
Michael Egnor Demolishes the Myth of Materialism (Science Uprising EP1) 

Discovery Science
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Has science proven we are all just matter? Or does reality extend beyond what we can see and touch? Be sure to visit scienceuprisin... to find more videos and explore related articles and books.
This episode of Science Uprising investigates claims by scientists and professors like Neil deGrasse Tyson, Carl Sagan, and Daniel Dennett, who try to hijack science to promote materialism-the idea that physical reality is all there is. Hear from experts who challenge this view of science, and learn about scientists who have to hide behind a mask because they face intimidation and censorship from dissenting from materialism.
People featured in this episode include Jay Richards, PhD, Assistant Professor at The Catholic University of America, filmmaker, and author or co-author of books such as The Human Advantage, The Privileged Planet, The Hobbit Party, Infiltrated, and Money, Greed, and God; and Michael Egnor, MD (from Columbia University), neurosurgeon and professor of neurological surgery at Stony Brook University. Dr. Egnor is renowned for his work in pediatric neurosurgery. See www.thesun.co.....
Check out these other videos:
Michael Egnor: The Evidence against Materialism
In this bonus interview footage from Science Uprising, neurosurgeon Michael Egnor discusses the evidence against materialism and explains how materialism undercuts rather than supports genuine science. • Michael Egnor: The Evi...
Jay Richards: Why Materialism Fails
In this bonus interview footage from Science Uprising, philosopher Jay Richards defines materialism, discusses how it has impacted us, explains why it shouldn't be confused with science, and analyzes why it ultimately fails as an explanation. • Jay Richards: Why Mate...
Unbelievable Myths Neil deGrasse Tyson and Co. Love to Tell
• Unbelievable Myths Nei...
Science Uprising
Well-known scientists have been preaching a materialistic worldview rather than presenting the public with all the evidence. We are here to change that. The objective scientific evidence does not prove our universe is blind and purposeless. It does not show we are simply meat machines. It does not prove that evolutionary mechanisms can completely account for the diversity of life on earth. This is what THEY want you to think. Think for yourself and make an informed decision.
Are you ready? The uprising has begun.
Visit www.ScienceUprising.com to find more videos and explore related articles and books. You can also find out more information about the people interviewed in this episode.



26 сен 2024




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@doylesiever 5 лет назад
A viewer below requested more evidence. Hoping this helps others as well... Much more evidence is available and highly detailed in quite a number of different books by research scientists; such as (for starters): "Signature in the Cell" by Stephen Meyer, "Undeniable" by Douglas Axe, "Heretic" by Matti Leisola, "Darwin's Black Box" and "Darwin Devolves" by Michael Behe. And there are also some great philosophical treatises considering the merits of materialism versus theism such as: "The Devil's Delusion" by David Berlinski; and, "God and Stephen Hawking: Whose Design is it Anyway?" by John C. Lennox. Wishing everyone all the best in their search and discovery!
@Hannodb1961 5 лет назад
Consciousness cannot be an illusion, because you need to be conscious in order to have illusions.
@Angrybogan 4 года назад
"Question everything" - says DeGrasse Tyson, Krauss, and Dawkins, with the caveatS "BUT NOT OUR MATERIALISM! NOT DARWIN!"
@kaineskeptic6484 4 года назад
I think you will find they wont care if you question those things. If you misrepresent them or misundertand them then you will get corrected.
@sharpie6888 11 месяцев назад
@@kaineskeptic6484 "I think you will find they wont care if you question those things" Oh they do. A lot
@BigHeretic 8 месяцев назад
​@@sharpie6888No they don't, it's an important part of the scientific method which ensures the best results. See peer review.
@psychvision101 5 лет назад
I was loving it until I realised my enjoyment was an epiphenomenal illusion created by sodium/potassium gradients in my neuronal circuits. Damn those gradients and their magical powers!
@LoveYourNeighbour. 5 лет назад
LOL, I really like your reductionist humor! But I guess what's REALLY happening, is that the symbols you wrote down, were transmitted to my neural pathways (though my optics), thus causing a release of endorphins in my brain.
