
London Cycling, Running red lights is pointless! 

Ryan Sedgwick - London Cycling
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@lukeeclair7736 3 года назад
Hi Ryan, I just wanted to let you know that having just moved to London, your videos have probably already saved my life on the bike. Thanks to watching your examples, I am better prepared for the potential dangers on the roads, and am a safer cyclist for it. Cheers, Toby
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
Hi Toby. Thank you so much for letting me know. That has always been the purpose of my videos, to show what it can be like out there in the hope that it’ll help new cyclists prepare for the worst, and maybe help non-cyclists see what it’s like from the cyclist point of view, so they may look out for us next time. I’ve been commuting in the London roads for over 14 years now (although not during lockdown as I’m working from home). So any experience I can share I’m very happy to do so. Keep safe out there my friend. 🙂👍🏻
@panostsak 2 года назад
You know, watching videos like this has also made me a very careful driver. I am trying to be so much more aware of my surroundings, I do not speed and I never do anything risky, as a silly mistake can actually cost someone their life. I never overtake a car unless I have FULL visibility of the road ahead, no matter how pissed off the drivers behind me get. Also, I never overtake a cyclist unless there is enough room for them to lay on the road (I always imagine, what if they fell of their bike while I overtake?). I actually move to the opposite lane to overtake (when possible), so that they feel 100% safe. I also cycle sometimes (suburban London, where it's not as hectic) and I know how scary fast vehicles going past you can be.
@katopada8998 4 года назад
Please stop running into red lights. It doesn't make you look cool. A lot of people are starting cycling now. Remember, if you want to be respected as a cyclist on the road, please respect the road traffic rules as well.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
Exactly, as I cyclist, if I want everyone else to follow the rules, I must also. 🙂👍
@RicardoAlex879 Год назад
I agree. How many times have people run red lights and I always catch up to them. It has no benefits and doesn't make you faster either.
@coryhard3864 3 года назад
I imagine the "Idaho stop" has been mentioned. Obviously laws differ from place to place, even within the same country, so everyone should follow the local laws. However that doesn't mean the laws are what is safest for the cyclist. Here is a link to a study comparing cycling accidents at intersections reported over 5 years in two American cities. One city has said "Idaho Stop" and the other does not. The main difference is found in intersections controlled by a traffic light, with the city that allows cyclist to run the lights reporting far fewer accidents and injuries than the other city. So maybe these cyclists aren't gaining a time advantage, but rather a safety advantage. web.archive.org/web/20180428181836/brandonwhyte.businesscatalyst.com/assets/mastersprojectbrandonwhyteprintquality.pdf
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
That’s very interesting, thank you. I’d like to think these IK cyclists have safety in mind but I do not believe that’s their motivation. We have a huge amount of pedestrian traffic in the UK and running reds often leads to cyclists having incidents with pedestrians crossing. It’s law across the whole of the UK currently that cyclists (as with all traffic) must stop at reds. When cyclists ignore this they not only increase the risk of collisions with pedestrians and traffic crossing the junction, they also generate a lot of bad feeling towards cyclists as a whole.
@coryhard3864 3 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 Good point about pedestrian traffic. In that case it is a good idea to stop. From my own experiences, and confirmed by some of your other videos, often times pedestrians are more unpredictable than cars.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
@@coryhard3864 Very unpredictable in Central London during rush hour. You have hundreds of thousands of people pouring out of train stations all rushing to work, glued to their phones, perhaps with noise cancelling headphones in and so many walk into the road without looking. The last bit of my commute up to my office is a mine field! Have a great day Cory. 🙂👍🏻
@thenaturalworldwithlewismi9920 4 года назад
I would enjoy a video about people riding bikes on the sidewalks. With the new ‘boom’ of bike buying and a lot more beginners who aren’t as confident riding on roads, or are simply unaware, I think it would make for another great video. I would say keep it up, but someone addicted to cycling finds it much harder to stop than to carry on.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
I don't mind when children cycle on pavements, as long as they aren't zooming around and are considerate. It's very annoying when adults cycle on pavements though, it's illegal and they should use the road. My pet hate is walking along the pavement with my wife and hearing ding ding ding behind from a cyclist who wants past! 🤪
@pej0s 3 года назад
You're just catching up with them because you have a higher average speed than them. For them, the average will be MINIMUM higher (is it worth it is another question). If you also ran red, maybe you could make it at the next intersection for the previous change of traffic lights
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
The big junction near the end is where I catch the faster ones. Even if you are fast plus run some lights, you eventually hit a big junction like that which you can’t run and you all get concertinaed up again 90% of the time. The main reason not to run reds however is safety! There could always be a pedestrian/jogger crossing that you didn’t see, plus drivers crossing the junction are not expecting cyclists to come through on the red. Best just to wait the 30 seconds until it goes green. 🙂👍🏻
@CycleInLondon 4 года назад
There is always another set of lights up ahead. You may jump one, but the next one will get you. In the end, you end up gaining very little over the course of a London ride.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
100%! Yet they do it over and over!
@miz4535 3 года назад
Actually there are green waves sometimes. It is definitely not always true. You forget some doing it to clear junctions for safety reasons.
@blueburaq 4 года назад
You just ride faster and caught up to them. Their pace is slower. Compare you stopping at the light to you running the red; it would be impossibe to catch up to yourself
@JonathonBroughtonUK 4 года назад
Obviously true, but being slow doesn’t justify them jumping the lights though.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
The key point is though, even if they were faster than me, I'd have still caught them at the busy Vauxhall junction, so they gained nothing. Secondly, if they are in such a rush that they'll jump the light, then they could achieve the same by cycling a little faster instead of breaking the law.
@bolttracks 3 года назад
you would actually, because a major intersection will have you wait much longer and you'll HAVE to stop at those. So you'd even catch up with a fast cyclist unless they are lucky and hit a green streak.
@MarcoTheGreat2008 4 года назад
So... if you're going to be honest, it probably wasn't pointless for at least a few of them. They perhaps saved a bit of time, especially if they made a green light at that next junction that they would have missed had they waited at the first one. It was only pointless from your perspective because you're quick and made the same phase as the leaders. You might even have made the previous green light had you done the same. Still not worth it though, the difference will be a few minutes over the course of the whole ride.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
You definitely can get lucky with the lights, on the whole though all the cyclists get concertinaed up at the next big junction. I'm by no means a fast cyclist, I get passed by faster cycles all the time but inevitably end up next to them at the next lights. With the slower guys in this video, if they are in such a rush then they could cycle a little faster, if they aren't in a rush then there's no need to run the reds.
