
Laodicea & Lost In Church | Doug Batchelor | Granite Bay Hilltop SDA Church 

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Laodicea & Lost In Church | Doug Batchelor | Granite Bay Hilltop SDA Church
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4 окт 2024




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@edithdotson7603 3 месяца назад
Amen. We are indeed the Church of Laodecia, the people of the judgment hour. We fit the description to a tee. We pray that we will see ourselves as we really are by the Holy Spirit's power and by glad submillion to Him we become changed into Christ's likeness. We are ALMOST home!
@TrumpianForChrist Год назад
I recommitted my life to Jesus as I watched this yesterday, as I spend my Sabbaths, Pastor Doug did a beautiful job as God guided and gave him the Words for this presentation. I actually cried and I don't know about you but I was convicted and I pray you were as well. The message was a herald to wake up and pay attention; and this we MUST! If we don't get ourselves to full submission to the Word of God some of us may be those foolish virgins that didn't have enough oil.
@richardellison3635 Год назад
Thanks ❤
@susieriopelle1884 Год назад
Glad you had a great time , and glad to see you back, God is good all the time Amen
@nicolasloki-gy7gp Год назад
Greetings people of the most high God 🙏
@iliaramos79 Год назад
May you be richly blessed!
@lynettedesouza6191 Год назад
Dear Pastor , thank for reminding us Christians that we are supposed to be a peculiar peoples glorifying GOD in our person at all times.
@LindenLawrence-n3m Год назад
Thank you
@sharonkafwanka6005 Год назад
Hello pastor Bachelor, continue to be a blessing to many souls
@charmainethompson9970 Год назад
Thanks pastor its always a blessing to hear you speak about God..and i am glad that you can relate your life experience with what is right and what is wrong..don't stop preaching for God..we met and you are a good person..i love karen..she's a nice lady..God bless 🙌 😊
@nicolahenry6219 Год назад
Thanks for the word of god please pray for me pastor Douglas
@thomaszibelli5066 Год назад
This is the true church S.D.A keep true Sabbath on Saturday! (Exodus 20:8-11)
@nathaliec7330 Год назад
Love how Pastor Doug is not afraid to speak the truth for us and all his members We need more like him and his pastors are awesome as well for speaking out 🙏😍 God Bless let us hear this carefully 🙏
@davidstarr6604 Год назад
@@lisachambers3683 Then I am sure you can supply scripture showing how they are wrong in their interpretations and calculations. Let's start with Daniel chapters 2 and 7
@davidstarr6604 Год назад
@@lisachambers3683 " I am too busy right now wondering how any of you are reading in the scriptures that Jesus is God and Creator." Try Micah 5:2 the prophecy the Jewsich priests quoted from when Herod asked where was the Messiah to be born. The words "from everlasting" from the original Hebrew are "yôm ʿôlām" - from eternity in the past. Who is the "Holy One of Israel? Hab. 1:12 Ps. 45:6-7 "Thy throne of God is for "ever and ever" (from "ʿôlām" to "ʿaḏ"), from forever in the past to forever in the future. We know this is Jesus from verse 7, "...therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee..." (see also Heb. 1:8-9) And what of John chapter 1? "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." (verses 1-3). "He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not." (verse 10). "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." (verse 14). What of Jesus' own words in John 8:58? "Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am." The same "I Am" that God said to Moses when asked what His name was. There are many, many more scriptures that reflect this same thing. One led by the Spirit of God would not reject those texts in favor of a denominational view of who Jesus is. You did state you were wondering how people were reading in the scriptures that Jesus is God and Creator. There you have it.
@nesisampofu9347 Год назад
@marlenebright7401 Год назад
Love it
@gabrielgervias1097 Год назад
@lurdesduarte9029 Год назад
Por favor legendas em português. Obrigada de Portugal
@RMS777 Год назад
Sthoram, ✝✝
@Kevinproblem Год назад
Amen, LORD!!!❤❤❤
@marlenebright7401 Год назад
The Cadet sisters sings it on kids time ❤
@MSB780 Год назад
As painful as the last plagues are going to be, that doesn’t worry me, because I’m in pain most all of the time anyway. I hate the thought of being amongst the army who will try to take God’s Holy City. The evil that must be among them, to do such a thing, will be horrifying!
