
Lee Thompson aka Uncle Poodle talks about bullying on  

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28 сен 2024




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@MrKOKILANDIA 11 лет назад
I love Uncle Poodle, he's a cutie, and a great person who stands for his ideals, BRAVO!
@AmandaBeeRekendwith 12 лет назад
Bravo. Change happens because of brave souls like yourself having the strength to stand tall and be proud. Love and freedom are best when they are shared. Keep up the good work. You are beautiful.
@hollysweetheart1990 10 лет назад
i love uncle poodle
@jpizzle990 10 лет назад
He's adorable!!!
@mimimarcus 12 лет назад
I love you for standing up for yourself and everyone else who is different. :)
@ldpra8149 12 лет назад
Really need help sharing it. God Bless You!!!
@lostleftleg 11 лет назад
I'm curious martinitimeblockedme, how you would define and differentiate visibility and flaunting? (Or, if we are talking about enacting, the process of making visible and the process of flaunting). We might come to some interesting conclusions. I'm actually sincerely curious what you think about these terms.
@somusoelueze4579 12 лет назад
I'm Catholic and if I'm allowed to express my beliefs without prejudice, homosexuals should be able to, as well. You're awesome, Uncle Poodle #christainsforgays
@BlackMagickMike 12 лет назад
Hey, Uncle Poodle! :-* "Shhhh, it's a poodle!"
@martinitimeblockedme 12 лет назад
Because that's how the world works? Social norms are what holds society together. Gender roles didn't just pop up one day because some guy said "I think all men should act like this". They were developed over centuries for actual reasons.
@GorillaPHX 11 лет назад
I find it interesting that people always say, "massive amounts of data from research prove that..." yet they never back it up with a reputable source. Mind you, a study from the American Family Coalition is not considered a "reputable" source of research.
@ExplorationB 12 лет назад
He's so cute ^_^
@kyleord 12 лет назад
Way to go lee! I too am an out and PROUD gay man! Love is love.
@lostleftleg 11 лет назад
These oblique norms you hint at are situational - meaning; they differentiate, augment according to context, over periods of time and through human migration/cultural integration. They change, they have changed and they will change and they are not unanimously agreed upon. This is not leftest rhetoric, this is a historic, well documented observation. If you'd like a bibliography of reputable resources I'll suggest a few. If you narrow/refine your argument I could be specific in my suggestions.
@JWatsL 12 лет назад
I grew up in small town in an era where people weren't as mean to each other as they are now There was some kinds of bullying but not like today’s extreme forms and it seems adult authority figures do nothing about it. In my day you got in trouble if you chewed gum in the classroom. Swearing could get you suspended. If this is about my comments to Blas Toise, he's indefensible. And I am against bullying, go ahead---read the guy's previous comments and look at his channel.
@brennanpilley16 2 года назад
Crazy this only got 87k
@JWatsL 12 лет назад
It was thought in religious circles at onetime, that the stuff you do with your girlfriend is nasty.
@martinitimeblockedme 12 лет назад
I'm not saying it's like it in that sense what i'm getting at is flaunting it does not help. Maybe I love Madona, I wouldn't tell everyone I met that right away. If you want to be treated like everyone else don't make a big deal out of your differences. It's like trying to fit in but bragging to everyone else how much you don't. If you want to be treated like a normal guy act like one and most people won have a problem with it. Similar to race and religion.
@JWatsL 12 лет назад
I applaud your tolerance! All Christians practice what you do :)
@sventopia 11 лет назад
Uncle Poodle rocks
@campbellbratz 9 лет назад
I love lee
@martinitimeblockedme 12 лет назад
I think you misunderstand what a social norm is... Breathing is a survival instinct. If you want to be accepted by society then be part of it. If you want to be different than everyone else then expect to be treated different. I don't really here any disputing just you saying it's ok for him to be different and life isn't fair to him.
@waynelean8 12 лет назад
sounds like mardy gibbens from the campaign
@exeuroweenie 11 лет назад
I have no idea,I'm not being the least bit serious.
