
Marie-Julie Jahenny's Bone Chilling Prophecy Of France And The Chastisement!! 

Journeying With Saints
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Marie Julie Jahenny predicted numerous chastisement for sin that would fall first on France then spread to the rest if the world.
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🎶 Track: I Walk With Ghosts by Scott Buckley
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17 сен 2024




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@bettyvarone4420 Месяц назад
Please God protect the innocent people of France. It was such a beautiful and Holy place I visited years ago, I know wickedness has taken over lately but protect the righteous ones in Jesus Holy Name. Amen 🙏✝️🙏
@worthwhilediscussion Месяц назад
@Fa-pb5nn Месяц назад
@annhill6378 Месяц назад
Amen 🙏
@HumanbeingonfloatingEarth Месяц назад
Remember how God said he will spare the city ,even for 10 righteous men...
@treffainguypascal Месяц назад
Innocents are a little number
@briarrose9889 Месяц назад
i'm ashamed and scared for my country... please pray for us over here in france
@terezka5340 Месяц назад
Mother Mary, keep the oldest daughter of your Son´s church pure. Save us, save Europe from satanism, Islam and communism.
@813infinityfilms123 Месяц назад
Pray for Our Lady's protection! JMJ
@edwinkubena9944 25 дней назад
No borders no nation
@briggal11 23 дня назад
My prayers are with you and all of France. May many souls be converted and may the faithful find protection in the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
@cletusmorraies9370 13 дней назад
The shame is on all of humanity.
@csongorarpad4670 Месяц назад
Most Precious Blood of Jesus, have mercy on us and on the whole world
@roberthanness7505 Месяц назад
Hat ja schon immer viel gebracht
@joannekuzborski491 Месяц назад
@cmpf3158 Месяц назад
@zebakhawaja 22 дня назад
O you who believe! be helpers of (the cause of) Allâh (as did the disciples of Jesus), for when Jesus, son of Mary, said to the disciples, `Who will join me as my helper towards (the cause of) Allâh?´ The disciples replied, `We are helpers of (the cause of) Allâh.´ So a section of the Children of the Israel believed (firmly in Jesus), while another section rejected (him). Thereupon We helped those who believed, against their enemies and (at last) these (believers) gained predominant victory (over the nonbelievers).
@zebakhawaja 22 дня назад
Jesus said `O My servants who believe! take your Lord as a shield. There is a good reward for those who do good in (the life of) this world. And (if you are persecuted for your faith know that) the earth of Allâh is vast and spacious (enough to provide you shelter). Certainly the patiently, persevering and steadfast will be given their reward beyond measure.´
@robertryan2542 Месяц назад
Thank you. From Ireland ☘️
@unhomme1737 Месяц назад
Be blessed my Irish brother !
@jameswardick8974 Месяц назад
Amen 🙏
@jb6368 Месяц назад
What's left of it 😢
@conormcg8702 Месяц назад
Blessings from limerick ☘️ we live in dark troubling times
@robertryan2542 Месяц назад
@@conormcg8702 Up the Boro !!!☘️
@rosiedsouza2846 Месяц назад
Pray for us who are spiritually blinded by pride and stupidity. Dear Jesus Mary and Joseph pray for us, save our souls. Grant is the grace of true contrition and love for God, our Father and Creator. Amen
@deborahfarella9509 Месяц назад
@elatomala1976 Месяц назад
That's the TRUTH
@figueiredo0923 Месяц назад
Pride is destroying the west
@leep7136 Месяц назад
@zebakhawaja 22 дня назад
Indeed, We gave Moses the Scripture and sent Messengers after him in successive series. We also gave Jesus, son of Mary, clear arguments and strengthened him with the blessed word of God. (Is it not then unjust on your part that) whenever a Messenger came to you (O Jews!) with that (teaching) which did not suit your fancies, you behaved arrogantly? You belied some (Messengers) while others you seek to kill (even now). 88 They said, `Our hearts are storehouse of knowledge (so that we stand in no need of further teaching.)´ Rather Allâh has deprived them of His mercy for their disbelief, with the result that little they believe. 89 And (now) when there has come to them the glorious Book from Allâh, fulfilling that (Prophecy) which is already with them, and previous to that they had been praying for victory over those who disbelieved, yet when that (long awaited Prophet and the Qur´ân) came to them which they recognised (also to be the truth), they disbelieved in it. (And because of this rejection) the disapproval of Allâh is the due for the disbelievers. 