
Mid-East Prophecy Update - October 9th, 2016 

J.D. Farag
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@framefamily1 8 лет назад
Thank you so much for your ministry. You make prophecy clear and understandable for us. It's a privilege to hear your weekly update.
@eslteacher6223 8 лет назад
Amen!! I couldn't agree more!
@3962_ 8 лет назад
ESLteacher62 My husband is an ESL teacher also. God bless U
@ESLteacher62 8 лет назад
Thank you +Niki Northfell - best job I ever had. I hope to get back into it again. I had to stop for awhile :(.
@Soyun80 8 лет назад
Thank you very much Pastor! Never stop doing these prophecies updates. God bless you
@kelekia1 8 лет назад
lOVE THIS PROPHECY REPORT!!! Time to get busy and share Jesus with as many people as we can!!!
@foggyrange 8 лет назад
So glad to hear you will keep up with Bible Prophecy Updates.
@faithwendtkoch2012 8 лет назад
Thank you, Pastor J.D., for always having the Prophecy every time you have a sermon. Ready - waiting - looking UP! Maranatha!
@ripcord991 8 лет назад
Amen brother JD! Phenomenal message this week! Gave me goose bumps! Please Lord!! Come quickly!
@terri8198 8 лет назад
So exciting to see JD's happiness! We are going home soon.
@helenb8546 8 лет назад
So wonderful to hear a great man of wisdom and God's truths through you Pastor J.D. Praying for you and your family.. See you in the air soon.
@whitepunksvevo1343 8 лет назад
Thank you for you teaching. though I live thousands of miles away , I almost consider myself a member of your house of worship. I look forward every Sunday regardless of what other obligations I may have to tune in.
@monicalovesjesus1231 8 лет назад
I'm glad you are sharing information. There are no US news people talking about anything important.
@bettydemars1386 8 лет назад
I look so forward to your prophecy updates. The Lord is using you to guide his sheep and get ready for their future with Him. Thank you so much Pastor.
@RangerPuff 8 лет назад
Thank you, Pastor JD. I appreciate you so much. God bless you.
@paulgreig294 8 лет назад
Keep pressing in JD you are a very tenacious servant for our Lord. Your reward awaits you!
@michaelmorris6575 8 лет назад
Thank you for your words. I am always encouraged when I listen to you
@phillipjoy8191 8 лет назад
Thanks for keeping us updated.
@ozepilot1 8 лет назад
I am listening here too from Australia. Thankyou JD for what you do. Through you God gives me hope to keep going. Amen
@firstonesaved 8 лет назад
I so look forward to your updates every Sunday. Thank you Pastor
@ESLteacher62 8 лет назад
We are so fortunate that he gives us updates!
@jacquelinew.7808 8 лет назад
What a shame that we as Christians are so picky about the decision a church uses for a background at the podium. It's too blue and hard on the eyes and now it's too gray, looks like a cave, etc. I am grateful for the prophecy updates and could careless if it's easy on my eyes or not. I log on to listen to what he has to share about current times and the Word of God. As my husband's Canadian grandmother would say, "A blind man would love to see that." P.S. there may come a day we won't be able to watch any prophecy updates as it may be banned to share the Bible.
@eslteacher6223 8 лет назад
Amen to that!!!!!!
@eslteacher6223 8 лет назад
+mountaintruth1 - True!
@christineadams1284 8 лет назад
Amen, great comment. God Bless 🙏🙏🙏💗💗
@CorasSong 8 лет назад
I get what you're saying, but one split second glance at that blue screen split my head in two. Some of us are very ill and can't handle the contrast. I listen to it more than watch, but sometimes he has visuals up and I don't want to miss them. I'm glad it doesn't hurt your eyes. You are blessed. Please be kind to those of us who are not so blessed with health as you are. I feel bad that I couldn't handle the colors enough as it is. Please don't shame me. I thought I would kindly ask them if they could tone it down so my brain doesn't fritz on me. You are right, what he says is so much more important than what he looks like. But we sick people still must load the video and check in on the visuals he puts up on the screen. To give you an example of how it affected us, it would be like a high pitched screeching sound blasting in the background as you tried to listen to him. I get what you are saying. I do. Just please try to be a little more respectful of the rest of us. I am ok with the gray background. I just couldn't handle that blue one.
