
Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon : Drone footage of Rio Mamei - Part 1 

Romain C
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26 сен 2024




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@mikemoreno4469 11 месяцев назад
Qualité sensationnelle. Merci, monsieur.
@timespaice 11 месяцев назад
it's so peaceful and wild
@davidmullen6011 11 месяцев назад
Disorientating to watch at first, but after seeing the notes and link in your description, and the map you supplied, it all makes sense now! I am surprised you decided to explore this side of the area beyond the Mirador, this river to the right isn't one anyone talks about. And I can only think that you and the team were headed this way (east) following the second stream crossing which the two friends would have crossed in theory on their way to the Paddock area. You had explored the question of whether it was possible to follow that stream, and what was down there if you followed it. So now with this latest video you keep following that stream and follow it into the river that is leading to the bridges further 'north'. This river to the east is what the footage above is showing us.... I don't believe the two friends came here, but the good think about this video footage is that it really educates us on how dense the forest can be, and how that forest is not endless - there are many cleared areas, some where farming was probobly taking place in the distant past. This video also educates us on how hard the terrain is, very hilly and no place really to be hiking in for no real reason.
@ginaportillo7154 10 месяцев назад
I also don't think the two women came so far because some people claim they got injured and then called, and some say they just sat inside a shack for 14 hours without calling or texting and just turned off the phones??? Only people who are blind or people who have never been to this location can say this like people who say there is no genocide in Gaza by the Israeli government. The guide lives and works here closer to the remains and backpack was found. How easy he made it look and how many fools he made with his story in the early days and is still making fools from the comments I see on Reddit. Time to bring more questions to this case and the true answers for Kris and Lisanne.
@eliaslima5506 11 месяцев назад
All the rivers and streams you filmed, none of them remember the place from the night photos. On the other hand, your effort is very worthwhile, it allows us to understand the geography of the place and analyze whether it was possible for the girls to get lost and not be found. Todos os rios e riachos que você filmou, nenhum lembra o lugar das fotos noturnas. Por outro lado é muito válido o seu esforço, nos permite perceber a geografia do lugar e analisar se era possível as garotas se perderem e não serem encontradas.
@philippeattackman763 11 месяцев назад
On s’y croirait Romain !......génial !....mais je desespere de jamais connaître la vérité sur ce qui est réellement arrivé à ces deux pauvres jeunes filles.......
@eoc3784 11 месяцев назад
Such clear images, well done again Romain 🤩! Nature is stunning over there. I don't think the girls reached that far, nor that they would have been washed away through this río Mamei and to the North.....
@jocelynb6808 11 месяцев назад
I think when the turistas turned back at the last photo they met the gang who fooled them to go with them through pate de macho from the other side of the mirador. The guide knows a lot and covering up for his son like everyone who believed his story of falling from a bridge. So sad no justice for the families.
@markusmaier2277 8 месяцев назад
Stop making such stupid accusassions without any evidence.
@SimplicioSimples-n3i 7 месяцев назад
Um rio raso desses não tem porque vc se arriscar a atravessar numa ponte de macaco.
@alexf3r2x Месяц назад
Verdade. Só é considerável atravessar se estiver raso como visto no vídeo.
@evelynhope3334 11 месяцев назад
Cool views. I never believed the women got this far though. Too many inconsistencies and too much incompetency from the authorities who tried to wash this off as a lost scenario and did not thoroughly investigate that guide who was everywhere in this investigation, and his step-son. What a shame! Two lives and possibly more lost due to incompetency. I hope the families will someday find justice for their daughters.
@викторлазарев-ы2ю 11 месяцев назад
Где то говорили что они упали в какие то горячий источники которые есть там . Но так не нашёл где они эти источники и если ли они там.
