
Living Proof - Stories of Hope - Recovery from ME Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 

Living Proof - Stories of Hope
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Fiona lived with ME for 14 years, until finally discovering a route to recovery through science which taught her that her symptoms were caused by her brain and nervous system. By employing a range of mindbody tools and techniques she was able to fully reverse all her symptoms and regain a healthy and active life.
Many thousands of people are now recovering from 'misunderstood' health conditions through this science. Living Proof is a UK-based non-profit social enterprise that aims to help people understand that there is hope, and that they can retain their health, freedom and dignity. Find out more at www.livingproof.org.uk @Living_ProofUK



22 сен 2022




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@toneyfree7179 Год назад
To all of you suffering from this illness, you are not alone, you are strong, don't give up hope I pray for all of you 🙏 ❤️
@Kontraleah Год назад
The improvement seen here may very well just be attributed to the cyclical & unpredictable nature of the disease. Forgive my skepticism. I’m just exhausted and when my family sends me videos like this it makes me feel like I’m just not trying hard enough, or worse yet, that I’m choosing to be sick. I fight against that stigma every single day and my heart is so big for this community of formerly vibrant individuals left to suffer. No one is harder on me than I am on myself, and videos like these give my family unrealistic expectations, it just makes it harder for everyone. I’m cringing at myself right now because I do not want to cause hurt or neglect to celebrate with those who have improved…I’m sincerely happy for them. It’s just hard. What I’m really mad at is the disease.
Hi Leah, thank you for your comments and sorry to hear you are struggling so badly with these symptoms; we know from our experience how hard and how miserable it is. We understand your skepticism - Fiona herself was also skeptical about this for many years, and I too as one of the film producers was skeptical at first (I also recovered from ME/CFS through these methods). We are not isolated examples, between us we know hundreds of people who have recovered this way. We are definitely not suggesting anyone is choosing to be sick. What we are saying is that people do have the power to heal themselves - which we'd suggest is an amazing thing, not something to be feared or dreaded. The specific programme Fiona used is an app called Curable - you can download and access a lot of the initial content for free - it's broken up into bitesize lessons so that people with limited concentration due to illness can still take it in. It can't cause you any harm so you could consider giving it a try - there is literally nothing to lose. But if it's not for you, that is no problem. We are happy to be helping some people, but perhaps not everyone.
@fionasstory6126 Год назад
Leah I felt Penny's response below was excellent but wanted to say I'm sorry you're exhausted. Nothing about what got me better involved moving away from choosing to be ill or trying hard. There is indeed a lot of stigma around M.E - that needs to change. It's a dreadful condition and I'm so sorry you have it. I am sure my improvement wasn't a random recovery for really quite a lot of reasons, but especially because I've now seen the same science help many other people with M.E recover. This science isn't necessarily a miracle cure, it won't help everyone, but it is very safe and you can learn about it at your own pace. It is absolutely worth giving the kinds of exercises I used a go, even if you've tried lots of other so-called cures. I certainly never thought I'd recover and yet here I am. I hope things get easier for you. Fiona
@rockerchick4368 Год назад
I'm approving, I'm scared for a CRASH!
@PIXIE6073 Год назад
I totally hear you! I was diagnosed at 20, I was so ill for 5 long years. Then little by little things started easing and I was able to do more and more until I was running 5 miles a day! I had never felt or looked better, I was so happy and had a new appreciation for my health… then one day (around 4 years later and at this point I’m about 30) I woke up and felt the similar M.E symptoms, I pushed it to the back of my mind thinking it was probably a virus, it wasn’t, it never went away , just got worse and worse. I’m 49 now, housebound and my life is so small. I honestly think there’s so much more to this disease than has yet been discovered. I have tried so many things from diet to all sorts of therapy and nothing has helped for any length of time. For those that have healed permanently you are truly blessed. 💚
@Kontraleah Год назад
Thank you, all, for such thoughtful and considerate responses. I didn’t used to be a negative person before I got sick. It’s all just been so very defeating. I, too, had experienced the same cyclical nature you mention, peppermint. You’re so right, it’s complex and there’s so much yet to be discovered. In the meantime the least I can hope for is growing awareness & support. Some of the sickest individuals remain unsupported by even their families due to stigma and misinformation and it’s truly heartbreaking. Fiona, thank you for sharing pieces of your story and contributing to hope. I again appreciate such encouraging & considerate responses. ❤️
@tracyexell5023 Год назад
This is so amazing, so genuine and gives me such hope. That laugh at the end was just the best - where she's just so happy to have her life back. Brought tears to me eyes. I hope this can be me some day!
