
Liberalism is Elitist | Stephen Horvath | Part 1 of 8 

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The motion: This house believes Liberalism has Become Elitist.
Stephen Horvath opens the case for the Proposition, as the first speaker of eight in the debate.
Motion Defeated
ABOUT THE OXFORD UNION SOCIETY: The Oxford Union is the world's most prestigious debating society, with an unparalleled reputation for bringing international guests and speakers to Oxford. Since 1823, the Union has been promoting debate and discussion not just in Oxford University, but across the globe.



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@johnnicholson2070 7 лет назад
This guy is a liberal elitist, and what many would now call a "social justice warrior". His constant talk of "white males" and "white privilege" is unlikely to be well received by the white working class who have had to accept mass, uncontrolled immigration and deindustrialisation and the constant arrogant scorn of people like him. They don't care about "trans" issues or any of that cultural Marxist stuff which only concerns small university bubbles and the metropolitan elite. They care about patriotism, jobs, border control etc., whereas this guy seems to think that more social liberalism and statism is the answer. He is totally out of touch with the working classes he tries to represent in this debate.
@giantfactory 7 лет назад
"Out of touch white men.." Anytime someone wants to put this overused trope into a debate, I get glassy eyed and stop listening.
@rumco 7 лет назад
I couldn't competitively debate and defend utter nonsense like he does.
@rumco 7 лет назад
I'm sorry, are you saying anything? All I can hear is AUTISTIC SCREECHING.
@reekosqueeze2328 7 лет назад
They are the biggest University in the world. If you had any brain cells you would understand it's a debate so if you're so goo you go on there
@rumco 7 лет назад
You people must be cretins. All I said is that I personally could not argue, competitively, that Stalin was a good guy or socialism is desirable. That's all.
@rumco 7 лет назад
Wank off to some anime.
@aventura8491 7 лет назад
+Angry Hedonist Demon Typical highly aggressive commie turd with zero counter argument whatsoever. Nice!
@AleksandarBloom 7 лет назад
We traded values of enlightenment for liberalism and there it is. I quoted Lenin and they all scattered.
@hjge1012 7 лет назад
I'm pretty sure you could make a case for liberalism being elitist. This however... is not how you do it. Also did I put the speed on 2x? Or what's going on here? Chill out my dude.
@MihaiViteazul100 7 лет назад
Who is the Asian guy that's in every single debate, how many t-shirts does he have and why doesn't someone buy him a suit?
@arthgupta 7 лет назад
Hahahah He's Brian Wong and he's a legend to the world of debating.
@chizza1234 7 лет назад
Why does he always stand up and embarrass himself with his Stalinist views?
@fedor6595 7 лет назад
Facts don't care about your feelings
@Dark3nedDragon 7 лет назад
Yes because enforcing our laws by deporting illegal immigrants is racist, laws that have existed for quite awhile I might add.
@Dark3nedDragon 7 лет назад
As far as I am concerned, it doesn't matter the race of illegal immigrant, they should all be deported, every last one. Exceptions always weaken the law, and the law should be absolute. These people broke our laws by entering our country, the greater majority of them never even attempt to file paperwork to enter legally, or worse yet, stay here for years after entering illegally and never bother to apply for legal status. No matter your nationality, we have laws in place for a reason. What's your obsession with bringing up Trump, and why exactly do you think I support him? Are you assuming because I am against illegal immigration, which is simply put, breaking our laws, that I support Trump?
@Dark3nedDragon 7 лет назад
Again, you're assuming that the majority of them do not first know the dangers of illegal immigration, and secondarily that they deserve a free pass when committing a crime. We do not give such free passes to the persons that already live here in poverty, who then go on to commit crimes because they have no other alternatives, in fact the amount of money wasted on these illegal immigrants could have instead been utilized to help the people that do live here as citizens, and do deserve some sort of aid from us. People that are not our citizens are not firstly our concern, those who are ours do.
@Dark3nedDragon 7 лет назад
Moreso, your first prerogative would be to give first-right unto those who broke our laws? And not to whom requested rightful access but were denied over a quota limit for the year? Part of which is no doubt shortened by the mass of illegal immigration occurring every year. You seek to deny access, perhaps even more as it is known to be an easier system to simply enter illegally and get a free ride after, than to request legally and be denied? Your ideals would directly conflict with the sense of justice and morality that we as a nation stand for, to pardon the criminals that broke our laws, at the cost of those who faithfully followed, this is as to why we are diametrically opposed in this measure, as many other. You seek to name call and insult in your ignorance, whereas I have thoughtfully considered both sides to seek out a position in which to stand. Do not be morose, consider those who would firstly seek rightful entry over they whose path strays against it.
