
League's Most HATED Role (And Dota's Most Beloved) 

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This video aims to explore the core differences between the League of Legends Jungler and the Dota Position 4 (Soft Support).
It also goes out to all the hardworking Jungle mains out there. Here's to hoping that it makes you guys feel heard!
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26 июн 2024




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@xxEchoDecayxx Месяц назад
Fun Fact: Guinsoo really hated the Jungler Role because the Jungler Role was and still is causing a huge impact in League, smite was nearly remove
@Acex2ron Месяц назад
I didn't actually know this! Thanks for sharing! Right now though the Jungle role is weaker compared to what it used to be actually because of repeated nerfs to ganking and the new jungle changes. It's not uncommon for a jungler to have a bit more XP than their own botlaner at certain points. That says a lot because the role is still quite powerful.
@thegreymanwitharedhat4061 Месяц назад
Riot almost gave LoL the Dota 2 treatment from valve
@janah6473 Месяц назад
@@Acex2ron Junglers typically are first to 6, but then heavily fall off compared to ADC.
@PlebCentre Месяц назад
@@janah6473 *Karthus enters the picture*
@janah6473 Месяц назад
@@PlebCentre Almost like I said "typically". Not sure what you are trying to accomplish by telling me SOME very carry focused junglers take more ressources from the team to keep up in level. Thats per definition atypical.
@Talk3rs Месяц назад
I mean in Dota in 99% games position 4 tries to pick pudge. If he gets the pick, he gets 4 reports.
@Acex2ron Месяц назад
As the Pudge Theorem dictates, this is only true if said Pudge is on my team
@Chasodey Месяц назад
@@Acex2ronBut don’t forget that Pudge doesn’t lose, his team does
@boartank Месяц назад
Sit in the trees and miss all hooks. He gets so behind that PA will intentionally get hooked and 1shot pudge who only has boots and blink dagger 0 armor 12 mins in the game.
@CheztaAhmad Месяц назад
@@boartank or the one time the hook landed in the laning phase, it was an ursa/lifestealer.
@bluecollarmetal7 Месяц назад
pudge is so strong nowadays tho. if he does 2 items he becomes a beast. scepter/hood oof
@wigmanmania259 Месяц назад
LoL junglers are a wildcard in a game where lanes a very structured, and most players queue with a gameplan already in mind Dota pos 4s are also wildcards, but the entire game is based around disruption, individual gamechanging spells, and shiftings plans on the go
@dollymix5 Месяц назад
Dota is more about outsmarting or outpacing enemy. League is more about outskill. Jungle is more impactful when you are outskill, when you are outsmarting you take gank in accountant
@unknow11321 Месяц назад
actually an accurate statement damn
@oldevilgreendog Месяц назад
Idc about what kind of plan you are talking. Laners have shitty habit to counterpick themselves just bc they want to play melee ad champ no matter what and run the game down when their idiocy got punished by enemy. If it is the plan, than I agree, lanes are very structured and lane players are always have a plan.
@wigmanmania259 Месяц назад
@@oldevilgreendog I said they always queue with a pre-stablished plan in mind I never said the plan had to be good
@RocoPwnage Месяц назад
"most laners queue with a gameplan already in mind" lol, lmao that is so stupidly untrue I cannot believe someone wrote it and 120 people agree if you're not adapting to what everyone else is doing you're a loser, it's a core part of the game junglers are not "wildcards", if you think they are it means you're not playing around your jungler and not tracking the enemy the Dunning-Kruger effect in the League community needs to be studied, this is insane
@Conesiderit Месяц назад
I've got 1000+ hours in Dota (Pos 4&5) and started playing league recently. These videos have really helped me understand the nuance between the two games and have been a great introduction to League's playstyle. This has effectively replaced that one friend who introduces you to the game initially and tells you all about it, so I'm really thankful. Something this video alludes to, which is also my biggest gripe with league, is that LoL has 4 core roles & 1 support. The lane setup of 1/1/1/2 means League feels less like a team game and more like 4 separate battles that are happening on the same map. I think this is why League is considered the more toxic game of the two as well as individual performance is more important, and losing the game because of someone else's actions feels worse than losing as a team. A lack of TP scrolls or other movement skills means that Jungle is left with the burden of 'Teamwork', as they are the only role that can move around the map and help teammates while not sacrificing farm. I am currently just playing support and want to learn Jungling, but the pressure to perform is making the idea imposing. That being said i'm loving the vids and i'm excited to see what you make next.
@Acex2ron Месяц назад
If you want to learn Jungle, just pick JG and get in there--and then mute the team. The Jungler, as a role, needs to trust in their own shotcalling skills and decision making. One of the best pieces of advice given to me as a Jungler is to generally avoid ganking losing lanes. If your laner is losing lane without you, it's usually skill issue on their part, and they're not gonna carry you to a victory. Find a win condition, camp their lane, contest objectives, and you'll be fine! Don't let pressure stop you from playing this incredibly fun, yet definitely hated on, role. And I'm glad you like the video!
@SM-ys8lw Месяц назад
thats primarilly in low elo, a good midlaner will push wave a gank (usually bot, because bot matters more), a top laner can go bot after pushing wave (this is mainly champs in top with globals) and will gank mid when ahead, top lane is much more of a 1v1 lane tho, with a lot of split pushers, so while this is common its also rare for top to rotate for anything other then securing objectives(once again I emphasize high elo). a support in high elo will gank mid a lot, or help the jungle invade, even going to secure objectives, support is probably the second most free role in the game, as if the adc is dead they are wasting their time in the bot lane, and they are only linked to the lane by the adc, who is very vulnerable without them in most cases, but they don't cs beyond item cs transfer, and while they do need xp, most can function with less of it. the one you directly interact with most besides jungle will be your lane opponent, that's true, but making plays all over the map isn't exclusive to just jungle, its just the jungle has no pre requisites to do it(besides camps, but they are doing those on the way to make a play)
@heraldsloth Месяц назад
Learning League is basically, master your champions rotations and match ups. Congrats you're now Diamond or higher.
@pandasempie Месяц назад
I would say with jungle the key is to get used to sticking to your gameplan and not stressing when you are getting blamed. It is quite hard when beginning to understand that even if you have had 0 impact, you are not to blame for everything. A lot of laners will target you when they themselves were the reason for the state of the game or their lane and it doesn't reduce the higher you climb. A big part of jungle is resilience so if you do take it up be ready to train your mind and trust yourself
@arvintob Месяц назад
@@pandasempie it's not when you're getting blamed as JG in league, you're always going to get blamed because your jungle hahaha
@omegalul8466 Месяц назад
Pos 4 player are the type of people who just "lives for the moments" when they hit a 5 man echo,rp,or black hole they get a dopamine rush and just wants the next chase. The satisfaction of a perfect AA blast, the just in time venge swaps. The perfect shallow graves and 5 man golems into fatal bonds. They don't care if they're winning or losing. As long as they fulfilled what they set up to they are happy.