90 Evil is that thing they have sold themselves for that they should reject that (source of guidance) which Allâh has revealed, grudging that Allâh should send down His grace on such of His servants as He pleases. Thus they have incurred (His) displeasure after displeasure. There awaits these disbelievers a humiliating punishment. 91 When it is said to them, `Believe in that (- the Qur´ân) which Allâh has sent down.´ They say, `We believe only in that (- the Torah) which has been sent down to us.´ And they deny every thing other than that (and which has since been revealed); though it (- the Qur´ân) is the lasting truth and corroborates that which is already with them (in their own Scriptures). Say, `Why, then, did you seek to kill the Prophets of Allâh in former times if you were (real) believers (in the former Scriptures)?´ 92 Moses did come to you with clear arguments yet you took to the (worship of) the calf in his absence and you were not justified in doing so. 93 And (recall) when We took a covenant from you, (while you had encamped at the foot of Sinai) with (the summits of) the Mount towering above you, (and We had said,) `Hold fast to that which we have given you and obey.´ (But) those (of you who were given this commandment) said, `We hear and we disobey.´ Their hearts were, in fact, permeated with (the love of) the calf (worship) due to their disbelief. Say, `Evil is the way to which your faith leads you, if you are believers at all.´ 94 Say, `If the last Abode with Allâh is especially reserved for you excluding all other people, then invoke death (upon yourself standing against the Prophet of Islam) if you are on the right.´ 95 But never shall they invoke it, on account of that which their own hands have sent before. Allâh knows these wrong doers very well. 96 And you shall of course find them the greediest of all people for (this base) life and even more (greedy) than those who set up equals (to God). Each one of them would love to be granted a life of a thousand years, yet his being spared for a long life shall, by no means keep him away from the punishment. And Allâh is Watchful of all their doings. 97 Say, `He who is an enemy to Gabriel, because it is he who has brought down this (Qur´ân) on your heart by the command of Allâh, and which confirms (the Scriptures) which preceded it, and is a guidance and good tidings to the believers, 98 `(Let him bear in mind that) whoever is an enemy to Allâh and His angels and His Messengers and Gabriel and Michael, then, of course, Allâh (Himself) is an enemy to such disbelievers.´ 99 And We indeed have sent down to you clear arguments which none but the disobedient reject. 100 Is it not a fact that every time they made a covenant, some of them cast it away? Rather most of them have no (true) faith. 101 And (now) when a great Messenger (Muhammad) has come to them from Allâh confirming that (Scripture) which is with them, a party of those who were given the Scripture cast away the Book of Allâh behind their backs, as if they know (it) not. 102 Moreover, they (- the Jews of the Prophet´s time) pursue (the same tactics) which the rebels had followed against the empire of Solomon. And it was not Solomon that had committed breach of faith, but it was the rebels that had committed breach of faith. They (- the Jews of Madînah) teach the people the modes of intriguing; and also (pursue) that which had (once) been revealed to the two angels, Hârût and Mârût in Babylon. But these two would not teach (anything to) anyone without first declaring, `We are but a trial (for you here), do not, therefore commit breach of faith.´ So they (- the followers of Hârût and Mârût), learnt from them that (teaching) by which they made a distinction between man and his wife, (- they taught men only and not women), yet they would not harm anyone thereby (by their practice), save by the command of Allâh. But these people (- the Jews of the Prophet´s time, on the contrary) are learning things that would harm them and do them no good. (They do it) even though they know that he who adopts this course will have no share (of good) in the Hereafter. Indeed, evil is that thing which they have sold themselves for. Had they but known (this fact). 103 And if these (Jews) had kept their faith and guarded against these evils, surely they would have received a better reward from Allâh. Had they but known (it). 104 O you who believe! say not (while addressing the Prophet), `Râ`inâ!´ (listen to us - a word used also for showing disrespect for the person addressed), rather say (an equivocal phrase), `Unzurna!´ (- we beg your attention), and listen to him attentively, (that you stand not in need of any such phrases that have double meanings, one in a good sense, the other in a bad one). Indeed there awaits the disbelievers a grievous punishment. 