
Let's Talk About Being Immortals [Diablo Immortal] 

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29 сен 2024




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@CriticalThinker78 5 месяцев назад
This whole immo shadow thing is getting ridiculous servers unbalanced due to whales and then the sad politics of clans rotating reigns that's something blizz should adress would be nice to see what it's like being an immortal
@SaptosNiBoss 5 месяцев назад
I totally agree with this.
@amardell7290 4 месяца назад
True . in my current server immos asking why shadows avoid vault/rite while the average immo is at 5k reso min .on shadows side even leaders are 4 k at best . these events on paper are to decide wich clans play better .use better tactics .or even get lucky .but in reality all decided by wich clan collected high resonance players .and to make things further worse , now high reso clans invite other similair clans to their servers to ensure they remove any chance of a fair fight .
@chrisavithan9951 5 месяцев назад
Having been immortal five times or so (including currently), I'd say I agree with everything you've said. Most especially to the vault system and the blessed reigns. They've had that set item search feature in there forever, but no set items have been added. I would love if they did. It would give some variety and people wouldn't need to compete over the same few really good items. Also agreed that the blessed reign system causes unnecessary strife. 3 clan alliances make sense. Doing more than that for a cosmetic is painful and seems counter to the intent of it all. I like your ideas about giving a boost to the immortal or finding others ways to achieve a blessed reign. Also, I've been a lifelong crusader and have found some of your recent videos informative, but I've finally tried the wizard via a brand new character and have enjoyed your older ones as well. They've helped me understand the wizard, and especially your strategy the couple of times I've been matched with or against you in the battlegrounds. =) Keep up with the great content!
@Mao_DI 5 месяцев назад
Thank you! Always makes my day seeing these type of comments I'll have some more Crus and Wiz content coming soon too. Really liking these classes at the moment and will try to update my builds for the new essences
@LordZhask 5 месяцев назад
Well said my friend! Trust me blizzard di team doses not even know that these problems existed, so im glad you talked about them🤗👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
@pwdajjal 5 месяцев назад
This will be my second time as Immo with the 6thx Immo clan.
@VicFountaine 4 месяца назад
The solution is simple - less reign duration (4-5 weeks max) and more clan in rotation. Player can't be immo more often than once in 3 cycles, or better 4. It will be 9-12 clans in rotation instead of 6. As a result - less toxicity because people can join any clan they like.
@jonathanbenoza8136 5 месяцев назад
the system is extremely toxic, 3 big clans dominating the server while the rest become fodder with no leverage. And it is discouraging to see it.
@Mao_DI 5 месяцев назад
Partially agree. It's hard to generalise this for all servers but the trend sure seems to be moving in this direction!
@devilsreject504g6 4 месяца назад
I hear ya ! Our server top clans usually rotate active clans as deckhands so to speak so everyone gets to be immortal at one point
@devilsreject504g6 4 месяца назад
Just in case the next update brings server wars!
@devilsreject504g6 4 месяца назад
For everyone complaining about whales !!! If there are no whales there is no market think about it without purple crest there would be an empty market for legendary gems!!
@zachlancaster1221 5 месяцев назад
92.5% of your issues come down to clan policy & discipline.
@DylanDaniels-rx9vo 5 месяцев назад
Mao the vault bro I'm a shadow I think that it should be more balanced what do you think cause I find most times ppl get grudges and are not happy losing fights so they whale up if they scaled the fighting processes like a bg that's all I'm saying it might be a place for more dog days in right anyways that's my view on that let me know what you think like I said I'm a shadow never been a immo
@Mao_DI 5 месяцев назад
Yes that's a very good point. I wish it was more balanced too. They should also give a much better reward as a consolidation for entering the 4th floor
@DanielMLanna 5 месяцев назад
VERY NICE VIDEO! You really did a good job here, I agreed with all your points, really!