@jacquelinew.7808 8 лет назад
CorasSong - I wasn't shaming you and I'm sorry you thought I was. Today there were folks making comments about the gray background in a negative way. It's like the church can't win on their background; that's why I made the comment. I'm sorry your health is not well and I will be praying for you and I'm sorry you thought I was directing the comment towards you. It was towards the general public who complained about their background with both colors.
@mcddsl 8 лет назад
Thanks for the change in background lighting! So much easier to watch
@suekedi5579 8 лет назад
Your humor is great! Thank you for your wonderful work!
@sylviarivera776 8 лет назад
God bless everyone, One of this days, Soon! We will be singing " Hallelujah to the Lamb of God". before His Throne, that's one choir I'm going to be part of! And you as well.. Praise The Lamb of God! Our King And Savior.. "" Jesuschrist ""
@jadaparks8047 8 лет назад
Sylvia Rivera Amen, my dearest sister--- but SOON ain't SOON ENOUGH 4 me!! Love you dearly. How are you today?😘
@sylviarivera776 8 лет назад
Jada parks= I'm fine, thank you.. May the Love of God! surround you, and your family.
@ESLteacher62 8 лет назад
+Jada Parks - Maybe it'll be tonight before the debate starts!! I'm ready!
@maryfelder255 8 лет назад
Sylvia Rivera n
@jadaparks8047 8 лет назад
ESLteacher62 ohhhhh, would that be FUN!!!! I WOULD LOVEEEEE THAT ( all caps because I am just so excited!!! ).
@dannashivley2097 8 лет назад
Just now started watching but want to comment how much better I like the new neutral background in the video. Much better. Thank you.
@reneeandelin2590 8 лет назад
Danna Shivley We all know how the world revolves around you so glad you like it. Don't worry about the other 52k folks. It never ceases to amaze me what people worry about vs focusing on the message. Like wow he talks fast, his suit looks wrinkled, he sounds like he's from the south. REALLY? How about letting the spirit speak with you. Close your eyes if it helps.
@dannashivley2097 8 лет назад
Renee' Andelin wow Renee. What's your problem. My comment was not directed to you or about you. This one is however. Go eat a Snickers bar. Or take a nap. Do whatever it takes in order for you not to sound so hateful and angry. Good day.
@sufficientgrace8375 8 лет назад
Well said !
@cinderellsworth 8 лет назад
+Creative Space 100% agree with you! It is so awesome that they ended up getting in the new building on the ORIGINAL projected date! How often does THAT happen on a construction project of ANY size in the REAL world?! Such a wonderful surprise miracle from God! I love this church from afar, I'm afraid. I live in Idaho, but I consider Pastor Farag to be my Pastor. I've been "coming" to church here for over four years now. It's by FAR the BEST church I've ever attended! God bless, CS. Peace~~
@angel45427 8 лет назад
I like it when its lit up blue :-)
@MegaHOCKEY09 8 лет назад
Dig your new bldg JD👍 God bless all my little brothers and sisters in Hawaii 😘
@awalkinthesuncle 8 лет назад
I love the background. It reminds me that God is my Rock and my Fortress.
@jadaparks8047 8 лет назад
@markbyford8016 8 лет назад
+Linda MacIntyre And we hear nothing on the BBC about missiles on the Polish border. We cannot trust any western media.
@markbyford8016 8 лет назад
Agreed I am glad Putin has the patience to forbare with western leaders.