@JulienD-zt3eg 11 месяцев назад
Lorsqu’on regarde l’ensemble des photos prises par les filles, on remarque un « pattern » : - Lisanne, la photographe du duo, prend une photo de Kris ; - Kris prend une photo de Lisanne ; - Lisanne fait un selfie avec Kris. Je me pose donc la question suivante : Pourquoi est-ce que Kris n’a pris de photo de Lisanne sur la rivière (photo 508) ? Pourtant, Lisanne semblait TRES ENTHOUSIASTE à la découverte de cette rivière puisqu’elle a pris 2 clichés de Kris (507. et 508.) en l’espace de seulement 8 secondes ! Ça me semble étonnant que Lisanne n’ai pas demandé à Kris de la photographier sur cette rivière / cascade : c’était justement ce qu’elles recherchaient sur ce sentier (cf. leur historique) … Non ? Ma théorie : Les filles ont voulu faire un selfie sur cette rivière et… Elles ont glissé / sont tombées (tout comme Romain C. sur la vidéo de la partie N°2, après le mirador). Cela pourrait expliquer : - Les cris et le « plouf » entendu par les touristes français ; - La suppression de la photo 509. : L’appareil leur a glissé des mains et la carte mémoire / batterie a été éjectée : d’après Canon « un choc violent, durant l’enregistrement d’une photo, provoque l’annulation de cette derniére ». Ainsi, dans la carte mémoire, la photo est donc considérée comme existante mais supprimée ; - La fracture au pied de Lisanne. En suivant cette théorie, il n’est pas impossible que : - L’appareil soit tombé dans l’eau ce qui expliquerait pourquoi elles ne l’ont pas utilisé durant plusieurs jours : elles ont du attendre qu’il sèche, tout simplement… - Elles aient suivi la rivière afin de récupérer certains objets emportés par le courant (son sac devait être ouvert) … Après avoir récupéré l’ensemble des objets, en aval de la rivière (et possiblement blessées…) elles ont décidé / été forcée de prendre un raccourci afin de rejoindre le sentir pour revenir au mirador… Elles ont rapidement réalisé que c’était une très mauvaise idée… La fin, on la connait…
@JM-lu8nn 3 месяца назад
Je suis quasiment sur cette hypothèse. Sauf que je pense que Lisanne à glissé et est tombé juste parès avoir pris la photo 508. Ce qui a crée le bug pour la 509. Elle a pu se casser le pied et éventuellement s'être fait des coups en tombant parmi les rochers. Donc évidemment, après cela , plus de photo et surtout plus d'exploration du sentier. Mais l'état de Lisanne ne lui permet plus de revenir par le sentier car comme le montre très bien le film de Romain, il y a des passage très étroits , sorte de ravine, pendant une longue distance et avec un pied cassé , ça parait impossible de crapahuter la dedans. Peut être ont elles attendu un moment pour que Lisanne récupère et en espérant croiser quelqu'un. Mais non, et le temps passe. Je pense qu'elles ont pu tenter de continuer sur le sentier , très lentement, avec Kriss supportant Lisanne. Puis ne croisant toujours personne, elles décident de tenter des appels mais pas de réseau. Donc inutile d'insister. La luminosité décroit de plus en plus. Il faut qu'elles trouvent un endroit pou s'abriter. Et elle choisissent de se poser quelquepart au bord de l'eau , en terrain dégagé car la nuit en pleine jungle, sans équipements, sans pouvoir faire du feu, doit être particulièrement terrifiant. Évidemment la solution eut été de laisser Lisanne quelquepart et que Kriss refasse le chemin à l'envers pour rejoindre Bokete et alerter les secours. Mais je crois que Kriss n'a pas laisser Lisanne seule au milieu de cet enfer vert, blessé, avec la douleur qui 's’intensifie et s'installe dès lors que l'on se pose. Le problème c'est que plus le temps passe, plus elles vont s'épuiser par le stress, la peur, le manque de nourriture, la fatigue. Le problème c'est si elles ont décidé de trouver un endroit éloigné du sentier....
@powerpixie2965 11 месяцев назад
Thanks for the footage Romain. Helps me understand how the girls could not have gotten lost on a one-way trail that afternoon. SINAPROC probably know more than you or me as they searched over 900 km of trail and jungle. Most likely as the podcasts by Jeremy and team think they were led away on their return from River 1. The number of rocks and boulders only make me further convinced hat backpack could not have traveled unscathed like baby Moses in the basket. Btw does this tributary run close to Feliciano's farm, where the backpack miraculously appeared and was handed over by the couple to Feliciano's brother as mentioned in the book?
@caitlinmcfarland9217 11 месяцев назад
@@PanamaResearch-uj2xo It would take the guide a lot less time I think as it is about an hour's walk from where his farm is located.
@powerpixie2965 11 месяцев назад
@@PanamaResearch-uj2xo You make it sound like Alto Romero was next door. Feliciano's farm is close by. The couple worked for Feliciano/his brother, and then handed it to his brother as the book pointed out, who then made the phone call. Quite an elaborate plan these guys hatched. "Take a hiker" 😄 Feliciano and his step-son know these parts well like the back of their hand unlike you or me and live close by. I believe they planted it there as part of their cover up for what his stepson and his gang had done to Kris and Lisanne most likely on the Pate De Macho. Thank goodness the case files are no longer in the hands of a select few who think they know everything about this case. Money talks everywhere. Edit: I don't know where you went, but I wanted to respond to your last comment about reading maps and coordinates. You also failed to inform us of the various dwellings and farms located near and along the river of these various points where the backpack, belongings and remains were found. We know now Feliciano owns several structures in this area. The attention was diverted by the Imperfect Plan and the authors to Laureano's finca, trying to make it sound like he's the only one who owned anything there. As for the backpack location. Here's an excerpt from the authors book: Page 169 "Irma is just about to walk back home, when, hidden half under a rock in the middle of the river and hooked to a thick branch, she sees a backpack. That it's there does not surprise her, the river has its fixed spots where junk washes ashore." I don’t know who you are and if you have the actual case files. I know that the authors who co-wrote the book with Pitti, had access to all the files and details that were reported. So are you saying the three of them are lying now about Irma finding the backpack in the middle of the river? And that your coordinates are correct? Where did you get these coordinates from? From the case files I presume or the authors? How do you know for sure that the couple did not lie or that Feliciano’s brother, whom they handed the backpack to, did not lie about where it was found? There was no photograph taken at the time of the backpack discovery nor was it left in its place to be sure of this. Anybody who had reason to lie, Feliciano included, could have made up the location and said it was found here or there. The unsuspecting authorities then mark it out on the map when they got there to investigate and list the coordinates. So the blind leading the blind. Do you understand what I'm saying here? It doesn’t take much to figure this out that the location you pointed out could be just about any location Irma was asked to point out. However she informed the police according to the book that it was in the middle of the river when it was at a low level. So start there and then start uncovering the bullshit that was perpetuated, by everyone since, including you.