@psychvision101 5 лет назад
You're right. I'm wondering how endorphins create the sensation of pleasure but that's just probably just my neurons trying to confuse me. Err, not that my neurons have agency or intention though. Didn't mean to imply that...
@FrancescoScinico 5 лет назад
@D. E. What head? "You" don't exist.
@goblinmooth 4 года назад
You need consciousness to deny consciousness
@brandwijkgg 20 дней назад
Who is denying conciousness?
@emobaddie9791 5 лет назад
Richard Dawkins: login account CAPTCHA: are you a robot ? Richard Dawkins: yes, but no because i really want to login
@garysmith9868 5 лет назад
If all of our thoughts are just an illusion because only material things or matter is all we know to be true, then how do we know THAT claim is true, since that claim itself is just an illusion?
@RoscoeKane 5 лет назад
Science uses "methodological materialism". That's just methods that explore matter (and energy) and the rules it follows only. People are free to explore anything, scientists included. If you are exploring things and going outside methodological materialism, cool, we just don't label that exploration as "science". Science is limited, and stuff outside those limits are called something else.
@markstuber4731 5 лет назад
The argument for free will here is an appeal to consequences (argumentum ad consequentiam) Also, the debate over free will isn't just between theists and atheists. There's a theological devide among Protestants (put in terms of free will vs predestination) and Protestantism is just one of the three main branches of Christianity.
@gabrielfernandes5545 5 лет назад
Hello Mark Stuber. It is an appeal to consequences, but the very concept of decision and some degree of freedom is necessary for the investigation on the existence of the concept of decision and some degree of freedom. Therefore, it's not a fallacy, but it is a exception created by the reduction (like if some of the propositions for "how to open this lock with this key?" included "destroying the key"). The term "Free will" used on the video hasn't really much to do with the debate between protestants...it has nothing to do at all with the theological debate. There, the debate is whether human's nature is good or evil so that it has or not free will to choose the good. Here on the video, the concept of "free will" has much more to do with what predestinist protestant call "Free Agency".
@davethesid8960 2 месяца назад
The truth of argument from consequence hinges on morality being subjective.
@zitternden 2 года назад
I'm really enjoying this series. I appreciate the high quality of your presentations. I'm sharing them as much as possible.
@urso3000 3 года назад
in the materialistic world there is no room for feelings, no love, no affection, no faith, no intelligence, no common sense and no hope, only death remains.
@shankz8854 3 года назад
Which materialist says that? If no materialists agree with your statement, you are just making a baseless assertion.
@I4dtx 2 месяца назад
​@@shankz8854all of them say that , lil mate , I'm waiting for you to prove me otherwise
@kiriakosoikonomu2907 Месяц назад
@@shankz8854 all materialists are nihilists knowing it or not
@risingministries 5 лет назад
Romans 1:20-23 KJV [20] For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: [21] Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. [22] Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, [23] And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
@shankz8854 3 года назад
“Materialism” isn’t science, it’s a philosophical proposition. Believing that there is more than the physical world we can interact with isn’t scientific or anti scientific. What _is_ anti scientific is believing that things outside the known universe can interact with, and affect, the known universe without good evidence.
@lancegab Год назад
I'm with you for the most part. I think it is unscientific to believe something (e.g. beyond the physical world) without evidence.
@BjarneHole 3 года назад
Richard Dawkins: "When I think I have free will, I am deluding myself" Can anyone else spot the blatant self-contradiction?
@computerflight2145 3 года назад
If you think its a contradiction you don't understand it. Not believing in free will is NOT the belief that nobody does anything it is the belief that the choice you make is dependent on material circumstances. There is no contradiction in his statement.
@jodyturpin7693 4 года назад
I was genuinely happier when I believed this and wish I could walk away from materialism and embrace this way of thinking again.
@lancegab Год назад
Sad to hear it, Jody
@TINTUHD 5 лет назад
Our Brain is the hardware but our mind is our software
@Denastus 8 месяцев назад
And the difference between the brain and the mind is?
