
Luke Skywalker and Kreia (KOTOR II) | AI generated dialogue 

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In this intriguing AI-generated dialogue, witness an intense conversation between Luke Skywalker and Kreia, two iconic characters from the Star Wars universe. Explore the clash of philosophies as Luke seeks to understand Kreia's perspective on the death of the Force and the concept of the Chosen One. Delve into the depths of their contrasting ideologies and witness the thought-provoking discussion that challenges the very foundations of the Jedi Order. Prepare to be captivated by the wisdom and insight generated by AI technology.
#starwars #lukeskywalker #kotor



28 сен 2024




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@sativagroove554 Год назад
Luke sounds like ben shapiro
@edwardnigma6963 Год назад
No...he doesn’t talk fast enough
@EIegie Год назад
​@@edwardnigma69631.25x speed💀
@armaan1091 Год назад
Oh god wtf
@Torterra625 Год назад
No words can describe how much that comparison hurts.
@ATurnip Год назад
@MenagerieOfMadness501 Год назад
Hardly do we ever see a Jedi and a Sith (ik Kreia’s not a Sith) discuss their ideological differences without resorting to combat. Both Luke and Kreia stood firm in their own beliefs but still acknowledged and even respected where the other was coming from. Imo the newer stories lack these kind of challenging questions and everything is simply too black-and-white
@LCTesla Год назад
I think her ability and willingness to reason is what distinguished Kreia from a Sith as was the fact that she was not content to just use the force for her own selfish purposes. and the black and whiteness is part of what always made Star Wars what it is. The message of the original trilogy was always that the dark side of the force can not be sampled frivolously, or bent to the will of a good user. It corrupts those who use it and the only defense is to reject it wholesale as Luke did when he dropped his sword. That was part of Star Wars' original magic and something that newer writers seem to me to be too eager to deviate from.
​​​@@LCTesla The problem is that is quite a simplistic worldview that does not align with reality's mostly greyness (something the Prequels and Legends showed quite extensively with varyingly degrees of success) unless it was imposed. And who grants the Jedi and Sith their powers? Is also stated that The Force has a its own will and is not always for the wellbeing of the galaxy's sophont life.
@MultiKool13 Год назад
​@@LCTesla both compliment each other. the original concept that the dark and light are black and white good and evil is what makes KOTOR and Revan and Kreia so interesting.
@floridamike8710 7 месяцев назад
Kraia is a sith she was part of the sith triumphant of the days of the old Republic in her time there were 3 sith the Lord of pain Darth Sion the Lord of hunger Darth Nailuis and the lady of betrayal Darth Traya aka kraia
@BlueBoxRevan Год назад
They are BOTH right. That's the scary thing about this. Kreia can see the future... (The sequel trilogy) and this Luke Skywalker didn't live that timeline and is mostly inspired by Legends... One is realistic and truthful to a fault, the other embodies the fandom and what we WANTED to see on the big screen post Return of the Jedi
@RichardCharles-zl2dc Год назад
#BrownSithForLife #Saberspark
@agilitas8859 Год назад
​@@RichardCharles-zl2dcbrownsith? Hol up...🥶
@vksasdgaming9472 Год назад
Kreia sees no future. She viewed past and merely tells of cycle it has had with informed guesses.
@sonicfan2403 9 месяцев назад
Let's just keep believing that Legends Luke is the canon one rather than Disney's embarrassment!
@jayive34 2 месяца назад
The Sequels aren't canon.
Kreia is the best character in the entire Star Wars saga ever created. Our queen. her elegance, her style, her wisdom. I hope forward to seeing her played by Frances Conroy, some day
@SyrilsCereal Год назад
Big facts
@markm.3285 Год назад
I would expect her last response be more like: listen to yourself, you already sound like a slave thus proving my point.
@jacobshore5115 Год назад
I guess what that guy who talked about Kreia (you know the one) really was right about it, the Force, and her connection with it. And that the cycle of light and dark will never truly end in Star Wars…
@vksasdgaming9472 Год назад
​@@jacobshore5115Irony: no need to use Force to see that cycle. Historian (that Kreia was) could see it as well through analysis while Kreia felt it through intuition.
