
Memory, Mysticism & Motorcycles | Demi Lovato & Sadhguru 

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In 2020, during Sadhguru’s 9447-mile journey across 19 states of America, exploring and rediscovering the culture and spiritual dimensions of Native American Nations, singer-songwriter and actress Demi Lovato hosted Sadhguru on her podcast “4D With Demi Lovato”. They delved into a range of topics including mysticism, Sadhguru’s enlightenment, his love for motorcycles and more.
#DemiLavato #Sadhguru #MotorCycle
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@hazemsaad5527 Месяц назад
Everytime I listen to sadguru I feel that this world is easy and I'm just making it harder than it should be .I beleive this is the truth .sadguru .I love u and everything u stand for .demi u r so sweet and cool .I love ur laughter
@The_Middle_The Месяц назад
Lucky for Demi to be sitting with Sadhguru he is such a unique and magical human being 🙂
@BeWhoYouWant2 Месяц назад
@@The_Middle_The He is just a human like you and I.
@59sharmanalin Месяц назад
whats unique about a con man?
@dharmayogaashram979 Месяц назад
@@The_Middle_The i'm sure his people reached out to her. JV is a pubplicity hound.
@The_Middle_The Месяц назад
@@dharmayogaashram979 good one !
@The_Middle_The Месяц назад
@@59sharmanalin Listen we all know what your doing on Social media so just stop.
@vishaliapillay9134 Месяц назад
I love how pleasant and cheerful she is. It’s absolutely necessary that Sadhguru reaches the youth through people like Demi. We need to stop judging people based on their past and from what social media tells us about them. This was a beautiful, light hearted interview ❤
@chasefancy3092 Месяц назад
Confucius (Pbuh) said "If You Enjoy What You Do, You Will Never Work A Day In Your Life." Confucius was a spiritually perfect, sinless human being.
@MicheleMizu День назад
I just love listening to his early school experience. I am a mother of an 8 year old boy. If it wasn’t for society pressure about school. I would totally love for my son to go about just like that
@VincentyDocent Месяц назад
26:36 - Miałem to samo doświadczenie 02.06.2015. Zanim to nastąpiło praktykowałem codziennie przez ok. 6 lat całymi dniami. A na drodze medytacji i uważności byłem już wtedy 15 lat. To doświadczenie Jedni przebija się do mnie już wcześniej 2 razy w różnicy momentach, ale nie do końca je rozumiałem. Raz tuż po tym jak prawi pobiłem się z moim landlordem w UK i poszedłem nad Morze wytrzepany adrenaliną... usiadłem i patrzyłem na plaże, Morze i niebo i czułem w dziwny sposób, że to jestem ja... Wiedziałem już od ok. 17 lat, że jestem Kosmosem, ale była to dla mnie tylko koncepcja. A tu nagle zaczynam to odczuwać.... z tym, że nadal nie do końca to "rozumiałem / czułem" jeżeli tak można powiedzieć. Z perspektywy czasu mogę powiedzieć, że to była taka zajawka stanu tego co miało nastąpić wiele lat później. Drugi raz (5 lat później) już w Polsce na Kaszubach poczułem to dużo mocniej. Byłem na Nasionach Hawajskich (LSA) Powój Hawajski. Uwielbiałem pracować z tą rośliną. Pracowałem z nią dobre 7 lat, czytając na niej książkę Potęga Teraźniejszości (Eckhart Tolle) i medytując całymi godzinami. Cudowna roślina do medytacji. Aż któregoś razu na Kaszubach na kolejnej ceremonii z użyciem Nasion leżałem w piękny dzień na łące. Patrzyłem na chmury i znowu pojawiło się to samo uczucie... że to jestem "ja".... Za jakiś czas przyszedł do mnie gospodarz ziemi. Usiadłem. On nachylił się nade mną i zapytał czy wszystko dobrze? Popatrzyłem na niego i wiedziałem, że na jakimś głębokim poziomie to przyszedłem sam do siebie... zapytać się siebie czy wszystko dobrze. Gospodarz potem zrelacjonował, że wyglądałem jakbym miał na twarzy ścieżki układów scalonych takie jak na płytach głównych komputera. A ja wtedy czułem jakby chodził mi po twarzy mrówki. Ale najważniejsze było to uczucie, że to niebo, chmury i ten człowiek to jestem "ja". Takie były pierwsze dwa objawienia tego