
Maria Callas sings the ultimate Assoluta role with Superhuman Voice 

Lohengrin O
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Highlighted comments from the commenters below:
-From Shahrdad:
William Weaver was a young man living in Italy when he and a friend wen to Naples to hear Callas in Nabucco: "Orchestra and Chorus outdid themselves in generous vigor; but our attention was focused on Callas, in the role of the wicked, treacherous, finally penitent Abigaille, a complex, unlikeable, and yet moving character. What I remember most vividly of Callas's interpretation that evening was at the end of her great scene, "Ben io t'invenni," in which, having stolen a vital document, she is free to usurp the throne and expresses her determination to do that very thing.
The set was a challenge: a huge, steep flight of steps, with the throne on a confined platform at the top. Callas began the aria below the steps, then as she continued singing, she moved up the high flight, occasionally descending a step or two, as if physically to express her lingering hesitation about her plan; but then, as the aria ended, she climbed straight to the little platform and , on the final, ringing high note, she sat down squarely on the throne. Sitting down is not the usual way a soprano concludes a great scene. More likely, she was stride toward the footlights, or raise a triumphant arm, or--in more pathetic cases--faint. But Callas's taking her seat was such an unusual and dramatic assertion of power that the audience gave her an ovation.
During the aria--indeed, during the whole performance--I had admired Callas's apparent self-assurance. Unlike most of her colleagues, she sang the whole difficult and (in the way of Italian theaters then and now) probably under-rehearsed role without ever looking at the conductor. And yet she was always perfectly in time, every attack was clean, precise. Similarly, when she had to negotiate that menacing flight of stairs, she never once looked at her shoes of raised her skirts timidly, to avoid a stumble. She displayed total confidence.
Later I learned--as all her fans did--the simple reason why she never looked at the conductor: she couldn't see him. tremendously near-sighted, during rehearsals she wore big, thick glasses and learned every position, every movement as thoroughly as she learned her notes. Then once the performance was in progress, she moved entirely on instinct. It was an example of how she was able to turn a defect into a positive merit."
-From Khalid Al-Thani:
Early Verdi was bel canto on steroids indeed! And no one ever handled the fatal demands of the role like la Callas. It was suggested by Serafin for EMI to record this role in her first batch of studio recordings but what a loss it never happened
Disclaimer - I own nothing



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@brunobalzano7566 3 года назад
Basta ascoltare solo quest'aria per capire Birgit Nilsson quando affermò: "Nei suoi anni d'oro la Callas valeva tutte noi messe insieme." ❤️
@jmiller05 7 лет назад
For Callas to sing this role the way she did and still manage to have the career she did proves she is the greatest singer of all times.
@LohengrinO 7 лет назад
after having sung two douzins of Turandots, Brunhildes, Normes and Aidas :D can u imagine Joanie or Leontyne singing Abigaile aged 26? it is because they sang with the "interest not the capital of their Voice" :D
@LohengrinO 7 лет назад
1:36-1:42 :p
@jmiller05 7 лет назад
That single vocal line could've destroyed her voice.... Incredible, inhuman virtuosity.
@LohengrinO 7 лет назад
Turandot with Agility
@esuna6352 3 года назад
I watched an interview of Caballe reminiscing about Callas just a while back. When she talked to Callas backstage after a performance she asked advice on how to sing heavy roles like Macbeth and Abigaille in Nabucco. Callas said, don't. At first Caballe thought she was jesting but after a while she noticed that Callas was dead serious. And her advice was definitely correct. You don't sing assoluta roles unless you are more than perfectly capable of doing them justice
@Operacrazed 6 лет назад
I doubt any soprano before or after has ever sang this role as the early fearless and confident Callas did. Listening to this extract repeatedly it never fails to send shivers down my spine. She must have exploded on Naples like an atomic bomb. Oh to have been William Weaver and have been there for the performance displaying Maria's not only vocal superiority but acting ability.
@LohengrinO 6 лет назад
it is impossible to sing Abigaile like that... just impossible, that is why she never repeated those performances
@victoriagrapsidou3474 5 лет назад
Lohengrin O, She never ever performed Abigails role in her life?
