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@valentinsantoni 3 месяца назад
Hi yamato. As an argentinian, brother of brazilian people and a big big fan of esports especially of LoL As the same as Argentinian people, brazilian are super passionate about things in a different level of what you call passionate. This can been seen in football specially. Here it doesn't matter the size of your team, it really doesn't; of course the big teams have a lot more of casual fans but they are all very equal on distribution when it comes to real fans, people who go to the matches wherever on the country his team plays; even if their daughter's birthday its the same day people choose the passion. People cry and its genuinely depressed after a big loss, and not even big losses at all at times. For us, KF Corp or Mad Lions fans; are cringy and not that big of a deal when it comes to being a fan. I know its hard to understand for people who dont have our culture What I mean to say, is that this passion of brazilian people for football translate to esports aswell. You can see it on player Flaming and shouting to the opponent on stage, live. What it is for entertainment bigggggg win. Players of all the world, are nerd type players, shy and introvert; that break when a couch says something to them. Players from Brazil and argentina aswell, are these same passionate people who watch his football team every weekend. It just translate. Riot should learn from the region and grow from there on
@alexandreortiz8484 3 месяца назад
i want to say thank you for trying and mostly accomplishing to grasp the relationship that we as cblol fans have with all teams. i wish there was a solution that involving mantaining our 10 teams as the conference system should be able to support this (in my opinion)
@MPiccinin 3 месяца назад
Brazilian fan here, just wanna say that you've got most of the things right on the CBLOL fans opinions on the merge. Also, I saw you on Twitter asking for brazilians to share their thoughts on this matter. We appreciate it. You're trying to understand our scene and why we love it, unlike people like Montecristo and LS with their arrogant "I'm disappointed with your reaction" bullshit. Yeah, this attitude won't get you nowhere with the brazilian community. Just wanted to reiterate /clarify two things: 1. About the import rules in the CBLOL, yeah, what you said is valid, but it really isn't our concern at all. We don't worry that our league will become a import heavy no-BR-players league, our concern is that we don't have abundance of high level talent players and, the ones we have, will be going to NA because of money. The problem of this change in the import rules is that we can't compete with NA for the top players because of the disparity of the real (BR) to dolar (NA), and we will lose the best players we have. Yeah, we won't be losing just 4 CBLOL teams, we will be losing Tinowns, Robo, Titan and so on. 2. Pissed don't even begin to describe how fucking angry we are right now. Yeah, it feels really unfair to be punished and have something you love taken from you just because NA dumb. But also, we feel betrayed. The head of LOL Americas is a brazilian guy, the one running the CBLOL until the start of 2024. He contributed a lot building the CBLOL we have today, and when he left to be the head of LOL Americas, he promised us to look after our region needs and make good changes for us. And then, that's what we receive. So, not just for you, but for every international fan watching the brazilian fanbase reaction, you have to be a little understanding of our lack of composure. WE ARE APESHIT FURIOUS RN.
@caioribeiro8404 3 месяца назад
cara, eu acho que virar uma liga de import mais do que ja tem vai diminuir muito a vontade da galera assistir o game. Chatissimo torcer pra um time brasileiro q só tem brasil na marca po
@MPiccinin 3 месяца назад
@@caioribeiro8404 Sim, seria paia assistir uma liga que todos os times teriam mais imports que nativos, mas realisticamente isso é a menor das nossas preocupações. Se essas mudanças acontecerem, o risco muito real é que os times do NA vão oferecer salários em dolar pra pegar os nossos melhores jogadores. Os times vão repor com jogadores do academy/T2 e o nível overall do nosso campeonato cai muito, os jogos ficam muito piores de se assistir.
@brenoalthoff 3 месяца назад
I feel ya my brother but we gotta be real. Every team in BR and NA was in the red. We traded 3/4 years of a decadent lol for 5/6 years of a healthy league to see what we can do in the future. This is not a "lets save NA" plan, this is "WE ARE COMPLETELY FUCKED, WHAT CAN WE DO" plan.
@brenoalthoff 3 месяца назад
falei em ingles pros gringos entenderem, mas é isso.,..
@Jeffrey_Tyler 3 месяца назад
So how will this work logistically? Are teams going to travel for regular split games? Is C9 going to have to play in Brazil one week, in LA the next week, Mexico the week after that? Or will they be played online?
@mrboobo3436 3 месяца назад
The conferences are almost completely seperate. They only play each other twice a year.
