
Mary is The Ultimate Woman 

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When as an evangelical pastor I preached on Genesis 3:15, I completely ignored one of the passage's central gospel themes. I recently reconsulted the four study bibles and twelve Protestant commentaries I used to write this sermon. I found one small, passing reference to Mary. To many evangelicals, Mary is little more than an incubator for the Savior, a plastic figurine brought out in December and put back in the attic in January. But Catholics affirm the more biblical view of Mary as the New Eve and the one that fully accords with the Mariology of the Early Fathers.



26 сен 2024




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@midairfortress-revert 4 месяца назад
To my Protestant brothers in Christ: knowing that Jesus perfectly fulfilled the command to honor his father and mother, and not just in letter but in spirit, just ask yourself honestly if you are truly giving the same honor to the mother of our Lord as he did. When you appear before our Lord - do you think he will be pleased with how you have spoken of His mother? That's really the gist of the Catholic view. In fact, to quote the Catechism, "What the Catholic faith believes about Mary is based on what it believes about Christ." (487)
@cbooth151 4 месяца назад
"What the Catholic faith believes about Mary is based on what it believes about Christ." Really? The Catholic Church worships Mary. Where does the Bible say that? NOWHERE!! The Catholic Church prays to Mary. Where does the Bible say that? NOWHERE!! Face the facts, the Catholic Church is feeding you garbage.
@johnbreitmeier3268 4 месяца назад
Jesus gave very scant "honor" to his human mother. Mary was NEVER front and center in Jesus' story. At the Cana wedding Jesus tells her to sit down and shut up. When she brings her other sons to try to carry him off home because Jesus is an embarrassment to her, Jesus disowns her flat. Mary is NOT Eve at all. If she WAS Eve that would be a horrible thing annd incestuous sine Jesus is the "second Adam" and that would be suggesting that Jesus married his own mother. EHHHH! Jael was horrifyingly evil. She gave Sisera, her husband's friend, hospitality and sanctuary and then murdered him cowardly in his sleep. This is a monsterous sin. Sisera was a danger to no one at this time and before that was just a soldier doing his kings orders. Abimelech and Sisera are NOT the seed of the serpent of Genesis 3:15. Read Gen 3:15 again deluded one. HE, Jesus, the seed of the woman, "bruises" the serpent's (Satan''s) head, not ANY woman. HAs becoming a Papist fried your brain?? You are seeing things that are NOT there. Liar.
@HAL9000-su1mz 4 месяца назад
@@cbooth151 TROLL.
@cbooth151 4 месяца назад
@@HAL9000-su1mz Not so, little boy.
@AshleyRamirez-tq9ld 4 месяца назад
Mary was absolutely favored about all women. But what do you make of the scripture where Jesus says you are my mother and brothers when he was told his mothers and brother showed up where he was? When he had the opportunity to show high level of love & respect , he seemed to have brushed them off.
@toddcarver1430 4 месяца назад
The good that you are doing by lighting the Way for Protestants (and others) to enter the Church is enormous.
@midairfortress-revert 4 месяца назад
please pray for that to be the case!
@randycarson9812 3 месяца назад
@@midairfortress-revert Why is it that Protestant seminaries don't teach the Marian doctrines to their students? I get that the Immaculate Conception would be problematic, but how does the Perpetual Virginity threaten Protestantism? Luther and Calvin agreed with it? Mother of God is a Christological issue, and even the Assumption seems to pose little threat. If seminaries taught pastors and pastors taught church members, much ink could be saved. Thoughts?
@suzannelangdon 4 месяца назад
I genuinely don't know why protestants have such a problem with Our Lord's Own Mother. It's not like it's humanly possible to love her more than God Himself. I've heard some horrific things said about her, John macarthur even goes as far as saying that Jesus Gave her away to John because He Was Done With her. There are literally no words that could ever justify that, it's also an insult to Jesus saying that He Would Ever Treat His Own Mother that way. Great video, only just came across your channel, please more videos and keep up the great work. God bless you and yours 🙏
@northwestdestiny1388 4 месяца назад
You have a great channel and focus. Please keep it up. Subscribed.
@midairfortress-revert 4 месяца назад
you're very kind. thank you.
@jbloe555 4 месяца назад
Great job connecting all the dots! I like how you cite OT, NT, early Church fathers, Catechism, etc. Thank you and may God bless you by growing your channel.
