
Mac Wilkins & Knut Hjeltes Discus Tutorial at Ironwood Throws Camp 

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@vjzb3 10 лет назад
Watching this video 3 years ago as a beginner and watching it today as a far more experienced thrower, I have learned so much more from it now than then. The tips he gave in this video are incredible and only now make perfect sense to me. I can't wait until I'm able to train again so I can improve my throw with this
@TVTruther 12 лет назад
Togher did a great job HT coaching in the 80s and 90s, question? What happened? What American is keeping it up? Whose he coaching presently? Not talking about someone trained 2-3x a year, but talking of someone who lives in the Eugene area. Your right on Conelly, the American Godfather of Hammer and his old style technique, it has no use but it did during his time still making him the King in comparison of day and age. If Deal isn't using Max Recuperative Principles, no one is breaking Flax
@SuperOlds88 12 лет назад
I heard throwers call Stewart the Great Chieftain of the Pud Throwers. I heard Deal came here because there was good competition here with Flax. McArdle was on his way out by then. Stewart always runs a clean program and if their was ever even a mention of an illegal substance he would send them away. That Logan was the greatest technician in the hammer. Always so smooth and controlled and almost looked like he wasnt trying at times, what a talent. Didnt Connolly throw with one hand?
@TVTruther 12 лет назад
Thank goodness someone is finally getting this stuff out, Best thrower out of Eugene--Collegiate and after: Wilkins. I like Logan because during a big meet in which he won he gave his medal to some kid he didn't know, so many throwers put medal on shelf and talk to it as if it's real. Deal was so lucky his girlfriend moved to Eugene, the primary reason he went to Eugene, through Revisionism the story changed he went due to Stewie, made a good story and Stewie especially like believing it.
@52feetplease 12 лет назад
@nkdiscus44 for sure! Last year there were kids from Canada, georgia, south dakota.. all over the united states.
@Bergred 12 лет назад
Actually Wilkins came before the Lance Deal and Togher era, with Togher being the Throws coach for the UO in mostly the 80s and Lance Deal also the throws coach afterward but I believe is in another position for UO TF. Deal was my coach at Lane CC when he was throwing the hammer and did throw the discus just over 200ft. I'm not going to name names but throwers were told we shouldn't concentrate and talk much about Wilkins or Ken Flax because they were history and that could hinder our progress.
@TVTruther 12 лет назад
And yet you criticize this vid. Huh. Tell me what do Lance and Stew think of Mac Wilkins in the back of the ring as he's teaching presently? Surely Lance and Stew have met Wilkins, have they schooled Wilkins on the "right way to do it?" Wilkins trained with many European throwers and especially with Wolfgang Schmidt, your saying Wolfgang taught him this or somehow Mac Daddy didn't learn from them? Oh my gosh, what if Mac learned this technique from European(s) throwers he trained with? Input
@TVTruther 12 лет назад
What exactly is wrong out of the back of the ring? Cannot find one vid on Togher or Deal describing it. And a little note, Deal was my coach at Lane CC many years ago. Really curious to what you got to explain.
@Bergred 12 лет назад
Cannot find any Stewart Togher vids on the "right" technique on how to throw the discus, especially the leg sweep vs. none. I find it strange that if Stewart Togher is considered a National authority on the Throws that not one vid appears on the discus and yet I find the best UO thrower (Mac) ever--videos all over the Inet. Question, who has Togher produced as World Class Shotputter or Disc, I'm talking about a UO athlete or someone living in the area, not someone who attended some workshop.
@Bergred 12 лет назад
Otmar was a beautiful person, I remember when him and Neal Steinhauer, a World Class Shotputter from the UO in the 60s who beat Randy Matson went in the gym in did low Bar back Squats, this was before Eugene became the infamous Hippie Weed smoking town with transients being a secure minority. When I watch "Animal House" I think of those days. During the training session a guy with an accent and kilt came in talking about how low bar squats causes one to walk forward like a caveman.. Fun days.
@TVTruther 12 лет назад
Interesting you talk of Ken Flax, him & Togher had a falling out & Togher used his protege Ian Deal to "show him a lesson." Ken Flax is still America's best Collegiate Thrower, who still holds the National Record (258?) since 1986! Togher and Deal have been looking for that special someone to get that record erased for decades and still no saviour has come as it irks people that Flax is still the man. Best American Hammer Thrower ever: Connely. Best Discus thrower in World ever: Oerter.
