
Laura Mersini-Houghton - How Did the Universe Begin? 

Closer To Truth
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@hckytwn3192 3 года назад
I love this explanation of the origin of the universe. It solves both the “something from nothing” and “fine tuning” questions. And, unlike other guests on this channel, she explains it simply and elegantly-and more importantly, she actually answers the question instead of push it further down the infinite regress hole.
@luzpintero1088 2 года назад
No it doesn't.
@raygordonteacheschess5501 2 года назад
It does not solve the unmoved-mover question. It just says that something happened before the big bang, not what caused the "something."
@hckytwn3192 2 года назад
@@raygordonteacheschess5501 so in her explanation she references a primordial quantum wave packet. Quantum Mechanics is non-deterministic, meaning there is no direct “cause” of any specific outcome. More broadly though, you can view this in terms of possibility. Possibility is only defined by it’s constraints; if there are no constraints, then everything is possible. If, at the “start” of the universe, nothing existed there would be no constraints (even cause and effect), so possibility would be infinite and every possible outcome would result. She just refers to this infinite possibility as a wave packet.
@woofie8647 2 года назад
@@hckytwn3192 If nothing existed before the universe came to be, then there would also be no "possibilities". There would be nothing. Too often we play with words that seem to make sense but actually have no meaning. "Possibilities", or any other mental constructs, exist only in relation to to other constructs and have no meaning by themselves.
@hckytwn3192 2 года назад
@@woofie8647 Every word, concept and theory we have are just mental constructs and have no meaning by themselves--so I'm not sure you're making any real point there. But sure, we can drop the word possibilities and instead just ask: *"Why couldn't everything spring from total nothingness?"* It's the same mental exercise. Whatever answer you could give would rely on "something" existing to prevent it (e.g. cause and effect, laws of thermodynamics, logic, reason, etc.)
@neilk.astrophotography7590 4 года назад
To realize the potential of multi-verses is one thing,to number crunch the formulas to prove the existence is beyond incredible..Well done Professor Houghton..magnificent interview.
@hashcr 4 года назад
wow she is one of the best explainers ive seen here
@woofie8647 2 года назад
"The universe is not only stranger than we imagine, it's stranger than we CAN imagine." ― John Burdon Sanderson Haldane. Whenever I see physicists, cosmologists, or philosophers attempt to explain the origin of the universe I always go back to this telling quote. After listening to them, and reading their thoughts on paper, over and over again, for years, I have come to the conclusion that they simply have no idea how the universe began, if indeed it did. We need something more than another Einstein, perhaps a brain we will not see for a thousand more years.
@youtubemoderationtaskforce5583 4 года назад
I’m my opinion, either nothing preceded something or something has always existed. I tend to be in the latter camp. One can keep breaking down the concept of god until they’re left with no meaning. But if one wants to give some meaning to it, in my opinion, it’s the belief that the universe has always existed. Basically optimism vs pessimism. But then again, even that concept can be broken down. We need both sides of the coin to function. Like yin and yang. Like in electronics, either your brain is in the on position, or the off position. Carl Sagan quote: If the general picture of an expanding universe and a Big Bang is correct, we must then confront still more difficult questions. What were conditions like at the time of the Big Bang? What happened before that? Was there a tiny universe, devoid of all matter, and then the matter suddenly created from nothing? How does that happen? In many cultures it is customary to answer that God created the universe out of nothing. But this is mere temporizing. If we wish courageously to pursue the question, we must, of course ask next where God comes from. And if we decide this to be unanswerable, why not save a step and decide that the origin of the universe is an unanswerable question? Or, if we say that God has always existed, why not save a step and conclude that the universe has always existed?
@raygordonteacheschess5501 2 года назад
What created the "always?" The unmoved-mover question will never be answered.
@grahamrobertson2995 Год назад
I've just finished reading her book and it all seems very logical to me. Many won't support this as it is unprovable at this time and humans need answers to make us whole
@Pantheist2602 10 месяцев назад
To be honest, i'm really a fan of the way she explains things.
@haimbenavraham1502 2 года назад
I always come back to this incredible interview. It's so, mind blowing.
@robertjkuklajr3175 4 года назад
That was an amazing explanation of how a multiverse could come about. Minus actual solved calculations. It seems plausable without going overboard. Also, the expansion/black hole theory is fascinating!
@MichaelJones-ek3vx 2 месяца назад
Third time I've watched this video. I'm 30 years
@eddieking2976 4 года назад
I highly recommend anything written by Sean Carroll. He also has a podcast called Mindscape which is worth listening to.
@alheeley 4 года назад
@@myutubechannel_nr1 True but at least it doesn't put it all down to an imaginary mystical being
@srb00 4 года назад
@@alheeley no, his "explanation" is actually worse
@Gatorbeaux 4 года назад
Eddie King Sean is great at theories too- lol but he lets his worldview cloud his science. Too bad
@RetiredInThailand 4 года назад
@@myutubechannel_nr1 that's not his argument. In fact he's pissed off that physics has come to that point (where funding and opportunity is biased toward establishment thinking like that ... His latest book is about this very issue.)
@RetiredInThailand 4 года назад
@@Gatorbeaux in which way?
@Ben-xl7ft 4 года назад
Glad the subs are going up for this brilliant channel
@michelvandepol1485 4 года назад
we have to thank closer to truth!
