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I accidentally missed one dose of my Trintellix (Brintellix) medication, and 3 days of bad side effects ensued!
Instagram: @abby.needs.a.nap



21 июл 2016




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@abigail_rebecca 3 года назад
To stay up to date if I haven't posted in a while, you can see me on Instagram: Instagram: @abby.needs.a.nap instagram.com/abby.needs.a.nap/
@masonnikolai6128 4 года назад
To anyone else who reads this... Whatever you do, especially when it comes to psych meds, please do not let somebody else's negative side effects scare you or make you hesitant to try something if other meds have not worked out for you in the past... I've been on Trintellix for over a year now. Personally I was started out at a dosage of 10mg daily because it can potentially upset your stomach (be sure to ALWAYS take food to help reduce getting an upset stomach) however I ever once had any issues with this nor any other side effects whatsoever, so after 3 days my psychiatrist and I were comfortable with raising my dosage to the max dosage of 20mg daily. Even after increasing I did not have any negative side effects at all. That being said, these types of meds in particular can effect one individual completely different than another, nevertheless, Trintellix has saved my life to a certain extent and I strongly incourage people to at least try it. Also, I also have had occasional instances where I forgot to take it one day and had absolutely zero negative effects. At one point (roughly 6-8 months after being on 20mg daily) my doctor had to re-submit a "prior-authorization" request and I ended up having to go 7-8 days without, still absolutely zero side effects, I didn't notice a difference in the way I felt whatsoever. In conclusion, it can most certainly be a frustrating and seemly never ending process when dialing in the right psych meds, however, don't loose hope, there IS the "right" medication for you out there and you will eventually find it and get it dialed in. I salute any and everyone out there struggling with mental illness. It can be very difficult at times but know that there IS a "light at the end of the tunnel" and you WILL make it through it. I wish you all the very best and once more, I salute you all!! -Mason N. from Minnesota, USA
@erick11nov 7 лет назад
That's exactly the same side effects that I'm experiencing right now, cause I missed 1 pill 20 mg Trintellix ( here in British Columbia) Vancouver is Trintellix, I felt very confused, sad all the time , sluggish and lethargic like robot slow motion, good thing it was close to the weekend but even till this minute , I can't go out , I'm feeling little bit better , thanks to this video could realized that I'm not crazy like I thought I was. Thank you so much Abby , congrats about your wedding hopefully you'll find a better quality life with someone that really care and understand anxiety and depression issues. Happiness and the best of the best for you .
@l8rgator 5 лет назад
Oh God i think you just changed my mind about starting this tomorrow again. I thought it was a fluke the first try a couple weeks ago. But that sounds just like my experience. And my fibro went crazy.
@melissalynn690 3 года назад
Hey what dose were you/are on? I'm on 10 mg for 3 months now. I missed yesterday didnt think anything of it. Yesterday evening I started having a awful panic attack and my pulse was 120 and my b0 was 140/111 I was scared for my life! I went to a friend/ nurses home so she could keep an eye on me. I took 3 if my benzos to calm down and my bp was still high. Finally after about 2 hrs it started to come down. And I went home. Never again will I miss a dose
@naylabenyamin9386 8 лет назад
I am so gratefull that you post again about trintelix. ❤️❤️❤️
@karinabarrie4982 8 лет назад
Hi Abby, First, thanks for posting videos about your experience with Trintellix. I am fascinated by that medication, even though I no longer take any psychiatric medications. I eventually found that I am fine without any drugs, but it took some time. I appreciate your courage i sharing about it. I have much to say on the general topic, and I hope it's helpful. The reason I am so interested in Trintellix is that it was eagerly awaited by people who had never had any luck with other antidepressants. It was such a big launch, and hopes were high, but I have yet to see anyone succeed with it. (Well, there is kind of exception, but I don't recommend it.) How I "Research" Psychiatric Remedies Now I would be very cautious about changing to Zoloft. Do all the reading you can before deciding. Of course, read the patient insert and look for anything the FDA has written about it (or the Canadian agency that is similar to the FDA). But also, use a search engine to look for short sentences like "I love zoloft" and "I hate zoloft." Also, "Zoloft ruined my life" and "zoloft withdrawal." Keep going with things that people might say, like "God bless zoloft" "zoloft making me crazy?" or "suicidal on zoloft." Use quotation marks when you only want to see that exact