
Losing a Favorite Person with BPD 

Completely Mental Coaching
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Losing a favorite person for any reason is extremely painful. We all react to this differently. It's hard to understand the feelings and thoughts someone with BPD has. BPD is complex you need at least 5/9 traits to be considered for BPD. Mental health overlaps a lot, but so does recovery! BPD is currently being studied as a neurodevelopmental disorder - a disorder that is caused by abnormal brain development. Mental illness is not a choice, while there is no "cure" for BPD and no medication that specifically targets any of the 9 traits of BPD there is remission and around 85% of people with BPD reach remission in their life. We are not bad or broken people. Stigmatizing a disorder helps NO ONE, it only hinders future healing. It creates an environment where people fear getting the help they need to form stronger neuropathways in a positive direction. There is no normal, healing is a lifelong journey, work to understand vs. stigmatize. #borderlinepersonalitydisorder #bpdawarness #bpdfp #bpdrelationships #bpdtiktok #bpdhelp #favoritepersonbpd #fyp #bpdfacts #bpdadvocate



9 сен 2023




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@Night7Crawler 2 месяца назад
It feels like dying, like your heart literally hurts and nothing in your world makes sense anymore.
@MyAngelAlfie 2 месяца назад
It does...😢what should we do? 😮❤
@nicholastracy4915 Месяц назад
Felt that.
@Night7Crawler Месяц назад
@@MyAngelAlfie Well, I always just waited it out and tried not to do something stupid in the meantime. Eventually, the pain subsides.
@jessluck6583 Месяц назад
That can also be descriptive of what a neurotypical partner with even an average amount of empathy feels like when devalued over time and split on by a pwClusterB: dying/crushed, heart broken, and nothing makes sense. The partner can also spend months to years trying to understand what that relationship was and/or in therapy processing what happened and how to fix their own issues bc the experience was so painful they do not want to repeat it.
@nicholastracy4915 Месяц назад
​@@jessluck6583Going through something similar.
@bart7784 5 месяцев назад
How it feels to lose FP? Hell, pure, raw hell. Suffocating horror, and you just keep drowning and drowning and drowning, sucked inside this nightmarish whirlpool.
@jessicamerced9116 Месяц назад
It feels like a baby being ripped away from it’s mother forever 😞💔 Pure emotional torture! I’m thankful for the healing process 🙏
@Lemonz1989 Месяц назад
I had to cut off my BPD friend. She was destroying me mentally. I have “high-functioning” autism and ADHD, so I need my space to recharge; something she couldn’t handle. She called me sometimes up to 15 times a day and talked at me (not with me) for 4 to 5 hours a day about the same things over and over again, sometimes 3 or 4 times during the same conversation. I wasn’t able to sleep, go to work, go buy groceries or anything without her calling me and requiring “support.” I started developing panic attacks for the first time in my life. Then the blame and accusations came when I didn’t answer for a day, because I have frequent and severe migraines as well. She would accuse me of spying on her for her crush, or that I was spending time with him and/or sleeping with him. I have literally never spoken to the man, and he’s straight. I’m a gay man… It made no sense. 😕
@Gaydumbass_psurgay 22 дня назад
I’m sorry you went through that. I actually experienced the same thing with someone when I was like 15, but the crazy thing was they were only 11. They were my best friend but they had SOOO many problems. They’d call and message me multiple times a day wanting to talk, and I also have ADHD and possibly Autism like you, so I also like my alone time and stuff. Not to mention social anxiety, so socializing was very draining for me a lot. But they ALWAYS wanted to talk and we’d end up talking for like an hour or more, and whenever I didn’t talk to them, they’d somewhat accuse me of stuff but mainly just kept accusing me of hating them and not actually liking them and that I didn’t wanna be friends or something. I really did enjoy their company and having them to talk to at times, but again I usually just like my alone time more often, but they never believed me or tried to understand when I tried explaining it to them. I tried being open with them but they just didn’t believe anything I said. I know someone might say “oh but they’re only 11”. No. They were VERY mature for their age, like they smoked weed and did so many things no 11 year old should EVER do. I hate to say it but people like that are dangerous, and they were definitely not safe to be around because they were also EXTREMELY clingy and seemed to have a favorite person a lot, me being one of them I’m pretty sure. After learning about BPD, I’m almost very certain that I might have it bc I have almost every symptom so I’m trying to look for a diagnosis. It’s just that I struggle with the favorite person thing bc I have trust issues and don’t let my guard down easily, unless I’m able to relate and connect with someone a LOT, which doesn’t happen very often. But when it does, I can definitely relate with having a favorite person. Bc that’s exactly what it feels like. I’m terrified of having a FP bc I know I likely won’t have them around for the rest of my life and the thought of losing them sounds like my worst nightmare.
