I primi non erano proprio BELLISSIMI, però. Poi, invece, Chloè era bellissima (a parte le calze) ma Marinette sembrava una BARBONA per il cappello. Io non glielo avrei messo.
Whatch at your comments. Do you know what your saying? What's the Yama? OMG!! I'M SERIOUS!! I'M GONNA EXPLODE!! OH MY GOSH... Please just answer my questions okay 😤😤😤😔😔😔
SORRY if I'm bothering you or ... I'm mad at you because....of your comment...ummmm it's just..This....This is ...just myself....All the humans are acting like me sometimes right? Ummmmm I'm so....so....sorry... I'm so sorry for bothering you and getting mad Please forgive me...😔😔😔 Give me another chance please...😞😞😔😔😓😓😓