@naturalLin 5 лет назад
Does one require free will to ask question and challenge established ideas?
@glenisterm 5 лет назад
lol. - "Isn't our reality more than just matter?" Good question, do you have any evidence for anything other than matter, and the forms of energy we know of? eg. solar, electrical, etc. I thought not. - "Most people and cultures around the world have a profound belief that the world extends beyond the physical." So? It isn't a popularity contest. Everyone can be wrong. Everyone used to think that heavy objects fell faster than lighter ones, until Galileo proved them all wrong. Similarly with Einstein and Relativity. What is your evidence? - "Compassion, ideas, joy, and sorrow aren't made of matter." Scientists think all these things are simply chemical reactions in the brain, and have evidence to support this, including drugs that can change your mood/emotions, and magnetic stimulation of the brain that can give you these experiences. So unless you have actual evidence otherwise, these things are simply complicated interactions of matter. - "If we believe this, are we anti-science." If you believe in something without evidence, or in spite of evidence to the contrary, then Yes. - "What, no free will?" That isn't what he said. Our perception of free will is an illusion, or "not what it seems", not that it doesn't exist. Brain scans have shown that our brains make a decision on a choice before we are conscious that we have made a choice. eg. Your brain has already decided to select heads, when you consciously still think you might choose tails, but then you select heads. - "Bigotry and intolerance of the scientific community" Requiring standards of evidence is not bigotry. If you, like Galileo, Einstein, Newton, and others, want to challenge the current scientific view of something, then you have to provide sufficient evidence. Wegener had the right idea of Continental Drift, but lacked sufficient evidence. It was only later that that evidence was discovered, and we now have the current Theory of Plate Tectonics. Scientists believed in Spontaneous Generation, until Pasteur proved it was wrong, but while Vitalism was popular, it does not have any evidence to support it and was discarded. So if you want to challenge scientific consensus on a topic, you need to have sufficient evidence to back up your views, and you might even win a Nobel Prize. If you don't, then don't cry bigotry or intolerance, go and get some evidence, or you are just a crank. - "Where the evidence leads" lol. Sorry, you may not like the conclusion, but it leads to materialism... - "Materialists are free to practice their religion, but they should stop pretending it is science." "That word you keep using (Science), I do not think it means what you think it means." In other words, Materialism is what Scientists have concluded after following the evidence. It is not a religion. There are no beliefs in supernatural beings, no holy texts that are above question, no prophets, etc. Perhaps I should have put Religion in brackets instead of Science. - "We are the quiet majority and we will be quiet no longer." So you have suffered in silence have you? How many over the centuries have been tortured or killed for daring to question your dogma? Can you get elected to high office in the U.S. without publicly expressing belief in a deity? Prayer in schools? Putting 'In god we trust' on currency? Billboards, tv evangelists, etc. You aren't a quiet majority, you are the vocal majority trying to silence those who have evidence that your beliefs are wrong. You have benefited from the discoveries of Science (Modern medicine, transportation, communication, etc.), but are trying to undercut it because you don't like the conclusions that the evidence is leading to.
@bernardguynunns5658 5 лет назад
Nothing comes from nothing. No other argument is needed.
@mikecahill4907 5 лет назад
Some good points, but I think you missed a few things too. Assuming materialism, like it looks like you do, then you did not actually choose to write the above statement, since free will is a delusion. Assuming materialism, that is, that all that goes on in your brain is just electrochemical reactions, then you can't even trust your thinking to lead you to truth (the whole concept of truth becomes iffy in this view.) So actually, if we accept pure materialism, there's no reason to accept your argumentation! Also, if matter is all there is, then any moral stance is as good as any other moral (amoral, immoral) stance. (Really brief statements of ideas that could be expanded a lot...) "Where the evidence leads" first leads us to the idea that your consciousness, my consciousness, is real. Evidence that leads to true knowledge is not only repeatable scientific experiments and observations, valuable as these are. There's also historical evidence, and introspective evidence. You can say that everything going on inside our head may be delusion, as some of the folks in this video claim, but we do NOT live that way, and we CANNOT live that way.