wording. It will give you a broader view of how people react to the drug (or any other drug you care to swap in). Maybe do sertraline, too. The Hard Problems We Face Antidepressant withdrawal is incredibly painful for some people. It is so bad that they give up and stay on the drug in some cases. I hope that is not you. The patient inserts simply do not express what it is really like. Tapering off can make it easier, but there are many research studies that say it makes no difference. One thing I have noticed is that people usually do okay if they have only ever used one antidepressant, and quit. When there is more than one drug involved currently or in the past, it gets weird. Need to Know There's a withdrawal symptom you might never have heard of, and it is worth knowing about, because an incredible number of doctors mistake it for mania, tell you you're actually bipolar, and start you on a whole regimen of even more difficult drugs, including Lithium, mood stabilizers, and antipsychotics. The symptom is "akathisia." Wikipedia does not do it justice. I'll link you to a blog post with a warning that it is kind of scary, and is a worst case scenario. In general, akathisia is experienced as unbearable restlessness. You cannot remain seated and cannot stay lying down. Usually, your mood is terrible, too. There are panicky feelings, or dread, or irritation. Proposed remedies include beta blockers, benzodiazepines, and antihistamines of the Benadryl type. If it happens to you and you go to emergency, it is important that they know what it is they are dealing with. And Not Only That Some people experience plain old mania when they go off an antidepressant. They are often told that the antidepressant "uncovered an underlying illness,” because that is what doctors are taught. There are many reasons to doubt that, and if you study the medical literature, there is plenty of support for the opposite position, which is that going off the drug causes a manic break, just as you had a day of rage followed by a day of extreme sadness when you missed a dose of Trintellix. No, no, no... The reason you do not want to go down the bipolar road is a) that you are not bipolar and b) the drugs are so powerful yet so ineffective that you will likely be on a carousel of changing drugs your whole life. Mood stabilizers are actually anti-seizure drugs, and some of them are MURDER to get off of, and their side effects are disabling. (Topamax is called Stupamax, for example.) Antipsychotics are trying for a new image, but gee whiz, "Abilify" caused akathisia in 25% of the clinical trial patients, and those are lousy odds. Both Abilify and Seroquel cause rapid weight gain, and even diabetes. Seroquel is often prescribed off-label for sleep, and that is a terrible disservice. I noticed that a branch of the US Military published a study that said diabetes and insomnia were correlated among their personnel. They never once said what medication they prescribed for insomnia, but the military down here is notorious for prescribing Seroquel. It looks like they might have a caused diabetes epidemic and can't figure it out. Tragic! My POV I honestly believe that the best thing for almost everyone is to never go on medication except to save their life, and then only at the lowest dose and for a very short time. What we call depression these days is not what it used to be. The old depression saw people starving to death. It didn't mean sadness, it meant depressed functioning, like a depressed economy. They couldn't get out of bed, they stopped talking, bills piled up, the mail piled up, they couldn't care for their children, or do anything. Those are the people that antidepressants were meant for. However, stimulants work too, and despite being dangerous in their own right, do not have so many complicated and mysterious side effects as antidepressants. The rest of us, who are sad, pressured, stressed, anxious, etc., or hate our lives, would do much better to make the hard choices necessary to have lives we do not hate or days that are not stressful. Getting Off an Antidepressant There are some people who espouse a "Prozac bridge" for getting off an SSRI. They switch over to Prozac gradually, and when stabilized, then go off Prozac. I don't know if it always works, and I don't know if it can make things worse. The theory is that Prozac has a longer -last effect, so it wears off gradually, and is easier to quit. Finding a Doctor Who Gets It There are many psychiatrists who are aware of everything I wrote here, but they are hard to find. One approach is to look at the faculty of the universities near you, and find someone who researches the negative aspects of antidepressants. They might know of a practitioner who can help out. Failing that, start with PeterBreggin.com and look into “empathic therapy” for practitioners who understand withdrawal. (Breggin is pretty well known, and not well loved by the rest of psychiatry and the drug-makers. He is greatly valued by people who have had problems with antidepressants. Other experts are Dr David Healy, Dr. Joanna Moncrieff, Robert