
Metroid: Other M's Story is TRASH! - Characters In-Depth 

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2010's Metroid: Other M did a disservice to Samus Aran and the franchise overall. It gets the beat down it deserves.
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29 сен 2024




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@charactersin-depth3472 4 года назад
Despite how Other M was executed, I'd love a game where Samus is more vocal. She just needs to be in-character. I can see it work. Who's with me?
@kooyah6420 4 года назад
For sure; I don't like the common conviction that Samus has to be a stoic badass 24/7. It works for Doomguy, but only because he's badass to the point of comedy, whereas storytelling for Samus' character has a more serious take on her motivations (although Doom's story works well in other ways). Other M just failed at proper execution, and it disappoints me that this game became a Vietnam flashback for the fandom whenever the prospect of a more expressive Samus is entertained.
@Comkill117 4 года назад
I’d be down for Samus having more lines if she’s actually portrayed Samus, yes. Take notes from Fusion, Super, and the Prime games (I know she’s silent there but she’s got way more characterization, it’s just all through animation).
@thyredmanexists7183 4 года назад
i am with you
@hansblankenburg7814 4 года назад
Bring back Jennifer Hale so we can get that FemShep Samus
@Ando1428 4 года назад
I don't know; that baby saved her life. Put yourself in her shoes. I'd be a little distraught after its death. It imprinted on me and came with me on its own accord. It trusted me. The bird people who raised me made this little guy. It's basically my little baby brother. For the birds who raised me all died. With it the last thing that those birds who raised me (that wouldn't try to kill me) is gone forever. The last 3 missions the galactic federation gave me were extremely personal missions for me. I'd feel vindication (because of me gaining my revenge) rage and heartbreak because these space pirates and mother brain which was supposed to be my ally decided to sack everything I ever knew. Partnering up with ridley who literally killed my parents and colony. Yeah dick move mother brain. Dick move. I'd completely understand her will for the baby metroid.
@jobsidian4219 4 года назад
Adam kinda feels like a unlikable Roy Mustang
@AlexSchmid-TheAceofSpades 4 года назад
My God... You're right!
@LinkMarioSamus 3 года назад
Let's put it this way: Vice-Admiral Holdo from The Last Jedi is Adam done right and she's still not a good character.
@silverblade357 3 года назад
How is that possible? Those things don't go together!
@teriosshadow17 5 месяцев назад
I think Roy Mustang would either punch or roast Adam when he sees him
@endergeek236 2 месяца назад
So, Roy Mustang in the '03 anime
@dracorex426 3 года назад
I mean, it's well known that Samus has a soft spot for small cute animals. She'd probably be legitimately sad about the Baby Metroid dying. But yeah, not like "grieving mother" levels of sad.
@danielgeronimo5538 Год назад
She literally donated it first hand to be dissected by scientists, I can't believe how much it shoehorns the "motherhood" themes in this story.
@ablosch2452 4 года назад
By the way, about Porky Minch. I don't think that applies to how he was in Mother 3 (which was the version you showed). Sure in Earthbound (Mother 2), he was a perfidious wretch who showed little hesitation in siding with the cosmic destroyer, Giygas himself. But after that, his character developed into a much better villain after the whole abuse of time travel transformed him into an ageless but somewhat crippled dictator. As he quotes in a scene from Mother 3, demonstrating this. "How stupid can you be?! No matter how much you change the rules, no matter how much you refuse to admit defeat, in the end, the creatures known as people will always sign their own death warrant by acting out of stupidity and evil, and then mankind will be gone for good! You could've been happy if you had done as I did!" So in that case, he developed into a more complex villain who wants to wipe out mankind because he has seen reason to believe that humans will doom themselves by default because of them being sinful by nature, and figures he might as well get it over with before they cause their own inevitable demise. He's almost like Ultron in that sense, but more grim. Not exactly a "villain you love to hate" there, more of a Well-Intentioned Extremist. Thought I'd clarify on that. And on top of that, Porky in Mother 3 is still worlds better than Adam.
@autobotstarscream765 4 года назад
Being better than Other M's Adam isn't an accomplishment, but Porky is a fine example of someone twisted by bad circumstances with the inner weakness to submit to and embrace the evil put upon him.
@scipion3679 2 года назад
@@autobotstarscream765 Agreed. I would argue that Porky and Giegue/Giygas are some of the more complex villains Nintendo ever made.
@Juliett-A 3 года назад
Oh yeah and her armor falls off whenever she's in danger. Does that make her more 3-dimentional?
@maxb935 4 года назад
Even the story wants to kill Adam.
@kieranstark7213 2 года назад
Just like how they wanted to kill Sam in the original Bayformers for his fake/defensive apology for relentlessly whining that robots and women were cars by a Transformer cop. And I thought Mason Greyback in the late/early 2010s half of Wizards of Waverly Place was an asshole, but Sam Witwicky and Adam Malkovich make MG look like Jay Sean!
@carolinebadabadaa Год назад
*I* want to kill Adam on Other M and he’s my 2nd favorite character after Samus. How did they screw it up that badly I’ll never know.
@AnimusPrime87 8 месяцев назад
The story did kill Adam.
@JeremyBelpoisX 4 года назад
Ok, I actually found a good reason why Adam resents Samus. In Japan, soldiers should be seen as always following orders, and early discharge is seen as abandoning your own. But in the Manga, ADAM encouraged her to leave and supported her, so fuck Other M's reasoning.
@pkmntrainerred4247 2 года назад
In Other M it looks like Adam is her master & she`s his loyal b!tch lapdog. she`ll even risk her life just because Adam won`t allow her to use a few power ups she really needs to survive in the terrain she`ll be going into. who knows she might`ve even been his slave offscreen in Other M. They literally took the a$$ out of Samus` bada$$ & the only things left were bad & a$$ which Adam loved to spank.
@robertkovarna8294 2 года назад
Inconsistency. Thy name is Adam.
@zephyr8072 Год назад
Also, Adam isn't Japanese. Not that I'd expect someone as incompetent and fraudulent as Sakamoto who doesn't pay attention to [what he claims is] his own continuity to even begin to understand cultures other than his own
@Birzt 4 года назад
I hate how they butchered Adam more than anything else in this game. He just felt... hollow.
@Comkill117 4 года назад
The moment you realize Adam had more personality when he was literally a computer.
@SceptileDude254 3 года назад
@@Comkill117 and when he was literally dead.
@Mykahaia 2 года назад
He was pretty garbage in Fusion tbh...
@kieranstark7213 2 года назад
@@Mykahaia OK? How we he no better than in OM?
