
Maruhi Academy: The Heart Sutra 

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#Hello #Children
so basically, I wanted to teach you guys something good for once, and now, here we are.
The videos topic is about #buddhism but I'm not trying to #indoctrinate you guys I'm just simply trying to #teach you something related to #Japanese #culture
#disclaimer this is a OVER simplification of the heart sutra so if you want in depth #explanation I #recommend you go somewhere else
if you like the video please #comment and #subscribe
if you hated it re-watch the video and see if you liked it the #second time
follow my #twitter: / maruhiacademy
And this time for real I'll be gone (for a few months) so see ya



30 сен 2024




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@vitaliykormov1266 3 месяца назад
"Hey, can you name all the non-jouyou kanji?” Me:
@JanxZ 3 месяца назад
I mean, most of these kanji, I can bet are jouyou. (Aspecially since most characters here appear in their shinjitai form) The following used are non-jouyou but would otherwise be jouyou if its shinjitai form were used: 蘊 The following used are non-jouyou (most were just the characters used for transliterating sanskrit): 薩埵涅槃耨罣礙菩莎智亦顚
@yarwe8567 3 месяца назад
​@@JanxZyeah all of it are joyo kanji except the one you mentioned, and even in the non-joyo theres a lot of 菩薩 in dictionaries definition and ive seen 涅槃 as in 涅槃のポーズ.
@FAIZAFEI 3 месяца назад
after listening to my grandma reading all these everyday for the first 15 years of my life I think I could at least memorise the first line
@00gli 3 месяца назад
apparently i’m too stupid to understand any of that. but the video is pure gold, I can feel it
@linuxman7777 3 месяца назад
you don't need to as it isn't in Japanese, it is in Onyomi.
@ShakuShingan 3 месяца назад
Not such an accurate explanation from a Buddhist POV.
@maruhigakuen 3 месяца назад
I mean, I know you're the expert but I thought it was a pretty good summary for beginners Can you tell me which parts you find off?
@ShakuShingan 3 месяца назад
​@@maruhigakuen Well. alright. Please take this as constructive criticism. I appreciate your attempt to make this accessible to the general public, so thank you for the opportunity. Feel free to use my notes for any future videos: 0:30 & 3:21 "it's a poem" -> not a poem, it is in prose not verse. 0:52 "the version with 600 chapters" -> Taishō 220 has 600 fascicles, but not 600 chapters. 3:52 "enlightened one also known as Kannon" -> technically, bodhisattva is a being aiming at enlightenment (i.e. buddhahood), so he was "pre-enlightened." It would be helpful to explain more about who Kannon is and why it's talking about Kannon doing this rather than the Buddha or Śāriputra. 3:59 "is the sky" ... or "nothing" -> Where to start with this? 空 is translating śunyatā, an abstract adjective meaning emptiness. The Heart Sutra is a summary, so in the full version (as well as texts like Nāgārjuna's works), it explains that what is empty is self-existence (svabhāva), which means nothing exists independently, i.e. everything arises in dependence on other things. So, emptiness is equivalent to the teaching of dependent origination (縁起). It is true that nothingness (usually expressed in Buddhist texts more as just 無 or as non-existence 無有) and the sky (usually 虛空) also have similar qualities to emptiness, and thus are often used as metaphors for it, but here, that is not the case, it's just straightforwardly talking about emptiness. So, going on, this is why we can't really translate 色則是空 as "any matter is comprised of nothing." The point isn't that it is "comprised" of nothing but that it is empty, i.e., empty of inherent/self-existence. 4:14 Form is not just anything with colour or shape, in terms of the five aggregates (五蘊), form is the physical component of our interaction with the world, so it comprises the sense faculty and sense object, which when they come together undergo "contact" which in turn gives rise to the other four aggregates. 4:26 "consciousness our soul our feelings is just a small moment in time." This is a very strange and misleading translation of 受想行識,亦復如是. The question of "soul" doesn't come into it, and the soul is not a thing that comprises the five aggregates. On the contrary, the Buddha emphasises in several places that a soul can't be found anywhere in the aggregates. Instead, this is "feeling, sensation, formations (these are mental formations or habitual tendencies), and consciousness are also thus." That they are "just a small moment in time" also doesn't enter into the picture here; it says specifically that they are also "empty." Yes, impermanence is essential in Buddhism, but it's not the point here. 4:34 "our existence is the sky... [up to] the five aggregates don't exist you know" The point isn't about existence and non-existence, it's about dependence (emptiness) and independence. In any case, if this is "for beginners", then throwing in the word "five aggregates" here without introducing it at the beginning when they were first mentioned is a bit jumbled. 