@eliaslima5506 11 месяцев назад
​​@@PanamaResearch-uj2xoRecently a new narrative emerged, told by the mother of a teenager who died mysteriously. This teenager told his mother that he and other boys (including the son of this guide F) had participated in the murder, rape and cover-up of the case of the Dutch girls. In this narrative it is mentioned that the girls were taken to this trail to the East, called Pata del Macho, to a house close to a place called Tree Trek. Given this new story, it is not possible to guarantee 100% that K&L have not returned from that trail, just as it is not possible to guarantee 100% that Guide F is involved. However, it is undeniable that this Guide and his family appear very permanently in almost all actions related to the disappearance of these girls! I am not in favor of making false accusations, but it is undeniable that this Guide and his family are indispensable suspects in any serious investigation into this case! However, I always use generic names to refer to the Guide and his family, after all I do not want to induce any type of hatred, marginalization or act of violence against the lives of individuals who, for now, are just suspects! The source of this cited narrative appears to be quite reliable!!! This narrative needs to be considered very carefully. Recentemente surgiu uma nova narrativa, contada pela mãe de um adolescente que morreu misteriosamente. Tal adolescente disse a sua mãe, que ele e outros garotos(incluso o filho desse guia F), haviam participado do assassinato, estupro e encobertamento do caso das garotas holandesas. Nessa narrativa é mencionado que as garotas foram levadas para essa trilha a Leste, chamada Pata del Macho, a uma casa próximo a um lugar chamado Tree Trek. Diante dessa nova história, não dá para assegurar 100%, que K&L não tenham voltado daquela trilha, assim também como não dá para assegurar 100% que o Guia F está envolvido. No entanto, é inegável que esse Guia e seus familiares, aparecem de maneira muito permanente em quase todas as ações relacionadas ao desaparecimento dessas garotas! Não sou a favor de fazer acusações falsas, mas é inegável que esse Guia e sua família são suspeitos indispensáveis em qualquer investigação séria sobre esse caso! Todavia, sempre uso nomes genéricos para me referir ao Guia e seus familiares, afinal não quero induzir nenhum tipo de ódio, marginalização ou ato de violência contra a vida de indivíduos que por enquanto, são apenas suspeitos! A fonte dessa narrativa citada, parece ser bastante confiável!!! Essa narrativa precisa sim, ser considerada com muita atenção.
@selenabianchi5201 11 месяцев назад
This disappearance is crazy. I hear the podcast also, until I hear the pate de macho trail I never knew how the two girls can vanish without evidence 😳so many professionals search before and save other people who got lost here... the guide F told everyone he saw the girls the day when they got lost. what was he doing there when he saw them? because nobody was in the school. where was that school assistant eileen? she told she never saw them on apr 1. why is she lying? 🤔 maybe she scared of guide F. there is a book which says the guide F secure a tour on Baru the day before. so the guide known who these girls already were when he came again on apr 1? and he only told them Hola? nobody else was in the school when these the guide F and the two girls were in the school on apr 1. podcast also say his son was going to give a tour with the girls on apr 2. why was only the guide F there on apr 2? 🤷🏻‍♀if it is true in the podcast that his son killed the girls then he also saw the photos on the camera so the guide F could already known where the girls room was and checking to see if they leave behind a clue. the eileen is a witness for him so nobody can ask him why he was in the room. there is more truth but this guide F is lying I'm sure now to protect his son. I hope all the truth come out for the families to get justice for the girls.
@ginaportillo7154 10 месяцев назад
@@caitlinmcfarland9217 I did see many shacks and some farms in this area too on the maps which the podcasts also said is some of them owned by the guide F. It is also very close to the backpack location and also the shorts. Very interesting that it is along the same areas of the river this guide F and his son is close to. His brother also works there I think. He got the backpack like the lost in jungle book said. There are people trying to hide these facts? Why?
Истории с сестрой (Сборник)
А вы играли в school boy runaway?
Просмотров 122 тыс.
The paddocks, a quick fly over the area (Drone footage)
Aerial video of the stream at the east of the Mirador
El Pianista, the path after the Mirador - Part 4