
LOOK BACK: Barrett, Kavanaugh And Gorsuch Asked About Roe V. Wade At Senate Confirmation Hearings 

The Hill
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@kailashganesh 2 года назад
In the same manner why not overturn Citizens United which allows free flow of money for election campaigns by unknown individuals and companies .
@joseywales148 2 года назад
Lol SCOTUS works for corporate America- you do know that
@litozulueta6013 2 года назад
“….but descriptively it’s not a case that everyone has accepted and doesn’t call for its overruling.” I think Barrett gave the most balanced answer. Her answer also prefigured June 24, 2022 when SCOTUS finally overruled Roe vs Wade.
@docclovve447 2 года назад
Im pretty sure "the law of the land" is true.... UNTIL challenged and then it can be reviewed.
@purevenus6359 2 года назад
Then it’s not really a stern law if it can be changed, Is it?
@braceyourselvesfortruth2492 2 года назад
@@purevenus6359 "law of the land" does not imply stern or unchangeable. Even the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land, can be amended. The funny thing about that is that it isn't up to SCOTUS to weigh in on that. The whole point is to bypass them. But that's too hard and gives Democrats less of a platform to run on. I guarantee they are overjoyed at the prospect of running for reelection this year on the basis that would-be aborters need them as advocates.
@LactoseTheeIntolerant 6 месяцев назад
That’s now case law works in the US. Precedent is established unchanging case law in our system. The only thing that can change it is legislation. These justices completely broke basic law principles and sided with their personal feelings and belief systems
@praveenpanna629 2 года назад
These justices said, "these are the rule of the land" and "they follow it". Being justices or judges they are obliged to respect the decisions of the Supreme Court. They cannot say anything against it even if their personal understanding of the law is different because it would be the "contempt of the court". So, for them, it doesn't matter whether you believe in it or not you got to obey it. But when they are sitting as a judge, they are obliged to be as fair as possible and judge based on the presented evidence. So, at both times they did their job as they were expected to be. The rest is the interpretation by politicians.
@photoncap7771 2 года назад
Exactly, thats how precedent law works. A judge cannot overrule a SCOTUS settled precedent. However SCOTUS can itself re-examine its own decisions
@Ed-ts4bj 2 года назад
Legislatures enact laws, justices settle the law. When justices decree laws those supposed laws are subject to the whims of the next justice!
@ryanwitt5467 2 года назад
What about Brown v Board of education? Was that judicial decree?
@Ed-ts4bj 2 года назад
@@ryanwitt5467 The courts ruling the democrat’s Jim Crow Laws were unconstitutional isn’t Judicial Activision, the courts ordering busing is.
@LactoseTheeIntolerant 6 месяцев назад
No, the us has case law. We are a common law system based on English common law
@buckcampbell4292 2 года назад
No worse than “I can’t define a woman”.
@takietareyes1954 2 года назад
@rpdbu8250 2 года назад
Amy Coney Barrett flunked the 1st amendment question by Senator Sasse. That’s far worse 💯
@cierrasagacious7881 2 года назад
Precedent in law means; Legal precedent means that a decision on a certain principle or question of law has already been made by a court of higher authority, such as an appeal or supreme court. Following such a decision, lower courts defer to, or adhere to, that prior decision in similar cases. If you actually read the leaked opinion, you would see that it explains how Roe v Wade was loose in the treatment of the Constitution. There is no abortion in the Constitution because it is not included as a part of the right to privacy. This means that Roe V Wade was unconstitutional from the get-go.
@sthubbins4038 2 года назад
I hope you enjoyed the few elections you won recently, because the modern GOP is toast. 😃
@alze3359 2 года назад
Roe has been aborted. Thank God
@artmendozalonso1327 2 года назад
@@sthubbins4038 no Democrats are the ones going to the dumpster. They will try to make elections about abortion but no no no it is about gas prices and inflation.