4:49 "skin" 身 is body. 4:55 "feel and sense" 触法 feeling is 受, which has positive, negative, or neutral valence, 触 is touch or contact/sensation, involving the contact between sense object and faculty. 法 are mental dharmas, including thoughts. So, this is rather "touch and [mental] dharmas/phenomena." 5:21 "whatever you're trying to gain is not here" -> Just "there is nothing to attain." 5:30 "without obstruction to his soul" -> Why "soul"? 心 is just "mind." It doesn't imply any permanent self or soul. 5:33 "he realised things that don't exist does not exist in all plains" -> What does this mean? It makes it sound like things that don't exist do exist somewhere (like Platonic forms?). I am unsure if this can be for "beginners" because it's wildly overcomplicating things beyond necessity. 5:38 ”顚倒" more than "bad" this is more like "inversions" or "cognitive distortions;" "夢想" more than thoughts, this is "dreams" or "fantasies" 5:44 "are to go thorugh the Hannyaharamita." -> Firstly, why not explain what Hannyaharamita means from the start? I don't think you mention Perfection of Wisdom anywhere. It might help the viewers to know that this is a very literal transcription of the Sanskrit Prajñā Pāramitā and that the old Japanese reading of this は was ぱ, so Pannya Paramita (essentially the same as the Sanskrit, so you get a more accurate Sanskrit reading by reading the Japanese on-yomi than the contemporary Mandarin, which sounds wildly different from the Tang dynasty Chinese). Also, when explaining Hannya Haramita, you should explain that it is the 6th of the 6 perfections (Haramita), and that the other 5 perfections are made perfect by the attainment of the 6th. Secondly, this is really "by relying on..." not "go through." And the video has "trials." The Hannya Haramita is not a trial, it is 1. A sutra or collection of sutras, 2. a realisation attained by bodhisattvas, necessary for buddhahood, and 3. in later Mahayana, the name of a goddess embodying the sutras and the realisation. 5:56 "The words that solve life's greatest mysteries." This term actually means a vidyāmantra. You could just say "mantra." But this means it is a kind of wisdom-spell. 6:04 "The truth with no myth." This is literally just saying "True and not false." "Myth" is a pretty loaded term and doesn't really enter into the picture here.. 6:07 "Now I bestow the mantra..." This is not "bestow" but just "say" or "speak" or "teach." and "Let us all chant in unity" This isn't found in the text, it just says something like "and so the mantra is said:" 6:22 "Buddhist version of hallelujah." The mantra has various interpretations, and "is" somewhat translatable, but maybe "Sowaka" alone is something like "hallelujah."
@maruhigakuen 3 месяца назад
@@ShakuShingan Thank you for these notes! I will definitely use them when I have the chance most of these problems stem from me hyperboling/ simplifying or just not knowing what a "prose" or "fascicles" is so I'll be careful next time I make another one of these videos
@ShakuShingan 3 месяца назад
@@maruhigakuen No problem! I hope you don't take this as personal criticism. I find your videos interesting and entertaining. So please keep doing what you're doing! The funny thing is that, as you probably have noticed, the Heart Sutra is often the first sutra people encounter from Buddhism. But it is also one of the most difficult to fully explain, essentially because it is a summary (which is the meaning of "heart" (hṛdaya) here) of, as you point out, a 600 fascicle/scroll behemoth of a sutra.
@Purwapada 2 месяца назад
​@@ShakuShingan "whatever arises in dependence does not arise in truth" and is therefore illusory and free from extremes of existence, non-existence, both & neither. Or to put it another way: "an existent does not arise from an existent, an existent does not arise from a non-existent, likewise a non-existent does not arise from an existent and a non-existent doesn't arise from a non-existent - as such there is no arising . The mere emptiness of inherent existence which you mention, is common to the śravaka systems.
@kasugaryuichi9767 3 месяца назад
This is a vocaloid song too.
@mumtrz 3 месяца назад
Hell yah UtsuP fan rise up
@yuanxiii3893 3 месяца назад
Gracias, gran video, Maruhi. Desafortunadamente para ti, estoy adentro de tus muros.
@maruhigakuen 3 месяца назад
Ay caramba
@koreboredom4302 3 месяца назад
So GYATT is Buddhist propaganda?
@thirion1850 3 месяца назад
This video is nothing and nothing is this video, therefore the test next week is also nothing and I can fail without fear. Time to sit under a tree pretending I'm enlightened!