@Mao_DI 5 месяцев назад
Thank you! ❤️ Let's hope something gets done by Blizzard!
@Granfoss 5 месяцев назад
In our Clan people can only do Kion one time the first couple of days until they can have like three Kions. Up to the clan leaders how to rule fair Y. As well as the Vigil. Our leaders make up the teams and present them in Discord or chat.
@Mao_DI 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing. Indeed, a lot is left up to the leadership! It would be nice if their job could be made a bit easier by streamlining the system. This would improve the overall feel for Immortals as a whole in my opinion
@redeyedjedeye949 4 месяца назад
Immortals should get pick of items from vault on Saturday and shadows much like immortals should gain rank standing by defeating immortals in vault for vault picks on Sunday from what remains. Also, once a shadow hits weekly cap they should have the option to skip to floor 4. That would keep the vault bumping.
@Mao_DI 4 месяца назад
Really cool ideas here! I like the idea of an auto skip to PvP floor! Thanks for sharing!
@redeyedjedeye949 4 месяца назад
@@Mao_DI another great idea i have is for terror rifts. After finishing the 4th tower, every 100 shards collected afterwards should reward 1 terror essence when timer runs out. Get the market on them a little more stable. This is also fitting for the absolutely atrocious drop rates for terror gear. Or remove them from market and add an npc that sells them for plat. They should make contracts sellable instead at 400 plat each
@munge344 5 месяцев назад
They need to focus on the content that 98% of the player base will ever see. Since im not a streamer and dont have over 5k resilience I will never be an immortal
@SaptosNiBoss 5 месяцев назад
My idea is, vob, roe, everything need to remove the reso. That will be much better. So no matter how many whales are in the alliance, we will still have a fair fight. Thats the only way to save this
@Mao_DI 5 месяцев назад
A world where server PvP activities are balanced?! One can only dream😅
@SaptosNiBoss 5 месяцев назад
@@Mao_DI no need to apply in BG.
@SaptosNiBoss 5 месяцев назад
@@Mao_DI if they can do that in conqueror, then why not in vob and roe? My server lots of people quitting / transfer to another server. Reign Got monopoly by whales. I believe its the same to others too
@Mao_DI 5 месяцев назад
Don't get me wrong. Personally I would be very happy if this was changed and I don't question their capability of doing it. They definitely can. We have already seen this in other modes like you rightly mentioned. The question is "will they ever choose to implement this?". Unfortunately I think the answer to that question is a resounding no but that's just my opinion The primary reason is that the game is also a business with the goal of making money. Blizzard is not a charity and they have a bottom line to meet. Players have already spent huge amounts of money to increase their resonance and increase bonus to life and damage values which obviously helps in PvP. This in turn keeps the game "F2P" and covers server and other costs. It also allows developers to keep supporting the game and work on new features/updates etc. Of course it can be argued that this design is too heavily monetised in this aspect but this has been the core design/strategy of the game since day 1 BG though far from being perfectly balanced is actively being worked on to try improve the balance and we are getting changes almost every patch. The same cannot be said for server PvP activities like RoE or Vigil. Maybe over time things will improve but I think that it would be a bit surprising for them to do a complete 180 on this. I'm sure some high spenders would welcome more balanced gameplay or "cosmetic-only" monetization.. As it stands though we are already almost 2 years in and far beyond that point. Just imagine you have spent vasts amount of money on legendary gems and suddenly you are told your resonance is no longer useful in PvP... That's just my 2 cents on this topic though
@xrisku 5 месяцев назад
We just missed a blessed reign too. It leaves you feeling pretty hollow after doing so much work. Onboarding is tedious. We need a skip option. Also, if you forget to collect that final reward of the daily Immortal Trials, which is many times hidden, then you log in the next day only to just collect the reward. But you cannot then continue with the Immortal Trials that day. The reward is what triggers the daily reset. It's unbelievably annoying when this happens. Sigil hoarding creates so much drama. The reason it is not automatic is for the burst dominance format. But is anyone still using that. Corvus entry is a NIGHTMARE. I agree, only the leader should be able to start. Also in Corvus, the instance can get split very easily. It's so bad now that nearly every instance on my server was split last reign. Again, super annoying. As for the vault... Its a vault. Why aren't gems inside of the vault? Smart players chase gems because they mean platinum and permanent progression. Frankly, I dont give a damn about more gold, I have over 160 million. Nor do I care about leggos and some scrap. Leggos are almost always 99.99% of the time junk, and my characters I vault with have maxed gear. Basically, as a Shadow, I