
Lothar Schafer 'The Infinite Potential of Quantum Physics' Interview by Iain McNay 

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Lothar Schafer 'The Infinite Potential of Quantum Physics' Interview by Iain McNay
Author of 'Infinite Potential' and 'In Search of Divine Reality' talks about 'What Quantum Physics reveals about how we should live our lives.' Retired Professor of chemistry he spent a large part of his life in a laboratory looking at quantum-chemical computations and electron diffraction studies of molecular structures. He says, "You need to first understand the order of the universe and your place in it - you can't find happiness in your personal life if you are not living in harmony with the universe. The constituents of real things are found not to be real - these findings show that the quantum phenomena make it possible to establish a new covenant between the human mind and the mind-like background of the universe - one that provides a home again to the homeless and meaning to seemingly pointless life. The universe must be assumed to have a moral as well as a physical order, and facts and values derive again from a single source."
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@jsabra1 4 года назад
This is so underrated, I've searched so much for a reasonable explanation of Quantum Physics and how it related to the universe. I only found this after reading his book.
@sawsher99 11 лет назад
I have never seen this video before and the line of thought that he expresses in this interview is EXACTLY the same as i've been having since dropping fear and really waking up. Conciousness is real...it's in a bad state 'at the moment' . When u die u are just that conciousness. Just one. No other being....and all good n bad done by beings accumulates there. Be good, speak the truth. Live and love life
@Doriesep6622 7 лет назад
And we have to leave all our stuff here. :)
@quuanttum 7 лет назад
I always enjoy Lothars talks. Great work.
@EnlightenedJourney 11 лет назад
This is an excellent interview, one of my favorites. Thanks for having Lothar on! Peace..
@MrSimonj1970 11 лет назад
Excellent interview, if a bit too brief. Thanks for being one of those rare interviewers who knows how to shut up and listen, Iain!
@TheClcantrill 11 лет назад
Hello Ian and Renata, Wonderful enlightened interviews. You always let the guest talk and you both guide the interviews so well. Thank you, Celita Cantrill
@hashem1811 10 лет назад
Great interview. Abstract, concepts presented in an accessible way. Kudos to the host for perfect timing; knowing when to interject, when to hold back, and how to lead the session. Rare skill.
@HueyTheDoctor 11 лет назад
Think back to all the old Yoda quotes from Empire. "You must unlearn what you have learned." "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter." "Do or do not, there is no try." "War makes not one great." "Judge me by my size, do you?" Lots of wisdom there, obviously those involved with the scriptwriting process were resonant with mysticism and quantum mechanics.
@goran.rukljac 3 года назад
Its Joseph Campbell, he influenced Star Wars.
@michele292 11 лет назад
Thank you, this was brilliant! Wish it were twice as long!
@LissaCoffey 11 лет назад
Terrific! Love it! I highly recommend this book - it's amazing!
@victoriarivas7502 8 лет назад
Dr. Lothar is a great mind - his book has fantastic tips on how to understand and apply quantum mechanical laws to build you big theory of everything.
@larry89 3 года назад
We will look back at this and say Lothar was ahead of his time!
@catherinemullin1897 3 года назад
Love you ian & renatta , sole spiritual warriors for so many years , your conversations with people were the start of countless journeys before the now abundance of books and this man’s gentle spirit is also amazing for our quantum physics library, forever grateful to you all yous have no idea thank you from my children and I 💕
@dorisgerson3199 4 года назад
So marvellous how it's described quantum reality. Thank you
@demitrac.9082 2 года назад
Lothar expresses a beautifully simplistic description of "What is Ultimate Reality"? on an episode of Closer to Truth with Robert Lawrence Kuhn
@TheMirandalorian 2 года назад
My question is when did we get misled? why did we get misled? if this is our natural state of being, connectedness, spiritual, oneness, why did we forget? or is our purpose here to evolve into remembering again? Man, i have so many questions regarding this topic, and i always walk away wanting to explore more and with so many more questions then when i started! also, how do we find a way or tap into the ability of letting God or the universe, whatever you decide to call it, fin us? meditation? i have been reading and listening to eckhart tolle and its been really eye-opening, and i do think i tend to overthink this whole subject. I think it has everything to do with presence and quieting the thinking mind. but thinking is still a part of us and its even being said that thoughts probably come more from the collective mind then from YOU. but then if everything is one, aren't you also the collective mind, so in essence it kind of is you?
@profitsearchgroup4891 2 года назад
u r the world
@katnip198 3 года назад
Thank you for this most interesting interview. Listening to Lothar Schafer brought up memories of listening to David Bohm being interviewed.
@daveredinger1947 2 года назад
David Bohm... Definitely.. i love his idea of the implicate and explicate order.