@ricknick5318 5 лет назад
it's stupid it's even an argument
@daelinproudmore5068 5 лет назад
The video is a bit hacky. The music and double plays and pig masks could / should've been left on the editing floor.
@ADBCSH-je7uj 5 лет назад
Science provides a way of knowing many things, it clearly doesn't provide the only way! To believe that it does, is when it becomes a form of fundamentalism.
@張君好 5 лет назад
If there is no answer to a question, just admit it. Don't pretend that there is. This is where science begin.
@simclimie6045 4 года назад
271 thumbs down=triggered
@CJArabia 5 лет назад
I really loved this. Got me thinking. The topic clearly gets people riled up. Don't let trolls tell you what to think. Opinions aren't facts.
@3tou6bi88 3 года назад
it is amazing how a trillion cells can work in unison and create a creature with a neuron cluster that achieved an awareness of self, evolution is truly the most magnificent thing!
@sliglusamelius8578 3 года назад
Evolution has zero creative power or ability. It acts on pre-existing creatures and is very limited in what changes it can effect.
@3tou6bi88 3 года назад
@@sliglusamelius8578 that is why it took billion of years to get where we are. a human life lasts about 45 million seconds. now stretch every second to a year (crazy, no?!) and you get just 2/3 to the extinction of the non-avian dinosaurs that opened up niches for the mammals to radiate. animal life is up to 20 times older, and life itself is nearly 100 times longer.
@kiriakosoikonomu2907 Месяц назад
evolution from a microbe. Sure
@Dagestanidude 6 дней назад
Evolution is just a tool, you need to praise higher intelligence behind the evolution
@intuitoweb 5 лет назад
The video says "We follow the evidence" which purportedly leads to the conclusion that there is a soul and it castigates scientists for neglecting that evidence due to a commitment to materialism. But what evidence? The video presents some general ideas like that most people believe in the soul (majority opinion is hardly a good argument), or the fact that the denial of self is "nonsense" (not a very persuasive or precise term). It is far too simplistic a presentation to handle the question seriously. And it also unfairly paints most scientists as darkly materialistic and intolerant. That's just unfair and inaccurate. So is that all the evidence you got? Please tell me you have more evidence than "everyone believes it", "the opposite is nonsense", and "People who deny it are biased". I'm pretty sure there are some better arguments...
@neilenglish7433 5 лет назад
This is but the first installment. There's a lot more to come.
@theophilus5132 5 лет назад
Here you go to get started: "The Soul: How We Know It's Real and Why It Matters" by J. P. Moreland
@g1motion 5 лет назад
No prediction of quantum mechanics (physics) has been found to be wrong, and it conclusively proved that materialism fails to explain the microcosm. Relativity reveals the same in the macrocosm, but the intellectually blind fail to see it. These truths have been known for more than a hundred years, and the Discovery of DNA led to the refutation of materialism in biology as well. The discovery of dark energy and the organization of the cosmos are the latest nails in the coffin of materialistic philosophy, yet it still lives on in the minds of people immersed in zombie science.
@LoveYourNeighbour. 5 лет назад
@FireTribeProd Personally, I'm really looking forward to the upcoming one (s) with Dr. James Tour (synthetic organic chemist).
@doylesiever 5 лет назад
Much more evidence is available and highly detailed in quite a number of different books by research scientists; such as (for starters): "Signature in the Cell" by Stephen Meyer, "Undeniable" by Douglas Axe, "Heretic" by Matti Leisola, "Darwin's Black Box" and "Darwin Devolves" by Michael Behe. And then there are also some great philosophical treatises considering materialism versus theism such as "The Devil's Delusion" by David Berlinski and "God and Stephen Hawking: Whose Design is it Anyway?" by John C. Lennox. Hope this helps. Wishing you all the best in your search!
@rjlchristie 5 лет назад
Lol. Yep, that's right, magic done it.
@LogosTheos 5 лет назад
I agree. Materialism is magical thinking.