@Dark3nedDragon 7 лет назад
And yet you have no rebuttal as to my points? Only more incessant insulting, how disappointing.
@1234oni1234 7 лет назад
In case you wonder why the term liberalism is so difficult to define, it used to be a vague term in the past already, and now it has become ambiguous as well. Classical liberalism was a vague term for the freedom of individuals from any state intervention according to capitalistic rationality: when the monarchs were overthrown in Europe, liberalism was, on the one hand, the right for everyone to vote and the division of powers in the government, but on the other also the unhindered individual's freedom to develop a market, which might have led to any harmful attitude by industrialists (exploitation of workers, monopolies, potentially harmful products). That is already a broad meaning for one term. today, liberalism has, in addition, a "wrong" use mainly through conservative people who describe with it left-wing politics, which makes the term unnecessarily ambiguous.
@xxivqz5638 7 лет назад
I'm no lefty; I don't like socialism. One of the reasons for this? Socialism's radical idealism, i.e., its dangerous, (almost) irrational detachment from reality. Stephen's position here is a case in point. Although I admire his passion and commitment to his values, some of which I happen to share, I can't agree with Stephen's conclusions. Just because people do not agree with the 'save the world now!' cause, doesn't mean things are bad or that people are morally bankrupt. That people think refugees should not be allowed into their countries, doesn't mean they want the latter to suffer or perish (only an extreme, narrow, and highly ambitious view of things would consider mankind's destiny, or even that of a few human beings, as its own responsability). That people want to succeed without being of any service to their neighbours, doesn't mean people are being mean to them, nor that they are incurring in some sort of 'per se' immoral behavior (Why should you be of service to your neighbour? Why should you be of any use to anyone? Because if you don't, then THEY wont reach success? You are not a mindless tool. You are not responsible for other people's success, nor happiness. Whenever people model their conduct after such utilitarian, 'help-thy-neighbour' views or premises, they do so out of their own free will; for it makes THEM feel better about themselves. Helping others is ultimately a personal choice, not "divine inspiration", nor the product of higher, suprahuman knowledge. That is, helping others is as human, and so, as selfish as any other voluntary human act is). So, regarding the proposition. I'd say that liberalism (socialism) has become elitist out of apathy (as many of the speakers have directly or indirectly suggested). Assuming this is the case, a crucial set of questions in need of answers would be: when and how does apathy enter Lefties' game; and, most importantly: why. _
@jamiemason6621 7 лет назад
who else couldn't stop watching the guy in the background falling asleep?
@yourliestopshere 7 лет назад
Oxford has not done much as you can clearly see. WTF is this guy talking about.
@gracefebriasih5998 4 месяца назад
Lo mau apapun gw kasih asal hal itu terjadi. Itulah kebahagiaan sejati. Gw CINTA.
@DocRealTalk 7 лет назад
Great point there at the end about using Martin Luther King's vision selevtively and totally ignoring how he proposed we get there lol Liberealism especially in the modern day is about getting small concessions and making global injustice more palatable.
@SunriatiGraceFebriasih 6 месяцев назад
Mahatma Gandhi orang India yang minta jadi Kristen mentalnya, emosi, kualitasnya rendahan karena jika dia sudah memutuskan ingin jadi Kristen seharusnya ketika diperlakukan kurang baik atau ditolak bila seekstrem itu ya oleh orang Inggris seharusnya dia tetap bertahan dan maju untuk pindah jadi Kristen. Bila loh orang Kristen yang baik Inggris di gereja yang nolak Mahatma Gandhi harusnya gak usah sejahat itu dan gw rasa Mahatma Gandhinya juga bukan motifnya ke Kristen deh tapi ada maksud terselubung sehingga gw rasa orang Inggris di gereja yang ketemu dia hati-hati
@curtisdavis5665 2 года назад
So Very, In Fact, I Want To Say You Are Doing The Lord's Work, Sir!
