
Missing for 16 Years: What Happened to Maura Murray? | Dispatches From The Middle 

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@MooninLeo 9 месяцев назад
In unraveling the mystery of Maura's disappearance, a complex narrative emerges with Butch (the only witness who put himself at the scene) at its core. Despite claiming a desire to assist Maura following her car crash in a remote, snow-covered area, Butch's account reveals troubling inconsistencies. His professed intent to help clashes with details such as Maura declining assistance, insisting she had already called roadside help. The nonchalant manner in which he walked away, assuming she was fine, sharply contradicts his admission of doubting her claim about calling for help. His revelation that he planned to run home and call the police, conveniently omitted initially, adds another layer of suspicion. Butch's acknowledgment that he knew Maura lied about calling for help suggests possible manipulation. It raises the unsettling possibility that he informed her about the lack of cell service, creating a vulnerable situation for potential exploitation. The theory proposes that, familiar with the town, Butch presented himself as a helpful local, guiding Maura to a secluded location, perhaps his home or an obscure rural spot. This narrative aligns with the absence of any sign that Maura attempted to walk away and the lack of cell phone activity, indicating either a logistical challenge or intentional isolation. The intricacies of Butch's involvement remain obscured, fostering suspicion and uncertainty surrounding Maura's mysterious disappearance. His actions, characterized by a doubtful account and selective omissions, deepen the intrigue, suggesting the possibility of a darker motive behind his purported assistance on that enigmatic night. Butch is involved, period.
@surveygirlie 4 года назад
A beautiful girl. I pray that her family receives closure- not knowing must be devastating...
@saratammaro3505 4 года назад
This is so sad
@DruidsCalling 3 года назад
I live in NH, I'll always be wondering about this case...
@michillene 3 года назад
Poor Maura..every which way she turned, she was making bad decisions..A very mixed up young lady..She had so much going for her..I hope the day comes when her family gets answers...The not knowing is pure torture.
@katherinerosemore274 3 года назад
what are you talking about? We all make mistakes. Especially when young. she was just a person.
@SuperTonyony 3 года назад
@@katherinerosemore274 Nobody says she was not a person. The poster is simply making the point that our actions have consequences.
@davidwellman622 Год назад
They need to continue to search the surrounding landscape. The alcohol is most likely the killer. She distanced herself from the vehicle until she could "figure out" her next move, sat down somewhere, drank some more, blacked out and succumbed to the elements. She's not far away.
@Wardup04 3 года назад
This case has always perplexed me. I feel so bad for her father. Personally I think this case revolves around her drinking. I think she had a drinking problem, she knew she had one, was upset about recently damaging her father's car (drinking?) and was going to NH to figure things out. Then on the ride, while drinking, she crashes, knows she's going to get a DUI just days after crashing her dad's car and got the hell out of there. And like someone with a drinking problem, what did she take? Booze. I think she went off and hid herself in the woods, drank more to think and calm her nerves, passed out and succumbed to winter elements. I think she hid herself so well, it's now a matter of time before someone stumbles on the remains. If it weren't for the dogs stopping, I'd be 100% that's what happened.
@teenieneenie630 3 года назад
LE stated that there was no foot steps leading into the woods.
@Wardup04 3 года назад
@CodeKingdom Understood. Slush roads leave no foot prints. How long she walk before dipping into the woods? Sure, no footprints where scent trail stopped but Dogs can get thrown off in those extreme winter elements.
@SuperTonyony 3 года назад
Alcohol is a goddamn menace to humanity, just like recreational drugs are. This terrific young woman would be alive today if not for booze.
@idonthaveaname5772 3 года назад
She must have done a really good job hiding the fact that she was intoxicated because the school bus driver who was the last known person to see her before she disappeared never saw any signs that she was drunk or slurring her words. She was just shaken up. I really do think she was a closet alcoholic though and she didn't want to disappoint her family. She was constantly under pressure to maintain this good girl never gets into any trouble image. Her family thought she could do no wrong. Maybe she was having a breakdown.
@mariamjehn7071 3 года назад
Totally agree!!! Sad but she ran into woods!!
@BrandonToy 3 года назад
IDK…she tells all these stories about why she is going to be gone for a few days, drives somewhere she has no reason to be and disappears without a trace after what could easily be described as a strange accident. It just all seems so staged to me. I would not be surprised at all if we found out she purposely disappeared with someone’s help.
@ivydune4185 2 года назад
I agree. Even if then it went wrong too, but being true that she had other boyfriends, that she was not exactly financially honest, I too think she went to that place to meet someone to run away with. If she wanted to take a ride, she would accept the help of the bus driver. I think someone she knows met her there. (Not to discard the possibility of a stranger having kidnapped her, since she was alone, but...I think she knows the person who took her willingly. Even the boyfriend being abusive it's not the best profile, but if she had a secret boyfriend...
@irelannashwinter2478 2 года назад
there was a missing woman in sanford, maine area 5 years ago or so. disappeared from a mcdonalds, she was most likely intoxicated, police were called. she "disappeared". everyone though she got into a car. Dogs searched for her...multiple groups. Later her body was discovered about 3/4 mile in the woods. She died of hypothermia. I think Maura just wanted to get away. she was drinking and driving. The guy went to call police. She didn't want to get in trouble AGAIN. she had been drinking, wasn't thinking clearly. She's an excellent runner and started running and had no plans of what to exactly do next. She most likely "slept" it off a mile or two from there and succumbed to hypothermia. just like the woman from maine that cadaver dogs could not find or multiple party searches. hopefully her family finds some answers.
@GreaserGirl8 3 года назад
Ive been following Laura for many years........Release the tapes. At some point law enforcement needs to use everything available. This has gone cold. Release The. Tapes. Whether to public or to a new defective. It's time to bring justice to Maura.