@Xand3rCha0s360 Месяц назад
When I lost one of my FPs (evidence showed/proved I drove them away permanently unfortunately, I've since grown and learned far better from those mistakes) it took several years to recover from Even now, 4 or so years later, I can't cope with the pain the same way- but I've accepted and forgiven myself (somewhat) and did my best to move on and I'm living my best life I can now, my current FP and partner (who is undiagnosed quiet/high functioning borderline) works with me and I work with him for us both to overcome obstacles with our extremes in emotions- we've learned that it's okay to be mad at each other and still love each other. We've learned we can both have distance and still be just as in love That pain I felt when my last FP before him abandoned me, the abandonment I made happen, it's a pain that's still sharp to this day because the reality of it is you don't ever truly get over it- you just kind of... adjust and learn to move on, it is very much like grief- it's genuinely like you lost a part of yourself and most of us BPDers never quite fully recover from it- we absolutely can, but this takes many years for many of us
@mystrose333 9 месяцев назад
You know, I love this video because usually when you see a video on FP it's about how we act and the desperate attempts to stop it or get a FP back. This one showed how WE feel after they leave and what we go thru. Thank you. I volunteer with a Mental Health site and I'm going to show this video to my friends.
@CompletelyMentalCoaching 8 месяцев назад
There is alot of stigma surrounding BPD I am happy your able to use this to spread awareness! :)
@laurarose2412 8 месяцев назад
Just once I would like for someone with BPD to apologize.Everything is about them. This is how I feel bc you abandoned me and this is why I behave this way. And you are the reason for all my problems and you planned it and tried to ruin my life. How about JUST ONCE, I’m sorry that I raged at you, belittled you, gaslight you, tried to line up your friends and family against you and then hit and stabbed you. Now, add will believe she is bipolar or has PTSD or anything but BPD so she won’t get the help she needs. After 48 years of trying to help my sibling, we are all peace out.
@CompletelyMentalCoaching 8 месяцев назад
I'm sorry for your specific experience with a specific person/people. I hope you find the healing you are looking for. BPD does not equal abuse everyone is different. 85% of people with BPD reach remission in their life. MANY of us find healing, many of us are not abusive and build beautiful lives and create lasting relationships including apologizing when were wrong. Statements like " JUST ONCE i would like for SOMEONE with BPD to apologize" further stigmatizes the disorder. Stigma serves no one it creates an environment that makes it difficult for ANYONE to heal including yourself. ANYONE can be or become abusive. This is a very specific example you are using to outline an entire population of people. Spreading awareness is not playing the victim it is spreading awareness & education to help others relate and seek help.
@as-above-so-below- 6 месяцев назад
Keep in mind that a lot of Narcissists can pass themselves off as BPD well. A lot of people with BPD are overly obsessed with you and your feelings, not their own. If they're making it all about themselves all the time, I don't think it's best to trust whatever they consider themselves as.
@The_Prince_Of_Crows 5 месяцев назад
I had the same experience with my last relationship. The girl was misdiagnosed bi-polar but I have had several people in my life who I lived with that were BPD and recognized it almost immediately due to the inability to apologize or accept personal responsibility for simple mistakes. It is such a unique way that they argue that it stands out. After that they just confirmed it over and over and over. She even claims to have apologized "countless times" for things she has never once admitted despite being caught red handed three times, let alone apologized for and it is extremely frustrating. I don't know if this is a memory issue due to the BPD or just another lie but it is a large part of what destroyed our relationship because there was no conflict resolution. Now she has rewritten our entire history and made me out to be a monster when I never gave her a hard time until at the very end when she was lying about serious issues and I just couldn't take it anymore. She justified avoiding me and isolating behind that event while splitting me and the relationship. e She also used her parents to blockade me and prevent me from seeing her or attempting to talk to her in person even though she is 45(she still lives at home). She roped them in with lies and a staged scene she used to create the fight that led to our breakup too. It was a mess at the end. Now she has even refused to admit that she staged the fight despite the things she said to me and did to set it in motion during the two days prior. Knowing the circumstances makes it easier to handle but it still hurts and it still makes you question things. Like did she ever love me at all or was it all just another escape from reality she was using to avoid her pain? Anyway, I am just amazed at how much your post reminds me of this girl and understand how frustrating it can be. All three of the BPD people I know has this trait too. That and the tendency to lie about it to avoid accountability and any blame. One even came to me and told me she must have done it because she was the only one who could have but that she didn't remember it. Maybe she didn't remember but it was the closest I ever got to an apology from her. It is brutal.