105 Neither those from among the people of the Scripture who disbelieved, nor the polytheists like that any good should be sent down to you from your Lord. But Allâh singles out for His mercy whomsoever He wishes (to receive His mercy), and Allâh is of abounding bounty. 106 Whatever Message We abrogate or abandon it, We bring a better (Message) than that or (at least) the like of it. Do you not know that Allâh is indeed Possessor of power to do all He will. 107 Do you not know that to Allâh alone belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and that you have, apart from Allâh, neither a protecting friend, nor a helper. 108 Rather you (Jews!) like to question your Messenger (unduly) as Moses was questioned before? And he who adopts disbelief instead of belief, had undoubtedly strayed from the straight direction of the path. 109 Many of the people of the Scripture would love to turn you back after your having believed, into disbelievers, out of selfish envy, and after the truth (of this Qur´ân) has become apparent to them. But pardon (them) and overlook, until Allâh shall make manifest His will, indeed Allâh is Possessor of every power to do all He will. 110 And observe the Prayer and present the Zakât (- purifying alms) and whatever good you send forward for yourselves you will find it with Allâh. Verily, Allâh is Watchful of all that you do. 111 And they (- the Jews and the Christians) say (respectively about themselves), `None shall ever enter Paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian.´ These are their wishful beliefs. Say, `Bring forth your vivid proof (of what you state) if you are right.´ 112 The truth of the matter is, whosoever submits himself entirely to Allâh and he is a doer of good to others shall have his reward with his Lord. They shall have nothing to fear and nothing to grieve at. 113 The Jews say, `The Christians have no valid ground whatsoever (for their belief),´ while the Christians assert, `The Jews have no valid ground (at all for their belief),´ while they both read the same Scripture. Exactly such (ill-founded) things say those who have no knowledge. But Allâh shall judge between them on the Day of Resurrection with regard to all that about which they had been disagreeing. 114 And who can be more unjust than those who prohibit the name of Allâh from being extolled in (any of His) houses of worship and strive to ruin them. It was not proper for such, ever to enter these (places) except in fear and awe. For them is disgrace in this world, and there awaits them a severe punishment in the Hereafter. 115 And to Allâh belongs the east and the west; so whichsoever way you may turn (you will find) there is Allâh´s attention. Surely, Allâh is All-Pervading, All-Knowing. 116 Moreover they (- the unjust people) say, `Allâh has taken (to Himself) a son.´ Glory be to Him. Rather, all that is in the heavens and the earth, belongs to Him. All are obedient to Him. 117 (God is) the Wonderful Originator without depending upon any matter or pattern of the heavens and the earth; and when He issues a decree He does but say to it, `Be´ and it comes to be. Qur’an
@cherjohn2118 Месяц назад
A timely reminder for the world today. God is not to be ignored.
@mottledbrain Месяц назад
Although I've been a Catholic for 28 years, this is the first time I've even heard of Marie-Julie Jahenny. Thank you for sharing this. From Canada, Dominus tecum!
@bugsy2902 Месяц назад
She received a vision for a special Purple Scapular to keep in the house with prayers and it is for the time of the Chastisement. But it also protects from fire. People in CA were spared from fire that had the Purple Scapular even though everyone else's houses around them were burned!
@roberthanness7505 Месяц назад
Wer nur glaubt Weiß von nichts ganz einfach
@pannamal5182 24 дня назад
@@bugsy2902where can I get a purple scapular? Never heard. But the green and brown
@bugsy2902 24 дня назад
@@pannamal5182 Catholic Supply or Leaflet Missal or even Amazon has several sellers to choose from. It is also known as the Benediction and Protection Scapular meant for protection and help during the end times which I believe we are in now when you see the rise of Freemasonry and Satanism everywhere. Also there is a belief that King Charles is the Antichrist as his heraldry has beasts from the book of Revelations. Learn more by searching Tim Cohen and The Antichrist and a Cup of Tea he recently revised his book and is more convinced then ever before. He has many speeches on RU-vid as has Craig Bong who has come to the same conclusion on his own as well.