@TVTruther 12 лет назад
The kind of aesthetics I would like to see is a good technician, with great speed and good strength, not saying someone should deadlift 900 lbs like Doyle but have found many a Throwing program to lack very much insight into Natural cycle training, someone lifting with fellow throwers 3-4 X a week will result in overtraining for most. A good Collegiate thrower should be doing a deep 600lb high bar squat and at least a 400 lb paused bench. Coaches that fail in this department use the hoax excuse.
@TVTruther 12 лет назад
Mac Wilkins stated Togher was the “grandfather of the hammer." Interestingly, I cannot find one Olympics that Togher ever participated in--such a slap in the face to the Gold Medal and 7X World Record Hammer thrower Connely who just died in 2010 and Togher didn't correct this one bit. Togher was a Coach, not a THROWER! He wasn't even in the same class or even the class below Connely. The Red Guard states Togher trained Logan at one point...when? Jud Logan holds the WR M50 HT record. Hooray!
@nkdiscus44 12 лет назад
Do people ever come as far away as florida for ironwood camps?
@TVTruther 12 лет назад
Benefit....yes. But if that thrower constantly degrades in form...it's best he have a good coach present near everytime he throws. I can watch Syedikh vids all I want and try to learn from that, it doesn't mean Syedikh is my coach, it means I am my own coach if I don't really have one. Presently I would not want to live on the West Coast at all due to the much Fuki Rad and Particles flying about, so I wouldn't suggest anyone to live in the Eugene or surrounding areas. Any info on J.Hultberg?
@TVTruther 12 лет назад
Story continued....Otmar looks at this guy and states if Low Bar Squats causes one to not be upright, why should you do any clean or hyperextensions? If the angles of the low bar are the same as in the CJ/Snatch, why wouldn't you want to not throw in some low bar Squats? Neal pipes in and looks at his brass shiny shotput and reads what he sees, you good at ball with wire on it, the others--not that good and in the gym I see a guy called Goyle or Doyle being the Master Intellect of strength.
@Bergred 12 лет назад
Do recall a Lesbian coach but don't recall name, heard of a story of a Lesbian coach caught with athlete under bleachers at UO field when the Crouser brothers of the 80s were there.. Don't recall Togher being big or strong, definetly not tall, couldn't imagine him in a Strongman comp. of course didn't know him when younger, recalled the Red Guard paper saying he was a Scotland Weightlifting champion. Didn't get into details of what lifts/lbs., would love some factual information on claim.
@loveydovey4u 12 лет назад
mac was a juicer
@Bergred 12 лет назад
Who is the Big O? Not Lance, he came from Montana, never was a Duck, Stewart came from Scotland....who is the Big O? Kinda strange on those European throwers using that wide leg sweep, I thought all Europeans were perfect technicians. Guess not. Power Throwers. Why is it taking so long for Flax's record to be beat? Tired of waiting for the chosen one.
@TVTruther 12 лет назад
And hopefully they will ban the rotational shotput technique that the Americans are using and dominating with in the last 10 year because it's all bench press with not much lift from the legs. We want to only see gliders who use the short shift-long lift technique like the Polish dude and Storl. The point of throwing is to look aesthetic and not how far that implement goes. It's so sad the UO throwers weren't directed/connected to Doyle Kennady to learn the true definition of power.
@TVTruther 12 лет назад
The Throwers aren't Competitive Lifters argument is a hoax. If a thrower can throw better because he can CJ or Front Squat more he's a fool not to pursue that lift as a Competitive lifter and hang out with such. What many coaches fail to understand is that each Athlete doesn't recover the same time as others, so having a cookie cutter throwing routine based on some Russkie or European juiced up program is going to lead to short of potential. So many throwers with awesome potential wasted.
@TVTruther 12 лет назад
The Red Guard had an article "Grandfather of the Hammer" in which it detailed the Scottish 13 acre secret enclave compound so all potential wanna-be disciples of the HT can finally throw without distraction from the many advances of females as so many people care and are present to watch practicing throwers. Lance told me that Stewie the OL master said the snatch was one continuous motion from the floor to overhead, no pauses, slow motion film would show world class lifters slowing at knee. Oops
@TVTruther 12 лет назад
Long throwers like Zimmerman, Syedikh, Wolfgang, shouldn't be studied with your logic. Interesting. Let's get some facts straight and not your opinions: 1. Mac Wilkins is the Greatest Thrower if not Athlete to come out of Eugene, not Lance, not Togher. 2. Eugene isn't Track City USA, LA is. 3. If you cannot tell us what's wrong with Mac explaining from the back of the ring....why even post? 4. No one is going to break Ken Flax's record, only Great one Ken Flax can teach them that.