@donaldsmith3926 4 года назад
I'm not going to ruin it by trying to imagine the rest of a place that has the best back-deck of all time, if there's water down there it's heaven. Oh, the explanation was good, too; thanks for the link.
@matsfreedom 4 года назад
Lots of questions with multiple answers, all if which could be right or wrong: such is the nature of cosmology. Even when I was a kid, I felt like this subject matter, albeit interesting, was a complete waste of time. Good work if you can get it, though ;>)
@yoso585 4 года назад
matsfreedom But there is the possibility that they may just come upon the right conclusion at some point. That’s the difference between my level of thinking and theirs (the Einsteins of the world).
@bastianrivero 4 года назад
This is the best channel ever
@TheGreatAlan75 4 года назад
I think the most fundamental question is "where does energy come from?" if you can answer that, then you know the answer of the beginning of the universe
@jerrybrown6169 4 года назад
Gravity creates potential energy, that is one source.
@anthonymoya4531 4 года назад
@@jerrybrown6169 But then where does gravity come from? We will come full circle to the same question. With out mass to occupy time and space there is no gravity.
@jerrybrown6169 4 года назад
@@anthonymoya4531 possibly the Inflaton which would be the source of mass as well.
@anthonymoya4531 4 года назад
@@jerrybrown6169 universal laws cannot be broken, time, space, mass, ''energy of all sorts, light, electricity ,gravity'' ,go hand in hand. One can not be with out the other. This is facts. All mass has stored energy within it at all times. Energy is never lost only transferred. And before going on to the next theories one should look at these Common Sense laws before taking the journey of theories. Without mass there is no cause and effect of inflation . Mass is in a constant state of inflation, it will some day stop and go in the opposite direction . But the question still remains to be unanswered by the best ''minds'' in science. Where did all this come from? Doing the same thing and expecting something different is not the best route to go by. Most scientists have a herd mentality in their community. Building on something from a previous science that is not sound. There are a few scientist that have true answers. But seem to simple to be accepted by the masses.
@jdsood7101 3 года назад
She is a beauty..i like her simplicity..
@rasanmar18 4 года назад
Understanding of the nature of time is essential for the understanding of the nature of the universe. It seems quite clear that time is not fundamental since according to relativity it passes differently depending on the status of motion of the observer. So does the space. These two are emergent phenomena. The universe is quantum. Modern physics needs to explain cosmology from quantum physics and stop trying to quantise Einstein's theory of relativity.
@djjfive 2 года назад
Does a cyclical universe perhaps explain that there were both physics and time before ‘our’ Big Bang? Something had to happen before the Big Bang in both time and physics in my mind, without either, as I understand it, nothing happens. I’m by no means saying I know this to be correct or fact by any degree, but for me, it makes the most sense as an explanation.
@slickJon33 4 года назад
The universe is our creator of everything without reason and purpose.
@slickJon33 4 года назад
@Psychiatrysts why do you think it's "the one who made it"? Who made the one you are talking about? I meant to say that the universe is just energy. It cannot be destroy or be created. Therefore, the universe is the "creator" of everything within itself without reasons or purposes. Don't try to inject a character who you imagine that looks like us, was the creator.
@raygordonteacheschess5501 2 года назад
@@slickJon33 Energy can be created, as it exists. The question is how do you get something from noting? The unmoved-mover debate.
@catrapesco 4 года назад
She has very good posture and an excellent brain 😁
@Vlazzyk 4 года назад
This channel is brilliant! Keep it up!
@vjnt1star 4 года назад
I am confused when physicists say in one hand the universe started with a high concentration of energy and on the other hand that the total energy of the universe is zero. So which is it, is there energy or not in this universe?
@jerrybrown6169 4 года назад
the energy of the cosmic expansion is negative and equal to that of the rest of the stuff. radiation, matter, dark matter
@dilipdas5777 4 года назад
Very good interview.great explanation
@MrDino1953 4 года назад
I wish he would stop interrupting.
@yoso585 4 года назад
MrDino1953 She wears him out near the end.
@Aluminata Год назад
Gravity slows time. It needs ( probably;) The gravity of an entire Unverse concentrated in one place to actually stop time. When that happens- all helll- or heaven- busts loose.
@alrightthengreat 4 года назад
It’s like looking into a fridge that has a pint of milk on the second shelf, and saying it’s empty... because you don’t want to drink milk.
@yoso585 4 года назад
If the smart people (the ones that have always figured these unanswered types of things out) get to the bottom of this, it will just be one more piece found in an even larger puzzle. And for you and I, it will become just another “no big deal” even though we really don’t understand it, as some of us don’t understand calculus, and the most all of us that really don’t understand what Einstein understood. A definitive concerning the conditions prior to the expansion is there. We just can’t measure it .... yet.