@maxfriis 3 месяца назад
It's conferences like in the NFL. Brazilian teams meet Brazilian teams and only in the end the final few games are played cross conferences. The final games will be like international events where you travel to play them, but the majority of the games are local.
@babyg0ggles 3 месяца назад
Why not give both conferences 10 teams? South could keep 10/10 or 12 I guess. North should be 10 teams keep the 8 you have then one guest and one LLA. Or push both LLA to north and open two guest slots if two franchises want out. That would be better anyway. Then you could have a 10 north 10 south split?
@waffen98 3 месяца назад
Brazilians view their League the same way most of us europeans view our local footbal club, it's more about culture and community and supporting people who represent us rather than glory hunting success.
@erenmos 3 месяца назад
Yep, and the general opinion in Brazil is that,for america and LCS, it seems that the only thing that matter is the result, if they are not Champions then they stop watching,and it seems thats what happened, while in Brazil doesnt matter the result in the international, but the culture of the esport, even being the worst region in terms of result its the top 2 in viewership only losing to LPL
@brenoalthoff 3 месяца назад
Not only brazilians, south america in general. We got this from our European heritage!
@pedromattos1129 3 месяца назад
Exacly this. Ty!
@Yoiti_Ojisan 3 месяца назад
As a Brazilian, it feels like we are being colonized. They are coming to take away our comunity, identity and gold (viewers). They are going to kill almost half of our teams. Those teams probably aren't going to stay in Tier 2. Another important thing, we know that the money Riot will invest in NA teams is going to be much higher than what will be invested here.
@blami8 3 месяца назад
That's a stupid narrative to bring on
@kesh862 3 месяца назад
I think what most Brazilian fans won't accept (and I totally get their viewpoint and the reasons why) is the stark economics behind the viewership. The reality is that from Riot's financial point of view, one Brazilian viewer is simply not worth one American viewer. As a matter of fact, 2-3 Brazilian viewers aren't worth one American viewer. That's the biggest problem that fans of the Brazilian league have to overcome - their viewership just flatly doesn't translate into economic value. LCS has far less dynamic viewership than CBLOL, but is worth far more to Riot when it comes to revenue. In a way, this change is actually meant to do something akin to laundering viewership. By packaging American/Canadian viewership in with LATAM and by (hopefully from Riot's POV) luring Brazilian viewership to the new LCS, Riot hopes to inflate the number of these "high value" viewers. That generates perceived increased value for the LCS, and repackages some portion of Brazilian viewership numbers as being higher value than they are now. None of this is a question of "good or bad," or about what's healthy to one scene or another. This is the economic reality of Riot's business, and it's not something that the Brazilian LoL scene can easily overcome.
@pabloorjuela7889 3 месяца назад
As an LLA fan, these changes feel horrible :c only 1 team per conference, probably 10 or less latam players in tier 1 T_T The two teams are going to feel like orphans in a foreign league, no latam fans to go watch them play, no one talks their language, it will not feel like a region anymore. I understand that LLA is not great internationaly but atleast give us 2 teams per conference....
@Jeffrey_Tyler 3 месяца назад
I have never watched LLA so I have no sentimental interest in them, but I agree that them having 2 teams per conference would make more sense. Although it would put 9 teams in each conference. Maybe 2 LLA and 2 tier2 guests.
@mrboobo3436 3 месяца назад
You can actually get 2 in each conference. The LLA tier 2 teams will still exist and will compete with the NACL and CBLOL tier 2 for those guest spots.
@Naturalrice 3 месяца назад
I mean it's clearly a boardroom decision thinking that the latam fans will just pivot to CBlol, their more major partner, LCS, and LCS, their favorite dying region, can take a bigger cut from the growing markets to keep their dying fan base on life support. They needed a relegation slot back so that the "influencers" their new vc money can have a lower entry to invest. Highly doubt riot gives a single shit about competitiveness
@mrboobo3436 3 месяца назад
@@Naturalrice So why don't LLA just watch your tier 2? It's not like they ever had an international chance etc. So tier 2 will be the same as your old tier 1.
@ShadowxRunescape 3 месяца назад
@@Naturalricewhat are you talking about no latam or cblol will beat an NA team dying region or not they will always be more competitive
@gamma_0216 3 месяца назад
10 teams north, 12 south, still have LLA and the temporary spot, but don't remove any teams from either region (Unless some teams in NA want out) then we can even accomodate more LLA teams, its not gonna be the most "competitive" the north conference, but it should balance out after couple splits. downsizing is fine, but it does seem forced.
