
Man Gets Squatters to WANT to Leave the Homes They Moved Into 

Steve Lehto
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A true hero if there ever was one.



16 сен 2024




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@judgywudgy 6 месяцев назад
When someone starts squatting in a state representative's third home, the issue will be addressed within a week.
@foremanhaste5464 6 месяцев назад
Doubt it. In that case it won't be "'a civil matter'" for some unknown reason and the squatter will be gone instantly.
@liquidrockaquatics3900 6 месяцев назад
It will be a “state” security threat
@CHMichael 5 месяцев назад
But nothing will change ... because like you point out , they don't have that problem
@johndorian4078 5 месяцев назад
Only if that person isn't voting for them.
@crissd8283 5 месяцев назад
Exactly. we need people to intentionally move into a politicians house. Call the electric company and get the bill transfered to you and sign up for online bill pay. Pay the electric bill for two months. Chances are, the owner wont notice they didnt get an electric bill. Then while they are gone, break in and change the locks. When the cops come, you can show them two legitmate bills that show you are renting the house or a room in the house. Let the politican live their too. You just stay in a room. I guarantee, if a few people did this to a few different politicians, the law would change overnight.
@24vignettes94 6 месяцев назад
I know a man who owns multiple rental properties. During the pandemic, he had a renter who refused to pay rent, moved multiple people into the house, and dared him to do anything about it knowing that courts were not following through on evictions. He called the county inspector on himself and was able to have the house condemned. At that point, the police were able to remove the tenant for safety concerns. Once they were out, he slapped a little paint on the walls, called the inspector, and was able to get a new tenant.
@edwinlongwell 6 месяцев назад
When it pays to be a slumlord.
@evilsharkey8954 6 месяцев назад
If all it took was a new coat of paint to get it approved, he must have greased somebody’s palms.
@24vignettes94 6 месяцев назад
@@evilsharkey8954 I think heknew a few people and had a sympathetic inspector.
@24vignettes94 6 месяцев назад
@@edwinlongwell I guess that's better than being a thief and trying to steal rent.
@BobbiGail 5 месяцев назад
Genius move
@lisagrafton2529 6 месяцев назад
It amazes me that a business owner can have a customer trespassed without giving any reason, and if they refuse to leave, the police come in to arrest them; yet a private homeowner has to pay to go to court and wait months to get squatters out of their home!
@ghost-user559 6 месяцев назад
Solution, start and register a home business! Problem solved
@robert5 6 месяцев назад
Blame certain politicians who made laws in favor of scum tenants. Squatters are taking advantage of these laws. Some states are reversing this and taking away squatters rights.
@coryc9040 6 месяцев назад
It's not residential property. It gets tricky when the person squatting has a phony lease. If they gave all the power to the landlord they could evict legitimate tenants by falsely claiming they are squatters. I agree with the expedited process for squatters where once it's deemed squatting it's a criminal charge and the squatter is forced to pay damages or go to jail.
@karlrovey 6 месяцев назад
​@@coryc9040Then you have CA requiring homeowners to honor clearly fraudulent leases that squatters present.
@badgerchillsky535 6 месяцев назад
The main difference is customers of a business generally don’t have a contract to be there, and businesses have a right to refuse service for whatever reason. The law is intended to protect lawful tenants from being screwed over by dishonest landlords, and I think that’s a generally good thing. But obviously it has unintended consequences that can be exploited. Hopefully more states will take steps to fix the problem.
@davidbeckenbaugh9598 6 месяцев назад
We 'sorta' did this a while ago in the city of Samammish, WA. Not a place to expect squatters bit some folks moved in while the owner had a lengthy hospital stay. Tenant rights in WA are incredible. Time to get things into court are 8 to 9 months. And nothing will happen, other than the person will be told to move out. This poor woman has lost her house and all her furnishings. All her possessions. She, literally, has nothing, even if she wins and they go out. We did not like that (the neighborhood) so we got people watching the house full time. Four people, in and out. We finally got the chance when we knew that all four people were out. We moved in, changed the locks, and now we were the 'squatters' but with a real lease. In fifteen minutes, we had all their things out on the sidewalk. We were watching to see if they came back while we were moving things out, and had a plan if they came back too soon for us.And they were druggies so we were ready for that. Pretty much the entire neighborhood was at the house when they came back, several people armed, and all had instructions on what to do if the squats made issue. They just drove away with as much could fit in their two cars. But the house was destroyed and all our friend's things were gone. All her family treasures. We did what we could and rebuilt the home with donated labor and supplies. I really do not suggest anyone do this without a LOT of back up. The most dangerous person in the world is someone with nothing to lose. Have a LOT of back up. A LOT!
@commenter1130 6 месяцев назад
David, thanks for sharing that. It's both depressing and heartwarming. What a wonderful community response.
@IAmWithinEverything 6 месяцев назад
You guys are saints ❤
@davidbeckenbaugh9598 5 месяцев назад
@@IAmWithinEverythingWe don't feel that way. We feel pretty crummy because we had to wait until we KNEW everyone in the house was gone at. the same time. That was 23 days. If we were saints, we would be able to put her daughter's ashes back into the urn, and glue it all back together. I do not think that the courts have even a thought for what these people do to a person's home. On the good side, the house rebuilt in only two weeks (had to wait 9 days for permits. Another problem), and she knows who her friends are... Nearly everyone. and everyone in the neighborhood knows that they can count on their neighbors in hard times. W still think the cost to know all that was way too high. Blessings.
@arthurcutaiar9994 5 месяцев назад
Oh Lord. Thank y'all for helping that woman with her pest problem. Now other communities and groups need to step up and make their neighborhoods great again.
@elizabethreid9448 5 месяцев назад
Talk about Community Involvement. This is the Heart of who we are. Or rather who we should be.
@briangarrow448 6 месяцев назад
My uncle retired from the military and then got a job as a security officer at a Coast Guard station near our home. The Coast Guard base was in Port Angeles, Washington. He lived in a beautiful little waterfront view apartment for over 30 years and only had his rent increased once by the landlord. And when the landlord got towards the end of his life, he put a codicil in his will that froze the rent for my uncle until my uncle died. He did this in order to make sure the landlord’s kids didn’t immediately raise the rent for my uncle and my uncle could be assured that he would be able to stay in that beautiful little waterfront view apartment until he died. He also stipulated that the apartment building couldn’t be sold or torn down until my uncle and one other retired guy could live there for as long as they wanted to. Talk about a prince of a guy!
@theEVILone0130 6 месяцев назад
Rented it to them in perpetuity. That is normal around Oklahoma where the parents owed a cattle ranch or farm. And when the parents pass away they leave the ranch to the kids but only one wants to continue with ranching while the other children want to sell it. The parents will grant the one child the right to live there as long as the ranch is in operation (actually ranching not just playing around with a few cows. That means it is the money maker for the child not one where the child has a 9 to 5 job and the ranch is a side job. If they don't work the ranch as the primary Income provider then the ranch can be sold or divided up and the rest of the children can do as they please. By renting it out to someone else, or sell it to whomever they please. It's a very handy thing.