@Hikifroggy Год назад
Do one with kreia and uncle iroh philosophys that would be interesting conversation to have.
@psychelicious5003 3 месяца назад
Love how she’s calm and collected the entire time while Luke gets emotional and at a point almost angry. Almost like he can’t accept that she’s making more sense than he is.
@apathyisdeath5749 Год назад
I like these videos, although here Luke is presented as a narrow-minded person. It would be quite in the spirit of Kreia to say something along the lines of "take the Force away from you, and what will be left of you, since you are so grateful to her for the purpose and guidance?"
@sonicfan2403 9 месяцев назад
While she might dislike Luke's reliment on the force and judges his view on it, Kreia would definitely admire his resolve though. Sometimes in order for an ideal to become stronger, you would have to have someone to challenge it and Kreia, with her disdain towards the force itself would help Luke try to find more ways in learning how to not fall for it's corruptive side.
@abstraction6212 Год назад
I was kinda thinking it was gonna be Grand Master Luke (Legends version) as he wouldnt be as impatient here
@lapplandkun9273 Год назад
Legends still includes the movies. Don't know why anyone thinks Legends doesn't. ROTJ luke is also Legends
@csavenger1 Год назад
Could you do Aqua (Kingdom Hearts) and Revan (KOTOR) AI generated dialogue?
@jacobshore5115 Год назад
This is pure perfection!
@tandavawalsh0777 Год назад
Kreia>Luke 10000%
@jacobshore5115 Год назад
@@tandavawalsh0777 what do you mean by that?
@tandavawalsh0777 Год назад
@@jacobshore5115 I mean Kreia, her perspective, her philosophy, and her teachings make Luke look like the naive, only good becuzz 'destiny'/the force/born into, whiney farm boy that he is.... Luke>the whole jedi order. Kreia>>>> Luke Luke stumbled into his destiny through ZERO effort and fault of his own... granted, he did rise to it(as opposed to someone like rey) but.... Kreias power isnt power. Its wisdom, patience, time, and the truth....(Luke could easily beat Kreia in a fight, without even trying....) but Kreias philosophy is underwritten in the substuff of reality.... and her teachings, and the truth cannot be avoided, overcome, defeated, or destroyed.... Kreia, and her way are THE WAY.... and they are inevitable.
@jacobshore5115 Год назад
@@tandavawalsh0777 I suppose I do agree, and yet, tragically, it seems as though the whole universe of Star Wars would pretty much collapse if what Kreia wanted actually happened. The cycle of Star Wars, of good and evil in a never ending conflict where heroes defeat villains only for someone else evil to rise again later only for another hero to defeat the evil again, it may be madness, but it’s how Star Wars ultimately works. Though maybe what Kreia says should be what happens in the end, I don’t think it ever can or ever will. She almost made it happen, but it never did.
@tandavawalsh0777 Год назад
@@jacobshore5115 the force itself conspires against her to prevent it then.... But the force also made her... And it longs for a solution to itself and the problem that it is
@requiemheidireprisal7824 Год назад
KOTOR were such simpler times. Before the dark times, before Disney. Have you ever heard the tragedy of Kathleen Kennedy? She's like, Joel Schumacher. Joel did a remarkable, impossible feat. Schumacher killed a franchise. The only thing that could take down Batman. And we're seeing it with Kennedy. She learned well from him.
@dampsok Год назад
Kk should be a canonical sith lord... like nihilus before her. She consumes all that is before her.
@devinsweeting4978 10 месяцев назад
Yet Schumacher felt true remorse for his actions, regret for what he did. Kennedy feels none of that.
@requiemheidireprisal7824 10 месяцев назад
@@devinsweeting4978 I've seen the public statement, but why not return your check Joel? And give back every fan how much they spent on tickets. That's showing signs of making amends.
@devinsweeting4978 10 месяцев назад
@@requiemheidireprisal7824 I mean. He is kinda dead so.
@requiemheidireprisal7824 10 месяцев назад
@@devinsweeting4978 He had plenty of time to do it. That was around 1997. So, there goes your point.