@palomabejleri7858 3 года назад
What tapes??
@janie88ful 2 года назад
All I know is that she is gone. And my heart is breaking every day for her Father and Family. It WAS NOT ANY FAULT OF HER DADDY OR FAMILY,. PLEASE DON'T FEEL ANY BLAME OR SHAME. She loves you forever ❤️ She didn't mean for this to be the final curtain Scene. We mourn with you 💜 Please I pray that it gives you some solace. She would want you to remember her in the light.
@malharshah519 3 года назад
I am not sure about this one , but I feel like this could ve been a pseudocide attempt, that she wanted to start a fresh new life , maybe she was unhappy with her ongoing life, maybe she fled the country who knows, but that requires crazy tactical skills, training , carefulness and sheer focus to pull off something like this especially in this digital age
@yenisketches6047 3 года назад
i think that she was killed by suspicious bus driver. He acted weird, dogs were sniffing around his house
@niterida380 4 года назад
Great channel. I discovered it 2 days ago and love it. I was wondering if you could look into Keith Warren’s & Becky Marzo’s cases? Thanks.
@TaraVon 2 года назад
It always comes down to the last person who had contact with her. If she was intoxicated, she would’ve been an easy target. I believe the bus driver knows more then he’s leading on… No foot prints of her walking into the woods is because she most likely got in his bus and went to his house to use the phone to call AAA. There’s always some truth to any lies told. Makes me wonder how the FBI can’t figure out a case like this after all this time…? 🤔
@amandanegrete1306 Год назад
I feel so sorry for Butch Atwood. He was coming home from work and stopped to help Maura.
@scottdaley1672 Год назад
He was a real strange character, too. A hoarder he should’ve been given a lie detector test right away.
@scottdaley1672 Год назад
@@amandanegrete1306 Good investigators, investigate all leads no matter who it is
@scottdaley1672 Год назад
To believe Butch Atwood’s story you just have to take him at his word, and I’m not gonna do that..
@amandanegrete1306 Год назад
@@scottdaley1672 you’re right about that. As far as the public knows, LE pretty much took Butch at his word. Had Butch done something to Maura I believe LE would have followed through. Sadly, Maura’s disappearance has been a huge “embarrassment” for them. Maura’s disappearance and what the public knows about the investigation has been covered by MSM for so long. IF Butch had been involved, I believe LE would’ve been eager to prove it. That’s just my opinion. Maybe for whatever reason LE didn’t investigate Butch to the best of their ability. IMO they had sufficient “proof” that Butch wasn’t involved in Maura’s disappearance. I believe that to be true bc I think Fred would have torn Butch’s @ss apart himself. IMO, LE and the family must have a reason they are confident Butch isn’t responsible for Maura’s abduction/disappearance.
@redbird8867 4 года назад
It doesn't make sense that a police dept won't investigate but won't release information. They should either investigate or let others do so. It makes no sense.
@standishism 4 года назад
It has always bugged me that LE and The Murray Family have NEVER been a team.
@lucielu223 4 года назад
NH cold case unit is still investigating Maura's case.
@standishism 4 года назад
@@lucielu223 Sure they are. You don't REALLY believe that. Do you?
@lucielu223 4 года назад
@@standishism I liv
@lucielu223 4 года назад
@@standishism I live in New Hampshire and I know that cold case unit is still investigating this case.
@mandiprajphagu1051 2 года назад
"She was seen by people and she is gone" wtf is that supposed to mean ,it's not like she just disappeared in sight
@johnplaid648 3 года назад
If Maura Murray was abducted, then why no screaming and fighting? She was athletic and she could have fought. Why no observation of her getting into another car? Either she had an accomplice or it was pure coincidence that a stranger appeared and stopped to give Maura a ride. No one has said that they were the one who gave Maura a ride. If I were a big ttime drug dealer with a kind heart and I was the one who gave Maura a ride I would not contact authorities because I wouldn't want the heat on my back watching me 24/7. Was Maura followed? Her stalker may have been following her for weeks. It may have been one of the crowd she partied with. When someone points a gun at you, it's either stand or fall. Either you run or you comply. Butch Atwood may have had a gun. I've given people rides in my car. A drunk girl. Skater punks. A con artist. A lone hitch hiker just wandering through the area. Or Maura is somewhere she wants to live. It is not uncommon for a person to just walk out on his/her family without informing them. They want to explore. I did it. A friend of mine did it. He was given a scholarship to UC Berkeley and earned a degree in psychology. His girlfriend dumped him and that set him off. He disappeared. Joined the Navy as an officer and developed manic-depression. Returned home because he was no longer aable to care for himself. He started to address his mother as "mommy" and would ask for permission to eat a cookie. At one point she had to dress him. He later began using drugs and selling them.
@scottdaley1672 Год назад
Cool story, bro
@Casper50002 2 года назад
Poor baby girl ♥️
@jakearts7962 3 года назад
My theory has always been that it was night out, she was trying to flee the scene of a drunk driving accident before Police arrived. She was on foot and on the road so she could move faster and someone hit and killed her. In a state of panic they moved and hid her body somewhere out of the search area. This would explain why not footprints were discovered, they were covered with tire tracks. My 2nd theory is she caught a ride with someone or made it further on foot than we are thinking. I am not sure how fast she was, (She was a runner) made it to an unknown location and committed suicide. Investigators believe that there is a strong possibility she was suicidal at the time of her disappearance.
@crmcrm9623 4 года назад
I still feel she was abducted and held captive , or someone killed her, I hate to think that, but, nothing else makes sense. She did not commit suicide, too much good things going on in her life. And I doubt she would run off and start a new life, especially with her mom being so sick She would not leave with no communication with her family
@prounce1358 4 года назад
Crm Crm She might of gone into hiding somewhere, not wanting to cause any accidents.