Hi Tracy, yes we like the laugh too! Says it all really. Plenty of people are recovering this way - we hope you will give it a try yourself - let us know how you get on :)
@Kontraleah Год назад
I have very mixed feelings about this. But the overwhelming feeling is shame. I’m happy for that small percentage of people who find healing. Sincerely.
@bhaktifleishman3173 Год назад
Leah, I can relate to feeling like if I dont get better then people judge that I am not trying hard enough. Please know that you are a true hero with the generosity to feel supportive of others even as you suffer. I'm proud of you for speaking your truth.
@Kontraleah Год назад
@@bhaktifleishman3173 oh, my heart… that is the kindest comment. Thank you. One thing I know is that the MECFS community is some of the most empathetic, realistic & resilient people on the planet. Thank you for sharing a bit of your experience that relates to mine. ❤️
@rockerchick4368 8 месяцев назад
Helpful ❤❤❤
@ezza1236 4 месяца назад
Seriously stop being a victim The percentage of peoooe recovering is bullshit If it’s possible to heal then it’s possible for you, other people can do it, how can you be so negative, look at the evidence of people recovering
Hi, yes Fiona had this symptom and has resolved it fully. She is completely well.
@jessicanilsson5941 Год назад
Is it possible to come in cntact with Fiona ?
@Kaazzaam88 Год назад
What a beautiful story Fiona, I'm currently on the same journey, slowly recovering from ME/CFS now... I can't describe how grateful I am for this, life is so beautiful... thank your for sharing your story, this was very motivating, I wish you all the best for your life, lots of Love 💜
Thank you for your comments, best of luck with your own recovery, lots more info on our website to help you along www.livingproof.org.uk
@felixsanchez213 10 месяцев назад
What are you doing to recover?
@aglemonlover7709 3 месяца назад
How are you doing now?:))
@idragonfly Год назад
This is the kind of story that inspires me to the core. ~ Thank you Fiona, for sharing this with us. 🌴🌼🧚‍♀ Mahalo and kind regards from Hawaii
Thanks for your comment, we hoped to inspire people by making the film so it is great to hear it’s working! 🙏🏻
@Healingispossible1313 9 месяцев назад
I have healed too after 10 years of suffering. It’s absolutely possible. I healed with natural therapies, meditation and brain retraining. My testimonial is on my channel. Thank you for sharing so happy for you ❤
@stephenhocking9467 8 месяцев назад
The problem is that this kind of stuff isn’t replicated in any observable or clinical setting. All of the evidence for this kind of stuff was reviewed by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence and was found to be of very low quality. The problem we have as group of patients is that people who are sadly mentally ill do find their way into our ranks. Because we don’t currently have an easily reproductive biomarker we are the disease that these people end up mistakenly thinking they have. Being cured of our often lifelong and real issues by an app is just a good way of discovering that you never did have ME/CFS in the first place. I’m glad that Fiona is feeling better but assuming that her story means we are all similarly mentally ill just doesn’t make sense. Like I say I’m glad she is better but suggesting that she has found the answer to a disease that has confounded medicine is just not a productive thing to do.
@fionasstory6126 8 месяцев назад
I think the really sad thing is the ME community doesn't realise how comments like these make them look. When I was ill I never wanted people saying things like this in my name. It's a terrible comment to write and actually inaccurate in that the NICE guidelines haven't considered what helped me actually recover
@stephenhocking9467 8 месяцев назад
Being gaslighted by someone who mistakenly thought they had ME for 14 years is the cherry on top for my experience with ME. I personally don’t believe that childhood trauma can give you a post infection associated disease. You’re the one I feel sorry for. It must be difficult to make sense of why and what led you to this state for so many years. Mistakenly believing that you had ME and then buying into this nonsense is a kind of extreme form of self punishment/revenge on your former self. I can tell you that having REAL ME is infinitely worse than you can imagine.
@stephenhocking9467 8 месяцев назад
And btw insisted that Brain Training or CBT have not been reviewed by NICE is utterly false but I’m not surprised that you would say something like that. Just because it is packaged differently doesn’t make the principles any different. Curable £100 per annum 500k subscribers = £50,000000 per annum!
@fionasstory6126 8 месяцев назад
You have no idea how badly you're coming across. This is only harming the community 😔
@fionasstory6126 8 месяцев назад
Ah I realised you are the man who spent over 24hrs being aggressive on my Twitter. Funny to claim to have M.E then have the energy to relentlessly attack someone over the course of a couple of days. You are a bully and that is all there is to this.
@jodydavison33 Год назад
Beautiful story. I'm thrilled for this young woman finding herself again!
Thank you yes it's great - and so many thousands of people are now regaining their lives through this approach to chronic conditions.