@thepaperclipguy 7 лет назад
i'm 21 i suddenly i hear a lot of people my age slating liberalism and i'm still trying to get my head round it. I mean whats the alternative? Conservatism? yikes
@shelbykate6195 7 лет назад
what rights have been taken away from American women? None.
@kawtharmarhoon2481 4 года назад
I could't get him without CC
@stuffystuffclub 7 лет назад
Hooray! Thank you for ordering your videos.
@idreeskhan8885 4 года назад
Yes the way he talks is strange, why should it matter though? His points still stands.
@maxomatosis_ 7 лет назад
horrible public speaker regardless of his points.
@SunriatiGraceFebriasih 9 месяцев назад
Penemuan yang bagus tuh piano
@5431241 7 лет назад
I want to become a student at this university
@Trinity-wear 5 лет назад
Good riddance to Left/Liberalism.
@rbolt2010 7 лет назад
I don't agree that people who praise David Cameron and Nick Clegg for bringing in same sex marriage are elitists. Yes, the hard work and campaigning of pressure groups and individuals helped raise the issue. However, only politicians in Parliament can actually effect a change on the law. I also don't think that relying on MPs to make a progressive change is elitist - on the contrary, it shows politicians listening to the society they serve.
@eliyabarzel9871 2 года назад
אני ימני, ליברלי ואנרכיסט
@mick947 3 года назад
It’s good that we have someone who would be considered an elite speaking out about gross inequality in our society. Thank you! A very powerful speech.
@VictorLejarsa 2 года назад
The man redefines liberalism as he wants, and uses the old sentences like “the white man” and “privilege”, while speaking from Oxford. He has no ideia what liberalism is. He’s just another student trying to get attention. Boring…
@TheHollandHS 4 года назад
French culture politics are maybe behind it. With the rise of the Anti Americanism trend, the consistent war shame on the Germans and Britain leaving the EU, leaves only France now able to seek cultural dominance in the liberal western world throughout an culturally French dominated Brussels since Belgian independence from Holland around 200 years , and also finally spreading its extreme socially hierachical elite culture in the political west. This is why politicians sadly grow social elite habits towards the common people which clearly is the result of recent French cultural dominance. And now the west risks getting another " guillotine rage of the mass".
@benpoole4602 6 лет назад
This guys whole argument is that if your political your elitist, fuck me you like toast? Elitist. What’s that you like the colour red? Elitist !
@GenericName0 4 года назад
A bunch of elites debate whether or not they are elites....
@EuropeanQoheleth 7 лет назад
0:56 Oh please. Women do have control over their bodies but you're not allowed to murder babies whether it is your body or not.
@SunriatiGraceFebriasih 5 месяцев назад
Grace 3 tahunnya memang merendahkan barat tapi 🌹tricky🌹 gw suka banget mata bulat belo terenak gw & tercantik plus rambut cokelatnya berarti gw suka banget western cuman "kalian yang tahu" yang salah menginterpretasikannya, seharusnya jangan sampai "membuat gw gak tinggi setinggi 185 cm," gw tahu manusia indonesia memang bego tidak sepintar polandia apalagi ke austria yang hirarkinya lebih tinggi sehingga ikut pola permainan kalian memendekkan saya: Sunriati Grace Febriasih.
@eliyabarzel9871 2 года назад
אני בעד תחרות במשק
@vyro3794 4 года назад
All I’m seeing is a bunch of kids talking about something that’s not in their hands.
@SunriatiGraceFebriasih 6 месяцев назад
Tahun 2012 adalah tahun kiamat
@SunriatiGraceFebriasih 6 месяцев назад
Sama seperti kartu tarot yang gw dapat di mall semarang simpang lima dimana gw bayar peramal ada cinta di GEREJA
@eliyabarzel9871 2 года назад
אני בעד קומוניזם
@sTL45oUw 7 лет назад
If I dress nice do I get to sit on the bench in front of the camera?
@TheCoolestJose 7 лет назад
Bad thumbnail
@sherrysmithperry8438 3 года назад
Not good
@danmalt7115 4 года назад
Thems tuk mer jerb
@sTL45oUw 7 лет назад
He talks too fast and in a very monotonous voice. The entire audience looks spaced out.
@sTL45oUw 7 лет назад
Fucking hypnosis
@sTL45oUw 7 лет назад
And that Asian prick
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