@silvisakeru Месяц назад
For me its watching my pos 3 grow up big and strong, and letting him live his life as I let his hand go to have some of my own impact in the map. That and also the sadism of making enemy pos 1 irrelevant and deleting them every couple minutes 😬
@bowserfriend Месяц назад
@Kamirasu Месяц назад
that's a lot of words for 'nyx, nyx, nyx, nyx'
@sbastianbrilyanto4722 Месяц назад
Well our team got destroyed and my kda is 1/15/8/ but that 5-man echo slam tho
@kaungsi5613 Месяц назад
@@Kamirasu It is why i love Nyx so much. NYX NYX NYX NYX NYX
@MattHatter360 Месяц назад
I love the concept of Dota's ward wars. Supports have a simpler version of that concept too when you contest pink wards and go ward deep in jungle when enemies can't punish you. It's one of my favourite things to do as a support main.
@chrisbtoast510 Месяц назад
As someone who plays DOTA consistently (immortal) and league semi-frequently (plat 2), I appreciate how concise and easy to understand you make all of these videos regardless of experience! Definitely one of the better MOBA content creators.
@jackmccarthy7644 Месяц назад
Immortal pos 4 again. Some things I would add to this video: 1. In your pos 4 viability checklist (23:15), the most important thing for me is your hero's synergy with your pos 2 and (to a lesser extent) pos 5. This is because these are usually* your midgame playmakers. Pos 1 needs to farm and pos 3 needs to make space (+build teamfight items), so 2/4/5 are usually the ones grouping up to smoke for picks. Also, most pos 3 heroes are able to 1v2 in lane (or creepdrag), and even if they lose you can always shut down the enemy carry with a gank; But if your mid loses badly, there isn't really anybody in the game who can shut down the enemy mid even if your offlane wins. So it's more important to have good synergy with mid, even if it hurts your lane partner. This brings me to my next point: 2. In your section on timings (5:38), rotating for the 6 minute (and 8 minute) power rune is probably THE SINGLE most important timing to hit as a pos 4. Getting a "good rune" (damage, arcane, haste) can basically guarantee a successful gank if a mid player gets it. If both mids buy bottle, it becomes even more pivotal since they can save the rune to turn a key fight. These are so important that sometimes pos 5s will rotate as well, and the resulting 3v3 fights can be game deciding. This is another reason 2/4/5 synergy is so important. I know this video was about how "everyone loves pos 4" but when I see a pos 4 getting flamed this is usually why. 3. One of the biggest factor in pos 4 viability is the ability to easily make stacks, and help your team clear them early. From the offlane, you have the easiest access to the triangle, which are the best camps to stack in the game since they are easy to defend and only place you can stack a hard camp + ancient camp at the same time. If you have a hero who loves stacks like Luna, Bristle, Sven or TA, then it is often worth it to leave lane every single minute to stack triangle, and this is why these heroes are often picked alongside stacking pos 4s like Shadow Demon, Batrider, Rubick, or Hoodwink. Also, as long as you remember to go early for wisdom rune, you basically get a "free stack" at 7 minutes on the side ancient camp since you should be going there anyways. 4. The last big factor in pos 4 viability is teamfight initiation and/or backline jump. In most fights, it is usually too risky for your pos 2/3 to go initiate first without vision, and they can't just completely abandon the 1/5 to chase the enemy backliners. In mid-game teamfights, it is basically your job to throw your body into the enemy team to get vision, cause chaos, and force key targets out of position. Out of the 15 most played pos 4s in high MMR pubs right now (dota2protracker.com/), I'd say 11/15 are chosen mainly for their ability to help initiate fights and disrupt backliners (Tiny, NP, Bounty, Techies, Nyx, Pudge, Bane, Tusk, Earthshaker, Bat, and SB) with the rest being stacking heroes (Hood, Rubick, SD, Willow).
@Acex2ron Месяц назад
Ah I was waiting for this! Thanks again for the insights! Hopefully people who want to get better at the role, or want to try this role out, get to see this comment
@jackmccarthy7644 Месяц назад
@@Acex2ron Thanks. Really loving the direction of the channel so far, keep up the good work. Drake joke was hilarious lol.
@samueljames8654 Месяц назад
Im currently trying to get better from trashlow and have found that one of the most powerful things you can do in low ranks is just go in first to tank the cc and let your carry carry, if I have something like euls and greaves Im prob gonna live a half hearted engage as a 5 and due to the fact Im playing gready 5s my teamfight impact isnt the biggest. (Mainly talking about gyro here but also phoenix works as well)
@jackmccarthy7644 Месяц назад
@@samueljames8654 Yes, there is definitely times as a support where you need to die in order to bait out important spells. But there's a fine line between baiting and feeding-and better players will know not to waste their big cooldowns on a pos 5. Remember, if your strategy relies on your oponents misplaying then it will never get you out of low elo since it only works on bad players. In 90% of games you're probably better off playing a less greedy support and letting your offlane tank instead. If your carry is getting CC'd, try building saves like glimmer, lotus orb or force staff. If you really want to play a suicide playstyle, maybe try playing someone more suited to diving like Tiny, Earthshaker or Spirit Breaker.
@samueljames8654 Месяц назад
@@jackmccarthy7644 I think part of it is that people at the rank don't respect the space you can stand in, so they will go on you more in odd places more than when they actually understand the game. I think generally the places I stand are still good in better games it's more that they won't go on me so I'll get said saves off on allies instead of using them on myself
@tehDaiquiri Месяц назад
Oh we did have junglers in dota a wayy back ago... Iron Talon Legion Commander 10 min afk jungle until she gets blink and only then comes out of it to duel on cooldown then continues farming, or even worse midas rush lifestealer/wk which will legit stay in the jungle until they get 10k networth or the enemy team are pushing their barracks by 25 min. These memories are nightmare fuel... I do miss them, however 😵‍💫
@SuperGGnoRE Месяц назад
Why is this nightmare fuel? LC dueling on cd and farming while its down seems like an impactful way to play LC. What's wrong with playing around LC's power spike?