@Trypsonite 8 месяцев назад
​@@LogosTheosdustman. ribwoman. talking snake. talking donkey. talking burning bush. splitting red sea. water to wine. zombification. water walking. no, no magic at all. now do the same for materialism
@DiscoveryCSC 5 лет назад
Michael Egnor and Jay Richards make a great 1-2 punch.
@michaelbabbitt3837 5 лет назад
My own analogy: Scientists trying find direct material evidence for God is like looking with your eyes for direct evidence of the Invisible man. You can find and experience the signs of his presence: the carpet prints, the movement of the air, the sounds of his movement, his scent - but you cannot see him directly with your eyes.
@eriknutley834 5 лет назад
Wow! This is terrific! Can't wait to see the next one!
@xlntnrg 5 лет назад
"everything ... is mechanical and blind and purposeless at the bottom...". Well that is actually true for the material world on its own, when detached from mind and consciousness which gives it direction and purpose. Just like a car is blind and purposeless without a driver. And the mechanical side of the material, as well as the car, is that which makes it possible for mind and consciousness to utilize and control it. But just like a car won't drive without a driver, the material world will remain inactive (entropy) without minds that create activity (negentropy). "Materialism is the philosophy of the subject that forgets to take account of itself." - Arthur Schopenhauer
@moha6859 5 лет назад
Using their logic: Materialism is an illusion
@Jcewazhere 5 лет назад
How does this prove the god of the bible? Why couldn't it prove Vishnu, or Odin, or Zeus, or Krishna, or Pinga, or Torngasoak, or... I could go on like that for a while. If there is one true god why are there so many different religions?
@rodnorris9532 5 лет назад
Well done! And I am glad you did not require a 'religion' in order to reject materialism.
@philroe2363 5 лет назад
Awesome!!! . . . Bring it!!!!
@steverkelley9457 5 лет назад
Great, simple way to reveal the self-contradiction of materialism!
@VodShod 5 лет назад
How do you study a subject to determine cause and effect? You mention in multiple places that you don't agree with something because it feels wrong, is that the method you use to determine what is true and false?
@alrogers7168 5 лет назад
Of course not: how you "feel" about something is the worst method to use. When you're dealing with issues of relationships within the community of man (in the classical sense) then right and wrong have to appeal to some standards. This is where the long history of civilizations and religions come into play with ancient and proven antecedents. Most cultures throughout history have similar standards. The Judeo-Christian world view goes back to the Noaic Covenant which sets down some basic standards we can use to begin with. It includes things like establish justice, don't murder, avoid adultery, bestiality or sexual immorality, stealing. I personally like Micah 6:8: "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. " So, how you "feel" about something should be compared with such standards, since feelings are notoriously volatile, fickle, unpredictable, and, most importantly, unreliable.
@Ben-qb4lj 5 лет назад
I verily wish more thorough ie. Longer documentaries were done. If I'm just unaware , please link me?
@DiscoveryScienceChannel 5 лет назад
Although these particular videos are intentionally short, each video is accompanied by longer interviews plus other resources at the series' website, scienceuprising.com.
@LoveYourNeighbour. 5 лет назад
I HIGHLY recommend: Revolutionary - Michael Behe And The Mystery Of Molecular Machines. It includes details on the persecution scientists face. I ordered SEVERAL DVD copies, a couple years ago, to share with others. To my knowledge it's now available to watch for free, on this very channel (Discovery Science).
@Ben-qb4lj 5 лет назад
@@DiscoveryScienceChannel thank you!
@blaisecompton5636 5 лет назад
Brilliantly done! Supports Alvin Plantinga's great book "Where the Conflict really lies" - quote from blurb: '... there is superficial conflict but deep concord between science and religion, in particular theistic religion, and superficial concord but deep conflict between science and naturalism.' Congratulations on an exciting presentation!
@LoveYourNeighbour. 5 лет назад
WOW, the quote you used, REALLY hit the nail on the head! I love it. Thank you for sharing that Blaise. (I haven't read that book yet, but I keep hearing good things about it.)
@hawk219 5 лет назад
I believe it takes bravery to not think like the masses and confidence to speak your truth. The world is going to fear less popular beliefs and theories always, so stay strong! Thank you!