@vfclists 2 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 Running a red light is illegal but it is usually sensible and safe if done with proper awareness as riding away from a stop with large MGIF vehicles at your side that want to beat you to that pinch point even though you are ahead of them and have priority is more dangerous. So long as you are not a danger to pedestrians and other vehicles it is the sensible thing to do in many instances. Nothing beats riding up to a quarter of mile with no large vehicles at your side because you run a pedestrian crossing's red light with no pedestrians in sight. Every driver violates the 20 and 30 mph speed limits in town every day, but why aren't drivers hated for that?
@miz4535 3 года назад
This video relied on you cycling faster than them, so hardly proves a point.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
I’m not that fast, so it shows that if they cycled a little faster, and waited at lights they’d be no worse off. Even when faster cyclists than me run the lights, I inevitably see them at the next big junction that they can’t run. Anyway, you’re in favour of red light running cyclists?
@miz4535 3 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 I don't really care either way to be honest. I think traffic lights are only there because of motor vehicles. As long as no one is being endangered when they do it...
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
@@miz4535 Slippery slope though, the rules are there for a reason...
@miz4535 3 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 The rules are there because of cars
@miz4535 3 года назад
@Ai Why, then, are there no lights in areas without cars?
@TheBullethead1988 3 года назад
In a scenario like this, which only looks to be a pedestrian crossing light anyway, I find it acceptable to run the red lights for cyclists. It didn't seem like there were anybody crossing. Of course if there were pedestrians crossing then the cyclists should definitely stop. Also it's not so much the thought process of 'I must run the red lights to get to my destination faster', it's more of 'I'd rather not put my foot down and lose my pedalling momentum' mentality. It can be annoying that after you got a good pedalling rhythm going, you have to make a stop at the red light. And then you have to restart that process all over again. I know it may sound like a trivial matter but doing that frequently can be annoying and if there is an opportunity to run the red light without incurring any danger to myself or others, then I would do it too. I consider myself usually a by-the-book cyclist myself but for some things I will just let it go.
@bolttracks 3 года назад
got almost rear-ended too many times to count just because I stop at red lights. Also witnessed a bunch of terrifying near misses that way. Funny thing is I always end up right next to them whenever they actually HAVE to stop at an intersection :D
@xXDamolaXx 2 года назад
Yeah you have to treat it like a car and look behind you before you slow down, can’t assume those behind will stop
@posadskiy_cog 3 года назад
Some red lights are like 2 minutes long here in Moscow and I go red cause sometimes road is empty and I hate wait for nothing. It’s not good I understand, but it works for me.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
Keep safe my friend. Each country is different, in the IK people go mad at cyclists running reds, it drives a lot of hate so it’s best to wait. 🙂👍🏻
@jupiter604 3 года назад
ah c'mon .. counting red light runners is more pointless i'd say.. running red lights saves both time and energy. If doing it safely and don't disturb others in their way I personally think it's totally fine. In the video you really have to push to keep up with them while they stroll along. Imagine if you run red lights AND push hard.. then.. time is saved! Also everyone everyone chooses which rules they break. You can get all fired up about it but again.. i'd say that's pointless. I'm sure you also break some rules which you think is okay to break. right?
@chris_noswe 3 года назад
You catch them because you've got the fitness. I too catch the red-light-runners (9 out of 10 is an ebiker here btw) and I too think it's stupid, but for them it makes sense; no cars, no problem. That's all there is to it.
@byshiri1751 3 года назад
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
Even the faster ones I still catch at the next big junction where they have to wait at the red. The slow ones that run the reds, if they are in such a rush then they can cycle a little faster rather than breaking the law. 🙂👍🏻
@drummerjo571 4 года назад
As a pedestrian it really gets my back up.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
Gets my back up too whether I'm walking, cycling or driving. Especially considering how pointless it is!
@newsaxonyproductions7871 3 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 It's called the Idaho Stop. If no-one's coming, then us cyclists have every right to run that stop sign, red light, or yield sign.
@user-sf9gs2pg1b 3 года назад
@@newsaxonyproductions7871 Idaho stop? That’s really interesting, I’ve never heard of it. I live in California and only know about the California stop, lmao. I wonder if any other states have stops named after them.
@simonh6371 3 года назад
@@newsaxonyproductions7871 Fine but London is not in Idaho so don't do it here, do it in Idaho.
@SeanMidlandstransporthub 3 года назад
Just found your channel recently, any uploads soon?
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
Hi Sean. Thank you for the views. Due to lockdown I’m working from home currently so I haven’t been cycling to my office and haven’t had any content to put up. I’ll have to have a think what else I could do to put up. 🙂👍🏻
@SeanMidlandstransporthub 3 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 no worries man! i've subbed and have notifs on for when you do :)
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
@@SeanMidlandstransporthub Thank you for the sub Sean. Have a great 2021. 🙂👍🏻
@mrcellophane99 4 года назад
I forced a cyclist on to the pavement there by not jumping out of his way, right in front of a plain clothed/off duty policeman. LOL
@istvankantor2938 3 года назад
So why is it pointless? They are slower than you. For them it's an advantage.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
Because it ultimately doesn't get you any further up the road. I often have faster cyclists pass me (I'm not fast), then I'll see them at the next light. The lights are a great equaliser, be you a fast or slow cyclist we all get bunched at the next light. Even these guys who run the lights, they'll hit the next light that they can't run and we'll all be bunched up again. They are breaking the law, and for no benefit. If they want to get their average time up, just cycle a little faster rather than running the lights!
@maxs6775 4 года назад
It's ok to jump red lights when wearing clipless
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
Ha, no!
@WHS_reviews 4 года назад
The only question I have is: Do you catch the other cyclists because you are faster, or because they will need to wait anyway? Some of those guys are slower cyclists who may lose so much time that if they don't jump a red light, that they would get to a further traffic light where you catch them but miss the first green and need to wait an extra cycle on red. It all depends on distances between lights and the settings of the traffic lights. Generally in big cities traffic lights are the limiting factor in my experience too (it does give a little advantage), but I'd like to see a proper comparison between similar speed cyclists over a longer distance to see the cumulative effect of multiple red light jumps vs no RLJ-ing. I suggested to Terry Barentsen that as he mentioned the bike is so much faster to get around the city than a car in NY, and as he films cyclists, that he should do a comparison of car vs. cyclist vs. himself, one cyclist and the motorist following all traffic rules, the other cyclist not, and see what the difference is. I suspect only a moderate advantage for the cyclist not following the rules. Btw I don't care about setting examples, one cyclist has nothing to do with any other, the only bad example is in case of children. I go through reds sometimes when there's little traffic, but not in case there are children around...
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
I definitely caught some of the first few guys because they were cycling slowly. If they are in such a rush that they need to run reds, they could cycle a little faster to achieve the same effect without breaking the law. As a general rule though I find that batches of cyclist in a (say) 500m stretch of the road will all be kept together by the lights. Some will be faster than others, some will run red lights yet we all end up concertinaed up at the next big junction. One my commute, whenever I see cyclist run reds I pretty much always see them again further up the road. Which means they could have got their by legal methods. I'm against cyclist running reds as, we are largely hated by a big proportion of drivers and this adds fuel to that. I don't run reds, but in pretty much any debate on cycling the first accusation levied at me is that all cyclists run reds. As it's a largely pointless exercise to run reds it's frustrating to see it so often.
