
Leave no dwarf behind! 

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A greenbeard bites off more than he can chew and all hope seems lost for him, he will be left behind if no one comes to save him. I heavily subscribe to the mantra "leave no dwarf behind" and we make it with a second to spare! These are the moments that I love about Deep Rock Galactic.
#DRG #newplayer #save




29 дек 2021




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@nerofarreach2417 2 года назад
Someone clearly remembered to slap the dice.
@bombomos Год назад
The fate of the dice was the only reason they lived
@ZharMeny Год назад
@tacoman8771 Год назад
Id say with this everyone slapped the dice
@WiseArkAngel Год назад
I did :)
@iexplodonateri7378 Год назад
I slapped the dice once and my whole team got left behind by the pod. When I slapped the dice, my character said "Snake Eyes."
@GingiiPhoenix Год назад
the best part about DRG is that there is NO reprocussions for leaving a dwarf behind (apart from your pride!). And yet, 99% of dwarves will always go back, No dwarf left behind, Rock and Stone brothers!
@miner2789 Год назад
Yeah you could leave all 3 of your friends alone and all of you get the money OORRR you could safe them and risk your money and you get nothing if you die
@emerson-biggons7078 Год назад
That's not entirely true, while you don't lose anything you rightfully earned you do lose a positive modifier for every dwarf left behind. So your total earned would technically go down
@SnekkySnek Год назад
i love how its either one person gets downed and everyone leaps into action to save a fellow dwarf OR everyones alive and try to kill each other at the pod
@Chris13420 Год назад
I was the sole reason for a loss today purely because I refused to leave my 3 downed teammates behind I was playing scout and I had ample time to make it to the drop pod but I would rather die beside my fellow dwarves than extract by myself ROCK AND STONE!
@DrThunder2004 Год назад
@@Chris13420 so your the reason for all the salvage missions.
@BaronVonMott 2 года назад
"Do not ask for easier challenges, ask instead to be stronger men."
@Cloak_N_Dagger 9 месяцев назад
"Do not ask for easier assignments. Ask instead to rock and stone."
@d0rkl0rd92 Год назад
@nubbyboah 2 года назад
The Driller utilizing 2% of Karl's power, I see.
@shripguy9658 Год назад
@froggygoblin6514 Год назад
2% really
@danielboll52 2 года назад
I had a moment that felt similar to this lately. On a deep dive with a scrawny green beard, who proved himself tenacious enough to join and save my life many a times down in the deep. With the drop pod two minutes away, the swarm arriving and fifteen meters of stone between me and them, with our scout and driller running off to the pod in fear, I knew I had to do all I could to help him. Using my berserker power up, I dug for dear life to get him out and after a Rez surrounded by napalm from my flame grenades, I took his hand and got him out the way I came in. We made it to the pod with 14 seconds to spare, the smell of napalm and neurotoxin rounds permeating the air, and shared five rounds of blackout stouts when we arrived back to the rig. Rock and stone gentleman! Be not heroes but good men!
@Soldadodelasombra 2 года назад
True heroes are good men's at heart (And women's)
@chillmusic8780 2 года назад
That was poetry
@wingponymedic2360 2 года назад
And that, is true Rock and Stone
@Shdw-ce8zi Год назад
@@Soldadodelasombra men* women*
@AegisAuras Год назад
I never thought I’d using berserker to dig. That’s clever.
@kerbalairforce8802 Год назад
Years ago in L4D, 3/4 were on the helicopter to extract. "Guys, I fell and I don't know where I am" All 3 of us looked at each other and without a word dropped in to pick them up. We all fought to get back, and extracted 4/4. That was over 10 years ago, and I remember it fondly.
@BrunoMaricFromZagreb 9 месяцев назад
I was almost going to say "this game is 10 years old???" before remembering that there're OTHER 4 player coop games. Good job by the way.
@voidnoodle8911 2 года назад
@lonesurvivor8828 Год назад
When you rock and stone, YOU'RE NEVER ALONE!!!
@NobleGoat387 Год назад
@@lonesurvivor8828 Rock and stone yeah
@MrReich1918 Год назад
Sounds like the words of a KNIFE EAR
@the_jam_man Год назад
Sounds like some leaf loving knife ear scum to me
@AJ_UK18 5 месяцев назад
Similar phase as no matter how shit ur teammate is we are at least not alone which is why I prefer shit teammate over quitters
@-.-9737 2 года назад
karl would be proud.