@tyamada21 4 года назад
The Law myoho-renge-kyo represents the identity of what some scientists refer to as the ‘unified field of all consciousnesses’. In other words, it’s a sound vibration that is the essence of all of existence and non-existence, the ultimate creative force behind planets, stars, nebulae, people, animals, trees, fish, birds, and all phenomena, manifest or latent. All matter and intelligence are simply waves or ripples manifesting to and from this core source. Consciousness (enlightenment) is itself the true creator of everything that is, ever was and ever will be, right down to the minutest particles of dust, each being an individual ripple or wave. The big difference between chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and most other conventional prayers is that instead of depending on a ‘middleman’ to connect us to our state of enlightenment, we’re able to do it ourselves by tapping directly into it by way of self-produced sound vibration. On the subject of ‘Who or What Is God?’, when we compare the concept of ‘God’, as a separate entity that is forever watching down on us, to Nichiren’s teachings, the true omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence of what most people call ‘God’ is our enlightenment, which exists nowhere else but within us. When the disciples asked Jesus where the Kingdom of God is, didn’t he tell them that it was within them? Some say that ‘God’ is an entity that can never be seen. I think that the vast amount of information that is constantly being conveyed via electromagnetic waves gives us proof of how an invisible state of ‘God’ could actually exist. It’s widely known that certain data being relayed by way of electromagnetic waves has the potential to help bring about extraordinary and powerful effects, including instant global awareness of something or mass emotional reaction. As well as many other things, it’s also common knowledge that these waves can easily be used to detonate a bomb or to even enable NASA to control the movements of a robot as far away as the Moon or Mars. However, none of this is possible without a receiver to decode the information that is being transmitted. Without the receiver, the information would remain impotent. In a very similar way, it’s important for us to have our ‘receiver’ switched on so that we can activate a clear and precise understanding of our life, all other life and what we and all else that exists truly is. Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo helps us to achieve this because it allows us to reach into the core of our enlightenment and switch it on. That’s because the sound vibration of myoho-renge-kyo represents the combination of the three major laws that underlie all existence. Myoho represents the Law of latency and manifestation (Nature) and consists of two alternating states. One state of myo is where everything in life that’s not obvious to us exists. This includes our stored memories when we’re not thinking about them, our hidden potential and inner emotions whenever they’re not being expressed, our desires, our fears, our wisdom, happiness, karma, and more importantly, our enlightenment. The other state, ho, is where everything in Life exists whenever it becomes obvious to us, such as when a thought pops up from within our memory, whenever we experience or express our emotions, or whenever a good or bad effect manifests from our karma. When anything becomes apparent, it simply means that it has come out of the state of ‘myo’ (dormancy/latency) and into a state of ho (manifestation). It’s simply the difference between consciousness and unconsciousness, being awake or asleep, or knowing and not knowing something. The second law, renge, governs and controls the functions of myoho, ren meaning cause and ge meaning effect. The two laws of myoho and renge, both functions together simultaneously, as well as underlies all spiritual and physical existence. The final and third part of the tri-combination, kyo, is what allows the law myoho to be able to integrate with the law renge. It’s the great, invisible thread of energy that fuses and connects together all Life and matter, as well as the past, present and future. It is often termed the Universal Law of Communication. Perhaps it could even be compared to the string theory that some scientists now suspect exists. Just as our body cells, thoughts, feelings and all else are constantly fluctuating within us, everything in the world around us and beyond is also in a constant state of flux, in accordance with these three laws. In fact, more things are going back and forth between the two states of myo and ho in a single moment than it would ever be possible for us to calculate or describe. And it doesn't matter how big or small, important or trivial that anything may appear to be, everything that’s ever existed in the past exists now or will exist in the future, exists only because of the workings of myoho-renge-kyo. These three laws are also the basis of the four fundamental forces and if they didn't function, neither we nor anything else could go on existing. Simply put, all forms of existence, including the seasons, day and night, birth, death and so on, are all moving forward in an ongoing flow of continuation, rhythmically reverting back and forth between the two universal states of myo and ho in absolute accordance with renge and by way of kyo. Even stars are dying and being reborn in accordance with the workings of what the combination myoho-renge-kyo represents. Nam, or Namu, on the other hand, is a password or a key; it allows us to reach deep into our life and fuse with or become one with myoho-renge-kyo. On a more personal basis, nothing ever happens by chance or coincidence, it’s the causes that we’ve made in our past, or are presently making, that determine how these laws function uniquely in each of our lives from moment to moment, as well in our environment. By facing east, in harmony with the direction that the Earth is turning, and rhythmically chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo for a minimum of ten minutes daily, anyone can experience actual proof of its positive effects in their life. In so doing, we can pierce through even the thickest layers of our karma and activate our Buddha Nature (the enlightened state). We’re then able to summon forth the wisdom needed to challenge, overcome and change our negative circumstances into positive ones. It brings forth the wisdom that can free us from the ignorance and stupidity that is preventing us from accepting and being proud of the person that we truly are, regardless of our race, colour, gender or sexual preference. We are also able to see and understand our circumstances and the environment more clearly, as well as attract and connect with any needed external beneficial forces and situations. Actual proof soon becomes apparent to anyone who chants the words Nam-myoho-renge-kyo on a regular daily basis. Everything is subject to the law of Cause and Effect, so the strength of the result from chanting depends on dedication, sincerity and determination. To explain it more simply, the difference could be compared to making a sound on a piano, creating a melody, or producing a song and so on. NB: There are frightening, disturbing sounds and there are tranquil and relaxing sounds. It's the emotional result from any sound that can trigger off a mood or even instantly change one. When chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo each day you are producing a sound vibration that is the password to your true inner-self - this soon becomes apparent when you start reassessing your views on various things, such as your fears and desires etc. The important way to get the best result when chanting is not to see things in a conventional way (difficult to achieve but can be done), rather than reaching out to an external source, you need to reach into your own life and bring your needs and desires to fruition from within, including any help that you may need. Think of it as a seed within you that you are bringing sunshine and water to in order for it to grow, blossom and bring forth fruit or flowers. It’s important to understand that everything that we need in life, all the answers and potential to achieve our dreams, already exist within us. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-6CZ0XJqWRr4.html OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN sings about Nam-myoho-renge-kyo
@tyamada21 4 года назад
@aboctok Thousands have my friend - but then they were born with patience and a seeking mind to know. Have a great day! :)
@randyhoexter 4 года назад
I wish he would stop interrupting her.