@RubenStaFE 24 дня назад
Canada is also a country that mocks God; its gender laws are an attack on morality and common sense.
@jonibird6126 Месяц назад
Thank you for showing us early photos of this saintly woman & telling her story. ❤ Prayers for France & the whole world 🌎🌍 May Jesus reign in our hearts.
@sac1303 Месяц назад
Thanks for sharing this video about an amazingly God-conscious woman. Marie Julie Jahenny, please pray for the world.
Lord save France, there are so many prophecies about France, the number 1 tobe doomed. So many Saints from France, please intercede, we cry. 🙏🏻❤️
@PatriciaQuinn-t4h Месяц назад
God rest this wonderful Beautiful lady so much love from North of Ireland
@56Tyskie Месяц назад
For the sake of His sorrowful Passion have mercy on us and on the whole world
@carolpountney7627 Месяц назад
Lord have mercy on us all. We are sorry for offending Your Goodness, Holiness and Purity. Mother Mary intercede for us❤
@LUIS-ox1bv Месяц назад
People must endeavor to understand the importance of France in these revelations to Marie Julie Jahenny. France played an extremely important role in the history of the Church. France was granted many graces, but she also was beset with heresies, clerical corruption, laxity and lapses in the Faith. The land that gave us St.Bernard of Clairvaux, Dt.Joan of Arc,St.Vincet de Paul, St.Louis de Montfort, also gave us Albegensianism, Jansenism, Voltaire, Rousseau, the French Revolution, and the Communards. When France shuns her responsibilities in regards to the Faith, the country, and the world for that matter, suffers greatly. Our Lord requested to St Margaret Mary alacoque, in 1689, that the Kibg of France consecrate France to the Sacred Heart. He warned that if the King did not heed his request, then France would pay dearly. 100 years later, in 1789, the King and Queen were executed.
@studiobencivengamarcusbenc5272 Месяц назад
True ! But they killed Louis Capet a believer & king ! The history of France since 1789 is a fight against God - with exceptions like Balzac and Chateaubriand that wrote for the faith - I love France but I hate the jacobin republic
@unechaine1 Месяц назад
Louis XIV was truly catholic, his birth was a gift from theholy virgin, so i'm quite surprised by what you mention. Notre Dame de Graces à Cotignac et Frère Fiacre pourraient vous en apprendre plus. Paix à leurs âmes !
@margheritamelis6333 Месяц назад
@@LUIS-ox1bv vero
@margheritamelis6333 Месяц назад
@@unechaine1 si, ma non ha ascoltato la richiesta che Gesù gli ha fatto tramite Margherita Maria, e le conseguenze sono sotto i nostri occhi....
@813infinityfilms123 Месяц назад
​@@unechaine1Yes a Catholic king but disobedience to God Almighty has consequences!
@sixwingsram Месяц назад
She had the Stigmata. Most people have never heard of Her. She was a True saint, like Padre Pio and Theresa Newman❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@philomenon7748 21 день назад
@knoname7778 Месяц назад
My brother in Christ, I love these videos. One can learn so much from the lives of the Saints
@peterroberts4470 Месяц назад
Thank you for the post, Marie-Julie, was and still is a beautiful soul. Pray for us Marie-Julie Jahenny
@praveenliverpool Месяц назад
Saint Marie Julie Jahnney,pray for us 🙏
@estherpoblet3142 Месяц назад
Thanks for this video. Lord open the eyes of the spiritually blinded.
@museluvr Месяц назад
Oh my Lord Jesus, have mercy on us sinners, save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy.
@annhill6378 Месяц назад
Thank you from Australia 🙏
@fionamort5837 Месяц назад
Thank you so much for sharing all these saints wonderful history, may St. Maria Julia rest in eternal peace & may she intercede for all of us Amen 🙏🌹❤️☘️God bless her soul 🙏🙏🙏🌹❤️☘️
@joni3503 Месяц назад
She is not yet an official saint in the Catholic Church, but the bishop of Nantes approved of her, already in the 19th century. She was a saint. Not because of her apparitions or visions, it is because of her virtue.