@JV-tg2ne 5 лет назад
Hawk Armstrong - correction, there is only THE TRUTH and belongs to everyone
@gerardmoloney9979 5 лет назад
@@JV-tg2ne correction, Jesus is the way, the TRUTH and the life. Everyone belongs to Him.
@enonknives5449 5 лет назад
If there is no free will, then we wouldn't be able to delude ourselves.
@LoveYourNeighbour. 5 лет назад
If there is no free will, then we are not freely choosing to respond in this comments section. LOL. We are simply being compelled by our brain chemistry & genetics, etc to do so :-) Take care Enon.
@anniecrawford2500 5 лет назад
This is excellent. I have been looking for a visual resource to speak to my students who struggle to grasp the issue of materialism abstractly; these videos seem to be just what I was looking for.
@Oryon7 5 лет назад
Great, but this series needs a real marketing push, with actual ads. These videos and word of mouth are fine, but until a certain threshold, it's just "preaching to the choir." Still, I'm sure the matter of origins weighs heavily on every mind out there. Most would probably challenge the prevailing evolution worldview, given the resources and a bit of (internal and external) courage.
@psychvision101 5 лет назад
I agree. RU-vid advertising is relatively cheap. £50 can sometimes get well over 10K views. If they pour £500 into it they'll tens of thousands if not more. I hope they don't waste the big potential of this series
@is-be6725 5 лет назад
What is matter?
@JacksonRubem 5 лет назад
Excellent video. The arguments are perfect.
@ThatReadingGuy28 5 лет назад
This is really great!!
3 года назад
So beautiful! 👏👏
@wisewoman4950 4 года назад
I love this so much. 😁💃❤️
@garycottreau8442 5 лет назад
Nicely done.
@ari.mann. 3 года назад
There are many shades of grey in this debate (not every materialist commits to things such as no free will and love being an "illusion") Just because you want to let off some steam doesn't mean you make straw men to fight against..
@kelleyunger9566 5 лет назад
Great job by my colleagues. Can't wait to see all the videos. Hope that the message gets out broadly. I am not a materialist and I will be quiet no longer...
@Ethernet480 2 года назад
The equivocation is crippling….yikes
@seanhammer6296 5 лет назад
Ancient philosophy has it that the Cosmic Mind (God) divided itself into two parts, the energetic or spiritual and the material. The material form of God was considered feminine, from which all life physical forms are born. Hence the word "material" comes from the same root as "maternal." So now you know. Cheers
@superckn7 5 лет назад
Most Excellent!!!!! RnMT
@emilymorales5887 5 лет назад
Much needed message for today’s youth. Thank you.
@John14-6... 3 года назад
Neil Degrasse Tyson says question everything but don't try to question his beliefs
@computerflight2145 3 года назад
He never said not to question his beliefs.
@lancegab Год назад
@@computerflight2145 You can question anything about him. Just don't expect to get a chance to talk. (I'm a materialist, but he comes across as condescending and self-important.)
@FRN2013 5 лет назад
Very well done! Thank you for putting this together.
@justjudge6154 3 года назад
This video is good!👍
@blackrain303 5 лет назад
Col 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
@christiandehlinger3731 2 года назад
Maybe I am just not getting it but what is the reason for the mask? I believe the presentation would be better without the mask and the background noise lowered.
@jerubaal3333 3 года назад
GOD bless U 4 this! I am on your side of the Conflict!
@louiselacaille3921 5 лет назад
Beautiful and thought-provoking - I look forward to hearing more. It is a terrible lie that materialism has disproved religion or that science has disproved God.
@traditionalcatholic4275 5 лет назад
Scince Has Not dis-proven GOD.
@geobla6600 5 лет назад
Excellent video. Just another example of the complete failure of Materialism to explain these unique human traits such as self sacrifice that comes from love of both family or strangers or the extreme risk that many will put themselves into save a stranger and 100's of other traits that are counter-intuitive to a theory that should show humans as selfish , disinterested to their fellow man unless theirs some specific self rewarding gain, or the lack of traits such as empathy , honesty , caring , humor that are nothing more then "Weaknesses" which have no use in the purpose specific "Survival of the Fittest" . Sam Harris's comment really shows the simplistic mindset when he states that it's just an illusion. Not a surprise though , since much of their explanations are in fact just an illusion.