@usmanshahid8277 Год назад
There was a really short Nepalese guy, like super short, maybe 4 feet 7 inches, at work. And I always made it a conscious effort to not cut him off or walk in front of him. But it was crazy how often I did without realizing it. It was crazy how often many other people did too. I dont like this woke-ism stuff - but it is true that he appears to cut off women more then men, messed up we do that unconciously
@a46475 4 года назад
"The Cathedral in Mayence is so shut in by the houses that are built round about it, that there is no one spot from which you can see it as a whole. This is symbolic of everything great or beautiful in the world. It ought to exist for its own sake alone, but before very long it is misused to serve alien ends. People come from all directions wanting to find in it support and maintenance for themselves; they stand in the way and spoil its effect. To be sure, there is nothing surprising in this, for in a world of need and imperfection everything is seized upon which can be used to satisfy want. Nothing is exempt from this service, no, not even those very things which arise only when need and want are for a moment lost sight of - the beautiful and the true, sought for their own sakes. This is especially illustrated and corroborated in the case of institutions - whether great or small, wealthy or poor, founded, no matter in what century or in what land, to maintain and advance human knowledge, and generally to afford help to those intellectual efforts which ennoble the race. Wherever these institutions may be, it is not long before people sneak up to them under the pretence of wishing to further those special ends, while they are really led on by the desire to secure the emoluments which have been left for their furtherance, and thus to satisfy certain coarse and brutal instincts of their own. Thus it is that we come to have so many charlatans in every branch of knowledge. The charlatan takes very different shapes according to circumstances; but at bottom he is a man who cares nothing about knowledge for its own sake, and only strives to gain the semblance of it that he may use it for his own personal ends, which are always selfish and material." Arthur Schopenhauer
@jamesruscheinski8602 3 года назад
Did space-time of general relativity start when inflation end? Is the beginning of general relativity space-time the start of the universe?
@ericdumont610 4 года назад
Wonderful talk, glad I found this channel.
@xspotbox4400 4 года назад
Inflation is very exact hypothesis, people spend a lot of time compacting entire knowledge of physics into a story, consistent with many observations. We've got singularity, bursts of something called energy, swarms of electrons and photons, quarks forming protons of hydrogen and flowed helium. But for everything else, it has taken The Universe billions of years to form, lol :) It's much more likely universe has existed in form of some very basic and simple particles, compressed and forged by anomalies in space time or whatever empty space actually is.
@disfahani7821 4 года назад
I'm in love
@jamesy1955 3 года назад
Isn't he a bit old for you? 🤔😏
@jerryeboy Год назад
Notice she just assumes the universe is the result of a quantum fluctuation. But how does a quantum fluctuation arise in the absence of space and time? After avoiding this she then introduces the multiverse without explaining how one universe came into existence! Even if we assume the regime "before" the singularity was a vast quantum vacuum, within time avirtual
@derdagian1 4 года назад
My Confidence in my ability to see the Beauty of the Lady and her intellect is Prodigious. Of Course, she and I can discuss the Observations. Duane .
@alex79suited Год назад
Laura, Did the universe come into existence because someone or thing thought it into existence. Shrodingers cat 🐈 is it dead or alive. Or is there a cat there atoll? What if the cat was a dog. Would the same question apply? If a human has never thought of something does it exist is what I'm asking?
@sarhasarhan3558 4 года назад
why kept interrupting her?
@totalfreedom45 4 года назад
Cool interview! 👏👍 According to this article en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Mersini-Houghton, predictions of her multiverse hypothesis have been tested by astrophysical data. Max Tegmark’s _Our Mathematical Universe: My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality,_ 2014, which should be read by minds thirsting for the meaning of existence and our place in the multiverse, is highly original but Platonic. Hardly any thinker can escape from the influence of Plato...and Leibniz. 💕 ☮ 🌎 🌌
@anthonymoya4531 4 года назад
How come no one talks about the first dimension that came before this one that we are in? The first dimension you are not bound by time or space.
@jamesruscheinski8602 3 года назад
Were the quantum fluctuations out of the energy of inflation linked to space-time of general relativity at start of universe?
@newideas0ffreedom865 4 года назад
respect from Pakistan listing ur series consistently.thanks enlightenment us such a spectacular knowledge
@idensoneltume627 4 года назад
Who is this woman? She sounds extremely smart. She sounds really smart. You can tell by how easily she explains certain topics as if it’s common knowledge.
@TheGamingg33k 4 года назад
Her names literally in the title.