@j.j.schlachtfeld9325 5 лет назад
@@victoriagrapsidou3474 She sang it once, but that was enough for her to put the bar so high up that nobody can even get close to her. It was miraculous...
@PIANISTA121 2 года назад
@mstreepnegron 6 лет назад
Cada nota que da y canta la Callas es con una entrega tan total. Ella sabía lo que hacía, no sé media para nada y no pensaba “tengo que cantar mañana”. Era única y hasta el día de hoy es irrepetible. Fue como un bonzo, que al entrar al escenario se lanza gasolina y se prende fuego. Felices todas esas personas que fueron testigos de semejante portento. CALLAS LA DIVINA!
@Khalid7a 7 лет назад
Early Verdi was bel canto on steroids indeed! And no one ever handled the fatal demands of the role like la Callas. It was suggested by Serafin for EMI to record this role in her first batch of studio recordings but what a loss it never happened.
@LohengrinO 7 лет назад
they casted her for Cavaleria and Pagliacci instead huh? :D to have in your hands the Ultimate Assoluta voice and have her sing ... Retarded Opera people :D
@Khalid7a 7 лет назад
Well even stranger they casted her as Manon and Mimi which Serafin also strictly rejected in the beginning as well :D (but they turned out to be good ones anyway). Other suggestions were Armida which Serafin cared for the most and Ernan, I've also heard she was supposed to record Anna Bolena in 1958. but these guys cared (rightfully) about business more than anything else. And bel canto operas back then were not thought to be successful outside the stage so they were afraid of being a flop other than the few surviving ones like Norma and Lucia.
@thomasgraham4837 6 лет назад
Khalid .
@NLidar 6 лет назад
@@Khalid7a If I would've heard Walter Legge muttering "Oh no.. we cannot record Armida".. I would've slapped him so hard his ears will be ringing.. What a STUPID man. He cares more about the business and the money than the art.. It's nit everyday you have Callas in the building..
@stefanocautavera 4 года назад
I can accept other Normas, other Traviatas, other Toscas, other Aidas; even other Bolenas on a good day. But the Armida-Abigaille-Lady Macbeth triad belongs exclusively to her. 1:36 - Simply mind-blowing.
@LohengrinO 4 года назад
All 3 roles are pure Assoluta roles
@LohengrinO 4 года назад
@@Ep-ef2ej Jeffrey Riggs who wrote the Assoluta list for male and female voices, claims the most difficult of them all is the Devereux Elisabetta... it is said that once Callas looked at the score and said: Hell no!... of course the Elisabetta we know from the canary coloraturas has nothing to do with the Elisabetta of a full Assoluta Voice like Callas... from the Assoluta roles Callas sang I think it is between Lady M and Abigaille if one sings them exactly as written with the pianissimi Db6 and the full C6s etc (because as Milanov once said to Sills: My dear Norma is easy the way YOU sing it)... but if your question was what is the most difficult Assoluta role if sung the way Callas sang it that would definitely be Armida.... NEVER AGAIN will Armida be sung that way books.google.gr/books?id=GhXggJliLF8C&pg=PA237&lpg=PA237&dq=jeffrey+riggs+assoluta+list&source=bl&ots=LWfS38c48W&sig=ACfU3U364ROkWYrVhS8R6muFl93zkRqqmw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiV2p2n1-DpAhUFKewKHWcmAQQQ6AEwAHoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=jeffrey%20riggs%20assoluta%20list&f=false
@LohengrinO 4 года назад
@@Ep-ef2ej if u took one look at one score and instantly say Hell no u would sing it? but also imo is that the musical value of the opera is much less than its difficulty... Callas always searched for extremely melodical operas, the Masterpieces, I never felt that Devereux is a masterpiece
@stefanocautavera 4 года назад
@@LohengrinO It's safe to say Callas considered Abigaille to be more demanding than Norma. She performed the latter even in her worst days, and she told Caballé *not* to attempt the former, as it would have left her voiceless.
