
La Bomba: A Puerto Rican Tool of Resistance Through Creative Expression 

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A video documentary exploring "la bomba" as a tool of resistance through creative expression among Puerto Ricans. Created and produced by Ángela M. Capeles, and in collaboration with friends and photographers such as: Xavier García, Noely Cruz, Emilia Segarra, Shalomir Gierbolini, Freddy Santana, Sean Malak. This documentary is part of her creative project and thesis for the Master of Arts in Communications at Penn State Harrisburg.



7 июн 2017




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Комментарии : 37   
@coffeerose55 4 года назад
You can not help but move to the rhythm. Is is truly SOUL MUSIC. Drum beats are the heart strings. Love it
@Korcasandromedaa 3 года назад
Like the gentleman had said you know that's calling you when you hear the drums you have to move around it's a joy in your heart our ancestors calling. I was born and raised in puerto rico my mom is black puerto rican and woman in Puerto Rico dance while cleaning dancing with the broom lol even dancing to commercials. If you are born and raised in the island everything is music.
@vecacabrera7601 3 года назад
Que hermosa gente, gracias por compartir su cultura y lucha. Adoro la música del Caribe y la riqueza que hemos heredado. Nos hace únicos!
@yadiliznieves5334 6 лет назад
That is me dancing Woohoo!!!
@angelacapeles1490 6 лет назад
Yadiliz Nieves thank you!
@jhondoedoejhon2393 5 лет назад
@BreuckelensFinest 5 лет назад
I'm in love! 😍
@jasonethridge4506 4 года назад
@@angelacapeles1490 Bomba is a great dance. But what about the rhythm? How do you communicate with rhythm?
@katytoro5615 Год назад
Lo siento en mi alma. Me gusta que combina el esclavo Africano, los Taínos y los Españoles.
Hermosa es nuestra cultura. Somos un archipelago maravilloso, llena de gente amorosa, capaces, creativas y llenos de vida. Que viva nuestra cultura y que viva Borikén libre y soberano!!
@anonymousprivet1227 2 года назад
Realmente esperaba ver el fuerte enfoque de la contribución africana aquí. No puedo encontrarlo completo en Internet. Además, no hay explicación de los significados de cada movimiento. No soy muy mayor pero tampoco joven. En toda la diáspora afrocéntrica, incluida América del Norte, algunos ancianos conversaban mientras los niños y otros escuchaban. Los saltos, el surco de la parte superior del cuerpo, la colocación de los brazos, los movimientos del pie, la captura y la liberación, todo tiene sentido. La falda baila, en un video la dama comienza con la falda metida y luego suelta un segmento a la vez durante su apertura antes de comenzar a celebrar. eso tiene sentido porque las faldas fueron forzadas y soltarlas a través del viento como una forma de arrojarlas era liberador. El significado de los lazos forzados en la cabeza y la forma ágil en toda la diáspora afrocéntrica que todas las mujeres se negaron a rebajar al atarse la cabeza de manera significativa y expresiva para transmitir mensajes y demás; no solo diseñarlos para acentuar el vestido. El aspecto más importante del círculo es el honor de DIOS; o en su momento dioses que los apoyaron, antepasados, ellos los percusionistas que estaban en el momento de tocar toda la noche. Una vez que el espíritu ancestral entró en el baterista, no debía ser interrumpido. Entonces, los bateristas fueron reconocidos un poco más alto que los otros hombres que no ocupaban puestos de jefe, vidente u otros puestos de muy alto rango. Si no se expresa ahora, se perderá. Lo que significa La Bomba, realmente abordado. LA BOMBA (EL FORCER / ENFORCER / THE BOMB / DESTROYER). Cómo todo lo que les quedaba era su canción prohibida y su baile que podía llevarlos a la muerte cuando se expresaban, pero se dieron cuenta de que vivir era no deshacerse de la última parte de ellos. Esta historia se repite en casi todos los países donde cualquier persona o grupo que tenía la piel lo suficientemente oscura y podía hacerse pasar por africanos o negros, como algunos de los nativos de piel oscura de América del Norte, fueron esclavizados. Es una historia compartida porque las naciones esclavizantes se reunieron y discutieron resoluciones sobre asuntos que creían que eran complicados con respecto a su supuesta propiedad en ese momento, los esclavizados.
@raymar091 5 лет назад
Ángela esto es una joya. Gracias por tomarte el tiempo y el esfuerzo, no ha sido en vano. En deuda estamos. Un bastión y foco de resistencia que ya hace algunos años esta siendo embestido con todas las fuerzas del sistema y a pesar de ello sigue creciendo.
@angelacapeles1490 5 лет назад
Víctor Gracias por tan bellas palabras. La investigación sigue. Feliz me hace que muchos puedan disfrutar de esto y sentirse conectados.
@euridicebonilla9238 3 года назад
Los amo mi gente de mi querida isla. 💋🌹
@etorres385 Год назад
Wepa, hermanos y hermanas puertorriqueños, estén siempre orgullosos y nunca permitan que la supremacía blanca destruya nuestra herencia y comunidades como Florida.
@nuyorican91st 3 года назад
Wepa.beautiful women speaking on behalf of our people and our ancestors weather it's tainos o africano,our story cannot be pushed aside and silenced or altered.boriken is the island and we are the ones to keep the traditions alive siempre
@ricardomorlarios4830 3 года назад
Gracias...Marien Torres y otros colaboradores de este documental...💥💣🔥☕🤙🙏🎶😎👍
@eltonlewis4979 6 лет назад
can you guys create a documentary on the similarities of the dances throughout afrocaribbean regions, that would be interesting......here in belize it is the garifuna who maintain cultural similarities in druming, rythm, dance and clothing of afrocaribbeans
@angelacapeles1490 6 лет назад
elton lewis that is a good idea! We can definitely plan to explore that connection!
@Veronica-kj4ul 6 лет назад
Martinica y Venezuela tambien...
@jhondoedoejhon2393 5 лет назад