@kittyprydex 4 года назад
Likely head trauma, 1-2 accidents that night, possibly drinking, upset. All good evidence for being confused, making poor decisions, being illogical. It could have been as easy as getting in the car with a female who picked her up, thinking that was safer than going with Butch Atwood, and missing red flags from that female driver. She could have thought she was going towards a "safer-looking" house than Butch Atwood's, and wandered off to the river. She might have gotten wet, cold, unable to escape her predicament, succumbed to exposure, and scattered by animals who found her. In my opinion, more likely than suicide AT THAT TIME. I've said in other comments, suicide might have been contemplated, but that doesn't mean she couldn't have had other events derail her.
@RobynEllyn 4 года назад
She committed suicide. She had admitted to stealing a credit card and using it to buy several meals at locals restaurants. This was only two months before she disappeared. She had crashed her father's car the day before she disappeared. She had been drinking at a party prior to the crash. Her sister was an alcoholic, and I believe that Maura was abusing alcohol as well. She lied to her school, stating she would be out of town for a week due to a death in the family, her family stated this was a lie, as no one had died in their family. She bought "a fair amount of alcohol" and had been drinking, as well as she took alcohol with her when she walked off. There was a rag, that came from a bag inside of her car, that was stuffed into the exhaust pipe of her car. She could not start the car again, since the radiator was pushed into the fan, and she would not have had time as too many people were passing by her car to kill herself there. She was having trouble with her boyfriend. I believe she fully intended to kill herself. She had been setting this up for a couple of days. I believe she walked off, probably into the woods, continued drinking, and her body has yet to be found in the mountainous area. Sad case, especially for one so young, as well as the lack of closure for her family and friends.
@itsMeUhDanii 3 года назад
Actually nothing good was happening in her life, her school was on the verge of expelling her, she had two DWIs, stolen a credit card and got caught using it, had crashed her dads car, was fighting with her boyfriend and was an alcoholic! She was planning to die, after her crash she took alcohol and walked deep into the woods and died.
@itsMeUhDanii 3 года назад
@@RobynEllyn agreed 100%!! She also had two DWIs and her school was planing to expel her
@emncaity 4 года назад
Mostly the usual iteration of the standard narrative, but it's good to see the story is still getting out. A few of the more important misses: 1) Unless this guy has inside info through UMass police, we don't know that she packed and left campus "at about 4:30," and she definitely didn't go to an ATM "later" than 4:30. According to the released ATM video stills -- which are a little dubious to some people, but I'm just saying, if you go with the official location and time -- she was at the ATM at 3:15 p.m. (the Wikipedia page still has this wrong, at 3:40, but 15:15 is clearly visible on the ATM still released to the public) and at the liquor store at 3:43. There's some chance she picked up the accident-report form (for the Saturday-night accident) from Hadley PD when she was fairly close -- it's a little off Route 9, the street where the ATM and liquor store were, and on the way to the I-91 intersection. Or, she might have already gotten the form somewhere else. They were widely available, and they required no wait to get (they were sitting out openly in PDs). What's significant about 4:30, or rather specifically 4:37, is that it's the last time of any phone call listed on the publicly-available bill for Maura's phone (which was paid for by the boyfriend's mother), and it's not a roaming call, which means she was still in or near the Amherst area at that time. So it's possible she went back to campus after the trip to the ATM and liquor store (and maybe PD), or she may have had something else to do. If she arrived at the official "crash site" (the Weathered Barn Corner, or WBC) at about 7:20 or so -- which is nowhere near certain (see below) -- she would've had to leave the Amherst area at around 5 or a little earlier, if she drove straight through (total distance is about 150 miles up I-91, then off at 302 to 112). So it's a pretty good bet that the 4:37 call was more or less on the way out of town. 2) It's almost certainly _not_ true that she ran off the road at the WBC and hit a tree, as in the standard narrative. The damage to the car is clearly not characteristic of tree damage. There are no visible tracks and no visible swath of a "spinning" car in the snow in a WMUR video from later that week (with no snow in the intervening time), nor any associated damage to the car from the various scenarios -- some of them absolutely comical -- that people have posed as to how the car could've been damaged as it was by running off the road there. (See 3:09 in this video for a quick look at the ditch and snowbank from the WMUR video shot on Friday, four days after the disappearance. The accident was alleged to have happened at the far left, through that snowbank and up to the wall of trees several feet to the left. The full video is still available on YT at /watch?v=LRbrTfKJFxk. At 0:18, you get a pretty good camera pan of that stretch of road. If anything, there's a little _less_ snow here off the road than there was on Monday, since daytime highs were above freezing that week. You can see for yourself whether it looks like a car ran through the ditch, up the other side while spinning, hit one tree without hitting or scraping any others and while causing damage only to a limited area between the hoodline and light assembly rather than down through the bumper, then spun or backed it way up onto the side of the roadway again.) The initial 911 call from Faith Westman said nothing at all about a crash, any impact sound, or anything other than "a car off the road." Another witness who lived only a few more yards away said he heard no sound of impact and had no impression of a crash at all. So it's not even certain when the car first arrived at its final location, or how it got there. Also, three people -- the first official Haverhill PD responding officer, a state trooper, and Butch Atwood's wife -- have said the car was first off the road only 100 feet or so east of Bradley Hill Road, or at least 300-400 feet, possibly more, east of the official "crash site" (which was just around the curve and barely to the east of the WBC). And yet that same responding officer, who later did the accident report, took the position that there was a "crash" at the WBC. So he's got two totally different versions of where the car was. The problem here is that this video report cites the standard story as if there were no doubt about its