@lennardschneider6847 2 месяца назад
I am sorry you all suffered from a person with BPD. We do indeed have (to an individually large extent) a contorted perception of our emotional surrounding. I don't understand the lying (girl's thing?) but we perceive we not act but react to something which has emotionally come our way already or will "certainly" come our way. So if someone then shows angry or hurt confusion, we might not understand that our distancing doesn't seem a logical consequence to you, too. Or that we break contact "for your own good". Timely communication is a must, from both sides. But that entails the BPD person has to be fully aware of their condition and has to know what triggers them or what makes them uncomfortable.
@IamAgrocerybag 2 месяца назад
Those watching this be careful of the toxic frames this bpd lays out. When your favorite person leaves”,is a very vague statement, that implicitly frames the bpd person the one who is left. This gives a vague air of victimhood to the bpd something they thrive on. For those watching this the victim is the person in the relationship with the bpd. That person was pushed out at some point during the push pull value/devalue cycle, when the bpd continually breaks personal boundaries and threatens implicitly to discard you for attempting to set healthy boundaries. A bpd abuses you and continually breaks boundaries and then complains how bad it hurts them when their victim leaves.
@Anythingwilldo296 Месяц назад
Not so much losing but driving them away with the abuse let’s get it right
@savannahjolie2507 22 дня назад
@nse712 14 дней назад
If we are going to get it right, then acknowledge that most people with BPD don't intend abuse--they are trying to meet their needs in the only way they know how, it just happens to be immature. You wouldn't call it abuse for a two-year-old to need lots of attention and reassurance from his mom, or for being scared of not knowing who they are or where they fit in the big, scary world without her. It is like someone with BPD has arrested development in this area at a young age.
@Anythingwilldo296 14 дней назад
@@nse712 yeh but they’re not 2 they’re just acting like it
@Anythingwilldo296 13 дней назад
@@nse712 when murder becomes man slaughter a death has still occurred, an injured party and a responsible party, and yes they do intentionally hurt others, because they don’t do it to others in the circle, so they are fully aware of right and wrong, that’s why they can’t use it in their many court appearances.
@FalconHgv Месяц назад
Don't really have BPD (I hope), but throughout life, beginning in my teens, I've dealt with situations like this, where I lost good friends (tho looking at it now, idk if they were) and over the next years other friends were like "but do you love them? I don't understand why it's so hard for you if you guys weren't even romantical.", "Aren't you straight, dude?", and things like that, and honestly it's weird. It's weird feeling "grief" for months, sometimes even a year and a half but people just say it's because you're crazy or something. It would physically hurt, it would make me lose sleep, appetite and will to live and make me cut off people in my circle and go 9 months with 0 contact, because I felt like I wasn't good enough and this would happen again with them. Friends also never really understood what I've meant with "We're good friends but it's different with them" whenever I've talked about having a "favorite" person.
@Anxi7 Месяц назад
You’re doing an awesome thing making these. They’re opening up so many things I thought only ever happened to me. Thank you so much. ❤️🤙🏽🙏 I’m at the point where I’m starting to grasp that I can’t have that I can’t keep relying on that favorite person for emotional stability. It’s a really slow process, but I’m making a little progress.
@as-above-so-below- 6 месяцев назад
My favorite person was a narcissistic boss. He was like an older brother in my eyes. He was so mentally unstable and spited everyone for everything. Having BPD, it was probably the most emotionally confusing thing I ever went through. I had to just walk off the job one day when he was really tearing into me. He embarrassed himself that day though and now nobody takes his aggression seriously. Nobody trusts him anymore and I still feel really bad for the guy because he just walked right into all of it. I didn't care that I was homeless and living in my truck at the time. I moved back across the country to live with my parents again and to get back into therapy. The first 6 months after leaving, I felt like I was legitimately going through physical withdrawal symptoms. It was like my body and mind were breaking down. I was a people pleasing mess, a guy with bad mommy issues who was afraid of doing anything that could even mildly bug someone, but after that, I've been such a paranoid and hyper vigilant person that I can't hardly talk with people. I can't talk with my old friends from back then because I just break down into tears and have to apologize and humiliate myself just to at least try and not feel like I've walked out on their lives for selfish reasons. People want to paint us as humans with a chimpanzee temperament, but we're just humans who are scared of being alone to a degree that most people could ever experience. A girl I dated and have still been close friends with a while back texted me after all of that and I love her like family but it took me over a month to respond just because she asked me how I was doing and I knew me being unhealthy or unhappy really made her feel bad. I was irrationally afraid to talk to her. That entire thing broke me in a way that I just haven't been able to get over for almost 2 years now
@lisytrinh5231 3 месяца назад
Im glad im not the only one that is experiencing this kinda Overwhelming loss 😔 Its already been 6 months, I hope i HEAL real soon 😞🙏🏻
@vrilginitymaxxer 2 месяца назад
Are you going to therapy?