@pkmntrainerred4247 2 года назад
After all the hype Fusion gave us about Adam, the disappointment was even worst
@cjhedrick6418 4 года назад
Real Adam: You’re the best warrior I’ve ever seen, but don’t forget you’re still a lady. Don’t ever lose sight of your humanity. M Adam: Whatever I say goes, LADY. To hell with you and your accomplishments, I’m the one with the rank, LADY.
@SemiJuggaloNumber2 4 года назад
Looks like I'm not the only one who remembers Metroid Fusion, where Samus recalls Adam using 'lady' as a term of endearment and respect.
@AICW 11 месяцев назад
@@SemiJuggaloNumber2 Which is actually complete bullshit the English translators made up. Samus always found it a bit annoying being called "Lady." This translation with an agenda started in Fusion and they doubled down on it even harder for Other M's English script despite both instances being directly contradicted by the Japanese.
@Comkill117 4 года назад
Remember how there was a subplot about a traitor killing off the GF Troopers? If I hadn’t played the game recently I wouldn’t, it comes out of nowhere, contributes nothing to the story, and the traitor is killed before you even figure out who it was. Those troopers might as well have been killed by bosses or regular enemies and it wouldn’t have made a difference. Also I like how Adam comes off as almost mad that Samus left the GF when in the manga which this game tries to bring into the main story, he flat out says her leaving was a good idea since she’d be able to get way more done without all their restrictions. Also also Anthony is kinda like Lucia in DMC2 where he’s a legitimately good character probably doomed to be forever trapped in a bad game. Honestly this is one of those games that was bad at launch and only gets worse with age.
@chuganoga1908 4 года назад
The deleter was a subplot of a grander scene. It was supposed to touch on more of the double motive the galactic federation has in the Metroid universe and how they are interested in creating bio weapons just as the space pirates do. Hey I can’t change your mind on how you and the board feel about a game that tried something fresh and new but all I’ll say is it makes sense and if you wanna really look at it in depth her character matches the way you would expect a traumatized isolated silent bounty hunter would act. I mean say what you will about the voice acting I actually like the subtle awkwardness samus has in conversations it is exactly how someone who never really socializes with many people and has a lot of baggage would act and speak.
@AlexSchmid-TheAceofSpades 4 года назад
Maybe we'll get Anthony back in Prime 4? I thought giving her a friend was a solid idea.
@chuganoga1908 4 года назад
Alex Schmid it really was a solid idea and it would be nice to see him make a return but I’m not sure they will due to lore I’m not sure if it’ll work out as well
@hydrorobot6610 3 года назад
@@chuganoga1908 in gameplay it would work so great, a co-op adventure kinda like LM3 In story they can say that Anthony just left the GF because of the shit they have been doing and it can act like a retired soldier but something happens in the game (P4) and he meets up with Samus, or something like that Probably there's a better introduction but I can't think of one :P
@Zeldamaster0999 2 месяца назад
Girl friend Troopers?
@tonystank3091 4 года назад
I don't think Sakamoto would be as maligned as he is for this game if he could *accept* that he stumbled big-time here. It sounds like everything went according to his vision here. But it also sounds like to this day, he still doesn't realize his vision was flawed from the start. If he did, and he owned up to it, I think he'd be a lot more respected for that, at least.
@Argonisgema 4 года назад
I think its a different approach to how the game is visioned. Like if this game was his vision of how samus as a character is, is it really flawed? Is it flawed cause we the fans don't like her? Like he has said before, if he could go back and redo this game he would not change one thing about it, so i could only think that since this is his perfect interpretation of Samus then we can't really say its flawed just cause we don't like. This is just one mans take on her and we not liking his take. I can only hope that when prime 4 comes out they go with how they've done it before with the more subtle touches on her character then her saying everything she os feeling.
@rynobehnke8289 4 года назад
@@Argonisgema I thing your argument about "it's just his interpretation" falls apart on the fact that this isn't just a stand alone game nor is he the only person that shaped this character development through out the series. Other M is part of a Video game series and plays it self off as the missing link between Super and Fusion there for does what ever "his Vision" is has to fit into what was already established before. And this is were Other M fails. It for example makes Adam the "only father she has ever known" despite the games since the Japan exclusive Child modes endings for Fusion (which by the way are the only in game evidence for Ridley killing Samus parents which is pretty important for other M's story as it just assumes you know the Japan exclusive Manga while at the same time contradicting it left and right) which was further shown in the added content in Zero Mission that before Samus ever did go to the GF was she raised with 2 Choozo as her Guardianen meaning if anything would there have been her most important father figure because by the time she runs into Adam would she have already been a late teen to early adult were the Father figure is no longer as important as it was during the childhood with ether her biological father or her bird dads. Or how the entire PTSD elements devalues the Trail in Zero mission in which was about earning the Super Choozo suit with the rounded shoulder pads by facing and beating the own inner fears. Or how it causes issues with the Prime games because despite being officially canon did Sakamoto just ignore them showing more so than perhaps anything else how he wanted to push his interpretation no matter if it fits in the series as it currently exist or not which is something(generally speaking) no writer should ever do as all it does is break the believability into the world and or Characters.
@meganinten0078 4 года назад
I respect Sakamoto. Sure, his vision was not good but hey at least he realized his vision of what Samus. I prefer a Samus with flaws than a boring/competent all the time protagonist.
@masterprick1 3 года назад
In an interview for Samus Returns he did admit that he was not the best choice for telling a story, even if he stands by his story, at least there is some awareness on his part.
@Darkkfated 3 года назад
It's "George Lucas surrounds himself with yes-men and then the Prequel Movies happen" all over again. Sakamoto may be a great game director, but he sure as hell had no business trying to single-handedly script and direct "Metroid: The Movie".
@faidou9954 4 года назад
Kinda sucks that this is the first and probably last cinematic Metroid game...
@autobotstarscream765 4 года назад
In a way, weren't the Prime games cinematic, just with less talking?
@aletanook 3 года назад
I do hope they try this again without Sakamoto. I think a cinematic metroid can be pulled off successfully.
@WarriorOfWriters 3 года назад
I don't think Metroid needs to be cinematic. It's first-and-foremost a videogame series and should be able to tell narrative through action, atmosphere and music. Modern day Nintendo doesn't get that about Metroid which is why Mercury Steam and Retro Studios are handling development on Metroid 5 and Prime 4 respectively. Also why I think Retro should be responsible for the next Donkey Kong game.
@midgarchannel436 3 года назад
Honestly, Dread (while not nearly as much) seems to have a bit of the cinematic feel. I think that's how it should be done.