@christopherkaiser1 2 года назад
This is exactly what many legal scholars would argue. It is very true. There is no, and has never been a right to an abortion. They need to get used to losing. There is no crying in baseball ladies. A red wave has already begun. After tonight and the idiots rioting they are going to lose more support. Then it will be a red tsunami come November. And then we have six years of Republicans making the decisions. How do you like them apples?
@wjdyr6261 2 года назад
RvW demonstrates that when precedence becomes a law unto itself outside of legal writ within the body of legislation or constitution then anything goes.
@thurmanator2223 2 года назад
So, to be clear, they did not lie under oath. None of them said how they would rule on Roe.
@braceyourselvesfortruth2492 2 года назад
@Trump's Hair Piece Is Missing this video was not heavily edited in their favor, I assure you. However, I would need to hear more of Gorsuch's commentary to develop a proper interpretation. His comments here definitely suggest he might have upheld it, especially when he affirmed its relevance to the 14th Amendment. If anything, the Constitution would be the only thing to supercede Roe, but he basically agreed they were one and the same. Kavanaugh cleverly indicated that Roe and Casey were "important" but stopped short of saying they were absolute. It's pretty easy for politicians to distance themselves from absolution and certainty, so there are no real surprises here. It was a safe response that pleased the Democrats. Barrett's answer was an absolute woodshedding of Klobuchar's intentionally leading and politically biased questioning. She gives Alito and Thomas a run for their money in her grip of the law.
@MattSmith-il4tc 2 года назад
@Trump's Hair Piece Is Missing or why don't you just show us the quote? None of them ever stated how they would rule on Roe. You're just making things up.
@LactoseTheeIntolerant 6 месяцев назад
Precedent is synonymous with settled case law. Not figuratively, that is literally what it means. Precedent in a common law system such as ours cannot be overturned. So yes, they lied given they overturned what they stated was precedent. Clearly they didn’t believe it was precedent for whatever delusional reason.
@thatguyitsme7707 2 года назад
Both sides point fingers at each other while simultaneously accepting that strangers (who they will never ever meet) tell them how to live their lives in every way 😵
@Krangbot 2 года назад
but only one side is telling the baby they get a chance to live and aren't just a mistake or burden.
@jdice6868 2 года назад
They implied one thing to get the job and did another? Shocking.
@jasonbowen4923 2 года назад
So basically what every Republican Senator has done to keep their jobs all these years.
@takietareyes1954 2 года назад
@@jasonbowen4923 you forgot the Democratic president in office right now
@gogogolyra1340 2 года назад
Didnt obama say he was against abortion when he was campaigning BUT did a complete 360 afterr elected?
@springbloom5940 2 года назад
What did they imply? They were very clear and direct with answers to the questions asked. Because you're too *stoopud™* and poorly educated to understand on your own, Ill briefly explain... committing to a ruling, before hearing a case, is a violation. Democrats' attempting to compel that opinion, during an appointment hearing, is a violation. The only thing to 'imply' here, is Democrat corruption, in ideological purity testing, for a definitively apolitical position.
@pncKing 2 года назад
They out Democrat the Demo..c.rats…
@MyerShift7 2 года назад
Slaughtering the unborn isn't a health issue or a constitutional right.
@marioboada7424 2 года назад
The definition and scientific facts that separate a blastomere from a late-stage human fetus are pretty clear. You are wrong!
@randrewp 2 года назад
But it will happen no matter what
@biggsterboy 2 года назад
How about slaughtering them in schools?
@nicolasjohnson9002 2 года назад
It is a 14th amendment right delegated to the holder of the unborn, as just affirmed in the video by Gorsuch.
@MrMarket1987 2 года назад
Making women second-class citizens arbitrarily ain't a constitutional right either.
@charlesferdinand422 2 года назад
“I couldn’t help but notice that everyone who is for abortion, have already been born” -President Ronald Reagan PS. Congratulations from Mexico to all American patriots for this beautiful victory, this is a glorious and delightful development!