stanu. Aż do 02.06.2015 kiedy zupełnie na trzeźwo, na mocy zwykłego uświadomienia przeniosło mnie na drugą stronę lustra. Uświadomiłem sobie, że Kosmos to jeden organizm, dlatego jeżeli z kimś rozmawiasz, to na najgłębszym poziomie rozmawiasz sam ze sobą. Ponieważ istnieje tylko jeden BYT. Jakim jest Wszechświat i wszystko nim jest. To uświadomienie sprawiło, że się aż zagotowałem. Moje wibracje tak się podniosły, że dostałem mega kaszlu. Śmiałem się i kaszlałem. Czułem, że teraz w pełni rozumiem stan który wcześniej pukał już do mnie 2 razy. Teraz poczułem to w pełni i w pełni zrozumiałem. Następne 2 tygodnie były jak w nowej Rzeczywistości. Druga strona lustra. Chodziłem po lesie i czułem, że jestem wszystkim co istnieje. Że jestem tym, który Jest. Zamykałem oczy i przeżywałem dosłownie ekstazę odczuwając las dookoła i szumiące dookoła liście. Jednocześnie to wszystko było tak naturalne i tak normalne. Ten stan jest nam pisany. To nasza prawdziwa natura. Pierwotny stan. Wszystko o czym czytałem przez 17 lat nagle stało się Rzeczywistością. I było dokładnie tym o czym czytałem, a jednocześnie było totalnie inne. Ponieważ wcześniej o tym tylko czytałem, a teraz tego doświadczyłem. Świadomość Jedni. Zjednoczenie z Kosmosem. Nasza prawdziwa Natura. Najlepsze jest to, że prowadziłem wtedy Vloga i po prostu złapałem za kamerę. Nagrałem chwilę tuż po tym przełomowym uświadomieniu. Film: Euforia Przebudzenia - na moim kanale. Potem poszedłem do lasu. Film: Przebudzenie w Lesie w Adasia Dresie. W między czasie nagrałem film: CZŁOWIEK jest KOSMOSEM zwiedzającym SIEBIE. A po 2 tygodniach chodzenia w tym stanie nagrałem film: Efekty przejścia na Wyższy Poziom Świadomości. Polecam serdecznie te nagrania. Po 9 latach jak na nie patrzę to widzę jak wczesny był to etap tego stanu. Nie wszystko jest dobrze rozumiałem, ale po prostu próbowałem jak mogłem opisać to co się wydarza. Z czasem dużo nowej wiedzy na mnie spłynęło. To jest dokładnie to co opowiada Sadhguru. A kiedy wiele lat później usłyszałem opowieść Sadhguru o jego doświadczeniu Jedni to przyniosło mi duże wytchnienie. Opisał to czego doświadczyłem. To doświadczenie jest uniwersalne. Pozdrawiam serdecznie i życzę udanej praktyki w stronę stanu Jedni. Chociaż powrót do Matrixa nie jest wtedy rzeczą łatwą 😄
@GMIX1 Месяц назад
It's a pleasure to see wisdom being shared and recieved with our youth.
@loureed7518 Месяц назад
I don't know about other people who dislike Sadhguru or Demi Lovato, but Demi's laughter here is genuine. Sadhguru and Demi having a conversation and providing the audience with the necessary wisdom in such a sincere and honest manner is truly a quality talk. I am very glad I got to watch this and see Demi having a great time. Thank you so much. ❤❤❤
@jayded Месяц назад
Demi is a very welcoming host and her laughter is precious! ❤
@sanjeevsharma9842 Месяц назад
Simply amazing talk...More I listen to it More I understand the reality of life....Thanks Sadhguru for sharing the wisdom.
@kramnam4716 Месяц назад
Never heard of her. S is open hearted as usual. “ Everyone is your brother and sister” remember🙏🏾
@LotusITHub Месяц назад
Sadhguru is the greatest Yogi of our time.💯❤
@kellygreen1343 Месяц назад
What a pleasure to be a part of this conversation!
@KushSmokinJack 10 дней назад
Your not part of it.. You listened to it.. And he got paid by it.. Dont be fooled mate
@ely4062 Месяц назад
I truly enjoy this conversation, they seems to enjoy each other company... very easy and fun to watch 😊
@Satoshi467 24 дня назад
I love how he knew her answer even before she spoke 25:39
@ramakantvyas5356 Месяц назад
❤ missing ur darshan sadhguru, i am sure there r many more then just me 🙏
@user-fc5ft3gk2l Месяц назад
i dont know why theres so much judgement against Demi Lovato as she is one of the huge popstar in the west. Neither do I recall her with negative news. but great to see her upload of this garnered 275k views as I am typing, it will certainly reach new demographic.