@LeinRa-Reaction Месяц назад
​@@SuperGGnoREbcos this playstyle for LC necessitates her to snowball through getting as many bonus duel damage as possible, which can work with core LC but it's a harder to pull off for jungler LC bcos she would need more items for this kind of playstyle to succeed in late game, which may become a problem in terms of gold distribution as now you basically have 2 carries on your team another problem is actually similar to how jungler in LoL is hated, as pub jungler LC (or any jungler in pubs really) just sux at reading the map and making plays, they ended up just kept farming for way too long
@tehDaiquiri Месяц назад
@@SuperGGnoRE 1. A jungler entirely skips laning, which in turn ruins the offlane, making it 1v2. 2. Main carry (pos 1) can't retreat to the jungle in case of a bad lane, or even when a lane is won but he wants to continue farming, because the map was much smaller back then, and didn't have enough space for 2 heroes powerfarming. 3. From said above, in case of any lane being (inevitably) lost, your team wouldnt have any team fighting capability at early clashes, because the jungler can't usually effectively farm since level 1 and jungle creeps give less exp than lane creeps, meaning he will hit lv 6 later than everyone (maybe except another roaming pos4) AND the main carry/offlane/mid can't farm already occupied jungle, meaning the team with a jungler only stands a chance of winning if by pure luck, all lanes are won or in case of lost lanes, game goes farther than 45+ minutes, where team with a jungler has an edge by having 4 carries + 1 support versus usual 3 + 2. P.S. Also, I forgot mentioning this, if a jungler is played versus a Zeus/Bloodseeker or any roaming supports like bounty hunter or Riki pos4, it's either a game over if you still decide to jungle OR you are forced to double offlane, still making your character useless (with some exceptions). To the LC jungle question, I actually had no problem and even played her myself like that on occasion, it's more about the players misunderstanding the concept of the jungler back then. You could make use of LC jungle, but you had to play in a different way from just afk jungle. 1. Never pick a jungler into a greedy pick. Imagine sharing the farm with a mid sf and an antimage. 2. After hitting lv6, leave jungle priority to pos1, pos2. Either farm enemy part of jungle (near offlane) or the farthest possible camps from where mid or carry will farm. 3. Farm until a powerspike. Get your blink and go ganking nonstop. Never stay in the jungle longer than 15 minutes, that is an obvious way to lose a game. Pick jungle only if the offlaner is strong enough where he can break even 1v2 or can solo lane. 4. Have great map awareness and effective jungle pathing. You have to constantly check the map in case someone is being towerdived, to TP in and help while simultaneously farming the jungle most efficiently. The faster you are out of the jungle, the lesser chance of losing the early game. Does this remind you of something? That's a simplified current pos 4 gameplay idea without early lane presence. Which could be sometimes good, since sometimes a strong offlaner could possibly gain more exp through solo laning, but that was very, very rare, and the polar opposite much more common. Playing this way makes sense but is risky. Seemingly, more than half of the players trying to jungle back then thought that picking jungle is equal to picking a main carry, and it's the laners job to help them stall the game until they can carry, which led them to afk jungle farming (with no idea of how to actually farm jungle effectively or any map awareness) which led to lost games. Hopefully I answered your question.
@mal3diction Месяц назад
Iron Talon LC definitely wasn't the only (or even the biggest) Dota jungler. Chen, Enchantress, Enigma, and Batrider were all primary junglers at one point. The first 2 were essentially part of the safe trilane and would be ganking regularly, and the other 2 were aiming for 6-7 blink daggers to start making plays. There were also a bunch of carry junglers, which did include LC and Naix (Lifestealer) but also Nature's Prophet, Necrophos/lyte, Terrorblade, Lone Druid, Lycan, and probably some other irregulars. In the case of carry junglers, in any sensible draft they just were the pos1 and the person farming the safelane was an early/mid-game carry who was looking to make space and take towers while the jungler afk farmed. You'd see people like Bristleback, Juggernaut, Kunkka, Necrophos/lyte (with Mek+Arc boots rush), MoM sniper, etc farming for a first mid-priced item and then taking all the T1 towers to open up space. Jungling used to be a legit part of Dota and it was absolutely more than just LC cheese.
@crammer666 Месяц назад
@@tehDaiquiri welll... it used to be in many ocassions 1v3 lane for offlaner; skipping lane for woods was not bad idea. Offlaners were used to be semi supports back in the days (you pick something with big impact w/o much early gold requirements, tanky if possible since it have to survive at least some plays). tbh I miss days of solo offlane 'yea, I am 0/6, I think my laning went quite well'. Junglers were basically pos 2/3 (depend on midlaner) while off was rather 4 (-global presence; I am talking about resource distribution which is base for numerical position in doto). So you had your LC, Furions, Bloodcyka, Lycans and others (passive necro killing ancients by power of smelly aura, my beloved)- most of old junglers were not pos4. They were early carries (pos1 was pretty much always lategame carry like morph, AM, phantom cancer; someone had to carry through midgame).
@Lftarded Месяц назад
In a nutshell, here's a short description of all dota's positions: Pos 1: the kid Pos 2: the narcissist Pos 3: the bully Pos 4: the father figure Pos 5: the babysitter
@saif-gv6gl 22 дня назад
imo being a narcissist is required to be a good pos 2 though, those kind of people can snowball the best given the lead
@aoitenshi1 3 дня назад
​@@saif-gv6glI had a kid as a pos 2 before, and damn he was whiny as hell for having no one to "support" him. He should've picked carry lol.
@vassago8627 Месяц назад
Everyone love pos 4 untill it is pudge staying afk in a trees for the whole line stage.
@100codegeass Месяц назад
I like how you starting play smite music from a different game when you mentioned the summoner spell smite. good addition to the video.
@ukasz1879 Месяц назад
Hey man, I gotta say - I found your channel randomly yesterday and I really love the content - it is not everyday someone compares these two games in such depth. Keep it up - I would love to see more of this, even though I'm not a huge Dota player myself!
@kimmy620 Месяц назад
19:49 chad DK ignores warnings and kills both
@Zestieee Месяц назад
bruh i've said this before but your humour combined with actual informative content is so neat. keep it up.
@omegalul8466 Месяц назад
Most people dont know how fun it is to play pos 4. You get to setup ganks or respond to ganks. With the addition of the twin gates it's very satisfying to surprise the enemy safe laner that is just a bit out of position. And the fact that if you killed them you know they gonna be pissed and pinging you at least 9 times.
@Acex2ron Месяц назад
Well said! Back when I was a ranked warrior, it was my off-role after Offlaner. It helps a lot that common Pos 4 heroes are some of the most fun when played well (Namely Rubick, Shaker, and Earth Spirit)
@teediumTV Месяц назад
Love that you used the main theme from Smite when talking about League’s Smite 😂 I’d love to see discussions about Smite as well, or at least Smite 2 once that’s fully out.
