
Many Accept Christ, India Builds Megahurch In 52 Days - 'Calvary Temple' 

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Many Accept Christ, India Builds Megahurch In 52 Days - 'Calvary Temple'
Christianity in India continues to grow. This is marked by the establishment of a giant church (megachurch) in the country.
Calvary Temple, which stands in the city of Hyderabad, India, first started its activities on June 5, 2005 with a congregation of only 25 people with the pastor. In just four early years, Calvary Temple managed to reach the first thousand congregations and in six years, the church had grown to 50,000 congregations. It had gone beyond the rented convention building they called home, and that was the beginning of their greatest miracle.
The church led by Dr. This Satish Kumar experienced a very large harvest of souls, according to God's promise when this church was formed. Significant growth also occurs every year.
- Calvary Temple: calvarytemple.in
- Strongtower27: / @strongtower27
Music: www.bensound.c...



12 сен 2024




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@ajasnigol9822 3 года назад
Saya pernah dapat kesempatan beribadah di gereja ini. Waktu itu kami bawa penerjemah. Tidak hanya sekedar gedung yang besar, tapi lebih dari itu kecintaan mereka kepada Tuhan Yesus dan jiwa-jiwa sangat luar biasa, meraka punya 10 pilar pedoman pelayanan gereja yang intinya adalah semuanya karena Tuhan. Mereka punya program penggembalaan jiwa yang luar biasa sehingga orang-orang diluar sangat tersentuh dengan pelayanan mereka. Oh ya dalam pembangunan gedung ini gak mudah lho mereka juga dapat tantangan yang besar dari pihak-pihak luar.
@ms.marchiachannel5478 3 года назад
Aminn... 🙏🙏
@carlosmalau9094 3 года назад
@R i o yang dimaksud Yesus adalah Allah bapa bukan Allah SWT jadi maaf kamu salah tanggap
@malukumusikdunia 3 года назад
Jadi beneran ini ya... kren..
@ms.marchiachannel5478 3 года назад
@@malukumusikdunia amin...kita doakan.. 🤩🖐🙏
@ajasnigol9822 3 года назад
Mereka punya pelayanan unik untuk memperhatikan jemaat. Jadi karena pendataan kejemaatan mereka sangat kuat, mereka tidak terlewat jemaat yang ulang tahun, maka akan ada "tim ulang tahun" yang datang ke rumah jemaat untuk membuat kejutan ulang tahun, sehingga para tetangga jemaat tersebut pada terkejut karena gereja sangat memperhatikan jemaat, dan ini salah satu jalan mereka bisa menyelamatkan jiwa (karena kesenjangan ekonomi disana sangat tinggi sehingga mereka hidup keras dan haus akan kasih).
@baktiraja1555 3 года назад
Luar biasa mampu mendrikan gereja dlm wkt 52 hari, Tuhan yesus nemberkati.
@rendiimanuel5161 3 года назад
Melihat video ini walaupun dgn background musik yg ceria, sy tak kuasa menahan tangis melihat dan membayangkan anak2 Tuhan datang utk doa puasa di bawah guyuran hujan yg lebat. Roh Kudus sungguh bekerja luar biasa lewat Pdt. dan anak2 Tuhan di tempat ini. HALELUYA
@rendiimanuel5161 3 года назад
@Friends of Muslim Logika sederhana, orang yang mengaku ngaku itu PENIPU.. Orang ga perlu mengaku dia Presiden, tapi kalo bisa kasi Amnesti pasti dia Presiden. Yesus tidak perlu mengaku bahwa Dia TUHAN tapi Yesus MEMBUKTIKAN bahwa Dia adalah TUHAN karna Yesus mempunyai hakikat Allah, terutama mengampuni dosa manusia.. Beda dengan PENIPU, mengaku Nabi tapi tidak dinubuatkan, tidak memiliki mujizat, lucunya namanya saja tidak ada dalam kitab yang dia KARANG, makanya MATI DIRACUN karna NABI PALSU. Be smart, dont be STUPID
@rendiimanuel5161 3 года назад
@Friends of Muslim Logika sederhana, orang yang mengaku ngaku itu PENIPU.. Orang ga perlu mengaku dia Presiden, tapi kalo bisa kasi Amnesti pasti dia Presiden. Yesus tidak perlu mengaku bahwa Dia TUHAN tapi Yesus MEMBUKTIKAN bahwa Dia adalah TUHAN karna Yesus mempunyai hakikat Allah, terutama mengampuni dosa manusia.. Beda dengan PENIPU, mengaku Nabi tapi tidak dinubuatkan, tidak memiliki mujizat, lucunya namanya saja tidak ada dalam kitab yang dia KARANG, makanya MATI DIRACUN karna NABI PALSU. Be smart, dont be STUPID