@marisolpearls9276 8 лет назад
Very timely message and warning. Thank you. God bless you and yours always!
@CorasSong 8 лет назад
Thank you so much for changing the color of the background. It's so much easier on my diseased eyes. I really appreciate it. Can't wait to get my new eyes and my new glorified body!! Thank you, Pastor Farag, for bringing such a great reminder of the Blessed Hope to me every week! I look forward to your videos! Maranatha!
@lydiaharvey2328 8 лет назад
Glory to our Lord and Savior. Jesus.
@eslteacher6223 8 лет назад
And the media remains silent :(.
@jadaparks8047 8 лет назад
ESLteacher62 That's what so scary about it...... so clandestine & sneaky!
@ESLteacher62 8 лет назад
+Jada Parks - Thank God that he has given us believers discernment. I couldn't bear this current situation without my faith in God and the promises He has given us!! God bless!
@elaineshealy8175 8 лет назад
Praise the Lord for you and others who give us the truth....Keep preaching Brother...Your reward will be great....
@flofloat5951 8 лет назад
Thank you pastor Farag... God bless you!
@allywolf9182 8 лет назад
Looking up baaaabeeeee! It's getting ready to happen....see ya upstairs! And keep those updates coming my friend
@AbaloneKid 8 лет назад
Pastor Farag; Thank you for keeping us well tuned for the call of Jesus to come up. And while we have breaths to breath, inspire us to share the Gospel with the world, in your faithful invitation to all lost sinners to come to Jesus and believe: " Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also you have received, and in which you stand; By which also you are saved, if you keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless you have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: and that he was seen of Peter, then of the Twelve....." 1 Cor.15:1-5 " But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe." Galatians 3:22 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" Romans 3:23 " the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23 "That if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved" Romans 10:9-10. GOING HOME TO GLORY Like John and perhaps Paul as well who went up to the 3rd Heaven we too will be called, perfected and transported UP (the dead in Christ first and the living right after) and after meeting Jesus in the air will be escorted to Heaven and into the presence of our Father and all heavens creatures and angels will greet us. It is imminent! THIS IS ESSENTIAL for the Christian to live in the Holy Spirit and be filled daily, and share the Gospel ready to be called up to meet Jesus Christ in the air. This is the state of a educated believer who lives as though life here is but for a moment in time and service to God for eternities record book; The Lambs Book of Life. Looking for Antichrist is the only option for those misinformed and misguided Christians who continue to debate and deny what scriptures clearly encourage. Titus 2: 13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; 14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. 15 These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee. Rev.3: 10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. 1 Thess.5: 8 But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. 9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him. 1 Thess. 1: 10 And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, [even] Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come. Rom.5: 1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: 2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Rom.8: (Our blessed hope comes with this foundation in Christ) 28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Chaim, least
@patsymontoya2467 8 лет назад
This one was Oh so Powerful!!!! I couldn't even finish my morning coffee. It went cold. Had to drop to my knees and pray.
@savedbyhisgrace7572 8 лет назад
Thank you JD! Another informative update!!! Ps Thankyou for changing the background colour.... this is much better on my eyes 😀
@prupoo2 8 лет назад
Keep doing what you do JD,its so important ,I pray for you and some other Pastors and all your families,I cant do much but this I can do!
@gerardadejongbartels7137 8 лет назад
sorry,wrong comment.love JD and his church wish I could be part of it.
@rogerharper47 8 лет назад
Thank you for keeping us informed brother, always look forward to your updates. God bless you, we are most certainly close!
@KimAllen777 8 лет назад
Thank you once again! I just love the background of the video's, I cannot get used to the difference lol. what a fabulous church building!!!!!
Greetings from Kent, U.K. Blessings sent to all of you there in Hawaii.
@alanfromenglandcamino7149 8 лет назад
I really liked the background colour and texture of the old sanctuary,but I love your prophecy updates wherever you are pastor!