@plightweisgoff 5 лет назад
All of these traits can be accounted for in an evolutionary framework. We are socially adept, intensely planning creatures whose survival relies upon communication and cooperation with other human beings. Your misrepresentation of our nature is baseless.
@dazedmaestro1223 5 лет назад
@@plightweisgoff, a question; why do we have to reproduce?
@kcp2967 5 лет назад
Well done video!
@brycew2 2 года назад
Richard "two sisters can get married" Dawkins
@kaldrake2167 5 лет назад
"I don't like materialism, therefore it's not true!!" Theists always resort to emotional appeal and fear because they have no evidence for their beliefs.
@krisc6216 5 лет назад
If someone feels that the materialism viewpoint doesn't resonate with their conviction, why do they always have to bel labelled as 'theists'; That is so irrelevant. It's narrow minded. Evidence for beliefs? really? The big bang, is merely a theory. The evolution of species is merely a theory... all without evidence. Yet it is in all fcking schoolbooks. Our children are being fed ungrounded nonsense.
@LogosTheos 5 лет назад
False. Theists argue against it. There are very powerful arguments against materialism from science and philosophy.
@lynnewhelden 5 лет назад
We will be quiet no longer.
@wanderingwade8877 5 лет назад
I love the sign. All matter matters!
@larrypanellajazzsaxophone8013 2 года назад
Please fix the typos in the subtitles. Good stuff, but such a detail ought not to be left untended.
@allenrhoades8482 5 лет назад
Great Video! I have had the discussion several times questioning how it is valid to believe in materialism when so much actual observation/experiment based science depends on math which is abstract. There is no geometric point in the physical world - no line, no equilateral triangle...
@dialecticalspectacle 4 года назад
The production value here is great. Christians are stepping up their games. It’s almost as if our souls depend on it. ☦️🙏❤️
@lancegab Год назад
The propaganda game has been upped as if their bank accounts depend on it...
@LD-Orbs 5 лет назад
"How do they know the cosmos is all there is..." - the first question is the key, especially that little word, *know*.
@NathanThompsonBlueEyes 5 лет назад
@@charleyhorse612 The scientists claiming materialism is the only thing...
@Sportliveonline 4 года назад
Emergence and paradigm shift ~~~ keep dialogue
@danielastorga2296 3 года назад
there's so much editing the video gets hard to watch
@jamieedwards9662 5 лет назад
Testing. EDIT: Frickin cowards, not allowing any comments?! But I thought your beliefs had to be tested to prove to Yahweh that you love him more than anything.
@vampyricon7026 5 лет назад
I see yours.
@Denastus 8 месяцев назад
At what point does this video not become sensationalist?
@rburl5520 5 лет назад
Outstanding work! This is an exciting new series. I'd call it: "Let's get real!" -DB
@davethesid8960 2 месяца назад
The sheer ability to say I or me requires consciousness.
@wombatfive4311 5 лет назад
It’s a good start. I hope subsequent episodes will put some meat on this endoskeleton. Perhaps we can get a die-hard materialist to attempt to explain consciousness or sentience.
@vrygar9445 3 года назад
It’s so perfect how Psalm 14:1 sums up all of these evidences of God’s creation.
@lancegab Год назад
In Psalm 14:1, someone wrote "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good". Am I misunderstanding (because I don't see any evidence)? This verse seems to be saying that if someone thinks that there is no god, they are incapable of doing good. Are you convinced of this?
@reasonforge9997 4 года назад
WHO is the self an illusion to?
