
Loving the appearance of Christ | Loving the rapture | 2 Tim 4:8 

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In this video, I discuss Paul’s statement in 2 Tim 4:8 where he speaks of the crown of righteousness that will be given to those who love the appearance of Christ:
2 Tim 4:8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.
I address how this love often manifests itself in the life of the believer, as well as how this love is to motivate the christian to live a faithful life. Lastly, I address how loving the appearance will one day be rewarded by Christ.



26 сен 2024




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@jamesperez6406 7 лет назад
Yes I reconciled with God. God Bless Brother. Keep me in your prayers.
@JaguerRhye 7 лет назад
OK, thanks for clarifying James. I prayed for you earlier and will continue to do so.
@JaguerRhye 7 лет назад
Hi James, When you speak of being reconciled to God, are you referring to the fact that you recently became saved and justified before God through faith in Christ in order that your sins would be forgiven?
@jamesperez6406 7 лет назад
Yes I accepted God in my heart. Thank You for praying for me I needed that.
@JaguerRhye 7 лет назад
I will indeed keep praying for you that God will continue to enlighten your understanding to his word and draw you closer to Himself. If there is any particular scripture you would like me to address sometime, please let me know and I will give it some thought.
@dianaw1813 7 лет назад
How have you been brother? Hope you are well and strong in the faith. Occasionally, you come to mind and I am not sure if it's because I ought to be praying for you but just wanted to check in :)
@JaguerRhye 7 лет назад
Hi Diana, Nice to hear from you. I've been doing okay, although I'm a little tired today. I spend a lot of time studying and writing. I've been working on some new teachings, but I'm not sure when any of them will be completed. As I was sharing with someone else yesterday, it can be hard for me to focus on one teaching as I can get bored/frustrated with it and just move on to something else for a bit that I might find more interesting. I can also battle mood issues/physical weariness (I can have sleep issues) that can tend to make me less productive. So if you could pray for me, I would appreciate that. So how have you been? Hope you have a good day.
@dianaw1813 7 лет назад
Done. I can't complain about anything, just trying to find balance with everything. I pray God would strengthen your body and give you rest. Take care!
@michaelhaller784 7 лет назад
I like the analogy of a mariner using the stars to guide them... I'll probably use that one in the future. I think the manifestation of the sons of God will occur just prior to the return of Jesus. Therefore, everybody will be getting excited, whether they want to or not...some good and some bad! Rom 8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Rom 8:19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.
@JaguerRhye 7 лет назад
Thanks for watching. I've heard some suggest that christians will be glorified and witness on earth for 40 days even as people rose from the dead at the resurrection of Christ and appeared unto others.
@michaelhaller784 7 лет назад
I believed that the manifestation (apokalupsis) of the sons of God was talking about the resurrection/rapture for most of my life, but now I am fairly certain it deals with the last great outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the final harvest of souls prior to the return of Jesus Christ. I believe the Book of Revelation (apokalupsis) deals mainly with this event (probably the last seven years but not certain). For this reason, unlike most people, I am looking forward to the apocalypse. :)
@jamesperez6406 7 лет назад
This was raw brother. Pray for me to understand more. I just reconcile last weekend. More videos bro.
@JaguerRhye 7 лет назад
Hi James, Thank you for watching and for your affirming words. I will add you to my prayer list and keep you in prayer. If you are comfortable sharing, what do you mean when you said: "I just reconcile last weekend"? I wasn't sure if you were referring to reconciling to God etc.
Thank you brother great study.
@JaguerRhye 7 лет назад
Hi there, Thank you for watching! I appreciate you taking the time to leave an encouraging comment. It helps me to know I'm connecting with people on some level which can encourage me to make other videos. Thanks again! May YHWH bless you!
@Labellaarquera 7 лет назад
Good morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love God and I know he is comming soon!!!!!!!! This week we need to remember his big Love and sacrifice for us and we know he will come in his precious Glory!!! and we will see his amaizing face. Be blessed Jaguer!! Lidice
@JaguerRhye 7 лет назад
Hi Lidice, Thanks for watching (I assume you watched the vid) and for commenting. Yes, I do hope Christ is coming soon. In regard to what is going on in Syria, some have wondered whether it may relate to the prophecy against Damascus in Isaiah 17. If you have any thoughts on that, please feel free to share. Nice to hear from you! - Scott
@Labellaarquera 7 лет назад
Christian have lost the first love, so they don't have any emotions about the rapture or appearance of Yeshua. I saw many Christian have more emotions for a movie ( and they are fans) sad, very sad. When you love someone, your mind is on focus for that person all time and you are interested in really know who is and are expecting when is commint to be prepare all for him/ her. ( same like 10 wise virgins ) . You made a great video and 100% agre with U. About Syria. Everyone see only the versus Isaiah1 -3 or and forget the anothers 4- 14. Judgment on Israel? How is possible? How will be?. I need to thing in deep way because i need sear about the cities that mentioned in Isaiah 17 and what is the diferents about Jeremiah 49:23 because mencioned again the damasco is destroyed again. I would hear your opinion .. Be blessed Scott.