@josieramirez9483 11 дней назад
❤❤❤❤❤❤ I am happy for her. I look forward to recovering my health too. I want to feel good in my body again and go on adventures like she is doing too.
@charlottebest1122 6 месяцев назад
I cried watching this, god bless you Fiona x
@fionasstory6126 6 месяцев назад
Thank you ❤
@aglemonlover7709 3 месяца назад
This was very empowering, thank you so much Fiona and the Living Proof team.💕 I am struggling now and am excited to look into the Curable app and find other motivational stories like these.
@livingproof-storiesofhope6314 3 месяца назад
Thank you for your comments - we are delighted you found the film empowering. Lots of resources and recovery stories linked on our website (including a 6-week free trial to the Curable app): www.livingproof.org.uk/list-of-resources. We wish you all the best with your recovery, you can do this.
@yogaforwitches Год назад
Beautiful Brave Fiona! What an inspiration you are! With love, Sarah xxx
@lizzieh5284 Год назад
I am in my 60s and have had ME/CFS for many years. I had a traumatic childhood and teenage years. believe it is my body living at a high state of anxiety for many years plus viruses.I have tried supplements, alternative therapies and private clinics. The only thing that helped a bit was aromatheraoy massage. I am now in a very good place mentally after many years of therapy and work on myself. I use meditation/mindfulness, writing my feelings down, good diet, yoga and stretching (when i can manage it). I am also less of a perfectionist than i was but still get the exhaustion. Thankfully any pain I have I can manage. I have niw accepted that this is as well as i'll ever be, there is no miracke cure. I am managing the condition thd best I can. Perhaps younger people will be helped by this advice but I see nothing in it that I am not already doing.
Thanks Lizzie and sorry to hear you are still struggling with ME symptoms. This approach is first and foremost about understanding the theory and the science, then applying the tools within that new context and mindset. The tools alone without the mindset shift will only take you so far. This science won't necessarily help everyone but many are recovering. Age isn't relevant :)
@fionasstory6126 Год назад
I would echo this. What helped me recover looks simple on the outside and it is but you need an understanding of the science along with the tools. It sounds like you're doing so well but it's really worth diving into Sarno's theories fully. They might well help you further
@thedancingdivaofdaviestree2320 19 дней назад
Without doubt, you are right, Lizzie, about your traumatic childhood causing your symptoms, as your nervous system goes into Fight or Flight, which floods you with stress chemicals and hormones helpful when you're running from a bear - but harmful when it becomes long term. I too had a traumatic birth and was bullied as a child. A trauma counselor told me that trauma gets trapped in the body. Using Peter Levine's pioneering techniques for trauma release has helped me hugely, and then discovering somatic and neuroplastic work has helped me recover enormously, even after suffering with it for 54 years. It can take longer for those of us who had it for decades, particularly if you have a lot of major stresses in your life. But I'm learning new ways to manage them, and my pain has reduced MASSIVELY, and my energy increased. As someone who was mostly housebound and bedridden for years, I'm thrilled to be dancing, writing, performing and socializing again. And I AM in my late 60s - so you don't have to be young to recovery from ME/CFS -- even if you've had it for over half a century, as I have. I wish you the best of luck, and DO understand - I thought for years I would never recovery any further myself. But I kept at it, kept learning, changing, and growing - and it's finally paying off. Thanks, Fiona - what a wonderful story and SO inspiring on days when I feel like the fibro is kicking my butt! But I keep creating safety and doing somatic tracking, telling my overactive crocodile brain I call "Croco Pops" - 'We're fine and perfectly safe. This is all harmless, and I WILL heal." And it's working. I hope one day to be on top of that mountain with you, fully recovered! But I'm still thrilled I've recovered by 80%, and got my life back.
@thedancingdivaofdaviestree2320 19 дней назад
@@fionasstory6126 Dr Howard Schubiner's videos and book and Alan Gordon's book The Way Out are also helpful. For me, they had new research that added onto Dr. Sarno's work I found particularly helpful for ME/CFS and Fibro pain.
@lizzieh5284 18 дней назад
@@thedancingdivaofdaviestree2320 thank you so much for telling how you have managed your ME/CFS and how your life has chhanged for the better. It is so inspiring to hear of an older person whose health has improved. It gives me hope. 😊
@elgeco83 Год назад
So moving and so happy for you Fiona 🤗
@adriennedarrah4794 Год назад
@blahblah6766 Год назад
What an inspiring story! I also recovered from ME, using similar techniques.
@jessicanilsson5941 Год назад
Hi how did you do ? How do you got your brain safe ?