@WHS_reviews 4 года назад
I run red lights when there is no traffic around, such as in the evening (traffic lights generally then jump to green before I get to most traffic lights then though, from sensors in the road) or in some places in the afternoon. Waiting on an empty intersection (and I mean empty in that I am the only one there, not that cars are waiting to go in the same direction) is nonsensical except in the circumstances or having to give an example (children). Grown ups don't need to do that with each other. Here where I ride in NL distances and traffic light duration is such that going through reds in such cases definitely helps. People could cycle faster instead of going through red but then the ride would be less relaxed so that's not an argument for them. Everyone wants to get to their destination as quickly as possible with the least effort, so there is a trade off.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
@@WHS_reviews I can't speak for NL as, whilst I've visited I've never cycled there. In the UK people are very intolerant of cyclists. Running the red here is illegal and only fuels that intolerance. Safe cycling my friend. 🙂👍
@blueburaq 4 года назад
I don't think it's the rush. Those cyclists just don't see the point of stopping at an empty red light on a bike. Traffic lights are intended to help direct traffic. But when a thin bike sees an open road with no cars, the red light makes no sense to an easily maneuverable cyclist. At the second Vauxhall junction, they had no choice because there was traffic holding them behind, and heavy cross traffic. People know the law, they just don't 100% respect it when they don't see the need to, and just proceed with caution.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
Red lights don't mean "stop unless you think it's clear". It's lockdown at the moment, but when it's busy I still see cyclists doing the same. If all drivers did this then the roads would be a dangerous free-for-all. As it's pointless, why not just stop for the 30 seconds or so until it turns green. Even if it's clear, these cyclists are making other road users angry. The first point I have thrown at me in any discussion about cyclists is that we "all run red lights". That's not true, but people like the ones you saw in my video are not helping!
@andyp315 4 года назад
If you made a poor observation a car could would be able to floor it and accelerate out of the way rapidly (or brake MUCH quicker) even if it did collide the human impact would likley be far less severe. Motorbikes doubly so on the acceleration, but neither of these facts make it acceptable for them to do it. Just the other day had to about go over my bars for cyclist jumping red light at a 45° junction police van just watched him from behind on the red light and done nothing... Not hard to imagine somone in a car feeling hard done by with red light cameras tickets and points.... but free reign for cyclists some of them will end up giving all of us a hard time with things like crappy close passes I am 100% cyclist myself but do get miffed by RLJ's
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
@@andyp315 That's the key point, cyclist want drivers and pedestrians to follow the rules so we must do also.
@karimyoucef4882 3 года назад
Slow riders always jumping red ..
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
Tell me about it! It’s so annoying! 😉👍🏻
@nattzzj 3 года назад
Tbh I do it all the time when you live in country lanes no point waiting when there's 5x out of 10 nothing coming past at all dead roads but London no thanks I'd be waiting all the time and I only cross a red if I'm 100% sure I won't danger myself or others as I have done it 7 times in the past in front of police so if it was that big of a problem I'd be in jail rn or have tickets and I have either so other than that gd video just thought I'd point out not all red light skipper's are dangerous I mean I only do it in a place I can see oncoming traffic and if I see none its the only time I do it and don't skip a multi Cross way red light as that is stupid but red on a straight with one old ass light makes you wait 3 mins I'll pass and take a risk today will be 100 time I have probably done it and never had a problem at all
@ianthomas7139 4 года назад
Agree 100%. It’s startling how many people think they don’t apply to them because they’re just on a bike. Put them in a car with the threat of fines and points and I bet they’d comply. I ride my bike how I’d drive a car with almost no exceptions. It’s the only way to be safe.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
Exactly. Also, if you get in an accident as a cyclist, and you just ran a red then you'll be at fault irrespective of what happened. It's just foolish and pointless!
@charlo90952 Год назад
Bicycles should be allowed to run red lights if it's safe to do so. They have much more sophisticated traffic signals in the Netherlands that anticipate cyclists and turn the light green if there are no cars so the cyclist doesn't have to stop. London seems way behind the times in this.
@cocorocks88 4 года назад
It does rather annoy me when I see a fellow cyclist run a red, enforcing that stereotype. Tend to make a point of saying something passive aggressive and petty when/if I catch them up... because why not! :D
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
Definitely! I used to but got so many rude responses I gave up as it only made me more angry! 😉👍
@ianhoward4246 2 года назад
It just shows 10 out 11 cyclists are no better than the car drivers they slag off !!!!🚦🚦🚦
@bikeontheroad860 4 года назад
Great video, nice editing and a necessary message!
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
Thank you. 🙂👍
@MrKL0D 3 года назад
Hi Ryan, i saw some of your videos, and I'm wondering where you bought your mask. I'm a commuter in a big city and I'm searching for something like your mask to protect me from pollution. Thank you
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
The mask in my cover photo was made by a company called Biologic. They stopped making it a few years ago unfortunately. I now were a Respro Powa mask. Have a safe and healthy Christmas. 🎅🏼👍🏻
@MrKL0D 3 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 thank you very much. Unfortunately I was looking for a mask like yours, with the possibility to tighten up really close to the face. I'm afrrade that the respro mask are a little loose. Baytheway happy holidays to you to!
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
@@MrKL0D I agree, I don’t like the Respro as much. My old mask I could tighten much better to stop air coming in around the edges. Have a safe and healthy Christmas. 🎅🏼👍🏻
@lalolanda6595 3 года назад
Me encantan tus vídeos aunque no entienda el inglés, se me hace muy curioso que acá en México y en Inglaterra los ciclistas somos los que más rechazo por la sociedad sufrimos, sigue así, saludos
@lykortos4827 3 года назад
I see this all the time; as a fellow cyclist it drives me potty. L.
@paeden5431 3 года назад
As a new cyclists I am more than happy to take a break at a red light. Really makes the ride more enjoyable learning how to pace my rides. I love your videos, I like the one with all the screams! That was very entertaining!
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
It really doesn’t cost cyclist to wait at reds. Shame so many run them. Glad you enjoyed my videos. 🙂👍🏻
@paeden5431 3 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 Cheers
@retroonhisbikes 4 года назад
It just adds the derangement syndrome people have towards cyclists.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
Exactly, just pisses everyone off, for nothing!