@MeRia035 6 месяцев назад
Definitely a wonderful man, a good soul. Rest in Peace. Also condolences on the death of your father 🤎
@WeThePeepHole333 6 месяцев назад
He must be sitting next to God himself/herself! 😅
@diamondjim7560 6 месяцев назад
Righteous, absolutely righteous.
@mariannorton4161 6 месяцев назад
What a great guy. Thank you for the story.
@Andrew_Sherman 6 месяцев назад
I still never understand how there is such a thing as squatters rights to begin with.
@blaze1514 6 месяцев назад
Because when the laws were made, they were originally a way to combat "dead property". Dead property is when no one lives in or cares for a home. It serves no good if the property is just empty for 10-20 years with no one ever planning to move in again. No one paid to upkeep it. It was also to help legitimize land from manifest. Which is why a lot of these laws are in former "Frontier" states. What is easier... - Trying to track who originally settled 3000+ acres of ranch, farm, or plantation... And then try to find proper records for the tiny 50-200 person towns that formed... Most of them probably reporting the bare minimum to the county courthouse 5 hour horse ride away. - Or saying "Well Mr Black has lived in this home for 7-15 years... And the original settlers have since then defined that they gave up all these small plots in this area to the workers and their kin... And all the other workers around them agree this is Mr Black's plot... So we will just make it so through common law and draft a new deed. The second would be easier... As the land would slowly just "settle itself" and the county would only need to do work when there are a few disagreements
@OfftoShambala 6 месяцев назад
They came around after the chaos of war in the old days when there was a question of ownership. Not even applicable to any of the situations you hear about. But, the situation certainly justifies a war that doesn’t include the powers that shouldn’t be.
@blaze1514 6 месяцев назад
It wouldn't be that bad if the police would do their job. "The county says John Smith owns this. John Smith is here saying that these people are trespassing and never had a lease. The least they had have has Random Name... Looks like this is too complicated for me to investigate and take action... Let the courts handle it." Squatter's rights "usually" end as soon as someone comes along to tell them to leave. Squatter's rights only work if the property is abandoned properly. Someone telling them to leave proves that's it's not abandoned. In fact I've noticed in a lot of these stories, even the laws protecting resident rights don't actually cover them... But the police don't want to go through the "grueling investigative process" of checking the deed and then trespassing the people... This isn't really "just" a failure of policy... This is becoming widespread because of failures on multiple levels.
@beastshawnee 6 месяцев назад
Because human beings and capitalism collide at the bottom. And it’s better to have squatters than murder gangs, mmm?
@LisaLightning 5 месяцев назад
I know in New York City in the 70s there were a lot of abandoned buildings, maybe owned by banks, in what used to be bad neighborhoods downtown. So there ended up being a lot of squatters, punk rock kids would move in and fix up the places while they lived there. And that actually caused the neighborhoods to get better, and of course now they are all gentrified.
@johnpatrick1588 6 месяцев назад
Florida just passed a law kicking out squatters. The law allows law enforcement to remove squatters who do not have a lease authorized by the property owner. It adds criminal penalties, intentionally presenting a fraudulent lease is a misdemeanor and a felony to intentionally sell or lease someone else's property. And a felony if intentionally cause $1000 or more in damage while squatting or trespassing. Now the rest of the states need to follow.
@TEverettReynolds 6 месяцев назад
> squatters who do not have a lease authorized by the property owner. How would the police know it was a valid lease? Do you think they should all take the word of the landlord?
@Lendorien 6 месяцев назад
​@TEverettReynolds I immediately saw this as an issue too. What's stopping a criminal landlord from evicting legitimate tenants under false pretenses by lying about the legitimate lease. Honestly, the real solution here is to fix our nightmarish court system so things don't cost a fortune and take forever to resolve.
@john_in_phoenix 6 месяцев назад
​​@@TEverettReynolds I can't speak for Florida, but in my state anyone can look up and see who owns the title. I can always provide a receipt for property taxes as well. The county assessor also has a nice feature where the owner can be notified by email when someone tries to change the title. Now, I can see it being harder if you have a mortgage and thus the title is in the bank name and they pay the property taxes. But I also know my credit union would have been happy to issue a notarized document stating I was the legal owner when I had a mortgage. So it can be done, we just need laws to protect the property owner and give them the same rights as the thieves.
@RCenal 6 месяцев назад
​@@TEverettReynoldssure I'm not going to believe some random person with no documentation at all saying that they live there and pay rent or mortgage or utilities Even if they did do the utilities that doesn't mean they have a legal lease to reside in said place So yes I will unless the squatter can provide some documentation that is legitimate saying they reside their So tough shit
@RCenal 6 месяцев назад
​@@Lendorienwhat's stopping illegal tenants from screwing up other people's property
@derweibhai 6 месяцев назад
In Nebraska the squatters just go directly to jail this is a politician problem.
@psilocybemusashi 5 месяцев назад
exaclty.. theyy are not squatters theyy are breaking and entering burgulars. if your sheriff, prosecutor and judges in your county don't know the difference its time to pick a different circle at election time.
@johncameron6415 5 месяцев назад
Have a tendency to believe this is done on purpose.
@taroman7100 5 месяцев назад
As well they fn should! I cannot believe that this isnt a blanket law for all states.
@Rael_486 6 месяцев назад
Send in a plumber, and start the never-ending bathroom remodel. 😮
@wisdomrules8474 6 месяцев назад
@ALCRAN2010 6 месяцев назад
daily plumber's visits can get pricy. Pest control might be a better option. Roach fumigation one week, bed bug treatment another week, racoons inspections...
@RR-gz8wq 6 месяцев назад
Then they will use another room as a bathroom. Unfortunately I know from experience.
@Andyisgodcky 6 месяцев назад
​@@ALCRAN2010shotgun is best pest control
@zetaone2669 6 месяцев назад
@Mrs.T.Rusch25 5 месяцев назад
Did you hear, here in Florida they just passed a law REVOKING squatters' rights!!!! I've never been more proud to be a Florida native!
@nancyomalley6286 5 месяцев назад
Yes, I did! Now, the other 49 states need to follow their lead. And I'd investigate any politician who votes against this bill. They might be colluding with squatters
@Mrs.T.Rusch25 5 месяцев назад
@@nancyomalley6286 It already passed, just awaiting DeSantis ' signature
@JessTalkTV 5 месяцев назад
Bout time
@mastermind6065 3 месяца назад
Georgia just passed a law in similar fashion.
@CrabgrassFarmer 6 месяцев назад
I'm surprised this is a novel tactic. My grandmother was a landlord. Fifty years ago she told a tenant who refused to vacate, "Fine, then I'm moving in too." And she meant it. The guy moved out in a week.