@annevaleriesaez6159 Год назад
Did you used the same techniques? Or did you do another program? Like a brain retraining one? Thanks
@poppywildman5717 Год назад
Wow, what a beautiful soul!!!! I'm significantly recovered from severe cfs using a similar program, it's incredible xxx✨️✨️✨️💖💖💖
@fionasstory6126 Год назад
That's incredible, thank you so much for sharing that (Fiona)
@aglemonlover7709 3 месяца назад
May I ask what program? How are you doing now?:))
@poppywildman5717 3 месяца назад
@@aglemonlover7709 Hi! I used 'Be your own medicine' and 'CFS School', but essentially I used Dr Sarno's TMS approach. I am doing very well still now thank you :)
@jl2006 7 месяцев назад
Bless you - good news.
@lb2229 6 месяцев назад
This is so wonderful to read & so promising! 😢❤ Thank you for sharing!
@RaelanAgle 8 месяцев назад
This is incredible! Thank you for this beautifully inspiring and informative video ❤
@fionasstory6126 8 месяцев назад
Thank you so much. I love what you're doing with your channel so it's great to see your name pop up here (Fiona)
@susanWilder2175 9 месяцев назад
Such joy!
@mihakavcic7237 Год назад
What a beautiful soul. 💖
@Ivar1231 Год назад
That hill was her mountain. I’m still struggling after 22 years
@lifesong8484 Год назад
One of the most disabling symptoms of ME/CFS is the extreme cognitive difficulties most ppl with this condition have. I wonder if Fiona was completely healed in this area too (assuming she had this symptom)?
Hi - yes Fiona had brain fog and it is completely resolved. She lives a completely healthy life now.
@wildgardens 9 месяцев назад
I did the curable app and ANS rewire and Im still sick. I got covid 3.5 years ago and have been totally housebound this whole time. Ive read enough neurorplasticity stuff and done the whole mindset thing which only caused me to overexert myself and have terrible crashes. Seems to me that there is a group of people who perhaps only have the dysregulated ANS part and maybe that can be alleviated by positive thinking, meditation and calming thoughts, stopping negative thoughts, elevating emotions etc. But for those of us with elevated inflammatory markers and more complex pathophysiology going on this approach just does not work. Hopefully in the future there will be better phenotyping to figure out all these different subsets as this illness clearly exists on a giant spectrum.
@livingproof-storiesofhope6314 9 месяцев назад
Hi - sorry to hear you are so sick. For information, a dysregulated ANS can cause all of the biological/physical issues you mention; those are examples of how the dysregulation manifests. We wish you all the best for finding a resolution soon 🙏🏻
@wildgardens 9 месяцев назад
@@livingproof-storiesofhope6314 Maybe? but also a lot of other things could such as viral reactivation/persistence, endothelial issues, mitochondrial problems, microclots, autoimmunity etc, there is still lots of research going on finding various pathologies. That is why it is so important we get the phenotyping right with biomarkers so we can get individualised treatment. I think for some of us our underlying pathology is more complex so simply calming down the nervous system to feel safe is just not sufficient. If someone can recover from these dreadful symptoms using these simple practises then good for them, certainly no harm in trying!
@sneakypress 7 месяцев назад
@@livingproof-storiesofhope6314 @wildgardens post has valid points. If Fiona (in the video) tried this approach five or ten years earlier, it probably would not have helped much, as her body may not have recovered enough from the prolonged resting period. Also, her caring and supportive parents, have no doubt made a big difference (in helping her recover).
@sneakypress 7 месяцев назад
Also, you can see from / in the photos at the beginning of the video, the terrible state that Fiona was in years earlier. Years of rest, has allowed this mind-body approach to help. It was Fiona’s time to recover considerably.
@reiniweigel3070 6 месяцев назад
I'm also someone having done lots including ANS rewire, Curable, reading many books, podcasts etc.... 20 years of illness!! ANS rewire, started to give me hope 5 years ago with it's mind body techniques. I still believe it will work, but the healing environment needs to be set and mine has never been good enough to recover. But it will. I've seem glimbses. I continue to adjust new bits and pieces. There is so much involved! Changing your personality traits and rewiring all those fearful thoughts, behaviours and attention to symptoms...and true rest, not lying down and ruminating... It is really a huge job for most with CFS or Fibromyalgia. But it has worked for many and why not for me. And you?
@sublimestudi000 Год назад
@rockerchick4368 Год назад
Fiona, reminds me of a beautiful friend, in Aspen, Colorado. ♡☆♡☆♡ My Aspen friend, hikes mountains ! ⛰️
@rockerchick4368 Год назад
I've watched FIONA , on this over 8 TIME'S! So, very inspiring! Thank you FIONA. CHARLENE JUERGENS ♡☆♡☆♡
@DorienFlowerDesign Год назад
What a beautiful great story !!! Tears of hope tears THANK YOUUUUUUU 🙏❤️🙏❤️
@sarahs5340 Год назад
Oh my goodness, I relate to her so much.