@martinitimeblockedme 12 лет назад
Ohh you're right social norms arn't a thing... ? I'm pretty sure massive studies have been done on social norms, their enforcement and where they came from. FYI Wouldn't it be great if everyone was their own special little butterfly and everyone got participation ribbons for everything? Grow up, lifes not fair. It's a harsh reality, you can say people shouldn't judge other people but they do. It's part of life, it's natural and there for a reason.
@lostleftleg 11 лет назад
I think the problem is you are conflating visibility with "flaunting". Unfortunately, there are still people who assume cis-gendered, heterosexuality as a normative state; historically & ethnographically, it is not the case (again, I'll gladly suggest some reading material). So, for those neither hetero/cis-gendered, each day involves coming out. Eg: my lesbian-identified friend is asked about her husband daily at her job - she is married to a woman. Does she not correct her co-workers?
@antioniomartin4951 12 лет назад
the world lives off bullies just ask the cop
@VoteYou 12 лет назад
Honey Boo Boo
@martinitimeblockedme 11 лет назад
So you doubt the existence of social norms? Take any basic psychology or sociology class you'll do some of your own. It's sort of a simple idea that everyone holds to be true because it is. Would you need a study if I told you table manners we're a real thing? Or not going to the grocery store naked? But for the sake of your reputable sources I just typed in into google and came up with studies out of both Harvard and Stanford in the top 5 or so results.
@BesttBi 12 лет назад
Frustrated? LOL, no. I actually laughed. -and my girlfriend leaning over my shoulder said the it was cute. -Not in a condescending way, mind you.
@BobbyBrady2000 11 лет назад
uncle poodle is a cutie pie! :)
@JWatsL 12 лет назад
Do you have a kitchen in your trailer?
@XxpauldadudexX 12 лет назад
No we are'nt all gods children . Speak for yourself dude .
@lionjake72 12 лет назад
Haha, you're funny.
@shirodorian 8 лет назад
OMG he is soooo hot!!!!
@mynameisray 12 лет назад
with the name Uncle Poodle... It's no wonder you got beat up Sir.
@jasminegilford3519 12 лет назад
the South is probably the most unappealing place to live in this whole country!
@chrislovesyoubb 12 лет назад
Man, people suck. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, dude.
@michigananon 12 лет назад
What a brave thing to do.
@ErickMN 12 лет назад
Thank you Uncle Poodle. You rock!
@abent60 12 лет назад
You go girl, I hear ya!
@FabulousAtheist 12 лет назад
You are such an inspiration, and I want to thank you so much for using your celebrity to help people like me, who was raised in McComb, Mississippi--And it almost brings me to tears to see not only you standing up for us--but that your family (who I love) is accepting of you in every way.
@ForMyMail 12 лет назад
I feel you Poodle. Gay people are people too bro. But I was thinkin that I wish I had an extra thumb so I could hold more chezzy balls.
@AkronTru 12 лет назад
Best of everything to you, young man. Congrats on your spirit.
@KenjoLuma 11 лет назад
Lucky you have a family that supports you. Even if you're living in California or any liberal state, if you don't have a family that supports you, let me tell you, it's much harder than living in the South with a supporting family. It's not where you live. Never.
@LawrenceCrecy 12 лет назад
LMFAO I'm sorry but I was expecting a gangsta not this..
@SuperHolly7 11 лет назад
u go girl!or boy!ur awesome and people should respect gay people:)
@lostleftleg 11 лет назад
In addition, this particular campaign is in place to address the problem of gay bullying (the effects of which, rampant suicide of gay teens especially, has been all over the news of late). To suggest that this project is in effect "flaunting" (as prejorative instead of activist approach) suggests that creating awareness for any pertinant social problems is also "flaunting"; the white ribbon campaign to end violence against women is "flaunting"; blue ribbons for prostate cancer is flaunting
@lostleftleg 11 лет назад
I have never met a queer person who "flaunts it", or declares it off the bat. I would also like to point out that many "camp" behaviours considered (in the West) to be indicative of declarative homosexuality were arguably developed as coded behaviour because one could not openly seek same-sex companionship. It was a way of speaking preference through inflection - a product of closeting. I would also like to ask you, what's your definition of "normal", and what cultural mode(s) is that based on?