@ferysianturi60 3 года назад
Sungguh indah rencanamu tuhan!!! Lindungi dan kuatkan lah para pendeta disana yg selalu mengajarkan ajaranmu bapa,, aminnn
@ardosaik4080 3 года назад
@Krim Susu Kambing yang dimaksud yesus adalah Allah bapa bukan Allah swt
@akhsrasky_ 3 года назад
@@ardosaik4080 "Hai Bani Israil, sesungguhnya aku adalah utusan Allah kepadamu, membenarkan kitab sebelumku, yaitu Taurat, dan memberi khabar gembira dengan (datangnya) seorang Rasul yang akan datang sesudahku, yang namanya Ahmad (Muhammad)." Maka tatkala rasul itu datang kepada mereka dengan membawa bukti-bukti yang nyata, mereka berkata: "Ini adalah sihir yang nyata." Qs 61 Ash Shaff 6 QS 3 ALI IMRAN 48-49 ARTINYA : “DAN DIA (ALLAH) MENGAJARKAN KEPADANYA (ISA AS) KITAB, HIKMAH TAURAT DAN INJIL, DAN MENJADI RASUL KEPADA BANI ISRAIL…. QS 43 AZ ZUKHRUF 59 ARTINYA: “DAN (ISA) TIDAK LAIN HANYALAH SEORANG HAMBA YANG TELAH KAMI BERI KARUNIA ATASNYA DAN KAMI MENJADIKANNYA SEBAGAI TELADAN BAGI BANI ISRAIL.” Dalam Bible YOH 5:30 “AKU TIDAK DAPAT BERBUAT APA-APA DARI DIRI-KU SENDIRI; AKU MENGHAKIMI SESUAI DENGAN APA YANG AKU DENGAR, DAN PENGHAKIMAN-KU ADIL, SEBAB AKU TIDAK MENURUTI KEHENDAK-KU SENDIRI, MELAINKAN KEHENDAK DIA YANG MENGUTUS AKU.” Saya Tau Kamu Yakin akan apa yg kamu anut, Dan Kami Juga Umat Muslim Sangatt Menghargai Yesus ( Isa Putra Maryam) Karena Kami Juga Yakin Beliau Org Yg di Utus Allah Seperti Musa, Ibrahim, Dan Nabi Muhamad,,, Tapi Saya Tegas kan Klo Allah Yg Di Ucapkan Yesus Sendiri adalah Allah SWT Sebab Banyak Bukti Outentik Di Dalam Nya,,, Dan Bukan nya Saya Mau Mencari Masalah Bukan mohon maaf Sekali lagi Tapi, Mas Keliru Mungkin Dalam Penulis an🤗 Salam Hangat Dari Kami, Dan Kami imani Bahwa Allah Itu Ngga Beranak Ngga di peranakan Sebab Pencipta Pasti Beda Dengan Ciptaannya 🤗
@h.w.p.butarbutar7789 3 года назад
@@akhsrasky_ Tdk ada hubungan Islam dgn kristen, Tdk ada hubungan Alkitab dgn Alquran. Kami sm sekali tdk butuh Alquran karena kami tdk mengimaninya. Kitab kt beda, Tuhan kt beda. Uruslah Alquranmu, Uruslah Muhammadmu. Kami sdh baku dan final bahwa Tuhan Yesus lah Tuhan dan Juru Selamat kami yg hidup 🙏🙏🙏
@miles5790 3 года назад
@@akhsrasky_ hedehhh stop menyamakan kristen dgn islam ajaran kristen sgt berbeda dgn islam kristen mengajarkan untuk mengasihani sesama umat manusia tanpa memandang ras,suku,etnis dan agama bahkan terhadap musuh skalipun.sedangkan islam sgt rasis terhadap non muslim apalagi terhadap musuh jadi stop menyamakan kristen dan islam sama satu lagi Yesus dan isa itu org yg sgt berbeda,mereka tdk sama lahir dari wanita yg berbeda lahir di tempat yg berbeda mengajarkan hal yg berbeda mati dgn cara yg berbeda
@akhsrasky_ 2 года назад
@@miles5790 Iyaa Sudah Itu, Keputusan mu tapi tidak papa walaupun ucapan kmu sedikit melenceng dari fakta, tpi saya tetap toleransi kepada agama apapun kok, sebab kita hidup Di NKRI, jadi biar kamu Kristen, hindu, Budha kmu tetep sodara sebangsa saya, tpi saya kurang senang dengan ucapan kmu yg menyatakan Islam adalah teroris, jelass sangat melenceng, bukankah anda hidup damai di Indonesia, andaikan saja di Indonesia ada aturan kristenmophibia mungkin kmu hidup tersiksa seperti saudara seiman saya di negara negara yg barat, tapi mungkin ada hikmah di balik itu, jadi kesimpulannya walau kita beda dalam pemahaman yg penting kita toleransi itu yg penting ✌️
@robertowae 3 года назад
Merinding lihat begitu banyak jiwa yang di selamatkan😥🙏❤️
@lindambipi7267 3 года назад
Kuasa Tuhan Yesus sungguh luar biasa,,,,yg TDK mungkin menjadi mungkin,semua berkat kasih cintanya yg luar biasa pada umatnya.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@abdulbais4371 2 года назад
Tai ah
@brianjoseph3698 2 года назад
@@abdulbais4371 panas 😂
@albertprasetyo6846 2 года назад
Ada juga tempat sembayang lain yg dibangun bertahun gak selesai sambil mengemis dana dijalan
@fritzsamuelpanggabean2706 Год назад
@@albertprasetyo6846 bro cukup biarkan mereka koar koar kaya begitu? Apa Tuhan yesus mengajarkan kita membenci sesama manusia?