@user-xv4he4mt4x 3 месяца назад
Why all Kanji? Because it’s a translation of another translation(Chinese) with only two Kanji difference.
@debilista 3 месяца назад
Thank you, cool summary of much of wisdom. Im sorry if i derail too much from the videos concept, or seem like religiously blind or make it too personal, bloggy or boring or it looks forced and i have nobody and nowhere really to discuss anything related to buddhism. But however much anyone values testimonies on the internet i assure that core concepts of buddhism is what you realize after you tell truth from lie, real from false for long enough and purify your catalogue of knowledge and knowledge itself without picking any side but studying everything as objectively as possible. Then you derail your thought into existentialism one day. I always was much into philosophy but i pursued engineering and due to that I will invoke maths a lot as a bedrock of this reality. And to clarify I had no idea what buddhism is at the time. If anyone wishes to study a raw example here I give it: 1. As I kept figuring out that boundaries between definitions are blurry depending on who you ask, and by how you set criteria, treshhold, and how you inspect the subject, and even your own eyes and mind might lead you into a false conclusion by experience or lack of it and many other factors with the observer to blame and not reality. If so then any word and any thought can mean anything or nothing at all. All perception is relative. If i challanged anyone to imagine and image of a dog - everyone will get a different picture which means that it is not the same concept ultimately. You cannot have 2 of the same set in maths where one is in any tiniest way different from the other. 2. How it is to describe colors to the blind, or the blind describing blindness to us? Incompatibile senses and inability to transmit the exact experience which shared by meaningless words, yet both who see and who dont see exist at the same time in the same world making physical sense since physics does not break down in this case. So physics is fine, and our abilities are incorrect. 3. Question of whether swapping surgically a finger with friend and living like that for 50 years, then you ask yourself - now is it my finger, or is it his? All basic properties get blurry, but this state of matter for fingers exists without a failure of physics because if it is physically possible then it must be the fault of the observer to make false conclusions because appearently it is a possible state of the world. 4. If a human is made of cells, and cells are made of dead matter, then by logic of the smallest build blocks being combined into the highest order as we do in mathematics - then I must be dead too. So what is living and what is not? Another crucial yet pointless made up boundary. If I cannot possibly prove any difference from life and its lack, then it must be the same thing according to maths because if two sets have equal contents then it must be the same set but with a different name. So life and lack of it must be the same thing. 5. Vastness of the world struck me realizing how little space, how little time and how little energy I take place in and are made up of. How my name couldve never even come to existence among seemingly infinitely many others, and after I am gone how nobody will ever remember me at the end of time. History is not revertible (not going into theoretical physics but being a human realist). If so then all riches, fame, pleasure and anything I accumulate and strive for in this world is ultimately not a sensible investment. Impermanence. The world is in a move since forever and until eternity. All value we tie to history of anything including our life is ultimately empty and is not sensible. I figured considering all the above that if I can share the finger, then I cannot be fully defined as "me" because what is me? A blurry definition. If there is no "me" but there is a world that holds the guys with swapped fingers, or the blind and the seeing without bluescreening - that is when I figured that there is one universal interconnected web of everything that I am an integral part of and not separate in any way. Vastness of the world and its constant change made me lose all sensible hope for striving for anything in this world, attaching to anything, combined with the "me" boundary resulted in me giving up my personality. But if it is the natural way then it must be the correct way. If my body and my person is not worth attachment or keeping then I can let go of my personality and all my form. Primordial substance that is us all will always remain, just expressed in different ways but having the same base. Like you cannot create or delete energy in the universe and can convert types of energy into other types of energy, but since all these processes are revertible then either is fine. By that "either is fine", detachment from my person I ultimately quit preferences for anything. Im almost sleeping as I am typing, but I ultimately realized that it all is a reality warped by our perception into a lunacy where nothing is better than anything because it just is and it was meant to be like this. There is nothing to prefer, nothing to find anything in, all is one base substance that just changes its form for a brief