@srimantasaha108 Месяц назад
As always he never fails to put a smile on our face, love you Sadhguru 🌻
@chandramlakhan7102 22 дня назад
Luv her laugh!
@khionwilliams5933 Месяц назад
Every life matters I love me and I share with others
@joespano9094 5 дней назад
I love you both! Reflecting on the comet about mothers, or people taking credit for our hard work. I was so proud of myself, I called my mother, she said I am so grateful you’re doing good. I’ve been praying for you. Taking credit for my hard work. I find it very interesting how those who believe in gods, ultimately try to control others. This is very necessary, for those who live in a world of misconceptions, support from others! Indoctrination, is the only way to continue with lies.
@kevg1869 Месяц назад
Happy to see you’re well now Sadghuru and in such beautiful company
@BeWhoYouWant2 Месяц назад
It's old video
@sanketsharma0113 19 дней назад
I hope Demi gets well soon and comes back to how she was way way back.
@codezero7981 21 день назад
lol 2021 Demi was truly something else
@torturedpoetsdepartment 15 дней назад
@user-bm6su2rq5p Месяц назад
❤ If I had a little of your resources, I'm willing to be a change Agent. Thnx my Friend. Your work is incomplete. Many lives have been reached. Grateful. Sharing info is Caring, at least. PLB Water flows like soul!
@hellenbambirra1163 Месяц назад
Namaskaram Sadhguru Abençoa me com sua luz e sabedoria 🧡🌅💛💚🌿🍀🙏🏻🙏🏻
@polinagrein1681 Месяц назад
Очень интересно Тебя слушать! И с каждым разом всё интереснее! ❤ Опыт постижения, всматривания, вчувствования самый плодотворный! Постигая Мир - и Себя Познаём! Спонтанная трансформация как Дар свыше - явный знак Призвания!❗ Потенциал Человека, и тем более Человечества, велик настолько, что способен решать любые задачи по обеспечению процветания нашей Планеты!
@SafrazKhan_FL Месяц назад
Yayy love you sadhguru.. wishing you well ❤
@katia9437 Месяц назад
Demi Lovato every 2 minutes: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, oh woooow. 😂 (I love her, and her laugh is precious, it's just funny how he left her speechless)
@pradeepkrishnan7144 Месяц назад
Superb and earthy. Lucky Demi, and thank you🎉
@Mayan.Embodiment Месяц назад
Wow, so cool that this came out on the day before Sadhguru's Mayan birthday, "Harmonizing Breath". Demi Lovato is called "Understanding Traveler", btw.
@KaanKucuksen 28 дней назад
Demi my favorite
@HeartAnimeManga Месяц назад
why is this combo so funny omg
@riturajsingh7514 21 день назад
I’m here because of Sadhguru and that’s why I’m wondering who is Demi . I never heard of her with all due respects till this video.
@Ed-quadF Месяц назад
Gotta say, what a mismatch. Love you Sadhguru. (WOW...are there aliens?)
@hi-fisvisual Месяц назад
Mann her laugh 😂
@tanaymodak5497 28 дней назад
I am 20 years old,Gurudev I really really really want to know something If I love to do something shouldn't I do it ? Because you say that "you should do what is needed for world" If everyone stated doing what is needed in the world then everyone will do the certain limited things? Like doctors , engineer, climate experts, Business Because this kind of professions what's needed the most Then what is the need of actor, actress, players, singers,youtubers , vloggers. The world doesn't not need that much of this kind of professions 🙂, I really wanted to do modelling or acting ,I fell i will surely happy to do it after 30 years but what is needed in the world? It makes me confused,can anyone explain me ?
@tanaymodak5497 17 дней назад
@@10NaNah10 can you please make it more
@Chickadeebunny Месяц назад
Thank you
@Udangsa Месяц назад
Sadguru namaskaram.....
@mitsuha4788 Месяц назад
Demi is not a person I expected to be on here 😭😭
@BeWhoYouWant2 Месяц назад
Why not?
@uchiha_madara111 Месяц назад
​@@BeWhoYouWant2 she's had a past of sinning you can say like all of us
@user-fc5ft3gk2l Месяц назад
whats that? havent heard before​@@uchiha_madara111
@Pawsandserenity 19 дней назад
@@uchiha_madara111 speak for yourself 🤣
@uchiha_madara111 19 дней назад
@@Pawsandserenity okay mr. Saint
@koushik419 Месяц назад
Is it necessary to maintain routine and follow great men for success in life?