@studiobencivengamarcusbenc5272 Месяц назад
@@absolutefreedom8035exactly- he who has Jesus in his heart has the bridge to God - our ridiculous acts or pseudo goodness mean nothing ! The lion of Juda did the ultimate sacrifice for a reason.
@joni3503 Месяц назад
@@absolutefreedom8035 the catholic church looks at someone's behavior, whether it is virtuous or not. And of course you are right, that any virtue and merit comes through the Blood of Jesus Christ
@joni3503 Месяц назад
but that does makes her visions and predictions trustworthy. She predicted the coronation of a great King in France, who will restore christian order
@DMD5609 Месяц назад
Not declared a saint.
@joni3503 Месяц назад
@@DMD5609 she is not canonised yet, but she got visited by 200 saints from Heaven
@marion4827 Месяц назад
I was on her grave, got myself a blessed candela, purpull scapolars. I recognise her prophecy in those time.
@GillianSavant-p7f Месяц назад
St Maria julimy pls pray for us and my family I beg you Ask Jesus And his mother's to forgive me and my family sins to bring us to deep conversion . Thank you amen amen amen
@Crazy_Garden_Lady Месяц назад
"I have seen the past. I know the future." Tutankhamun tomb inscription It is not the first time that a civilization will perish and a new cycle begins. The whole world is going through a very difficult time. It's starting to get exhausting now.
@lourdescardoz5055 Месяц назад
Whatever the prophecy...we are living in times that need constant seeking of God, and living in obedience and Holy fear...
@AG-fl3kl Месяц назад
Thank you Jerome, we have been waiting for this story
@MAB-y7o Месяц назад
Wow, I only knew very little of her story and mostly just the prophesies she was given. Her voluntary sufferings are quite spectacular and anyone who would deny this would be a total fool! Marie- Julie pray for us and thank you for your sufferings United to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary!
@ToubaYouness Месяц назад
We often complain about superficial struggles in life, but here, we feel humbled by a giant saint who willingly shares Jesus' suffering on the cross. May God have mercy on us.
@frankvoot4379 Месяц назад
Thanks for posting🙏🏻
@logikix Месяц назад
I pray for France , pray for us , Marie-Julie
@bootz0409 Месяц назад
An astonishing Saint! Did I understand correctly that she fasted on only the Holy Eucharist for over 5 years? No food? Extraordinary! And the fact she was given the stigmata in such a way is beyond amazing!
@Ann-p5g Месяц назад
Ivana Sarto Buchdrucker of Ohio who passed away Aug. 17, 2004 was a stigmatist. She is on the website, 'Mystics of the Church' .... people came from all over to visit her or just pray at her home. She spoke broken English as she was from Italy and Mother Angelica had visited with her numerous times.
@southernlady1109 Месяц назад
God showed the world how He feels about being mocked with the complete blackout of Paris, except for His Sacre Coeur (Sacred Heart) Catholic Cathedral, where He is present. Jesus Christ, our God and Savior IS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD And THE LIGHT IN DARKNESS! Jn1:1-14, 8-12, 9:5, 1 Jn1:5-6
@EmmanuelleCoulon-s8f Месяц назад
Thank you for praying for my country!
@SDOV8 Месяц назад
Thank you for sharing this with us. It is nicely presented so as to share with others that are a bit apprehensive. Marie Julie Jahenny, Pray for us.
@xavierjmj Месяц назад
LORD have mercy
@lynne-du9ql Месяц назад
Praise the name of Jesus and his blessed mother Mary. Pray for us all. ❤🙏🙏🙏 God save France
@Hany-fu1vc Месяц назад
France is now one of the least Christian nations on earth with a very large Anti-Christ, Godless satanic atheistic majority, a very small marginal, negligible minority and a very strong exponentially growing islamic minority that surpasses the Christian minority now in numbers and influence. France is on its road to perdition. There is no way out for France now. Too bad but true.