Hi Sarah, thanks for your comment. Hope this can help you on your road to recovery ❤️‍🩹🙏🏻
@rockerchick4368 11 месяцев назад
I refer back to Fiona. It's very helpful for me. I'm working part time, without restrictions. THANK YOU! I also can walk up Hills, now. 😊😊❤
@fionasstory6126 11 месяцев назад
How amazing, well done
@rockerchick4368 8 месяцев назад
Watching again!!! This has been very helpful for me . I perform a little better at work. I go for walks in the Forest. SHINRIN YOKU ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hi, please have a look at our website livingproof.org.uk where we offer a full list of resources. The specific one she used was the Curable app.
@rockerchick4368 Год назад
I'M watching this again. It's extremely helpful. Unfortunately, I got Bronchitis in the beginning of winter. Set back! I do manage to work just part-time . I do manage to pay my rent. HAVE TO.
@kesstron1 Год назад
You didn’t have M.E.
@Kontraleah Год назад
Thank you for this. I feel sad watching this.
@fionasstory6126 Год назад
I knew when I started telling my story that some people would think this. It's something I used to say about people I saw recover, too. I wanted to address your comment for the benefit of you and anyone else reading these comments who also thinks this. I got M.E after catching a series of viruses. I had consistent PEM over the whole 14 years I was ill which was debilitating enough that I was unable to work or have children - that was a big deal for me as I'd always wanted to be a mum. I had POTS. I have a diagnosis of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. I also met the International Consensus Criteria which is respected as being something that accurately diagnoses M.E. I was 'treated' by specialists who all agreed I had M.E. So while I know many people still won't accept that I had it, I am confident that I did. And I'm confident too that what helped me recover has the potential to help lots of other people whose lives have been ruined by the condition.
@lucyilly428 10 месяцев назад
I’m so pleased for you. Thanks for telling your story. It gives me hope.
@pattimoe7043 Год назад
Fiona, you are such an inspiration. I need to add that people can recover from any type affliction with the mind/body work you did. I HAVE‼️ I suffered for 10 years with sitting pain that no doctor could diagnose. I believe it was nerve pain. I just wish others I know that are suffering with various problems CAN heal themselves. It is within our power to do this. Thank you for your amazing story💓
Thanks for this comment and yes you are absolutely right. We have another Living Proof film on this channel that features the story of Charli who recovered from chronic pain through the same methods. It’s truly revolutionary ❤
@lightofall Год назад
I've done years of meditation and all these exercises don't allow me still to exercise without many days in bed sleeping after
Hi there. Sorry to hear you are struggling with symptoms. This approach is first and foremost about understanding the theory and the science, then applying the tools within that new context and mindset. The tools alone without the mindset shift will only take you so far. You may find some of the resources listed on our website helpful for understanding more about the theory, if of interest: www.livingproof.org.uk/list-of-resources
@lightofall Год назад
@@livingproof-storiesofhope6314 thanks but I have a great mindset :) I was studying volunteering and travelling and living overseas. It isn't my mindset, it is physical exhaustion and autoimmune related with the cells literally attacking themselves. Do tell me how you think my mindset is stopping me from walking when I want to be exercising having children and meeting the man of my dreams?? I've lost 10 years to this illness. If it was mindset that is the issue many more people would recover.
@Lena.9 Год назад
@@lightofall You are right. It’s not the mindset for many of us. I am calm, happy for the majority of the time. Still declining slowly over the years. I do some nervous system exercises to activate the parasympathetic nerve. Because I believe the illness itself is a stressor for the body, but we cannot remove it unfortunately. But the exercises slightly reduce stress and give me better / deeper sleep. But that doesn’t have resulted in more energy unfortunately.
@ByeByeBelly Год назад
I understand this so much. I still exercise but I hate it. I feel very disabled despite forcing myself to do things. I used Curable for 2 years (on and off) with no improvement unfortunately
Please don’t give up. Perhaps other types of resources would work better for you, have a look at the list on our website www.livingproof.org.uk
@RyanSmith-uw2ni Год назад
How much is this program?
@@RyanSmith-uw2ni you can access a lot information for free on Curable before you hit the paywall. For some, this is enough to recover. Beyond that, you’d have to check on their website. There are also lots of other free or low cost resources on our volunteer-run website: www.livingproof.org.uk
@annevaleriesaez6159 Год назад
I have ME too, just dwl the app. But I'm very hopeful about this. 🤞 Thanks for the inspirational video. 😊
Glad you enjoyed the film Anne. Lots of other resources on our website too: www.livingproof.org.uk/list-of-resources
@jocelynalfante3524 10 месяцев назад
​@@livingproof-storiesofhope6314It is such an inspiration. I want to try what Fiona did. Where can I find the method? Where can I find the app to download? I'm hoping it will help me.