@MrNandi79 4 года назад
The funniest part of my commute is where I overtake them in between the lights over and over and they so pissed by it . When I ask them why they keep jumping the light all over from Elephant& Castle to Camberwell without gaining significant advantage the answer is always some murmuring or a middle finger or some swear words until they get hit and then they blame everybody but themselves. Selfish idiots but its funny when your speed pissing them off.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
Ha yes, when I challenge a cyclist for running a red, the typical response is "F-off"! They don't offer any defence or explanation for their actions, I guess because there is none other that their own selfishness. Cycle safe my friend. 🙂👍
@oliverb9568 3 года назад
I feel like somebody should calculate the number of calories saved by not stopping (and starting again) at a red light, times that by how many lights you pass on an average commute, then by the number of days in the year and publish a big stat about how going through red lights makes you fat 🤷🏻.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
I couldn’t hurt! 🤣👍🏻
@thecyclist5148 4 года назад
Most people jump red lights because they think it's trendy (fashion victims) So true you do over take most of them because their probably not in a real rush or some sort of emergency I bet 9 out of 10 would probably moan or feel sorry for themselves or both if they got knocked over and survived Great video
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
It's people like this who end up colliding with a pedestrian they didn't see, and then we all get tarred with the same brush!
@thecyclist5148 4 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 Exactly
@toffeefan90 4 года назад
Couldn't agree more to be fair. I normally wait at every red light but once I had a situation where I woke up way too late for work so I was running almost every single red light where it was reasonably safe to do so and funnily enough I only arrived maybe 10min earlier than I would normally do on a 15 mile journey. It's safe to say that a saving of 10min is just simply not worth the risk of being run over by a car but unfortunately there are plenty of people who don't take it seriously
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
Yes, it's a bit of a false economy. 15 miles is a big commute, you must be super fit. Mine is 9 miles each way.
@londonrides7130 4 года назад
Brilliant video I've started to do the same, Funny how many people you manage to catch up to. Its more of a challenge to catch them when the light goes green as well. Also very frustrating when they do it.!
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
I know, pretty much alwaus end up next to the red light runners further down the road. I don't know why they bother!
@Luk3V 4 года назад
I think the point is not to get somewhere quicker but to avoid having a bunch of cars and cyclists crowd around them which increases the chance of an accident. Some might argue that cyclists are most vulnerable when taking off from a light where they then have to overtake others and cars might be overtaking them. If there is a red light and there are no pedestrians crossing, would it really be that bad to slowly roll away to avoid crowding on the road?
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
The law states that cyclists must wait at red lights. We rely on other motorists to obey the law to reduce the chances of an accident, and therefore must do our bit also. Secondly you are relying on the cyclists judgement that there are no pedestrians. There is the risk of the pedestrian you haven't seen, a child that runs out etc. Running the red increases the risk of an accident.
@nathanielberger1595 4 года назад
I run reds if there is no pedestrians on the road to cross, no cars and its empty. No point waiting for automatic lights to go green.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
Then you're just giving us all a bad name. We cyclists want other road users to follow the rules to give us space, look out for us when pulling out etc. We can't hold them to the rules if we don't follow them ourselves.
@peterjohnson9077 4 года назад
Ryan does it all the time, he's a hypocrite!
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
@@peterjohnson9077 No Peter, I follow the rules when I cycle. I do not run red lights, so you have nothing to back up your statement. If you want to have a discussion stick to facts, if you make things up then you are just a troll.
@peterjohnson9077 4 года назад
Ryan Sedgwick - London Cycling your videos you have made are evidence enuf!, knob
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
@@peterjohnson9077 Post the link and time reference of any of my videos where you've seen me run a red. Back up your statement with fact!
@ridewithgae1467 4 года назад
This is dangerous and stupid
@lousyacrobat 2 года назад
give them tickets and fine them!
@brandonvestra 2 года назад
Mr. Shops-at-GAP 💀
@bobtheshorkie1987 3 года назад
If I was a London commuter, this would be my favourite game.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
I find it interesting as 90% of the cyclists who run the lights I see again further on in my journey, so they gain nothing. 😉👍🏻
@illuforce 4 года назад
In Idaho it is legal for a cyclist to run a red light and just treat it as a red. Very few use the law so..
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
In the UK it is illegal, but it's rarely enforced so many cyclist run them. It sends the non cyclists crazy though so I wish they wouldn't.
@samulihirsi 4 года назад
what i hate more is those who overtake you while you are starting from the light, then you have this mass immediately in front of you, damn....
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
I know what you mean, people on Boris bikes pushing their way to the front at the light, then you have to overtake them all once it's green as they are so slow. Then they do it again at the next light...🤯
@JonathonBroughtonUK 4 года назад
and the next… and the next…
@tobsmonster2 3 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 Isn't that exactly what cyclists do to cars? Is this community just completely devoid of self-awareness?
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
@@tobsmonster2 Most lights have a box at the front, cyclists are supposed to filter to the front and sit in that box and wait for the green man. What we're talking about is when you're sitting at the lights and a slower cyclist pushes past you and runs the red, then the lights go green and you often catch them and pass. Then you stop and wait at the next red light and they push past and run the red again. Two different things, one following the rules and road design, one breaking the rules by running reds. You understand the difference now?
@cnay2983 3 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 Tobs got a point. Many of the times staying behind the car is smarter (and faster because of the draft) thing to do anyway. Most cyclist get infront for no reason.
@Will-dq4vh 4 года назад
The comments about appearance / clothing are unnecessary and immature.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
Couldn't agree more. Anyone going jogging or to the gym, or hiking in the elements wears appropriate clothing for the task.
@Will-dq4vh 4 года назад
Ryan Sedgwick - London Cycling I was talking about your captions on the vid - Mr Shops-at-Gap ..... really?
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
@@Will-dq4vh I assumed you referred to the constant fascination the cycle haters have with lycra. The same stuff they wear when jogging or hitting the gym. I try to inject a little humour into my videos where possible, lighten up!
@illuforce 4 года назад
@@Will-dq4vh He probably does and how else are you supposed to identify him? You remembered who he was so....
@Will-dq4vh 4 года назад
Ryan Sedgwick - London Cycling Dude, you gotta try and get over the them and us thing. Most people aren’t "cycle haters". Try not to view the world and your commute in the competitive way that you do - try and see it as everyone helping each other to make their journey go smoothly. Trust me, you’ll feel better - even if it means having to leave home a few minutes earlier.
@moofymoo 4 года назад
I'm glad that I found this video, good to know, that I'm not the only one who don't run red lights.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
There are a few of us out there! 😉👍 So frustrating when you stop, and other cyclists just pile past you!
@wubbishwon 4 года назад
100% agree. It really bothers me. Plus, it's mostly the same for motorists too! there is no advantage unless you're a reckless driver!
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
Agreed, shame everyone doesn't just follow the rules. Would make it much nicer for all of us.
@illuforce 4 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 They probably just think that they are getting a advantage or they just don't want to slow down.
@easy2240 3 года назад
So true
@DigUrOwnHole 3 года назад
Nice video but I still won't stop at red lights if it's safe for me to cross. I just won't.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
Why not? Why do you think we have a system?