@tammypaul9725 8 лет назад
so ready too see Jesus
@Psalm125v1 8 лет назад
Wake Up, Church! Wake up, Church! He's coming soonAnd we must all be ready Let's put our hands to the plough, dear saintsAnd keep our courses steady Though the times are evil, the days so shortWe must not be distracted There's even yet more souls to reachWhose lives must be impacted With the Gospel, the Word of Life,So that when that trumpet's sounded Their faith and trust are firm in HimAnd cannot be confounded. And what of us?When He returns, what will He find us doing? Oh, how we need to redeem the timeAnd stop our to-ing and fro-ing! Let's make sure our lives are rightAnd we've forgiven those who've hurt us For otherwise we'll have no restAnd satan disconcert us As far as it depends on usWe must make our peace with others All His attributes displayMy sisters and my brothers It won't be long, dear brethrenUntil He comes again And when that wondrous day arrivesWe'll shout a loud Amen! Sally Richardson received November 4 2014
@hamrobert1469 8 лет назад
Thank you Pastor J.D. for the update. I've seen this news with Russia warning the U.S. administration. Crazy times. But exciting. Our redemption is possibly very near, and we will soon see our King Yahshua. Hallelu-Yah.
@sufficientgrace8375 8 лет назад
I LOVE Pastor JD's humour ! Just love it !!!!!!
@allyeddy4080 8 лет назад
Maranatha, maranatha, maranatha pastor JD
@leigh8324 8 лет назад
Wow God bless you....what a mighty message. your sister in Christ from South Africa!!
@robertfieldsgreenridge900 8 лет назад
laughed so much at you portraying the Father's reaction to Hillary winning. loved it! Just had lunch with my mother and I told her we both laughed. Our lords tomb is empty and he knows all. glory to him that sits on the throne. thank you to you and the church there and online for your hard work for the kingdom. thanks Robert in Alabama
@sirmuff01 8 лет назад
Thank you and God continue to give eyes to see and ears to hear in Jesus name Amen.
@MrPaxton3 8 лет назад
Hold fast my friend, You are heard every week in Globe Arizona.
@ruthfreeman864 8 лет назад
thank you Pastor JD I so much look forward to your update every week and I am glad you change the background color of the Rock it is much better although it is a little bit too close to the color of your shirt it is much better
@lifeinbobbysworld5415 8 лет назад
2 Timothy 1:7King James Version (KJV) 7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
@joannemodine2533 8 лет назад
Awesome update! Do you know that the Jewish year that began at Rosh Hashanah is 5777. Is that cool or what! Tomorrow night starts Yom Kippur here. So far this year, very strangely I must say, more people have been out and about and sticking closer to their families! Keep up the good reporting Pastor J.D.
@carolgwilt5911 8 лет назад
brother JD I too can not wait!!!!!!
@sharynjackson8158 8 лет назад
Thank you for your report.
@cjmballers3035 8 лет назад
new church looks great
@emersonpai 8 лет назад
Do Brasil orando, peace!!!Mahanata my Lord!!!
@kevingilbert7893 8 лет назад
thanks for natural color on background
@dakotaladd2161 8 лет назад
Amen Jesus is coming soon God bless everyone
@DaddySarah 8 лет назад
Sound guys PLEASE watch a few videos on "compressor/limiter" settings. It sounds bad this week. Its called "Breathing" please look it up. It sounded great last week so I know the equipment can set correctly. Sincerely, a fellow sound guy.
@heartstrings4574 8 лет назад
Felipe Kennedy I didn't know they already voted. I thought it was middle of oct. good to know. Thanks for the info. :)
@ruthfreeman864 8 лет назад
Pastor JD... question ... we have seen some radical Islam activity in the United States but not as much as the rest of the world.... and since most of us believe our president is a Muslim I'm inclined to believe when he leaves office that the radical Islam followers in our country will cut loose do you think that could be the case
@millenniumman75 8 лет назад
Keep sounding the alarm! We need to be reminded that God is in control no matter what! It's a reminder to humble ourselves to the One who has been watching over His children. He doesn't want the complacent; He wants the aware!