@HAL9000-su1mz 4 месяца назад
I find it strange that so many "bible believers" cannot even connect the ONE DOT they have!
@rjsledz 4 месяца назад
Excellent 👌 Early Church writings are the key 🔐 🙏
@midairfortress-revert 4 месяца назад
Sir, I wish I had discovered that truth much earlier in life. But Nunc Coepi!
@chuckjones8459 4 месяца назад
​@@midairfortress-revertGod the Holy.Ghost led you to his Spouse Mary who led you to her Son Christ.... Buy the 4 book set "City of God" by Mary of Agreda to really know Mary. Protestantism from Satan Catholiscism from Triune God.
@cbooth151 4 месяца назад
@@chuckjones8459 "God the Holy.Ghost led you to his Spouse Mary." Where in your Bible does it mention the term "God the holy spirit," and where does the Bible say it was married to Mary?
@jntwyatt 3 месяца назад
These videos are excellent. The time I spent in the evangelical sects were barren compared to the richness of the Catholic faith I’ve returned to after a 40+ year absence. It’s like going from pablum to a full buffet.
@rjsledz 2 месяца назад
I really want to wish you God bless you because you're doing for the church something so wonderful these days thank you so much ❣️
@FLColon 4 месяца назад
This is a fantastic video. I was familiar with a the stories but never put them together.
@JWellsUp 4 месяца назад
God also gives graces thru The Blessed Virgin Mary. Simply by the sound of Mary’s greeting Elizabeth and fetus St John were filled with the Holy Spirit. She carried God the new ark of the covenant in Revelation 12. In Revelation 11:19 she can be seen in heaven. The ark of the OT is definitely not the one seen in heaven. The old covenant is done and over with. In with the new covenant and Mary is part of the new covenant. St John was referring to Mary since he then brings her up in the following chapter. Just as the OT ark of the covenant stayed for 3 months in Obed-edom house. The Virgin Mary stayed with Elizabeth for 3 months. And just as no one could touch the ark of the covenant in the OT is the same way St Joseph did not touch the Virgin Mary in an inappropriate sexual manner lest he be struck down the same way God struck down Uzzah. Mary consecrated her virginity for the sins of Israel. St Joseph knew this and he knew he has the new ark of the covenant as his wife. Holy people we’re dealing with here.
@cbooth151 4 месяца назад
You say Mary "carried God [in] the new ark of the covenant in Revelation 11." Really? Where in Revelation 11 does it say that? BTW, don't Catholics believe God is a trinity, consisting of the Father, Son, and holy spirit? So, where in Revelation 11 does it say Mary carried a triune deity? You also said: "Joseph knew he had the new ark of the covenant as his wife." Really? Where does your Bible say that? You also said: "Joseph did not touch the Virgin Mary in a sexual manner lest he be struck down the same way God struck down Uzzah." That's not exactly what the Bible says. For instance, Matt. 1:24, 25 says: "When Joseph awoke, he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took his wife into his home. He had no relations with her until she bore a son." It's not that Joseph NEVER had sexual relations with Mary. He just couldn't have sex with her *"UNTIL* she bore him a son.
@HAL9000-su1mz 4 месяца назад
cbooth is a known pathological troll. If he harasses again, please report him.
@cbooth151 4 месяца назад
@@HAL9000-su1mz Stupid people are afraid of the truth.
@jbloe555 4 месяца назад
Also, we are known by our fruits. The "fruit" of Mary’s womb is Jesus. Mary’s "fruit" is undeniably the best there is and she deserves the requisite honor.
@jbloe555 4 месяца назад
@@cbooth151 Look at the verse immediately before at the end of the prior chapter. It is about the Ark. Remember, there were no chapter and verse divisions until done by Catholic monks much later. Also, what is in the Ark? Commandments (word of God), manna (bread from heaven) and Aaron's staff (priesthood). Jesus is the Word of God, from Bethlehem (house of bread), who is the bread of life (see John 6), and He is the priest forever in the line of Melkisedek. See videos by Brant Pitre on this. Blessings.
@ginomaietta2702 4 месяца назад
I'm waiting for your #1 book on your top 5 ! I already bought the other 4 immediately and read 2 so far.