@robert5 6 месяцев назад
One tactic against squatters that is proven to work is make and sign a lease agreement with some one else, like a buddy. Wait until squatters leave, move their stuff out and move the other guy with lease agreement in. Cops are called and tell the squatters nothing they can do as this guy has a valid lease and he is inside and your outside, time to get off the property or be arrested for trespass. It works.
@CrabgrassFarmer 6 месяцев назад
@@robert5 Yes that works. But if you're dealing with squatters who know their trade, someone is always in the house. It is never vacant. That's why "squatters" is always plural. No such thing as a "squatter" for long, as they have to leave at some point.
@robert5 6 месяцев назад
@@CrabgrassFarmer Does not stop you from barging in with 10 of your friends and moving their stuff out right then. 10 minutes and done. So what if they call cops. If cops to show their stuff is out and you are in. Don't assault them, brute force your way inside and brute force their stuff on to the lawn. I am not scared of acting, I am not scared of pissing off a squatter. I will take my chances.
@TEverettReynolds 6 месяцев назад
@@robert5 As the land owner or landlord, you can not just barge in on a tenant and do that; you can get arrested for that.
@rabid123fox 6 месяцев назад
⁠​⁠@@TEverettReynoldsthey don’t have a valid lease though, they couldn’t/wouldn’t call the cops nor would there be any legal repercussions. I think Robert is referring to 10 of the landlords friends and moving the squatters out
@davehachey3888 6 месяцев назад
We had a squatter in my father-in-laws house in LA. We had to take them to court to have them evicted. We ended up loosing several 10's of thousands of dollars in legal fees and lost rent. What a pain.
@TEverettReynolds 6 месяцев назад
So... do you think this Handyman's plan would work? Could you have signed a lease with someone like him and have him move in and force the squatters out?
@davehachey3888 6 месяцев назад
@@TEverettReynolds Probably not, as a trustee for the estate I would prefer to go through the courts as it's legally safer. I could see others hiring someone like this.
@brianbentley8544 6 месяцев назад
@@davehachey3888 so you're ok with losing "10's of thousands fo dollars" to squatters vs. expediting their removal?
@johntracy72 6 месяцев назад
You should have just had the utilities turned off.
@urieaaron 6 месяцев назад
A guy I work with had to get creative with an eviction. He hired a few men from a local kinda outlaw motorcycle club to stand outside the door of a couple who wouldn't pay rent and wouldn't leave. The MC guys were cool about it, just kind of hung out and smiled. My coworker told the tenants he figured they didn't have any friends since they wouldn't move out, so he brought some of his to help them out. Let's just say, they moved out pretty quick! Some of the MC guys worked with us and were actually hard workers and not trouble makers.
@yt650 6 месяцев назад
A gentleman that I knew years ago owned a farm tractor dealership selling a brand that was green. His place had been broken into a few times. Despite all of his efforts to secure the doors, they eventually went to the back of the building and remove some of the metal siding. So before he would leave every day he would open a container of ammonia and the building would have a terrible ammonia smell that you couldn't tolerate in the first 10 feet from the floor up. This ended the problem. All he did in the morning was hit the button for the overhead door and wait a few minutes before going in. The police were no help so he had to find his own remedy.
@MoonbeameSmith 6 месяцев назад
Fun Fact: that trick also works to get rid on organic smells like urine...
@betsybarnicle8016 6 месяцев назад
@TEverettReynolds 6 месяцев назад
Guard dogs used to do the same thing... until too many trespassers sued and won their cases for injuries. Now you can't have an aggressive guard dog, which kind of defeats the purpose. The courts tell you to install cameras? Like WTF, the cameras don't stop the theft... JFC. But booby trap your own property and you can get sued by a trespasser?
@dangeary2134 6 месяцев назад
I was always thinking to find a way to trap said bad element, and rent a yellow version of aforementioned tractor brand, and dig a deep hole…
@betsybarnicle8016 6 месяцев назад
@@dangeary2134 Renting has a papertrail. Try some other way.
@darkstar8827 6 месяцев назад
Steve, 5 years ago, I lived in a marina and one of my boat friends was a landlord. She had a system whereby she would give notice to the errant persons and then if they didn't move out, she would call on her friend (an active duty undercover officer) who would go to the property and "move in" with the squatters, who usually moved out right away !! Her friend was 6'7" and 300 pounds with a scragly beard and old smelly clothes!! Worked every time!
@salauerman7082 5 месяцев назад
@debihester7284 5 месяцев назад
How did he get in? Did she give him a key?
@rrai1999 6 месяцев назад
I saw his video long ago when it had few views. Like 10,000. Then a few months later I see him on national news with a big fat smile on his face proudly announcing his rates start at 5000$, and the news video has a million views. You love to see this kind of person succeed!
@hexenhammer483 6 месяцев назад
I was going to say this. 1. I can see this becoming a business model. 2. Sadly I can see a confrontation happening that will make the news. 3. Since its a business that generates tax money the government will crush it with regulations.
@TEverettReynolds 6 месяцев назад
I saw that too. I think this guy should go into business for himself and hire handmen all over the US where this squatting problem happens.
@444mopar 6 месяцев назад
​@@hexenhammer483I'm shocked he's been able to do this a dozen times so far without someone resorting to violence.
@diamondjim7560 6 месяцев назад
@@444moparAccording to the original story, he has now a close relationship with the local law enforcement. They’ve got his back when the squatters show up. From what I read, most of the time these are professional squatters that move from house to house so LEO are happy to assist.
@linanicolia1363 5 месяцев назад
opportunities .......can turn into greed.
@stevenmoomey2115 6 месяцев назад
I know someone, who seeded and sprayed cow manure, on the lawn every couple of weeks to bring back a damaged lawn. Squatters couldn’t stand it and left.
@paullough4946 6 месяцев назад
"I'm moving my girlfriend in... Because my wife kicked her out... Because you know how twin sisters can be..."
@DKNguyen3.1415 6 месяцев назад
Like...does that even qualify as cheating?
@MrAwning 6 месяцев назад
You're my hero!😄
@2Fast4Mellow 6 месяцев назад
Make sure you keep the younger twin!
@WeThePeepHole333 6 месяцев назад
God Bless U Brother.....
@ch4.hayabusa 6 месяцев назад
That's what it's like to drive a Ford F-150
@nolamama3558 6 месяцев назад
He absolutely needs to have a reality show. I would watch it.
@roydavis2242 6 месяцев назад
He's saving the people money because it's cheaper to pay him then all the legal fees to get them out, and that's not considering the damage to the property they can do.
@thedirtprincess3293 6 месяцев назад
That was my thought too. His presence might prevent damage and if not, he at least records it hapoening so they can be pursued for it.( of course thats likely a "getting blood out of a turnip" scenario.
@Adierit 6 месяцев назад
Even if the cost was the same as the legal fees or more, if he gets them out in a shorter time frame then its still worth it rather then being tied up with an asset thats unsellable for longer.