@Acex2ron Месяц назад
I haven't touched Smite much, but I'm very interested in Smite 2 and am waiting for it to come out!
@teediumTV Месяц назад
@@Acex2ron I'd say Smite and Dota 2 are my favourite MOBAs. Smite 1 is fun mechanically but it struggles to escape its more casual atmosphere and lack of strategical depth. SMITE 2 looks like its going to be a slightly more traditional/hardcore MOBA (active items, more god flexibility, bounty runes, etc) while keeping SMITE's fast paced gameplay. Laning will still rely mostly on pushing with a reduced emphasis on last hitting and CS. I'm very curious to see how it plays out, but I'm dummy excited to see SMITE become slightly more interesting strategically.
@ratlinggull2223 Месяц назад
​@@teediumTVYeah I saw a bit of Smite 1 and thought it was boring. Glad they're taking inspiration from the best moba this time.
@raflyarafat4882 Месяц назад
The term Jungler for dota is kinda outdated. There was a time where there's actual jungling option for pos4 with certain hero, but both Valve and the community figured out it was lacking impact. The common terms for pos 4 are Roamer now. I do agree that both Jungler and Roamer are expected to create impact through rotations, but where it differs is that Junglers in LoL have dedicated jungle, and the heavy role of smiting objectives, therefore creating even bigger expectations to fulfill since they can get their own gold. In Dota, pos 4 don't farm as much as cores (depending on the hero) but can already create noticeable impact simply by rotating or map control. Even when playing from behind, you can't really blame pos 4 since they are not the one farming. If i had to express it, Junglers in LoL is in a race against each other, while Roamers in Dota is in a match of creativity and clever plays
@raflyarafat4882 Месяц назад
Also i had to say, it was a real dark time when pos 4 was played as a jungler (offlane main at the time, hugging towers all the time xd)
@HappyLittleBoozer Месяц назад
​​@@raflyarafat4882 I was that pos4 jungler, cliffjungling in radiant triangle with Storm Spirit or Necrolyte by abusing the freshly added gg branch active. Man, I miss those days...
@Acex2ron Месяц назад
Well said! I very much agree with how the Jungler is in a race against their role opponent. Though I still prefer the term "Playmaking Support" because true roamers are a lost art form because there's just too much resource in lane that you're giving up and it's a risky playstyle that may not pay off, especially when staying in lane means protecting your 3, helping to secure ranged creeps, and getting extra money from the Flagbearer. That being said though, Roaming Mirana and Earth Spirit will always be a part of Dota's history.
@DavidGlendaleArdenaso Месяц назад
kinda miss afk jungling as chen/ld/lc/naix/lycan back in dota 1 days
@kimmy620 Месяц назад
Oh god old LC jungler
@Sjaell Месяц назад
Playing Smite (the moba) music at 12:20 was a nice touch
@gabrielbaima7891 Месяц назад
18:24 haha that's spot on. Yesterday I had a game where I tracked and countered the ganks of the enemy jungler the whole game, did all 6 voidgrubs + Shelly, but lost the game because my team refused to help with any dragon and tried to kill baron twice while I was on the other side of the map (and they got wiped and gave the enemy team baron both times). Then they tried to blame me, the only guy with a positive K/D/A
@GiantBUThead 27 дней назад
I'd like to mention that pos 4 in the last big tournament of dota PGL Wallachia which was around when this video was released, was picked as a carry role. There were quite a few games where the offlaner and midlaner were lower in net worth than the pos 4 and pos 4 had huge damage and kill pressure. There were marcis, hoodwinks and nature's propherts deleting enemy hard carries. It's most definitely not just a support role. And it's not just pro play, it happens all the time in pubs too, the pos 4 just gets so far ahead on semi-carry heroes like the ones mentioned that they deal carry level of damage. My second role in league is jungle, my first one being ADC, while pos 4 is my least played dota role and pos 3/5 being my most played. So yeah they're the most different roles in both games.
@georgesarreas5509 Месяц назад
In dota , disruption is to be expected and a kill/death early on doesnt mean much depending on resources/time expended. In league, it often just means you are playing from behind the rest of the game. Dota did have patches like that early on but because the player base hated them with vigor they never stayed for long (or because it was so unsatisfying to watch - i do not know the actual reason why). Dota2 is a game of comebacks where playing your best under all but the most dire 😉 circumstances can actually start to turn the game in your favor. Jungle main btw in lol and ... Literally anything in dota xD
@Dan-pv1sg Месяц назад
Hell yeah! Another great video.
@helloitisi7367 Месяц назад
as an offlaner and pos 4, pos 4 is your typical overworked oldman running around a large map without being spotted from top to bottom and vice versa. but pos 4 is the most fun position early to pre-late game and pos 3 is fun when you have either dagger/bkb usually during mid game. for early game pos 3 is such a long day lmaooo
@minoadlawan4583 Месяц назад
Make a tank video next. One thing I've always liked about DOTA 2 is how fun their "tanks" are to play compared to other MOBAs. Even though DOTA 2 doesn't have a class system like other MOBAs, they have characters that fit the archetype like Axe, Legion Commander, and Centaur. I don't feel bored playing these heroes like I usually do with other tanks.
@UsingGorillaLogic Месяц назад
Well I mean Awesomenauts also had fun tanks but they were the other exception to the rule (sentry is still the best designed tank in any game ever in my opinion).
@raflyarafat4882 Месяц назад
Probably because dota / cota community figured out that in a non-linear fight, tanks are kinda obsolete and isn't entertaining if they dont pose certain threat (team debuff, CC, big teamfight ults)
@nekoluxuria7721 Месяц назад
Good chunk of them have really fun high end scaling. My favorite one is undying who eats drawn out fights for lunch, and sk whose late game can get so oppressive that you can force your opponent to respect you, I almost won a 1v5 but my rng wasn't nice enough to stun their pos 1 in sandstorm so I only took 2 and the team had the clean 2.
@therealzizmon1748 Месяц назад
@@UsingGorillaLogic Awesomenauts really was ahead of its time...
@toseno8978 Месяц назад
Seems like your favorite tanks have a theme huh.