@maciejszyszlak539 3 месяца назад
In my opinion, you are confusing matches of good teams with matches with some stakes. If the match is about relegation, for example, even if the two worst teams play, it will be interesting... or at least funny. The problem in the system we have in the LEC is the lack of consequences for "being weak", which was clearly shown by AST. Allowing guest teams from TIER 2 would be a breath of fresh air and encourage people to support them. (and not like now, always the same teams, the same narrative)
@maciejszyszlak539 3 месяца назад
and sorry, it's a bit off topic ;(
@marcosvinicius6043 3 месяца назад
There's only a problem with the tier 2 caused by the fixed teams on tier 1, so the thing is that teams tier 2 that wins the tier 1 and even regional will have to go back to tier 2, they don't have space at tier 1 (can't become one, unless they buy someone else team's spot).
@weremickey 3 месяца назад
YamatoCannon, thank you so much for this video. Just seeing your take on CBLOL gives me hope that this merger won't generate insane-level takes from foreign analysts/content creators/etc. A lot has been spoken on analysing "facts" rather than the emotional side of things, but it is this very emotion that transforms facts and makes CBLOL from a shit-tier league into a viewership success. It makes me sad that so many people would react ignorantly to the news and say "Brazil has a bigger chance of improving/making it to international stage now!", when we are desolate due to arguably our worst performance ever, nonetheless the anxiety of not knowing which 4 teams will be cut off, without so much as a chance to prove their worth. I don't demand empathy, but I would kindly ask these sorts not to interact with us. We Brazilians are definitely hopeful, if anything, that this change will be positive for us. Even if we're frustrated, especially, from losing against GAM when they had to sub in players into their main roster after the wintrading scandals; arguably the best chance we had to make it to MSI group stage. Ultimately, I hope that we will come out stronger from this, somehow. That our competitive level will rise. That we'll be able to build strong, solid narratives between the 6 remaining teams and the 2 new ones, not to mention rivalry against the LCS top tiers. Perhaps this will help us learn from those mistakes no one is capable of punishing on a domestic level. Again, thank you. I'll 100% be following your content from now on, even if before I did so from a distance.
@kondoku4497 3 месяца назад
Wouldent it be best for the lec to split up into countries and then have like an emea masters to fight for spots at worlds and msi?
@RhagarTV 3 месяца назад
i dont think LCS players will come to brazil this easily, because we almost cant pay the two korean slots, thats why we take the tier 2 and 3 players btw, now imagine if we want to make a team with 3 imports, and with good imports? hahaha only in our dreams, cause we pay in BRL not USD, LCS players wont come to play for so little money.
@Iyetube 3 месяца назад
They talk about it like they're closing the league. The 4 other teams go to tier 2 and can climb to tier 1 and make all the narratived they want. They are just angry because they think it's the LCS fault. Well it's Riot's fault, period. They just want everything the same AND Riot's money. Mutually exclusive at this point.
@Jeffrey_Tyler 3 месяца назад
I agree. LEC should cut Giants and Rogue tomorrow 😂 most W take I've heard in a _long_ time.
@michaelruther3275 3 месяца назад
AIPAC keeps throwing me off too.
@laikomc 3 месяца назад
0 imports en América seria ideal
@KarNeoLeX 3 месяца назад
44:30 im not an expert on Football at all but as far as i understand the Champions League its the top 2 teams of each region playing in a separate league season aswell as their own league right ? Why doesnt Riot do this ? Winter Split is the qualifier for the champions league and then the teams that are in there dont go back to their own regions but Tier 2 teams take their place AND YOU CAN DEMAND MONEY FOR THE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE BECAUSE PEOPLE WILL WANT TO WATCH EVERY GAME.