@Goldenlowen 4 года назад
@@LohengrinO That anecdote about Callas's reaction to the role is interesting. I still wish she had performed it. The way Riggs describes it as it is written sounds amazing: "So, in assessing these ingredients we have in the Devereux Elisabetta that uncanny balance between the horrifying and the beautiful that was present in Médée's music; that well-wrought musical expressiveness which was in Reiza's; the dramatic concision that was in Bolena's; and even more constant demands for vocal stamina than were in Norma's. If summing up an art form means giving it its finest achievement, then Donizetti's Roberto Devereux must be regarded as the greatest dramatic music ever devised as a vehicle for an assoluta, displaying the ultimate potential of a classically trained diva's voice, musicianship, and technique." I just wish it had been rediscovered earlier in her career and we could've heard Callas circa, say, 1952 trying it.
@petergraham8681 4 года назад
I have a couple recordings from this performance but the sound is pretty substandard. I think this here is also from the live performance in 1949 because the NABUCCO is Gino Bechi (sounding remarkably like Tito Gobbi here). In fact I always wondered if it might really be Gobbi singing here although the documentation I have always indicates Bechi. Anyway the quality of recorded sound here, while not optimum, certainly is an improvement over my copy. Thanks for the posting!
@pammyjones1151 7 лет назад
interpretation and performance by which all artists should be judged!!...... superlatives are not enough for this woman...... another amazing performance...many many thanks for the cleaned up sound too..
@hangchau3216 4 года назад
She slays everything
@Danielap4513 2 года назад
Maria e ‘ Abigaille la cattiva del Nabucco. E ascoltare la sua aria di trionfo quando può ferire Nabucco la rende odiosa. Di questo era capace Maria quando si immedesimava in una delle sue eroine.Immensa Maria
@josedomingosgiffonirosa8362 11 дней назад
Callas é única e absoluta. Foi e é insuperável.
@mao1878 6 лет назад
Oh Lord ! Will never have enough of this. So sad she never recorded it in studio/ sung it again later on. Maybe around the time of MacBeth til the studio Norma of 54 would have been the recording of the century and not Tosca... some other thing to regret about the recording choices back then, along with her unwilligness to make opera video recordings :(
@LohengrinO 6 лет назад
she wouldnt have unleashed her voice like this in studio... she would have kept it back for the mic
@mao1878 6 лет назад
Lohengrin O i guess you are right, maybe a concert form recording? A well.. we can only dream of that. But i think we are mean in a way cause this is really the best, why do we long for more? Humans are sometimes strange like that, wishing more, better, easier, sooner.. Maria herself said in an interview she was a pessimist that way always not fully liking what she did striving for better
@LohengrinO 6 лет назад
I cannot handle more from Callas... she gave to me more than I could handle Studying her for 25 years and still I know nothing about her singing
@arnoldamaral7406 5 лет назад
Lohengrin O this is so true. One thing that always bothered me and somewhat bewildered. Not to get off the subject. Does anyone know why Ileana cotrubas never recorded la Boheme in the studio Etc. If anyone has a clue or the real answer to this let me know. I always thought the Callas's live recordings when she was in her prime were so much better than the recorded version and the studio of course. Thank you copiously. Arnold Borbon Amaral 🎼🐦☝
@arnoldamaral7406 5 лет назад
Lohengrin Weaver's commentary expression xcetera is priceless. Thank you for posting. I'm no longer going to State the obvious in regards to these incredible gems. Your Opera loving friend. Arnold Borbon Amaral. 👱🌏🌎🌍💛🇺🇸
@FranciscoFerrerGaliana1930 7 лет назад
Fantástica interpretación de MariaCallas
@LohengrinO 7 лет назад
Bloody Miraculous
@philipc67 16 дней назад
This is one of her two superhuman, Assoluta live recorded performances. The other is the 1952 Florence Armida. Astonishing, astonishing.
@LohengrinO 15 дней назад
for me also her Lady M under de Sabata... in the recitativi alone you hear a vocal phenomenon of Agility and Elasticity that has never been seen before
@philipc67 15 дней назад
@@LohengrinO then I would also add the first Medea (Florence 1953) under Gui
@numetutelare 2 года назад
Colossale e sovrumana.... La Storia della lirica
@Irene-iu9sj 5 лет назад
Dear S as a greeck i thanck you for your detailed anallisis. It satisfaied me deeply ,perconally.Thanck you to no end.