@sysnico8691 Месяц назад
I love your choice of music Civ 6 got some real bangers
@Chasodey Месяц назад
Even if I don’t plan to play Lol in near future these vids are very interesting just for better understanding the other game and my own game. Btw, one of the things that kinda bothers me in terms of why I don’t want to start Lol is just an absurd lack of in-game information about stuff and limited ways to get it. I even was surprised to find out that an offficial! League site has barely any info about characters ( but a screen-sized section about champ skins, I reeeealy need it). There is also very limited testing polygon, no way to read skills of other heroes in match, and as I can tell (but no sure) no champ stats before you decide to buy them. Meanwhile in Dota even official site has plenty of info about hero numbers, a glossary of mechanics, very powerful demo mode, ability to read every skill of everything in match (also an easy access to main menu with all the info there). Ofc it can be not that important for someone but I like when games can give me enough info if I want to learn something without using external sites for basics (external sites and Wikies are for nuances and details, not for basic numbers of dmg enemy skill does)
@KEEETARO Месяц назад
People use 3rd party sites from the beginning and the league has practice tool. You dont really need more info, league is easy, just play and hit your skills shots.
@Chasodey Месяц назад
@@KEEETARO I believe that good competitve games should have enough info inside of them and intricacies are left for Wiki. If I can't open the menu and see damage numbers of enemy char spells I will need extra time to learn the game. And speaking of league's practice tool I believe it's quite barebones, isn't it? Coz in Dota's one I can simulate almost every situation just by myself.
@MattHatter360 Месяц назад
Yeah League is very lackluster in that aspect, we've been asking for a lot of the things you mention for ages. The actual problem is that most of the code is very outdated and the client is very bad compared to other modern games.
@simonlevy00 Месяц назад
shoutout to the smite theme playing as you explained smite :) i would love a 3 way comparison between all 3 games
@soileH Месяц назад
28 minute long video... just about time for me to grab the experience rune ;) Also watching your videos made random LoL videos appear in my recommendeds and I hate it. Still love learning this stuff, since my sister has switched to league from dota.
@cringename2616 Месяц назад
Throwing shade at heralds is the most dota thing ever
@manolgeorgiev9664 Месяц назад
They can't be worse than League's current Heralds x(
@nellodeguzman5319 Месяц назад
You segment about carries played as support pos 4 in Dota reminded me of an incident with the boys when our local pos 4 player said, "Dawg you dont need gold an space to play a carry properly." then proceeded to play a support anti-mage who just farmed champions and absolutely destroyed the game.
@Skyblaka Месяц назад
I would argue (25:57) map awareness for dota is a must for all roles. Pos 1 to avoid ganks and maybe tp to a good fight or to pickoff/clear some free kills. Pos 5 to tp to mid or offlane if needed if there is a tower dive or to secure the rune ( if he can ) for the midlaner because its not only the pos 4 job to do that. Pos 3 to tp to bot to help , to avoid mid ganks and have an understanding when to push the tower as it frees up the map for his team and limits the enemy team safe space. Pos 2 needs to be aware where enemy supports are at all time as mid is usually 50/50 and one stun or nuke from a smoke gank is enough for you to die and offcourse watching for ganks and counterganks. To summarize all positions in Dota need to have map awareness due to different reasons, but its required for all because TPs, portals and heroes with global presence exist in Dota.
@morrisonpeck9214 Месяц назад
This series is incredibly interesting to me as someone who consistently plays league but has no knowledge of DOTA, im a jungle main and seeing the differences between the seemingly similar roles is an insightful and interesting experience
@Qneetsa Месяц назад
As pos4 in Dota - NEVER grab a bounty rune at min 3. Doing so you 1) guarantee to give the opponent the lotus, which is 10 more important to win the lane 2) deny your own midlaner a bottle refill at 3 min mark 3) leave your offlaner alone for almost a minute for measly 40 gold. 3min Bounty rune is for your midlaner to get. Don't grief, get the lotus.
@imfinishedgrinding638 Месяц назад
True. Lotuses are far more valuable for trades and kill attempts later. At 6 minute mark bounties are even more worthless coz you'd rather help the mid secure the first power rune spawn.
@adrianalvarez9559 Месяц назад
The Smite main menu music playing when talking about smite, the summoner spell, sent me back a few more years than id have liked
@sprinklesandtrumpettoots7151 Месяц назад
I've been playing DOTA 2 a lot more lately. Whether it's position 4 or 5, I feel a lot more respected and valued as a support player whereas in LoL, support mains are constantly insulted for having poor mechanics and being "Elo boosted" whether it's true at all or not. Vision control feels a lot more rewarding when wards last 6 minutes, see huge areas, and give several creeps worth of gold when I kill the enemy's observer.
@MattHatter360 Месяц назад
Well other roles focus more on mechanical execution rather than macro knowledge, so they will appreciate the stun or assassin oneshot a lot more than the smart roam and vision that made it possible. Supports nowadays get a lot more recognition than they used to get in earlier seasons, but we do also get called inflated a lot more. I think a great support is the soft foundation of most wins, but a bad one is the silent reason of many bad losses. Our impact is great, but hard to notice unless we perma gank mid.
@lordoflams 13 дней назад
yeah its problem in carry picks. in league you have squishy high dmg dealers that are weak until 3+ items (ofc not always but most of the time) while in dota you can have pos1 carry melee bruisers like wrait king, life stealer, pudge etc. (actual stats). so while in dota you have these beefy str carries in lol you have squishy weak champ that has one job and that is survive and dont int until you get strong (again... not always especialy on higher ranks) if you have 2v2 fight in lol at level 2 something like ashe + leona vs varus + alistar the fight will go this way: leona jump on varus and kill him solo, alistar jump on ashe and kill her solo. supports at start of the game are stronger that carries in direct fights so if you as support are worse than enemy support your carry will have really bad time. thats why supports are so hated. because its harder for good adc to carry bad support than is for good support to carry bad adc. tldr: in lol supports are stronger than carries in early and their skill is needed for carry to be able to farm and is expected of support to carry early game while in dota carry is the true carry while support support him to be even better carry.
@nekoluxuria7721 Месяц назад
My favorite one happened today but playing as undying 4 was funm saw the 5 stack camp. Gets soul tear ready. Drop down tombstone and bam. Nuked the pos 5 and killed the pos 1 while taking all that sweet stack gold. It was beautiful. Another one was roaming their jungle prepping for a bit camp. Saw the mid farm a stack so i go up and steal a bit of their farm. It was orgasmic. I also love how i got so big that we started movging them and controlling near fountain, i got stunlocmed and a batrider insta bb to drag my ass to fountain.
@StrikerstormThunder Месяц назад
That music you used while talking about leagues smite spell…touché
@orbjornsvientsten4335 Месяц назад
You don't get level 2 until the second wave in the botlane, so by not leashing they push the wave under tower, they wont necessarily get a level up timer advantage. I've found that level 1 cheese like this is feast or famine, they get a kill and push an advantage or the wave is frozen and they are stuck under enemy tower and free to be ganked.