@lucasarealcoulombe1453 2 года назад
The number of abortions will stay the same, if you can’t afford to carry and give birth to a baby, let alone raise it, you will have an abortion regardless. It’s never pretty, but it’s reality sadly. Abortions will just be far less safe now and women will die in great numbers, their lives will be lost senselessly. Certainly not a victory.
@DANGJOS 2 года назад
It's people that are for the right of women to choose, not for abortion per se. And everyone speaking on the issue has already been born and lived a life of joy and suffering, which is why they can understand the suffering of the woman. A fetus, on the other hand, has no sense of suffering or joy. A being that has no consciousness should not supersede the rights of those that do.
@dareemmanuel6079 2 года назад
@@DANGJOS a lot of grammatical gymnastics just to justify killing unborn babies
@pranavdixit6157 2 года назад
Sure it might be a stretch to cite the 14th amendment in protecting the sanctity of unborn life, but there is not one single line in the constitution that mentions let alone guarantees a right to an abortion
@davids.2703 2 года назад
it doesn't mention the right to access contraceptives either, should we leave that up to the states too?
@chrisn.6477 2 года назад
There are plenty of other rights it doesn’t mention. Don’t be a fool. This isn’t about legitimate legal arguments; this is about using disingenuous, contradictory rationale to violate the will of the majority of Americans and impose their extremist religious beliefs on all of us.
@ShaunH712 2 года назад
@ Pranav....Exactly!
@bubasmollett8610 2 года назад
@@chrisn.6477 The left keep on bringing up religion, but the right sites the constitution and science. 95% of biologists believe human life begins at conception. Those who would force masks and vaccinations should have no problem using condoms and birth control.
@thealternative9580 2 года назад
People have the right to privacy.
@hidesinlonggrass3229 2 года назад
So... "keep and bear arms" is in the Constitution, but "abortion" is not. Our justices can read. Carry on.....
@biggsterboy 2 года назад
Time to overturn District of Columbia v. Heller and return the original meaning of "keep and bear arms" to well-regulated militias, not individual citizens as it was for well over 200 years.
@Alarik52 2 года назад
Read the 9th amendment.
@MrMarket1987 2 года назад
Hey, numbnuts, the right to bear arms is still subject to the laws of the land so long as they do not contradict it, hence the "Well regulated" and "being necessary to the security of a free State" being in there, originally with the intent to make the people acting as the militia be expected to be in good form. Also, 9th Amendment: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." Know what that means? It means the Justices just acted unconstitutionally in overturning the rights granted by Roe for arbitrary reasons that do nothing to explain the contradiction of why it had been settled at least twice over. I can read too, can you?
@Saxxin1 2 года назад
Make sure you show all the destruction and violence your side will commit all because they can't tell someone in another state what they can and can't do. And why are you mad? It's just a clump of words.
@Hebrews123 2 года назад
Define woman
@based_yeoman9138 2 года назад
Smart answers.
@barbaraibiel 2 года назад
@springbloom5940 2 года назад
@@barbaraibiel Please do cite one single lie?
@barbaraibiel 2 года назад
@@springbloom5940 Everything in this video. They said they would not overturn Roe v. Wade, and that is precisely what they did.
@springbloom5940 2 года назад
@@barbaraibiel They said no such thing.
@barbaraibiel 2 года назад
@@springbloom5940 Yes, they did. Listen to the video. They are dirty liars and they want to force their religion on everyone. I have no respect for these people!
@ResetGovernment 2 года назад
The same could be made about Dems and bring up all their flip flopping.
@willhaynes4942 2 года назад
Everyone out there accusing these three of lying. My question to you: how did they lie? What did they say that was untruthful?
@tonyzone8999 2 года назад
Nothing FACTS
@Alarik52 2 года назад
They under oath purported to support the precedent. Then once in position, revoked it. More obvious than Clintons definition of 'is' defense.