@idensoneltume627 4 года назад
I was too engaged in what she was saying to notice 😂
@kwhden Год назад
Fun fact: her daughter is my friend
@JungleJargon 4 года назад
Matter was made first and that is the (direct) cause of the gravity that CAUSES the dilation of (limited quantifiable) time and distance where our material existence is made possible. The red-shift is probably the result of the vacuum that is the result of space falling into black holes around the universe and there was probably more stretching of space in the past than the present. The power to make the universe did not come from a single point but rather every point or everywhere other than where the universe is so the universe came from everywhere rather than from nowhere. (Entropy is showing us there was a beginning of the ordering of the energy of the universe.) In order to have a lot of matter in a single point would take a lot of energy, even an infinite energy potential so you can't get out of having an "external" cause of the universe.
@raygordonteacheschess5501 2 года назад
Matter was made first by what?
@lesselp 4 года назад
This channel is an oasis in a desert
@eightiesboy 4 года назад
Fascinating. No need for the constant camera panning though. I feel like I've just got off a cross channel ferry.
@sunilprinja9913 Год назад
.....it was tiny but infinitely dense so how does that comply with quantum theory? QM came out the hydrogen atom, tiny and very, very light....?
@spalkin 4 года назад
Universes are started in the middle. Everything before and ahead is entropy or lack of it.
@vickybiagini8623 4 года назад
I hate spelling mistakes, but can't correct them with my phone. Forgive them
@johnaugsburger6192 4 года назад
@JoshIzAPlay3R 4 года назад
Still doesn't answer the question though
@supratim17roy 4 года назад
The truth of the universe is inside ourselves. We must go deep into us to understand it.
@GeoCoppens 4 года назад
@nathanyates5576 4 года назад
But we're apart of the universe
@supratim17roy 4 года назад
@@nathanyates5576 everything is Universe including us. We are the extension of it
@GeoCoppens 4 года назад
@@nathanyates5576 Then where?
@nathanyates5576 4 года назад
@@supratim17roy Almost like a body(universe) and we as people might represent the hairs on it so we ourselves are apart of it. Within our universe is information all away down to our dna just like an computer has information the computer didn't give itself the information but it was given the information by the one who built and designed it outside of the computer. So the computer doesn't explain itself in how it was built and all of its functions but the one who built it and the only way the computer could explain is if the designer gives it that information. So how much more would it be for our universe and it's designer who created it God🙂
@rippedtorn2310 4 года назад
Laura , Roger and Sean Carroll are definitely closer to the truth .
@aaroncurtis8545 4 года назад
Nice shortlist there. Throw in some Fotini and it's a Party! Edit: and have Brian Greene host the session.
@aaroncurtis8545 4 года назад
@Anthony Maurice well, I'm mot sure why you're saying that to me specifically: I can't stand evangelical atheists anymore than I can stand evangelical Christians... And atheists tend to be more into their religion than most Christians I know: However... In the looking for answers department, I'm gonna go with some cross between Carlos Castaneda, Dr. Fred Allen Wolf, and Aleister Crowley. Throw in a little of Tolkien's theology, and I'm good.
@edhiett 4 года назад
I 💖 this channel 🌌
@Boulos-cb2un 4 года назад
In other words to put it simply no one has any fucking idea.
@coolmodee 4 года назад
Maybe the universe didn't have a beginning. It just existed in a different state .
@martinw245 4 года назад
You may not be far off the mark. If inflation is correct, then BEFORE the hot big bang was a scalar field called the inflaton field. It was this scalar field experiencing a phase change when it stopped exponentially expanding, that dumped energy into the field. Thus a hot big bang. In which case, the inflaton field prior to the hot big bang may have been infinate and eternal. The Higgs field is a scalar field, in fact it may have been the inflaton field.
@sokratgjermeni3851 3 года назад
Albanians are not only weightlifting gold medalists but thoghtlifting gold medalists too!
@bartdart3315 2 года назад
Penrose has answered this most elegantly...by answered i mean theorized.
@mofa9745 4 года назад
I don't think the guy could think of anything to say at the end. It was like he just run out of questions. Probably went over his head, I expect, like it did mine.
@yoso585 4 года назад
Mo Fa Yep! He was full of himself early on and quite sedated in the end.
@vickybiagini8623 4 года назад
He interrupts her way too much.
@BIngeilski 4 года назад
Meybe he has some patriarchal tendencies/biases :) she is interesting though
@delightk 4 года назад
@@BIngeilski oh shut up! He's just a dick
@bbouchan1 4 года назад
Yes but it makes you wonder if a universe exists where women speak less.
@ericmoyer8538 4 года назад
Not just her.
@voidoflife7058 2 года назад
It’s not true that the everettian theory gives every possible universe an equal chance of existing, that’s incredibly false. I’m surprised that a professional physicist was allowed to come on this channel and say otherwise. Sean Carroll, who is one of the most public everettians in the world, has repeatedly stated that there is probability built into the wave function, and that different possible universes are not all occurring at the same frequency. Very surprising that this professional theoretical physicist stated otherwise.
@haimbenavraham1502 4 года назад
This just blows my mind. Is that 1.6 × 10 "35 or by10"× 43?
@anthonymoya4531 4 года назад
Yeah me to, then I lost all my bitcoin!
@bajajones5093 4 года назад
hold on! not according to Alton Harp. Please look him up before commenting.
@daveredinger1947 Год назад
His book Seeing Red is awesome.