@dwarfofculture4135 2 года назад
If he was alive. He died by saving another dwarf As a proud dwarf would do
@LorisTheUntethered 2 года назад
That was indeed very Rock And Stone of you.
@lossossin7998 2 года назад
0:51 and my heart dropped at the moment I saw how many bugs you were facing and how little time you had. Karl would be proud of you, Rock and Stone!
@AlyxTheProtogen Год назад
I'm fairly new to the game and the community so I still have no idea who karl is lmao
@youresoold1216 Год назад
@@AlyxTheProtogenKarl was supposedly one of the dwarfs who went missing, but was known as a huge badass.
@compedycakemine6960 Год назад
@@AlyxTheProtogen There are many theories as to who "Karl" is. The most popular one and my favorite theory is that he was the 5th member of the dwarf squad, but he sacrificed himself to kill a glyphid queen and save his squad. Which is why sometimes when killing glyphids the Dwarves will say "Die like your mother did."
@iexplodonateri7378 Год назад
The theory about Karl that has the most weight is that he was left behind in Hollow Bough, which is supported by one of the many Deep Dive flavor texts you can get. My opinion is that he got trapped there on the third leg of an Elite Deep Dive and his team couldn't get him out. It isn't certain whether he lived or died, but no one has found him or his remains, so likely the latter.
@myckëta 7 месяцев назад
we urgently need a boss in the form of a maddened Karl, who has eaten mushrooms and is under the influence of glyphids of parasites, like Bet С@@iexplodonateri7378
@thediam0nddrag0n78 2 года назад
Weaklings: leave me! Get out! Chad Dwarves: KARL WOULD NOT WANT ANOTHER DWARF TO BE LEFT BEHIND
@Jack-ck3jh Год назад
This game deserves an award for how well it makes people prioritize the whole team and not just themselves. I can't think of any other games where the players, total strangers half the time, show this much care for their team or unit.
@SimplifyTelevision Год назад
I like to think having the characters jovially shouting "leave no dwarf behind!" from time to time makes the idea stick in people's heads
@Jack-ck3jh Год назад
@@SimplifyTelevision that's definitely part of it.
@alwinwinter1645 2 года назад
This is a game where all players can have fun, even when it's graybeards and greenbeards together - as seen here by the engie tryibg to shoot that Oppresor in the face - It really shows the amazing community DRG has
@Taolan8472 Год назад
Shooting it in the face may not do much damage, but it's a greaty way to draw aggro.
@wingponymedic2360 2 года назад
My time when this happened, the drop pod was an a bad spot, 50+ meters above us in a vertical chasm. I was scout and we had the driller and gunner make paths to the pod, at the 1 minute mark our engi fell all the way down to his death, he said "leave me". I grappled to him and used my insta rez and said "no one left behind!" I covered him as he traversed back up to the drop pod as the other 2 covered us. We kept every enemy out of the engi path and the counter hit 5, 4, 3 , our gunner went down on the ramp, again, "leave me, its fine" the engi insta rezzed the gunner as he ran in I used my grapple and dove into the drop pod as mission control hit 1... we made it! Pumped with adrenaline (metaphorically) I opened my mic and shouted "I SAID NO ONE FUCKING LEFT BEHIND!" It was glorious
@SnoozinFox Год назад
@amazingkool Год назад
Casual reminder that the adrenaline was real in your body I garuntee it! Its a stress response and intense thoughts and emotions, even in a game still count as fat as the body's concerned! I bet you had some real sweat and increased heart rate as a result!