@dominikusnahak9891 Год назад
@@abdulbais4371 pengikut nb cabol kepanasan
@thek2mrsimple964 3 года назад
Semua akan terjadi di Dunia dan Nama Nya akan selalu di muliakan di setiap Penjuru Dunia. kehendak Tuhan Yesus Akan selalu Terjadi. Amin Haleluya
@slametssuparto4759 3 года назад
Luar biasa Tuhan bekerja di India,dan Tuhan bekerja diseluruh dunia kami juga berdoa Kudus indonesia hujan pertobtan pasti Tuhan dengar doa kami
@edhojoe7937 3 года назад
Tuhan yesus memberkati saya 100% tetap yesus
@watinemsukarno5050 3 года назад
Puji Tuhan,banyak jiwa yg diselamatkan
@michaelraf158 3 года назад
Wawww jemaat satu Greja 300000 jiwa,bisa satu kabupaten di Indonesia iniTuhan Yesus memberkati.
@nukekmagag9593 3 года назад
Makin doktor jakir naik cerdas menenggelamkan kristen, makin banyak orang india yang masuk kristen, amen 🙏
@pastorpostalpaul6545 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348076675750) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.. .. ..
@ardosaik4080 3 года назад
@@pastorpostalpaul6545 indonesia translate?
@st.luhutsimarmata5578 3 года назад
Amen... amen... amen !!!
@ASLMusic 3 года назад
Dokter Zakir memang menenggelamkan Kristen karena bukti Alkitab, tapi dia hanya liat sebagian kecil dari Alkitab, padahal dia gak nyebut Yoh 13:13, Yoh 14:8-9, Yoh 1:1-5, Efesus 1:17
@ASLMusic 3 года назад
Dan sebenernya gw bisa menenggelamkan Dr Zakir juga, tpi gak diberi kesempatan
@EvaSibarani2906 3 года назад
Shalom India.. God Bless India Thankful God
@resdimasianturi4655 3 года назад
@sophiarumakur1891 3 года назад
@janfranparhusip9225 3 года назад
@Leon-hm2di 3 года назад
@pakdeputin3677 3 года назад
Anjing saja gak punya akal dan pikiran gak mau nyembah sesama binatang dan menyembah sesama anjing,, Ini manusia dikasih akal dan pikiran sehat kok bisa bisa ya menuhankan dan menyembah manusia,,, Kira kira mana tinggi derajatnya,,kaum kafir Kristen atau segerombolan anjing,, entahlah 😁😁
@simonhutagalung2478 3 года назад
Amazing. God Bless India. Praise The Lord.
@hatibatu4798 3 года назад
@Leon-hm2di 3 года назад
@athomasdioh917 3 года назад
@royycennel2096 3 года назад
@ms.marchiachannel5478 3 года назад
@yulilestari9825 3 года назад
Doaku buat pastor juga semua tim di India....trss maju semua hatii cinta tuhan kita yg dasyatttt....amin amin...salam kasih kami dari Jawa.....
@mobilkitadutaotomotif8019 8 месяцев назад
@hellios_rain2316 3 года назад
Puji Tuhan Ketika Sesuatu Yang Dibuat untuk Memuji Dan Memuliakan Tuhan Maka tak Satupun Dapat Menghalangi Jika Tidak diijinkan Oleh Tuhan Yesus🙏🏼❤️🔥
@nikeyuniah5769 3 года назад
Klu Tuhan yg bertindak,tidak ada yg bisa mengelak!
@pastorpostalpaul6545 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348076675750) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.. .. ..
@ryan9528 3 года назад
@Friends of Muslim 😂 siapa juga yang bilang Tuhan itu tiga?? Pemahaman anda saja yang gak ketemu. Pemahaman orang muslim yaitu Allah bapa dan anak dan roh kudus, 1+1+1= 3, dan dengan begitu mereka mengira kami orang kristen menyembah tiga Tuhan yang padahal kami menyembah hanya satu Tuhan yaitu Allah yang benar, Allah itu esa. Tritunggal itu bukan artinya Tuhan ada tiga, Allah bapa dan anak dan roh kudus, itu satu. Yesus adalah firman Allah dan roh kudus adalah roh Allah, Allah tanpa firman ia bisu tidak dapat berfirman, dan Allah tanpa roh itu sama seperti patung. Dan ya, isa dan yesus berbeda. Yesus bukanlah isa
@ryan9528 3 года назад
@Friends of Muslim seharusnya kamu paham komen saya diatas, kami menyembah satu Tuhan. Titik
@ryan9528 3 года назад
@Friends of Muslim link yang kamu kasi gak ada gunanya, setelah saya nonton, itu tidak berpengaruh bagi saya. Kami mengenal betul yang kami sembah. Kalian hanya mencomot ayat yang menguntungkan kalian, tetapi yang lainnya kalian abaikan. Sudahlah... hanya akhirat yang mampu menjawab setiap kebingungan kalian, karena jika kami yang menjawab setiap kebingungan kalian, kalian gak akan percaya.
@ryan9528 3 года назад
@Friends of Muslim kamu orang malaisya?? Maaf pertanyaanmu yang satu ini saya kurang mengerti
@noldiepen1481 3 года назад
Ini bukan hayalan, tapi ini kenyataan. Betul" ada bantuan dari tangan TUHAN yang MULIA.