@SemiJuggaloNumber2 4 года назад
I cannot stand the relationship between Samus and Adam, in Metroid: Other M! Everything about it just feels wrong! Samus is overly submissive and eager to please Adam, who knowingly takes advantage of Samus' subservience! Also, it makes me happy to know that I'm not the only one who remembers how Metroid Fusion painted a much better picture of Adam, rather than the manipulative sociopath we got in Other M. Oh, and DO NOT get me started on how this game botched the origin of Adam's catchphrase: "Any objections, Lady?"
@isauldron4337 2 года назад
Samus' job is following orders
@Justme-wm8vr 2 года назад
@@isauldron4337 No, it isn't. As she states herself several times in the game Samus isn't a soldier anymore. She's a bounty hunter. Her "job" is to get shit done. Adam has absolutely no authority over her and neither does the GF.
@MrSonicHedgehog 2 месяца назад
​@@Justme-wm8vrshe also came to the conclusion that she'd need to work with Adam and the rest of Platoon 7 to get to the bottom of things
@ConnorTheUndying 3 года назад
Anthony is what Adam wishes he could be.
@charactersin-depth3472 3 года назад
Anthony FTW
@ElvenRaptor 3 года назад
The Chad Anthony and the Virgin Adam
@godzillaguy5467 4 года назад
I’m gonna say this, the entire time playing the game I thought Adam was the deleter
@machadragonii145 4 года назад
Honesty Adam should've just been the villain as since the writer's don't even tried to make him look heroic it's make more sense to have been the big bad and have MB by a redharing
@AlexSchmid-TheAceofSpades 4 года назад
I mean, Adam was good in Fusion... But not here.
@Gusername 4 года назад
did they ever say who the deleter was
@xxhaxonxx8345 4 года назад
@@Gusername At one point you see the deleter walking towards melissa, then when you come back to that place Melissa is nowhere to be seen, and James is dead, Mystery solved
@xscythe67 4 года назад
It was James.
@maverick5169 4 года назад
This might be kinda morbid, but if they re-made Fusion or a sequel of it, I'd love to see Anthony to hang with us around... Only to see that it was a Sa-X messing with us
@lpfan4491 4 года назад
Wait, that would mean he was there and is dead. Seems kinds random considering Samus is the first one to be sent there to investigate.
@Umbra_Ursus 4 года назад
I fell in love with Metroid Prime, and "Other M" just feels wrong when it comes to Samus. If I had to compare her to someone, it would be Doomguy: Silent, aggressive, brave to a fault, and all business. And like Doomguy, she just did her job. "Other M" treats her like a child, and Adam acts like she hasn't slaughtered GODS. And even without the Primes, she's *still* fought the X parasites, which may as well be the Thing. What happened to her spine? Edit: Forgot about the Ridley thing. There is no defense of that: She's killed him thrice, and even if she's spooked by him, she's still beat his ass THRICE. Doomguy has killed the Icon of Sin 3 times before Eternal, and you don't see the Slayer piss himself.
@autobotstarscream765 4 года назад
Even Luigi doesn't react this way to Bowser no matter how many times he comes back from the dead, so there's no excuse for Samus to be scared of Ridley, especially since this is supposed to be a prequel to Fusion which had actual scary crap in it-including watching Ridley get ripped apart and eaten by a real threat, the X parasites, which transformed into a super Ridley clone-and didn't lose it in the face of any of it, let alone having to stomp the same old enemy she's stomped before countless times!
@AlexSchmid-TheAceofSpades 4 года назад
Fear of theories floating around that other end was originally meant to be an origin story, and chunks of that got reused.
@bowserknight 4 года назад
I agree with everything, but I have 2 questions: 1. Was it really 3 times that she fought Ridley? Wasn't it just 2 times (Metroid / Zero Mission, Super Metroid)? I always thought Zero Mission was just a remake of the first Metroid, or is it not? Anyways, it still doesnt defend the way Samus acts here... 2. When was the 3rd time Doomguy killed the Icon of Sin? I only know of Doom 2 and Eternal. Doom 1 had the Spider Mastermind / Cyberdemon, Doom 64 had the Mother Demon, Doom 3 had another Cyberdemon and Doom 2016 Spider Mastermind again. Were there any other Doom games I don't know of?
@george2p 4 года назад
@@bowserknight TNT and Plutonia, which come right after Doom 2
@bowserknight 4 года назад
@@george2p well I'm not sure how canon those are, aren't they more like "alternate stories"?
@megapokesonicx 4 года назад
Anthony Higgs is the best character in this game
@paperluigi6132 4 года назад
*Reads title* "Hmm, yes, the floor is made out of floor"
@WarriorOfWriters 3 года назад
Samus: "I did a think-feel with my brain"
@isauldron4337 2 года назад
Also the metroid fandom: Samus spared the baby metroid out of greed
@Birzt 4 года назад
I feel calling it trash is a compliment. Looking forward to this video and I didn't even know I wanted it.
@mep6302 4 года назад
No. The real compliment is calling your "logic" trash
@LinkMarioSamus 3 года назад
This game’s story makes The Last Jedi look well-plotted.
@MSOGameShow 4 года назад
"And thanks to these cutscenes, this game passed the Bechdal Test" I can't even tell if this is meant to be a joke positive or not.
@KiddKyle67 4 года назад
I think this game hurt Adam's character more than Samus. It makes sense that he's mad at Samus because she gave the metroid away to be used as a bioweapon. The problem I have with the story is that Samus never argues against Adam. In the Manga, Adam would be cold and calculating while Samus was more hasty and caring. They worked off each other well and covered each other's faults. Adam shooting Samus makes no sense for his character. Also Phantoon is the ghost of Melissa Burgman. The Phantoon in Super was the ghost of Mother Brain from the original Metroid.
@Semudara 4 года назад
....wait, is that right? How can it be Mother Brain's ghost if Mother Brain (and Ridley) are both alive and returning in Super Metroid too?
@KiddKyle67 4 года назад
@@Semudara The Mother brain in Super was built by the Space Pirates; similar to how the Federation made the Aurora Units in Prime 3.
@stevensteviepryde5888 3 года назад
Didn't they retcon the "phantoon is Mother Brain's ghost" thing in this game and changed his backstory to being what is basically Cthulu?