@rockerchick4368 Год назад
I watch this , and I didn't have my chronic Fatigue. When I woke. Then I had a excellent night at work.
Hi - this is amazing to hear! What we would recommend though is that you still do the work of retraining your brain and processing your emotions to make sure you stay well. More info at www.livingproof.org.uk
@annevaleriesaez6159 Год назад
@Fiona, did you continue pacing while trying the app? Thanks.
@fionasstory6126 11 месяцев назад
Sorry not to see this until now. I did! I very much felt that the change had to happen from the outside in. I couldn't risk pushing myself and then crashing.
@loobyluB Год назад
Wow I’ve recently followed a similar Path applying the principles from a book written about neuroplastic pain, how long would you say it took you to go from sick to being fully healed?
Hi there, it took Fiona in the film about 3 weeks to recover. I am one of the film makers and I also recovered from ME/CFS, it happened overnight for me, unbelievable though it sounds!
@lessons9745 Год назад
​@@livingproof-storiesofhope6314 is your story also on RU-vid?
@rg1869 5 месяцев назад
Hello! What program did Fiona do to get better? Please share. Thank you so much!
@livingproof-storiesofhope6314 5 месяцев назад
Hi there - the specific programme that Fiona followed was the Curable app. It's a great app but there are also lots of other resources available, many at a lower cost. More info here: www.livingproof.org.uk/list-of-resources
@asiaabbasi5228 Год назад
What type of programme you did
Hi, Fiona followed the programme on the Curable app. There are lots of similar low cost resources available, have a look at our website for more: www.living proof.org.uk 🙏🏻
@peachesmcgee4795 Год назад
Ooo,I've used Curable for pain too and had very positive results. I've had less success with the fatigue side of things though am continuing with the mind body work as well as ANS Rewire.
Keep going :) You'll get there
@peachesmcgee4795 Год назад
@@livingproof-storiesofhope6314 thanks so much. And thanks for sharing your experience. The hill bit really resonated with me. We have one near my house and I watch people walking down it to the river in awe of how they can get back up it!
@pennyg9866 Год назад
@@peachesmcgee4795 one day you won't be in awe anymore, you'll be walking it yourself :)
@peachesmcgee4795 Год назад
@@pennyg9866 I hope so-Thank you
@homemakersheart3614 Год назад
Hello, this is exactly where I am and I wondered if she could share the program she used? I have had CFS for 18 years and keep hitting a wall with pacing etc. I have listened to many recovery stories, but Fiona's hit me and my heart moved. Is there a way to connect with her about her journey? and learn about the program? Thank you so much, Dee
And thank you for the feedback, we are hoping this film can lead to people like you finding their way back to a healthy happy life ❤️
@arianamartin3348 Год назад
Hi Dee. I also had severe ME (was housebound and bedbound) and recovered using the same techniques as Fiona. There are several amazing mind-body resources out there - the one she is talking about specifically is the Curable app and this was the starting point for my recovery too: www.curablehealth.com/ I know it's hard to hear about different recovery approaches and have hope that they will actually work, but for me learning about the mind-body connection was a complete gamechanger - I finally understood my symptoms and it all started to click into place after so many years of confusion. And amazingly my recovery involved no resting or pacing whatsoever (which I had been relying on for years!). This short video by Dr Schubiner is also a great introduction to the mind-body recovery path: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-uATL44_wQtE.html
@tammyprovost8320 Год назад
Check out ANS Rewire with Dan Neuffer, or Raelan Agle's youtube podcasts - more multi-faceted approach, but big on brain retraining
You can also find a list of other resources, many of them low-cost, on our website www.livingproof.org.uk
@tempestblack3840 9 месяцев назад
Beware of Miguel Bautista - that person is a fraud who has ripped a lot of people off and offers practically nothing of actual value.
@irynadz1894 Год назад
Sorry, but what exactly books, techniques, sources did you use ? Thank you.
Hi - the specific programme Fiona used was the Curable app. But there are lots of different options and resources listed on our website: www.livingproof.org.uk/list-of-resources, you can see what might suit you best.
@rachellewidmann3621 5 месяцев назад
What is the programme though? What are the steps? The work involved is so abstract in a way. If its got clear and concrete steps, even if the process for an individual is as varied as eaxh mind is... It may seem possible if you still hold hope, even if its only a glimmer, as i do. I have been living with ME CFS for at least 22 years... Starting the decent sometime shortly after being 10 years of age... I have known for a while that i can probably find a way out through a mindbody approach. Its hard to do without concrete attainable clear steps when your existence is complete and utter exhaustion, even if you believe its possible, even if you have hope. So... HOW?