vault Monday and cap my hilts. I may or may not vault the rest of the week dependimg on my time and motivation because there's literally zero rewards in it for me, only Shadow activity. And I simply PUG bcz there's no point struggling to assemble a good vault party - it's literally for the love of pvp. So I usually go to 4th floor with a bunch of scrub pugs who offer zero pvp challenge. I hate pugs, but again, there's no incentive to vault beyond Monday, so all the best vaulters have moved on to other activities. As for Immortal queuing - OMG so bugged. It was better this past reign. We did not get sent to the back of the queue randomly for no apparent reason. However, we still missed a lot of vault bcz one member zoned out, was teleporting, got a phone call, DC'ed etc. Just let the Immortal party enter the vault even if it's one player. The original Immortal vault entry was like that, but they took it away. In fact, you could join/enter one at a time, up to 4 players. I do prefer the pre-formed party system, but PLEASE LET 3 OF US ENTER BECAUSE SOMETIMES THERE ARE ISSUES WITH THE 4TH PLAYER. Nothing is more frustrating than being sent to the back of the queue and losing that opportunity at more vault points. Vault picks are so bad. Maybe only 3 or 4 leggos are valuable, the rest are all glowing shards. We need better quality picks. Because the good gear choices are so limited, even with being rank 2 barb, I just let others pick what should have been my gear but for the fact I already had better gear. I needed an off hand, but you know in 7 weeks, it never happened. But 4 attribute or eternal gear might have been an enticing option. Sadly, these were never once in the vault. I was literally spending about 15 hours of my time weekly on something for which I got ZERO REWARD after capping hilts. Ok the hilts from distribution - that's it. EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTING TO SPEND SO MUCH TIME FOR SO LITTLE REWARD. Vault loot is boring. Again, only leggos. The system is already set up for green set items, but it's not used. Also and again, gems should be part of Immortal distribution. For the love of Akarat, make the rewards better. Not sure why Blizzard are such cheapwad scrooges, but they are! Kions - again, leggos suck. It's only worth it for the keys and the weekly leg crest. Rewards need to be better. For Vigil, as a Shadow, I cannot join late. I get an error message saying that battle has already ended, although it is still ongoing and will be for many minutes. I assume this is some kind of bug, but it sucks because Shadows are being locked out from joining late. (I'm not sure about Immortals because I never tried to join late when Immortal.) This needs to be addressed and has needed to be addressed since day one of Vigil. Blessed Reign. Ya, having done all the long hard arduous tedious work to get to week 7, but lose ROE really sucks. It leaves you feeling like WTF for several days. It will also continue to concentrate power within 3 clans on a server as one alliance gains final dominance. Sadly, due to literally one jackass (not gonna name him but his name is a type of cracker) in another clan for our alliance, an ultimatum was given him or the whole clan. The clan leaders picked him - bad move. They were removed from our alliance and we went with another clan that is lower drama but also low power. Meanwhile that other clan lost dozens of people - many server transferred out including the jackass who started the whole problem. So that clan is now considered toxic, many players who were there from inception left - limping along at 80 members. Our alliance could not pull off a blessed reign because of lack of power and that old clan wont get Immortal because now the server balance of power shifted to the other main alliance - which will get blessed. Hard lesson learned about thinking keeping one drama mama anti-social element in your clan to the detriment of 299 other people. We had a pretty balanced server before all this shit went down, but now it will be like so many other servers I hear about AND also the server I left due to one over-domineering alliance of whales. I feel sad. And I hope that one anti-social element rots, tho I'm.sure he thinks he is the victim in all this. It's amazing that one nasty uncooperative and hate-filled person can set in motion a series of events that can completely destroy a server - but they can. So ya, I'm feeling bummed because no more blessed reigns for me, it looks like, unless I want to join that other alliance. I dont. So then, why should I work so hard as an Immortal? Nothing more in it for me. I will never get the final 2 cloaks as it stands. So ya, I agree the cloaks should be available to those who also put in a lot of work but don't get the blessed reign. Challenge of the Immortal has been made so biased against the Immortals. Now with Draft Cryptic necro pants being known and used, our Immortal got slaughtered. I think there was issues with his piloting, but Dam! It is a lot of stress on the Immortal. Linking dominance to Blessed reign is an EXCELLENT IDEA. I like it. We git over 700K one reign. No, the bug on Wall of Honor has been there for a while. Players missing as well as whole reigns missing. Agreed, should be there.