Whitaker, Dr. Irving Kirsch, and Dr. Yolanda Lucire. All have many fans and some detractors.) Me... I went through just about everything I mentioned, above, but I was never even depressed to begin with. I was in a very stressful situation regarding my health, and my doctors and I disagreed about what to do. They told me my stress was unnatural, and prescribed Effexor. Well, that let them go ahead with their approach, because I quickly became quite placid and agreeable. Their approach was disastrous and nearly cost my life. The Effexor was continued until right after a surgery their mistake made necessary, when the nurses forgot to give it to me during my recovery in hospital. I left the hospital and became manic that very evening. I'd have to write a book to say what happened, but I lost my career, most of my accumulated net worth, the income from my investments, my fiancé, and my reputation. I was in my forties, with two advanced degrees beyond my bachelor's, both from top schools, as in tip-top, making about $120,000/year, and happy as a clam, other than the very difficult health problem that arose suddenly. Now I get by on $36,000, and lonely without my fiancé, who had been my best friend for nine years in the happiest relationship of my life. I nearly lost my house, but not from lack of money. I forgot to make the payments. I attribute all of it to being on mind-altering drugs for disorders I did not have, including depression, bipolar, and ADHD. It took almost two years to recover from withdrawal. Even now, I am not the same. I can sit and stare into space without moving for hours and hours, and often do. I am neither in a good mood or a bad mood. By the time I was well enough to realize all I had lost, it was too late to sue anyone. My Two Cents Don't be me! You are young and resilient. Learn how to think about problems without going crazy with anxiety and fear. When you are depressed, accept it. Try to accept everything, because every loss leaves an opening for a gain, later. We don't have as much control over things as we think we do, so try go easy on yourself when things go badly. ("A Guide to Rational Living" by Albert Ellis, Ph.D., is a great book for learning to cope. He died recently and isn't very famous anymore, but at one point in the 1980s, other psychologists voted him the second most influential psychotherapist, after Carl Rogers, of the 20th century. (Rogers might not be that famous, but he was very important, too.) Ellis published the first edition of "A Guide to Rational Living" in 1960. It is still in the top 30 on Amazon under "mood disorders.") P.S. This is the link to the akathisia blog. It's not pretty, but it is a good description of akathisia. It went on a long time, but doesn't go on that long for everyone. Akathisia can last for years, months, weeks, or days. akathisiainfo.wordpress.com/2013/08/ Best of luck. You deserve it!
@TonToinen 3 года назад
As for balancing out experiences, I have been on Brintellix 10mg (same as Trintellix) for 2 years, and misses doses many many times by accident and some times on purpose. At the moment, I'm on 3rd or 4th day without a dose, and absolutely zero withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes I have noticed that my mood goes down, when I've been a longer time without a dose. Of course the point is not, it's ok to miss doses, or that you shouldn't take the symptoms seriously, but also you can get all kinds of even serious symptoms just by worrying and panicing. Not saying that's the case in this video tho.
@dennisburke3187 5 лет назад
I was on Effexor for a year and have been off it for seven years. Before I was depressed, but since I have been off I have these problems she describes everyday and will for the rest of my life. Also I still have brain zaps. If you are considering taking this or another antidepressant please dont. You will live with these symptoms forever. The pharmaceutical companies are not interested in helping people. The dont care about anything but money. I still struggle everyday. I used to be very patient and relatively cheerful person.
@haleyshelton9646 8 лет назад
Thanks for sharing I just started it yesterday, now I know to remember (bless phone alarms)
@ldbcunexttuesday1569 7 лет назад
I got arrested at my house and now have a protective order placed on me from CPS. Me and my girlfriend had an argument and the police were called. On a domestic call they have to arrest someone and I was in rage from missing two doses. I couldn’t find them. I now can’t go home for 60 Days or see my 15 month old twins. I’ve switched to Lexapro but it’s been two weeks of hell!! I’m waiting to speak to CPS and try and get it dropped. I’m a great Dad and even in a rage would never hurt my kids. I acted crazy around the police so they called CPS. I’m extremely patient and easy going normally. If I do get upset I normally get depressed and blame myself not others. I found a lot of the same complaints online and I hope your video along with countless blogs will help my case. I’m very depressed but not being able to see my family is making it worse!