@nicoangel690 2 года назад
Irene...We are Hellenic.. not Greek the name the Romans called us.
@richmusic9521 6 лет назад
@rafaeldornelles2403 7 лет назад
3:40 - 3:42 Was that a belt? Even though I've heard it before I still find it surprising.
@LohengrinO 7 лет назад
@rafaeldornelles2403 7 лет назад
Head voice on steroids.
@LohengrinO 7 лет назад
diving into deep chest in less than 2 secs then back up...
@rafaeldornelles2403 7 лет назад
Oh, sure. And superbly done.
@arxsyn 5 лет назад
Yes, I've heard her do that before. l was surprised as you. Perhaps it lead to the deterioration of her voice. She was known for really pushing her chest voice for dramatic sound and color. Ever heard the joke every Soprano wants to be a belty Mezzo?
@romearomeo 7 лет назад
Maria Callas è Abigaille....
@rogalesi58 5 лет назад
I’m listening her again so I can go to sleep happy 😃
@delroyroberts9244 6 лет назад
Abigaille is Callas.
@Olgaalwina Год назад
Auf der Welt bis heute hin gab es keine, die sie überstrahlen konnte, sie war unübertrefflich... !
@pedrojorge532 6 лет назад
'Ίσως ο πιο δύσκολος "απόλυτος" ρόλος;
@germanquintero10121946 7 лет назад
@user-jt4js7ed3e 3 года назад
@doperasinger 7 лет назад
Don't know what Emi/angel/Walter legge..was thinking....he could've caught her in wayyy more interesting rep. During her prime.
@LohengrinO 7 лет назад
they were Idiots!
@tobiasandrews3778 3 года назад
@hectorhugomoyano9518 6 лет назад
ÙNICA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@juanmorales569 6 лет назад
Lohengrin O, why is this role the "ultimate " as opposed to Armida or Konstanze or La Vestale? I have no formal training as I've explained before but I find La Vestale in particular incomparable in its difficulty. You know I'm taking your course and want to fully understand what you mean. Thank you.
@LohengrinO 6 лет назад
Kostanze is not an assoluta role at all just the most difficult Coloratura role. Julia is semi Assoluta not Group A assoluta... Armida is a prototype of Assoluta and the way Callas sang it comes very close to Abigaile in terms of impossible vocal demands. Assoluta is a role that demands from the singer range 2.5+ octaves with the ability to actually be able to sing up there and down below(not just scream a high note and growl a low one) plus Agility of natural coloratura levels plus Heroic weight of the voice even in the agile vocal parts
@alioffe4321 6 лет назад
Mainly due to the bifurcated tessitura, tons of high notes and dramatic scales, and most notoriously the sudden octave drops; "Ben io T'invenni" has one of them, you might want to check it. You're supposed to drop from C6 to C4 in an instant. It's tremendously dangerous for the voice. Imagine changing gears with no clutch pedals. No one can make a career out of Nabucco. Sing it a couple of times and leave it at that. Callas interpolated many a high note in Armida and if you listen to it carefully, you will hear that the voice is free and far from restraint even in the most treacherous sections. Singing Abigaile the way it was written was already one of the greatest challenges. She did sing an interpolated Eb6 at the end of Deh Perdona of Nabucco, though. :) And of course, we're comparing early Callas to early Callas.
@LohengrinO 6 лет назад
didnt Dimitrova sing Abigaile many times? no one has sung Abigaile many times like Birgit sang often Turandot?
@alioffe4321 6 лет назад
Well one might also argue that Sutherland sang Norma many times, too :) Dimitrova had spectacular moments as Abigaile. But she pales in comparison. Callas is the only Abigaile in recorded history. I wish we had her earlier Turandots, though. I'm sure she would have given Nilsson a run for her money :)
@pedrojorge532 6 лет назад
Did La Callas sing Kostanze?
@ManuelGonzalez-fi1ki 2 года назад
Sólo la cantó tres veces....demasiado poco. Mejor Souluotis o Dimitrova
Early Callas blasts a HUGE D6 in Leonora's aria
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