@agodbee3847 8 лет назад
for what you say, you forget Psalm 83 occurring BEFORE Ezekiel 38 since Israel is not without walls etc.
@knorwood2100 8 лет назад
god bless you.love the vid
@knorwood2100 8 лет назад
hell no are u stupid
@pearlyq3560 8 лет назад
Oh my word! I had no idea Putin said, "Prepare for the war with the West". AND.... the crooked media does NOT report this??!! America and the world needs TRUMP RIGHT NOW!!! Thank you Pastor Farag. You are beautiful. I apologize about the aquarium comments last week, you know I was just kidding. Congrats on your beautiful new church!! Keep teaching truth. I don't care if you report to me out of a paper bag, I will be there!! LOVE YOU and Kanaohe church so much. God bless you all! XOXO...
@whitenative4907 8 лет назад
Very profound.
@juliepoulson7139 8 лет назад
can you put closed captioned so we can read it thank you
@jacquigilpin7941 8 лет назад
Obama at the U.N King of the world ma !! Lord protect us all.
@Bubleone1 8 лет назад
I can't wait, I can't wait, I know we all wish we knew the date But God in His wisdom knew how we'd be We would all want to go.. now! to be with Thee! I can't wait, I can't wait, for the rapture and enter heaven's gate! But God........! Has His plan, of that we can be sure We must have our oil ready, we need nothing more. He will not delay, for one day we shall all 'fly away' I can't wait I can't wait, those who belong to Him will never be late. K.Arnold.
@ZeusMossbender 8 лет назад
On September 26, 2016 Donald Trump assured Hillary Clinton that should she succeed, he would support her administration. Maranatha.
@jadaparks8047 8 лет назад
Zeus Mossbender 😱 WHAT? Hmmmmm, very interesting. Aloha, Brother Zeus.
@ZeusMossbender 8 лет назад
Jada Parks There is no truth in either if these "candidates", and they will both go so far as to swear to it on the Living Word should they "win". At the end of the last debate, Lester Holt asked Trump if he would support Hillary if she wins. Trump said "yes". Why is this fact being ignored? It is being ignore because people do not want to forsake the TRADITIONS OF MEN. To all who have decided to cast their lot in with one of these "candidates", dare to read Psalm 119:113 & James 1:8 before participating in this "election". Maranatha!
@jadaparks8047 8 лет назад
Zeus Mossbender MARANATHA indeed. I am registered to VOTE. I should write MY name on the ballot and put a "check mark" by my own name. I tell you, this is SAD beyond belief. We should count those who are with YESHUA blessed because they do not have to go through this hell.
@angel45427 8 лет назад
they were both asked if they would support the other. what else was he going to say?
@CaptainKetchup 8 лет назад
I truly disagree with your stance with voting. For my own personal reasons I don't approve of both the current candidates and will abstain from voting . I don't understand why your making it seem as if God will be angry at me or anyone because they didn't vote. Why would you even insist on that kind of pressure on people is beyond me . It seems your putting your personal opinion on not voting to people but using God to inforce that opinion is wrong. Its a small disagreement with you but I will still continue to enjoy your videos.
@bjhart9681 8 лет назад
@danndo63 8 лет назад
?????? ??????? No it's just that voting for one candidate will probably help us keep our freedom to worship God in public longer nothing more.
@eslteacher6223 8 лет назад
You can always pray about it and ask what GOD would want you to do and who HE wants to be put into office rather than making it about what YOU think or who you like or don't like. If every American had your point of view, it would be like handing over this country to someone who would carry on with the current policies that have gotten us into this mess we are in right now. Plus, us Americans are counting on YOU as an American - a resident of this awesome country - to participate with us and take care of your civic duty to vote the right person into office - there's so much at stake right now! People need to vote - our future will be affected by who we vote - Plus, it's our God given right to vote. It's Every eligible voter's responsibility. Think of your children and grand children! This has been said to you with all due respect. God bless!
