In season 3 she goes through a really traumatic experience and a lot of season 4 focuses on the lasting effects of it as she continues to and struggles to recover.
@potatodragon0981 2 года назад
Mustang's fire alchemy is him using the spark created by his gloves to ignite the air.
@knightshade2654 2 года назад
6:01 It took me a solid minute to recognize that you were about to use British slang for a certain type of degenerate. Also, what episode is that from? I don't recall any Persona character besides Mitsuru being in a Death Battle.
@esteban8471 2 года назад
It was from when the channel was still Screwattack and they still did top 10 videos. Boomstick did a video on top 10 waifus, and Chie was one of them.
@knightshade2654 2 года назад
@@esteban8471 Man, I miss Screwattack. I still remember that Boomstick's top 10 dads is one of the reasons I began to watch Parks and Recreation because he loved Ron Swanson so much.
@krugerfreddy804 2 года назад
I'll admit some things about the episode. I did like the fight as it felt like there was some story to it with Storms claustrophobia and Korra's comparisons of bending elements to her. I even like that it begins relatively like a test of power than like "you must be the enemy" or some misunderstanding, which I thought it would happen due to the accidental iceberg breaking. If I'm in the right mood, I could just watch the fight itself on occasion. I, personally, couldn't get over this matchup to watch the entire episode itself, though. No joke, I even stopped the moment the fight ended. That's how disinterested this matchup was to me. I'm not a fan or either characters, if anything, I like Korra a little more than Storm, but this matchup just pisses me off too much to actually enjoy the whole thing. I repeat, though, I did enjoy the fight.
@DelphanGruss 2 года назад
Yeah - can't let Korra get hit by Storm, because she'd be pasted instantly. Who the fuck thought this fight was a good match-up?
@TheCustodians 2 года назад
Also yeah, she went into the avatar state twice in this. Which doesn't make any sense. They should have had the fight take place in Republic City. All elements would have been readily available, metal would have been abundant, and one of those (incredibly dumb) spirit portals is in the city due to the events of season 4. Hell you could even have the fight start on the statue of aang because you could do a call back to the first X-men movie were they fight on the statue of liberty.
@yohkayu7381 2 года назад
About Aang vs Edward, I completely agree with you, There are some bits and pieces that kinda work but the personality was off Aang is like a character that either bending for fun or defensively while Edward uses alchemy to just solve his problems (didn’t watch FMA as much) They could have put it into this Have someone give Aang the Philosopher Stone and make him protect it at all cost while Edward searches for it to only see Aang having it and having a disagreement on who ever gets it then starts a fight The ending bit could have been Aang being lost in despair and him mindlessly using the avatar state that way it can still be true to Aangs nature And for Edward yes he’s a hot-head but he’s still genuinely good and smart about making his decisions
@RedDusk369 2 года назад
I really hate how during the fight analysis, the fight did not portray the power gap between Korra & Storm at all. A couple of times Storm acted like her controller got unplugged for Korra to be able to get a couple of hits on her for the sake of false tension when we all knew that Storm was gonna win. Death Battle even acknowledges that Storm can instantly one shot Korra. So what was the point of having a long drawn out fight if they are gonna say that Storm would just do this to Korra and kill her in an instant before Korra would have the chance to use the Avatar state or any of her complex moves and techniques?
@chongwillson972 2 года назад
@RedDusk369 that's because usually if they were made entirely research of fights it would be really boring like when someone has the speed advantage do you want to see the person constantly easily dodging every attack and landing all of their attacks or would you want to see an actually fight? because the truth is if fights were made entirely research they would either being over to quickly or last for far to long...
@RedDusk369 2 года назад
I actually would like to see someone easily dodging attack and landing all of their attack. Death Battle has already shown no respect to Korra by putting her against someone she has no chance against. Might as well just have her get demolished in the fight. And for the record, one sided beat downs can be just as engaging as an evenly drawn out fight. Wouldn't it be engaging to see Korra who is supposed to be the most powerful in her verse react to how much she is outmatched in by power by someone like Storm, saying something like. "How is she so damn powerful?" or something like that?
@chongwillson972 2 года назад
@@RedDusk369 but if they did research accurate battle you would not even get to see how korra reacts at all or how would their personalities or fighting styles bonce off each other...