@midairfortress-revert 4 месяца назад
how awesome! I'm so glad to hear this!! I plan to post that video on Monday or Tuesday, but I don't think it's going to be a big shocker.
@MrJohnmartin2009 4 месяца назад
The divine maternity combines the high priest and lamb within the maternal sanctuary bringing forward Jesus' high priestly ministry in the heavenly Jerusalem. The Paschal cross is already present at the Annunciation.
@RedWolf5 4 месяца назад
Excellent. You also have these parallels in the OT Judges 4:21 / Judges 11:39 she knew no man / Judith 8:28 pray for holy woman Protestants hate to hear it but is Mary the one who crushes the head of the serpent exactly as written in Gen 3:15 in the Douay Rheims with the power granted to her by Christ himself. Nowhere in the entire Bible there’s a prefigurement of Christ making physical contact with any prefigurement of the devil including in David and Goliath where he collects five pebbles (which also represent Mary), the physical contact and crushing of the evil one is ALWAYS done by a woman.
@rjsledz 2 месяца назад
See I knew you were going to get up there real quick because it takes time got 1.3 thousand viewers now. It's wonderful I really congratulate you. I really appreciate that you're talking about the proto evangelism because it's hardly used but it has very good devotional material early on about the Blessed Virgin Mary.
@billdavis5483 4 месяца назад
Jesus and Mary as the new Adam and Eve. It is interesting to map how the old parents are mirrored to the new spiritual parents. Study Adam and Eve and work out the effect of the the new Adam and Eve.
@cbooth151 4 месяца назад
Where in your Bible does it speak of "Jesus and Mary as the new Adam and Eve"?
@billdavis5483 4 месяца назад
@@cbooth151 My bible? I did not write the bible. Do you know who did? The Holy Spirit inspired people in the Church that the Son of God established. It is the pillar and foundation of truth. Ask this church.
@cbooth151 4 месяца назад
@@billdavis5483 "My bible? I did not write the bible. Do you know who did? The Holy Spirit inspired people in the Church that the Son of God established. It is the pillar and foundation of truth." If the Catholic Church wrote the Bible, where in it did Jesus teach that death came through Eve and that life came through Mary? You say the Catholic Church is the "pillar of truth." Well, what did Jesus say about "truth"? At John 8:31, 32, he said: "If you obey my teaching, you are really my disciples, you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” So, if the Catholic Church is the "pillar of truth, where in the Bible or anywhere else did Jesus teach that... 1. Mary can be worshiped? 2. "we worship one God in trinity"? 3. the holy spirit is a person? 4. priests could be addressed as 'Father'? 5. inanimate objects such as statues and relics can be worshiped? If you honestly answer the above questions, you will see that the Catholic Church is not the "pillar of truth."
@HAL9000-su1mz 4 месяца назад
@@cbooth151 Pathological hater and troll.
@HAL9000-su1mz 4 месяца назад
Reported for incessant anti-Christian hate speech and demonic harassment.
@flipneleanor7370 2 месяца назад
I find it interesting that we frequently say the fruit of her womb Jesus. fruit. I think this has clear connections to Genesis when Eve was seduced by Satan, and Eve bore Cain.
@frederickanderson1860 4 месяца назад
7:41 7:47
@Michael-uk3pj 4 месяца назад
I you'll find that's death through Adam and life in Jesus Christ!
@midairfortress-revert 4 месяца назад
of course - the trues are entirely compatible.
@cbooth151 4 месяца назад
You are absolutely right. Death is through Adam. (Ro. 5:12) Life is through Jesus. (John 14:6) When I made that comment, it was deleted. The man who made the video doesn't want anyone to know the truth.