@Mao_DI 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for taking the time to watch my video and leave a thoughful comment about the points I raised! Also for sharing the story about your server... Unfortunately this doesn't make me surprised all that much after playing the game since release 😅Let's hope something is done at least regarding the Blessed reigns!
@Gatherey 5 месяцев назад
They need to look into: (I think you mentioned all of them, posted this before watching :D ) 1. Skipping tutorial 2. Improving weekly Vault rewards - why the hell there are filters for set items which are never there? Plus they need to add filter for classes. I often take something from my off-class and now it's basically either my current class or all others at once. 3. Why stuff from Sunday goes over to the next week? 4. Hoarding sigils needs to go.
@Mao_DI 5 месяцев назад
I mentioned a few more things but you covered the majority of it! 😂 It's a shame because most of those issues have been the same since release. Hope these will be tweaked in the near future!
@Waargaz 5 месяцев назад
Mentioned restriction for max amount of contribution per week and drama with Kion are matters of clan politics actually. In alliance i play in there is a rule that players who contribute more than 1300 per week will be banned from Kion for the next week or kicked completely from clan if it will repeat (well this applies if this person also picked the highest cr item in the vault, otherwise this person is untouched). Also on the first week of the Reign immortals officers who initiate Kion prioritize those who haven't claimed Leg crest yet, so everyone can get it
@Mao_DI 5 месяцев назад
It's possible these are matters of clan politics like you said. Sometimes it's hard to put the blame on 100% on players when everything regarding enforcing rules is left to other players to enforce rather than the game itself. I've found that it can be unrealistic to have 300 different people all follow the same set of rules and values. Especially when you consider that it's a mobile game where people may not always have time to login or check the rules. Also for some of them it may be the first being Immortal and they may have extra challenges compared to immortal veterans. I've been immortal with 3 different clans and in each of those reigns they had slightly different rules and ways of doing things which were determined by the clan leadership. This lack of consistency can also add another layer of complexity for players
@deathspeakerjurdann7784 5 месяцев назад
in my server those who surprass the weekly cap by 10% cuz they saved sigils, are kicked from the guilds same for those who activate corvus without all inside the instance.
@Mao_DI 5 месяцев назад
Yeah, in those cases since there is no rule enforced by the game it is up to the leadership to enforce how they see fit. Each reign will do things a bit differently. Unfortunately there is no perfect solution in my mind unless there is a weekly auto-contribute like I mentioned. This may help alleviate frustration among players
@zachlancaster1221 5 месяцев назад
Sounds dumb af, like you can pull their elite status which will prevent Kions & vault distribution requests. & Corvus, anyone at all can open a corv raid. Start your own & burgerking that Isht
@Iblackholel 5 месяцев назад
Absolutely agree Mao! I was also annoyed when LemonWolf came in first place just because he saved for several weeks, this is not fair and should be punished in our clan!