@machadragonii145 4 года назад
Okey now you got this dumpsterfire off your chest can talk about Metroid prime 2 echoes or Fusion now you talk about the worst of Sumas Aaron you can now talk about the best of Sumas Aaron
@Pryexel 4 года назад
An idea once had for a Metroid game is where instead of playing Samus, you play as someone who trying to find her after she was rumored to have gone missing on a far-off planet. As you explore the said planet, you'll find clues of her whereabouts and even attach her discarded upgrades to your own suit (except to Morph Ball and Screw Attack since you don't have Chozo DNA) but more importantly, you'll learn about what your relationship with Samus is revealing that you are her adopted child and that this is taking place several years after the mainline games. After finding her and successfully leaving the planet Samus offers you her helmet showing that she's proud of you saying, "A new bounty hunter is born."
@autobotstarscream765 4 года назад
So basically what Federation Force should have been?
@AlexSchmid-TheAceofSpades 4 года назад
Not a bad idea.
@hibahhussain2944 4 года назад
Aw that's cute. I would defo play that as a Metroid reboot but I still feel there's a bit more story to cover with the mainline series first
@anothergamer112 4 года назад
This put the image in my head of Samus teaching the new protagonist how to be a bounty hunter. Like "Here, sweetie, THIS is how you murder space pirates in a horrific bloodbath :)."
@meganinten0078 4 года назад
Very unpopular opinion. I don't hate how Samus is in this game. I really dislike how the industry wants to portrays female protagonist as flawess/mary sues. Like Disney is doing these days (new Mulan *cough*) Seeing Samus having fears and feeling confuse makes me feel like she is more human. Like any of us. We idolized or fictional heroes too much
@MrNetWraith 4 года назад
Good gods was this game stupid. Like, how did we possibly get a game this bad? The original Metroid games were masterpieces of minimalistic storytelling, but this is just... awful.
@mep6302 4 года назад
Stop exaggerating
@george2p 4 года назад
@@mep6302 On the contrary, he's being way too generous.
@robertkenny1201 2 года назад
I liked the gameplay and graphics, though the story was very much crap.
@isauldron4337 2 года назад
The manuals of metroid explained a lot of the story Get your sources right
@fawfulmark2 3 года назад
*Loud hand clapping after watching the vid* Nailed it. Nearly everything this game attempted, Fusion did better- be it a more heavy story dwelling on the events after Super Metroid, or the slightly more linear level structure with more streamlined item acquisition.
@samthebagman4643 4 года назад
The gameplay was alright, story and voice acting trash, this is what I feel
@chocov1233 4 года назад
Story could be considered trash but the voice acting could be good at times, although the voice actors direction isn't perfect. Samus actually has a decent voice in here Galactic Federation flashbacks.
@robertkenny1201 2 года назад
And the graphics.
@tnntaronewsnetwork4514 3 года назад
Also. Samus in the Samus and Joey Manga (which is canon and takes places between Other M and Fusion) literally has to look after a child and acts like a competent adult and sees another Space Dragon like Ridley and doesn't break down into a fit.
@maxentirunos 3 года назад
I'll say it over and over. This game would have been way better storywise if it was written as the last mission Samus did for the federation before becoming an independent bounty hunter and before Zero mission. By having a Samus that never unlocked any function of her suit yet, by having her still under federation and Adam orders. By having her very first confrontation with Ridley, which would explain the PTSD. By having this mission being the reason she decided to quit the federation after the death of her friends/comrades in a mission that was provoked by federation actions and Space pirates. The story could have been about MB creation by the federation, using biological engineering and sample from multiples monster aliens, before being stolen by the space pirates (or going rogue). Madeline would be just the interface of the brain. For the armor upgrade, there is many ideas that could be used. For example, having the tutorial being about the federation analyzing the suit for active duty (indicating that Samus was using federation equipment until then) and have the upgrades locked in the suit. Have Madeline(MB) being the one to unlock them as the story advance, under the guise that the suit function was also studied there, only to reveal later that MB also contain Chozo sample, and using that, she at the end, deactivate the suit in the final confrontation with her. Imagine how the final sequence would have been so much better in a fight of Samus zero armor. Heck, you could have made a whole theme about Samus over-relying on her equipment and suit function, and her overcoming her PTSD by learning personal inner strength, which came into climax when she face down MB with nothing else than the zero suit and the blaster. No one would have made to much jazz about Samus being over-emotional, she was still young and not yet the badass hunter we know. Its not about waiting for authorization, it would be about learning of how to use the suit. Adam would need of course some rewriting, and each member of the federation team would need personality, at least enough so we are sad each time one of them die.
@jkkrieger24 Год назад
I can’t agree more Nintendo needs to bring back Anthony.
@funbro99 Год назад
Tbh the anti masker comment is ironic since adam would be the reverse. the masked karen that would call the cops on you for not having a mask inside your home.
@JeremyBelpoisX 4 года назад
Metroid Fusion has been collecting dust in my collection for too long now. I'm picking it up again in honor of Samus' character. And yeah, goodbye Malkovich! And good riddance!
@VincentEternal 4 года назад
About the split timeline with Metroid other m. From what I can tell it wasn’t said because the prime games are non canon it’s because Sakamoto didn’t play the prime games and accidentally contradicted them. So from what I can tell there is no alternate timelines or multiple universes but that’s just what I heard I could totally be wrong.
@ElvenRaptor 4 года назад
There is no split timeline. They're all canon in the same timeline.
@autobotstarscream765 4 года назад
@@ElvenRaptor Can we decanonize Other M anyway? The bastardization of Samus's character is enough of a glaring contradiction to count as a continuity error to me...
@ElvenRaptor 4 года назад
@@autobotstarscream765 Nintendo's got an ego on it. So I doubt it.
@isauldron4337 2 года назад
Sakamoto supervises the prime games Thanks for showing your own ignorance
@johnleonard9102 2 года назад
What bugs me immensly about the Adam-Samus relationship is that she gives no credit to her Chozo family for raising her. Raven Beak and Gray Voice may have been her DNA donors, but we all know that Old Bird is her daddy.
@dracorex426 3 года назад
God, Anthony is literally the only good thing in this game.
@robertkenny1201 2 года назад
I liked the gameplay and graphics.