@jermur5338 4 месяца назад
I might be returning to the Church, but I still have problems with the Marian prayers and devotions. I have no problem with the Hail Mary, but the Holy queen prayer (our sweetness, our hope) is troubling to me as well as other very hyper-dulia worded prayers. I have been asking for an answer but no Catholic apologetics site answers or they completely ignore the question and talk about something else that is not relevant to my question. The question: recently, the RU-vid channel Anglican Aesthetics made a video about how the words used for Blessed Mary are words that should only be said to God. What is the defense? How do these Marian prayers not cross the line of honor (dulia) to worship (latria)? Simply saying the words are hyperbolic is not a good justification if the words should only be said to God. I mean no disrespect to Our Lady, the Queen Mother, but idolatry in her name would be disrespectful so I do not want to cross that line. Thanks for your time
@midairfortress-revert 4 месяца назад
This is an excellent question and a legitimate concern that I can truly appreciate. I can offer just a few things that I hope might be helpful. 1) Much of the lofty language is poetic in nature, similar to the way a man and wife might write to each other, or a poet might describe with flowery language his love for a city or country. Consider how the Bible speaks in poetically lofty language regarding Zion "the perfection of beauty" (Ps. 50:2), which is "beautiful in elevation, the joy of all the earth" (Ps. 48:2), "a land flowing with milk and honey, the most glorious of all lands." (Ezek. 20:6). Similar examples could be multiplied; 2) Whatever praise is rendered to Mary likely falls short of how the Angel Gabriel addressed her: "Hail Full of Grace" - "Full of Grace" being a new name God gave her, much as he renamed Abraham, Jacob, and Simon. Simon, in fact, is a good example because the Lord changed his name to Rock (Kephas, Peter). "Rock" is how the Bible describes God Himself (Deut 32:4). So God is not threatened or lessened in anyway by a human taking a lofty name that also describes God. 3) "Latria" is reserved for God alone, and this is seen most essentially in the central act of worship, which is sacrifice. The Church has literally excommunicated anyone who offered sacrifices to Mary, as that is a blasphemy against God. 4) The Catechism (2097) refers to the "nothingness of the creature" in comparison to God. The Church, while have a lofty view of Mary as the greatest and most beautiful of God's creatures, could not be more explicit in drawing the unbridgeable metaphysical distinction between the Creator and the creature, including Mary. If I can, I'd like to recommend a couple books for you to look into. One is Bible Mary by Fr. John Waiss, another is Brant Pitre, Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary, and a third would be Marian Consecration with Aquinas by Matt Fradd and Fr. Gregory Pine. I hope some of this is helpful. But I want to reiterate that I completely understand your concern here. But I'm confident that there are good answers to your good questions. God bless and thanks for watching the video!
@midairfortress-revert 4 месяца назад
I should also point out Ezekiel 28:12ff where God uses incredibly lofty language to describe the king of Tyre, which most Scripture scholars see as ultimately referring to Satan himself. Yet God does not shy away from some rather exalted descriptions of His own handiwork.
@vinciblegaming6817 4 месяца назад
One of the most hyper-duplicate guys (Louis de Montfort) references a book that gives an “academic” defense of Marian devotion. I found a translation and I have to laugh at what he considers more academic because it’s still very flowery and from the heart. Fr. Poire links Marian devotion to a manner in which we worship God - that God’s holiness and glory is beyond our comprehending that we can only perceive his perfections indirectly by observing what exists of the limited perfections in his servants who are mere reflections of His glory. Marian devotion is the greatest of indirect reflections of God’s glory - but to be selected to contain in herself the Son of God, the perfect or of the universe, she herself must be so beyond anything we are familiar with. Not because she is greater than God… but because she is an even greater reflection of God’s glory than any of the saints. The saints are dim mirrors… Mary is a multi-faceted diamond that reflects God’s pure light. So even she must be perceived indirectly because God is so beyond comprehension, he brings his handmaiden beyond our comprehension by choosing her.
@vinciblegaming6817 4 месяца назад
Honoring Mary is a way of worshipping God. The more she is honored, the even higher God is.
@frederickanderson1860 4 месяца назад
Genesis 3 v 16 is referring to 2 seeds. I think the 2 seeds are from twins of cain and Abel ,esau& jacob isaac& Ishmael. Eve thought her 1st born cain was the promised seed. She was wrong. Jesus was born from holy ghost. Mary and joseph have nothing to do with it. Isaiah chapter 9 v 6 who is the everlasting father wonderful councillor prince of peace. Only a virgin or young woman , because to be betrothed women had to be both young and virgin
@kisstune 2 месяца назад
If Mary had nothing to do with it then you are saying Jesus had no human body and therefore wasn't of the David's bloodline. Your statement is either Docetism, Nestorianism, or Monophysitism, not sure exactly which one of those your claiming, but you should know that all of them were dealt with by early Christians and rejected. Docetism The belief of Docetism holds that Jesus Christ did not have a real physical body, but only an apparent or illusory one. Nestorianism he belief that Jesus Christ was two persons, the divine Son of God and the human Jesus of Nazareth. Nestorius said that the Virgin Mary is not the Mother of God (Theotokos) because she gave birth to the human part of Jesus, not the divine Son of God, and called her Christotokos. Monophysitism The belief that Christ has only one nature, which is divine.