@ezza88ster 2 года назад
Lothar is a very wise man Indeed. Helped me join the dots, on all the levels of my experience, all at once. And point ways forward to develop my 'self' practically too. Iain you did such a great job of drawing so much out in such a short time.
@veraintuizione6497 3 года назад
SO grateful for this video....So grateful...🙏💟
@demitrac.9082 2 года назад
Lothar expresses a beautifully simplistic description of " on an episode of Closer to Truth with Lawrence Kuhn
@rejeanoe 11 лет назад
Another excellent book that shows the intelligent divinity... science still have to explain our madness... an explanation I've found only in the book 'A Course in Miracles'
@petrustella 9 лет назад
Nice dialogue... With much aspects to go deeper in reflections... At 15:40: May be we can, at mind level, that it is made of waves, to be 5% there and others 12% in other, and only 83% in us... At 18:38. Are the thoughts really thought or originated in no language and then expressed in French or Italian language or sometimes they can really originate from words of a langage?
@runjettyrun3819 3 года назад
wonderful interview discussion thank you for sharing it - truly inspiring and interesting!
@sophiazs888 8 лет назад
Great interview!!! I am ordering the book.
@Dyslexic-Artist-Theory-on-Time 11 лет назад
Very though provoking video! If we think of consciousness as electrical activity that is aware of its own electrical potential we can place the individual within his or her own reference frame as part of an interactive process. The photon of quantum mechanics is the carrier of the electromagnetic force therefore the future coming into existence photon by photon! Therefore quantum uncertainty that is formed by the w-function would then be the same uncertainty we have with any future event
@slbe9721 7 месяцев назад
Lothar is talking about a (probable) potential future already in us if only we look for it and achieve our potential because it exists in the cosmic mind who is looking for us too.
@CoopSouth713 4 года назад
Obviously a great upload with a brilliant, unique guest and an informed and thoughtful host. But it is fascinating to see these sharp, leading edge thinkers still not immune from the effects of propoganda enough to Praise Bill Gates as someone "wise" and doing what is "right" and proper in the universe. Maybe im too critical, this is a stellar upload!!
@donhawkins9742 2 года назад
@Santhwani 9 лет назад
I think gradually scientist will understand that what they try to establish is not what the universe is. In this world what we see is only the five senses wrongly attribute into our conscious to ‘understand’ the things that we are dealing with.
@williamolenchenko5772 6 дней назад
I noticed Lothar does not say a fine-tuned universe itself proves the existence of God. According to string theory, an extremely large number of universes and laws/constants are possible. So one should not be surprised to see some possible universes that are fine-tuned to be conducive for life to exist.
@brendamackaness9790 4 года назад
Can you explain what "zero" is - a form or not? What is that space called between atoms in mathematical terms?
@matthewteal7134 4 года назад
So he's basically explaining the identity of the spirit and Gods kingdom?
@rkrishad 4 года назад
Spot on !!
@dinasohi 8 лет назад
@Rhea303 11 лет назад
Thanks, Conscious TV! Horribly interesting.
@niteengupte 2 года назад
Perhaps the cosmic mind thinking through Newton or Darwin wanted the humanity to evolve to the next quantum stage on the basis of a purely material view of universe where physically fittest survived to evolve. Now the cosmic mind thinking through Heisenburg or Shrodinger wants the humanity to evolve to the next quantum stage on the basis of a quantum view of universe where all sentient beings evolve based on cooperation or interdependency.
@Dyslexic-Artist-Theory-on-Time 11 лет назад
Good video! This is an invitation to see an artist theory on the physics of time as a physical process! Based on just two postulates: 1. The quantum w-particle function Ψ or probability function represents the forward passage of time itself with the future coming into existence photon by photon. 2. Quantum uncertainty that is formed by the w-function is the same uncertainty we have with any future event within our own ref-frame that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual!