@DigUrOwnHole 3 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 I think there is a system to prevent stupid accidents caused by stupid people. I just think that some of the red lights can be skipped in safe conditions. I cycled from King's Cross to Deptford few days ago at night and I did slow down @ intersections and passed carefully, I did not bother anyone as it was pretty much empty everywhere. Lets say you are alone on the street and there is a "T" intersection in front of you. I think its silly to stop if there is literally no traffic. However, I do agree that its bad not to stop at redlights. :/
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
@@DigUrOwnHole It’s not just stupid people, there may be a jogger you don’t see, or a car or bike you miss coming the other way. People make mistakes, hence safety rules should be followed at all times, not only when individuals judge there’s no danger. The main point is perception though. You wouldn’t run those reds if driving your car. We cyclists are pushing other road users to treat us with equal rights on the roads, to hold them to account with the rules. So we have to do our end by honouring the system too. Keep safe out there. 🙂👍🏻
@slickbonz 3 года назад
This pandemic sucks. I miss your videos
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
I’m really looking forward to getting back to my commute. I’ve started making a lockdown video as I’m cycling around the park for exercise, but the odd squirrel running out isn’t going to make an exciting video! 🤣👍🏻
@ThisisJordan_ 3 года назад
Their brain 🧠: What is red light?
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
Exactly, it doesn’t compute to these people!
@trooperthatsall5250 3 года назад
Every morning I stop there from the left turn and the amount of arses that do not stop is unreal, I am with you Ryan regarding this set of lights, it quite a large crossing and pedestrians often cross it and dodge the bikes who don't stop. trooper
@neillangan7455 3 года назад
Any lockdown cycling coming, doesn't even have to be near misses, would love some just cycling round London content!
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
My cycle around Richmond Park is nice but very quiet. Didn’t think it would interest anyone, maybe I could set it to relaxing music? 🤣
@neillangan7455 3 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 maybe just do the old school shout at people occasionally to spice it up haha
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
@@neillangan7455 Ha ha ha yeah! I’m on it! 😉🤣
@MrRhythmicnodding 3 года назад
It’s between them... and the bike. 🚴
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
@DerrumBate 3 года назад
I really want to cycle in the city but im scared of the road as I'm not familiar with it. Any tips to get be more confident on the road?
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
My top tips are: 1. Pretend you’re invisible. If you don’t assume people have seen you, you won’t be surprised when they inevitably don’t. 2. Keep two fingers on in your brake levers at all times, that way you’re ready to stop in an instant. 3. Don’t go down the inside of big lorries, busses (between them and the pavement). That’s the most dangerous situation. Now you can do it safely (I do it all the time) but only once you have a lot more experience. 4. Pay attention at all times, sounds silly but I see loads of cyclists looking at phones, scenery, headphones in etc. Keep all your senses free for the road. 5. Follow the rules of the road, they are there to keep you and everyone else safe. 6. Keep your bike well maintained, especially your brakes. There will be times where you need to stop suddenly so ensure your bike is efficient at stopping. 7. Vehicles often don’t indicate, when you’re alongside a vehicle always watch the front wheel. They might not indicate but that front wheel will always tell you if they are going to turn. If that front wheel starts to turn, get on the brakes. 8. Be calm and don’t rush. Traffic will be close, people will walk out, learn to go with the flow. You can stop and get off onto the pavement at any time. If you’re uncomfortable in a situation then back out, get off and walk around it if necessary. 9. Learn the stopping distance of your bike. Practice cycling in a quiet area, get up to your cruising speed then see how quickly you can stop. Learn that distance. Let’s say you can stop in 4 metres, then when you’re cycling always keep an imaginary 4 meter gap in front of you. If anything is going to come into that gap then back out. That way you know whatever happens in front of you, you have space to stop. 10. In the rain your stopping distance can double, so factor that in. Also metal drain covers etc become very slippery, they are ok if you go over them at speed in a straight line, but if you try and turn on one your wheel may slip out. 11. Wear a helmet! 12. Ensure your bike is visible, flashing lights front and rear (two each end just in case one runs out of battery half way home), buy reflective stickers and put them over the back of your bike. Wear bright clothing etc. 13. Use your peripheral vision. If you stare directly at one thing, you’ll miss something else. When I cycle I loosely focus 4-5 meters ahead, but am using my peripheral vision and if I notice anything on a trajectory that’s going to meet mine I back out. So you’re looking for moment coming your way rather than looking too hard at one car then not seeing a pedestrian coming from the other side. 14. Try and enjoy it, traffic and pedestrians have a pattern and you’ll quickly get used to it. It’s quite satisfying and exhilarating navigating a busy city. Fear and panic don’t help, a healthy respect and firm attention do. Never get cocky, always plan for the worst in any situation and you’ll be ready when it happens. Most of the time cycling in London is fine. My videos show the worst as a warning of what to expect. Take care and plan ahead and you’ll be just fine. Good luck. 🙂👍
@DerrumBate 3 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 thank you so much for the feedback! It means a lot to me as I can get really nervous on the road and worry that I'm doing something wrong. I'm trying to do food deliverys as work is giving me no hours and hard to find work as a student. Keep up the good vids :)
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
@@DerrumBate Most welcome Derrum. Take care out there, look after yourself. I hope that work prospects improve for you. Tough times for many at the moment.
@sm1468 3 года назад
ay i want to start cycling but im afraid, like i dont know about the road rules
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
Have a read of the Highway Code, it’s free online and there’s a whole section for cyclists. 🙂👍🏻
@sm1468 3 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 thnx bro
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
@@sm1468 Keep safe and ask if you have any questions. 🙂👍🏻
@ChairmanMeowNZ 4 года назад
Full respect man, I don't know how you put up with these clowns making stupid comments.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
I've been posting videos for a couple of years now so I'm used to it. I just try and put a rational point across without descending into mud slinging like many of the negative commenters do. Hopefully I get them to at least consider things.
@user-sf9gs2pg1b 3 года назад
I adore the nicknames you gave them all, lmao
@alnsn 3 года назад
Fully agree
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
@markdownham7759 4 года назад
I find it particularly annoying when I see "fellow cyclists" jumping red lights, because as your end caption says "gives all cyclists a bad name". I'm fed up of being tarred with the same brush as these selfish and careless people. For me, and I've said this before, a red light is simply a council enforced rest break that my legs are often truly grateful of. Only yesterday I was stopped at a set of lights on red, only to watch to guys rush through the lights like it didn't matter. Like you, I soon caught them up before reaching the next set of lights (also on red), where they had to wait due to the traffic passing through in the other direction. Okay, I was in my car at the time, so it wasn't too difficult to catch them. But hopefully you get my point...
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
I get you. It's just pointless. These people seem to think that they are special and above the rules. Most irritating!