@Justme-wm8vr 2 года назад
What especially pissed me off about the game is how it goes out of his way to portray Samus as helpless and in need of rescue by men. Where in previous games she was cool under pressure, ruthless in combat and able to kill demi-gods without breaking a sweat, now she's timid, easy to scare and her powersuit, probably one of the most lethal weapons in the galaxy, can be easily disabled by shooting it in the back *once*. She isn't allowed to face off with and triumph over her arch-enemies Ridley and Mother Brain herself, she has to have her male allies step in and save her. The scene where she suddenly has PTSD when seeing Ridley is especially offensive for all the reasons you mentioned. Samus *killed* Ridley several times without so much as flinching. She should not suddenly devolve into a terrified little girl when he shows up, she knows she can take him by now. And of course she gets her powersuit disabled again so that she can't fight back when Ridley snatches her up and what should have been an iconic confrontation between two nemesis gets handed off to Anthony getting to be cool and suave and saving poor damsel Samus from the dragon. After that Ridley gets murdered off-screen, so Samus doesn't even get the satidfaction of putting him down herself. MB gears up for what looks to be an awesome boss fight? Random Colonel Jerk and his merry gunmen pop up out of nowhere and shoot her and the drones dead before Samus can get as much as a power beam off. This followed by Samus being condesecended to by afroementioned Colonel Jerk and basically told to leave and let the grown-ups handle this. Most feared. Bounty Hunter. In the galaxy. Lets some slimeball talk down to her and doesn't say a peep in response. Not even a glare or something, just silent resigned compliance. Samus doesn't even get to save the day by dismantling Sector Zero and keeping the bottleship from colliding with the station. Instead, Adam literally shoots her in the back, rendering her helpless *again* and almost getting her killed by a Metroid, then performs a needless sacrifice by blowing himself up with Sector Zero. This game really turned Samus from a certified badass to a demure damsel in distress barely capable of holding her own. And before you tell me I'm just imagining the blatant sexism here, answer me this: Why exactly is Samus the only woman in armor here? How come after she left, the GF suddenly had a severe drop in female soldiers? And how come there's dozens of scenes in the game of Samus being valiantly rescued by a man and no scenes of Samus rescuing someone in platoon 7, who are, suprise surprise, an all-male team? Yeah.
@Hanoua2 3 года назад
Metroid: Other M is like the Last Jedi but instead of ruining Luke Skywalker its Samus Aran
@cliffturbo2146 4 года назад
And I was about to buy this as my first Metroid game.
@theakiwar9118 4 года назад
Jesus dude. P Go play super, prime, fusion, Samus Returns or ANY other metroid game, you would be better off. My recommendation start with Zero Mission, then Samus Returns, then Super and finally Fusion. You can play Prime at any point really, as it chronologically takes place between Zero Mission and Samus Returns
@cliffturbo2146 4 года назад
@@theakiwar9118 alrighty. Thanks!
@TheAbsol7448 4 года назад
@@cliffturbo2146 Super Metroid is a great place to start!
@stevensteviepryde5888 3 года назад
Thank goodness you dodged a bullet there
@dracorex426 3 года назад
Isn't Samus's father figure a bird?
@ArmaBiologica35 4 года назад
I was actually looking forward to learn about Adam when the game was announced. So here´s a wild idea that would never happen. What if Adam ...was a supporting character in Metroid Prime 4, they re establish his relationship with Samus ...And retcon Other M? You know ...Kind of what like Valve did with their latest game.
@charactersin-depth3472 4 года назад
I'm down.
@countlazuli8753 3 года назад
The Manga works because it isn't a Metroid game. It is an entirely different medium and is thus free to explore a different element of story telling. Speaking of the Manga, Old Bird and Gray Voice were ten times the fathers that Adam was supposed to represent. Samus meant everything to those Chozo.
@stardust-reverie 3 года назад
adam: let’s split up *There is 1 impostor among us*
@songohan3321 3 года назад
So Sakamoto just pretend that the prime games doesn't exist. Just like I will pretend that this crap of a game doesn't exist.
@robertkenny1201 2 года назад
I liked the gameplay and graphics.
@isauldron4337 2 года назад
Sakamoto doesn't hate metroid prime so grow Up @Son_Gohan
@isauldron4337 2 года назад
Sakamoto doesn't hate metroid prime so grow Up @Son_Gohan It won't help you
@bolinhosemacucar8512 4 года назад
Your video made me want to play metroid. I've never been interested in the franchise in my life, and now I'm trying to find a way to play Metroid Fusion. I found the environment interesting and it seems that the series has a very rich story. Thank you for introducing me to this interesting franchise... 😁😁😁
@charactersin-depth3472 4 года назад
My pleasure.
@SnakesGames 4 года назад
The Wii U eshop is still up.
@TheAccursedHunter01 4 года назад
The only way to play Metroid Fusion right now is either through the Wii U eShop, by getting the Gameboy Advance cartridge or using an emulator. You can pick up any Metroid game and understand what's going on in the game, Metroid does a good job avoiding the "Continuity Lockout" problem. However, since Fusion is at the end of the Metroid timeline and is one of the harder Metroid games, I recommend Zero Mission be your first Metroid game if you want to see what the series is like. It's a remake of the first game, is the easiest Metroid game on a casual first playthrough (it can be very challenging to unlock all of the endings if you are interested) and the game gives you a few hints in the beginning (it's the "go to this general area on the map, figure it out" kind of hints), and by the time the hints disappear, you have the tools and knowledge necessary to beat the game. Zero Mission is easy to pick up but difficult to master, giving you an idea of what the Metroid series is about in the process. Zero Mission is the same as Fusion in accessibility since the only way to play Zero Mission is through the Wii U eShop, the original Gameboy Advance cartridge or an emulator. If you'd rather not deal with an emulator, go with Super Metroid. Super Metroid is a close second for my "First Metroid Game" pick. It's not too challenging, the tutorial level gets you used to the physics, but once you land on Zebes you're on your own. No hints, although there is a sort of "guiding hand" that pushes you where the game wants you to go. Super Metroid is currently the most accessible Metroid game since it's on the 3DS eShop, Wii U eShop and is available to play for anyone with Nintendo Switch Online. It's also possible to play Super Metroid on an emulator if you want. If you really want to play Fusion as your first Metroid game there's nothing wrong with that, it's how I got into the series years ago when I was a kid. These are just my recommendation as someone who is a huge Metroid fan that has played every game in the series.
@Aranesque 4 года назад
A fair warning: Fusion is the most linear of 2D Metroids, and the tone is more inclined to horror/dread than the usual. It's a pretty good game in my opinion, but it's a bit different than the rest. I'd recommend playing Zero Mission first, since it's a retelling of the 1st game. And after that, Super Metroid which has a prologue explaining the story so far. Fusion's story will have a stronger impact if you go in order, but it's not necessary to enjoy it.
@chuganoga1908 4 года назад
If you have a Wii U you can play the prime trilogy, Metroid other M, hunters, fusion and zero mission. Listen regardless of what they say about other M it really isn’t a bad game I actually would say it’s one of my favorite in the series to be honest with fusion being probably the best. Give it a try and see for yourself.