@ttscrafts6765 6 месяцев назад
I heard that someone hired a biker gang for $500 to fix a squatter problem. That could be another way to go.
@rosemullen-r5w 5 месяцев назад
Nice we. He found his nitche it’s the American way!
@annezone6b494 6 месяцев назад
43 years ago we left our house to move 300 Mi away and put it on the market with a realtor,all utilities on for ease in showing. After a few months the realtor asked if we would rent the house and I said no . A few months later another realtor who knew me called and asked if I had rented the house as someone was in there. I again said no. it took me over 3 months with legal expenses to get the family out there wasn't much damage but all the drapes have been shredded by their cats. I could not turn off the utilities, and had to them. Love this man that's getting rid of squatters.
@taroman7100 5 месяцев назад
Time to call uncle Joe Pesci
@lanedexter6303 6 месяцев назад
Years ago, I knew a guy who couldn’t get rid of renters who weren’t paying. He drove the 100 miles from Seattle to his rental, went to work and tore the bathroom off the house, then went home. It wasn’t long before his house was vacant and he could finish his bathroom remodel.
@wingracer1614 6 месяцев назад
Yeah but I bet he found his bedroom was now a makeshift bathroom.
@lanedexter6303 6 месяцев назад
LOL! Always a possibility. Small rural community; there were limits 50 years ago.@@wingracer1614
@Hatbox948 6 месяцев назад
Lol, that would convince me.
@TEverettReynolds 6 месяцев назад
But that was illegal, and he could have been sued by the squatters. By law, you can't turn off utilities or make the house uninhabitable just because they stopped paying rent.
@JohnDoe-qz1ql 6 месяцев назад
​@@TEverettReynolds"Just because"!?? Nonpayment is Also very virtuous!
@1949MC 5 месяцев назад
My niece in rural Kansas, small community, bought a home and was moving in when friends alerted her that a man was advertising her house for rent. Wild. He quickly took the post down after backlash.
@dwighttipps414 6 месяцев назад
The problem is our judicial system where it takes months or years to have your case heard.
@TEverettReynolds 6 месяцев назад
Only in certain states... you can guess which ones.
@gregb6469 6 месяцев назад
Often, justice delayed is justice denied.
@DonariaRegia 6 месяцев назад
With over fifteen million vacant homes in America the problem is affordable housing. The Harvard joint center for housing studies concluded "home prices grew by 43 percent between 2019 and 2022, while incomes grew by just seven percent in that same period."
@john_in_phoenix 6 месяцев назад
​@@DonariaRegia This particular problem is people who think they can scam the law. Affordable housing is a separate issue. Two wrongs don't make a right.
@RCenal 6 месяцев назад
That's the best thing I love about my state If you have squatters here all you have to do is evict and the sheriff takes care of the rest But for it to be more difficult for squatters they have to live in said place for a long while before they can claim any squatters rights So here just file for an eviction and the sheriff helps them move out if they refuse to Simple and fun
@johnlibonati7807 5 месяцев назад
My friend’s dad did this when my friend moved from New Zealand to the United States and squatters moved into his house. When the squatters returned to the house one day, my friend’s father was sitting on the sofa watching TV and drinking their beer. My friend’s father is 6’6” with a shaved head and beard. He told the guys he was their new roommate. They moved out that day.
@RorysonTV 6 месяцев назад
Put endless fart spray in the HVAC system.
@DRventura333 6 месяцев назад
those squatters are SO filthy, they might not even notice the smell
@JohnDoe-qz1ql 6 месяцев назад
@HAFBeast91 6 месяцев назад
My roommate borrowed my key and when I got home he was sleeping and I couldn't get him to answer the door. I turned my Google Home Max speaker on full volume and put on Spotify air raid siren. He got up in about 15 minutes.
@JohnDoe-qz1ql 6 месяцев назад
@@HAFBeast91 Sounds like he was doing Something in there..
@KuptisOriginal 6 месяцев назад
@@JohnDoe-qz1qlYeah like sleeping. Some people are hard sleepers and can sleep through almost anything.
@scottyp1722 6 месяцев назад
The fact that all of our records are electronic today makes this baffling. If the cops can look up your license and registration in seconds, why can't they look up deeds and leases for property?
@musictosoothe 5 месяцев назад
@senseisecurityschool9337 5 месяцев назад
There's rarely a question of who has the deed, who owns the home. Squatters take advantage of laws designed to protect renters. It can take 6 months or more to go through the process of evicting someone.
@Moosetick2002 5 месяцев назад
All lease agreements are NOT electronic. Actually I doubt most are. Pen and paper are still widely used and definitely still legal.
@tgwazu 6 месяцев назад
We’re repainting the doors and window frames, so we’re removing them and taking them all to our shop where the paint can be applied, and dry in a controlled climate.
@TEverettReynolds 6 месяцев назад
You are not allowed by law to make the house uninhabitable. You can and would get sued.
@ZekeRivers 6 месяцев назад
I do as I please with my house.
@keltaruusutravels4024 6 месяцев назад
My uncle had a low rent apt building. If a tenant was late paying, someone stole the front door. He ordered a new door but it wouldn't arrive until the rent was paid. It looked a lot like the old door.
@bigfoot14eee99 6 месяцев назад
@@TEverettReynolds It depends on the state.
@musictosoothe 5 месяцев назад
the law should be: people who have no right to be there have no right to sue.@@TEverettReynolds
@heent7972 5 месяцев назад
I'm flabbergasted that there is such a thing as "Squatter's Rights"!!! ???
@JessTalkTV 5 месяцев назад
Some times they take care of the property. They mow the lawn and pay the taxes and in the end the court sides with them because abandoned properties neighborhoods breed crime
@JamminClemmons 3 месяца назад
@@JessTalkTV What’s interesting about (you people) & your alcoholism is that just a few years before the potato famine, Ireland was the site of a massively successful temperance campaign led by the noted Catholic priest, Theobald Mathew. So successful was this campaign that between 1838 and 1841, national alcohol consumption was cut in half.
@tomrates 6 месяцев назад
Got to admire his ambition and creativity.
@Rhaspun 6 месяцев назад
He created his own side gig. I believe he's charging $5000. Not bad.
@MrMockingbird1313 6 месяцев назад
Hey Steve, Years ago here in St Louis many landlords had a problems with people moving in and only paying a couple months of rent and then nothing else. And then a few mob guys heelped fix this problem for landlords. The renter comes home and two or three gorillas are in his house. They are eating food in his refrigerator. They are looking thru his wife's cloths. And many other things. They never threaten anyone. The delinquent renter decides to move out right away.
@IowaKim 6 месяцев назад
When I first heard about squatters, I had the same thought, only I would move in with my snake and tarantula collection.
@jessicascoullar3737 6 месяцев назад
“Oh no, the Indian cobra has escaped again. I don’t know how this keeps happening.”