veracity, when in fact there are multiple points of both physical evidence and witness testimony that indicate it's not likely to be true. So when the video says "Maura was involved in a single-car crash on 112," it just isn't necessarily so. And no, two witnesses did _not_ "call 911 to report the accident." The first witness called to report a car parked just off the road. Not a word about an accident or a crash, or potential injuries. Nobody went to check. No impression of a crash. The second 911 call wasn't from a witness who saw anything other than who he presumed to be the driver, standing at the car. He surmised the car had probably hit a tree -- cars do that at the WBC, and he wasn't thinking about being an accident investigator, but rather about helping this person standing there. But he didn't see or hear an impact. In sum, the first witness neither saw nor heard a crash, despite being no more than 30-40 yards away (less than the distance from your house to the front yard across the street, if you live in a typical suburban neighborhood); the second witness (Atwood) didn't see or hear an accident; and a third witness who _should_ have seen and heard an impact, if there was one, did not. Everybody inferred there must have been a crash there, but the physical evidence indicates otherwise. (continued below)
@emncaity 4 года назад
(continued from above) 3) "Multiple neighbors" weren't necessarily watching when she disappeared. You couldn't see the official "crash site" from the Atwood house because of a treeline. John Marrotte (the other neighbor didn't say he was watching for any extended period of time. Only the Westmans said they were watching "the whole time," although I believe there was later a concession that it might not have been literally without a break. And it was dark. There are _so_ many cases where witnesses say they were watching "the whole time," but upon closer examination it turns out they left a window repeatedly to go get something to drink or eat, answer a phone, go to the bathroom, etc. It's rare that somebody holds an eagle eye on a scene for even five or 10 full minutes without a break. 4) The video says the car wasn't drivable, but it probably was, according to a later report on the car's condition and EDR (black box) data. 5) There is much uncertainty about the dog-scent trail. Fred (Maura's father) told LE and handlers at the scene that the gloves they were using as the scent target probably hadn't been used by Maura more than once or twice, and very possibly not at all (she had just gotten them at Christmas). There were several items from the car that clearly would've had a more definite scent on them. Nobody I know has ever figured out why one of those weren't used. I've never heard of handlers rejecting an item _more_ likely to have characteristic identifying scent. It's entirely possible that the scent that the dogs ended up following was simply leather, possibly matching the leather boots or shoes of the officers and other responders at the scene. If the scent _was_ adequate and accurate, and therefore the trail _was_ valid, it's worth noting that the trail "ends," or just as possibly begins, at a spot on the road right by where the three witnesses said the car was first off 112, much closer to Bradley Hill Road. 6) One of the _only_ things the state appeared to do during the early weeks and months of the disappearance was the ground-and-air search by NH Fish & Game, headed by Todd Bogardus. While it's true that a couple of local LE officers are viewed as potential POIs in the case by many people (myself included), the NHFG search would've required a seriously grand conspiracy to keep quiet any discovery of Maura's property or remains. As to competency, NHFG searches had found nearly all of the people who had gone missing in the woods in the previous several years. You'd be right to say there are no absolute guarantees, but this appears to have been a competent series of searches in a situation where some kind of deliberate cover-up would be nearly impossible. All of which is to say that the "maybe she walked off into the woods and just died from the elements" angle is very low-probability. Even more so because Maura was an experienced outdoorswoman, a college-scholarship athlete, and a person of extreme intelligence. She was strong, smart, and experienced, and she would've known exactly what she was up against in the White Mountains in the middle of February. It's just not likely that she walked off into the woods and got lost. 7) You might be interested to know that Atwood (the bus driver) initially said the young woman he talked to did _not_ look like the photo of Maura that authorities showed him. Also, he said she had a dark jacket on and had her hair down. The ATM video shows Maura in a light jacket, with her hair up. Doesn't mean she couldn't have changed her jacket and taken her hair down, of course. But it's not exactly a ringing positive ID. 8) Regarding the basement dig: No, state authorities did _not_ "do what [Fred] asked." They dug in a very limited area where the dogs did _not_ hit. Several feet away, in fact. So this is in no way a closed chapter. It's still _very_ likely that there are human remains somewhere on that property. I later interviewed an expert HRD ("cadaver") dog expert and handler at length about this whole process. She said it was very possible that remains could've been in that wall exactly where the dogs were hitting, or in the floor directly beneath, or actually in several locations around the property, since scent can gather in enclosed areas like those panel boxes on the wall and can be transported through electrical conduit, pipes, etc. The most likely location would be exactly where the dogs hit, but she had seen cases where a body buried in a yard caused a hit in a basement, and other similar results. Also, NH authorities on scene refused to allow an independent expert -- a professor of anthropology, experienced in forensic digs -- to observe the process. After the dig, the family was treated like absolute dirt by authorities in a brief session at the courthouse before the press conference, and then again during the press conference. It was a travesty. See Kurtis Murray's interview here: /watch?v=zf7CAEwY_DA&t=2104s There's a lot more to push back on, and so many points not raised. So much about what did and didn't happen at UMass, what authorities there didn't release, etc. But this is a start. The main problem is that this overview treats seriously disputed facts as if they were established, and it simply advances the standard narrative, which may be the very thing standing in the way of a solution in this very cold case.. I do think it's good for Julie to remind people that if this had all been a voluntary life walkout, it's very doubtful that Maura would've stayed completely out of contact with the family as her mom continued to fight cancer and eventually passed from it.
@BruceRioux 4 года назад
@@emncaity Very good summation.