@catalinedward 3 месяца назад
There is 1 thing that is holding LOL and Esports in general down, and until its creation, leagues will come and go, changes will come and they will do almost nothing. There is no Coach / Manager creation system. If you want to manage a Team in Football, baseball, basket, volleyball so on, you as a person need to follow a course in a country, study a curriculum, pass the exams, and then you can get hired as a manager. Now, every shit player, who has or hasn't got any idea what a manager should do. can become one... i told Xerxe this.. and he approved Who can become a manager? well about anyone. and I mean it when i say anyone. Former pro players, people outside of league, the guy that takes the trash out can declare himself as a Esports Manager. This is why NA failed.. Managers that know better how the game should be played. And if you have a contradictory opinion, because of their power (with the owners), you as the proplayer have no voice in a discussion. What are the chances that a manager in LEC be worse at the game than Perkz?? I think the chances are high. I am not saying Perkz was right, but the way things worked out... It is like a slave employee system and I can bet this happens in most teams. The managers have zero psychological knowledge, how do you get the best out of 5 people??? 5 kids, most of them quit school for this... they could have childhood trauma, and LOL is how they express themselves. Until then, League, and all other Esports, will be the laughing stock of traditional sports. What will a good manager school provide? jobs, teams will go from an apartment, office, to training grounds. you will not see players stream, eating junk food, and so on. I do wonder, do the players from your experience Yamato, train for reflex improvement ? in the end the pressing of a button is a reflex. Do managers teach players what items they should buy ? where wards should be placed (i think anyone who watched LCK in last 2 years can relate to the enormous amount of Control wards placed and bought by supports in the LCK games. 2 control wards on every back... why think where a control ward might have a good placement when you can buy 2. I remember LS made a Video and calculated. in 1 game a support bought 30 Control wards or so... that is 2250 Gold spent. and because they bought so many, at 30 min they barely had 1 item. Why do they do this? because the Managers can't teach them where and how vision should be placed around the map. Maybe i am wrong, but even so.... This is The last piece of the puzzle missing. How much would it cost ??? A lot. Is it risky? OFC... U need a curriculum, made with professors from universities, psychologists... maybe the course will need to take place for 1 year, maybe more maybe less. Then, the newly formed Managers will need results, so you can prove that this school does what a team owner wants from it. League Of Legends Free to Play was risky AF, and now... it's worth Billions. I wonder... how many potential insane players never see the light of day because of shady characters that know better.
@useless9715 3 месяца назад
Sounds like a city based model would work well in cblol lol crazy how different they are
@reneleonard177 3 месяца назад
One thing I think Yamato was missing in regards to pcs and vcs and those other leagues is that they also have a very similar level of nationalistic pride, so there are a lot of the same arguments to be made for those leagues as well.
@Makkle4000 3 месяца назад
The Promotional system = one step closer to have The Sack eSports in Tier 1
@szabel. 3 месяца назад
2:29 knowers know 🍉
@GeorgeOrakan 3 месяца назад
I'm not sure if Yamato understands it that the reason why they want to cut teams is that they changed the revenue model from a league revenue (ads, sponsorships, tickets etc.) to a global revenue from digital goods that are distributed EQUALLY to all partnered teams gloablly (apart from LPL I believe). And if you have more teams in that pot of revenue sharing, then every team gets a smaller amount of that. So theoretically, if they stayed with 10 CBLoL teams, not the other 9 Brazilian teams would suffer from that but every other team that is competing at Tier 1. And I think in the past few years, Riot has not only heard from LCS teams that they are losing money but also from other regions. I remember not too long ago, LCK teams were warning Riot that most of the teams (except T1 & Gen.G ig) are losing money and that it is not sustainable to participate in the league. And if your most successful league is talking up, you have to listen. That's why Riot introduced the Global Revenue model earlier this year. So cutting down teams is not a way to just save CBLoL or LCS, they are trying to save the whole LoL Esports ecosystem and make it more sustainable.
@Yxar 3 месяца назад
this is just false, there is no way this is going to happen, So I don't see why there can't be 10 cblol teams instead of just 6 like Yamato says. The money will be like a "pot for NA, pot for old cblol. Another pot for EU and so forth. If they had 10 teams instead of 6, it would just mean the 10 teams might get a little less than if the amount of teams were 6. But the amount in the pot for cblol will be the same.
@GeorgeOrakan 3 месяца назад
@@Yxar All of what I said can be found in the article "Adjusting our LoL Esports Strategy" from earlier this year, written by John Needham, President of Esports at Riot Games. There he outlines that Riot Games is switching their revenue model for LoL Esports to a Global Revenue Pool that is distributed to the every team of every region equally. Of course, some of the revenue is being put into prize pooling of all the events so that winner gets the most and so on. But the rest of the Global Revenue Pool is distributed to all the partnered teams in the ecosystem.