@writerinfact1768 5 месяцев назад
It's far worse when you move in with your three sons and 2 black cats ... (Doesn't the snake eat the tarantulas? Or is it the other way around?)
@BirdDogey1 6 месяцев назад
Castle Doctrine. Pulling this crap in Texas is very dangerous.
@BOFH_ 6 месяцев назад
Finally someone says the obvious solution.
@xeroprotagonist 6 месяцев назад
From what I read about it, the Castle Doctrine usually requires the intruder to actually be threatening you, so in most states it wouldn't apply here and you'd have no valid defense against a charge of murder for shooting a squatter, EXCEPT in Texas and only Texas where using deadly force to recover property is explicitly allowed.
@chivalryremains9426 6 месяцев назад
@@xeroprotagonist "I came home and there was a man in my house..." Sounds simple enough to me. Don't forget to dial 811 before you dig.
@xeroprotagonist 6 месяцев назад
@@chivalryremains9426 'I came home and there was a man in my house' alone doesn't actually work as a defense under the Castle Doctrine, even in Texas. You'd very likely get convicted of murder if you killed a squatter in those circumstances.
@nukepowersm.d.7160 5 месяцев назад
People that aren’t breathing don’t usually tell their side of the story though
@sarchizm 6 месяцев назад
Back in the 80s there was a mortgage skimming company in our office complex. They would buy homes for nothing down, then immediately rent them and never pay the mortgage. Eventually hordes of angry tenants would show up that got kicked out by the banks taking back the properties. It was a terrible thing to do. And the company owners and workers all got put i prison.
@theevermind 6 месяцев назад
How stupid is it that the banks would kick out paying renters? They desperately need funds to process these properties. For each property they repossess, tell the renters to pay them (the bank) while the bank arranges for a sale (to recoup their losses on the loan). Most rental agreements have clauses for sale of the property, meaning they understand their lease could be cut short. This gives them the heads up to look for other places, or to buy the house if they can afford it, and the bank gets extra income to supplement their sale.
@sarchizm 6 месяцев назад
Yes that would of made sense to let em keep paying rent and there were hundreds of houses.@@theevermind
@writerinfact1768 5 месяцев назад
@@theevermind When my parents moved to Arizona, they put their house in New Jersey on the market. Since I still lived in Jersey, I suggested they rent the house with the understanding that the renter would have to move out when the house sold. I even volunteered to be the local "agent" for them. Mom insisted that wouldn't be fair to the renter, having to move out, so the house sat - empty and not maintained - for over three years. I guess the advice came from The Wrong Daughter.
@ryuuguu01 6 месяцев назад
When I moved into a house I was leasing, I required the person I gave the money to show me their ID and I took a photo of the person with their ID and also a photo of the ID front and back. I also received a signed receipt. They had no problem with this. I guess I could have also taken a photo of their car with the license plate but I did not think of it then.
@Moosetick2002 5 месяцев назад
I'd never do that due to identity theft being so rampant. But, great if it worked for you.
@ryuuguu01 5 месяцев назад
@@Moosetick2002 I don't think physical identity theft with a government photo ID is common. Most identity theft is online and credit card stuff. If you take a good photo of the person's face and their vehicle license plate in almost any realistic situation they can be tracked down by the police.
@YourFunkiness 6 месяцев назад
When the authorities no longer enforce the law, you end up with vigilantism. I'm glad it's this reserved this time.
@SeanBZA 6 месяцев назад
Saw it where the new owner went in, with his dozen "assistants", all with very visible guns, an told the existing tenants they had till sunset to leave, but that at sunset they would be leaving, their choice to use the door, but after sunset the windows will be the preferred exit method. This on the 7th floor. Furniture was moving around 10 minutes after this was announced.
@MonkeyJedi99 6 месяцев назад
"I'm Squatterman, and these Jokers are getting out of my town."
@angeliqueillstopprocrastin479 6 месяцев назад
The problem is not with the authorities enforcing the law, it's the laws that are the problem. There are laws for squatter's "rights" which is nutz. In most cases the authorities cannot just remove people-they have to do it with court orders and that takes lawyers, courts, tons of money, etc. It's f*'d up.
@ronstrong9560 6 месяцев назад
Vig.. what? & reser...wha?
@TheOriginalRick 6 месяцев назад
"The law does not exist to protect the citizen from the criminals, it exists to protect the criminals from the angry, fed-up citizens."
@suzannehofer2541 5 месяцев назад
I moved back into my house with the squatters. Most of them left Within the first few days. There were eight living in my home. I moved into their child’s room.
@ColtonRMagby 6 месяцев назад
Talk about passive-aggressive pettiness paying off.
@armoniqfields8016 5 месяцев назад
I am from Oakland Ca. We don't call the police. We handle it. Now I'm in Texas and We still do not call the police. We handle it ourselves.
@scottcooper4391 6 месяцев назад
Not all heroes wear capes....
@kricket3815 5 месяцев назад
Every state should adopt the law that Florida just passed Squatters have no rights!
@T25de 6 месяцев назад
For so many issues USA right now taking matters into your own hands is the only solution
@DonariaRegia 6 месяцев назад
Over fifteen million vacant homes in America and home prices increasing forty-three percent from 2019-2022 thanks to international investment groups paying over market value, and you side with the likes of the Saudi billionaire class. Some people will cheer on this country's demise so long as they can feel morally superior in some fashion.
@aranmurphy1 6 месяцев назад
Lot of people don't realize how easy it is to fix your own😉 plumbing...
@fs127 6 месяцев назад
How things would be done if corporate America hadn't taught people to be dependent on them.
@skivijimmy 6 месяцев назад
I've always taken matters into my own hands. I don't wait for cops or courts. I am my own court of law
@Moosetick2002 5 месяцев назад
@@DonariaRegia It seems like an easy fix. If the property isn't owned by the primary resident, property tax is 10x.
@davidpetersonharvey 5 месяцев назад
My family knew a man with squatters he couldn't get rid of. He drive up one night and saw their television playing through the window. He fired a shot through the window into the television and drive away. When they got a new television, he did it again. They moved.
@garykilgore6718 6 месяцев назад
I’m from Alabama and I had a coworker who bought a house that the seller had rented. When he told them the have to move out they said no, we are not leaving. My coworker was a hoot and moved in the house with them. He told the male squatter that if he feeds them, he has “relations “ with them. (Didn’t use those words “. The family moved out immediately.
@R_W_Goodson 6 месяцев назад
@gierrah 6 месяцев назад
This sounds illegal unless a ton of context was left out. A house can be sold where tenants are still living in it. The new owner doesn't get to automatically kick them out.