@JaguerRhye 7 лет назад
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Isaiah 17. I wasn't aware of the text in Jer 49:23. I'm not at the point where I can speak in an educated way about these texts as I will need to study it more. Maybe in the next few weeks or so, I will look at it in more detail .
@Labellaarquera 7 лет назад
Be blessed this week!!! Yeshua Loves UUUUU!!!
@joshuaa3075 4 года назад
I wish I could thumb this up more than once. Fabulous commentary.
@JaguerRhye 4 года назад
Hi Joshua, Thanks for watching. I appreciate the encouraging remarks. May Christ bless you.
@sadierose5620 7 лет назад
This is so good, bless :)
@JaguerRhye 7 лет назад
Hi Fantail, Thanks for watching and for leaving an encouraging comment.
@johnn.6027 6 лет назад
Love the rapture get crown of righteousness have joy about it tell people about it spend a lot time on it and be excited about it it's going to happen and look for the time of the rapture but not predicting it
@JaguerRhye 6 лет назад
Hi John, Thanks for commenting. Yes, those who love the appearance of Christ will receive a crown of righteousness. May Christ bless you.
@JaguerRhye 6 лет назад
Hi John, Yes, I believe its important to encourage other believers about the rapture. But I don't think its necessarily wrong to present Biblical evidence that might shed light on when the rapture could occur though.
@jamesperez6406 7 лет назад
Thanks Brother. Another Question ; How to know what church to go to? I visited churches and every pastor preaches different.
@JaguerRhye 7 лет назад
That is a good question. I would tend to avoid traditional churches where there is one man who often does most of the instruction. There can be a lot of sound teaching, but that really isn't what God intends the church to be. Among other things, many of those churches will encourage people to donate money which is often used for purposes that are not supported by the Bible - pastor salaries, church building maintenance etc. A Biblical church meeting entails a group of believers who have gathered together to interact and minister to each other using their various spiritual gifts. They are to gather in a similar way that a regular family does. Maybe sitting in a living room, being face to face, and each person is free to share and contribute to the meeting according to how they are led and gifted by the Holy Spirit. Some people might initiate a time of prayer, some might want to sing a song, others might lead in a teaching, other might have a question etc. Such a gathering helps people to interact and encourages true spiritual fellowship and intimacy among brethren. Sadly, most churches don't follow this biblical format so it may be hard for you to find such a fellowship. You can look online to see if there are house churches or organic church in your area which often follow the more biblical format. While many christians may pressure you to attend a traditional church service, I would rather encourage you to experience true fellowship with other believers, even if it is just a small group where you can be free to interact and ask questions. Some of more important things to look for when going any fellowship are 1. They should hold to the Bible as the inspired and infallible word of God. 2. They acknowledge that Christ is fully God and fully man. 3. They believe that justification is obtained through faith in the person and work of Christ. When I speak of justification, Im referring to how a person is reconciled and pronounced innocent before God as a judge. He is pronounced innocent because all of his sins have been covered by the work and suffering of Christ on the cross. 4. They believe that it is important for a believer to live a life of repentance towards God. Namely, that the believer seeks to strive to implement the word in their life and fight against remaining sin. Much more can be said, but I don't want to overwhelm you with information. Feel free to let me know if you need clarification.
@JaguerRhye 7 лет назад
btw - It's great that you seem to have a curious mind! That is one of the keys to understanding God more and achieving spiritual growth.
@Angel-gt5jg 7 лет назад
I'm unable to in my end. I'm subscribed ; but for whichever reason there's no contact information where I can contact you privately.
@JaguerRhye 7 лет назад
Ok, I was hoping you would be able to see "About" and able to click that and see the Send Message button. Anyway, you can email me at JaguerRhye@gmail.com.
@jamesperez6406 7 лет назад
I do want to know why so many different types of bibles. Which would you brother recommend me as a new christian to read?