@ythnkupollyprsypnts 12 лет назад
Oh, I'm plenty grown, buddy, and this has nothing to do with "life being fair". Also, when did I say social norms were not a thing? They certainly are, but I doubt the man in the video above breaks that many more social norms than you do. He probably gets up, goes to work, loves his friends and family, eats, breaths, laughs and cries, just like you. Hate to break it to you, but you're not living your life anymore appropriately than he is. We're done here.
@ythnkupollyprsypnts 12 лет назад
No, that's how YOU think the world SHOULD work, but it doesn't. We aren't all drones. FYI, this is the year 2012. Men and women in this country are free to act, speak and dress however they choose, of course, there is a time/place for everything. You have the choice to immediately judge the person based on their physical appearance, voice, sexuality, race, religious views, etc., or you could could actually get to know the individual before making your decision. Have a nice day.
@Reper123100 12 лет назад
Yea man, I am actually Jesus. I created you, so you should pray to me and worship me. Oh and, I'm invisible but I'm here so don't worry. Worship me and pray to me till you die and then once you do, you will go to heaven where there isn't free choice. The only thing there is nothing but constant love of me and only me. You are welcome human, for everything that I did for you, ranging from creating you to creating the food you eat. SEEMS LEGIT
@JWatsL 12 лет назад
You just exercised that God-given right to your opinion, nothing wrong with that. Tolerating people does not mean you have to like them or even approve of them, just don't bother them. Being gay is not like wearing a superman suit, it’s like having a certain skin color or a body type or a religious practice-it’s not something you can take off and put away in a drawer if it gets to be too bothersome.
@DarthStevis 12 лет назад
you guys take things out of context, you interpret the slavery back then like the slavery we had in america with the africans, it wasnt like that. they were treated right, they were cared for, they werent abused, and back then it was the culture, so its okay. thats obviously doesnt apply to us now. i do believe adultery is bad, but the whole point of Jesus dying for us was so we wouldnt have to follow the law of Moses
@martinitimeblockedme 12 лет назад
Bullying can be harsh that's true. But it also teaches you what is and isn't acceptable in society right? I mean If I want to wear a superman suit to school everyday I would expect to get made fun of for it. It doesn't really matter how proud I am of the superman suit it's still weird. It sucks to get bullied but it teaches you to be part of society. It seems like today we are forcing society to be like 2 percent of people so they don't feel bad. And what about my god-given right to an opinion?
@martinitimeblockedme 11 лет назад
We could go all day on what's normal and what isn't and i'm not saying all gay people do it. The guy in this video and his cause is making people stand out on purpose. And you've never met a homosexual that flaunts it? Have you met any in general? What the original post was referring to was this mans voice and dress because that's all the video can show.
@JWatsL 12 лет назад
"Kinda" spelling it out is not quite the same as explaining it, is it? What is "biblical slavery"? (I've never heard that expression before) Maybe you are speaking of a certain time in history? I think it's you who needs to do some research. Maybe you could elucidate on what the h--- you are talking about
@JWatsL 12 лет назад
What slaves were ever "cared for" in ANY culture or any era? Slavery was bad everywhere. That's what a slave is---an inferior being who suffers abuse (to keep them enslaved) at the hands of a master and forced to work without payment. A slave is a being that has NO freedoms. Everything is cultural, both the good and the bad. We DON’T HAVE TO TOLERATE the bad in a culture.
@trinapinks 12 лет назад
Because everyone does not believe in god or in the same god or gods. Therefore it is wrong to expect others to live according to your beliefs. The Bible teaches that being gay is wrong but what if I don't believe in the Bible should I be forced to live according to its teachings. You are entitled to your beliefs they should be entitled to theirs.