@Mao_DI 5 месяцев назад
Haha, the video is not meant to single out a specific player. Each week there were different players doing this, sometimes by mistake and sometimes on purpose as I mentioned It is a bit tedious for officers/leaders to spend their time enforcing rules on those players rather than enjoying the game. This can also cause needless drama. Auto-contribute would solve this issue and no one would need to be "punished"
@Iblackholel 5 месяцев назад
@@Mao_DIyou right, no need to stir up conflict, thx for answer 🤍
@jaygee599 4 месяца назад
On our server, we set rules for our immortals to not hold sigils… if they do. They get booted from the clan
@atroposgr 5 месяцев назад
Nice video and thoughtfull suggestions. If you dont mind me asking, what kind of reign is this where you beat Shadows 10-0 every week? Is it fun?
@jonathanbenoza8136 5 месяцев назад
feels like immortals tend to be out of touch at how sucky gettiing rekt every week at every possible opportunity feels like for the rest of us
@Mao_DI 5 месяцев назад
Great question and thank you! As a player of the alliance I can see the work put in by the leadership to organise teams every week so in some sense I can respect the weekly effort and dedication put in. The idea of 'fun' is very subjective but if you're asking me personally I usually lean more towards PvE activities over PvP in this game. Setting goals and challenges for myself as well as sharing achievements along the way is fun for me It's no secret that PvP in this game is not perfectly balanced, far from it. Almost all on-server PvP activities have never really had any kind of balance whatsoever. This is the design of the game. We as players should strive to give it our best and enjoy our time. 10-0 stomps were never a regular occurrence on my server but I think this has become more regular due to the issues which I tired to address about blessed reigns in the final section of the video. Many of the strongest players want to push to try to unlock the cosmetics which means they will be incentivised to form the strongest alliances they can. Whole clans will end up switching servers if the competition gets too fierce or if they want to try their luck in forming their own alliance somewhere else. This will almost always end up leaving Shadows in a weaker state especially since they require 10 different clans to perform in the RoE
@jonathanbenoza8136 5 месяцев назад
@@Mao_DI if your definition of fun is always at the expense of others, you shouldnt consider it fun, just my opinion.
@nikolayvalentinov2059 5 месяцев назад
Hey Mao, first I like to say that I love your content and that you are doing great job (testing, pushing and providing valuable data for the F2P players). Second I also think that the drama caused by this blessed reing is soo toxic in our server Ancients. I normally stay away from all the drama and try to enjoy the game as much as can as f2p player, but have to say that last night I was frustrated to see how 7 shadow clans where just running around and not hitting the immortal, it felled like almost the entire server is working for the top 3 clans that have the strongest players in our server, and to be honest for that reason I felled a bit of joy to see the immortal fell. This is the type of fillings and drama that I try to avoid in order to continue playing. I love DI and I hate to see the game turn into toxic pool that you cannot avoid.
@Mao_DI 5 месяцев назад
100% agree with you. I also like to stay away from these things as much as possible. I have heard of issues similar to this on other servers too and hope the developer can do something to ease these situations as well as addressing some of the other issues I brought up in this video. Sometimes it's hard to know what's going on behind the scenes as a player that mostly keeps to themself and a close group of friends. At the end of the day for most people including myself we login to enjoy our time gaming not get involved in drama or clan politics 😑
@MateenDI 5 месяцев назад
Peace warders is one of the few servers would genuine competition. So glad, I'd hate to be in a whale clan just winning by default
@Dxeron 5 месяцев назад
You mad lads still grinding oh my
@Mao_DI 5 месяцев назад
@Dxeron 5 месяцев назад
@@Mao_DI❤. And I’m also hearing mr bones is no longer on the wall? Devastated.
@Mao_DI 5 месяцев назад
@@Dxeron They better fix it or we riot!
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