@ireneabbott 8 лет назад
Not voting or voting for a third party is a vote for the Democratic party who put us into a very big mess. I might not be very happy with Trump's demeanor or way in which he approaches some things, but I do think that he loves this country and is going to do what he can to bring back an America that we all grew up in. The present situation is so dire that we will cease to exist as a free country if Hillary has her way. This election is a very critical one. Not voting because we don't want to condone what another sinner, such as we all are, does simply puts our pride ahead of our intellect.
@CaptainKetchup 8 лет назад
I see I stirred up a debate. People one man cannot fix what America has become. I have no faith in our government. This country has allowed gay marriage , abortions and many more. This country praises transgenders for being who they are. Donald trump is not going to fix this country and why is that? It is because America doesn't deserve Gods blessing any longer. I am no one to say such a thing but if you look at how America is turning its back on God so much ,you would understand. Only on person can right all the wrongs In this world and that person is Jesus. Remember people this is election season, the season where men/woman politics will say and do anything to win. People are foolish enough to fall for it. Many many many skeletons are being pulled out the closet for each candidate and yet people knew about these secrets for awhile. Why release their secretes now? Just for the sake of getting elected? How evil is that! There are people who know the truth about Hilary and Donald but sit on it for sinister reasons. People cant you see how politics divides people. Don't let these people tickle your ears.
@michaelbryan5929 8 лет назад
I believe in Jesus Christ and the Bible is now coming to pass now and his words are forever.
@kentignore 8 лет назад
@JudithTheROSE 8 лет назад
Holy Spirit gave me the number 70 today
@kamenidriss 8 лет назад
How to be ready for the rapture? I've asked Jesus to save me every single week, but I dont feel like anything has changed. I'm still just a guy who's struggling with a lot of sinful habits. I dont want to be left behind and destroyed eternally.
@reyelfather 8 лет назад
repent daily and trust in the lord its not about your works but what jesus has already done for you on the cross. remember this "God has toss your sins as as east is to West." when you repent the only one keeping count of your past sins is you God already removed they out of his sight also remember this " the steps of a righteous man are Guided by the Lord though he stumbles he never falls for the Lord has invited right hand." also read Ezekiel chapter 18
@ESLteacher62 8 лет назад
+Andrew Michael - Just a loving suggestion for you RE: your asking Jesus to save you every single week. You only need to say the salvation prayer one time and be sure you "believe it" in your heart. Repeating the prayer could indicate to God that you may not fully trust in his promises. Please don't take this as criticism, because it's not meant that way at all. I remember being uncertain in the beginning of my spiritual walk as well. Please be sure to spend some time in His Word, get to know it and Him well so that your faith will grow. Then, you will start to see little changes in your heart and thinking, etc. It takes time to grow your faith, but please don't wait. The more you get to know Him, the more confident you will become in your salvation. You can get ready for the rapture simply by showing him you want to know him better, put in some real effort to learn His word and as a result, the Word of God will be planted in your heart so you will always have it. We REALLY need His Word right now in these trying times. You can't lose your salvation. If you ask Him for help with the struggles you have with sinful habits, he will help you overcome them. He fully understands our sinful nature and that we live in a fallen world (everyone who is born into this world has a sinful nature, so be sure to understand that all of us have struggles like what you described - but you no longer have to be a slave to them - he WILL help you change your ways, but you have to want to change, etc.). The Bible is full of great wisdom and stories about many people and their struggles with sin. His Word is alive and has such power! Anyway, I just wanted to encourage you a little bit. If you aren't seeing change or if you continue to have doubts, pleases just tell him exactly what's in your heart! He already knows your heart, but he wants you to depend on Him to guide you. God bless you! It sounds like you are on the right track!