@BeWhoYouWant2 Месяц назад
@RulaBok Месяц назад
Nice podcast ❤❤
@freigeist108 Месяц назад
I just wonder why Sadhguru with his wisdom did not warn humanity about the mrna shots😕
@user-os4ez7ul9k Месяц назад
❤ Sadhguru Your wisdom has guided me in my recent years to calm and order ❤
@spiritualnomad5365 Месяц назад
what a wonderful episode
@MicheleMizu День назад
Ok. What’s the name of the sense when I can sense non physical things. For exemple, I can sense when entities (non physical) come around me. I have the ability if I want to incorporate them. I wish he could talk a bit about that
@jee1pariyar Месяц назад
नमस्कार सदगुरु जी
@user-rn9js6br4l Месяц назад
Sadhguru 😊❤
@srishashiakshayakshara3657 Месяц назад
Pranam Sadhguru
@user-tg6uz5nr5q Месяц назад
Demi ❤
@chhatrapoudel1955 Месяц назад
Naman Guruji 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@3rfan9 Месяц назад
isn't wonderful that your early age star is talking to your new found guru?
@bhupendraswamy1948 Месяц назад
🙏🙏 Namaskarm Sadhguru 🙏🙏❤️
@AscendingGuru Месяц назад
She got bullied. She is a lovable worthy human being. I am glad she is doing well.
@lilyineden Месяц назад
🍂🧡Oh my God such a beautiful conversation. Does anyone know if this sit down with the young lady after his surgery? truly wanted to know how he's doing at this very moment.
@claudiaclaudia923 Месяц назад
it s before surgery
@lilyineden Месяц назад
@@claudiaclaudia923 ...🥺 thank you
@rjokhrabu-km8pt 28 дней назад
@bryandandan5443 Месяц назад
@gouravkumarmodi9913 Месяц назад
I got scared when she laughed😂😂
@user-fc5ft3gk2l Месяц назад
laughing is one's expression of joy, thats such a mean thing to say.
@Hikari.02405 19 дней назад
She used to do meth so her laugh got distorted
@surajkumarsharma2081 29 дней назад
@-ankitsharma Месяц назад
Hi I want to meet Sadhguru can someone help me.
@satya7kadiyam Месяц назад
No need meet yourself
@rashim.malhotra Месяц назад
Btw for Physical Darshan you can join MSR 2025
@mithunmahaadevan463 Месяц назад
Meditate bro
@sarwan4422saru Месяц назад
Right now no upcoming program but there will be satsangs in December
@-ankitsharma Месяц назад
​@@sarwan4422saruare you a volunteer
@user-uw9gv5cw8i Месяц назад
may you take ann horowitzes place in my life
@padmapenmetsa8584 Месяц назад
Please rest and come back stronger than ever, guruji!! 🙏🙏🙏
@coldcutcombo4704 Месяц назад
Master Roshi Sadhguru 🙏🏼 ❤️
@VidhyaPriyadharshnee Месяц назад
One of the best interviews.
@SilviaMihai1973 Месяц назад
Lady, you look like Anne Hathaway in "Interstellar", a movie from 2014. God bless both of you
@dilukafernando8597 Месяц назад
@tejas.gajjala Месяц назад
Re-upload 🤔
@BeWhoYouWant2 Месяц назад
Yes it's not a good sign. 😕 I hope sadguru is okay
@AlexaSia26 Месяц назад
Namaskaram ❤
@littlecresus5617 Месяц назад
Let's share this interview people.
@griffinkirkland9087 Месяц назад
yo yo. so what is going on this interview is an old one where was it before it was uploaded? Sadhguru exclusive?
@organizedmicrowave4414 Месяц назад
No, exclusive has more in-depth stuff going into the Yogic lore. Not interviews or anything. This is a reupload, because Sadhguru is recovering, there is just a lack of content right now that's all.
@shaniniiii Месяц назад
📿sending love
@Rabbitunderground Месяц назад
So beautiful 💖💗
@vikramrao2972 Месяц назад
Namaskar 🙏🚩
@bhikkudhammasambhava1203 Месяц назад
@itsDemzy Месяц назад
Dimensions believe within
@rajneeshkp956 Месяц назад
Namaskaram sadguru
@anthonyalienz Месяц назад
Who put these two together?
@torturedpoetsdepartment 15 дней назад
lmaoooooo i can't her laugh is so funny
@MayaSalila Месяц назад
This was in 2020...