@Tiny_24 Год назад
@@amazingkool deadass get that rush when a dreadnought spawns with 20 seconds left on the timer and ur 30 meters away
@alanherrera6342 6 месяцев назад
I felt that adrenaline when almost losing a mision in my first time playing against the robot , dont remember the name of the mision, but the one you got to deactivate the tow shield generator then fighting the boss, i remember that everyone down and got no ammo and no granades only one shield (as a gunner), and running like hell of gliphyds with low health and waiting the shield to coultdown, adrenaline was so damn high when i making turns to get the enemies away from my partners so i can rest them, while getting closer i trow the shield and help a body who has ammo and start cleaning the reamaining enemies, then with the boss happen something similar but i was rescued a few times, now i played so long and realize it wasnt a hard mision but that time i didnt got much habilities and gud weapons, like the overclocks and that stuff, and of course was my first mision of that type, and i must say that other online games dont make me feel that adrenaline , just a few , and deep rock, i have a lot of stories of how close where to lose a mision and some how everything went well, and finish the mision so fkng adrenalized or something like that. Pd: Rocking is more legally than stoning
@wealthybone2990 2 года назад
You're a true dwarf by staying with the code, that was honestly amazing.
@Kaltsit- 2 года назад
I’ve had something like this twice before. Never leave a dwarf behind Unless it’s an Elite Deep Dive. Then just get to the drop pod so everyone can get an overclock.
@thorveim1174 Год назад
even in an elite I'll come out.. unless the whole team is downed, bugs are EVERYWHERE, and i'm the only one that can make it to the pod and save the mission (so almost never since I play gunner, havign the perfect rescue tool in my belt and never being first to the pod). Else one staying in the pod just in case is enough, the rest should SAVE THE FALLEN BROTHER.
@petrusv8752 Год назад
@@thorveim1174 that is the best way to go about it. worst case the team still gets their payout, best case the team gets memories worth more than any gold.
@drdapper1899 Год назад
“Unless it’s an elite deep dive” - That’s what Karl’s team said. Speak for yourself Greenbeard. N.D.L.B for life.
@RosemaryTheFloran Год назад
I had a situation where all 3 of my teammates died because the fuel cells for the drop pod were in a death pit, and I just barely managed to get out... Instead of leaving and succeeding with the mission, I went back in, trying to get them all out, at one point I did revive everyone, but the constant siege of slashers and praetorians proved too much for us, and we all died in that hole. Well, at least no one is left behind when everyone stays on the planet...
@domkrats1 2 года назад
Such moments are always so amazing in this game!
@Ap0caaLypS Год назад
What i found to be wonderful is that the Dwarf who left behind is named 'Angry Dota' and As an old veteran player of Dota 2 myself I know how toxic teamplay in dota 2 is. And one of the reasons I started playing DRG is how friendly stranger teamates are (or brothers should i say) Therefore I think this dwarf 'Angry Dota' was more than a rescue but a rescue of his lost soul that was betrayed repeatedly while playing Dota 2 with toxic angry and worst type of teammates you can have in a game, I felt that myself.
@SimplifyTelevision Год назад
I enjoy comments like this Farouk, thank you
@meemdic8682 Год назад
"Oh my god he just ran in"
@Loot_Bugs Год назад
Fav part: 0:37. You think he’s running for the drop pod, but no, he runs PAST the pod, gets the resupply, and runs headlong back in, what a legend
@furryfan1416 7 месяцев назад
for every level 544 scout who wants to sit afk in the escape pod for a full minute, theres atleast a dozen greenbeards who have heard the great stories and decide to shoot their shot. ROCK AND STONE BROTHER!
@OliverCovfefe Год назад
This video is what convinced me to get DRG knowing nothing about it beforehand Easily one of the best games I’ve ever played
@thorveim1174 Год назад
I still remember a save I got while i was still a greenbeard. i had wandered off and died to a cave leech while isolated. I saw how far my allies were and told em to just keep going without me rather than waste a long time rescuing me... cue them 3 digging through the map to get to me, even after the driller had ran out of fuel and supplies were gone and they were reduced to digging with pickaxes. (think it was an old build that didnt have the terrain scanner so finding the actual path was nigh impossible, all they had to go on was where my corpse was) It wasnt a butt-clenching moment, but the sheer dedication of my teammates to get to me no matter how long it would take was truely something.
@cadunkus Год назад
Two Steps From Hell can make taking a dump seem epic. So when you put it on this clip, which is already amazing to behold on its own, you get something that would truly make Karl proud. Rock and freaking Stone, brother.
@ThatNoobKing Год назад
What was it called It's so cool
@vortozan5395 13 дней назад
@@ThatNoobKing I was looking for it too the other day. Someone in the comments actually tells you if you scroll down a ton. It’s “united we stand divided we fall” by two steps from hell.