@jadaparks8047 8 лет назад
Andrew Michael Andrew, if you have asked GOD to save you. and believe in the atoning work of CHRIST on your behalf then you are SAVED and prepared to go UP--- it's not based on FEELINGS but in what JESUS DID & SAID. To be honest with you, some days I "feel" like a christian and MOST days, I don't. I have been saved over 45+ years and I have not arrived at PERFECTION. I still struggle with sin and I am an old lady now. You ARE NEVER GONNA BE PERFECT IN THIS LIFE, DEAR BROTHER. It is FACT+FAITH then FEELINGS!!! Allow your soul to REST & be at PEACE "in" CHRIST. The bottom line is you are struggling with BELIEF/FAITH. I used to be like that too. Every week asking JESUS to "save" me but not "feeling" saved. JESUS is more than able to SAVE you and HE has saved you IF you have truly turned to HIM to "rescue" you. I just prayed for you. May GOD give you assurance in that BLESSED ASSURANCE of the peace that comes in "KNOWING" , without a shadow of doubt, that YOU ARE HIS CHILD. Love you, dearly my brother. YOU ARE SAVED!!!!
@eslteacher6223 8 лет назад
+Jada Parks This is true!
@TreeTop1947 8 лет назад
Very well said, Sister Pam! TreeTop
@yeshua31617 8 лет назад
wow its happening before our very eyes
@pmurphey6794 8 лет назад
Pastor J.D., We have been through a lot of anxiety, At 71yrs. old i can't name all the boogie men but since al queda,sp? isis ,isil, my thought that the new one is Russia. If you care to see a perspective of why i feel this way please look a Israeli News Live with Steven Ben Nun Christian Jew wife Yana Christian Russian living in Czech Republic. When the finger starts pointing left we might want to look right, ya know. thanks for ypur energy, peggy
@oncehadacoolname 8 лет назад
Interesting coincidence, here in Nevada the USAF was doing a lot of training dropping nuclear bombs form bombers. It has been said that it is 'retinue' exercises.
@neilrogerful 8 лет назад
Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; 9And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Satan has all the countries and world leaders following him. But brethen let us follow the word of God the God we can trust
@bjhart9681 8 лет назад
JD, they have chosen Gutierez from Portugal to be secretary general-if our President hits israel hard,we are in extremely perilous times as a nation; i don't see Ezekiel 38 happening until mid-trib
@cornerstoneinme 8 лет назад
Finally we are reaching the time of bringing in The Harvest. This is just the beginning of The End. This is the time to see who we are. Am I a follower of Jesus? Will I bring in The Harvest. Maybe I will be afraid and loose my salvation? Who am I?
@jadaparks8047 8 лет назад
leif helles What are you talking about, "lose your salvation" -- either ya' saved or ya' ain't!!! IF GOD "saved" you then HE IS MORE THAN ABLE TO "KEEP" you!!!!
@titelcat 8 лет назад
The UN just elected a new Secretary General this October. THe length of the term is five years. Not sure about whether there is a way to remove a currently serving individual. And of course, there is always the possibility of an untimely death.
@carolmaule8449 8 лет назад
Amen, a lame duck is never in a good mood. What with limping around the other ducks might think he is weak. Watch and pray, business as usual. Blessed day to all !
@darkwing2525 8 лет назад
14:30 AMEN!!!
@edwardmcdonagh1118 8 лет назад
@testpattern99 8 лет назад
Pastor JD, words you will never hear from YHWH. Huh, I didn't see that coming....
@bjhart9681 8 лет назад
Don't agree Ezekiel 38 is happening now
@randallb8564 8 лет назад
I think that Ezek 38 is beginning to be fulfilled - the pieces are being moved into place. I do believe that Ps 83 happens first - so that is getting REALLY close. When you see Christmas decorations in the stores you know Labor Day is almost here.