@christianerick4778 3 года назад
Sungguh ajaib...
@ms.marchiachannel5478 3 года назад
Ajaib benar anugerah... Aminn...🙏🙏
@ryan9528 3 года назад
@Friends of Muslim janganlah percaya akan omongan orang yang mengatakan injil telah dirusak, hanya orang bodoh yang percaya kitab Allah telah dirusak. Perlu kau ketahui tidak ada seorangpun yang dapat merusak kitab Allah, sebab Allah menjaga keaslian kitabnya. Jika ada yang berusaha merusak kitab Allah, maka yakinlah sebelum orang tersebut melakukannya dia akan dibuat kaku oleh Allah. Jika kalian percaya kitab Allah telah dirusak, pertanyaannya apakah Allah lemah?? Tentu tidak. Jadi janganlah percaya terhadap omongan orang lain. Yakinlah orang itu adalah pembohong/penipu. Hanya karena mereka melihat injil terdapat perkataan manusia (murid-murid yesus), maka mereka langsung mengklaim bahwa injil kitab Allah telah dirusak, yang padahal mereka (murid-murid yesus) adalah saksi dari apa yang mereka lihat dan Alami, mereka memberikan kesaksian mereka dari apa yang Tuhan telah kerjakan.
@ryan9528 3 года назад
@Friends of Muslim semua benar, hanya bahasa aja yang berbeda tapi tidak ada satupun yang berubah dari kitab aslinya. Dan kitab aslinya itu ada... tentunya, kitab aslinya dalam bentuk gulungan, dan kitab itu dijaga. Dan Tidak sembarang orang dapat melihatnya, setiap orang yang mau melihatnya di periksa terlebih dahulu, supaya jangan terjadi hal hal yang tidak diinginkan
@mardianabau9749 3 года назад
@R i o urusan apa anda sibuk dgn agama org..sebaikx anda belajar dan dalami agama anda sendri,,
@djokohindarto6884 3 года назад
Ya GUSTI YESUS......terpujilah namaMu diantara bangsa2 kekal selamalamanya
@pastorpostalpaul6545 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348076675750) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.. .. ..
@ms.marchiachannel5478 3 года назад
@Apriana Kale lena Amin. Ajaib benar anugerah... TYM.. 🙏🙏
@hotmansinaga3761 3 года назад
Sungguh luar biasa kuasa Tuhan,sehingga semua tantangan bisa dilalui hanya dgn mengandalkan Tuhan,terima kasih Tuhan,lawat juga orang Indonesia agar namamu dikenal dan mereka percaya krpada Yesus Kristus
@milamila280 3 года назад
Tiada YG Mustahil Bagi TUHAN 🙏🙏
@alexsandriamadau4104 Год назад
@serasituasihotang8316 3 года назад
Tuhan Yesus telah membuka hati orang india, tepujilah nama Tuhan.
@imaivan7932 3 года назад
Ya tuhan ku, Hanya engkaulah Raja diatas segala raja..
@siteliwaruwu3948 3 года назад
Hello India...God luck. God bless India👍🙏
@wulan0164 3 года назад
Puji Tuhan sunggu luar biasa kuasa Tuhan. Terpujilah Yesus selama lamax
@eltzaraujo1581 3 года назад
Obrigado Jesus, por trazer um avivamento para os meus irmãos indianos, aqui do Brasil, nos alegramos ,em Cristo somos um com vocês!!!
@iyandiyandzendrato1751 Год назад
Saya dari Indonesia semoga orang Kristen bertambah banyak, Yesus Emanuel 🇮🇩
@ronnyeverdeen8360 Год назад
@emmyp7946 3 года назад
Shalom brothers and sisters in India...🙋‍♀️ Jesus Christ blessed us all...💕
@mariyamzebua1813 3 года назад
Luar biasa ,Tuhan bekerja.
@bettyagustinagultom6401 3 года назад
Tuhan luarbiasa, Semua manusia akan bersujud kpd Tuhan YME, melalui Yesus Kristus Juruslamat manusia. Puji Tuhan
@ocy3387 3 года назад
Halleluya 💙
@Leon-hm2di 3 года назад
@user-rv5om5le5g 3 года назад
@tututpatmini5368 3 года назад
Pemerintah atas dunia dipegang oleh Tuhan kita dan DIA yang diurapiNYA dan DIA yang memerintah sebagai RAJA selama lamanya
@polanspolan1954 3 года назад
@willyhendriktofdy3280 3 года назад
Shalom India, God Bless You All in Jesus Christ Name, From Indoesia with Love. Terpujilah Bapa di Sorga dalam nama Tuhan Yesus, Amen. Tuhan Yesus selalu memberkati dan bersama kita dalam segala hal, Amen
@pangkhahkonyak9135 3 года назад
God bless Indonesia 🇮🇩
@wasinahnuryawirja9746 3 года назад
kmi trus brdoa bagi negri india. Tuhan yesus brkati india jiwa2bnyak di slamatkan bp gmbala di india di lindungi oleh malaikatnya amin
@willyhendriktofdy3280 3 года назад
@@wasinahnuryawirja9746 Shalom Sister, Kasih itu tidak berkesudahan, Kasih itu sepanjang Masa, Amen
@nofhyanusoktavia9231 3 года назад
Suguh mulia kasih KRISTUS biarpun hujan lebat IMAN Kristiani tetap taat Dalam menjalankan IBADAH tak GENTAR sedikitpun meski kami harus basah karna AIR HUJAN. God Bless You... 👌🙏🙏🙏
@burmanmanurung7641 3 года назад
Semoga makin bertambah mengenalmu ya Tuhan Yesus.