@unhomme1737 Месяц назад
Praised be the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ the King of Love ! Hello Jerome ! I recently discovered the Venerable Louise Marguerite Claret de la Touche, could you please look her up ? She is truly amazing, I'm sure you'll love her spirituality. Otherwise yes, pray for my dear country France, that we could become once again what we were, what we truly are... the Kingdom of Mary and Jesus ! Pray also for England who are living an Islamic takeover, pray hard and with all your hearts my brothers and sisters, the prophecies are being fulfilled before our own eyes. Be strong in faith, be a rock for your people, be blessed however is reading this, may God bless you!
@Holymotherchruch Месяц назад
Thanks for doing this video on such an important and as you said, unknown mystic! We need pay more attention to her messages during these diabolical times to survive spiritually and physically! She also talks about how the hawthorn leaves , the pardon cross will be crucial.
@bear8smylene Месяц назад
HAWTHORN LEAVES????whoa what about them? pls tell us more here. Just leanred abt the PARDON CROSS! GOD BLESS ABUNDANTLY MY FRIEND MARTIN BRADLEY FOR GIVING ME TO THINK IM VERY FAR FROM WHERE HE LIVES! and he gave me without me asking! God bless him!
@Holymotherchruch Месяц назад
@@bear8smylene the leaves are suppose to be the only thing that will heal the illness that is to come.
@bear8smylene Месяц назад
@@Holymotherchruch never heard of them. wil ask around and search THANK YOU,! God bless u!
@Raszagal1983 Месяц назад
thank you so much for these wonderful stories brother!!
@annhill6378 Месяц назад
Pray for Marie Julianne that we will know the true love of Christ🙏
@mikemcelroy8014 Месяц назад
"pray the rosary every day" --- Our Lady of Fatima --- 1917 -⚔
@hilarybromley3064 Месяц назад
Jesus not the rosary
@mikemcelroy8014 Месяц назад
The rosary is the life of Jesus....do your research before you condemn anything you do not understand...
@mikemcelroy8014 Месяц назад
@@absolutefreedom8035 (Luke 1-28)Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; (Luke 1-41-42)blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
@KateKing217 Месяц назад
Wow 😮 thank you for telling her story in 7 minutes 🙏🏾 I subscribed to your channel
@suzanneoshannessy7666 Месяц назад
God Bless Marie Julie Jahenny Beautiful brave woman
@diegotowers33 Месяц назад
Thank You Mary Julie Jahenny
@bear8smylene Месяц назад
love this! great video once again Jerome! God bless u more! Future saint Marie Julie-Jahenny pray for us!
@thediaryofaparsonageistanb2275 Месяц назад
A blessed soul to raise our souls and a reminder of all that seeks to bring down the world
@simthiam3712 Месяц назад
Please share this video & spread the message of this Woman of God. The nation of France & its people need to hear her message. Together, we can turn the situation around & help France.
@CatholicIrish11 Месяц назад
Woe to those who call good what is evil and call evil what is good, who classify as darkness what is light and designate as light what is darkness, who make sweet what is bitter and make bitter what is sweet.
@2Hearts3 Месяц назад
Thank you very, very much for this beautiful video. I read about her years ago, but had forgotten. Our punishment is deserved, and we must repent. Pray for us, dear Marie-Juilie. and hers is the once saintly nation of France, of St Mary Magdalene and St Joan of Arc, of St Bernadette, and St Pierre Julien Emard, of such love for Our Lord and His Holy Bride, the Church, of Our Lady of LaSalette, and St Catherine Laboure and the Miraculous Medal. So much love and devotion in dear France ⚜️🇨🇵 Dear St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle! Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, oh prince of the Heavenly Host, by The Power of God, cast into hell satan and all the evil spirits who roam the earth seeking the ruin of souls. Amen 👑✝️🕊️♥️ St Michel, pray for us 🤺🙏
@Godblessyou10100 Месяц назад
Thank you 😊God bless you and your family ❤❤❤🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙌
@amysepan804 Месяц назад
Thank you. I've heard of her, but this is the first I've heard details about her life.
@conniedetevis2119 Месяц назад
Thank you from 🇺🇸 the USA.