time like a wave in sea rising and then returning into the sea to even its level so you cannot tell apart its remains from anything else. Total amount of water did not change, energy did not either, it is exactly the same for us. If i were to artificially preserve any wave and make it permanent it would take too much resources and I would still fail, same with striving for eternal youth and all achievements, joy or anything seemingly pleasurable of life. It just is that way, the only natural way and so a correct way. I was quite depressed at that time as a teen but I tried hiding it. I saw no purpose, covered in nihilism. When I came to full realization and all these elements clicked together I managed to chill. Not even an hour passed and I never was depressed again. All I felt is overwhelming peace, not pleasure but peace. I lived fine everafter. Now I do not feel joy nor sadness, I never wished for anything lavish or at all. I set no expectations really. I am far from perfecting it, in fact I play a game of this illusory life, but if either way is fine and makes no difference then I will slow down with it. I do not feel fully liberated but it was one single moment of my life where I think was where I matured to who I am up until today. If anyone is a depressed kid - the sooner you understand and embrace it the sooner you will be free from everything but limits of physics. I learned of buddhism around one year afterwards and it was very strange to hear these thoughts that I had with myself being discussed. I am sure I missed a lot and probably sound boring or like I want praise, but it truly changes a human if they graduate to that level. And I contridict myself praising one way of life of any other - yes. But I do not care. I do not really know how to best describe it besides just feeling numbness to all earthly things - peace. Where do I study the topic more? I am not interested in the religious aspect of buddhism, but it nonetheless has almost perfect grasp on reality and our human role in it. I assume I made cotridictions or it is not well thought out, so it can serve as a general purpose sketch rather than science. Whatever now happens I am at peace. Exams? Peace. Imminent harm threat? Peace. Physical pain? Peace. Mental pain? You cannot sense it, peace more than anything. Untiltable focus and unmovable feelings. All that remains of you is a shell in flesh and bone. The more you nullify the person - the less you feel. Nirvana is when no human inhibits it anymore. Nirvana is death while being alive.
@onigirigorogoro 3 месяца назад
Terrifically supurbarashi 🗣️
@TheIlustrado 3 месяца назад
Admit it, you uploaded this video just to chant out the Heart Sutra 😜
@maruhigakuen 3 месяца назад
@reginaldpinckney7142 3 месяца назад
Good lord, all that Kanji
@RohitKulan 3 месяца назад
You should see Chinese then
@taitasutomoushimasu 3 месяца назад
Bruh this shit is just Chinese at this point
@BenevoIence 3 месяца назад
Its literally Chinese, the Japanese just used their Japanese pronunciation for this Chinese translation of the original Sanskrit heart sutra
@theodiscusgaming3909 3 месяца назад
just read it in sanskrit at this point
@alexwang982 3 месяца назад
the actual challenge is understanding it (impossible)
@alexkozliayev9902 3 месяца назад
@@flatbreadjk he means understanding the meaning of the chant
@abundant-goldenrod-breath 3 месяца назад
ok nice you tricked us into reading Chinese didn't you
@maruhigakuen 3 месяца назад
God I hope not
@ayangd1436 3 месяца назад
No it's japanese-adopted middle chinese
@seekthuth2817 3 месяца назад
Imagine trying to go to bed at 2 am and you hear a 16 year old Japanese kid chanting this 3 times at once somehow and he just doesn't stop for like 40 minutes.
@davirochaaulasonline8224 3 месяца назад
thank you! I love the heart sutra! so much wisdom!
@zen_ith 3 месяца назад
why is there #indoctrinate in the descrptiogn What
@linuxman7777 3 месяца назад
I had some buddhists try to recruit me in saitama once, and they had a different prayer for it. I hear they target foreigners. I somewhat understand japanese, but these prayers are just a chain of Onyomi, which is impossible to understand unless you know chinese.
@AthanasiosJapan 3 месяца назад
You need to know Chinese for buddhism to understand this text. In Japanese it is called Bukkyou Kanbun 仏教漢文
@nightmayor108 2 месяца назад
let me guess, Sōka Gakkai?
@alexpaw3493 3 месяца назад
just commentin a comment
@gawSdesaB 3 месяца назад
supporting ya man's place in the algorithm, i can respect that
@4forfour 3 месяца назад
yeah i would like to ask uhhh what the fuck
@Hiandbye95 3 месяца назад
Yes, exactly the question I had on my mind as well
@DionDPR 3 месяца назад
0:18 how did you know
@maruhigakuen 3 месяца назад
I am the most relatable youtuber
@apt1313 3 месяца назад
How does the poem work grammatically without particles and hiragana
@maruhigakuen 3 месяца назад
It's old Chinese but even then, people can understand its meaning by interpreting the characters normally
@maosama599 3 месяца назад
happiness = nothing, so the only way to be happy is destroing the universe, gotch you
@TrolllCrew 2 месяца назад
hm no
@nikolaichernykh6898 3 месяца назад
This is so depressing
@lanata64 3 месяца назад
this is insane
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