@JackLu-fm3jz 3 месяца назад
You know Riot is just making excuse with the claim, the fact that running a Brazilian team will cost much less comparing running a LCS team due to currency conversion, there is no way that distributing the money across all teams equally will work, APAC teams are also very cheap to run due to currency conversion, the only reason for this move to happen is that their decision makers does not care about the fans and money is the only thing they focus, running less teams and not even needing to do playoffs every split will significantly cut down their operating cost and make them more money, they are claiming they will pay teams individually more by cutting down the number of the teams but i can only imagine overall Riot will make more money by doing this. There is no excuse that Riot just killed a growing region who figured out a unique way to flourish, reason being I can only imagine that Brazilian fans are not making Riot as much money as they wanted, if the fans generate a lot of money for Riot, there is no way they are killing the league. Only good thing is that they do stated this is the potential change, after hearing this much backlashes I still believe there might be an opportunity to make changes. But this really sucks for the fans, teams, players and staffs.
@cedrichofstetter4057 3 месяца назад
Shrinking CBLOL doesn't benefit LCS, the reasoning all comed down to sustainability for the CBLOL
@Justin-wl5pr 3 месяца назад
How does that help CBLoL?? I'm from NA this is purely sacrificing BR for LCS
@supergold9390 3 месяца назад
@@Justin-wl5prI don’t think either region was giving solid return on investment. Brazilian viewership isn’t worth as much to Riot from a financial standpoint.
@Jeffrey_Tyler 3 месяца назад
LCS definitely needs to be cut to 6. There just aren't 8 good teams in the LCS. Shit, there _really_ aren't 6 if you want to be completely honest. Everyone thought that franchising was done for league stability but it turns out that instead of being regulated, you're just cut out entirely 😂
@cedrichofstetter4057 3 месяца назад
MarkZ covered the import issue on The Dive and said Americas will have an "Americas Import Slot" separate from the other two import slots. However, a team cannot use both normal import slots to have 3 NA players, they are capped at 2 NA players the same ad normal and vice versa for LCS teams and BR players. Also, I understand and value the fandom of BR fans, but every region has lost tier 1 teams that were core to its history as the regions have shrunk. It's about sustainability
@wsoulless 3 месяца назад
I wonder what would've been the result if this was a Brazilians community choice, from both team and spectators. Would they have chosen to keep things as they are for their own entertainment knowing a guaranteed failure at international? Would the top team ok on sacrificing the whole kingdom to have a spot on the playground with gods? I don't know...
@gaoaibai6243 3 месяца назад
I mean I respect Bronzil and get what their mentality is BUT the head executor in Riot (who is a Bronzillian also) has decided that Bronzil as a region NEEDS to step up or get out. And since it is HIS region I dont think he is going to give them the boot. Worlds is all about representation not the peak of competition, and if Bronzil loses their spot at worlds I think there will be massive OUTRAGE! I love the idea of isolationism but yeah it will never work. You HAVE to globalize or get absolutely fked. Ask Japan or heck ANY Eastern country wtf will "isolationism" do to you and your country, almost NEVER turning out well Bronzil wanted to be their own little thingy sure BUT the West WILL soon knocking on your door for your money, it has always been like that ask Africa, SEA literally anywhere else the West WANTS MONEY, and they WILL get money at the expense of... everything and everyone else tbh. Bronzil needs to internationalize much like in football tbh literally EVERYBODY in the national team plays in Europe and it has been like that for decades now. If you want to get the best of the best then absolutely Bronzil needs to open up their League to foreigners or else, the foreigners WILL come for you much like Commodore Perry did to Japan in 1854: GUN DIPLOMACY. I know esports and real life politics aint the same, BUT the CB LOL is really bad for the Riot ecosystem because you do not bring any results for years while taking up slots at international events, and although you bring some profits sure BUT they aint half of what NA got, let alone what Korea/China pulls out on a yearly basis. If the CB LOL submits a proposal to Riot to REMOVE their region from international events and keep League in their own region as some sorts of Brood War aka "sponsored" event for the people then yeah I think it is possible for the CB LOL to be left alone, BUT it will never happen and the executives of the CB LOL would NOT and I mean NEVER agree to that. And in deep constrast to what YamatoCannon is saying it is NOT working the CB LOL is a losing venture for Riot, that is why the Bronzillian who is head executor at Riot HQ decided to pull the plug and called the merge. Bronzil will suck big fkin... But yeah you prolly do not want to be like Japan in 1854, as all the West cares about is MONEY and they will do anything in their power to get your money, your feelings be damned.
@pedromattos1129 3 месяца назад
The WEST lol, great power trip you went there bruh
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