@kostatesfa1799 Месяц назад
Sad if this is to happen to a country who once created and wonders of art and architecture dedicated to the Church.
@nguyetho683 Месяц назад
Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on us and the whole world.
@patthebaker3575 Месяц назад
May she bless us all from her heavenly kingdom 🙏
@longthuongxotchua1933 Месяц назад
hãy đọc kinh Lòng Thương Xót Chúa vào 3h chiều mỗi ngày và ăn chay vào thứ sáu và thứ bảy hàng tuần
@fadiabdallah8388 Месяц назад
Her case is in the very bottom drawer in the Vatican,because she prophesied a lot on the clergy and their errors In domino 🇱🇧
@chommie5350 Месяц назад
There you go.... Same as the Akita prophecy.
@kymmoore853 Месяц назад
If everything everybody said was hidden in the Vatican archives _was_ actually hidden in the Vatican archives they’d have to be bigger than the catacombs in Paris.
@jacquesolivier2109 Месяц назад
Thanks a lot from France. God bless you ❤
@carolgouda3864 Месяц назад
This is the very great story 👏 God bless you
@testerbend9473 Месяц назад
Thanks for these videos Jerome.
@cindyjohnson6266 Месяц назад
Amen Thank you and God Bless you for sharing Marie Julie ‘s story
@dianapanetta Месяц назад
Jesus,Mary I love Thee❤❤
@theelegantcatholic Месяц назад
She is one of my favorite mystics! ❤
@carolynhricovsky9248 Месяц назад
@anniebroman8914 Месяц назад
Thank you! Your stories are so beautiful and teach me many things I knew of!
@lukasandisaaktime9147 23 дня назад
Thank you so much for sharing this amazing woman - nearly from birth. Absolutely beautiful love. God Bless to all!!!
@serbaserbi666 Месяц назад
Dear God forgive our sins ,please save your people in france dan the world.
@nonakabyrd5759 Месяц назад
She predicted so much. Bless. Her oh Lord with heavenly peace
@manuelvargas467 Месяц назад
Jesus and Mary please help france ✝️🕊☦️🇫🇷 to free from devil
@christinemcguiness9356 Месяц назад
Jesus I trust in you🙏
@MayaTheDecemberGirl Месяц назад
Thank You for all the videos at this channel. Dear Jesus, have mercy on us, on the whole Europe and all the countries, including France. So many great saints were coming from France - may France somehow be able come back to her Catholic roots.
@Ann-p5g Месяц назад
Thank you for this video.
@ericostmann684 Месяц назад
Very inspiring. Thank you, sir!
@annalisademillo5929 Месяц назад
Pray for us Marie Julie In Jesus❤Name Amen💪❤️🕊🙏
@LightHouse_222 Месяц назад
The Lord led me to start praying the HOLY FACE chaplet. The words are very powerful. Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do. ❤
@annealdred5540 Месяц назад
I also have been recently led to pray the Holy Face Chaplet.
@FayWhite-n1o Месяц назад
Receive the eucharist and recite the rosary daily.🌹🌹🌹 Blessings ♥️from Christchurch New Zealand 🇳🇿
@tobaccoman1542 Месяц назад
What an incredible and beautiful story, and why is she not a recognized saint?
@vivrowe2763 Месяц назад
People should read more good books by Saints, that is how I know we are in the end times of this Era.
@Dim-yz6wk Месяц назад
Se will be formally recognised as a saint by the Church one day ✝️🛐🛐🛐
@vivrowe2763 Месяц назад
Don't hold your breath.
@eueu8163 Месяц назад
Maranata, please come our Lord🙏✝️🙏
@katkat2340 Месяц назад
God sends His prophets where they are most needed
@Embargoman Месяц назад
God protect the nation of France and all the nations of the world going into a fall.
@LJC-sr7jl Месяц назад
What has surprised me somewhat, is that it seems to be happening quicker than what I expected.
@eileenjames9929 Месяц назад
she also said 'oh Paris second Jerusalem by your crimes. second Jerusalem by the punishments you will receive '.