@dannisivoccia2712 4 месяца назад
To say that Mary is the new Eve is to say that Mary was without sin, since Eve was without sin prior to her being deceived by the devil. Scripture does not validate the idea that Mary did not need salvation. Moreover, Mary confirms that she did need salvation by calling God her Savior.
@midairfortress-revert 4 месяца назад
You correctly infer from the analogy to Mary's sinlessness. But it is a non-sequitor to claim that therefore she did not need a Savior, as she herself said. Think of it this way: a doctor could save you from an illness by administering a cure, or he could save you from ever getting the illness through inoculation. In both cases, he "saved" you. Or a father could pull his child from a ditch into which she has fallen, or he can prevent her from ever falling into the ditch. In both cases, he "saved" her. The Catholic claim regarding Mary - echoing the ancient believers and affirmed even by the early Reformers - is akin to the doctor who inoculates or the father who prevents the child from falling into the ditch.
@dannisivoccia2712 4 месяца назад
@@midairfortress-revert Every human being was, is, and will be born of the fallen seed of Adam. Only Jesus was born not of Adam. "He who knew no sin became sin for us..." God's plan for fallen man was salvation from the power of sin and death. It certainly was not prevention from sin for anyone fallen, including Mary.
@MegaTechno2000 4 месяца назад
@@dannisivoccia2712 Well then, Jesus being also fully man would have been born of the Fallen seed of Adam, also... right?
@dannisivoccia2712 4 месяца назад
@@MegaTechno2000 The seed came from the Creator; the egg came from Mary. It is why Jesus was not born of the fallen seed of Adam. In Genesis, it refers to the seed and not the egg.
@MegaTechno2000 4 месяца назад
@@dannisivoccia2712 she shall crush thy head... Douay-Rheims Bible: I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel. Genesis 3:15
@cbooth151 4 месяца назад
Why do you delete my posts? Are you that much afraid to acknowledge when I prove you wrong? Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Mary is the ultimate woman. And another thing, nowhere in the Bible does it say that "death through Eve, life through Mary." That's just one of countless Catholic fallacies. Scripture says that death is through Adam (Ro. 5:12) and that life is through Jesus (John 14:6) Despite your lies, the truth will still get through to those who are truly seeking truth.
@geoffjs 4 месяца назад
You’re hopelessly out of touch with the teaching of His One True Church Mt 16 18-19! Do yourself a favour & read the early fathers to see how the early church operated.
@kisstune 2 месяца назад
Nowhere in the bible are the words Trinity, consubstantial, or bible and yet the overwhelming majority of Christians hold those to be true. Nowhere in the bible does a book contain a list of books that belong in the bible and no book of the bible has a verse saying it belongs in the bible. The queens of the Davidic Kingdom where the mother of the king not their wife therefore if Jesus is king then Mary is Queen.
@cbooth151 2 месяца назад
@@geoffjs "You’re hopelessly out of touch with the teaching of His One True Church Mt 16 18-19! Do yourself a favour & read the early fathers to see how the early church operated." Sorry, but I didn't see this post until this morning. So, I will address it now, if that's okay with you. To be _in_ touch with the _true Christian_Church, not the Catholic Church, all one has to do is read the Gospels along with the book of Acts. That way, we can see what Jesus taught and how the early Christians were guided by those teachings. So, if members of the early _Christian_ church, were Catholic, where in the Bible does it say that they believed that... 1. God is a trinity? NOWHERE!! 2. Mary was immaculately conceived? NOWHERE!! 3. the Father, Son, and holy spirit make up the same "One Incomprehensible"? NOWHERE!! 4. Mary should be worshiped? NOWHERE!! 5. Peter was a pope? NOWHERE!! 6. inanimate objects like statues can be worshiped? NOWHERE!! 7. the Father, Son, and holy spirit are one in substance, nature, and essence? NOWHERE!! 8. the Godhead is triune? NOWHERE!! 9. "we worship one God in trinity"? 10. Mary is a co-redemptrix? So, if you will, will you please answer at least one of the above questions so you can show that the Catholic Church and the the "one true [Christian] church" are one in the same church? Sorry for the late reply.