@JWatsL 12 лет назад
No one's asking you to NOT follow what you interpret in the bible as truth. All anyone is saying is, it's NOT right to hurt others for that reason (let God punish them!---"vengeance is mine, sayeth the lord") and I KNOW the Bible says that!
@Lucailey 12 лет назад
Well, I have to say Mr Thompson appears more educated then his family does on tv.....He seems quite well spoken without burping or doing any other intentionally gross things in front of the camera.
@FoothillsFreedom 12 лет назад
I thought he was gonna say "to let every teen and every youngster know I'm available" seriously, this guy is creepy. Like hide your kids, don't worry about your wife, creepy.
@martinitimeblockedme 12 лет назад
For the most part yeah. Toughen up the real world doesn't care who bullies you or why. I feel like you might as well learn it early. The nail the sticks up is the one that gets hit?
@Lucailey 12 лет назад
Alana is only seven, I agree. Most of the time I love the kid. She cracks me up but, you have to admit that she isn't being raised to have respect or have manners.
@michigananon 12 лет назад
The other side of celebrity. Great to speak out.
@with33 12 лет назад
i hope one day you really accept jesus into your life instead of spreading hate towards a fellow human being.
@DarthStevis 12 лет назад
but it does say that marriage and sex were created for the uniting of a man and woman, not man and man.
@Punisher5FDP 11 лет назад
Don't use God as an excuse and then use foul language like that. That's the definition of hypocrisy.
@BesttBi 12 лет назад
You really think your magical sky zombie is going to do evil things to you, don't you. Hilarious.
@MRTUBE1224 12 лет назад
well done uncle poodle.
@XxpauldadudexX 12 лет назад
I know , I wanna show off my 8 inches but ppl say its wrong n rude ???? whhhyyyyy ??? :'(
@lindsaymayy 12 лет назад
Really? You felt it was completely necessary to post that? Such a disappointment.
@jethro035181 12 лет назад
there are no gays in alabama
@JWatsL 12 лет назад
Did you forget all the women you've beaten? (you're a very lonely "man")
@김가다시안 12 лет назад
Uncle Poodle is cute!
@moriahembrey2167 11 лет назад
@michaelpoole that's none of your business u don't know what he has
@antioniomartin4951 12 лет назад
but holes are like falset theyer to put out not put in exits only
@beausiegelaub1887 12 лет назад
On your back? Gay guys don't randomly jump on people's backs
@dannyboy021 Год назад
hes a pretty nice guy.. i enjoyed seeing him on 'here comes honey boo boo"
@Jerome-Zone 11 лет назад
Hey if you're ever in Berlin give a holler buddy.
@exeuroweenie 11 лет назад
It's that name Uncle Poodle that "turned me out".
@nothingfails0603 12 лет назад
He's the most sane member of that entire family
@birdzene9925 12 лет назад
you are brave, and have obviously overcome alot
@blognewb 12 лет назад
So how many times have you broken your jaw yet?
@JWatsL 12 лет назад
Your comment doesn't make any sense
@JWatsL 12 лет назад
And I bet that's not all you did!
@JWatsL 12 лет назад
Does adultery violate God's laws?
@geraldbean1 12 лет назад
That's awful!! Well done Lee!xx
@JWatsL 12 лет назад
Is it lonely in your trailer?
@vero32962 12 лет назад
@payluvs 4 года назад
i want an uncle poodle
@MrKroolyk 12 лет назад
oo Korwin
@Reper123100 12 лет назад
@swpier29 12 лет назад
As terrifying as the Honey BooBoo show can be, I have to credit Alana and her family with actually upholding some good family values and being accepting of others for who they are. Props, Mr. Thompson, for being an all around cool guy.
@Snizzfart 11 лет назад
No hate but he totally sounds like Marty Huggins from the Campaign.
@MaoniMoana 11 лет назад
Why do I ALWAYS end up talking to people like you...
@MaoniMoana 11 лет назад
*sigh* Alright then ^_^
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