@mackdmara 4 года назад
I get what she is saying, but I don't think that what she said has moved us forward. You can look at the math & tell some Universe options don't work, sure, sure. So what? Now, I say this as someone who has no clue how she arrived at that. I also am not any where near her intellectual equal. It still leaves us with the initial issue, as anyone should be able to see. There are all these options for Universes & we are still just as unlikely to have came into existence in this one. This is a tough nut to crack, no doubt.
@ultimateman55 4 года назад
I guarantee you that she would agree that she hasn't solved the problem by a long shot. But exploration of mathematics and ideas, whether they turn out to be right or wrong, is progress nonetheless. And it certainly seems that quantum cosmology is a promising field to make progress in these questions. She's meaningfully contributing to our total intellectual capital in this field. That's way more than can be said for 99.99% of the population.
@mackdmara 4 года назад
@@ultimateman55 We need people like her, no doubt. I just don't think it has explained the fine tuning argument away in the least. It is like flipping a coin. You flip it 1,000 times & it ends up heads, but given you know it is properly weighted to be a 50/50 shot, the next time is no more likely to be tails. It is still 50/50, even given your past experience with the outcome. Given an infinite set of flips, this is true. It would not be so if you had a finite set of flips & it being a 50/50 ratio guarantee. Math is crazy.
@ultimateman55 4 года назад
@@mackdmara For sure. But fine tuning is an open problem in cosmology. Of course she didn't explain it away.
@mackdmara 4 года назад
@@ultimateman55 Yes & no according to her. It is subtile, but she claimed the problem almost removed & that she is unsure if it was removed. I would have liked him to have pressed her on that. Of course, all scientificlly testable questions are open in science. I agree. I just find the multiverse a large guess that suggests mathmatical reality exist, & that they are not just theoretical or possible. I think the range of options is a range of options, not real things by the fact that you can imagine it. If she is right, Unicorns are real, just not here. She couldn't ever evidence it though, outside of pure mathmatics.
@phuzbrain 4 года назад
Can't get my head around her explanations.
@Gatorbeaux 4 года назад
Aint God grand? Whatever begins to exist has a cause, the universe began to exist, therefor the universe had a cause......
@pauldance7387 4 года назад
What caused God?
@Gatorbeaux 4 года назад
Paul Dance God is the uncaused first cause. he’s eternal. He is spaceless(existed before space), timeless(existed before time) immaterial(existed before matter) and extremely powerful(turning the smallest molecule into our universe via his words. Even the multiverse needs a creator. The BVG theorem is evidence for a cosmic beginning- if we had a beginning we need a beginner , necessarily.
@Gatorbeaux 4 года назад
Paul Dance ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-EWiEVNqKhRc.html
@Gatorbeaux 4 года назад
Time to Reason it’s your choice to think that but all the science points to a designer and creator. But please keep trotting out Dawkins to embarrass atheists everywhere.....😂😂😂debate WLC or find a new worldview- atheism collapses on itself.......
@pauldance7387 4 года назад
Bad Gator couldn’t you assign those same “ uncaused first cause, spaceless, existing before time, powerful turning the smallest molecule into our universe” , to our universe? I concur life is a mystery, the universe is a mystery. I believe there are concepts specific to existence of all things we cannot comprehend. I am sold on a the idea of a designer but the water gets murky trying to sort it all out. Even if we live in a simulation something had to design that designer.
@jamesruscheinski8602 3 года назад
Maybe energy of inflation comes from time?
@vickybiagini8623 4 года назад
Hugo Pelland, have you done any reasearch into the Metaphysical aspects of life? If you've ever studied it the length of time as I've had, you'd come to the conclusion that we possess a body, and soul. The Bible says " You can look at Creation, and knows there a Creator. So you are without excuse. ". I hope you find him before you inhale your last breath. Just watch heavenly near death experiences. Also watch the Hell ones. Our bodies are dying everyday, and time waits for no man. I really hope you consider where your soul will end up
@mitseraffej5812 4 года назад
Vicky Biagini . During all human cultural periods the reported near death experiences all seem similar, just as alien encounters are. Reported alien encounters during the 50s and 60s involved flying saucers and 80s and 90s the aliens were blobby ethereal bings with large heads. Reported ear death experience over the last 40 years has always been travelling to a bright light, yet in history there were always angels as depicted by religious artists. It use to be the Church that filled our heads with such nonsense, then it was Hollywood and now it’s the internet. When you take your last breath the lights go out, never to be turned on again. Life is but a hiccup of consciousness between oblivions. Get use to it.
@terrywbreedlove 3 года назад
Smart and gorgeous I like this woman.
@reenatai75 4 года назад
Brilliant... her explanation was wonderful
@srb00 4 года назад
actually she gave no explanation. what produced those quantum particles and that quantum landscape she imagines?
@jean-pierredevent970 3 года назад
If there really was a beginning from a singularity then I would think there was at first only potentiality and a little piece of that same stuff is perhaps today used by our brain.
@raygordonteacheschess5501 2 года назад
What created the singularity?
@jean-pierredevent970 2 года назад
@@raygordonteacheschess5501Nobody knows what happened at time zero. Perhaps God as pure mind was the first thing. Stephen Hawking proposes there never was a point zero because time and even space lose their meaning approaching the beginning. .en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hartle%E2%80%93Hawking_state
@raygordonteacheschess5501 2 года назад
This does not answer the unmoved-mover question of how you get something from nothing.