@Undermarysmantleforever Месяц назад
@mariekatherine5238 Месяц назад
I’d normally not recommend watching TV news or internet, but have a look at Europe, particularly France if you don’t know what’s going on.
@seachtaine Месяц назад
I don't understand
@vivrowe2763 Месяц назад
It's everywhere I don't watch the news on TV because it's lies. Watch reliable people on certain sites.
@shraddashradda Месяц назад
It’s global and it’s also not just these times; when Catholicism dominated France and Europe, there were still untold atrocities and wars
@Hany-fu1vc Месяц назад
​@shraddashradda No, this satanism and blasphemies are are not global, and they are not normal. Wake up
@LUIS-ox1bv Месяц назад
​​@@shraddashraddaBut they didn't have state codified abortion, same sex marriage, and gender confusion. Neither did internet porn exist, or people advocating euthanasia. The French Revolution brought about the first secular, European state, and greatly usurped the role of the Church in society. Which is why that abominable event is celebrated by Protestants, , Freemasons, atheists, secular liberals, Marxists, and Jews. France never recovered from this destructive rupture. The problem with France today is that they either ignore or downplay the tremendous role the Church played in her making and her identity. France without the Catholic Church is not France.
@robertbourbon3716 Месяц назад
I pray for the conversion of France and the whole world to you Jesus
@mewienke Месяц назад
Happy Feast of the Transfiguration everyone
@tagucilalpa 10 дней назад
What an incredible story 😢❤
@ms.jenkinskbclassroom6066 Месяц назад
How can she not be a saint already? Wow.
@mimimcdee7052 Месяц назад
THANK YOU for promoting this incredible saint - although still undeclared likely due to her writings in which Christ tells us of the demonic N.O. 'mass'. I promote her everywhere and obtain the sacraments spiritually. Her writings have confirmed that it is the way to avoid the machinations of these countless demons. See Taylor Marshall's interview with Vigano, where I ask him to comment on her and Christs' directives for us. Can't wait to see what he has to say, as no one speaks about her even though she has been approved by the church. PLEASE, continue to promote her ! May God bless you richly for it :)
@arthursabarre2897 Месяц назад
Amen ❤
@marinkozul9366 Месяц назад
Kad vidim zivot i predanje ove Svetice , sramim se svoje nevjere o OCE SVETI SMILUJ MI SE MENI GRESNIKU
@Artchopin Месяц назад
THE DIVINE CHAPLET OF MERCY 🙏✝️Prayer from Faustina Kowalska from Poland A Nun in Monastery chosen from Jesus Christ 🌟 to serve him and provide this CHAPLET of Mercy She wrote a Diary about Visiting HELL ; ordered from God the Father She died with 33 Years like Christ 🌟
@TomClarke-so3fd Месяц назад
Our Lady of Laus Refuge of sinners 1664-1718 pray for France Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Paris, 1830 pray for France Our Lady of La Salette , Genoble 1846 , pray for France Our Lady of Lourdes, Occitan, 1858, pray for France Our Lady of Pontmain, Mayenne, 1871, pray for France St Denis Patron of France pray for France St Jeanne (Joan) od Arc Patroness of France please pray for France The Virgin Mary really loved France to have had at least five 5 apparitions there ✝☦🕯🙏😇❤❣❤‍🩹💙💜🧡🤍💛🤎💜🤍💌💟💕💖💓💔❤‍🔥💝💘💦💥✌👍👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👧🫂👣🐓🐔🐸😊✍👶🧓👴👵👨‍🍳👰‍♀🐰🦆🦢🕊🐬💮🌼🌺🌻🌹🥀🌷🏵🍀☘🍇🍎🍏🍍🍅🫐🧄🍷🍽🌍🗼⛪🌃⚓⛵⏳🕞🌕🌗🌛🌝🌞💧☔☂🌂☄🎇🎆🎄🥇🥈🥉🎁🎭🎨🖼🪡👛👑⛑
@bluepearlsapphire9208 Месяц назад
I heard a voice says "Paris will burn". No prejudice, only a messenger.
@Greengorilla81 Месяц назад
Marie-Julie Jahenny Pray for us! Fiat Voluntas Tua TJTM 🕊️✝️🙏🏼
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