@CadmusAU 5 месяцев назад
yep - i think im in the process of loosing mine :-( had a BPD episode two Mondays ago and ever since this person is totally ignoring me - like reading all my messages but not taking any sort of care to respond. I know in my episode with how bad i felt about something they did (which i have since let go of and have told them) i wanted them to feel as deep pain as i was at the time and stupidly pulled the ultimate trump card of any threat i could make. I have maybe slept 3-4 nights in the past three weeks cause my mind can only think about how ill never see or talk to them, but mostly the sheer guilt & shame i fell for even saying what i did! Even though i sent that message, there is no chance i would ever ever do that! The way i described today to a friend how i was currently feeling was the following: im looking out into the night sky and seeing all the stars but suddenly im now noticing each star go out without warning, no longer shinning and each time that happens i can feel the very cracks forming inside my mind psyche. These cracks i feel inside can feel sudden or even drawn out but i know each time i get that stabbing feeling i loose a piece of what makes me me... i know if i explode into a billion pieces the person that everyone knows now will no longer exist. The last time something similar happened was in 2014 - i used to be such a free happy spirit before moving insterstate - but that one person and the betrayl i felt didnt even give time for cracks to appear - i imploded and that version of me was vaporized, leaving a cautious but somewhat hopeful individual. This time round - i think if i loose my best friend, my FP - hope will die with that friendship entirely - and a human without hope isnt a good thing.
@tugnormoustuglicous1303 4 месяца назад
Sorry no remorse for you. You flipped out on them and lashed out at them. Called consequences and is an adult thing soooo 🫡
@CadmusAU 4 месяца назад
@@tugnormoustuglicous1303 if you knew the reason for that, you wouldnt post something so ignorant that it belongs in the stoneage
@carlosleal6776 3 дня назад
Crazy beautiful talk
@mikado_m Месяц назад
To me it feels like my soul is flying away.. like a balloon at a theme park
@lguinancio 16 дней назад
I broke up with someone who I believe had bpd and I was her favorite person of many years. It felt like I killed her. Two years later, the guilt still haunts me.
@saladfingers. Месяц назад
I feel nothing anymore, genuinely. I attach to no one.
@septemberkozicki7264 9 месяцев назад
Our family is exiting a six year toxic relationship between an outwardly beautiful female with BPD (and PTSD, ...) and one of our key young men. I truly want the best for this young lady, just not here.
@nicholastracy4915 Месяц назад
Hope she stays and ya'll accept here.
@Exploring_Under_The_Rainbow 8 дней назад
Ive BPD and someone I was with 6 years just cut me off. Hes a Narcissist but I still loved everything about him. He was my friend and boyfriend and a huge part of my life. I saw him everything weekend and its only been 6 weeks since he ended. Im thinking of going to councling as I cant function and stay in bed every weekend. I hide it in work but the pain is so bad. Ive never felt anything like this. 😢
@charcoalandlight1990 9 месяцев назад
Awesome video! Very insightful and I appreciate your perspective. I'm curious if you have thoughts on why some individuals with BPD traits seem to push away their favorite person, given what you said in this video.
@CompletelyMentalCoaching 8 месяцев назад
Many different reasons that fear of abandonment is center stage we can prepare for the worst by leaving first, or convince ourselves your all bad because if your all bad we can leave and avoid that certain abandonment. We can spare you and give you the life you deserve because we feel like a cancer in peoples lives and dont want to take people down with us. There are SOOOO many reasons but the ROOT is that fear of abandonment.
@adilernez7508 21 день назад
Why it’s so difficult to Apologize to the favorite person if the borderline patient did a mistake or cheat on her partner ??
@heavysighs 3 месяца назад
I understand. But the constant fear of violence from her, the constant cheating with my friends and coworkers. Should I just suck it up and feel sorry for her and help her. I'm also mentally ill now
@danielhughes8172 Месяц назад
No you should not suck it up you are a person to you can understand which is noble of you but why should you suffer for someone else? It’s a 2 way street you need to find someone who loves you like you love her it’s horrible because I’m going through the same thing and I don’t think I’ll ever open up like I have but I live in hope that good things happen and maybe we go through this to understand that there is a love that knows no bounds and we deserve that because we gave it to someone who couldn’t comprehend it even if we understand BPD it can never be an excuse alls that does is enable
@arjenvandervegt8638 Месяц назад
My free thoughts: Why find ourselves in the other? Purely for safety reasons? Because the other is stable? Then it is: because of enormous instability we look for support that we cannot find within ourselves. To get out and not react in black and white, in all types of relationships we must find and strengthen stability within ourselves. And stability means a feeling of security. Then safety can also be felt more with someone who looks like us. That person is in any case more stable and safer for us because he or she is more predictable.