@livingproof-storiesofhope6314 5 месяцев назад
Hi Rachelle, sorry to hear you have been unwell for so long. The specific programme that Fiona followed was the Curable app. It is a fantastic app with a clear programme to follow, but it does have a cost attached. There are also many other resources available, many of them at a lower cost. More info on our website: www.livingproof.org.uk/list-of-resources. Very best of luck - thousands are now recovering with this science.
@alysonwong818 Год назад
What is the name of the Mind Body Programme used?
@fionasstory6126 11 месяцев назад
In my case I used Curable
@alysonwong818 11 месяцев назад
@@fionasstory6126 Thank you 🙂
@nanyaverey 9 месяцев назад
CFS is not a thought and it's absolutely real. I'm glad emotional work was enough for you, but it's not enough for majority of people suffering with this condition. My CRP is usually 10 to 20, and I can't make it less with my willpower - my body is making an inflammatory reaction in itself. I have a cold intolerance, exercise intolerance, sensory overload can make me crash, and I can't meditate myself through it - it's something my body is choosing to do, when I'm the least prepared for it. I do write down symptoms etc. to not feel so helpless. But it is a physical condition, not a purely mental one, often caused by some virus or a major strain to body like that. I'm feeling very sad today and I was looking for a real recovery story to cheer myself up, instead I have to watch this mumbo jumbo narrated by a person who may not even have the same illness as me, who involuntarily gaslights all the people who can't get better with just some emotional work.
@livingproof-storiesofhope6314 9 месяцев назад
Hi - sorry to hear you are struggling with CFS; it is indeed a miserable condition. Best of luck with it.
@fionasstory6126 9 месяцев назад
Hi, I just saw this comment and wanted to respond. I hope you know we think M.E is 100% real and absolutely it is physical. I also had consistently high inflammation markers (across years), crashed from things like sensory overstimulation and temperature extremes etc. My condition also started after a series of horrible viruses. I was ill enough that I was unable to have children. Did meditation cure me? Absolutely not. It is your choice but I would hope you'd look more closely at the techniques that helped me recover, even if just to rule them out. I started using them also thinking they were rubbish but they gave me back my life. It is absolutely up to you though, it has to be your choice. Anything about John Sarno's theories is worth looking into. Wishing you well as it's clear things are tough for you right now. I know both Penny and I are always happy to answer questions and there are so many free resources out there too. X
@jessicanilsson2437 Год назад
Hi Fiona ! I had/have like you ! High anixety/lots av toughts , burning pain in my head and body ! Im lost 😢sick since 7 years ! How did you get your brain safe ? All my life unsafe in my body , perfektion , high performance etc How I do ?
Hi Jessica, thanks for your message. Please have a look at our website www.livingproof.org.uk for more information and resources on how you can try this approach yourself. Good luck, you can do this :)
@LitGyal Год назад
Any advice for me on how to recover? I have severe light and sound sensitivity.
Hi Aneesa, thanks for messaging. Feel free to have a look at our website www.livingproof.org.uk in the first instance, there is lots of information and resources there on how you can try this approach yourself. Best of luck, now you know it is possible.
@tempestblack3840 9 месяцев назад
I dramatically improved my symptoms (but eventually hit a ceiling) with an essentially Paleo diet, tailored to my needs over a long period of experimentation. Overnight I quit all potential problem foods, including sugar, casein, gluten, and processed food. Within a couple weeks my brain fog lifted dramatically, my daily crashes got less severe, my headaches and sore throats lessened in frequency and severity, and my energy picked up a little. After about six weeks, the improvements stopped coming, but I was happy enough with the results that I've never in 9 years gone back to eating the way I used to. I eventually figured out that I am intolerant to nightshades and high-FODMAP foods. (I was able to reintroduce FODMAPs after successfully eliminating a harmful bacterial overgrowth in my guts.) Quitting sugar was very difficult for the first few weeks, but 10000% worth it and eventually the cravings went away completely. I am very happy eating the way I do. www.drmyhill.co.uk/wiki/Category:Your_very_good_health!
@RK-yg5zr Год назад
Did you have any other health conditions alongside ME?
Hi - Fiona experienced chronic pain for 11 years before then developing ME. She was also diagnosed with POTS. We couldn't cover everything in such a short film so decided to focus on the ME :)
@jessicanilsson5941 Год назад
Hi Fiona ! Can I come i contact with you?
@Goldennuts44 Год назад
I wonder how much tinnitus can be caused by this - and, more importantly, if it can go if treated. Tinnitus is a nightmare.
Hi - yes, lots of people have resolved tinnitus with this approach, please do give it a try!