@LoganSewell83 10 месяцев назад
These AI Kreia videos remind me of the Norse tale in which Thor tapped out in a wrestling match against an elderly woman.
@impcit5717 Год назад
I would love to see Kreia verbally smack down Rey “Skywalker”: “‘Rey Skywalker’? So even though you have traveled far on your journey, you haven’t changed. Still a scavenger of the dead, but instead of blasters and armor it is faiths and legacies. You are supposedly the last Jedi but do you really know them? You are the offspring of the Sith but you view it as a stigma. You fear to be a slave to the past but that is what you have decided to be as you refuse to confront it. Eventually your fear will consume you. Left in your place will be a shallow husk. A forgotten opportunity for a new future.”
@codycruikshank8301 9 месяцев назад
The force has taught us guided us and given us purpose we must not abandon the force, we must fight for balance, light, and hope
@adyy78 Год назад
Oh my fucking gawd..... This was so good, a conversation i always wanted. And it turned out perfectly the way i anticipated. They both have excellent opinions about the force, but none of them knows about it enough to be sure. But i side with Luke on this one. The force is probably a higher beign, as such, we are unable to comprehand it's reasons, as such and since it's superior, people should give it a try to belive in it, and let it lead them. And every once in a while look back to see if their life and their decisions worth it.
That is the problem. The Force, being a higher being with an otherworldly viewpoint that is truly unable to be explained even to its followers, either does not understand lesser beings' viewpoint or sees them as irrelevant to its own, so is unable to truly understand/does not care at all that its actions do more harm that good in the long-term to the galaxy and its inhabitants.
@adyy78 Год назад
@@luisisaacdelarosabeltran1999 Why are those are the only possibilities ? What if the force sees all for what they are while also caring for them ? Imagine, what would such a godly being is like, what and how they would do things if they truly wanted to guide all to achive their goals ?
@@adyy78 There are only posibilities due to the available evidence from all materials from both the Legends and Disney Canons. Ironic, is not? There are only two, like the duality The Force imposes on the galaxy.
@adyy78 Год назад
@@luisisaacdelarosabeltran1999 Do those either state that "the force doesn't understand about lesser beigns" or that "sees them as irrelevant" ? But even if they state one or the other, there is still the possibility that most sentient life just lacks the ability to understand the force. Even most jedi are unable to do that, which is the reason of their fall. To make an omlett, you gotta crack some eggs, right ? I doubt the force is an uncaring tyrannical thing. But change is nessecary for somethings to take place. And sometimes those changes are severe. Especially the more people try to resist, the more severe the change will be.
​@adyy78 No, the duality doesn't mean uncaring, what does mean uncaring is the monstrous scope of it all. You should understand people don't want to be pawns and the Force has that exact tendency with those it guides.
@reddiz2182 Год назад
This was great! I’d love to hear one between Kreia and the Bendu. It would be an interesting conversation.
@daddyGbaby 10 месяцев назад
@enocescalona Год назад
Actually, i had a idea, know what i would love to see now! Captain America and Master Chief talking about...well, anything really! I would love to see what could be like if both supersoldiers started to bond.
@cyklondx Год назад
i think this one is best so far.
@davido.1233 5 месяцев назад
I recently had a thought: What would Kreia do if she encountered the Yuuzhan Vong. They are blind to the Force, so would she enjoy their company?
@niepodam4847 Год назад
What Rey "Skywalker" ??? Wtf... Are we in Star Wars universe or disney star wars ? I'm dissapointed :(
@vksasdgaming9472 Год назад
She is the one who took over old Skywalker moisture farm of Tatooine and nobody disagreed. She took the name as well out of convenience.
@mmstudios4538 Год назад
I love this series. I hope we can get Kreia or Yoda speaking with some characters from the Ben 10 Series. Like Paradox. The guy tha ecists outside of time and space. Azmuth the creator of the omnitrix and the smartest being in 3 galaxies. Or even have one of them speaking with Ben 10 himself, preferably post omniverse, that way we can have them interacting with Ben and realize his maturity and that he uses his jokes as a way to cope with just how much power he wields
@skeletondemon6009 Год назад
Absolutely Outstanding!!
@daddyGbaby Год назад
Glad you like it!