@carlosleal6776 3 дня назад
I like you I don’t care I will never left you alone I will be with you forever
@srebrooo 2 месяца назад
Wish I never had FP's it's the most soul crushing thing ever
@villainnnnn0 Месяц назад
The pain is unbearable
@0The152Cat0 3 месяца назад
But what is it like when the one with BPD pushes their special person away to the point of losing them? Is it any different because it seems they chose to lose that person? Is it that they truly no longer wanted their special person around anymore or is it some other form of an unintentional misstep that causes their special person to leave?
@kay_felixr 2 месяца назад
I think it comes from their huge trust issues, they're scared of being hurt again (past experiences/ trauma and stuff) that's why they selfsabotage and try to push that person away and create distance, so they don't end up being hurt. Since they have that fear of abandonment at the same time and also kind of that co-dependency that got desrcibed in the video, I don't think they actually want to lose that person. They're just terribly scared they get hurt. Hope that could help^^
@lennardschneider6847 2 месяца назад
When we distance ourselves or push away a FP, it is like the difference (for me at least) between getting a leg amputated under anaesthesia and numbing painkillers instead of getting it torn off your body by a shark or something. The emotional spot is kinda numb(ed) when we distance ourselves vs raw bleed-to-death pain. Losing the FP is like a giant claw rips your belly open and yanks out heart and intestines and everything attached. You're left with excruciating pain, empty, hollow, and asking yourself every single day why you are still alive.
@The_Rude_French_Canadian Месяц назад
Mine started dating another guy 2 weeks after our 2yrs relationship ended. She pushed me away most of the relationship with the splitting.
@jonliebelt9508 21 день назад
Can someone please give me advice I am a 21 year old male and am dealing with someone who is 18 with bpd and her and I had a really good situationship going I treated her very well, however one bad event triggered her during intimacy . A night after she stated it felt like my hands were still present on her even tho she didn’t want them to atm she had blocked me on everything I still call her once a night but she says I hurt her but I keep trying to tell her I didn’t intentionally mean to bring back those flashbacks but she still doesnt seem to understand and she says rn she hasn’t left the house it’s been 1 week
@chang1nglanes Месяц назад
Can these feelings for someone also overlap with autism?
@fredfarmer5952 Месяц назад
Feels like ya'll need to focus on growing up... getting out of yourself through HEALTHY guided volunteering, moving towards groups you don't want to... like Codependent Anonymous and Alanon... and working on your addiction to DRAMA.
@cmbhalupowski Месяц назад
So how do you tell BPD from NPD?
@arjenvandervegt8638 Месяц назад
It's just a scale. I read from a therapist that borderliners are failed narcists.
@kevinfromheaven 25 дней назад
a lot of ways. self harm and identity insecurity is not occurring in npd. Narcissists are unaffected by others opinions of them because they feel superior not inferior like BPD. In some ways they’re opposite but of course theres some overlap in cluster B personality disorders namely covert narcissism of self pity. In that way depressives and anxious people are narcissists though. You can read the DSM if you actually want to know.
@eddierisenhoover4552 22 дня назад
It almost killed me
@dougbenton8767 3 месяца назад
They are gone and I don’t really care.
@katebueno191 9 дней назад
Forget about the advice the self sabotage thing everything !! What I want to know is when exactly are you going to give me the court date and time so we can discuss how you taken money out of my account. I realize you trying to minize that like yo always do !! But I almost recked because of you and I got sick because of you !! So maybe the time to stop minizing and lecturing is time for you to get that court date and time so it can be discussed in court !!
@scottrobertson5639 2 месяца назад
B.s. you care about nobody but yourself
@lennardschneider6847 2 месяца назад
Healthy egoism is the term I'd prefer 😊
@vrilginitymaxxer 2 месяца назад
​@@lennardschneider6847nothing healthy about untreated pwbpd
@GhANeC Месяц назад
You can see in her eyes, in her authentic expressiveness, that she’s telling you this first hand from what she’s felt and experienced and she’s probably trying hard not to relive it while she’s talking about it ❤️ 🫂
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