@RedDusk369 4 года назад
I still think a game where Samus talking can work. So Samus' dialogue & decision of not using her arsenal to their full extent right off the bat because someone else told her not to in Other M didn't do her characterization justice, fine. But we still have a basis of what her character was established to be through out the series. It doesn't even have to be a game. Maybe we can have an anime to show Samus' personal life whenever she is not on some big galaxy saving mission. You know, like with Dante in the Devil May Cry Anime.
@pastaman7278 2 года назад
I'm so Glad that Adam got way better treatment in fusion and at the beginning of dread (personally I think all the Adam calls when your actually in the game are actually from raven beak, since he refers to her as "Samus" and not "lady") Instead of barking orders in the opening of dread, he just warns her about the risk of taking stuff like the varia suit and stuff, and at the end of fusion its so cool to see him return, but still other M ruins him so much
@dracorex426 3 года назад
The big mistake of Other M is setting it so late in the timeline. Samus having severe Ridley-based PTSD makes a lot more sense if it happens shortly after the first time she beat him. She thought she'd finally defeated the monster that ate her parents and then boom! He's back. Finding out about the corruption in the Federation and chafing under Adam's command a lot earlier would also explain why she started to become more independent. An earlier point in the timeline would also make her being treated like a kid make more sense. Maybe if they'd split it into two different temporal settings, with the main game taking place at around the same point it as the version we got, but a large amount of flashbacks taking place mucj earlier. It would also make "remember me" make sense and the deaths of the marines more impactful if it felt like Samus had an established past with them. Also Adam dying would be a lot sadder if he hadn't been such a jerk for the entire mission. Flashbacks would also allow for a more retrospective Samus, thinking about her past and dealing with all the trauma she went through and how much she's grown and changed. Which would also make the realization that Ridley can be brought back, mind fully intact, from just a bit of DNA far more horrific.
@isauldron4337 2 года назад
@Draco Rex that's not how PTSD works An unlockable art in the japanese version fusion decipts Ridley attacking her parental and looking shaken
@zephyr8072 Год назад
@@isauldron4337 Tell that to the writers of the manga, that specifically depict Samus getting over her fear of Ridley. Not to mention the fact that if Samus were vulnerable to PTSD triggers by Ridley that way, then it would've happened in Super Metroid. And Prime 1. And Prime 3. And Zer o Mission. It didn't. Ever. Hell in Zero Mission, Samus defeats Ridley and then has to fight Ridley in effigy through mecha-Ridley. If you knew anything about PTSD then you'd know an effigy of a trigger is as bad as the trigger itself. And yet, nothing. You'd think Sakamoto would know that.. it's almost as if he's lied all along about working on these games and took the credit for the work of others, eh? Honestly you people who defend that hack fraud just don't think before you speak do you?
@igodreamer7096 2 года назад
The only reason the Prime series is out of the canon of Metroid is because Sakamoto, like any good Japanese, can't accept the success of something that he work on in the past have a better handing by other studio, a foreign studio specifically. So, that explains how everything in Other M sucks, while in the "West side" of gaming development, that foreign studio pay more respect and was more faithful for Samus that him even could. That sucks even more, when we could have a better gameplay if it was less junky, Devil May Cry style! But no.
@UnrealNeoBat 4 года назад
I gotta say the DS versions of Spider-man: Web of Shadows and Shattered Dimensions is more faithful to the Metroid formula than Other M ever could. I'm saying this because Shattered Dimensions was released only around two weeks after Other M. Ouch!
@ablosch2452 4 года назад
Shattered Dimensions was great! I think it was the basis for Into The Spiderverse as well. Another great movie!
@robertkovarna8294 4 года назад
11:22 Maurice you dolt. You pulled files from Project Shadow from the world of Sonic the Hedgehog. What's the Galactic Federation going to do with something meant for curing all diseases, making the ultimate life form? Delete those and pull up the Metroid pngs.
@autobotstarscream765 4 года назад
That's just it, the Galactic Federation is being depicted as what would happen if G.U.N. had been on Dr. Gerald Robotnik's side instead of the opposite extreme of being so paranoid about science gone wrong that they _execute an innocent child._
@robertkovarna8294 4 года назад
@@autobotstarscream765 So this is G.U.N but perfectly fine with every single thing that Gerald creates?
@autobotstarscream765 4 года назад
@@robertkovarna8294 Yep, they're literally trying to use Samus to remake the Space Pirates in their image to control the universe, it's as if the Galactic Federation wants to become the Galactic Empire at Samus's expense so they keep trying to control her so she both gives them what they need and doesn't stop them in time, making them arguably the true villains of the series after the fall of the Space Pirates, endangering the galaxy in their misguided attempts to pacify it, creating chaos with failed attempts to create perfect order.
@robertkovarna8294 4 года назад
@@autobotstarscream765 Don't forget their strange interest in remaking Metroids to use as bio-weapons. If the GF were more interested in bringing Metroids back for peaceful purposes, like the people on Ceres space station found the Metroids could be used for, it would still be concerning in the way of if a terrorist took one, but could maybe work out. But wanting to use them in the same way the pirates did? Nope. And let's not forget their interest in the X, specifically the SA-X.
@autobotstarscream765 4 года назад
@@robertkovarna8294 Exactly.
@gozenfrost1012 4 года назад
Awesome video, now like with the Star Fox videos we just need a video about a Metroid game with a superb story, there are a few good choices, but I think Metroid Fusion would be a really good choice.
@robertkenny1201 Год назад
Thank God for following games: 1. Metroid Samus Returns 2. Metroid Dread 3. Metroid Prime 4 I'd add AM2R but I'm not interested in fanmade games.
@Comkill117 4 года назад
14:13 Adam was more human when he was an actual computer in Fusion! Also Ridley isn’t a proto-Shin Godzilla, he’s an off brand Heisei King Ghidorah.
@MegaMask335 4 года назад
Kinda ironic since Ridley debuted in 1986 during the Showa era. Ridley is also more of an evil Rodan ripoff with arms.
@ablosch2452 4 года назад
BTW, if the AI in Fusion was Adam Brain-Uploaded, how would they be able to retrieve his intact brain after Sector Zero exploded? Plot hole much?
@MegaMask335 4 года назад
@@ablosch2452 Well since it's an AI, it's not a perfect replication of Adam's personality. They might've just given the Adam computer good commander-like traits that made him a better character than in Other M.