@ZeroOmega-vg8nq Год назад
I dontt know what luke samples you gave the AI but he sounds more like ben shapiro and not mark
@Officerwarzone Год назад
imagine kreia and Sidious meeting
@spencersholden Год назад
Without the Force there is no life Kreia. Severing one’s connection does not remove them from the Force. It makes there connection to near non existence.
@madness..3449 Год назад
Not canon...They mentioned the sequel trilogy...😑🤷
@lanesmith1465 Год назад
No, Kreia. The balance is the Light.
@vksasdgaming9472 Год назад
Half is not whole. Half is not balance.
@graye2799 Год назад
Is it only the voice thats generated? I assume so considering I dont think gpt could get the nuance of these characters.
@TheLostArchangel666 Год назад
Consider doing Kreia and Maul
@PlaystationMan-e3p Год назад
Chad force user vs Vergin force denier
@mrnobody2683 Год назад
Even if made non canon Kreia remains a powerful force of nature
@asrieldreemurr1210 8 месяцев назад
Very wise sith
@bobjane2583 Год назад
'All those who gain power are afraid to lose it, even the Jedi'. Everything Luke said, means nothing. He is still a slave to the force, preforming it's will. Setting 'balance'.
@SkinnyEatWorld95 10 месяцев назад
Kreia lost to Meetra, so she'd lose to prime Revan. How about Prime Revan Redeemed vs Prime Luke. EU and canon powers.
@Thoralmir Год назад
Why does Luke sound like Mandark?
@TheRedBeard1 Год назад
She makes everyone look dumb!
@fotzegamingandmedia1840 Год назад
Why does Luke sound like Ben Shapiro?
@LCTesla Год назад
Luke: the force made everything right in the end! It saved my father! It destroyed Palpatine and toppled the Empire! Kreya: but then the sequels happened... Luke: ... you know what, you're right. Get rid of the whole thing.
@pharaohbubbles1547 Год назад
@Charismaniac Год назад
Disney doesn't understand the Force or Star Wars.
@pharaohbubbles1547 Год назад
@@Charismaniac lol sure, bud
@Charismaniac Год назад
@@pharaohbubbles1547 npc
@pharaohbubbles1547 Год назад
@@Charismaniac that's the best you got. 2 year old account?
Well done. But honestly, I'd love to see Kreia talking to the old Grand Master Luke Skywalker from Legends.
@cancergrapefruit8873 Год назад
"It stripped you of choice, Skywalker. You simply enjoy being a tool of the Force."
@Avenger85438 Год назад
I feel Luke should have more of a comeback, like pointing out that for all of her talk about freedom, she coerces others without hesitation, and is so distrustful of them she's unable perceive the minds of non-humans. And most important of all, she's caused every student she ever had to renounce her. One could even make the case that she's simply blaming the force, because she refuses to accept responsibility for own misfortune. That just feels like more of a debate, then Luke just reaffirming his faith in the force, and Keia getting the last word. Which I remember being annoying even in the game.
@vksasdgaming9472 Год назад
Perhaps Kreia sees her students rejecting her lessons as sign of them graduating from her teachings.
@Avenger85438 Год назад
@@vksasdgaming9472 Claiming victory through denial? Seems in-character for her.
@vksasdgaming9472 Год назад
@@Avenger85438 it is valid way of judging your student's progress: when they have learned all they can they will seek new teachers to learn more. Kreia has many students and none have returned to get extra lessons so she has taught them to learn and done her job well. Luke had two teachers and both of them were less than stellar in teaching him how to learn more.
@Shamshiro 8 месяцев назад
Though to be fair, Luke here looked like he's fresh out of Return of the Jedi, and still has a lot to learn and experience in life.
@Avenger85438 8 месяцев назад
@@Shamshiro All the same it still feels like she's getting preferential treatment. Which is a criticism shared with her game of origin as well.
@markveres7369 Год назад
Can you do Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker Al generated dialogue please?
@lomborg4876 Год назад
A dialogue between a novice and a master.