@Kitties_are_pretty 4 года назад
​@@emncaity That was an interesting pair of comments. You are clearly much more familiar with this case than I am. One thing I'd respond to: you went with the "she couldn't have died due to exposure because she was intelligent, athletic, and and familiar with the outdoors" angle, but I think that might be invalid because people of that description do get lost and die of exposure. Experienced hikers, climbers, et cetera get lost, get in over their heads, and end up dead not infrequently. Just because someone's intelligent and athletic doesn't mean they can't get lost in the woods. Also, you seem to be discounting the possibility that she was intoxicated, or experiencing a mental health episode of some kind - both of which could impair her judgement. And both of those possibilities have some evidence: she had alcohol in her vehicle (and had just run her car off the road [unless you think she didn't run her car off the road]) and she had a recent car accident, *and* had fabricated a family death to get off school (meaning she could have been in some kind of unusual state of mind, or under psychological duress). If I may ask, what do you think happened? You seem to be implying someone in law enforcement (or the department itself) is responsible for her death and they've been covering up their culpability and stonewalling the investigation. You also seem to think she might not have just driven her car off the road. How'd she end up there? Did she end up there at all? You seem to be suggesting that the witnesses that placed her there might have misidentified her. What do you think happened?
@paulasupam4914 3 года назад
Fucking disgrace. After 16 years if the police can't find out what happened they need to handover the evidence to the one person who is actively doing something about this, which is her father.
@mariamjehn7071 3 года назад
Maura ran into the forest in fear of OUI and Driving after suspension in New Hampshire!!! She is as a unbelievably strong hiker and that is what she would have done!!! She is out in here in the woods!!!
@maxalberts2003 2 года назад
Apparently not any more.
@brendashenda4249 3 года назад
My understanding is the dogs would pick up something if she had been dead there. Who was the owner who moved?
@Papacam797 3 года назад
What is the percentage of cadaver dogs being right? I've seen a few in this case alone that weren't.
@Emiliapocalypse 3 года назад
Whenever people are here one second, gone the next , it was usually someone in a car who took them. Especially if she had alcohol in her backpack, she couldn’t have gone too far too quickly. And the time window is so small, with neighbors around, chances are one of them would have seen her walking off. So likely it was someone driving past who appeared to be just another rubbernecker that realized Maura’s bad predicament, wanted to take advantage of it, and offered her a ride away from the scene. In desperation and a drunken state, she may have gone against her better judgment and gotten in the car. If it was just a passing stranger, this case may never be solved unless there is a real turn of luck. Heard some bones were found recently 30 minutes away from her car, hopefully that will be the break the police need to solve this.
@scottdaley1672 Год назад
It’s just so much easier to believe it was the bus driver, the last person that saw her..
@blueberry_179 4 года назад
Poor Maura She was missing for 16 years god bless you Maura and stay safe from covid 19 R.I.P 🌷💐
@adamblister6005 3 года назад
It sucks that the bus driver left her there. If I were the bus driver no way I'm leaving a young woman out there in the dark alone after a crash. She said she called AAA and the bus driver knew it was a lie. So why not wait and ask her more questions? Knowing she was vulnerable and disoriented, he shouldn't have left.
@michael-paulware7330 3 года назад
He's probably the one who took her 🤷
@adamblister6005 3 года назад
@@michael-paulware7330 I doubt it. It would have been an open and shut chase if it was indeed the bus driver.
@flozal72 3 года назад
@@adamblister6005 butch had been working all day and was finally getting home that night.He did the right thing and stopped to ask if she needed help.Thats what we do up here on the north country.He then called police.The locals believe that she was picked up down the road.
@scottdaley1672 Год назад
I don’t think he left her there
@scottdaley1672 Год назад
@@adamblister6005 he wasn’t investigated he was just believed, and he was a strange hoarder
@MarcellusTorres 4 года назад
I think either because she promised police she’d stay outta trouble after that other crash, she ran to hide from them and would return or she whatever reason wanted to get away. I could be way off but I’m just speculating
@mellowyellow415 2 года назад
This case, Brandon Swanson, and the Delphi murders will always haunt me.
@SallyMars Год назад
This, Brian Schaffer, Brandon Swanson and karlie gusse, makayla Bali are ones I want solved in my lifetime
@scottdaley1672 Год назад
Delphi killer is caught
@lizraper3667 3 года назад
Been digging into this case, and she’s really not the American golden girl the family is portraying.I think you will find the answers in her darker side
@kajokeli 3 года назад
Can you tell me more please
@SportsCardsEcc1o1o1 3 года назад
Lol her criminal history never went beyond credit card fraud. Relax lol
@XxadamlambertfanxX29 3 года назад
@Melinda Francis stealing makeup from West Point; repeated credit card fraud; multiple drunk driving incidents and crashes, etc. Not the golden girl she was portrayed to be; I’m currently reading the book on her case.
@XxadamlambertfanxX29 3 года назад
@@SportsCardsEcc1o1o1 stealing makeup from West Point; repeated credit card fraud; multiple drunk driving incidents and crashes, etc. Not the golden girl she was portrayed to be; I’m currently reading the book on her case.
@SuperTonyony 3 года назад
Bee-double-oh-zee-ee is the essence of this case. When you're an addict, your whole life is about your next fix. She crashes her car, and what does she take with her when she leaves on foot? Fricking booze! Ever watch a nicotine junkie when they haven't sucked on one of their ciggies in awhile? They act like manic fools! It's the same with alcoholics. This young woman bought a very large quantity of liquor for her own personal use, and it was what her life was all about.
@lasmujeresnotienenpollAs 3 года назад
She only left behind the opened or damaged alcohol? Her notebook was recovered from the vehicle? How closely was that inspected? How many pages were torn out? Was a UV light ever used on it or on the textbooks? Everybody uses hardback books as support for writing. Where is the car? I'm 100% sure there are unseen /overlooked clues as to her intentions for that trip, at the very least
@AshleyB-uf8im 3 года назад
I just saw they might have found a body near where she was last seen.