@manowelasbono4610 3 года назад
Puji Tuhan , yesus telah menjamah india karna hanya yesus jln kebenaran dan hidup .. Tdk ada yg mustahil bagi "TUHAN "
@pamarejubata1340 3 года назад
@ahokahok8080 3 года назад
Amen. Tuhan Yesus memberkati. 🕊🕊💎
@yuriada6265 3 года назад
@hatibatu4798 3 года назад
@darmawati8498 3 года назад
@rendangbabi1346 3 года назад
Luar biasa...salut juga dgn pemerintah india yg tdk berusaha keras menentang pembangun gereja sebesar ini...klo di sini sulit untuk terjadi
@verachristina4239 3 года назад
Pmrt india tahu umat kristus itu baik kl sblh zakir naik saja jadi buronan IRF india krn sponsori isis 😆😁
@dewamighty7110 3 года назад
@@verachristina4239 kalau itu memang betul, itu orang udah ditangkap, ga bs dakwah terus dong sampe skrg
@rajuirman3366 3 года назад
Waawww bngunan yg sangat megah. 😍😍 Tapi sayangnya di bangun untuk org" yg gagal berfikir dengan baik. 😂
@ronyhasni941 3 года назад
Amin saudaraku,karna TUHAN ga ada duanya melaikan satu,dialah yg pertama dn yg terakhir amin
@ronyhasni941 3 года назад
biarpun orang menyakal tp dia tetap mengampuni dosa umatnya,
@demiyanus3201 3 года назад
Haleluya sungguh besar kuasa Tuhan Yesus menyelamatkan banyak manusia, Amin
@pastorpostalpaul6545 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348076675750) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.. .. ..
@bencanagame2429 3 года назад
In 5 Years From 25 People. And Now Be 300.000 Thousand Peoples. WOW. Praise The Lord. Nothing Is Impossible.
@mlgaming9367 3 года назад
Puji Tuhan...❤
@bilhaputnarubun4828 3 года назад
Luar biasa, puji Tuhan,banyak jiwa diselamatkan n Roh Kudus jamah umat yg ada di India demi kemuliaan nama Tuhan.
@pastorpostalpaul6545 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348076675750) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.. .. ..
@katarina1287 3 года назад
Bila Tuhan sudah berkehendak, tidak ada yg bisa mencegah segala rencanaNya. Luar biasa!
@alexsandriamadau4104 Год назад
@claraerhans6194 3 года назад
Haleluyah...Tuhan Yesus Dasyat..bila dia sudah membuka jalan tidak ada satupun yang dapat menututupnya.🙏🙏🙏
@juruansinaga 3 года назад
@hatibatu4798 3 года назад
@yonaspakendi1511 3 года назад
@eyurandhy2445 3 года назад
@@juruansinaga amin. Puji tuhan Allah. Yesus utusan Allah melindungi. Yesus nabi Allah menerangi unit yg beriman pada tuhannya yesus. Yaitu Allah.
@yanavlogn4781 3 года назад
@@eyurandhy2445 jesus is the best king of king okay?
@faniaartantikusumaawandi4315 3 года назад
Puji Syukur... Muzisat Tuhan Yesus Kristus .. datang dan mengabulkan dengan segala Permintaannya... dengan sangat ..luar biasa.. bisa membangun Gedung Gereja selama dalam 52 hari ... Haleluyah...Amin...🙏🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍👍
@akhiongstfgbmfibanten6410 3 года назад
Praise the Lord... kiranya setiap lutut bertelut dan setiap mulut mengaku YESUS adalah Tuhan dan juru selamat umat manusia... haleluyah
@Roy-ds9ck 3 года назад
Tiada yg mustahil bagi Tuhan Yesus 👍🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏Amin.
@mahmudrizal1247 3 года назад
Termasuk tak berdaya dibantai manusia ✝️
@elisabethguntrina9784 3 года назад
DIA mati namun bangkit . Saat ini DIA berada di Surga dan akan datang kembali menjemput semua yg percaya pdNya. Inilah kepastian keselamatan bagi org Kristen. Di luar Yesus tak ada kepastian. Hanya mudah2an saja selamat.
@mahmudrizal1247 3 года назад
@@elisabethguntrina9784 kepastian tentu ada alasannya. Bisa jelaskan dan buktikan secara kitabiah kepada saya ? Oh iya ..kamu kristen apa ya,katolik?
@mahmudrizal1247 3 года назад
@@elisabethguntrina9784 itu dongeng apa bukan? Dimana Yesus menyatakan itu dalam biblemu ? Tunjukanlah agar saya paham
@kokorindoe2377 3 года назад
@@elisabethguntrina9784 benar,,dan yg bisa melakukan itu hanyalah sang penguasa jagat raya ini😊😊👍🙏 siapa sih sang penguasa jagat raya ini???