@darkart-mr8wu 6 месяцев назад
You are wrong, why you ask because this happened to my late mom and me when I was 7 dude! landlord sold the house we rented for a year without telling us! the new owner showed up and knew we were living there with the sheriff and asked why we were there. mom had proof we rented the house for the rest of the year. lucky for us the chief of the police lived next door and came out! he said it's a legal issue and he need to take us to court! one week later we were in front of the judge and the chief brought our paper and a bank statement with our payment! the judge nodded his head and ordered the chief to bring in the old landlord and 4 hours later we were back in court! he nodded at my mom and moved the new owner next to us! he eyed the old landowner hard and asked "why are we here"! he leaned back the old man shrugged and said its not his f-ing problem and that we are Squatters! judge smiled and said yes Squatters with a legal lease for one full year paid in full! then he drop the hammer on both landlords! (THIS HOME CANNOT BE SOLD TILL THE RENTERS LEASE IS UP!) since you sold the home with harmful intent you are banned from the property till the lease is up and is required to pay the taxes on it. after the lease the renters have 60 days to move out and the home must be inspected by the court officer to make sure its unoccupied before the court will allow you to proceed in selling your home, I hereby order a full refund to the other plaintiff in this case!
@RCenal 6 месяцев назад
​​@@gierrahit's legal they were told to leave and the rightful owner simply just moved in If he ows it he can just walk in Simple The old renter can get the hell out
@michaelk969 5 месяцев назад
It sounds like a made-up story to me. People are always telling slum-landlord stories and 99% of the time it is pure BS.@@darkart-mr8wu
@TEverettReynolds 6 месяцев назад
Let's be clear, Steve. @1:50 He doesn't "break in" to the house. The owner gives him the keys, and if the lock is "jammed," he is allowed to find other ways into the house he leased.
@lisagrafton2529 6 месяцев назад
There are habitual squatters, who end up moving from house to house and refuse to move out, forcing owners to go to court and have the expense of evicting them, but they know how to delay, and end up living rent free for a year, until the owner says if you just move out, I won't sue for rent. They happily move to the next victims home!
@Strideo1 6 месяцев назад
Part of the problem is that these habitual violators aren't taken to task by the legal system. One incident could be written off as a legitimate civil dispute but when it happens again and again it becomes obvious that these are fraudsters that the public needs to be protected from.
@Justinlearns 6 месяцев назад
I don't understand the difference between squatting and home invasion
@TEverettReynolds 6 месяцев назад
@@Justinlearns Squatters occupy an empty property. A home invasion and trespass occur at that moment when you are home. Thats why you need cameras and alarms.
@Strideo1 6 месяцев назад
@@JustinlearnsMost of these cases are just issues of breaking and entering and trespassing where the property owner can't easily prove it to the police so it becomes one parties word against the other and the police say to resolve it in court. Actual squatting usually comes into play in situations where a property has long been abandoned or ownership is ambiguous for one reason or another. These are the situations "squatters rights" were originally meant for and they rarely happen these days.
@solandri69 6 месяцев назад
I call them professional squatters. "Professional" = makes a living doing that. "Habitual" implies they're unable to control their behavior, which is not the case.
@TheMadManPlace 6 месяцев назад
Heard a story about a guy up north from where I stay that had an investment house that was in need of some TLC that squatters moved into. He was a retired builder and his son now owned the business. Long story short, son the contractor arrived with his crew (BIG men), removed EVERY door and window in the house, cut electricity + water, removed the hot water cylinder and all the plumbing fittings, basins, baths, even the kitchen sink, bath, wash basins, toilets - and took everything off site for storage. Even demolished the single brick garage + piled the rubble so that the driveway was blocked. When squatters got home from work they simply took all their stuff, loaded their cars and left. The next day renovations carried on. The first thing that was built was a big perimeter security wall. In my country you are NOT allowed to evict squatters without providing them with alternative accommodation. Yea - I know - but that is the way the Marxist socialist government has been running South Africa for the last 30 years... BUT elections are less than 3 months away so... Here's hoping...
@JamesAllmond 6 месяцев назад
I know some guys who would be really good at this....really good...may have a word with them...this is great!
@RobDeHaven 6 месяцев назад
I live in a very rural area. It is a county of 100,000~ and I seriously doubt this sort of thing would happen here. Why you ask? Because nearly everyone here understands ALL their constitutional rights. This statement isn't meant to be mean or threatening, however, it does help people respect other people and their property. Sadly, this is why it happens in the places it does, the people doing it understand there is little to no consequences for their actions.
@Strideo1 6 месяцев назад
There needs to be criminal charges and real legal consequences for the squatters. Breaking and entering and theft are crimes, not civil matters. As long as the squatters can just walk away without consequences it won't stop.
@WiztotheIzzard 6 месяцев назад
How will you punish people who have no possessions, no money, no income, and nothing to lose?
@evilsharkey8954 6 месяцев назад
@psilocybemusashi 5 месяцев назад
every squatter that ever existing committed a B&E unless they were at some point a real tenant. B&E carries a 10-year sentence. there are plenty of laws but the people we elect want to play games and i'm talking about judges, sheriffs and prosecutors. unelect them if they are misapplying the law in your county.
@musictosoothe 5 месяцев назад
jail, then garnishment of all current and future wages and gov't benefits.@@WiztotheIzzard​
@lindaorozco4595 5 месяцев назад
@fateroyaltyus8968 6 месяцев назад
Had this happen to me a few years back. After moving to MI. I put my South Fl. rental home up for sale. Got a call from Realtor asking if I rented the house. He checked the property daily and overnight the squatters broke in through a back window, removed the locks, (old locks were still sitting by the doors when police arrived), started removing all the new plumbing fixtures, the central A/C unit and the solar panel on the roof. Police said this as a civil matter and I would need to go to court to get them out. Squatter told police she rented the house but couldn't provide a lease, said she paid $3,800 to move in with a bank check but didn't have the receipt and couldn't remember the bank she used. Luckily my wife had a friend working dispatch for the local PD who had a friend in the detective division a SGT. showed up and proceeded to relentlessly question then take serial #'s of the 8 large flat screen TV's they had moved in. When he left they left and his partner followed them don't know the final outcome. Took the next offer on the property (not what I was asking) and over $10,000 to put the house back in resalable condition.
@jdesaavedra0432 6 месяцев назад
My brother spent the better part of a year getting squatters out of his AZ house. The original renter went to prison and "gave" the house to someone else. All the while nobody was paying rent. The original renter was delinquent. It was not until my brother discovered that the occupants had been convicted for using the proper to grow, process, and sell illegal drugs, did the court sign an eviction notice.
@BuckRogers2000 6 месяцев назад
I worry for the guy's safety.
@rodf.7849 6 месяцев назад
Judge Roy L Bean knew how to handle issues like these.
@The_Moderates_Apprentice 6 месяцев назад
As a gun owner, I have always had a very curious question. If I were to go on vacation, and leave all my firearms and ammo properly stored, and I come home to find a squatter in my house with a fraudulent lease. If they changed the locks on the property and do not allow me to retrieve my firearms, does that up the anti to gun theft? That is to say is it no longer a civil matter but a criminal one thereby forcing police to take action and get them out right then and there?