@IH8YALLL 2 года назад
It wasn’t her
@James-4812 Год назад
If someone took her in their car, wouldn't there have been a car driving past the scene? It was at a sharp bend on the road, meaning that vehicles would have needed to slow down, so there would have been plenty of time for those witnesses to see car lights or hearing a car going past. I don't understand this either.
@TimothyCollins 3 года назад
I've watched a couple documentaries and read the book. I'm not an expert but everything I have seen points a red flashing light at Fred Murray. I don't think he killed her or anything but... from what I've seen there was an odd relationship between him and Maura and his actions after her disappearance raise suspicions. Again- I am sure he isn't the one that killed her he doesn't strike me as a murderer. But there is a neon sign flashing he has some sort of connection to it. I have this feeling that the Murray family has skeletons we don't know about and tgat fed into her actions that day.
@sarahalbers5555 3 года назад
I sort have felt the same way. I think he knew she had a drinking problem and was minimizing it. I agree about the skeletons in the closet,tho. She was a nurse, but went missing at time when it was so cold, she knew she get hypothermia if she was outside of the car for any length of time? I don't think we will ever know.
@TimothyCollins 3 года назад
@Lindsey Hoffmann Fred Murray strikes me as... off. Not evil, per se and certainly not a murderer. Just something off and something he's holding back.
@alysononoahu8702 3 года назад
Mr Burrell your voice is remarkable.
@NeilCrouse99 3 года назад
This is just my opinion,... I've studies this case closely and I suspect she fell asleep in the woods as a result of her alcoholism. I too am a recovering alcoholic with 18 yrs clean and I know how alcoholics think. She crashed drunk, was met by a bus driver who stated he was going to call the police to help which she didn't want. She disappeared within 10 minutes after that. I believe she either committed suicide or died by misadventure in those woods and possibly found by wildlife, or was picked up by someone who killed her. Very sad case, a waist of a good life.
@kennethblair8279 3 года назад
Maura is out there alive somewhere! I hope she is having a Great life!
@dmitriigrigorita2361 3 года назад
Highly unlikely
@SuperTonyony 3 года назад
If she's alive somewhere, she's probably still an alcoholic, so she's probably not having a great life at all.
@yenisketches6047 3 года назад
I highly doubt it. I think she was killed by the bus driver
@Its_A_London_Thing 2 года назад
@@yenisketches6047 - That's one of my theories. But unfortunately, that's something that can't really be looked into any more as he died quite a while back.
@videoj81 3 года назад
What about that damn guy 112dirtbag??? My opinion he knows or did something
@moebiusbedroon4542 3 года назад
i dont think so that guy was was just trying to get famous and be attached to the case it was cecil smith ... he accidentally hit her on the road to the accident panicked and hid the body
@saltpeter7429 3 года назад
@@moebiusbedroon4542 there is SO MUCH involved in this case, not simple. Didnt Cecil kill himself after being interviewed? I dont want to spread misinformation, so check that out. I could be wrong. There is a number of really wierd aspects to this case, I thought I knew what was going on after an hour of online research, Haha! What a fool, this case has more twists and turns...
@mufasa6272 3 года назад
That f*ckin guy gave me nightmares for a while
@isabellecarbonneau4744 2 года назад
Why the school bus driver left her there in the cold ?? Anyone questionned him seriousely As for the bsement they search, we know the concrete is normally porous so maybe a bodie remained there for a period long enough for the dogs to still smell. Maybe the poterie or a pipe left in the concrete is a head crushed ? Keeped as memorie
@amandanegrete1306 Год назад
Yes. Stopping to offer Maura help ruined Butch’s life.
@marissamattingly1734 3 года назад
She was obviously under the influence. Only reason why she didn't want the cops called. She got spooked probably and left the scene so she didn't get a DUI. She hitched a ride that led to her demise.
@haldenkepple4242 Год назад
Still missing to this date and it's 2 years later
@CES1122 Год назад
Poor father u can hear his hurt in his voice
@777lover 4 года назад
FBI research can do it
@F.a.B.I.a.N 2 года назад
*She's right under their noses...*
@cooleenw 2 года назад
If only CCTV was more common back then
@goldenstatewarriors3637 Год назад
She has been buried at the ski resort since 2004
@lawlor2925 3 года назад
I did some of my own research and the 1st place I would have looked the police and nobody did by what I've read. Theres a river maybe qtr mile east of crash where she supposedly walked. If she was drinking and scared of cops arresting her for dwi she might have seen the cops lights and ran down the little bank not knowing a river was there being that it was pitch black out and fell into a freezing cold river and swept away. It goes all the way to the Connecticut river which is massive. They should have had divers all over that river
@standishism 3 года назад
And, just when I thought you couldn't get DUMBER!!!!!!
@scottdaley1672 Год назад
Who is the last person to see her the bus driver? He was a strange character and they should’ve investigated him further?
@scottdaley1672 Год назад
Occam’s razor, there was no evidence of her leaving that scene, someone took her..
@mariamjehn7071 3 года назад
I totally agree!! She went into woods!! Lost baby!!
@whatabouttheearth 3 года назад
If they release the files to the public than: A. It can tip off any parties who may of been involved, B. It can negatively effect building a case for prosecution if they get new leads in the future
@sundaydumaka8954 2 года назад
Once I had she’s the light in the room I know it’s not gonna end up well.