@autobotstarscream765 4 года назад
@@MegaMask335 The AI was designed to be heartless like Adam so it would control Samus ruthlessly, yet it actually listened to Samus and saw reason when the Galactic Federation wouldn't because it was determined to throw Samus under the bus for its own corrupt agenda.
@caav56 4 года назад
@@ablosch2452 I presume the AIdam was based on the scan of Adam's brain, made prior to the Sector Zero explosion, hence memory gaps.
@brickenawesomefilms6301 3 года назад
I'm betting one of those dislikes was Adam.
@stevensteviepryde5888 3 года назад
"You don't hit the like button until I say so"
@jjtheenton 2 месяца назад
Something to note about Fusion and its lack of Mother Brain: the same room design of Tourian is seen in Fusion at one point, indicating the rogue Federation scientists WERE going to make one. That's honestly 100x cooler than whatever MB was.
@KingdomHeartsBrawler 3 года назад
Hoo boy, Other M. The game that made Samus a submissive wimp and turned Ridley into a Moogle Pokémon, all while attempting to retcon the awesome Prime trilogy that added so much to Metroid lore. F*** this game.
@isauldron4337 2 года назад
Ah yes the : Samus isn't flawless in other m argument
@Xanegoh 3 года назад
The Futurama bit was perfect.
@dissonanceparadiddle 3 года назад
I'll always pretend Admiral Dane is Adam.... It's much better than way
@michaelmccarty1327 2 года назад
So bold to call the Anti-maskers Karens! It's like... that's the thing they call pro-maskers... but then you called them the same thing!
@hibahhussain2944 4 года назад
I want a prequel game plz - make it have jokes too! Some of the jokes in the manga had me cracking up for hours.
@aaronolson6736 3 года назад
What I like about Other M: Samus in a military uniform. That's it
@nousername191 3 года назад
Hey, Anthony wasn't so bad.
@SnipeMD 2 года назад
Samus doesn't inner monologue in Other M. She is talking from a point in the future about the events that happened in-game prior to the credits scene. She is basically giving a post-mission report/journal entry while en route to the Bottle Ship for the post-credits section.
@josiahgarber3761 3 года назад
Possibly the most disappointing thing about Adam (and Other M's story ini general) is that there are actually really great ideas and a ton of potential here. It's just executed poorly. It sucks because this game could have genuinely been fantastic, but it wasn't. On the bright side, hopefully this means that the necessary lessons have been learned and Dread and the following Metroid games will be fantastic and even bring the emotion and depth that Other M attempted
@AlexSchmid-TheAceofSpades 4 года назад
Who else considers Other M to be non-canon instead of the Prime games?
@isauldron4337 2 года назад
All of those games are canon And other m probably Will never be decanonized
@orangeapples 4 года назад
Wait, what the hell is the point of the power suit if shooting it in the back disables it?
@maxb935 4 года назад
I think green voice from the manga was a better Mentor or father figure for Samus.
@charactersin-depth3472 4 года назад
@Eriorguez 4 года назад
I get the feeling Sakamoto was kinda annoyed at the praise Prime kept getting despite not being his vision, and went to do "his own". And bombed hard. Not just gameplay-wise, but story-wise as well. I care far more about the fallen civilizations we learn of through logbook entries, than the spelt off mediocre plot of utterly baffling sexism. This game made Fusion's story worse. No game should do that. At least Samus Returns seems to have going in a proper way in most issues this game had. But I'm still slighty annoyed at the gameplay trying to be combo and avoid-based, rather than going full tank ala Super. And, Samus is apparently meat to be 1.8 meters tall or something? We do we keep getting a kid? Or heels? I know Japanese society has some sexism issues going on, but Sci-Fi tends to be one of the genres were gender roles become nonexistant.
@Nikagor 3 года назад
I wonder if the death of Gunpei actually gave Sakamoto too much freedom with the license, maybe holding him back or in the reigns was what made the games good, fusion wasn't bad, but Sakamotos influence on that was lowered aswell, Zero mission is just a remake build in the "fusion" engine. His claim that other M was what Samus really was supposed to be, makes me think that he never had a real idea what Samus was to begin with.
@isauldron4337 2 года назад
Sakamoto never hated metroid prime
@giovannigonzalez3318 2 года назад
I love how you bring highlights to the good pieces of Other M. It exemplifies how being fair to this game still sums up to it being trash.
@giovannigonzalez3318 2 года назад
Except Anthony!
@Blazing_Emblem_Natsumi 3 года назад
This game gets WAY too much hate.
@Mykahaia 2 года назад
Honestly, Anthony is unneeded and Adam is unneeded...this game canonically ruined Samus...Dread seems to be awesome...unfortunately still with Adam's AI...
@isauldron4337 2 года назад
Deal with it jeez It's been years since the Game came out
@ahmadkazan7994 4 года назад
17:07 could'nt agree more.
@angryboi595 3 года назад
I'm not a metroid fan. Infact I barely know much about metroid except. Samus is the main character, ridley is a demon who killed samus parents, mother brain is the main villain, dark samus is a evil clone, dark samus is one of my mains in smash. Thats it. But even I just fricking hate adam
@dracorex426 3 года назад
What I'd like to see is more integration of lore from the canonical manga(s). Edit: Also Samus finally going properly renegade.
@InquisitiveRavenclaw 4 года назад
@11:22 Shadow confirmed to be the Deleter
@KidPrarchord95 4 года назад
This is a great video. Only minor complaint is that you clearly have absolutely no clue how PTSD works. It's not a fear that can be conquered, it's a mental illness that stays with you. As a mental illness, it's inherently unpredictable, and like many others it can't really be cured. It can get better over time, but it'll always be there, waiting to strike again. It can be triggered by things you wouldn't expect, things that didn't affect you before.
@robertkovarna8294 4 года назад
She still fought against Ridley at least 3 times before Other M.
@rynobehnke8289 4 года назад
That is perhaps all true for normal humans but as this scene in particular leans heavily on the Manga is it worth noting that the same manga said that all negatives traits of being a Human Female that Samus had were genetically patched out by the Chozo. Also never mind that it undermines the Chozo trail from the end of Metroid Zero Mission which was all about beating all inner daubs and fears. But than again other completely forgot everything Chozo related anyway given the whole "Adam was my only father figure".thing.
@robertkovarna8294 4 года назад
@@rynobehnke8289 Ah yes. Who had the bright idea to just ignore the Chozo in a game that details Samus's past? Oh right. Sakamoto. Seriously, why wasn't there anything about when Samus lived with the Chozo in this game? It's supposed to give her past right? Why is there not a single mention of the Chozo anywhere?
@robertkovarna8294 4 года назад
@@rynobehnke8289 Why does Other M ignore the Chozo so?