@HopDavid 5 лет назад
Self proclaimed skeptics will tell us "Question everything." Question everything unless it's invented history slamming religion. Time and time again Tyson has told cautionary tales against religion based on falsehoods. For example he tells us the Islamic Golden Age came to an end when Hamid al Ghazali wrote that math is the work of the devil. Except that Ghazali never wrote that. Nor did Islamic innovation end with Ghazali. The father of symbolic algebra was born three centuries after Ghazali's death, for example. These "skeptics" are perfectly happy to swallow bull shit if it seems to support their personal prejudices. Tyson has done more to discredit James Randi than a hostile challenger could ever hope to do. For more on Tyson see hopsblog-hop.blogspot.com/2016/01/fact-checking-neil-degrasse-tyson.html
@LoveYourNeighbour. 5 лет назад
It seems to me that skeptics are sometimes not skeptical ENOUGH. If they WERE, they might be open to being skeptical of THEIR OWN skepticism. The origin of life is a prime example of this. The odds of a naturalistic origin of first life is BY FAR beyond reasonable probability - and yet they persist in their faith that it MUST have happened, without a Creator. I guess I'd call it "selective skepticism."
@jeroenvdbart4809 4 года назад
This is why post materialistic science has to replace materialistic science a science that studies non physical phenomena
@andreahorst8482 5 лет назад
I will use this in my English class next year. For summer reading the students are assigned "Call of the Wild," a novel with a very materialist, Darwinian perspective. (Naturalism literary genre) When I follow with this video, it will generate great discussion and writing.
@TH-nx9vf 5 лет назад
Don't fall into the first trap of materialism: asking whether or not there is anything beyond the material world. This is to already assume that there is some coherent or complete notion of what the material world is. But the fact is that no basis for something called 'matter' has ever been established and it's hard to even conceive of what such a foundation would consist of. Even if you were to conceive of such a foundation that conception would still be a subset of mind, the experience of which is immaterial.
@crystalcat1317 5 лет назад
I find materialism total gaslighting.
@Hhjhfu247 2 года назад
Anyone who defend materialism/physicalism/naturalism doesn't deserve to be called a human.
@lancegab Год назад
ROTFL. Which scientific theory hurt you so badly, bud?
@springinfialta106 2 года назад
"The cosmos is about the smallest hole a man can stick his head in." G. K. Chesterton
@CryptoCryoto 5 лет назад
Follow the truth where ever it may take you.
@zachhays9974 5 лет назад
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous decades of its existence.” - Nikola Tesla
@Farmhouse1986 5 лет назад
Is that a real quote?
@SomeChristianGuy. 5 лет назад
Excellent start.
@zgobermn6895 5 лет назад
Count me in! Awesome.
@markkennedy1743 5 лет назад
"The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good" - Psalm 14:1
@harrisonparsons9178 3 года назад
It’s sad people being lead astray ☹️ I’m currently in yr12 learning biology and chemistry. I questioned the theory of evolution stating that wouldn’t it be impossible for a beneficial mutation to occur In a organism. I think it would be beneficial to learn about the For and against scientific arguments against evolution in school.
@computerflight2145 3 года назад
You already do... There are no scientific arguments against that stand up to the normal scientific scrutinty required for a science classroom. So you do already hear all the scientific arguments for and against.
@lancegab Год назад
@@computerflight2145 Somebody needs to stop listening to what ID proponents around them keep saying to each other, and actually do some studying. Look at studies on bacteria and flies - we've evolved new species with beneficial mutations, in front of our eyes.
@zachhays9974 5 лет назад
This is very interesting!
@leandrosilvagoncalves1939 4 года назад
You guys needs to interview Bernardo Kastrup. Heavyweight idealism that knocks out materialism once and for all
@Sportliveonline 4 года назад
we are the creators of words ~~~
@mrsmith9882 5 лет назад
I always smile inside myself , when I hear atheists argue , or justify their disbelief in God, utilizing science. I sit and think my heart "who do they think created Science?". I have NO DOUBT God is real. I have had two NDEs in my life. I have seen the Father and the Son sitting on their gold thrones, and both of them had brilliant crowns!
@jensswales 4 года назад
too much annoying sound effects... 😖
@onestepaway3232 4 года назад
Still waiting for someone to hold and touch my mind.
Woke People Making FOOLS Of Themselves...
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