@mariamjehn7071 3 года назад
Omg she went into woods or some freak picked her up!$
@Char-Williams 3 года назад
The killer keeps moving her body, everytime the police gets closer tips. I hate that this guy has gotten away with this. 😭
@heatherbowlan1961 2 года назад
She may have been under pressure always having a perfect marks , being the best ,she may have just had to get away from the presser of feeling she had to be that perfect person , then she may have got picked up by the wrong person !
@irmafarkas755 2 года назад
Együttérzésem a családnak!
@MrGarytc 3 года назад
My gut feeling is there is something not quite right about the details around about the time of the crash. Did the crash happen at said time? Someone ringing about the crash immediately even though she was stood outside the car sounds a little surprising to me.
@ladyhawke-tt4un 4 года назад
Watch the dog need to check behind the wall.
@tatiannahiiuvain1417 3 года назад
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻 this!!! Check the wall!!!
@sarahalbers5555 3 года назад
They could have used a scent blocker to throw the dogs off the trail. Something is off here. I do believe she had a problem with alcohol,and Fred was running interference. That's a factor, but not a cause.
@Sherriincali 3 года назад
Packs up her dorm like she’s moving, seemed like she was in a very bad mental place. Someone gives her a ride and that person happens to be a killer? That’s a bad 24 hrs for this young lady. I hope it’s solved eventually.
@scottdaley1672 Год назад
The last person to see her alive was a true weirdo
@heatherbowlan1961 4 года назад
To be a nurse you would have to have a beautiful soul ! All tho now of days evil is every where looking like an angle among us to fool the good people , GOD Bless you Maura R.I.P .🙏❤️🇨🇦
@CES1122 Год назад
I hope she’s alive and just wanted to be left alone and I hope she contacts her dad from time to time
@SallyMars Год назад
Not likely. She wouldn’t have been able to stay out of trouble for this long if she was still alive. Plus her mother died of cancer and Maura didn’t go to the funeral.. if she was alive she would have come out of hiding then and went to the funeral.
@tooka5777 2 года назад
I hope a member of her family her father or her mother wrote a book and gained wealth from this. They are much in the spotlight and I know it's got to hurt so bad
@SallyMars Год назад
Her mom died on mauras birthday of cancer
@lukepaki7231 2 года назад
Dogs is barking up at the wall not scratching on concrete! That power grid in the wall with wooden panel opens up
@bevanbuckwheatshea5520 2 года назад
She may have been going into the wilderness to reflect on life and have a break from society and stresses of her life? Just very sad for her family? I dont think she wandered into the snow and trees as she would have been found. Someone or some people have picked her up and something has gone horribly wrong.
@SuperTonyony 3 года назад
NEVER light up a room.
@myahollandia3552 3 года назад
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣damnnn that's soo true!!
@jasminejohnstone1803 Год назад
You should be able to light up the room. With out some sicko killing or raping you. Show some respect.
@jasminejohnstone1803 Год назад
@@myahollandia3552 disgusting
@badawg123 4 года назад
What if you’re the missing person rn watching your missing person explained video
@alysononoahu8702 3 года назад
Also happens
@labelledujour5855 Год назад
If anyone cannot see a police officer is the killer I don’t know what else, they need to start looking from one of their own, didn’t the bus driver saw a police car was there when he was passing by, so who is that cop? Did he or she write a report? Hmmmm, some body in the department know something, they better find out if there were any siblings officers working in the same department, I am sensing something like that.
@standishism 3 года назад
Wow! @ 3:30:00, as Strelzin gives a brief synapsis on Maura's disappearance, he SMILES for the camera. Hmm! A psychological assessment would indicate that this inappropriate display of emotion, known as ''duping delight'', is often seen in the behaviors of sadistic and narcissistic psychopaths. Note that Julie and the bus driver, Butch Atwood, did not smile while giving their account of the events that unfolded on 02/09/04.
@animula6908 2 года назад
Is there a psychological assessment for amateurs who compulsively diagnose people based on RU-vid videos?
@amandanegrete1306 Год назад
@@animula6908 lol
@ludovicusclericus 3 года назад
She brought it upon herself. Very tragic.
@jasminejohnstone1803 Год назад
What a horrible thing to say. She's obviously been killed show some respect. Hope this never happens to u.
@kalahkirby6561 3 года назад
She was missing for a long time.
@SuperTonyony 3 года назад
Yes, you are right.
@nyalgoodatxbox 3 года назад
I think that guy is that 112durt bag he could have her in a storage unit or somewhere else
@Personalaccusage 3 года назад
Didn't the police investigate him but they know nothing about him?
@YashG04 3 года назад
@@Personalaccusage yeah they couldn’t link him the the case apparently
@dougieroberts7045 3 года назад
Damn shame but she lived a life of a liar, it proved the poor girls undoing, maybe she should have had help long before this happened. Just because the lady wasnt a model citiizen doesnt mean folk dont care, they do. Obviously feel for the father, but he cant just go through life trying to get everybodys house ransacked because he believes something, I feel for these people.
@nahrinkhoshaba1000 3 года назад
It Looks Like she was Kidnap by someone. But who's the person that Kidnap
@patriciaharris1221 4 года назад
Hey I would check more into that man who seen her last..... The phone thing you can't judge a book by its cover. I get a weird feeling About him.... He knows the area well .. Just saying. God bless😇💖✌
@JQ127-c4e 4 года назад
I think this is yet another Missing 411 case. Unexplained disappearnce that isn't logical at all. I don't think there's a logical conclusion except she was abducted into another dimension. Makes as much sense as anything else. Prayers to the family.
@ethananderson2380 3 года назад
Hey joe!
@JQ127-c4e 3 года назад
@@ethananderson2380 Hey grasshopper how'd you find me here?!?