@paulus.m.simanjuntak.2844 3 года назад
Terpujilah namamu Tuhan Yesus.di segala bangsa yg engkau berikan.Engkau Memuliakan kami anak2mu agar senantiasa Kami selalu sujut di kakimu.trimakasih Tuhan yesus.buat lah kami bangsa bangsa.yang damai sejahtra.agar kami saling Mengasihi sesama kami yg ber ibadah.Engkau lah Tuhan Yesus Bapa yg Hidup bagi kami. kepadamu kami Memohon ampun.kepadamu jua kami Tuhan meminta Belas Kasihmu.Tanpa Engkau Tuhan kami tidak akan ada di Bumi ini.tanpa Engkau Yesus kami tidak bersuka Cita.Ampuni Tuhan Yesus Dosa2 kami Terpujilah Namamu Yang Agung. Sampai selama lama nya.Di dalam Nama Bapa dan putra dan Rohul kudus Amen haleluya...haleluya...Haleluya..💓 I LoVe You Yesus..
@MegaBravo70 3 года назад
Amin, Haleluya Puji Tuhan... 🙏
@ms.marchiachannel5478 3 года назад
Kasih Kristus untuk seluruh umat manusia... selamat natal.... Salam Damai... GB🙏🙏🌲
@susana3820 3 года назад
Puji Tuhan haleluya, Salute kepada kuasa Tuhan Yesus, tak ada yang mustahil bagi Tuhan,, Amen.. Gbu all. IMMANUAL
@tituslaia2189 3 года назад
Luar biasa sekali. Tuhan Yesus memberkati kita semua amin...
@hamzahhaloho6776 3 года назад
Bagaimana tanggapan pengikut agama lain,
@roselyn999 3 года назад
Haleluya, semoga semakin bertambah menjelang persiapan kedatangan Nya, Amin.
@pastorpostalpaul6545 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348076675750) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.. .. ..
@universalviral1603 3 года назад
Rose jelaskan apa yg di tunggu dari kedatangan yg di maksud anda. Apa yg kalian percaya.
@pakdeputin3677 3 года назад
Anjing saja gak punya akal dan pikiran gak mau nyembah sesama binatang dan menyembah sesama anjing,, Ini manusia dikasih akal dan pikiran sehat kok bisa bisa ya menuhankan dan menyembah manusia,,, Kira kira mana tinggi derajatnya,,kaum kafir Kristen atau segerombolan anjing,, entahlah 😁😁
@agungfajarbaru 3 года назад
@@pakdeputin3677 Punya agama kan bang? kok komentar nya gitu ya. katanya agamamu untuk agamamu, dan agamaku untuk agamaku. hmmm...
@archangel6794 3 года назад
@@pakdeputin3677 Auloh swt selalu tunduk dgn btg pelir muhamad yg mna maha besar auloh swt atau btg pelir muhamad
@liannys661 3 года назад
Amen Praise God....Jesus loves His people🤗🤓🙏🏻💪🏻💛
@gabekreatif950 3 года назад
Syalom 🙏🙏 puji tuhan' semoga tuhan yesus sll memberkati dan melindungi kita semua. Amin 😇😇😇
@surodojoyo8501 3 года назад
Mizijad itu nyata via hmbaNya di india mbangun gereja dlm tmpo yg sesingkt singkatnya tlah selesai dn jemaatnya trus smakin bertambah puji Tuhan..
@rossabunga4547 3 года назад
Shalooom saudara2 di India!!!GOTTES SEGEN
@samuel.officialch6658 3 года назад
Terpujilah Tuhan yang dasyat dan luar biasa, sekali Yesus tetap Yesus❤️🙏
@robellyensitumorang7668 3 года назад
Bersama YESUS Tidak ada yg susah 😇
@pastorpostalpaul6545 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348076675750) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.. .. ..
@kasihjeskriabadi8701 3 года назад
Tidak ada yg bisa menghalangi rencana TUHAN. Inilah kehendak TUHAN untuk orang india, semoga Pendeta dan jemaat yg ada di india selalu di berkati TUHAN Amin. #HALELUYA...
@pujimanalu4517 3 года назад
Terpujilah Tuhan,Cepat atau Lambat Yesus akan datang ke 2 kali ke dunia.Persiapkan Iman dan diri masing masing.🤝🤝🤝
@merrytipal7582 3 года назад
Martauli saksiMU Bapa Yesus.terima kasih Tuhanku yang baik,baik buatku dan baik buat kami semua,amin 😀😁👏👏♥️👍👌🙏🙏🙏 ✝ .
@pastorpostalpaul6545 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348076675750) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.. .. ..
@sirkallcreation8266 3 года назад
Praise The Lord
@pastorpostalpaul6545 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348076675750) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.. .. ..