@dittoking8996 Год назад
Luke sounds like Ben Shapiro
@Krispe Год назад
Kreia sounds perfect, Luke does not lol
@OwenPumprey 7 месяцев назад
This was really well done! It's crazy how complex the force is. Just layers upon layers. I thought it would just simplify a force of light & dark in two halves. I'm dead serious when I say hey should hire to write for a future star wars film,show, or game. The franchise could really use more moments like this where they have a philosophical clash and make fans question who's right or wrong, like Game of Thrones.
@gabethebabe3337 Год назад
This would have been better if it didn’t reference Disney canon. Legends Luke is more in line with what Kreia would respect.
@calebmaybin6896 11 месяцев назад
Kreia debates Joker (or Anarky debates Joker)
@StannisHarlock Год назад
After hearing how awesome Kreia's voice was, I was so depressed while listening to that terrible Luke Skywalker replying to her, that in a fit of depression I went down to the garage and cut off my own hand.
@Walker_Dead_Phoenix.2016 Год назад
Do one between Darth Sidious and Leia
@TheCyborg000 Год назад
wonder what kreia could talk to lelouch or suzaku about?
@thebiggerboat3236 Год назад
Bruh did you really have Kreia, an Expanded Universe character, unironically mention Rey?
@RikouHogashi 8 месяцев назад
Now THIS is intriguing spanning a Huge amount of time
@EdMccurdy-xq9es 2 месяца назад
Nahhhh...when she said Rey....I stopped
@bradonbyrd8061 Год назад
Is that no what if no maybe just maybe I have a ideas
@miguelprudhomdiaz Год назад
that s good and all… now do kermit the frog !!! :D
@Psa22-6 Год назад
you made her say rey skywalker, just redo the vid
@jayive34 2 месяца назад
I want to see them fight.
@sethrohitheflo Год назад
What Ai Generator do you use I would love to use Kreia and some other Old Republic Characters!
@madvulcan8964 Год назад
When ever pole like Kreia getting to "That's an illusion" I got to put the brake on cause then how many things your gonna tag onto that: Hope, Truth, Justice, Freedom, Good, Evil, life itself? The only concepts you don't believe are an illusion are right and wrong simply cause you think your right and everyone is wrong.
@MomirViggwilv Год назад
The Force surrounds us and penetrates us, and thus is shaped by the collective will of all beings it touches. Does the Force enslave us and bind us to ruin, or is it the galaxy poisoned by suffering that causes this antagonism in the Force to arise? By being one with the Force, one becomes one with the galaxy. Through unity with the Force and the lifeforms it arises from, we achieve Understanding of how the galaxy is broken. Through Understanding, we achieve Insight into how the broken galaxy can be fixed. And through Insight, we can achieve Peace - for the galaxy, for ourselves, and for the Force itself.
@ch3rrywave Год назад
How did you do these voices?
@EveryCarpet Год назад
Kreia v Rorshach feel like though she may disagree with his ideology, she would respect his method.
Ben Shapiro the Master Shackle of the Jedi🎉🎉🎉🎉
@bakerfrank101 Год назад
Make video of kreia talking with empire Palpatine
@Nabo42 8 месяцев назад
Why does Luke sound like Ben Shapiro?
@daddyGbaby 8 месяцев назад
its Lloyd Floyd voice. he is pretty much the luke skywalker voice actor for majority of his videogames and closet to a young mark Hamill voice in my opinion.
@Nabo42 8 месяцев назад
@@daddyGbaby It made me laugh. Great video!
@dreadrath Год назад
Luke "I love god." Kreia "I hate god. It must die." God "Didn't I manipulate the events that led to your death like 4000 years ago? How the hell are you here?"
@a.r.h9919 Год назад
Kreia is somewhat like ranni from elden ring both of them willing to sacrifice themselves at any level to destroy the external forces that control them from kreai the force to ranni the two fingers and the greater will
@heltongomez8865 11 месяцев назад
Bro it would be awesome to do one these with Kreia And Dooku
@tandavawalsh0777 Год назад
Kreia>Luke 10000%
Superman and Captain America | AI generated dialogue
The Trials of Meetra Surik (As Instructed by Kreia)
Kreia Predicts the Future (With Imagery)
Просмотров 513 тыс.
I made STAR WARS Characters sound INTENSE by using AI