@ethananderson2380 3 года назад
@@JQ127-c4e well actually just found out about this case yesterday, looked through comments and then saw it haha
@SportsCardsEcc1o1o1 3 года назад
I disagree... I think its suspicious that she went missing literally right after the cop got there.. they claimed that the deputy officer got on scene and no one was there . If you do some deeper research the deputy officer who responded to the scene actually has a very questionable past . Either the cop or my other conclusion is .. the bus driver, find it hard to believe he would he able to offer her a place to stay at his house when he was on route. Theres so much people have missed
@JQ127-c4e 3 года назад
@@SportsCardsEcc1o1o1 Yep definite possiblity. The town is so small up there I find it highly unlikely the cop or bus driver were involved but hey it makes as much sense as anything else. Good job digging into the cop. Hadn't even thought of that angle.
@matthewmitchell3336 3 года назад
RIP maura
@2Ryled 2 года назад
I think she was going there to meet a married guy. I think she was gonna run off with him bc she packed up her dorm rm. I don't think it was to commit suicide. You don't need birth control & various alc for that. It was for a party. I think she was gonna run away with him, but got in an accident. I'm wondering if she was walking to an all nite diner or motel. And someone stopped their car and Saif its to far, let me take you. And she was getting really cold by then. Why not ask her classmates? Bet friend? What teacher did she like or hang out after class? Did she have a burner ph/beeper? She took her cards/Id to go to a diner or motel. She might have been frozen and took a lift from someone she never would have otherwise. Might be in someone's basement deceased Like the bus person. I would have checked local motels & diners. She didn't commit suicide. Someone snatched her. She's not gonna go to the FREEZING WOODS . She's gonna seek an all nite diner or motel. Did she call one of them?
@nyalgoodatxbox 3 года назад
She has disappeared in to thin air
@bevanbuckwheatshea5520 2 года назад
Butch Atwood? Does he know something? I understand he has died?
@trumpwon8064 2 года назад
Long dead and he doesn't know anything
@SallyMars Год назад
@@trumpwon8064 he knows more than he ever said . He did a lot of shady things that night.
@trumpwon8064 Год назад
@@SallyMars guess we'll never know
@SallyMars Год назад
@@trumpwon8064 guess not
@heatherbowlan1961 2 года назад
May our Lord God bring peace and comfort to the parents, if they believe or not if she’s is the arms of Jesus,in such a beautiful place with no pain or suffering no sin , and we will all be reunited on that great day all believers and who obey Gods commandments who are there to make our lives better .
@HelenHarrissweetangel 3 года назад
i be looking at him bus driver
@SuperTonyony 3 года назад
He am do be being dead, so no trail now. Him no punish, if bad.
@jermdogg1185 4 года назад
maybe she ran off to a new life.... got married has kids" with the white picket fence and the dog.......you never know....
@leamerrill3618 4 года назад
jerm dogg Who does that? Only greedy murderers that don’t want to be caught. Young, intelligent, motivated happy women DO NOT DO THAT.
@barbm1001 4 года назад
Lea Merrill she was obviously needing to “clear her head”, so who’s to say she was happy?
@maxalberts2003 2 года назад
@@leamerrill3618 Well, she was young, I'll give you that, but the rest...? Not so much.
@MrGarytc 3 года назад
Not convinced a minor car accident would cause such a loud audible bang and bring about such a dramatic reaction to observers.
@idonthaveaname5772 3 года назад
In the area where this happened there isn't much traffic and car accidents are actually pretty rare.
@JarppaGuru 3 года назад
she is murdered and burried near by house basement where her car was. its allways first easiest choise.lets dig.case solved. cant police just go dig been 16 years lol
@itsMeUhDanii 3 года назад
She hid in the woods and she died there. She’s in the woods
@cutepanda4818 3 года назад
@idonthaveaname5772 3 года назад
But they searched the woods thoroughly. They would have at least found human bone fragments by now.
@jermdogg1185 4 года назад
is she possibly a missing 411 case??
@barbm1001 4 года назад
jerm dogg was she close to a national park?
@jermdogg1185 4 года назад
yes she waz....
@joloughlin577 3 года назад
I don’t think so, I think she got into a car with one or two men. I get the name Chris & that she is in buried in a crop area. 😕
@SuperTonyony 3 года назад
@@joloughlin577 Sasquatch wanted me to tell you that you are not psychic.
@ceciliaflorentino2082 4 года назад
mynawawalabito sa filipino na sa masagana
@newyardleysinclair9960 3 года назад
The dad is such a con man. I think he knows exactly why she left. The fact hes not open to journalists says everything
@cooknaris 3 года назад
and thats fact is it?
@derby1884 3 года назад
I do wonder exactly what her sister told her in that last phone call.....
@gamers6058 4 года назад
Theory:I saw a picture of Maura running in a forest it could she went out to run and exercise then she ran into no where and now she is living in the woods
@-burger 4 года назад
woah another pg3d player
@niterida380 3 года назад
What? In that case we need to get to the woods and ask her to go home.
@sassyminnie 3 года назад
How do you know
@derby1884 3 года назад
In a little treehouse she built with her own little hands? For the last 17 years? Man, you need to smoke something a li'l less potent!
@maxalberts2003 2 года назад
@@niterida380 Perfect. This is the first good laugh I've had today. Thank you very much!
@nimra68 3 года назад
selbst erwürgt...
@johnkenny4017 4 года назад
Trek is so stupid, Wow I could jump over a big pole I am cool I run around in circles ,it's so stupid
@skinnybear5743 3 года назад
She fell in a river.
@Conekiller29 2 года назад
Missing 411 case... Bigfoot
@taribila210 2 года назад
@nessiejugde Bahaaass kakakkk
6 // Maura Murray - Part 6
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