@luist49 Месяц назад
But being first in lane gets you complete control over the bush and wave enabling you to slow push. That way you can actually use the level advantage.
@ST-in7fo 7 дней назад
You get level 2 on 9th minion and you don't have to hard push if you get to lane first, you can just secure push and then zone enemy off the wave, they can't contest otherwise they're low on health when you get level 2 and give a double on the all in, and from this point onward lane is unplayable. They might still die on the level 2 all in anyway, so not contesting push is a good setup for an awful experience
@epsis6852 Месяц назад
I already can't wait for the next video. REALLY DAMN GOOD stuff right there
@bird9188 Месяц назад
12:20 I love how you started playing smite's menu music there
@Acex2ron Месяц назад
Behind the scenes: "Oh dang, the previous track ran out before I can start talking about Smite. I need more BG music." ... "Wait a second... Smite?"
@Absolute_Zero7 Месяц назад
@@Acex2ron Wait, HOW DID I NOT NOTICE THAT??? wpwp
@MayMay2.7 Месяц назад
Hey ace! It’s really impressive how your videos have grown so quickly. I’ve been looking to start a channel similar to this but I struggle with editing. How do you get clips for your videos and edit them?
@Acex2ron Месяц назад
Thanks! I have an NVIDIA graphics card so I use Nvidia Shadowplay to gather all of my gameplay footage. To speed up the footage gathering process, all footage from my videos are either Turbo in Dota or Quickplay in League. People don't come to this channel for high level gameplay nor skills analysis. They just need something to look at while I yap. For editing, I use Davinci Resolve, which is an absolute gem. It is a professional-grade video editing software that is available entirely for free on the internet. It's intuitive enough to use, but there are some video tutorials on RU-vid that can help. Good luck!
@MayMay2.7 Месяц назад
Thanks I appreciate it👍
@yannduault6270 Месяц назад
I remember some specific meta where you could play heroes as jungler in dota 2. As you explained those strats where good because it allow your p4 to have quick blink plus boots and a small item. I guess you can still do that with Axe or Lifestealer those days but it's not really effectiv.
@marvcollins7842 Месяц назад
The SMITE OST playing as you start talking about Smite...
@EliTheGleason Месяц назад
I looooove dota league comparison vids
@Coram.Deo. Месяц назад
When Arc Warden was a meta pos 4 i play him and literary can make the enemy carry go into jungle in just 5 minutes. Vessel into Aghanim was wild on Arc pos 4.
@vcp009 27 дней назад
7:28 Keen Optic. Youll be missed. 😢 12:30 Smite MOBA Main Menu music I noticed haha. Nice touch.
@edo27 Месяц назад
LOL i just discoverd your channel and I love it. My brother plays dota and dabbled in league for a year with me, and I play league. I'm too pussy to play dota it looks too compilcated. Also your Drake diss took me out. And lastly was your outro playing "O Canada" LOLOL
@Abigail1Abi Месяц назад
You sly dog, I can't believe you quietly start playing Smite menu music in the section talking about the smote summoner spell xD
@Acex2ron Месяц назад
I'm pleasantly surprised at the number of people who have noticed!
@codokay6008 Месяц назад
As a person who plays Jungle quite a bit, this is making me wanna try Pos 4 despite never playing Dota 2 before, I'd love to be loved-
@ShakerGER Месяц назад
Safety bubble, and the old circlet are so OP they have more impact than most tier 5 items
@ImightwatchTheGodfather Месяц назад
At 9:02 Ace... how did you path to get into the enemy blue buff? Did they not ward the river? Did you path topside Bush into enemy blue? I like that play because even if you die or give jg info that you're ganking lvl 2 which means they can steal your buff and maybe greed for gromp and leave unless botlane rotates but you were on their blue so you gain an advantage and only lose one camp at most if botlane doesn't respond. That's alotta value!
@phoenixlandsberg9649 Месяц назад
But Dota also has junglers from minute 1, we call them "gameruiners".
@egashidki5415 Месяц назад
When iron Talon is remove there's no more
@sortileges5474 Месяц назад
I've been playing pos4 ever since the concept of "pos 1-5" was invented and i have never seen myself as a jungle.
@SuperAsefasef Месяц назад
The best part of jungle is that every other role usually has no idea what it is you actually do
@johnhimura1000 Месяц назад
holyshit i didnt even realize it. not to mention the old pos4 players like aui2k, EGM, cr1t, zai(ti5)
@ForTheJerusalem Месяц назад
Part of the reason why i hate playing LoL is that if i get autofilled as jungler i might as well just stand AFK, while the only place where i feel like i'm bad in dota is middle.
@3044Smike Месяц назад
Just wanna comment bc my two favorite DotA Pos 4's weren't mentioned. Windranger and Bounty Hunter are quite possibly the best chaos causers imo; Windranger literally needs a javeline, a null talisman, some form of boot (usually phase), and a forcestaff for a grand total of 5100 gold to be a menace during any point in the game threatening solo kills on supports constantly. On the other side of things Bonuty Hunter's abilities allow him to generate gold off of harassing and assisting kills on enemies with such efficiency that you can legitimately break 600gpm without ever hitting a creep or getting a kill yourself.
@ChadKakashi Месяц назад
4 commends and 4 reports was a good joke. Good video mate.
@Acex2ron Месяц назад
Based on a true experience. Glad you liked the vid!
@ZeroPlayerGame Месяц назад
As a recovering League player, I thank you for making Dota seem remotely understandable to me.
@matte9076 Месяц назад
I'm even more confused. Dota 2 is amazing, I can infer that much, but its extraordinary complexity and confusing item system seems like Aids. I'll never be playing it
@hel9157 Месяц назад
@@matte9076 as long as you are willing to learn, Dota's mechanics are really easy to understand because they show you all the info you need while playing the game. Meanwhile in League i can't even read anything and the things i can read is filled with a wall of text with filler words instead, lol. We really need more QoL updates man.
@Lastofhiskind_ Месяц назад
​@@matte9076 sure don't play it. Who told you to play dota anyways?
@fish-kt4iq 15 дней назад
​@@matte9076what so confusing about the item system? Info is already given to in game.