@willhaynes4942 2 года назад
@@Alarik52 precedent doesn't mean settled law. Precedent simply means a landmark decision that deserves to be strongly considered when future, similar cases arise. They all essentially admitted that they understood Roe v Wade was an important precedent, alongside Casey. Never once did they imply or outright say that it wouldn't ever be overturned. They pledged to hear each new case as it came along without bias and without some hidden agenda.
@jimmaag4274 2 года назад
Cry harder
@chrisheist652 2 года назад
Oh they're gonna cry so hard it causes you to cry. That's how crying works, didn't ya know?
@jimmaag4274 2 года назад
@@chrisheist652 grow up kiddo.
@MrMarket1987 2 года назад
Said the man whining and bitching in public to pay attention to him. You gonna do a trick for a treat next?
@cynettax6461 2 года назад
To the American people please be safe out there they have Bricks on Deck once again!!! Stay awake And don't fall for the bait!!!
@stevensmith3078 2 года назад
Yay babies win
@mercury13 2 года назад
First it was never a right or constituional right. Just like a living wage and healthcare... You cant force peole to pay you somthing or do a service to you or for you thats slavery. Goverment is their to protect your god given rights or what some call human rights already in existence. Not to create them or give them to you...
@MrMarket1987 2 года назад
You really just came out in public and said that...? By your logic, never paying or servicing for medical aid AT ALL because of the sheer compelling that is expected of it is akin to slavery... My good man, you have the right to use your brain, so please use it.
@andrewmitchell3459 2 года назад
Lol. Tough times for birthing persons
@chrisheist652 2 года назад
Haha I know. It's about to be an even tougher time for men who enslave women.
@knitlamb5125 2 года назад
Theses supreme court justices made the decision for women then maybe then they can adopt all the babies that are going to be left at their door steps they have life time jobs they can afford the babies none else can afford.there life. The life time appointees should be ten year since they are using bias tactics.
@thedocb1988 2 года назад
Don’t want to have babies use condoms
@Ed-ts4bj 2 года назад
Democrats take in any delinquent that makes it to our border.
@dantesinfernape 2 года назад
@bdonovable 2 года назад
This isn't a revelation. That is how SCOTUS hearings work and also how SCOTUS works. Meaning that justices do not provide political opinions during hearings and while on the court they have the discretion to overrule, reaffirm, or make precedent. Making precedent is not something justices particularly like to do as much, but that is what Roe v Wade was. It's too bad there aren't recordings from times of plessy v Ferguson before brown v board. I'm sure there would have been a litany of justices stating their support for decisions that they would one day overturn. Citizens don't directly vote for them for a reason. If they did, we might very well still have segregation today.
@michaelc3051 2 года назад
But they did lie about their position. That is clear as day.
@fengusburnt 2 года назад
It’s not a political position, it’s a Supreme Court precedent. Of course they should answer honestly about their view of precedent. Unfortunately, even if they had been honest it wouldn’t have mattered. The majority party has complete say over justices since it’s just a political position at this point.
@biggsterboy 2 года назад
If your employer found out that you lied during your hiring interview so that you could get the job, you would lose your job. These people lied under oath to get their job.
@tonyzone8999 2 года назад
@tonyzone8999 2 года назад
U get your info from politicians huh.
@tracybarhite1764 2 года назад
I suggest you go read the transcript or watch the video of the confirmation hearings. They didn't lie.
@biggsterboy 2 года назад
@@tonyzone8999 lol and you get yours from RU-vid
@tonyzone8999 2 года назад
@@biggsterboy from reliable sources on RU-vid who has references not mainstream buddy
@GalenChock59 2 года назад
These nominees are in the unique position however to rule to strike down a bad law of the land.
@thomastolbert6184 2 года назад
Galen Chock,the Supreme Court has started to straiten this country out now we have to continue the work!😊
@andymullarx6365 2 года назад
Thank you 45.