@geortiandre9691 3 года назад
Yesterday I had one of the worst nightmares today I just woke up to one of my best dreams ever involving my first love internet football how lucky we are to have you tube parallel universe software engineering 😱 wow psychedelically lucky to be here totally love that she is from vlora and reality is so 🆒 with internet access also love
@HarryVerey 3 года назад
Beauty and brains. Great interview- Science ultimately leads to spiritualty IMHO
@ashishkhanduri1327 2 года назад
Have u consider one of that quantum wave packet is more mean than other to lead this universe 😜
@papasmamas1 4 года назад
we we have
@francisjohnson665 4 года назад
I don't think anyone knows the answer to this question.
@SocksWithSandals 4 года назад
It's hard to believe that a quantum probability density function will produce multiple outcomes rather than collapse to the single event we observe.
@johncampbell9216 Год назад
It didn’t begin. It just IS. And it’s time to abandon this nonsense of assuming some knowledge of things we cannot possible answer. The question itself is pointless beyond the purpose of bamboozling the naive with myths of realities beyond our own. No, we cannot see up to a fraction of a second after anything. All we’ve managed to do so far is see deeper, and deeper and farther but never to any ultimate limit except that imposed that of our technologies. If we insist on envisioning a “beginning”, a far more realistic course is to envision a static universe of neutrons that gradually increases in kinetic energy until one neutron is compelled to take on a spin state… an electron is born. What follows is a cascade of interactions that forms Hydrogen atoms on a massive scale. The hydrogen atoms collectively have an attractive force (gravity) that generates pressure within the growing clouds of gas. This pressure causes thermal and nuclear interactions, birthing the first very primitive and unstable stars which create other light elements in their cores, which thence cause other evermore complex reactions and interactions to occur, leading to the range of elements we have encountered to date and all the wonderful materials they make possible. The evidence for this is written in the myriad galaxies and dead stars (planet and moons) that surround us. There is no “other universes”, just this one, in all its beauty. There is no primary driver beyond the most fundamental element- Hydrogen. All hail the great H!
@paulwharton1850 4 года назад
I just love Laura Mersini-Houghton - so clever, soooo pioneering......a real class act. Unfortunately, I thought the interviewer interrupted her too much & dressed inappropriately. He really needs to be replaced.
@TheGreatAlan75 4 года назад
If the universe was created by a creator of some kind, you have to admit that creator is outside of time and space, Then you have to remember there is no evidence for that. that literally means this god story has no evidence and therefore a NON-STARTER
@majorrgeek Год назад
nonsense she has no idea how the universe began from the "first moment of existence" only theories which don't count for much
@Jalcolm1 4 года назад
Pleasant that one can understand, and not understand at the same time. Best not to get too attached to the universe... Buddha said that and it holds up to about a power of 123#
@charliechocolate8276 4 года назад
The search for the Beginning is as old as the hills. What the Quantum Mechanics experiments are showing is that consciousness is a Fundamental like light or gravity. It can't be broken down. Consciousness creates the brain, not the other way around. It's best not to get attached to anything because of change. It's good to get attached to Truth.
@luiscandeias7718 4 года назад
Universe and is complexity... Nice chat...✨
@cajones9330 4 года назад
Wow I should not have tried to watch this on a Monday. 😂
@donaldbrookings2886 4 года назад
You mean you don't know. It's all in the bible.
@yoso585 4 года назад
Donald Brookings Yeah. In Da Babble
@bazpearce9993 4 года назад
@merrybolton2135 4 года назад
How did the universe begin WE DO NOT KNOW and may never know Get over it . from a primate
@yoso585 4 года назад
Merry Bolton Yes. But the smart people may just figure it out. That’s what they do. And if they do, it will no longer be any big deal. Just more knowledge.
@bazpearce9993 4 года назад
@@yoso585 Hard to study it as a whole since we're buried deep inside it. We don't even know how large it is.
@tedbishop 4 года назад
Two mega black holes collided. The resulting debris field became our universe. It is spreading in every direction due to the gravitational pull of the other surrounding black holes.
@DarwinianUniversal 4 года назад
Laura's very good. However she's invested in the big bang theory which will never yield to the complexity problem, the fine-tuning problem. Charactorise the type of complexity intrinsic of this universe and look for processes capable of generating such complexity. Instantaneous bing bang creation is ruled out because certain types of complexity cannot be generated by pure chance occurance. Put on your detective hats people? Trust some basic deductions, follow the clues. The challanges to theory are the clues that detectives follow. This scientific paradigm sweeps such inconveniences under the rug, while they should have presented its best opportunity.
@ultimateman55 4 года назад
wow you're quite the quantum cosmologist yourself eh? publish any papers yet?