@ThatNoobKing 13 дней назад
@@vortozan5395 oh dang thanks dude
@vortozan5395 13 дней назад
@@ThatNoobKing no problem, rock and stone brother!
@PedroH-L 2 года назад
Rock and stone people. ROCK AND STONE!!!
@jfking0672 2 года назад
anything for that survival bonus.
@Baphelon 2 года назад
This reminds me of a similar scene we had once, where our scout and gunner got caught up in a swarm. We watched as the gunner just barely made it in as the pod lifted off, and the scout threaded the needle through the closing doors.
@slyllamademon2652 2 года назад
@bodivanbodivan3668 2 года назад
I have never seen anything more dramatic in my life
@retrobyte_4006 Год назад
"up on your feet solider, WE. ARE. LEAVING"
@ProjectMalywix Год назад
That moment when I realized that you were running back to the pod, not so you could escape, but because if you were going to save your fellow miner you were going to need more ammo, was probably one of the most action movie like scenes I've ever seen in a game. Rock on brother!
@lollikabosso.w.n7153 3 месяца назад
"I never forgot about you brother, just needed the right tool to get yout out of there to begin with.
@GreaseTrapWiz Год назад
I got left behind last night after I revived two teammates and got downed off a zipline. 45 seconds left, and two of them were just sitting in the pod. Needless to say, I drank a lot of Slammers alone after that.
@SimplifyTelevision Год назад
Those weren't teammates, those were elves
@banditbro25 Год назад
As a new dwarf myself... I feel this on an emotional level, one way or another, if 4 dwarfs go to that god forsaken rock, then 4 will return damnit, ROCK AND STONE!!!
@ribz4539 2 года назад
This had me so proud to be a dwarf of the Deep Rock Galactic mining company. I unfortunately don't have allies to drop in with so the closest I usually get to this is clawing for every advantage with no dwarf to save me. Just reading the comments too, goddamn this is a great community!
@TacticalReaper56 2 года назад
@sirnitnerolf5972 Год назад
Shit I need to re-create Captain Price in DRG now X)
@wizardbrandon3544 Год назад
the clutch rez and then our hero went down... but when i saw the prompt "iron will" and i was hyped
@aCaboodL Год назад
reminds me of the time my team was about a minute till extraction, and the scout was downed a pretty distance out through narrow caves and plenty of glyphids. I ran all the way to them, on half an oxygen bar, and back with them behind me, jumping into the drop pod with seconds to spare. their first message was "just leave me", and their last was "holy shit"
@TrazynTI Год назад
My favorite moment is when he say it's rocking time and stone over every bug. So inspiring.
@alexgraham8740 Год назад
You are the best dwarf I have ever met in all my years, and a better friend. thank you for giving me the adventure of a lifetime, I love you brother.
@GhostMana0902 Год назад
The true dwarf, Karl would be proud, we play DRG for these moments, also at 1:19 the Engi tried to fend off the Oppressor by shooting it in the front is cute and somehow makes it more cool.
@skyLizard_ 2 года назад
that is a very nice of you, not leaving your teamate behind. Rock and stone!
@Kishin-lv8dt 2 года назад
Sometime you just need a hero
@reddherod7677 11 месяцев назад
Yes, selfish dwarves may make it back, but always drink alone. Great dwarves make the plays that bring their drinking buddies home. Though management may disapprove and leaf-love'd greenbeards moan, True miners leave no dwarf behind. Now drink up! "ROCK AND STONE!"
@Amaroq64 Год назад
I'm at about the same player level as the hero in this video, and I only just recently learned about the "rez yourself and then use vampire to stay up" trick.
@shadeshrike4205 Год назад
@Skjaldr_Vindskyter Год назад
is it just me? or is salvage operation ALWAYS more intense in radioactive exclusion zone?
@ClaytonNeuner 2 года назад
Always help green beards! Rock n stone in the heart!
@truebruhmoment4667 9 месяцев назад
"You should play Deep Rock it's fun!" Deep Rock gameplay:
@dybo3793 6 месяцев назад
I once played an oil refinery mission with 3 greenbeards, and I was playing scout, and when the drop pod arrived I was the first one there (chad scout main), and the Engi also got there quickly, but the gunner and driller were down, and the Engi said to just leave them (what a leaf lover), but even though there was a giant haz 4 swarm after a “I have 3 boomerangs left” scout, I still got through and revived them, and we all got back alive. I doubt I will forget that mission in a while.