@hughmcgrane8954 4 года назад
Hey Ryan, what's the name of the bleeper thing you have in place of a bell. I wish to purchase one to harass the rule-breaking Deliveroo and JustEat riders and scooter users this winter. Cheers
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
It's a Hornit DB140. I have a review on my channel. 🙂👍
@walirizwan002 3 года назад
From where did you purchase this camera mate?
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
It’s a GoPro Hero 3+ Black edition that I wear on a chest mount. 🙂👍🏻
@walirizwan002 3 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 Thank you soo much Mr London Cycling. Much appreciated it.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
@@walirizwan002 Most welcome, keep safe. 🙂👍🏻
@alexanderwilson862 4 года назад
This is one of my pet peeves. Especially shoalers who breeze through every red and are trundling along at about 4mph, forcing you to either form a queue behind or have to overtake repeatedly and wrestle with other cars trying to pass on the right.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
Hell yes, drives me mad. Then they are pushing past you when you stop at the next red and you do it all over again! 😱😱😱
@imuir84 4 года назад
What settings do you have your camera set to for easy uploading? I just got a camera for going to & from work but at 1080 on a 5min loop takes up 900mb.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
No secret to it unfortunately. Most of the time I remember the incident, and when I get home I use GoPro's program to lift just the 20 seconds or so of the incident. When I take a longer video it takes up lots of space and is sloooooow! 😉👍
@skyfirefly76 4 года назад
Having to pass the same red light runners 3 or 4 times is really irritating
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
Tell me about it, happens so often too! Safe cycling 🙂👍
@justinbrown471 4 года назад
I couldn't agree more. You are on the road, observe road laws, simple.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
It's that simple! 😉👍
@아우빠 4 года назад
Hello again from the Basque Country! Here I even catch cars that took over me.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
Hello again to the Basque Country. Hope you're keeping safe in this pandemic. 🙂👍
@neillangan7455 4 года назад
love the vids!, wondering whats the yellow tag for on the stem? been bugging me for months haha
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
Thank you. The tag is for the security at my office. I keep my bike in the basement and we all have alloted numbers as there are only so many spaces available. If you leave a bike there without a tag, they can remove it.
@slickbonz 4 года назад
I haven't seen you post a video in a while. I hope you are ok
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
Morning. I'm ok thanks. Because of lockdown I've been working from home, so no cycle commute. Have been thinking about making some other content to post until I'm back to the office. Hope you are well, thank you for the concern and please keep safe. 🙂👍
@maidenhead6661 4 года назад
Hey, new video! Is this from before or is there some relaxation with the lockdown?
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
This was from Friday, I cycled to my office and back just for the exercise.
@karlosthehawk3730 4 года назад
Any new near miss videos coming
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
Due to lock-down my office is closed, I haven't been cycling to work so not getting any footage. I'm cycling around the Park each morning so I don't get too fat but thankfully no near misses there.
@karlosthehawk3730 4 года назад
Ok fair enough 👍
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
@@karlosthehawk3730 I'll have to think about other things I can put up in the meantime. 🙂👍
@karlosthehawk3730 4 года назад
That be brill 👍
@zayyanakram 4 года назад
What is the bell/noise siren thing you use called?
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
It's a Hornit DB140. I have a review on my channel. 🙂👍
@user-yw3qo8cn2h 4 года назад
That is such a bad place to run a red light too!
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
There's loads of police there for Parliament, but they don't seem interested in doing anything about red light jumping cyclists. If the police had a few plain clothed cycle officers doing the main London cycle routes, they would quickly pay for their own salary in all the fines they would hand out to red light jumping cyclists, plus might make a few more cyclists think twice about doing it!
@SuperLukedavis 4 года назад
So many people doing this at the moment, many of whom are kitted up enough to know better. I try to catch up and remind them of a red lights purpose if I can!
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
I used to try talking to people about it when I caught them, but I got so much abuse and foul language it just wasn't worth it.
@SuperLukedavis 4 года назад
Yep I know the feeling. That's why I try to carry on past them so there isn't an opportunity for a chat!
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
@@SuperLukedavis Agreed. Keep safe my friend 🙂👍
@astropicsuk4095 4 года назад
Hi Ryan, great videos! i was wondering what camera and mic are you using? i have started recording my rides, as i have so many near misses. I ride my bike as i would drive a car, sticking to ALL rules of the road, but it seems so many other cyclists and drivers dont and i feel having proof of what happened would be a very good idea, should anything actually happen. I use a Gopro Hero 4 and the sound is so bad when a waterproof case is used so was wondering how you manage to get such good audio. As well as good vid, i think getting the audio is important, as sometimes its the verbal abuse you get thats the issue, for example the other day a car was in front of me at traffic lights and failed to move when they changed to green, i gave it a few seconds before i shouted hello, after a few more seconds and no sign that they were going to move, i went around the car and said "pay attention mate" (with no aggression or attitude etc) as i passed. the driver then started to hurl abuse at me out the window until they eventually turned off. i ignored it completely, but i would like to be able to capture that kind of behaviour to either report, if reportable, or post online to highlight the abuse we get for no reason. i have had people giving me abuse, shouting they will run me over and they will kill me, after they almost hit me and ive shouted Oi... its funny how people would apologise and be friendly about it if you were both on foot, but put people in a car and watch them turn into total nut cases. Sorry for the essay and keep up the great content.... but most of all keep safe. matt
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
No worries about the essay, I know exactly what you are describing. How some people behave in cars is similar in someway to how people feel secure when making comments on the internet, as in that security gives them the confidence to lean into douchebaggery! I have an old GoPro Hero 3+ black that I use. It's in a waterproof case and just the standard mic so nothing special. Not sure why my sound would be better than yours. When editing I do have to pump the sound up in some clips so maybe that's why it seems better. Keep safe out there my friend. 🙂👍
@astropicsuk4095 4 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 Yeah that's a good point, you are right. I wonder how many people go around threatening peoples lives, for pointing out they have done some thing dangerous, when they haven't got their protective cocoon . Oh right, maybe i have a dodgy mic, its been through the wars this camera. ive seen a Sennheiser waterproof Mic, which is built into a case backdoor, amazing sound and water proof, but £80.... the only product suitable as well by the looks. Ill play bout with settings and hopefully something gets better. cheers for the reply :)
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
@@astropicsuk4095 Fingers crossed. Please send me the link if you put up a video. 🙂👍
@astropicsuk4095 4 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 cheers bud, will do ;)
@owster7447 4 года назад
Yet another fantastic video. Hope you are staying safe and I look forward to you being able to upload videos again.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
Thank you. As soon as my office cones out from lockdown I'll be recording again. 🙂👍
@owster7447 3 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 Hello there, just wondered when you will be working in the office again so you can start uploading videos again.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
@@owster7447 I think my company is planning to return to the office in September. I will be uploading a slightly different video this weekend 🙂👍🏻
@louiscf8252 3 года назад
This is an odd high ground to take... You're clearly a faster cyclist than most of those you caught here, so you'd clearly overtake regardless of whether you'd jumped the lights or waited. While they're not saving any time by cutting the light, they do save the effort of having to come to a stop, put a leg down and then accelerate away from the lights. My main contention though is why you feel the need to call out other cyclists for a practice which, in this instance and many others, causes no harm or inconvenience to others. Show a little solidarity with other cyclists and maybe focus your attention on bad drivers, who pose a far greater threat to safety.