@sadiaswr 7 лет назад
i really like him 😂
@bris1tol 9 лет назад
The three levels of reality in Platonic Physics Roger B Clough, National Institute of Standards and Technology (Retired) (11-28-2014) Abstract Here we combine the top-down metaphysics of Plato and Leibniz with the inside-out categories of C S Peirce to enable us to view the world in a new, more useful light, simultaneously from two perspectives, and in more detail than Leibniz's pre-established harmony. The top down structuring from Plato and Leibniz allows us to view the world as it is: governed cybernetically by thought from the top singularity (the One, comparable to a computer processing unit), rather than from the ungoverned perspective of current science. This allows us not only to understand the world properly, but to structure the world cybernetically. with all creation, perception and control coming in the form of thought from the top down, but inside out using C S Peirce's three categories. 1. Introduction. While C S Peirce is well known to the philosophy of science, the worlds of Plato and his follower Leibniz have been less explored for such purposes. Plato was an Idealisti and Arthur Eddington spent much of his life adapting Plato to science, but his use of Mind in a world thoroughly established in materialism ihas largely blocked exploration of the use of Mind cybernetically, as a singular, mental control point, so that the current world of science is only governed, if at all, in fiefdoms. But more significantly, materialism and a lack of a single cybernetic control from top down has hindered the develepment of an understanding to consciousness, thought and the role and nature of the self. For example, Dennett in his explanation of consciences does not have a perceiver (or at best a fancifal and abstract invention of one). Moreover the perceiver, to obviate the homunculus with homunculus problem, must be on a higher ontological level, and which has to be a living singular entity, not an abstract reference. By application of Leibniz and Plato and common sense as well,, we see that the perceiver must be singular-- the One, the cybernetic Perceiver and control point, the central processing unit, to use a computer analogy. The learning curve on Plato-Leibniz is a bit steep at first, foreign to most physical scientists because of their unfamiliar top down control, which is also done indirectly by thought rather than directly by physical interaction, but also because of Leibniz's unfamiliar spreadsheet style ontology, using not atoms but complete concepts called monads, which can be nested like sets. That would seem to render Leibniz more understandable to mathematicians and computer science, but his thinking in terms of substances and monads can be off-putting. Once these are understood (through his Monadology [ ]) and if one sticks to the elementary particles scale (the particles are both substance and monads) one can proceed fairly smoothly. 2. The three levels FIRSTNESS -FIRST PERSON (I) -Mind- The One, the Monarch- this is the realm of Plato's Mind. It is life itself, pure nonphysical intelligence. Purely subjective, timeless and spaceless - with innate knowledge and a priori memory, containing the pre-established harmony, necessary logic, numbers - the womb of the WHAT. Mind creates all, perceives all, controls all. Thus the individual mind controls the brain, not the reverse. Mind plays the brain like a violin. SECONDNESS - SECOND PERSON (YOU RIGHT HERE) ental objects so both subjective +objective- The Many. In this, the WHAT separates from Mind and becomes a HERE. Accordingly. Heidegger referred to existence as "dasein". "Being here." According to Leibniz, all monads are alive to various degrees. There are of three gradations of life in these, according to Leibniz: a) Bare, naked monads, which we can think of as purely physical ( Eg, a fundamental particle). b) Animal and vegetative monads, which Leibniz calls souls, which can have feelings, but little intellect. c) Spirits (corresponding to humans), which have, in addition, intellectual capacities. Mind transforms physical signals in nerves and neurons into experiences. If Mind then reperceives or reflects on these experiences, they are said to be thoughgt or apperceived. To be apperceived is to be made conscious. Thus consciousness is the product of thought. Intentions are also made in the same way, so that we caqn say that thoughts are intentions by Mind. The human brain is a monad which contains as subsets, mental capacities. Neuroscience tells us that there is binding between monads for parts and functions of the brain, but since monads cannot act directly on each other, this binding must be indirect, through the sequential updates of the perceptions and appetites of the subfunction monads. These must be made by Mind, either directly or through the preestablished harmony PEH). Unfortunately the Stanford Leibniz site on Leibniz makes no mention of the action of Mind on the individual mind, IMHO a gross shortcoming. Sensory signals and signals for feelings must also go through such a binding process. In a sense, the binding process plays the role of a self, but in conventional neuroscience self is a function of the brain, rather than the other way round, as common sense suggests and the intentionality of self or mind proves, along with the need for a PEH. This shortcoming in conventional understanding of the brain becomes all the more nagging if we consider thinking, which is closely related to apperception, because it must be conscious.Thinking, we submit, consists of consciously manipulating and comparing such apperceptions. Through Mind, with its potentially infinite wisdom and intelligence, intuitions and thoughts can arise spontaneously in the individual mind. If these are to be immediate and/or original, it is reasonable to believe that they originate in Mind, rather than indirectly through separate although bound parts of the brain. Anyone who has experienced a vocal duet in which the vibratos are in phase should become convinced of this. Mind is the monarch of the intelligent mind, which controls the brain. Mind plays the brain like a violin. Mind is also is able to focus on a thought for a brief period, within the context of one's memory and universal memory, for purposes of thinking an comparison, making the biological brain and its complex bindings seem hopelessly indirect and subject to confusion. THIRDNESS - THIRD PERSON (IT OVER THERE) Corresponding physical objects as is appropriate- -here the object is born or emittted from the monad--and emerges into spacetime as a particle, becoming completely objective, a WHAT+ HERE +WHEN., In addition the Thirdness of a private thought or experience is its public expression in some appropriate form. 3. Conclusions This format allows us to examine quantum phenomena from inside out and perception, thinking and consciousness ontologically- from physical nerve signals to mental experiences such as thought, consciousness, and cognition. It also avoids problem encountered in “bottom-up” science, such as complexity and emergence, if for no other reason than there is no apparent way of conceiving of a singular control point at the bottom. -- Dr. Roger B Clough NIST (retired, 2000). See my Leibniz site: rclough@verizon.academia.edu/RogerClough For personal messages use rclough@verizon.net
@beccarose1789 4 года назад
I just call it Quantum Metaphysics - where Magick lives - the quantum world of anti-matter and inter-matter energy
@creativezebra5757 9 лет назад
How to talk about something that defies definition, that is a curious problem !