@sirkallcreation8266 3 года назад
@@pastorpostalpaul6545 waw...its Amazing to hear.... sir... Still Pray for me... God blesss you more Sir🔥🙌🙏
@laodejalils9781 3 года назад
Bagi mata yg melihat tidak mungkin Tp bagi Tuhan tidak ada yang mustahil... Haleluya 😇😇😇
@Ismanmanuamaofficial Год назад
@ledianasiahaan4379 3 года назад
Luar biasa.. Sepertinya India ini mayoritas cinta damai y.. Mereka bebas memilih Iman kepercayaan.. Tdk ada kekerasan, di bully apalagi kebencian2... Inilah bukti bahwa masyarakatnya sdh berpikir maju dan moderat.. Gk percuma y.. perjuangan Bunda Theresia.. Terimakasih Tuhan Yesus..trus tunjukkan muzijatmu di dunia ini.. Agar namamu yg dipermuliakan bukan yg lain.. Agar mereka2 selamat.. Amin
@hermanflores3316 3 года назад
Puji Tuhan. Senantiasa semakin bertumbuh
@pastorpostalpaul6545 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348076675750) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.. .. ..
@reypocis7347 3 года назад
Takjub untuk niat ibadah buat Tuhan.. Jadikanlah seMua bangsa murid-Ku.. Amiennn🙏
@pastorpostalpaul6545 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348076675750) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.. .. ..
@a.r.lnoraitoamapatti1295 3 года назад
God Bless India 🙏🏼😇 👍🏽👍🏽
@pastorpostalpaul6545 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348076675750) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.. .. ..
@iwankurniawan1337 2 года назад
Puji Tuhan. Roh Kudus melawat India. Tuhan Yesus memberkati India🙏
@orindoen8592 3 года назад
God bless u .India..God that we trust in the name of Jesus Christ.❤🙏.Amen
@pastorpostalpaul6545 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348076675750) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.. .. ..
@ms.marchiachannel5478 3 года назад
@orindoen8592 3 года назад
@Friends of Muslim Yesus adalah Allah Tuhan yg hidup lahir kedunia sebagai manusia disiksa disalibkan sengsara dn mati diatas kayu salib untuk menebus dosa manusia..dan pada hari ketiga bangkit dari antara orang meninggal dn naik kesurga..Amin
@jppurba9090 3 года назад
Bagi Tuhan Yesus tiada yang mustahil.....semoga Tuhan Yesus menjadikan rakyat India menjadi orang percaya.
@pastorpostalpaul6545 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348076675750) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.. .. ..
@akinaritonang163 3 года назад
Ini semua adalah kuasa Tuhan, ajaib kau Tuhan. Terima kasih bapak di Surga atas segala kasih karuniaMu. Amin.
@pastorpostalpaul6545 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348076675750) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.. .. .. .
@dietersawor6901 3 года назад
Amazing.....the first in the world,more of blessing for all on there.
@pastorpostalpaul6545 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348076675750) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.. .. ..
@korneliusriyanto9156 3 года назад
Luar Biasa Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus hebat makin banyak jiwa-jiwa ketemu Tuhan Yesus Dan Nama Bapa dimuliakan.
@alizanalali9939 3 года назад
Tuhan yesus telah jamah india.. Jamah juga kami yang di Malaysia biar kami menjadi penyembah yang benar di hadapan mu Tuhan... Tiada yang mustahil bagimu Tuhan sangat engkau bekerja keatas umatmu perkara yg biasa kau jadikan luar biasa engkaulah Tuhan namamu layak di tinggikan dan dipermuliakan dalam nama Yesus kami berdoa.. Amin
@sekretariatnfrpb8019 3 года назад
Amen ? Glory for Jesus Christ 🙏
@pastorpostalpaul6545 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348076675750) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.. .. ..
@dheainerapiter8288 3 года назад
Praise the Lord. Nothing is impossible with God.
@mebbybenu6156 3 года назад
TYM, Aminnn
@ms.marchiachannel5478 3 года назад
Praise the Lord.. Amen... 🙏🙏
@ms.marchiachannel5478 3 года назад
@@mebbybenu6156 Aminn.... TYM... 🙏🙏👍
@ferrykansil1926 3 года назад
Luar biada,Puji Tuhan,semakin jwa diselamatkan.Gereja hadir nemvawa damai,sukacita dsn kebenaran serta keslmtan bgi jwa yg msih hidup dlm kegelapan.Haleluya.TYM.🙏🙏
@pastorpostalpaul6545 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348076675750) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.. .. ..
@romoraandriano5692 3 года назад
Tuhan yesus maha Kuasa, Terpujilah Namamu diseluruh Dunia, Tak ada yang mustahil Buat Tuhan Yesus..
@yunusgiawa1675 3 года назад
Tuhan Yesus menjamah setiap hamba yang mau menerima Kristus dalam hidup mereka #god_bles_you
@pastorpostalpaul6545 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348076675750) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.. .. .. .