@anitalindsey4321 Год назад
Amen 🙏
@davidstarr6604 Год назад
I have posted this before but I think maybe I need to again: But Laodicea hasn't started yet. It can't until the Age of Philadelphia ends. All the 7 churches are that way. Each one cannot begin until the previous age had ended. Ephesus even did not begin until the Jewish dispensation had ended (34AD). Trace through the first 6 messages of the first 6 churches and you can see this. So obviously Laodicea cannot begin until Philadelphia ends. I'm not going to go through all 7 churches for the dates when each one began (that would just take too long) but the message to Philadelphia shows both when it started and when it will end: Rev. 3:7 is the introduction. The message actually begins in verse 8: "Behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it." Any Adventist with knowledge can tell you this was 1844. Our church has its origins in the Millerite movement of the time. This coincides with the 1st angel's message of Rev. 14 which includes both the Investigative Judgement and the Seventh-Day Sabbath (14:7). Rev. 3:8 continues to say, "thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name." What is this "word"? Verse 10 says "thou hast kept the word of my patience" Didn't Jesus tell His disciples to go and spread the gospel message throughout the whole world, "and then the end shall come"? What else could this "word of my patience" be except our present-day truth? The teachings of the Investigative Judgement, 7th-Day Sabbath, true state of the dead, etc... What church on this earth could actually be the Philadelphia Church? Only one teaches all these things. Now when does Philadelphia end? Let's go back to verse 10, "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth." Look at it outside the box. Let's say Jesus is talking to someone else ABOUT Philadelphia. "Because they (the Philadelphians) have kept the word of my patience, I also will keep Philadelphia from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth." This is when Philadelphia ends. When the last trial/test comes upon the entire world. Again, any Adventist with knowledge knows what this is. It is the upcoming Sunday laws. The last test to fall upon this world, who will be obedient to God's will and who will not. Once the Sunday laws are enforced in the USA (and spreads to the entire world) THEN will the Age of Philadelphia end. So will the SDA church as a government recognized religion. There is no other way to enforce Sunday laws without going against our constitutional rights, that "freedom of religion" clause has a loophole in it. Who gets to decide which religions are bona-fide, government recognized religions? Once it is decided that only those religions that keep Sunday are actual REAL religions then the Constitution will no longer apply to Sabbath keepers (or any non-Sunday keeper for that matter). The SDA church will cease to exist as a recognized denomination. The Age of Philadelphia will be over and THEN will Laodicea begin. How long does the Age of Laodicea last? Let's start off to say God has little good to say about Laodicea.... Only some advice (verses 18-19) and a promise (verses 20-21). But again, verse 10 shows the temptation/trial lasts for one hour. This is the Greek word ōra which can also mean "time" or "season" as well as "hour". It is quite possible this symbolic hour could be meant here which would be about 2 weeks of literal time. Anyway, I just wanted to point this out to folks. Many seem to be in error about when Laodicea will begin. I have even heard some Pastors say that SDAs are not Laodicea. In this they are right. But they also say Laodicea are all the OTHER churches (fallen churches) who have become lukewarm. Sorry this is incorrect. ALL 7 of the messages are for God's 7 churches/7 Ages of the Christian Dispensation.
@ReallyNo.01 Год назад
I chose hot and I'm sticking to it
@cliffpierce5941 Год назад
My wife and daughter have burkinis we're Adventists
@MsGratefulgal Год назад
Thank you for throwing more light on the addiction to our nakedness 31:00 unashamed, bold in sinning, having no qualms about commiting sin, pride seasons, creating appearances of godliness, making a graven image/god...
@MsGratefulgal Год назад
@@lisachambers3683 God is amazing, He is infinite.🙌 Emmanuel (God with us) left to us a Comforter (Holy Spirit) who is not to be grieved (Eph. 4:30) Jesus' oneness with the Father, teaching us to involve both in our prayers so that they may grant us the Spirit. John 14:9-17 16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another [a]Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor-Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), to be with you forever- 17 the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive [and take to its heart] because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He (the Holy Spirit) remains with you continually and will be in you. Idol/idle worship is putting trust in people who do not speak words of life and putting trust in things which do not give everlasting life. Our words can sometimes be empty words/idle words. May the Holy Spirit guide us on what to say to others because you and I, are anointed 1 John 2:27 "But the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie-just as it has taught you, abide in him." Abide in Jesus, the foundation of your life, your plumbline/measuring scale and your Head/Leader John 6:63 "the words that I have spoken unto you are spirit, and are life." It is the Spirit that quickeneth/stirs your heart/mind to obey and to respect the Oneness/Unity of God the Father, The Son the Craftsman (Proverbs 8:30-31) and the Holy Spirit who is in seven folds (Isaiah 11:2) Thank you lisachambers for engaging with me
@davidstarr6604 Год назад
@@lisachambers3683 What does Micah 5:2 say? Please explain Ps. 45:6-7. Not to mention the various times in the NT showing God became flesh and dwelt among us. Try John chapter 1 too. Why accuse someone of idol worship and blasphemy when you cannot answer those texts....
@davidstarr6604 Год назад
@@lisachambers3683 Jesus is the Word. I posted the texts above for you.
@davidstarr6604 Год назад
@@lisachambers3683 John 1:14 "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." 1 John 5:7 "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." Apparently you don't like the writings of John
@davidstarr6604 Год назад
@@lisachambers3683 "I am not going over John 1:1 again." I figured. Of course you won't. Didn't expect you to. We have nothing more to talk about then. You wanted to know where we get the notion that Jesus is God and Creator but you won't hear what the bible says on the subject. So, there you go. Go back to your indoctrinated teachings. I'm sure they are as infallible as your personal beliefs on the subject. Made to redefine what the bible says.... Personally I think if you don't believe the bible why dis those who do? That way leads to the persecution of God's people.
@ReallyNo.01 Год назад
Looks younger
@bobreese4807 Год назад
SDA pastors don't know how to get members out of Laodicea
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