@Doriesep6622 7 лет назад
The Tao that can be spoken of is not the Tao. :)
@creativezebra5757 7 лет назад
Doriesep6622 ☺ I read the tao the first thing in the morning after I open my droopy eyes ....so that my subconscious mind gets the tao logic...... it's an amazing co incidence that you sent me this ....
@Doriesep6622 7 лет назад
:) Syncronicity? I listen to the Tao last thing at night. I like Mitchell's translation even though it is not considered perfect. That is amazing.
@creativezebra5757 7 лет назад
Doriesep6622​ I have an app ...called Lindy tao on my phone....not sure who translated it..... this synchronicity is following me everywhere like a swarm of bees..... he says in one of the verse I just read yesterday.......it goes somewhat like.....when I succeed...I keep away from the ego...with the help of the uncarved block . ....I understand what he says.... I guess there is a process , some sort of mental exercise that these enlightened people do to be/connect with the source / uncarved block....
@Doriesep6622 7 лет назад
I just got a smart phone. I'll try to find that. TU
@dearkrish1 6 лет назад
Many thousand years back, India propagated 'Sanarthana Dharma' that whole world is one family. India was flourishing accomodating everyone from other parts of the world. Then came the barbaric tribal from middle east and cunning colonial looters to enslave this great nation. Their atrocities & loot brought down the GDP from 27% to negative number.
@rachelstarr7979 5 месяцев назад
You can!! You can prove it!!! It is measurable!!! How old is this? Surely you guys already know as there are over 300 peer reviewed papers.
@sarthwahb 2 года назад
@ClarkeZona-t8w 4 дня назад
Jackson Ruth Garcia Jennifer Gonzalez Melissa
@terijune3307 6 лет назад
I understand that scientists cannot say the word "spiritual" so that they remain free of any bias, but spiritually-minded people can say that a world without matter is a spiritual world... with the "potentiality" for the Kingdom of Heaven, which the most demonstrative Quantum Physicist, Jesus, said was "within" US!!! Jesus said we could heal as he did and do "these things and GREATER". Jesus saw the perfect spiritual "image and likeness" of God instead of a Leper, a blind person, a crippled person... and his absolute understanding that that was the Truth, well it healed thousands upon thousands of people. Jesus brought to us a "life more abundant" [ie. "salvation" from our limiting material ideas]... and showed us the meaning of spiritual "dominion" over the things of the earth [matter]. The very first chapter of the Bible is a chapter which appears to be totally based upon Quantum Physics. When God said God saw everything God made and "behold" it was "very good"...... we should take a hint and start beholding the good as Jesus did and as God, the Cosmic Mind does.... All this wonderful, loving, uplifting, empowering Biblical Truth is from Genesis Chapter One, which has been ignored (and said to not be true anymore) by many Christian believers. Instead, we have thought of ourselves as coming from "dirt" to return to "dirt" for way too long[ Genesis II and III] We have thought of ourselves as some terrible sinners. Jesus never said anything like all that. God is Love and we are the offspring of Love with the same powers of Dominion that Jesus demonstrated in healing, and other wonderful works. I loved this interview! It had no reference to spirit but it spoke of thought and belief creating matter or particles or REALITY! Thank you so much.
@geneationX12345 4 года назад
Anyone find a connection to Jordan Peterson here?
@georgehenry7887 4 года назад
If you liked this, watch Lothar 15 years before at the peak of his powers m.ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-8veSc3S9_8M.html
@thrunsalmighty 10 лет назад
I guess Conscioustv has an agenda. But what is it?
@Doriesep6622 7 лет назад
Is it to explore and expand? We are receivers collecting info for it. Have you tried Bernard Haisch?
@monikakobsch2317 4 года назад
Bill Gates is a wise man?
@carlasousa8623 3 года назад
Very interesting man...pity Lothar died last year.
@user-cs4sk5ts4d 3 года назад
What a loss! I just discovered him!
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