@springbloom5940 2 года назад
Not even President and still winning for generations to come.
@ericbiggar3975 2 года назад
COV 19 death
@MrMarket1987 2 года назад
... for running away with the money and support of gullible dorks like Andy here, and giving it to millionaires and billionaires.
@liberalismisaids9564 2 года назад
Now go back and watch jumanji Jackson not be able to tell you what a woman is
@mayena 2 года назад
But the federal abortion laws was voluntary not mandatory or compulsory. I mean were free do have one or not.
@Elevation666 2 года назад
Remember when we supported women rights
@hidesinlonggrass3229 2 года назад
There are no womens rights in the Constitution. 40 years of Liberal Congressmen kept it that way.
@Saxxin1 2 года назад
Remember when murdering babies was unacceptable?
@Krangbot 2 года назад
half the babies being murdered because they are inconvenient are female...
@MyerShift7 2 года назад
Slaughtering the unborn isn't a right of a woman or a man, and it's not a health issue either.
@blujayonthebeat 2 года назад
@@MyerShift7 it’s funny when people use words like “slaughtering” or “murdering” when referencing abortion. The children in Texas were slaughtered. The kids at sandy hook were murdered. You cannot die if you have never been born.
@bass7100 2 года назад
What a great day for America! 🥰
@ericbiggar3975 2 года назад
What is great about hurt baby
@FamilyHistoriandude 2 года назад
@@ericbiggar3975 What is great about killing babies. I'm thankful for any lives saved by today's landmark decision.
@marioboada7424 2 года назад
@@ericbiggar3975 No one suggests hurting a baby.
@marioboada7424 2 года назад
And a very dark day for rational thinking.
@lucienpoulard4272 2 года назад
Liars liars Shameless
@pranavdixit6157 2 года назад
Cry lib
@bls8959 2 года назад
Where did they lie?
@chrisheist652 2 года назад
@@bls8959 When conservatives are rounded up, libs are going to be just as petty as you and say things like "Where's the concentration camp? I don't see any concentration camp!"
@springbloom5940 2 года назад
Cite one lie
@bls8959 2 года назад
@@chrisheist652 lol what? I'm not a conservative I asked a question
@rjhall351 2 года назад
Well that seems to be all the context needed, thanks!
@michaelc3051 2 года назад
They lied. Each went into much more detail in their respective confirmation hearings and said Roe v Wade was established law and safe.
@rjhall351 2 года назад
@@michaelc3051 is it possible the court was presented with new arguments and information and then they formed new opinions?
@johnsanders561 2 года назад
Lying to Congress should be illegal.
@thealternative9580 2 года назад
It is.
@l.w.paradis2108 2 года назад
Ha ha.
@springbloom5940 2 года назад
It is. Which is why no one is in trouble.
@johnsanders561 2 года назад
I thought Kavanaugh was the closest.
@Saxxin1 2 года назад
Like saying only a biologist can say what a woman is? That type of lying?
@shempshempleton4746 2 года назад
Don't the playa's hate the game...
@chrisn.6477 2 года назад
No, we can hate both
@ericbiggar3975 2 года назад
They are two faced
@garydp16 2 года назад
How about a quick look back at the definition of a woman.
@J0einOK 2 года назад
You mean chattel?
@Really250 2 года назад
@@J0einOK i mean how can something be chattle if you can't define it
@nomiddlenamenmn427 2 года назад
@@Really250 I respectfully disagree. Look no farther than Amy Vivian Coney Barrett to find the definition of chattel. Based on her reasoning, she should be at home obeying her husband.
@clownshoe4932 2 года назад
@@nomiddlenamenmn427 Why when she can be making all you shitlibs who can't even get any nookie cry about abortion.