@ahniiso5642 6 месяцев назад
Nope! You would have to provide evidence the individual is the one who changed the locks. It would be nearly impossible to prove.
@RoseKindred 6 месяцев назад
Huh, this makes me wonder now. Instead of the police, what about the feds? I know it will leave a "mark" on the record, but surely by reporting that they have them, you can prove they are yours, and due to their actions they are now unsecured (technically). And what if they have other stuff/people in the house. On top of that, what about liability issues? Say they get the safe open? You raise some good questions that we could use legal explanations on.
@alphax4785 6 месяцев назад
Considering the feds and many state governments, they'd arrest you the law abiding owner for illegal distribution or something.
@iowagreen8932 6 месяцев назад
Yikes, I hope you and everyone else has a gun safe to at least lock up ALL your firearms and ammunition when you are away from home for any length of time. 😮
@alphax4785 6 месяцев назад
@@iowagreen8932 If you really think squatters who break in and have all the time in the world to angle grinder off any locks are going to give a single F about that then I have a really neat bridge to sell you.
@georgesmiley1474 6 месяцев назад
I would invite 30 banditos over for free beer and bbq. Problem solved.
@linanicolia1363 5 месяцев назад
That would work. You would trade one squatter for another......actually multiple.......
@Moosetick2002 5 месяцев назад
Where do you find banditos? On Craigslist or FB Marketplace?
@georgesmiley1474 5 месяцев назад
@@Moosetick2002 family members.
@georgesmiley1474 5 месяцев назад
@@linanicolia1363 not if they are family
@AliceI7764 6 месяцев назад
As you were talking about the story I pictured a movie called "The Squatter Hunter" featuring Jason Statham.
@saltyshellback 6 месяцев назад
I saw his video and it was so rewarding to see the squatter get a taste of their own medicine. The squatter was supposedly a prison guard, so being a pseudo law enforcement officer, she "should" have known better. She actually agreed to rent the place, but then failed the income assessment and was denied rental, so she broke in and squatted.
@normanwaller2924 6 месяцев назад
why can't they be charged with burglary
@eddiee2371 6 месяцев назад
It gets sticky, but it isn't burglary because they have a lease or a rental agreement, albeit a fraudulent one. But it isn't the police officers purview to decide that. Crazy huh?
@chrislutz416 6 месяцев назад
@@eddiee2371 It seems like the cops are being lazy. All they have to do is ask the owner, "Did you lease to this person?" Is the owner's name on the fraudulent lease? I doubt it. Then ask, can you show me payments you have made to the owner? Then haul them off for burglary.
@mikesmith-po8nd 6 месяцев назад
@chrislutz416, the point is that cops don't have the authority to determine which (if any) of the documents are legitimate. That's up to the court.
@Strideo1 6 месяцев назад
​@@chrislutz416The problem is people make verbal agreements all the time.
@tekkigizmo 6 месяцев назад
Probably because the legal definition of burglary in law is, [entering a building or part of a building as a trespasser with intent to commit theft, grievous bodily harm, or criminal damage,] American law might be different but in the UK I think that's the way the law works and America got many of its laws from old English law anyway. Hope this helps.
@earljtharp 6 месяцев назад
My friend Mr. Winchester, is very persuasive.
@frankpeck1448 6 месяцев назад
Thank you Steve, for another Stellar Video. So-Called Squatters Rights these days, should have been abolished years ago. This needs to be effective, Nationwide! It's a No-Brainer...this isn't the Stone Age.⚘️Thank you!
@andymanaus1077 5 месяцев назад
In Australia squatters' rights still exist. The conditions for them to apply are as follows: The person must live on the property for a minimum of ten to twelve years. The person must maintain the property as it if was their own; mowing grass, paying utilities, maintaining and improving the property, and they must provide proof that this has happened. If the person is challenged legally to move out prior to the period required to seek squatters' rights, then they cannot claim squatters' rights in their defence. Finally, they have to lodge an application with a court in order to gain squatters' rights, which, if successful, means they are granted a title to the property and it becomes their own.
@finkelmana 6 месяцев назад
This is such an easy thing to fix if the government just took time to resolve it. Leases need to be registered with the government, both parties need to provide documentation to the government. Proof of identity, proof of ownership, deed, etc. Seems so simple.
@KuptisOriginal 6 месяцев назад
It's the government. They don't make things simple.
@dcg590 5 месяцев назад
Look what happened the last time the government got in the middle of private business they made landlords provide housing for everyone for free.
@frogandspanner 6 месяцев назад
1:40 Here in UK we call a sudden departure from a house to avoid consequences (e.g. rent payment) a _Moonlight Flit_
@seanh0123 6 месяцев назад
Or they done a runner 😂
@CantankerousDave 6 месяцев назад
Pretty much the same word in Japanese - 夜逃げ, yo-ni-ge, meaning “fleeing at night.” “Fly by night” is still in use in English, though.
@SteeringWheelOperator 6 месяцев назад
He already has his own cameras, I would definitely watch that show!
@sassynana5201 6 месяцев назад
He’s brilliant. And brave too.
@davidschulman7988 5 месяцев назад
Facebook and Craigslist need To be held accountable for the false advertising. Why is there no lawsuit on that?
@lee81147 6 месяцев назад
Can't be responsible for other people's stupidity. If they don't do the research to make sure that the lease is legitimate then it's on them.
@NoThanks-vn7bt 6 месяцев назад
Steve's last story about people having a drinking party in the front yard makes me think of the biker scene in Yellowstone...
@brianhelm2328 6 месяцев назад
Soon, someone will start a scam telling homeowners that s/he will get squatters out, but then they squat themselves. "I HAVE A LEASE!"
@teenapittman4241 6 месяцев назад
I saw his video months ago. Good for him. Super nice calm guy. If it is the same guy, the squatter woman was a prison guard. He moved all of her furniture out and gave her one day to remove it from the driveway or he was gonna give it to the neighbors. They were waiting on it. I gotta say that she was nice too.
@Gukworks 6 месяцев назад
This man must be protected...
@jasonbrindamour903 5 месяцев назад
This story is fantastic!
@billflick9546 6 месяцев назад
Had this happen once while rehabbing houses. It was winter time and the house needed stucco work so we tore off all the stucco all around the house and exposed about 3feet up of the interior drywall. Nice cold draft all through the house. They left after a few days😂
@ogles824 5 месяцев назад
I’ve got a friend that has rental houses here in Texas and every once in a while he pretty much winds up in this situation with renters that will pay the deposit, first months rent, and utilities turned on and then they don’t pay another penny until they are evicted and at that point they’ll usually trash the house. He figured out a way to get them out of the house with minimal damage. He bought a refrigerant removal pump that is used to do HVAC repairs and when they leave to go somewhere he just rolls in and removes all the refrigerant from the HVAC and if it is summer and hot they are gone in less that 48 hours. After they move out he puts the refrigerant back in and prepares the house for new tenants.