@peachesmcgee4795 Год назад
Yes - my partner is having good results with the mind body approach. It hasn't totally gone yet but is on its way out.
@cherylallis2458 Год назад
Thank your family for their concern, then send your family this youtube video in response: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-THCZac4Yz7s.html "Defective Energy Metabolism in ME/CFS" and ask them for suggestions as to how to correct this defect. Do try to give them the benefit of the doubt. They may just want to see you well again and they don't know how to help.
@lessons9745 Год назад
7 years in and I would love to have remission. I ve tried 4 different mind body programs over the years too. 😕
@fionasstory6126 10 месяцев назад
Which ones have you tried? (sorry for only seeing this comment now)
@lessons9745 10 месяцев назад
@@fionasstory6126 DNRS, CFS Unravelled, Gupta and another one that no longer exists. 😊
@catherinemunster9621 Год назад
I think this is the same Fiona from the Curable ‘Like Mind, Like Body’ podcast?
@fionasstory6126 Год назад
It is!! Well spotted
Yes that’s right, same Fiona 👍🏻
@AmandaSmith-77777 Год назад
My CF is from mold and water damaged buildings. Getting out of the moldy building was the first step. Garlic helps somewhat, but I'm in bed today watching this
@ich.werde.gesund Год назад
Wonderful video!! I am on my recovery journey from ME/CFS too. Yes, this is possible! Recovery is possible!
Yes it really is, we are so happy you've discovered this too.
@rockerchick4368 Год назад
7 year's, perhaps 8!
@mste3509 Год назад
Think and convince yourself well!
@lightofall Год назад
The world is unsafe lol
@VividYouth 5 месяцев назад
Not here for it
@HarmlessHobby Год назад
@MEhealthcoach Год назад
Yes! I had ME/CFS for years too but now I am well. My brain was trying to protect me with symptoms. If you are unwell look into the mindbody approach, Dr Sarno and TMS, Dr Schubiner "Unlearn your pain" and you could learn too. It is SO worth it to get your life back!
@HarmlessHobby Год назад
@@MEhealthcoach No. We do not have the same disease. Glad a placebo helped you though.
@MEhealthcoach Год назад
@@HarmlessHobby Yes placebos go to show the power the brain has to heal us. Whatever illness you have I truly hope that you recover. All the best, never give up hope and good luck.
@HarmlessHobby Год назад
@@MEhealthcoach this is not how me/cfs work. Even the CDC and NIH now accept that it's a neuroimmune disease. You wouldn't tell someone with MS to unlearn their pain
@AnneAlready Год назад
ME since 1984 here and I say yes. Please don't believe the instagram loving ME "advocates" and the toxic "support" forums. You can get well.
@cherylallis2458 Год назад
I never tried this program. I was bedridden for years. I can do a lot of daily activities now, but my energy envelope is still quite small if I don't want to suffer "payback." Once, I thought I was cured (2007) Lived for 6 months like a normal person. Then had a severe relapse that left me with neuropsychologist diagnosed dementia, bedridden, living in a darkend room- for YEARS. ME/CFS is a very complex issue. Things that help one person may not help another. For example- electronic lymph treatments have been a game changer for me. Instead of physically feeling misery, I actually feel good many days. I had Hakomed treatment for pain- no longer need pain medication. Found a chiropractor who specislizes in training my brain not to go into "fight or flight" mode due to triggers like light, sound, slerping positions, drinking cold liquids, EMF's, etc., etc, (Dr Wentworth at Advanced Chiropractic in South Carolina) I'm also doing biofeedback clearing of allergies to foods, chrmicals, metals, etc. at Perfect Balance Natural Health in South Carolina. Will the combination of these things cure me? I don't know. But they improve my quality of life.
Living Proof - Stories of Hope 5 days ago Thanks Cheryl and sorry to hear you are still struggling with ME symptoms. This approach is first and foremost about understanding the theory and the science, then applying the tools within that new context and mindset. The tools alone without the mindset shift will only take you so far. This science won't necessarily help everyone but many are recovering. It sounds like your chiropractor is on the right track which is great news. You may find some of the resources on our website helpful for understanding more about this theory: www.livingproof.org.uk/list-of-resources
@MackLee23 9 месяцев назад
Cheryl, my name is Cayla and I would love to correspond with you if possible. I live in Virginia but may be willing to travel to see practicioners like the ones you described. I've never heard of a couple of the therapies that you mentioned and am interested to learn more.
Hi, please have a look at our website livingproof.org.uk where we offer a full list of resources. The specific one she used was the Curable app.
@homemakersheart3614 Год назад
Thank you so very much.
ME/CFS: My Journey
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Valerie's ME/CFS Full Recovery Story (After 30 Years!)