@5EK5HUN8 4 месяца назад
I gotta say seeing a fucking oppressor linked to a warden is something you dont really wanna be in front of
@SimplifyTelevision 4 месяца назад
Fortunately he was aggroed to the target dummy the engineer placed, I consider this the best play in the video
@5EK5HUN8 4 месяца назад
@@SimplifyTelevision very much so. I never use the decoy and feel like that's a mistake
@iamcrash5525 Год назад
I will fight through hell to ensure no dwarf is left behind.
@randorookie8587 11 месяцев назад
No one gets left behind not now not ever IF YOU ROCK AND STONE YOURE NEVER ALONE Kinda like Yoda said in that one clone wars episode “left behind no one will be”
@pktgako 8 месяцев назад
meanwhile I get c4'd by my driller at the drop pod's entrance.
@nathanieldawson8725 Год назад
I'd rather loose the mission than leave a single dwarf behind.
@a0.457 10 месяцев назад
i had a similar thing happened to me today, i was a min from pod using a shortcut made by our driller who i've followed for the pod, both of us died, i used iron will to rev him and kill the monsters stuck with us, and died, our scout rev me and went on his way and i had 13 secs to spare and i've reached the pod the second it launced and was a lil higher and jumped in (it was flying), man that felt EPIC af.
@TarsonTalon Год назад
As scout, I saved a noob engineer that was stuck in a pillar room. Told him to just Mario platform his way out, and to not give up. I drew the bugs away from him, and managed to grapple gun into the pod the last 2 seconds.
@SUSSEO Год назад
Fallen dwarf - leave me here, there is no time Tho guy - daga… KOTOWARU!
@clevercenturion5357 2 года назад
Rock and Stone in the heart!
@chocomushtashe7585 Год назад
Yall dwarves know it's a serious clip when the driller doesn't even drill
@jet8424 3 месяца назад
For anyone wondering the Song used is "United we stand - Divided we fall"
@vortozan5395 13 дней назад
Thank you! I’ll go and tell everyone in the comments that’s looking for this message.
@tzimiable Год назад
God this brought tears to my eyes, the Two steps From Hell soundtrack was the cherry on the rock.
@AzureFoxen Год назад
As a great man once said "Not even close"
@pajarokujo_6829 9 месяцев назад
They need add the option of Carry your shot down mate. (that make this moments even greater)
@SkrepkaTV Год назад
Push like for Two Steps From Hell - United We Stand, Divided We Fall 🤘
@ronintheronin8035 2 года назад
As one should, leave no dwarf behind! You love to see it.
@Leratryhardeur Год назад
It made me remember the time I decided to test what happen when you are on the top of the rocket of a extraction point mission,I managed to fall from it and die 30 meter up in the hole maxe by the rocket when dropped,the drop pod was 4 minute left,the driller literally go to save me and we managed to come in the drop pod in time,really the "no dwarf left behind" spirit that I love
@crasyperson123 Год назад
A certified ROCK AND STONE TO THE BONE moment.
@Sparkz1607 Год назад
@ZeroStas Год назад
@cosmicdragon9237 19 дней назад
Even after watching this a ton of times, I still feel a lot of emotions whenever I feel this impossible task accomplised A memory, that no one is left behind, no matter what
@neekk040 Год назад
Karl and Okri smile upon you
@syndere6755 Год назад
I need more videos like this. Leave no dwarf behind!
@spoonmcfork Год назад
This is the type of man who always remembers to save Dotty
@bmobmo6438 5 месяцев назад
This is the proper way to play DRG. I love how this community has taken the words "Leave no dwarf behind" so thoroughly to heart that we will risk failing the mission at the last second because the only acceptable outcomes are we all make it out or none of us do. Rock and Stone, to the bone!
@dedenail Год назад
We're just green beards sir, we're meant to be expendable. Not to me.