@KelGhu 18 дней назад
For LoL players, to make it clear, there is no junglers in DOTA per see, except for a few heroes who can actually farm the jungle from the beginning of the game. Pos 4 is a soft support/roamer position the overwhelming majority of the time. The reason why we don't jungle is because, stacking somewhat alleviate the need of a jungle. Therefore, in DOTA, we don't lose as much exp and gold by not having a dedicated jungle. Furthermore, having a jungle often makes our lanes weaker, especially the offlane. It is better to win 3 lanes than winning 2 lanes, lose offlane but having a jungle. This is not the case in LoL where - if you win 3 lanes, but the enemy jungler is snowballing - you can be screwed.
@ChopperFlip 8 дней назад
To put it simply. League has a roaming ganking jungler while Dota has a roaming ganking laner. They are both position 4 roles with the same jobs. League is on the carry side while Dota focus on the support. Support as in placing vision or calling plays. Dota is more flexible with the pos4 role because you can have “greedy supports” aka carry heroes (champions) that need money in the pos4 role. Yet it’s a completely different play style which forces the player to understand power timings.
@kaybrandon3083 17 дней назад
As long as my jungle tries to at least contest neutral objectives I’m chilling I’m only gonna spam ping if they afk jungle the entire game
@monty12865 Месяц назад
as someone who has played alot of both games - by far the funniest part of this video is "the night cycle reduces vision on *most* heroes" leave it to dota to make the most minute thing a mechanic that the community well then abuse into the ground
@sealer1675 23 дня назад
How does this have anything to do with the community?
@moyashh 7 дней назад
14:29 this play physically hurt me 😭😭😭 he Qed before kindred ult ended and even dodged the heal
@MilkJugA_ Месяц назад
i wish my friendships was as tight as the average pos3 and pos4
@dudedude494 Месяц назад
Pos 4 is supporting without any of the stress. Run around, whack heros. Ignore all that creep business and let the pos 5 deal with all that icky warding and stacking
@rooper13 Месяц назад
well that explain why i enjoy pos4 and hated jg soo much, because for me pos4 its much more relax and more focus on the macro game, yes you still have the responsibility to put vision,gank and objective but at least your job its try your best to make the team work. While jungle felt like im trying to carry the team with everything i got alone, try to get the objective alone, try to get drake and baron alone, try to get my own kill so i can make all the item for winning the game cause none know how to carry. But yea both of them is really far different it felt playing a carry when playing jungle while pos4 felt more like support role but also a hybrid carry
@Dyleniz Месяц назад
I played pos 3 4 and 5 All I'll say is that pos 4 is the most fun role in the game since I used to only play 5 transitioning to 4 having more gold to play with than back in the days where brown boots by 25 was the standard also if you play pos 3 your a menance to society
@heuuu237 Месяц назад
u really love hsr music 😂 good taste
@Acex2ron Месяц назад
Gotta do something to tide myself over while waiting for Robin after all! Hope you enjoyed
@shnorkeythefourth4572 Месяц назад
My favorite way to play pos3&4 is to just overpower the enemy carry. Something like undying as a pos 4 with tombstone tower dive Paired with either slardar or under lord pos 3 to hold them in place to let the zombies take them down
@Absolute_Zero7 Месяц назад
I was playing Undying a few months ago, and my lane partner (it was a weird game, it was hard to say which one of us was 3/4) picked Elder Titan. I have never felt so good eviscerating the enemy laners from existence.
@shnorkeythefourth4572 Месяц назад
@@Absolute_Zero7 I use to run undying beast master but then I stopped liking beastmaster so I’ve been looking for other combos
@LcieKJ Месяц назад
whats the music from minute 6-8 very hype shit
@chito2701 Месяц назад
i love jungler champions but i hated the role
@iNsOmNiAcAnDrEw Месяц назад
I've never played Dota 2 with a mind to understand or bother with the position 1-5 mindset so it's nice to hear you explain the stuff to me since it goes over my head. To be clear, I originally played way more Dota 2 than LoL but I fell out of favor with the game because the community felt so toxic with its absurd ideas like 'position 4 hero must always buy blink dagger' or whatever other annoying standard that I didn't necessarily believe in.
@fish-kt4iq 15 дней назад
I've been playing dota for almost 2 decades and dota 2 since 2011, I have never heard of pos 4 must always blink dagger ever. Pretty sure you were getting gimped or a low rank know it all giving out misinformation.
@iNsOmNiAcAnDrEw 15 дней назад
@@fish-kt4iq The guy practically repeated the thought in the video "some heroes will at least find some use if they just get a blink dagger" is very similar to "my teammate is so useless because they don't even buy a blink dagger to be the minimum of usefulness to our team" -- IOW people in Dota 2 are always scapegoating their teammates, it doesn't matter which role they have on the team, it's never their own fault. Difference is in LoL it's traditionally 'the jungler's fault' whereas in Dota 2 it might be less likely to be 'pos 4's fault' but it's still just as easy to see people scapegoating others.
@ryankasch5561 14 дней назад
Interesting opinion on the goat jungler. I've always thought it was Benji. Probably displaying when I was most invested in league by that comment, but those skt teams were so good and he was critical to one of the best series ever, skt vs rox tigers. Does show that junglers get the blame, given blank was flamed enough to get subbed out for Benji. Edit: As an aside, I think leagues jungle role might have the most iterations for a role. Smite has changed a lot over the years, and previously it scaled with level, could (sometimes) target champs, and gave random buffs depending on the camp smites. I especially loved the camp smites, as smiting wolves gave a little vision wraith that would move to spot enemies if they invaded. Smite unlocked items changed a lot over the years, and neutrals have changed as well. Early season drakes were almost entirely about gold, and rift herald didnt exist until 2016 and void grubs until this year. Jungling was very hard for most champs for most of league. 6 camp clear was basically a death sentence for most of the roster, and it was not uncommon to have to 3 camp and then back. Compared to early seasons jungle items are so overtuned, although not relative to the power creep of other roles and items.
@ChildofMadness9 Месяц назад
I was playing this video, when I was cleaning my mother's house and she heard it through my speaker. Had her cracking up.
@huggelion Месяц назад
You can solo drake if you have good timing and lane prio
@merchant_of_kek5697 Месяц назад
Fun fact if jungle doesn’t gank each lane to get them fed, get all jungle camps including all objs… he’s just ask likely to lose if he had all of it
@sigurdjensen195 20 часов назад
Flash is not a blink dagger, it is a force staff without stats
@K.U.L.T 23 дня назад
the smite doesnt evolve on its own, you need a special starting item for that, and the pets come from the item too
@ChaosHeroDoods Месяц назад
Felt that jungle rant in my soul lmao It is sad that in theory while the jungle role seems so fun to play (being a role with very high agency and many variable options to approach the game) it is ruined by the same thing that makes it great. With League being a game wherein one small mistake easily snowballs into massive enemy leads, junglers are given the biggest tax to do all the heavy decision-making - and when decision making in a strategy game is more of an art than a science - it's so easy to attribute all blame to the poor junglers.