@MrMarket1987 2 года назад
Oxygen - 52kg Carbon - 14.4kg Hydrogen - 8kg Nitrogen - 2.4kg Calcium - 1.12kg Phosphorus - 880g Sulphur - 200g Potassium - 200g Sodium - 120g Chlorine - 120g Magnesium - 40g Iron - 4.8g Fluorine - 3.0g Zinc - 2.6 g Strontium - 0.37g Iodine 0.0128 g Copper - 0.08g Manganese - 0.0136 g Molybdenum - 0.0104 g
@mwsr2521 2 года назад
Nice, now do the other side on gun control
@barbaraibiel 2 года назад
Yeah, take rights away from women and give right to gun fanatics!
@springbloom5940 2 года назад
Already did. Bad week for Democrats.
@Saxxin1 2 года назад
@@springbloom5940 sanity is making a comeback.
@biggsterboy 2 года назад
@@springbloom5940 overturning Heller.
@barbaraibiel 2 года назад
@@springbloom5940 Bad week for women. Bad week for everyone in America.
@georgecenteno4711 2 года назад
RU-vid works for Rupert Murdoch $$
@barbarasherman4870 2 года назад
Until our society takes care of all the pregnant women and the born children properly, the problem isn't solved. Who will adopt a profoundly malformed or idiot baby or child? Adoptions forever now are only for healthy babies. Search your heart before judging others for having an abortion. Will you step up for those women and babies? Plus what about teaching young men their part? Are we doing that?
@springbloom5940 2 года назад
Ahhh, so eugenics it is 👍
@MyerShift7 2 года назад
Your pandering and whining excuses still don't justify abortion. Slaughtering the unborn isn't a right to anyone. Never was. Get over it.
@barbarasherman4870 2 года назад
@@springbloom5940 ah, so you're a coward and refuse to address the elephant in the room. If you're not going to personally step up to help those women and damaged kids, you're a hypocrite and certainly not a true Christian.
@davids.2703 2 года назад
Looks like SCOTUS doesn't have much respect for "settled law"
@sthubbins4038 2 года назад
They were lying through their teeth, obviously.
@garrett08322 2 года назад
Looks like they don't like killing babies
@DavidCP524 2 года назад
Even RBG had acknowledged Roe was bad law.
@kesilame2590 2 года назад
You're right, that "settled law" is now SETTLED.
@adamboyd5190 2 года назад
It isn't law. The constitution clearly states that a law guarantees every person has equals rights. When you change the definition of "person" horrible things happen to "persons". This is why Roe v Wade could not be upheld.
@TheDonchido 2 года назад
Democrats are to blame for this.
@karlosandreas9771 2 года назад
Lying to get on the Supreme court should disqualify them from being on the Court!!!
@mercury13 2 года назад
they didnt lie where did they lie?
@charlesferdinand422 2 года назад
@@mercury13 Don't expect to get any real rational answers from a Leftie Liberal, all they can do is ignore realities and deny facts.
@springbloom5940 2 года назад
Someone needs a whaaaaambulance
@Saxxin1 2 года назад
Lies like saying under oath only a biologist can say what a woman is? Do you even think before posting?
@thealternative9580 2 года назад
This court has lost all legitimacy.
@mercury13 2 года назад
how so? biden presidncy was declare illigitiamet by the state of texas, jimmy carter did the exact same thing with elctors who were sent and he chose which ones as vic president and gave it to the demcotrat electors in the past, hillary and many dems called the presidency illigitiamte many times when republicans won now the dems are literlly taking policital prisoners who did the same thing they did in th past... Dems and repubs are knocking people off the ballot for power and siding with corportion to push a coporate communist meger of captilism like china ccp.
@merovechthe1st 2 года назад
Not at all
@thealternative9580 2 года назад
@@merovechthe1st Yes they have.
@thealternative9580 2 года назад
@Internet Critic yes it has. 4 of the justices were appointed by presidents who lost the popular vote. this is clearly political. its over for the courts and cops in america.