@meganinten0078 4 года назад
Very unpopular opinion. I don't hate how Samus is in this game. I really dislike how the industry wants to portrays female protagonist as flawess/mary sues. Like Disney is doing these days (new Mulan *cough*) Seeing Samus having fears and feeling confuse makes me feel like she is more human. Like any of us. We idolized or fictional heroes too much
@bahes3466 4 года назад
I have a Video idea for you.top 10 best Video game villains of all time.
@ablosch2452 4 года назад
System Shock 2 did a Plot Twist like that of Madeline and MB, but worlds better.
@pkmntrainerred4247 2 года назад
27:48 No, he`s the only good character in the game.
@nilge90 2 года назад
things i like about other M Anthony Higgs (MVP) Samus interaction with Melissa Bergman (I also like her design) Lethal Strike / Overcharge / Counter Attack (really satisfying) & SenseMove (necessary for hard mode) Boss battle, Music (Mostly remix not much new) and the high quality presentation in general I adore young Samus design with her tomboyish hair; especially her concept-art with Ian and Anthony low key Little Birdy creepy-cute
@markusnavergard2387 2 года назад
all i wanted was for Samus to say " Adam. i have eradicated entire species and planets for less so dont give me any of your crap."
@anothergamer112 4 года назад
This game could've probably benefited by instead acting as an origin for how Samus became the respected bounty hunter. Moments like waiting for authorization or pissing herself at the sight of Ridley would be easier to swallow.
@2NDFLB 4 года назад
* Imagine if they made a sequel to this , showing that samus was actually on a psychedelic mind trip, And in the sequel the game is actually really good. That would undo how very bad other m is, cuz it wouldn't be a ''real game'' if it was just samus tripping. ,
@daizbid 3 года назад
I thought the game was pretty fun, but I couldn't sit through a single cutscene without heavily cringing. The cutscenes were beautiful and very well done-but the voiceover...
@ChiefMedicPururu 3 года назад
31:06 Too bad Moviebob couldn't remember this when doing HIS overview of Other M.
@xscythe67 4 года назад
To this day, I still don't understand the hate for this game. Personally, I thought it was okay for what it was and showed different sides to Samus besides being a "Cold Hearted Bounty Hunter Assassin". 🤔
@moogle847 3 года назад
I think one of the other things that bothered me about this game was the fact that Samus is supposed to be 6'2" and weigh 220 lbs. (not fat just built like a NFL linebacker) after being infused with Chozo DNA and training needed for using the suit. Why is she so damn short and skinny! Unless the men of this future are even more beefy and standing at 9 ft. tall, Samus is grossly misrepresented here.
@isauldron4337 2 года назад
You got that wrong Those measures are with the suit on
@DVDPlayer18 Год назад
Madeline Bergman and MB are very short compared to her tho
@Majinhero 3 года назад
It's funny that you mention Movieblob when he defended and liked Other M
@Gusername 4 года назад
people need to let other m go
@kkirby999 2 года назад
what's up with all these TFS references?
@TheZamaron 3 года назад
SO I'm guessing we're all agreeing that the real villian of Other M, was the general who came up with this hair brained stupid plan.
@playalot86 4 месяца назад
Other M has some good parts, it’s not all bad, but it’s interesting… …
@megapokesonicx 4 года назад
Adam Malkovinch and the baby
@StormsparkPegasus 3 года назад
I disagree about the controls. The controls, music, story, and gameplay are all 1/10 here. The only thing that bumps the overall game up to 2/10 for me is because the graphics are good by Wii standards, it runs at 60fps, and the cinematics look nice. I give the graphics overall 7/10. This is the worst game I have EVER played that isn't either an asset flip or obviously unfinished (like Big Rigs). Although, I enjoy Big Rigs MUCH more than this game, because at least it has the "so bad it's good" thing going for it. Also, this game CANNOT happen in the same universe as Zero Mission, Super, any of the Prime games, or Fusion. It blatantly contradicts at least one major plot point of each of them.
@thebluewind5733 4 года назад
I actually really enjoyed the game regardless of the negative redemption it gets, but I guess I'm the minority in that regard. I enjoy the more vocal narration of her character in this and I do understand others opinion on how her character acted in it. Though I do believe she should have been doing this her own way as she's been a loner since the first game. But I think they wanted to give her more well-roundedness in personality considering she knew them. If she was still at conflict with Adam and was more herself while conveying a small semblance of a soft side to her former commander while also staying in character, perhaps it could work. Just an opinion though.
@uriel7203 2 месяца назад
Samus is supposed to be a badass. A cold hearted killer. Her mission is literally to go and kill things. And she has a social life, as we see from the endings in Zero Mission and Fusion. Also seems like a likable person from the endings in the orignal 2d games where she waves at the player. So to portray her as a emotional mess who needs to take antidepressants was a bad move.
@ConMag-Fhionnghaile 3 года назад
I'm here now because I finally got to playing it and the gameplay is okay, forced Wii remote first person to use missiles and scanning is awful, and feels tacked on to be a Wii game. It's far too linear, I don't care about backtracking because "hold remote up and hold A" to refill missiles and health. So why bother looking for anything. Story is awful, it's like The 3rd Birthday (Parasite Eve 3) without sexualising kids, taking a well established strong character and turning them into a scared little girl for a pointless contradictory story.
@omegastudios-ov1xd 2 месяца назад
In storytelling, there's a term called checoffs Gun in Act One, There's a gun on the wall in act three, the main characters defeat or kill the main bad guy with the gun. In this game there's a gun on the wall in act one but in the third act she's about to kill the bad guy but then the bad guy gets ran over by a truck.
@zephyr8072 Год назад
“The nickname comes from the fact that the purpose of the signal is to draw attention” AS OPPOSED TO AN SOS WHO’S PURPOSE IS FOR NOBODY TO NOTICE?? It’s been over a decade and this line still makes me cringe right from the start. It foreshadows the sheer level of incompetence and stupidity that went into this abortion of a story.
@Charagodslayer666 2 года назад
And here I am, this being my favorite Metroid
@isauldron4337 2 года назад
Be strong
@Deltabolster 5 месяцев назад
I think that if they really needed samus to be given the power ups by Adam then instead they should have had M.B. hack into her suit and adam working from the control room ro get her functions back online. Oh and sdter his desth he leaves like a flash drive somewhere with an anti virus
@somborn 3 года назад
Better "vague" than a complete pile of garbage. This guy single handed trashed the whole franchise with his incredible incompetence and ignorance.
11 ming dollarlik uzum
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