@TheJim9191 22 дня назад
A video I would love to see for you is about this phenomenon: "maining" a hero/champion As a dota player who very rarely plays league, this is a term I see in league all the time. People often have a "main" hero that they play almost exclusively. This is not the case at all in dota. Being a one trick or "maining" a hero just isn't a thing, or at least the number of people who do it is vanishingly rare. DotA players are likely to have a role that they "main", (though can usually play 1-2 other roles as well) but within that role, their hero pool is considerably bigger than I typically see from League players. Do you have any insight on why this is? It's always something I've found a bit weird and another key difference between the two games.
@absolutelynotadog7498 День назад
My take is that league is very into the fantasy of playing your champion. They make champions with flashy combos, they delete active items because 'they distract people from the champions' main skillsets' or something. And they make their champions 'real characters'. They have pretty art (base and skins), lore, random quirks, yada yada. Like aurora being autistic for... some reason. And most importantly, they are conventionally pleasing to the eye. Thus the 'x-main' syndrome came to be. Some people don't really like playing summoners rift all that much. Maybe they dont even like the role they are playing. But they play the champ they play because they resonate with its playstyles, its combos - its 'champion fantasies', if you will. Heck sometimes they arent even into the kit that much, they just like playing ahri or gwen because they like their designs. (This also leads to another rabbit hole on why the league community is so divided. The mains hate each other. The roles hate each other. Blah blah.) Meanwhile in dota, you don't just play your hero, you have to play the game. Since the game isn't 90% laning stage, you need to play the map, AKA play dota a lot more. Since you don't lane against your own role, and again laning doesnt last long, you actually need to know what the other roles do, and what the heroes in that role do. And what better way to learn that than to play that role for yourself? And the game forces you to play some games in both core and support roles anyways. Bam, no maining culture.
@thehiddeneye9271 25 дней назад
video : Dota and League the music: SMITE!!!
@vo1ce147 Месяц назад
Position 4 is darling, well your majesty i bring my cases sprit breaker.
@toseno8978 Месяц назад
That's why I only play carry jungler in League. Stress free and they can only blame themselves as they can't expect Master Yi to have a proper gank. Idgaf if I lose, at least I have my fun. 🤣
@xanzon5084 19 дней назад
Well team still flames you to the worst and If you dare Go 0/3 on yi your litterly imidiatly Struck by ff 15 we loss anyway and one or 2 Dude insta give up hope
@eukelarTV Месяц назад
I’ve played only jungle since I started a few days ago in league, I will never play anything else. ❤
@bvzv Месяц назад
Jungle used to be way more chill before Riot's attempts to make game solve itself through heralds, plating and dragon stacking.
@aairosatherys3636 Месяц назад
redbuff slows also very important for junglers don't forget it people
@DaBe3rz Месяц назад
Is counter jungling even worth it in league because of the catch up mechanic(like you’ll get a shit ton of exp and can out level the opposing jungler who was full clearing)
@Acex2ron Месяц назад
It depends on the game! Certain champs are very easy to invade, like Rammus, and in low elo, they're not getting help from their laners (nor are their laners warding Jungle entrances). The main benefit I believe from counter jungling is evolving your Smite to the next stage before your opponent can as they scale off of camps cleared. You also deny farm and get those resources for yourself. Just don't die!
@arvintob Месяц назад
Current patch not that much, but if you want to see peak counter jungling, watch DWG Canyon vs Peanut, DWG lost but it was mostly team diff but Canyon shut down peanut so bad that game
@MattHatter360 Месяц назад
Mid to late game if your team took enough towers from the enemy, you can invade pretty safely and slowly choke out the enemy jungler. Levels are worth a lot of gold in stats and even a small level advantage of 1-2 levels matters a lot when fighting. In recent seasons counter jungling has been nerfed a lot, but it used to be very oppressive if you did manage to pull it off.
@SuperAsefasef Месяц назад
I remember the dark time when Ivern was meta where if you saw half of you camps you were lucky
@maunabesanika Месяц назад
As a pos 4 you should know the term "yapzoring the lane"
@deadmagnet6318 16 дней назад
when i watch these as a dota player, it makes me like dota even more, cause i cant tell what the fuck is going on in the league gameplay, the visual clarity in league sucks, either that or im just too used to dota
@ZeRasseru Месяц назад
There was a time when I used to play those wacky 4s. Axe, Doom, Kunkka, Sven, Gyro, MK, Naga, Weaver, Puck, Brew, Voker, Visage... 😊 it was so much fun. Enemy team's confused, Allies doubted me: and that's precisely why I won most of those games. P. S. Icefrog was right. Force staff, glimmer cape and aether lens were too strong
@chaseg3670 Месяц назад
to solve jungle remove smite and replace it with a different spell that handles neutrals. My reason for that is because teams perspective is that you are the only player that can nuke key obj. and you still cannot get it. Of course in solo Queue they dont see it in that way. They see it as, you chose responsibility so handle it in high accuracy. Because if mid feeds they think they can still come back as long as the "jungler gets the Drakes or Nashor" disregarding their lack of skills in their own role. I am a top main and I will leave my lane in favor of a jungle OBJ but if we end up getting cucked by the opposing team its hard not to be disappointed to the jungler because you invested time and risk being gapped on your lane and it went to Vayne. So I think removing smite in favor of a more balanced spell is better
@boldisordorin9010 Месяц назад
Watching this as i am having autofilled jungler
@tareyus2977 Месяц назад
It doesnt matter if people hate my role. They don't play it. I play my role and all that matter is that I fucking love it.
@0ktk Месяц назад
I tried DotA before, all I remember is at some point my monkey brain took over and I just ran the courier down mid repeatedly
@mymylyly1259 Месяц назад
drake catching strays💀💀
@marsryo6569 Месяц назад
I am pos 4 gyro/muerta/techies enjoyer, veno vessel rush vs regen cores are is also very fun
@luist49 Месяц назад
I don't play Dota only Lol. But from your explanations role 4 seems closer to a roam-heavy support than a jungler.
@AndouHarvey 19 дней назад
At around 12:30 minutes That is the SMITE main menu music. Man I wish HiRez took better care of that game.
The WEIRDEST Role in League and Dota
Просмотров 87 тыс.
The KEY Differences in Carrying In Dota and League
220 volts ⚡️
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How A Cat Killed Competitive League of Legends
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How Much Longer Can League of Legends Survive?
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The Most UNDERRATED Role in Dota and League
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