@louiscf8252 3 года назад
ok just watched some of your near miss videos and take back the bit about refocusing on bad drivers, which you clearly do. Still don't agree with your logic or condemnation in this video, but thanks for the other content.
@pzet9129 4 года назад
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
@nabeelkubba1305 4 года назад
How do you unclip in time/not fall over with so much sudden stopping in London?
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
I can unclip in a fraction of a second so that's never been an issue. You get used to the clipless pedals very quickly. I see many cyclists using them on my commute. 🙂👍
@nabeelkubba1305 4 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 that's great. Do you unclip one foot when stopping? Also mind me asking which pedals and cleats do you use? Appreciated. Great channel btw!
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
@@nabeelkubba1305 Thank you, glad you like my channel. I always unclip my left foot to put down at lights, we drive on the left in the UK (not sure if you're UK) so that means my foot is to the side of the pavement. I wouldn't put my right foot down in case a car ran over it. I honestly don't know which cleats I use, Shimano ones. 🙂👍
@nabeelkubba1305 4 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 I'm in the UK as well, just started commuting by bike from Cobham to Kingston, hope to keep it up. Will be getting some Shimano pedals too, thanks again.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
@@nabeelkubba1305 Excellent, you're not far from Richmond Park in Kingston. If you've not been it's a lovely lap around Richmond Park on the cycle. Good luck with the cleats, test them out somewhere safe before you take to the roads, key is to practice extraction. For me I just twist my foot to kick my heel out and it unclips very easy. Don't leave it to the last minute, if you think you'll need to stop then unclip in advance. Even if you always plan to unclip your left foot, practice the right too as you never know when you may need it. The clipless pedals can be adjusted to tighten or loosen them. Having them looser (so the cleats come out easier) is best to start with. It's good also to practice setting off and clipping in. I start with my right foot clipped in and the pedal reasonably high, my left foot standing on the ground. I then push down with my right foot to get the bike rolling, at the same time pushing off with my left foot. This gets the bike rolling for a few metres and it's this window where you clip in your left foot and then you are off. It's tricky at first until you get the muscle memory. If you can't get the left clipped in and the bike starts to slow, I will either give the floor another push with the left foot, or, more commonly will push the left foot to turn the pedal (gently as it will slide off easy as it's not clipped), then this brings the right pedal around again which I can give a good shove to keep the bike going forward whilst I have a second go at clipping in the left foot. All the best and keep safe. 🙂👍
@namethe4274 3 года назад
Oh it's you again the guy with no brakes on his bike so he can't stop or slow down
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
Managed to stop at those lights didn’t I! 😉👍🏻
@namethe4274 3 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 omg put it in the newspaper you finally stopped for something
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
@@namethe4274 I always follow the rules, stop whenever I should. 👍🏻
@namethe4274 3 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 that's a lie because you would rather hit in to someone than slow down or stop so stop talking rubbish and keep off the roads use a bus then everyone is safer
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
@@namethe4274 I’m very careful and stop for or avoid all pedestrians who walk out on me. In the 14+ years I’ve cycle commuted daily into Central London I’ve had one pedestrian walk into the side of me because he didn’t look or couldn’t be bothered to stop or slow down.
@Alan-xxxxxx 4 года назад
I'm more concerned at the number of vehicles that jump the lights..You will always get one or two that accelerate as the lights change. They are the ones that will kill or injure others. Cyclists will predominantly injure themselves. I don't jump reds as a cyclist btw
@drummerjo571 4 года назад
I'm concerned about everyone jumping the lights, you don't have to kill or even physically injure someone to ruin a life.
@Alan-xxxxxx 4 года назад
@@drummerjo571 which is worse?.... Getting angry at a few cyclists or getting run down by a 2 ton lump of metal? Neither is legal, but I know which one I would prefer plod to target
@drummerjo571 4 года назад
@@Alan-xxxxxx Both as bad as each other. Getting fed up with people trying to excuse cyclists jumping red lights.
@Alan-xxxxxx 4 года назад
@@drummerjo571 Not excusing, but given the choice, I'd rather be hit by a bike than a car. And bikes predominantly put themselves at risk.
@drummerjo571 4 года назад
@@Alan-xxxxxx Ok. But they don't do they? By jumping a red light they put everyone at risk.
@joshharvey3654 4 года назад
I find some irony in the fact that you go across into the wrong lane at the roundabout overtaking the cyclists.... they went through a red light where there was no obstructing and/or risk so i see no problem.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
The difference is that it's illegal to run a red, it's not illegal to use the other lane on a roundabout. No irony there, that's pretty clear cut. The fact that you see no problem with running a red shows you have no concern for traffic laws.
@joshharvey3654 4 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 You're breaking section 186 of the highway code and it is dangerous and misleading to other road users. The fact you find no problem with this is heedless. The difference between the way i think and the way you think is that you believe because it is enshrined within the law it must be followed, regardless of external factors. In this scenario, where there is absolutely 0 risk, unarguably, and nobody is being harmed / obstructed there is no counter-argument??
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
@@joshharvey3654 The Highway Code defines what is law, and what is advice with how it is written. The word "must" defines what is a law, and you "must" stop at red lights. Doesn't matter what you think, that's the law and is why police can give cyclists and motorists an on the spot fine if they run a red. You'll notice that there is no "must" in rule 186 about roundabout use. So I broke no law. It is advised to use the correct lane on a roundabout but not a legal requirement. For example (and the reason it's not a law), approaching the North side Lambeth Bridge roundabout it is common for the left hand lane to be blocked by traffic caught at a pedestrian crossing as they try to exit the roundabout. All vehicles going straight ahead at the roundabout use the right hand lane to pass the queued traffic. This is normal so you're clutching at straws on that one mate. Do you not see the hypocrisy in your own statement? On one hand you're (incorrectly) accusing me of "breaking" a rule and calling it "heedless", but on the other hand you're defending the illegal running of red lights! You're argument is contradicting itself! You're saying the rules have to be followed but don't have to be followed! You can't have it both ways! Try and make sense at least! 🤣
@pinocchiomediam5055 4 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 Why can you never accept that some times you are wrong.? Many times in fact
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
@@pinocchiomediam5055 I'm not wrong in this case, I broke no law on that roundabout. You don't like it because I call you on your anti cycling agenda and drag you back to the Highway Code every time. You point out me breaking the law and I'll hold my hands up. If you're wrong however then I'm going to call you on it, and give you fact based evidence to prove why you are wrong, typically referring back to the Code. Don't take my word for it, you have my videos, the police can contact me through RU-vid. Log an official complaint with the police and evidence it with my videos. Put your money where your mouth is!