@RedDusk369 2 года назад
Well, yeah..... exactly. That's how much Korra would be f***ed.
@darksonicyt5430 2 года назад
Korra was lag switching during the fight, that’s why Storm barely got many hits in.
@Phantom_of_Black 2 года назад
A few things I'm legitimately disappointed about in the episode. Storm didn't really get an opportunity to show how she can manipulate "alien" weather while she was in the Spirit World. When Ravva appeared on Korra's torso while she was in that block of ice, I was legit hyped since I thought she as about to turn into that Kaiju-sized spirit form she used to fight Unalaq and Vaatu since they also showed it during her analysis. When Cabbage Guy got his stuff sucked up by Storm's winds, I legitimately expected that by the end of their fight Storm would have gone out of her way to give him back the carriage and produce completely unharmed and that the joke would have been that his cabbages were absolutely fine for once. It could have also been a thematic parallel with how the Avatar character loses this fight. The Fog of Lost Souls turned out to be completely meaningless to the fight as it gave Korra no advantage even while Storm was under its influence. The phrasing at the end even kinda implied that Korra never found out about Ororo's claustrophobia. Now I'm gonna need to talk about politics for this last one. I'm an anarchist in terms of ideology and it legitimately pissed me off when Ben said Korra took down "anarchist revolutionaries" and the video showed a scene where she was battling Amon and his supporters. Not only are they not anarchists, as the show completely lacks an accurate portrayal of that ideology, but the Equalists are supposed to represent communism while the Red Lotus are the ones representing anarchism. Though I'll try to keep the ranting to a minimum as the writers Legend of Korra can't accurately represent any political ideology to save their lives. Ben also calls Kuvira a fascist which is also wrong as she is only really imperialist in her ambitions but is less wrong than calling Amon an anarchist. Point is, the writers of Legend of Korra already don't understand political ideologies and Death Battle managed to fuck them up even harder somehow.
@mylessmith9758 2 года назад
“I’m an anarchist” lol
@hellfireproductions4173 2 года назад
@hyrulezomby6828 2 года назад
I would say that the the first season of Korra is bearable because you can see she needs to grow (except for the love triangle) and the second season we just don’t talk about, but the third season and fourth seasons I personally enjoy. They show that Korra is more than just a character who tries to date someone every other episode and gives us unique villains and shows her growth and change as a character. Just my opinion though.
@ragingmonkeycritic 2 года назад
It's really funny seeing someone who hasn't seen Korra react to this fight
@JosephRiveraSantiago0617 2 года назад
So why do Aang VS Ed and Gray VS Esdeath suffer the same way in terms 'Let's focus on their power set instead of the characters themselves.'? Just why?
@Lorekeeper72 2 года назад
I'll be honest, this entire fight from the rundown to the fight itself felt like it was rushed. The rundown felt like they were talking really fast trying to cram everything in and the animation of the fight just felt kinda choppy to me. Then again, I wasn't exactly excited for this fight so there's my bias but I'm not certain that explains all of my problem with it.
@digitaltailsmon4096 2 года назад
Gaara vs Toph still had one of my favorite analysis in the series so it's nice to see someone else thinks that way but yeah it's crap otherwise.
@SoulGizmo 2 года назад
They had to have storm do little on purpose its so sad. I wanted her to make a planetary level storm like what is teased in the analysis.
@chaosbug7 2 года назад
They did better with Korra than the other Avatar characters, and the bout with Storm did everything it could to make it look like Korra had a pipedream of a chance, but facts are facts; Storm just rofl stomps her without even trying. Gaara & Edward also deserved to get represented better. Finally, If Aang was to murder Edward, he should’ve either resisted the Avatar state & eventually lost control or the death should’ve been accidental.