@cbooth151 2 месяца назад
@@kisstune "Nowhere in the bible are the word "Trinity." That's true, but, is the trinity teaching in the Bible? For example, where in the Bible does it say or even imply that... 1. "we worship one God in trinity"? 2. the Father, Son, and holy spirit make up the same "One God"? 3. the Father, Son, and holy spirit make up the same "One Incomprehensible"? 4. the Father, Son, and holy spirit are one in substance, nature, and essence? 5. the holy spirit is a person? Will you please answer at least one of the questions above?
@cbooth151 2 месяца назад
@@kisstune "Nowhere in the bible are the words Trinity, consubstantial, or bible and yet the overwhelming majority of Christians hold those to be true." It's a given that the word "trinity" is not in the Bible. After all, Tertullian coined that word decades after the last NT writer, John, died. So, naturally, the word "trinity" would not be in the Bible. However, neither is the concept of a three-person deity. The trinity belief was introduced into apostate Christianity at two Catholic Councils. As A Catholic Dictionary says: “The third Person was asserted at a Council of Alexandria in 362…and finally by the Council of Constantinople of 381.” Before then, no trinity.
@frederickanderson1860 4 месяца назад
0:08 life through christ. Read gospel of john chapter 1
@HAL9000-su1mz 4 месяца назад
We KNOW that fred. You can stop trolling and harassing Christians now. PLEASE.
@frederickanderson1860 4 месяца назад
@@HAL9000-su1mz trolling l think it's trolling on these posts. Too many so called believers, just remember ur just as human as others.
@robertcain3426 4 месяца назад
Life through Christ Jesus. Not Mary. 'For just as through the disobedience of the one man many were constituted sinners, so also through the obedience of one man many will be constituted righteous. Roms 5:19
@midairfortress-revert 4 месяца назад
The truth is both/and not either/or. Adam wasn't alone in the garden, and Jesus didn't just appear out of nowhere. As St. Augustine wrote, "just as death comes to us through a woman, life is born to us through a woman."
@robertcain3426 4 месяца назад
@@midairfortress-revert Men, like Augustine, can say many things but which doesn't make it true. We (believers) are to test the spirits, which is to use discernment, to see if they are true or not. And we are to hold fast to. Augustine's comment does not align with the teaching of the apostles or with the testimony of the scriptures. When John addressed his second letter to 'the chosen lady and her children', he was using personification to refer to the church, the church as a whole, not Mary. As Paul said, 'Watch out for yourselves and for all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God that he obtained with the blood of his own Son. I know that after I am gone fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Even from among your own group men will arise, teaching perversions of the truth to draw the disciples away after them.' Paul's prophetic utterance certainly came to pass with doctrines concerning Mary and the false invention of a special class of Sainthood and Priesthood and the headlong fall into the institution of Christendom.
@HAL9000-su1mz 4 месяца назад
Another know it all. If YOU are Christian, it is a false faith.
@alelilaceda3539 3 месяца назад
​@Beautiful words of St Augustine, and yet, many, out of pride(?) don't seem to get it.😢
@robertcain3426 3 месяца назад
@@alelilaceda3539 Like a beautiful white washed wall, hiding the filth which is the prostitute, Babylon.
@ricardoc. 4 месяца назад
Protestants read the Bible and know that Jesus alone gives life. There's no such a thing as a "second Eve".
@midairfortress-revert 4 месяца назад
Those who learned from the very apostles who wrote the Bible disagree with you.
@geoffjs 4 месяца назад
Not everything is in the bible eg the words Trinity, Bible etc Because of Eve’s disobedience to God and Adam’s cooperation with her, they lost sanctifying grace for themselves and their offspring. Like Eve, Mary was created full of grace. But unlike Eve, Mary remained obedient to God, just as Christ, unlike Adam, remained obedient to God. In cooperation with God, Mary became Mother of the Redeemer and, in cooperation with Christ, she became Mother of the redeemed as well.
@HAL9000-su1mz 4 месяца назад
FYI: Christians DO NOT NEED A BIBLE. The bible proves this. No Christian "IN" the bible "HAD" a bible. Explain...
@HAL9000-su1mz 4 месяца назад
@@geoffjs Typology is unknown to bibleists. Sadly, they have difficulty connecting the one dot they have left.
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