@asdirbinenorenor6910 3 года назад
Amin" haleluya puji tuhan Yesus kristus🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@oeyjoknio123 3 года назад
Puji Tuhan sungguh luar bisa Tuhan bekerja banyak jiwa"di selamatkn tiada yng mustahil bagi Dia
@kaptengaming4890 3 года назад
Tdk ad yg mustahil bagi TUHAN
@nurtijaman3128 3 года назад
@pieterleleury6625 3 года назад
@evelinmawar5526 3 года назад
Semoga india semakin Tekun untuk prcrcaya yesus Terpujikah Tuhan 🙏🙏
@doniferijon2577 3 года назад
Tidak ada agama yang menyelamatkan manusia. Allah, Tuhan yang maha esa, Bapak di surga telah memberikan dua gambaran manusia yang akan di pilih untuk diikuti oleh manusia di muka bumi, yaitu Adam dan Yesus. 1. Adam dibentuk oleh TUHAN Allah dari debu tanah dan menghembuskan nafas hidup kedalam hidungnya, demikianlah manusia itu menjadi makhluk yang hidup, Adam tidak taat kepada Allah. Ketidaktaatannya itulah, semua orang menjadi orang berdosa. 2. Yesus, Maria ibu-Nya ternyata ia mengandung dari Roh Kudus, maka anak yang di dalam kandungannya adalah dari Roh Kudus, Jadi Yesus berasal dari surga, Dia taat kepada Allah, karena oleh ketaatannyalah semua orang menjadi orang benar. Tinggal anda pilihlah.
@pastorpostalpaul6545 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348076675750) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.. .. ..
@hermanliauw2902 3 года назад
@ellysilitonga7232 3 года назад
Terima kasih Tuhan memang luar biasa sekarang pun mujizat masih ada
@yombexsteel4782 3 года назад
@Nicky Jaguar ehhh ada turunan penyembah selangkangan nongol
@rolandstggg8828 3 года назад
@Nicky Jaguar Yesus yang mana ? Di Brazil, Columbia, Venezuela, Chili , banyak yg bernama Yesus, artis juga ada bernama Yesus, mungkin maksud anda petinju Yesus Rojas yg punya istri dua.
@danielpratamasilalahi9101 3 года назад
Terima kasih TUHAN YESUS, semakin banyak terus umatmu diselamatkan. G B U saudar2ku di india.
@siregarmedan1805 3 года назад
@Nicky Jaguar muhammad mati kna racun, dan saaanngaaatt bnyk istriny
@telolet6946 3 года назад
IBLIS agama 👹DZAT allah arab🌜⭐🕋
@suriyanimamalini2205 3 года назад
Amazinggg.... Semoga India smakin byk jiwa dimenankan ... Hamba Tuhan slalu diurapi dan dikuatkan dlm pelayanannya..🙏🙏🙏🙏😇😇😇😇JBU
@harismatosaris4433 3 года назад
Waoww pujih Tuhan, semua berkat campur tangan Tuhan sehingga pembangunan gereja di india berjalan dengan lancar,,,,, Tuhan yesus memberkati🙏😇
@zackgebsib2375 3 года назад
@imanuelbanoet0891 3 года назад
Amazing🙏🏼 SOLIDEOGLORYA✝️🕊️📖😇
@boerjupanjaitanboerjupanja1859 3 года назад
Puji Tuhan Yesus Kristus Sudah banyak orang terima Tuhan Yesus, Amin Amin Amin
@pastorpostalpaul6545 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348076675750) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.. .. ..
@bestianisimangunsong3855 3 года назад
Amen..kuasamu Tuhan Yesus sungguh luar biasa..berkati hambamu di india untuk memberitakan Firman mu.
@martenparapean427 3 года назад
Mereka sangat percaya bahwa mengikuti Yesus adalah jalan yg benar.semoga umat Kristen di India semakin bertambah banyak.
@unumanuen0363 3 года назад
amin ❤️
@marchoevandopepuho8738 3 года назад
God Is Great.🙏
@agapeglenmore6784 3 года назад
Amin hamba Nya Tuhan Yesus dahsyat buat umat Nya
@Axbersius 3 года назад
*"Inilah pengembala sesungguhnya"*
@reinhardwattie2908 3 года назад
Puji Tuhan... Besar kuadaMu... Bibirnya sdh sedari Mahatma Gandi yg ber simpati terhadap Ajaran Kristus... Mmajulah India... GB India
@simsonwenda1033 3 года назад
Haleluya🙌janji firman Tuhan tergenapi,semua besar kecil akan mengenal,Yesus kristus.sbagai Tuhan dan juruslamat dunia🙏
@rintozipeng 3 года назад
Haleluya Puji Tuhan🙏🙏🙏
@jeramanhendrikus193 3 года назад
Ini yg membuktikan bahwa Tuhan Yesus itu benar2 penguasa dan Raja Alam Semesta. tks
@yuliamarisi4855 3 года назад
Tuhan Yesus berkata bahwa nanti akan banyak nabi2 palsu
@yuliamarisi4855 3 года назад
Cepat bertobat sebelum terlambat
@mahmudrizal1247 3 года назад
@kakeklegend9722 3 года назад
@mahmudrizal1247 3 года назад
@@yuliamarisi4855 kata siapa yesus tuhan ? Itu ajarannya yesus ? Buktikan dan jelasin dong ,berdasarkan kitabiah ya
@jonathantheofilusbabys9160 3 года назад
Haleluya ❤️
@fredysurabaya8643 3 года назад
Shalom,luar biasa Roh Kudus bekerja menembus ruang,waktu & tempat sehingga setiap hati manusia mau menerima Tuhan Yesus Kristus sebagai Tuhan & Juru selamat utk selama - lamanya
@berlianantikarahmadiniberl6028 3 года назад
Tidak ada yang mustahil bagi Tuhan.... Puji Tuhan... Haleluya... Banyak jiwa terselamatkan... Tuhan Yesus luar biasa
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