@DarwinianUniversal 4 года назад
​@@ultimateman55 Biology is characterized by layers of nested complexities. Like Russian doles nested within one another. Each layer of complexity is dependant upon very particular fine tuned nature of the layer below and above. A cells roles within multicellular life is a great example. Well, physics is rife with nested and interdependent layers of complexity. Quarks within protons and neutrons within electron shells, periodic elements within molecules within cosmological bodies, planets stars and galaxies. Atoms are very special, to put it mildly. A theory of chance creation such as the big bang takes all of this exquisite complex structure and processes for granted. Physics and biology possess unmistakable parallels. That's not crank science, thats an observation. A prime example is how finely tuned atomic fusion process is for maintaining stellar steller structure. Generating just enough heat to halt the gravitational collapse. What we're talking about here is a process that ocurs at the atomic scales, for which billions of atoms fit within a grain of sand. For which stellar structures are entirely dependant upon, stellar structures which are millions of times larger than the Earth. Why should these extreme size scales share a relationship of dependence? Why should the atoms give a shit about what happens at cosmological scales? It cant, but somehow it achieves it anyhow. Like I said, this type of interdependence is typical and easy to understand within terms of how biology achieves it. Darwinian evolution is a wonderful natural organizational principle. It fits the profile. Profile the universe like detectives profile a crime scene. Does the universe profile as a messy disorganized crime of passion? No, if profiles as highly organized, complex and fine tuned. Published a paper? Peer review isnt in the market for new cosmology. Besides I'm disqualified before i even submit, because I dont have the affiliates as it turns out. Apparently, only people with connected friends have worthwhile ideas. And, I know where this inquiry leads. And its really good
@DarwinianUniversal 4 года назад
@@ultimateman55 What do ou make of this please? Darwinain Universal 1. There will have been a time pre-dating the universe as we know it, when there was space, but nothing of physicality existing within space. Except for a latent vacuum potential 2. Somehow Dark Energy emerges within this vacuum potential of space, and possesses the ability to exploit the vacuum potential and continually regenerate itself. Anything that can continually regenerate can conceivably advance its evolutionary state towards ever more complex sophisticated forms. The DE field is Darwinian. 3. So now there are two energy potentials. The original vacuum energy potential that DE exploited, but now there is also the DE which has become an energy potential in its own right. So assume one day that a DE quanta gets tired of eating vacuum potential, and decides to make a meal of its own kin. So from here on out this new species branch of quantum field begins evolving specialized characteristics suited for exploiting DE field. The primordial Baryon is born. It then evolved the ability to mediate force, which it then adapted towards building structures and processes that will eventually come to resemble the complex physics of our world. Atomic structure and chemical processes that form electron bonds for example. Not to mention fusion and heat processes necessary for maintaining steller structure etc etc. So at its core, its a childishly simple idea. And it makes an uncanny sense of the world they we observe. A cosmological model that appears to make good sense of the highly ordered fine tuned complexity. No other theory attempts such a thing
@faustpestnergal4441 4 года назад
En mí opinión es más evidencia del Gran Diseño Inteligente. 🙂
@user-lv3tx9wh7g 3 года назад
only inglis o hibri😆😅😄😂😁יהוה
@noobsaibot5285 3 года назад
Singular beginning from a singularity (or better known as NOTHING). Chance of the universe's random occurrence = statistical impossibility. As is the chance of life from non-life and that life comprehending why the moon always faces the earth at 400 times closer to the earth than the sun and 400 times smaller than the sun. She is not talking about anything resembling science or rationale thought. Sorry guys but star trek is not possible either.
@RetiredInThailand 4 года назад
Who is this woman? I think I've seen her pop up in a few my recommendations over the last couple of weeks (or at least I think she's the same woman) and she's very impressive ... I'm a big Sean Carroll fan, and if this is the same woman, she gave a very good critic of the Everett Interpretation (hinted at here as well) I consider myself as an interested physics fan who keeps up with physics 'celebrities', but AFAIK she is a new entry into the group of physicists that are both brilliant and entertaining (someone who can clearly explain what the heck they are talking about :-)
@arsimbunjaku3408 2 года назад
She's an Albanian
@kwhden Год назад
She’s my friends mom
@cherifaly6757 6 месяцев назад
She's a good cook 😂
@IntraFinesse 4 года назад
I wish the guy interviewing her would talk less
@andreasvader 4 года назад
we should be carefull with particle physics not to cause another universe to emmerge
@Mark1Mach2 Год назад
She looks like a Real estate agent not a scientist :) Good discussion!
@TheGreatAlan75 4 года назад
It can be proven that either 1. God is immoral ..or 2. God is not all powerful... In either case, the story of religion breaks down and is therefore man-made myth. 1. If god is all knowing, by definition he is creating humans that he already knows will not be able to believe in him . He creates us anyway and then sends us to hell for HIS failure to convince. THIS IS IMMORAL BEHAVIOR and since the story says god is morally perfect, it means the story is man made. 2. If he does not already know billions will be atheists or worshippers of other "gods" then he is NOT all knowing, and since the story says he IS all knowing, the story is man-made In conclusion, either ' GOD' is immoral or incompetent, and that destroys Christianity. Thank you, you are welcome PS. It must be said that I am using the story itself to make my point. What else do we have besides stories? There is no obvious evidence for any of religions claims. If you can prove the stories make no sense (AS I JUST DID) then you prove it's all made up made up made up made up ! Thank you again, you're welcome again
@robertl.fallin7062 4 года назад
How did the universe began? I think it was imagined , thus it came to be. Maybe we make science to fit a observation.
@greenlantern1123 4 года назад
This universe applies to the living. There has to be a universe for the dead. Deja vu is the connection.. someday this will be discovered hopefully Before a cosmic catastrophy comes and wipes us out
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