@joachimmacdonald2702 4 года назад
It’s more efficient.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
As this video proves, it isn't...
@krisp7890 4 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 Well, it is. You burned more energy to get there whilst they didn't have to slow down at all.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
@@krisp7890 Not time efficient which is the point of my video. It didn't ultimately get them any further down the road. Burning energy is a positive of cycling, it's good exercise!
@krisp7890 4 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 Well, I'm not that bothered when they run empty lights like that - no traffic or people near by but when they do it when its a busy junction - it really pisses me off
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
@@krisp7890 The root cause many drivers hate cyclists is down to fairness. They feel as if we are queue jumpers and that ignites their rage. Now undertaking a car is perfectly legal and they just need to get over that, if you can't beat us then join us. However when cyclists break the law to run red lights that really drives people mad, and we all get tarred with that same brush. As it typically doesn't get you any further down the road then it's pretty pointless winding everyone up. We cyclists want other road users to follow the rules to protect us, we need to honour our side of the bargain by following the rules too, even if it's quiet.
@peterjohnson9077 4 года назад
More proof you ride too fast and reckless as stated in your other videos!
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
How do you figure that then? That's a 30mph road and I'm cycling somewhere between 15-20mph. Did you not notice the van and the car passing me and the other cyclists? Were those drivers too fast, and reckless for using the road as it was designed.
@peterjohnson9077 4 года назад
Ryan Sedgwick - London Cycling Mr Never wrong!!!, hahahahahaha, still chopping lanes and stopping in front of motor cars at red lights to hold them up, moron!
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
@@peterjohnson9077 You didn't answer the question Peter! You said I was too fast and reckless yet those drivers overtook me. I'll ask again, were they too fast and reckless?
@peterjohnson9077 4 года назад
Ryan Sedgwick - London Cycling every video u make!, don't u read your feedback???
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
@@peterjohnson9077 Was the van and car in this video going too fast Peter?
@tonetoobtwo 4 года назад
At that red light, at that time (no pedestrians at/approaching the crossing) I think that there is an 80% chance that I would have rolled through. And I sometimes exceed 70mph on the motorway in my car. I agree that jumping red lights is usually a bad idea, but on this occasion, not so much.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
I suspect you wouldn't have rolled through it in your car however, and that's my point. We cyclist want to be treated equally to the rest of the road traffic, so we should honour the rules in the same way. It's lockdown, so that junction is particularly quiet, however I see cyclists doing this frequently when there are pedestrians around. As I demonstrate here, doesn't actually gain anything, so it's not worth the risk, and not worth giving us all a bad name.
@tonetoobtwo 4 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 I understand your point, and as a rule I agree, you can't hold others to a higher standard than you hold yourself. On a normal day, Parliament Square would be full of pedestrians and jumping the light would have been inconsiderate at best, if not dangerous. However, there wasn't anyone there and if a tree falls in the forrest, does it make a sound? I know that this would be considered a road traffic offence, but so is speeding and I was trying to point out that sometimes the rules are bent and sometimes it is inconsequential. A contentious opinion, but it is one I will stand by.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
@@tonetoobtwo Unfortunately there's a lot of hate out there for cyclists, most unjustified. The only way we'll turn that around is by not giving them any ammunition. I do take your point, I often drive over 70mph in my car. There are lots of grey areas. Red light running however is the first thing to be thrown in any anti-cyclist debate, and hence we need to be tight on it, especially as it's largely pointless at ultimately getting you further up the road.
@tonetoobtwo 4 года назад
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 I know what you are saying, but your acolyte ;-) Peter Johnson, below, is precisely the reason why I feel that behaving like you have been sainted is without real merit, as anti-cycling fanatics are always going to find something to latch on to.
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
@@tonetoobtwo Peter is good fun isn't he! 🤣
@lost422ever 4 года назад
Congrats Ryan on overtaking 9/10! Woop woop! YOU'RE AMAZING
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 4 года назад
You're missing the point, this is not about me. The point is that there is very little to be gained from running red lights on a cycle. No matter how fast you cycle, you'll inevitably be held up at the next big junction. All the cyclists you past who were waiting when you ran the red light, will then catch you at that big junction. Running red lights is illegal, gives cyclist a bad image plus doesn't get you further down the road. My video evidences that. That's the point.
Do you post videos like this because your some moral kind of judge 🤔...., if I can safely go through a red light which for me & to pedestrians are safe then i will do as i have always done during the past couple of decades & just so you know if i was to ever past you stopped at a red light i can honestly say that you will never catch up to me like it seems that you've sped up purposely to catch up with those other cyclists & for what exactly 🤔
I posted this because there’s a lot if hatred out there for cyclist, and a lot of that is caused by people like you who run red lights. The rules are for everyone, we cyclists wish other road users to follow the rules, so we must do ourselves. I’m not that fast a cyclist, above average but travelling only 20mph. Yet the bulk of red light runners I catch later down the road. So their rule breaking not only gives all cyclists a bad name, it’s often pointless too. They could achieve the same result just by cycling a little faster. So please stop at red lights. You are not special, there’s no waiver for you or any cyclist to run reds. And your actions drive hatred towards all other cyclists. So please think about others and not just yourself.
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 ahh you poor thing worrying about stuff that you have no control over whatsoever but yet here you are conserned about "people like me" breaking the rules 🤭..., go grab a coke & have yourself a smile bruv as theirs way more important stuff in life that you really susposed to be most concerned about alright bruv so get ya arse in ya saddle & cycle to your little hearts contend & try not be too mad at "people like me".......!!!
@@govermentsoundsystemrootik8887 You’re right, I can’t stop others from being inconsiderate, and from their selfish actions making it worse for all cyclists. All I can do is highlight it to perhaps make red light running cyclists at least think about it. You’ve clearly taken the time to watch the video, comment on it so at least you’ve thought about it. Whether you change your approach, that’s up to you. 😉👍🏻
@@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 now that's what I'm talking about..., have yourself a wonderful day bruv 👊🏾👍🏾
@girlsdrinkfeck 3 года назад
i laugh in DIY Ebike mode , my Ebike will do 50 mph in 10 seconds ,emits no emissions dont have to jump lights edit , i still pedal it to give my legs some oomph i dont wanna be all lazy :)
@ryansedgwick-londoncycling9007 3 года назад
50mph is crazy! Be careful with that! 😉👍🏻
@mensobject 3 года назад
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