@Totallykermit1 7 месяцев назад
Had an experience like this in a pub was playing with a greenbeard engi he was understandably unaware of the amount of enemies between him and the drop pod as a lone scout with a driller and other engi not counting the greenbeard both at the drop pod i had a mad dash with 3 minutes keep in mind he was quite a ways away around a large cave or two i ran to him and got him up he was caught in a crater with a praetorian and a few grunts i was running a piercing M1000 so i wiped them but the run back was much more difficult swear there couldve been a solid 50 grunts a cave before the pod me and the greenbeard were both low health but by pure skill the engi and driller who were just behind them had them erased with a cryo cannon and grenade launcher combo and we all hopped in the pod 18 seconds left by far my finest moment in drg.
@user-mf9cu9fx4n Год назад
Rock and stone, miner, your name now is Karl.
@CaptainGrief66 2 года назад
Rock and stone brother, courage and comradery are worth more than gold, rock and stone!
@attemptedunkindness3632 Год назад
Karl: There is nothing more I can teach them, they have learned everything.
@brycecollier7590 4 месяца назад
Love that the greenie didn’t even salute at the end.
@SimplifyTelevision 4 месяца назад
I think we were both a little razzled
@anomalocarisgaming8205 2 года назад
@noddarkwolf Год назад
no Dwarf left behind its what Karl would've wanted FOR ROCK AND STONE!
@user-lh8pk1dn7f Год назад
It was a Point Extraction in the Glacial Strata, we had sent the pod back with our quota so things were looking good. Unbeknownst to the rest of us, our scout was on top of the pod when it launched. As he fell back down, he hit a small ledge in the tunnel down, so he was stuck 50 meters in the air and surrounded by bugs. the two other members of the group wanted to leave him. But as the host, I didn't. So as a gunner, I started digging my way up to him. Before I broke through the wall to where he was downed, I told him I was going to revive him and then fall down the hole to save time. We fell down, only I was downed, but scout helped me up. I grabbed some ammo for my zip-line and we were off to the drop pod. but I had aimed at a ledge that I thought I could mine through and hop up to get to the drop pod. (at this point we had a minute left untill the drop pod left) But the surrounding Macterra had an issue with that. I tell the scout to go to the drop pod, and then I was promptly shot off the line and fell to the floor. The scout made it to the drop pod with seconds left, and with the pod on the way up I told them it was ok, i was gonna get to meet Karl. I did not, in fact, meet Karl. I awoke in the medical room aboard the space rig. My time had not come yet. Leave no dwarf behind, Rock and Stone!
@SimplifyTelevision Год назад
Love some fan fic writing, thanks
@user-lh8pk1dn7f Год назад
@@SimplifyTelevision oh no this is entirely true, save for the meeting Karl part. I mean, I did say that at the time, but I didn't actually get to meet him. that was just how the mission played out
@itty_224 Год назад
that, my friend, was some rock and stone gaming
@Stanfordscienceman 8 месяцев назад
Sometimes,the only reason one needs to be a hero isn’t the time they’ve known eachother,but the way they know eachother.
@capfig4471 Год назад
Bloody hell. I’ve come close before but 2 fricking seconds is something else. ROCK AND STONE!
@DawiFromAnotherHold Год назад
Anyone else seeing this and going "F*CK YEAH, ROCK AND STONE BRØTHÅS"?
@Superjd4 8 месяцев назад
@connormcconnell7805 Год назад
I'm imagining the gunner screaming "PUNCH IT! Once everyone was on the pod
@Fallenslayer1 Год назад
We Live and Mine For Rock And Stone.
@WhyRAllTheGoodHandlesTaken 10 месяцев назад
"Do not pray for easier lives. Pray to be stronger men." - John F. Kennedy before being slaughtered by a horde of zombies in an alternate timeline
@afren748 11 месяцев назад
Karl would be proud
@richardbudge9416 5 месяцев назад
@the13thtonino56 6 месяцев назад
There were not enought rock and stones to celebrate this epic moment
@jacobwarkentin2156 Год назад
ROCK AND STONE! That was beautiful. Absolutely perfect music choice too.
@dybo3793 8 месяцев назад
Rock and Stone!
@dvg9904 11 месяцев назад
You are definitely a one of a kind miner. ROCK AND STONE, it never gets old!
@gergomarton4260 Год назад
Holy shit. Rock and Stone!
This Game is about Rock and Stone
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