@sometimelordything 7 лет назад
Thanks for posting, this explains a lot
@KateWilson604 7 лет назад
I missed a dose yesterday. I won't make that mistake again. Today is impossible.
@orravancam 6 лет назад
I am on 10 mg. In my case I have missed it 2 days and felt nothing at all.
@1EverythingENT 5 лет назад
That’s what I like to hear
@CarloBenevissi 2 года назад
My doctor just prescribed me this…. Would you mind telling me your honest experience with Trintellix? I’m kinda nervous
@orravancam 2 года назад
@@CarloBenevissi i had a panic attack the first day, but then I felt good. I didn't have issues on it. It also improved my erections
@CarloBenevissi 2 года назад
@@orravancam dang :( I have awful panic/anxiety disorder. They feel more like heart attacks. This new provider won’t refill my Xanax either so now I’m super nervous about trying this… Thank you for answering
@jonharry6293 Год назад
Same it’s a weak antidepressant
@tylerleebrooke 4 года назад
I didn't take it for a week. I refilled yesterday but still feel weird. When did you go to normal.
@Eternalux 8 лет назад
I just got on this medication so this is very helpful
@yesvember11 4 года назад
F*ck I’m so scared of this. Especially the anger part since I am absolutely not an angry person.
@happytrails699 3 года назад
are you still on this medication?
@abigail_rebecca 2 года назад
I'm on Trintellix's cousin, Viibryd. They are a very similar class of drugs. It has given me my life back, and while things aren't perfect or even close to it, I am able to cope much better now and have a better handle on things.
@jaybird6034 Год назад
Hi Abby do you get less side effects on viibryd?
@ShayVidz 4 года назад
New subscriber here. I am on a mental health journey too. I love your video
@abigail_rebecca 4 года назад
I hope you are doing well right now, especially with everything going on!
@ninalimsiaco9729 7 лет назад
will I get fat? pls help me 😐
@MrHetherton 5 лет назад
@@abigail_rebecca Hello I am on Fluoxetine for OCD and depression, I have got into the habit of missing 1 or 2 days doses and I have been doing this for a few months just to save me of going to the trouble of renewing my prescription, I feel my OCD and depression have gradually come back, and I am feeling rather anxious and depressed, can skipping 1 or 2 days of a dose do that? I am on 60MG. Thank you.
@MrHetherton 5 лет назад
@@abigail_rebecca Thank you I was at doctor today and she told me the same.
@MrHetherton 5 лет назад
@@abigail_rebecca Thank you for the reply, to fix your problem did you just get yourself into a routine of taking your medication every morning and did things go back to normal?
@sarahdepriest8056 7 лет назад
I had this exact same experience! blah sick, then anger, then deep depression...
@richardfinn5354 4 года назад
so many people take ssris for bullshit reason......its for severe depression......months of total darkness and suicidal thoughts.....I.E you cant do shit.....its not for people who want to be interesting i feel sad a bit and and stressed out in stressed out situations. If you have to wonder if you are severely depressed.....well you are not.....because you would definitely know if you were. The agitation people feel on it, is because they dont need it
@jennifera777 6 лет назад
thank you for this video. I'm going through this.
@SumitSharma-mj1ue 6 лет назад
Im takimg t mg...it calms down..no doubt .no side effects so far..but planning to go 10 mg...as i think i need lil more...but its very expensive...i dnt kno any meds costlier than it...in india especially...good luck...no wht u take??its very old video
@phettywappharmaceuticalsll8842 4 года назад
The chest did not suffer from the missed dosage
@ccbodied3411 5 лет назад
That's tuff
@richardfinn5354 4 года назад
lol you described serotonin syndrome...too much serotonin in your system......meaning you dont need fucking MAOAs or SSRIs
@dolly.uwu. Год назад
stop spreading misinformation. i've been diagnosed with MDD and was hospitalized due to serotonin syndrome on my SSRI meds. serotonin syndrome is a risk of most antidepressant meds.
@innervison 4 года назад
missing one does of a pill does not do anything .... really i call total bullshit
@abigail_rebecca 4 года назад
Everyone is different and our bodies react differently to medications. For some people, missing just one dose (especially at the higher doses) does cause noticeable side effects.
@FlatearthOnline 5 лет назад
Such a gorgeous babe