very beautiful My grandfather is a Juan Cepeda descendant of william Cepeda,el barrio ny.i say INE thing ive learned un prooer history is that most of los trigueños didnt come From África brazil central América cuba ancient México.i ask myself what educación o n puerto rico clearly says that everybody that is dark came From África???nah.pero baya the música pumps through My veigns.im not witj división before columbus arawak caribe was one people.one nation..i know if My brothers And sisters ask their great grandes mother they can see the links...between anacoana From ahieti.known toda y as haiti..theres accounts From de la casas a priest From spain that spoke about the treatment towards the arawak indigeousness people..toó muchos has been lost .y es there was 400 years of spai ish colonización .TVE Islandia ks boriquen.first.porto rico is TVE occupation brought by TVE spainish through forced religión slavery...its a fact thatcherismo these islandés were a matriarch Society meaning women were held un high esteem .vence you get loiza aldea.theres more history to js de hace been divided up And thatcherismo la TVE gift of TVE moriscos y new spain....
@raymar091 4 года назад
@@jhondoedoejhon2393 Mi pana, es casi imposible entender lo que escribió.
@c.inesr.7292 7 лет назад
Gracias. Muy educativo.
@angelacapeles1490 7 лет назад
C. Ines Rodrz ¡Gracias!
@daidaip 6 лет назад
Gracias! A mi me fascina mucho la bomba! Es algo que la escucho y no puedo evitar moverme corre dentro de mi! Orgullosa
@angelacapeles1490 6 лет назад
Daina Peña nos corre por la sangre! Me alegra lo hayas disfrutado!
@anonymousprivet1227 2 года назад
I hope you don't take this as judging but sharing ancestral knowedge. I hope this can stay for all to learn. This video is an example of the footing and some of cerenony, Lindithuba Hoho neBuyelekhaya (Ithongo Lam liyavuma)#Xhosa culture #Heritage #African #Traditions and the video, Cachon dice Helena - Ponce, Puerto Rico 1957. In the video, Loíza. Batey de los Ayala. 5:05 to 7:49, it's one of the first skirt dances I witnessed performed according to what percission and respect that the dance entails. The skirt dance was taken very serious as something of pride, honor, and sometimes community respect. A lady in skill could go as high as she could with the flow or her skirt; and there were risky women, but she did not show her higher regions; she was chastized if she did, the wings and ribbons should be brilliantly performed to beauty, no wrinkles or unnatural catches or folds, mesmerizing and angelic; free and majestically graceful. There is a difference between the dancing for other less culturally Afro-Centric celebrations or gatherings and the respected culturally connected ones although to outsiders and those ancestrally disconnected they look like one in the same. The heartbeat of the dance and song (ancestally left for all to connect back to home via the special rhythms solely related to the Afro-Centric cultures) is what connects us around the world.
@wandapineiro3593 2 года назад
I absouly love it
@marsallefrancisco4851 Год назад
The little girl in the wheel chair.I wanted to see the rest of her performance ! She was feeling La Bomba.
@TheStellarmanCo. 3 года назад
@fidelinthepacific4127 3 года назад
13:42 I didn't know they sometimes use steel pan, an instrument from Trinidad and Tobago, at a bomba get together.
@skillet6870 8 месяцев назад
Latin Music forms Son, Salsa, Samba, Merengue, Bachata, Rumba, Mambo, Cumbia, Champeta, Cha Cha Cha, Tango, Tropicalia, Timba, Bomba-Plena, Soukas-Sebene, Pachanga, Zouk, Carioca and of course Reggaeton et. al.--all enjoy well documented African roots coupled with undeniable African influence---whether directly or indirectly. A fact that so-called latinos and hispanics intentionally ignore.
@anonymousprivet1227 2 года назад
I was really hoping to see the strong focus of the African contribution here. I can't find it in full on the internet. Also their is no explanation of the meanings of each move. I'm not very elderly but not young. Across the Afro-Centric diaspora, including North America, some elders conversed while children and others listened. The hops, the furrowing of the upper body, the arm placements the foot movements, the catch and release all have meaning. The skirt dances, in one video the lady starts with her skirt tucked then releases a segment at a time during her openng before she starts to celebrate. that has meaning because the skirts were forced and to release them throughout the wind as a form of casting them of was freeing. The meaning of the forced head ties and the cleaver way all throughout the Afro-Centric diaspora every women refused to brought low by tying their head wear in meaningful and expressive ways to relay messages and such; not solely designing them for dress accentuation. The most important aspect of the circle is the honor of GOD; or at the time gods who supported them, ancestors, them the drummers who were at the time to play all night. Once the ancetral spirit entered the drummer it was not to be interupted. So drummers were recognized a bit higher than the other males who did not hold chief, seer, or other very high ranking positions. If it is not expressed now it will be lost. What La Bomba means, really addressed. LA BOMBA(THE FORCER/ENFORCER/THE BOMB/DESTROYER). How all they had left was their forbidden song and dance that could lead to their deaths when expressed but they realize to live was to not cast off the last part of them. This story is repeated in just about every country where any person or group who had dark enough skin and could be passed off as African or black, like some of the dark skinned Natives of North America, were enslaved. It's a shared history because the enslaving nations met and discussed resolutions to matters they believed were complicated concerning their so called property at the time, the enslaved.
@petierican6079 3 года назад
Im Puerto rican 🇵🇷 and we get our roots from our blood roots( AFRICA) we have African in us our history is serious im proud of all my roots ♥
@bartolocorretjer3668 2 года назад
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