@merovechthe1st 2 года назад
@@thealternative9580 no they haven't. At all. They just overturned two awful laws in 2 days, proving their legitimacy.
@skywriter9359 2 года назад
But the fetus is a person entitled to - at least - life….
@marioboada7424 2 года назад
that will depend on its embryological stage.
@DeLaCruz878 2 года назад
@bromack3 2 года назад
Lets be real... are they only politicians that have ever lied about "anything."
@Xckel13 2 года назад
Bunch of liars
@kesilame2590 2 года назад
Where is the lie?
@chrisheist652 2 года назад
@@kesilame2590 Did you learn that technique in psy-ops school, propagandist?
@springbloom5940 2 года назад
Please do cite these lies?
@danmeek928 2 года назад
, when I was a kid I believed in Santa Claus and I would have swore to it. But as I got older I looked into it and saw the truth. Just as they probably looked into it and saw the truth. The roe was on very weak ground
@corydor4218 2 года назад
Three liars and hypocrites named by the biggest one of all. SC lost all credibility.
@merovechthe1st 2 года назад
What is a woman?
@colbymason8054 2 года назад
Not one lie found, except your own opinion.
@springbloom5940 2 года назад
Translation: WHAAAAAAAA 😭
@corydor4218 2 года назад
@@colbymason8054 Opinions aren't lies, they are opinions. Go back to school.
@MrMarket1987 2 года назад
@@merovechthe1st A miserable pile of secrets.
@gerardshpunt8327 2 года назад
Hopefully gun rights will be next
@marioboada7424 2 года назад
@ZoltzenMoltzar856 2 года назад
This is religion wrongly ans unscripturally involed in politics.
@l.w.paradis2108 2 года назад
Everyone knew they were lying.
@springbloom5940 2 года назад
Please cite even one single solitary lie?
@colbymason8054 2 года назад
What lie? They just challenged the view, and won.
@traviscutler9912 2 года назад
The system works.
@marioboada7424 2 года назад
how lying about something to get a job and using that job to do exactly the opposite is evidence that the system works?
@MrMarket1987 2 года назад
... in favor of Partisan hacks like Mitch to appoint people to rule on something the majority did not want, under a President that did not win the support of the people.
@traviscutler9912 2 года назад
@@marioboada7424 the system was set up for and by the ultra wealthy to concentrate power in the hands of the few to erode your rights with a thin veneer of legitimacy. It does work, just not for you.
@marioboada7424 2 года назад
@@traviscutler9912 I disagree. Based on the prevailing mechanisms at the time wealthy aristocracy didn't need a separation of powers to exert complete control of power. This is an aberration and utter corruption of a system deviced to protect the people not the individual.
@emma0.o401 2 года назад
I think all of these comments are from men😐
@MyerShift7 2 года назад
Sorry. Slaughtering the unborn isn't your right or a health issue. Never was.
@michaels7258 2 года назад
They lied but this is normal behavior for hypocritical conservatives.
@colbymason8054 2 года назад
Not one lie,they just challenged the opinion, and won.
@springbloom5940 2 года назад
Funny how not one single one of you, can cite this 'lie' you keep lying about.
@MrMarket1987 2 года назад
@@colbymason8054 They did whatever they felt like and acted on it after being stuffed into the Supreme Court at the behest and foul play of Mitch and Trump you mean.
@xoutofstep 2 года назад
oh perjury nice!
@MrAwesome874 2 года назад
Keep in mind that they’re speaking under oath as judges at this time, not justices.
@goldfishi5776 2 года назад
Where?? No, precisely where? You're full of it!
@kesilame2590 2 года назад
@@MrAwesome874 What is a woman?
@chrisheist652 2 года назад
@@kesilame2590 A woman is someone who's about to fix this situation.
@springbloom5940 2 года назад
Where? Please timestamp?
Roe v. Wade: A Legal History
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