@darksonicyt5430 2 года назад
It doesn’t help that Aang when he thought he killed Edward previously with the distraction, apologized for it....then randomly goes avatar state later on to full on murder him. *What?*
@castform7 2 года назад
I've always liked how you talk about the use of characters in Death Battle. If Tails ever came back in a Death Battle, I wouldn't want to see some prick with an attitude fighting without thinking and just shooting off gadgets cause that's not Tails. If I wanted someone with cool gadgets there's tons of characters to choose from but I chose Tails. I got excited. The reason I adore Dedede vs. Wario so much is because it took 2 characters I like and gave me a fight between the *characters* and not 2 skillsets. Seeing Aang just take a life and saying "you left me no choice" made me feel so hollow. The same kid who spared the most evil dude on the planet but he couldn't do the same to Edward. That wasn't Aang I was watching. That was some bald kid with blue tattoos that looks like Aang. "It's about the stats" is such a stupid excuse. If it's just about stats then what are these characters doing here. They might as well be Smash Bros Sandbags with the moves and feats of the characters if it was just about stats.
@missyummy1040 2 года назад
BTW, is your character a OC or a real character?
@stormfox7592 2 года назад
I thought they were going to give Korra Harmonic Convergence to at least make it look fair
@ethbeatthem4836 2 года назад
What great is that she grow out of what people hated about her and after Losing and being told there no need to have an Avatar she does go through great development and learn to be calmer, learn what the avatar means and start showing development. Death battle show us season 1 Kora with end of season abilities
@TheCustodians 2 года назад
Yeah you have to watch Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. There are two shows for this story, Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. FMA came first and followed the story of the manga but ran out of source material so made it's own narrative. FMAB came out after the manga finished so is a full adaptation.
@jonathansteel3324 2 года назад
I want someone to make a Nemesis Big Fuck Off Compilation
@turbobist2889 2 года назад
Not Death Battle Ideas: Luigi Vs Carnage(Mario Vs Marvel). They were in Death Battle and got stomped by their opponents, and the opponents didn't even need effort to beat them. Akuma Vs Raoh(Street Fighter Vs Fist Of The North Star). Do it for Cydude.
@kryptonianknight2344 2 года назад
I think the next Avatar character to appear should either be Katara or Azula for the original series and maybe a 2v2 with Mako and Bolin for the LOK series
@BaronB.BlazikenBaronOfBarons 9 месяцев назад
“To ensure a fair fight, any specific moral restraints from killing are removed from combatants. All other traits are considered.” - Death Battle Rule #2 Such a rule is, for the most part, ok for the fighters involved. While certain characters like Superman or Batman are averse to killing, you can see them killing under certain circumstances. It’s with a character like Aang where it breaks down. A person who, through any means necessary, tries his hardest to not kill under any circumstance. Apply the rule to him, and it doesn’t feel like that character. But, the show is called “Death Battle,” where it’s expected to have the loser die (usually in an exaggerated fashion). So, Aang has to kill. The irony of the popularity of Aang landing him on Death Battle, where he has to betray one of the core character traits that made him popular in the first place, to participate.
@petedarock1521 2 года назад
13:14 was that a sokka reference?
@vaggos2003 2 года назад
Well, well, well. Time for some Korra character analysis. (cracks knuckles and neck) Korra is Aang's opposite. Aang's story is a story about a human who never lived like an Avatar and needed to master the power of an Avatar without losing his humanity, Korra's story is the story of an Avatar who never lived like a human and needed to find real humanity without losing her power. Aang needed to find the right way because no one who raised him told him how, whereas Korra needed to find the right way because the way everyone who raised her told her was wrong. Remember Uncle Iroh's words? (Who am I kidding, everyone remembers every single one of Uncle Iroh's words.) "Pride is not the opposite of shame, but rather its source. Only humility is the true antidote to shame." Korra used to have lots of pride alongside her power, but when she got crippled and received PTSD,at first she found shame, but there it was that she found true humility and eventually regained her power. Korra's pride didn't come out of selfish reasons, she wanted to be a hero, just like Aang, she just needed to find the right way to do it...and she found that way. Aang is an absolute classic of a protagonist for all the right reasons and Korra is one fantastic successor in her own right.
@lynxfresh5214 2 года назад
A reminder that under an analytical scope and using DBs own research (within the episode and the blogs) most DBs are objectively stomps.
@billyweed835 2 года назад
Yep! And I think Ben (voice of Wiz and creator of the show) has said that's not a bad thing inherently: After all, part of the idea of DB is to argue for why a particular character "should" win. So, if the viewer comes away thinking it was a stomp, in some sense, they've just made their point effectively.
@TarouMyaki 2 года назад
Yeah 100% agreed and I'm finding it more boring with each episode.