@NoFeaRModAccount Месяц назад
Humour Better than Kapil sharma
@sandeepchauhan5271 Месяц назад
The day I first met you……….❤
@yochevedbrachasimon4979 Месяц назад
When is this from?
@ramaswamym. Месяц назад
@tusharrupanawar5213 Месяц назад
Why did you posted this now, It should be after 10 years this video
@reikitruth Месяц назад
@speedhubee Месяц назад
@Neba-b Месяц назад
@user-hk3wm6hs5y Месяц назад
@BloomVitc-sg2pu Месяц назад
@guaracilage Месяц назад
@dohoa1591 Месяц назад
So funny hahaha
@giovannicollazo-cruz2193 Месяц назад
Sadghuru always dressing like he just shot a 3 point Buck
@user-uw9gv5cw8i Месяц назад
devi tarangini isnt so bad.
@user-uw9gv5cw8i Месяц назад
@BeWhoYouWant2 Месяц назад
Huh? Water isnt the only thing that can be in 3 states and we definitely do know what water is. Whats bro yapping about?
@yogi_4099 Месяц назад
That's what he is referring to: humans are ignorant. He doesn't want to accept that there is also a fourth dimension, which will always remain unknown in this vast cosmos.
@dhanraj6634 18 дней назад
What is water
@drago4803 Месяц назад
Everytime the same story
@supppp1234 Месяц назад
why does he have belly
@benjaminmcfarlane3807 27 дней назад
For idlis
@caboom1683 Месяц назад
Who is she
@BeWhoYouWant2 Месяц назад
Her name is on the screen 😂
@ach336 Месяц назад
Biggest Customer for auto tuner.
@Jasmine_breeze Месяц назад
😮I will be honest with you, but she is not a good interlocutor for Sadhguru. He also previously starred in a movie in honor of Jennifer Lopez, talking about her as if she were an angel. Jey Lo this is a very controversial figure, accused by many people of being narcissistic and treating ordinary people badly. You should be more considerate and not just allow every celebrity to come to Sadhguru. These people very often have a bad reputation in the West. What if they are famous if they are not known for their good deeds? Fame is not everything. It does matter what kind of person someone is. It's a great disappointment for me that you are involved in such collaborations. I would rather see an interview conducted by a cool journalist than another celebrity who wants to change her/his image using Sadhguru. I am disappointed.
@GURJARkabir Месяц назад
It's 2 year old
@ONENESS18120 Месяц назад
You are doing the same thing you are speaking about or against. We must connect to all but don't attach to any.
@glutamin111 Месяц назад
Why would he discriminate, everyone can be transformed, besides there is no such thing as bad publicity, isha yoga center also needs funds to build stuff, those are the realities of life
@organizedmicrowave4414 Месяц назад
You are looking for interviews conducted by great journalists? They are there, there are many videos already posted of that. You think the word 'narcissist' should scare Sadhguru into not talking to them? No... If Sadhguru can't push someone who is a narcissist into spiritual, then what hope does he have with you? Or anyone for that matter 😂. The point here is that anyone can walk the spiritual path. No matter who you are. We are not a select pick of "good " people here. We are people, and we are people who CHOOSE to strive towards our own evolution at any point in our life. Sadhguru is only showing that anyone can choose that. No one is neglected in that choice. Please read the story of Angulimala by Isha if you haven't already- All the Best.
@ely4062 Месяц назад
From all of sadhguru teaching, there is one sentence that always stuck with me, he said this to his daughter, somewhere along the line "never look up to anyone or anything, never look down to anyone or anything" - this can be perceived in many different ways, but what I choose to perceive is when you don't attach anything to something or someone as "good" or "bad" then you will begin to observe its neutrality and realize that we are mirrors to each other, we are activator to each other, in that context, we are actually helping each other to grow and evolve 😊
@kilikdudley 27 дней назад
Demi is identity ridden. Really dislike the way she communicates. Spirituality is just a fad for her
@explorer9750 Месяц назад
Sadhguru has no issues with demi's deep cleavage dress code
@pragyanpanda5719 Месяц назад
Is it live?
@bd-ot8jm Месяц назад
No ... Recorded few years ago during Sadhguru s America tour.🙏
@chandramlakhan7102 22 дня назад
It was live.
Modus males sekolah
Просмотров 11 млн
Sadhguru-the whole existence is just one energy.
4D With Demi Lovato - Guest: Sadhguru
Просмотров 276 тыс.