@fishman6364 6 месяцев назад
Fighting fire with fire, was wondering when someone would out thinks these idiots! They have to leave sometime
@Wild_Bill57 6 месяцев назад
I remember Steve doing the original story. This guy’s mother should be proud. Her son is a rockstar!
@jonathanbailey4904 6 месяцев назад
My mom let my sister stay in her home for a couple of weeks, and when my sister over stayed her welcome, my mom had to evict her to get her out. She was granted an immediate eviction for drug use, but the court said she couldn't kick her out until after the 10 day appeal window. So even an immediate eviction isn't immediate.
@OmniscientWarrior 6 месяцев назад
I forget the federal law, I think the Patriot act, they allowed for certain actions were permitted if there was imminent threat, but the definition of imminent threat was closer to: there is a chance that something might possibly happen at some time in the future, maybe.
@salauerman7082 5 месяцев назад
My sister is certainly NOT moving in with me…!
@N0Sheeple 6 месяцев назад
I saw his video when he saved his mom's house! he is INCREDIBLE! I LOVE HIM!
@ninjaswordtothehead 6 месяцев назад
It's MY house. Me taking a dump in the middle of the room every day should help get that point across.
@joefarmer4465 6 месяцев назад
Good show.
@neophobicnyctophile8264 6 месяцев назад
That sounds like the best job ever!
@HappyCat3096 6 месяцев назад
Police: "It's a civil matter."
@BOFH_ 6 месяцев назад
A sufficiently angry property owner: "That's nice. 'Mutual combat' is also a civil matter. Be ready to come back in an hour or two with body bags. Or you could do your job and determine who owns the house right now with a few calls."
@Takpay 6 месяцев назад
Omg I love this guy he is very smart.
@outbackeddie 5 месяцев назад
I have been able to resolve most of my squatter problems quickly and without any court action. My eviction team (Tony, Guido, and Scarface from the Bronx), "discuss" the matter with the squatter(s) and they usually vacate immediately (or shortly after being released from the hospital). Most of them are so anxious to vacate the property they give me their furniture and other stuff as compensation for any inconvience they may have caused me. I love my eviction team.
@Slartybartfast465 6 месяцев назад
This guy is giving squatters rights a whole new meaning. Good for him.
@SW-fm6up 6 месяцев назад
Oh I just love this!!!! What a great guy!!!!
@mikemaricle9941 6 месяцев назад
Send friends, Vinny, and Knuckles over to have a chat with the squatters.
@baomao7243 6 месяцев назад
Reminds me of a guy at university who happened to see someone ride up ON HIS OWN RECENTLY STOLEN BIKE. (Police couldn’t do anything.) So he talked the guy up, then slowly reached down and unlocked the kryptonite lock in its bracket on the bike. The thief freaked and started to bolt. But the guy, a heavyweight rower, grabbed him, jammed the kryptonite lock around his pencil neck, and then locked him to a pole displaying a bus sign. He then realized he no longer had to walk home and rode away on his own bike. Makes me laugh EVERY time i think about “having law enforcement, yet being powerless.”
@papachulisimo910 5 месяцев назад
Good to have a local legal platform... Thx!!!
@dannytravis7118 6 месяцев назад
I hope he's doing his due diligence and making sure he is in fact dealing with the property's true owner.
@helenromanelli2544 5 месяцев назад
@MrWaynesea 6 месяцев назад
God-given genius.
@user-mz6py1hg6f 5 месяцев назад
@TomsBackyardWorkshop 6 месяцев назад
Someone tried to that with one of my properties once. I listed a house for rent and someone copied the listing and put their phone number on it. The prospective tenants showed up at the house but luckily the new tenants hadn't moved out yet. I found the listing they used on a shady website and reported it.
@macpduff2119 5 месяцев назад
The hero has a channel here on You Tube - "Outside The Box". Thanks for making people aware of his solutions
@Eidolon1andOnly 6 месяцев назад
Outside The Box with Flash That's where to find the Squatter Hunter's content.
@NemoNemuNeme 6 месяцев назад
Thanks mate
@harveybc 6 месяцев назад
This guy is a genius!
@bikeman1x11 6 месяцев назад
dont understand why owners dont do that on their own - sadly you cant use physical force on them but you can have people move in and be a nuisance until the squatter leave
@robert5 6 месяцев назад
Wait for squatters to be gone. Move some one else in with a valid lease, move squatters stuff out onto lawn and place a free stuff ad in craigslist. Squatters return call cops, cops take the side of owner and valid lease holder. Squatters are told by cops, nothing we can do, you been outsmarted and out squatted now leave. It works.
@RebelCowboysRVs 6 месяцев назад
The owners are likely 100 #, 5 foot tall old ladies. They would get ran over. A 6 foot +, 250 # man though, he can protect himself.
@FlashShelton 6 месяцев назад
Thanks Steve, we are doing this nationwide. And consulting in other countries.
@jamescurnutt1628 6 месяцев назад
My wife's mom and her step-dad rented out an ADU located behind their main house to a UC Berkeley Grad Student. Her step-dad, an UC Berkeley professor, died 14 months ago. Almost immediately, the fella renting the ADU stopped paying rent and is squatting in it now. Not only is he not moving out, but wants $50,000 in cash to go. Turns out, per Berkeley's city ordinances, the ADU was never supposed to be a rental. It was built as a stand alone studio for an office away from the main house. Now the fella is extorting the heirs to the house. Slimy.
@KuptisOriginal 6 месяцев назад
Hmmmm..... says something about UC Berkeley grad students.
@jamescurnutt1628 6 месяцев назад
@@KuptisOriginal By and large, I am pretty OK with UC Berkeley undergrad and grad students.
@branch7628 6 месяцев назад
Sounds like a scummy landlord was getting away with charging rent even they shouldn't have been and got bit. Sucks to suck, greed is the fall
@jamescurnutt1628 6 месяцев назад
@@branch7628 There always has to be a troll. My in-laws are 80. They bought the place 30 years ago, assuming the cottage in the back was a rental. No one ever told them different. I can't count how many undergrads and grad students they have helped along their education journey. This fella was being 'charged' $300 a month for essentially a fully functional studio in walking distance to UC Berkeley. You can't live in the dorms for that. He was there for 6 months and Andy died. He found out it was never supposed to be a rental. No one knew. So...for his $1500 in rent he has paid over 6 months, he wants $50K to leave or he files a complaint with the city rental board.? You are as a big turd as this fella.
@AWDTalon92 6 месяцев назад
On 2 occasions while I was working on remodeling my house which I purchased 2 years ago, I had an entire family just roll up to my door to "look at the house for rent". Thankfully they hadn't given the scammers any money yet. On each occasion they had given them elaborate stories about why they couldn't meet them in person, but no problem, they could just wire them the the money and they could move in right away!
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