@dfair 8 лет назад
I actually liked the color background 😕
@maudiepoot1 8 лет назад
your shirt was a failure....a good sniper can still see you move.
@michaelm.4680 8 лет назад
There is a big difference between the people of Isreal and the government of Isreal thats what most don't ever differentiate. They aren't one in the same. Just like here in the US.
@dontno8194 8 лет назад
I here u about the vote amen
@barbarahedges1791 8 лет назад
Where is our beautiful blue back ground ?
@barbarahedges1791 8 лет назад
or will it change to different colors ?
@dave33st 8 лет назад
Mr. Farag, Unfortunately, the Trump endorsements, on your part, has not been address. I can respect someone who doesn't mix politics and faith. But, if one is to combine them, we better be certain of who we are cheering for. Endorsing someone as dirty as Trump, is not Christ like, in my opinion. I don't carry a flag for any politicians, but I have common sense and know who is qualified and who is not. You view Trump as a solution to our problems? How can that be so, the man is unqualified, lies in our face, sexually harasses woman, has been divorced 3 times, is an ego maniac, put on the most disgraceful act in American history during the last debate, has golden toilets in his home, has said that not getting STDs has been his personal Vietnam, etc, etc, etc. You keep connecting the dots of current events to bible prophecy, fine, as I said before, I appreciate that. However, God is in control, why get involved in politics. Scripture tells us to pray for our leaders, are you praying for Obama and Clinton, or only for Trump?
@noeleenfalkner4557 8 лет назад
Pastor have you heard about a 90 year old woman's prophecy from 1968 just before this happens jesus comes to extract the christian Paul begley has broadcasted it and has Rabbi Johnathan Cahn
@woffwoff9939 8 лет назад
@pilotmike797 8 лет назад
haha JD does read the comments no more blue screen. Putin don't play homie :)
@mfreaked 8 лет назад
Why doesn't Russia get a RU-vid channel?
@joepalooka9845 8 лет назад
Dont forget about the secret weapons both sides havent told about- thats why they're secret i guess
@dontno8194 8 лет назад
aswell as donor forget that turkey supposed ly took control what month month and half. us.planes with nuke's the supposedly don't have the number code for launch what happened with that
@gldesmarais9356 8 лет назад
PREDICTION: Rapture will occur by September 23, 2017.
@TheLordIsAlmostHere 8 лет назад
By Nov 1st, 2016
@gldesmarais9356 8 лет назад
+Barbara Dickson - There is one character of tribulation that God's children in this age will never have to know, and that is exposure to divine wrath. "God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ." We look for His return as our deliverer from the coming wrath.
@cathilehman-buschmeier5858 8 лет назад
By setting a date contradicts the imminence of what the Bible says about the Rapture occurring at any time.
@gldesmarais9356 8 лет назад
+Barbara Dickson - 1st Thessalonians 4:17, “Then we which are alive and remain shall be CAUGHT UP together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” The Bible is God's word. The Bible teaches that the next event on God's prophetic calendar is for the Lord to return to the earth FOR his own. Jesus came 2,000 years ago TO His own (the Jews), and He will come at the Second Coming WITH His own (after the Tribulation). The Rapture takes place BEFORE the Tribulation, and then 7-years later the Lord returns to the earth with all the saints who were Raptured.
@gldesmarais9356 8 лет назад
+Barbara Dickson - In 1st Thessalonians 4:18, the Bible says to “comfort” one another with these words. Certainly, there would be no comfort knowing that one would have to suffer all the atrocities of the Tribulation Period. It will be a time of woeful torment and misery, unprecedented in human history. Just as God removed Noah and his family before the flood came and the wicked were destroyed, so will He remove the saints from the earth. Just as God removed Lot and his family before Sodom and Gomorrah were utterly destroyed, so will He remove the saints from the earth. God will remove the Church prior to the Tribulation Period.
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