@JaguerRhye 7 лет назад
Hi James, I believe one of the reason there are so many different kinds of bibles is due to the different views people have on how the New Testament should be translated and what greek text (Textus Receptus vs Alexandrian text) should be the basis of the translation. For example, KJV uses the Texts Receptus, while the NIV uses the Alexandrian text. The 1611 KJV (King James Version) is a very old english translation which I often use, but due to the old english, it can make certain passages difficult to understand for some people, especially newer believers. There are more modern versions like the New KJV as and ESV (English Standard Version) which use language that is a bit easier to understand. I guess if I were to recommend a Bible for a new believer it would be the ESV. This site will enable you to look up different Bible verses in many different translations. You can see the difference between the KJV, NIV, ESV etc. www.blueletterbible.org In addition to reading the Bible, I would also suggest getting a Matthew Henry Commentary as he helps explain passages quite well in my judgement, although I don't agree with his views on infant baptism and church issues etc. You can see his commentary at blueletterbible.org as it is listed under commentaries. Lastly, what is very important is to have good christian community and be around more mature believers who can help you understand the Bible better. That is one of the main ways God can help you grow as a believer in your walk and understanding. Please let me know if you have any other questions!
@joshuaa3075 4 года назад
The KJV version is the standard and accurate. Always consult that version for most modern Bible versions use a false Set of greek manuscripts to base translation on. For example, check whether another translation removes Matthew 18:11 completely. John chapter 7 is another to look for subtle changes in the wording. Revelation chapter 5:10 should also be compared to the KJV and if they do not match then the modern Bible is not good. Thousands of other verses as well can be reviewed but start there to know whether you can trust the modern Bible version or not.
@jenniferortega316 7 лет назад
You don't mention the 144,000 faithful christians. Pictures is helpful because I don't imagine everything you say. Jennifer
@JaguerRhye 7 лет назад
I believe the 144,00 are identified as israelites who will minister after the rapture occurs. Among other texts, Rev 7:4 "And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel."
@jenniferortega316 7 лет назад
Would every christian receive a crown ? Jennifer
@JaguerRhye 7 лет назад
That is a good question. It seems there may be different crowns given out depending on the the nature of the work a christian accomplished in their life. However, I don't believe the NT clearly states that all christians will receive a crown. 2 Tim 4:8 emphasizes that there is a crown given to those who love Christ's appearing but I don't think all believers will receive such a crown as many believers don't seem to be that excited about the coming of Christ. Many professing believers may even end up being left behind to endure the tribulation due to their lukewarm attitude towards Christ.
@jenniferortega316 7 лет назад
Hello I liked this video. Can you add pictures on your videos I don't understand it. We Jehovah Witnesses use pictures to explain and teach. Jennifer
@JaguerRhye 7 лет назад
Hi Jennifer, Thanks for watching and commenting. Could you clarify what you mean by pictures? I have thought of using graphics at times. I realize certain graphics showing time lines and events of the end times can be helpful. I could use such pictures, but I'm just not sure they are really necessary for many of my videos. However, it does appear there are some things I may be saying that you don't understand. Was there something in particular that you would like me to clarify?
@christinalewis7139 7 лет назад
I'm a pastor in Virginia. Listening to a young man like you makes me feel happy. Keep up the good work.
@JaguerRhye 7 лет назад
Hi Christina, Thank you for watching! I appreciate the encouragement very much!
@NickeyWilson316 3 месяца назад
​@JaguerRhye well just found ur channel. I got good news. The rapture is anytime now thank you Jesus God bless you brother
@ourblessedhope6012 7 лет назад
i am experiencing such great joy like never before in my life. His coming must be at the door! Maranatha!
@JaguerRhye 7 лет назад
Hi there, Thanks for commenting. That's great you seem to be experiencing much joy in your life. I do hope that His coming is very soon!
@ourblessedhope6012 7 лет назад
Just want to let you know Brother, I look forward to your inspiring and sound teachings. What an incredible moment in history to be alive! Can't stop thinking about our Lord's return. Can't stop talking about the signs of our Lord's return. Maranatha!
@JaguerRhye 7 лет назад
Thank you for your kind remarks. As I have alluded to in other comments in some of my other videos, I can tend to get easily discouraged with a relatively little amount of encouragement I receive on many of my videos. I'm just trying to connect with other people on some level and it is critical that I know whether people appreciate the video in any way. If they don't, that is their choice, and they can unsubscribe. No one is obligated to like watching me. It is just that if they do like the video, it is important for me to know that. Else, I can get bogged down with discouragement as I have done many times in the past. There were a time when I didn't make any videos for years due to a lack of positive responses to the videos I had up. There were other times when many months went by and I didn't put up any videos. I'm willing to expend myself to try and teach others and all I ask is for an acknowledgement in some form from others if they appreciate the video in any way. Anyway, thanks for listening and thanks again for your encouragement.
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