
Mom Called her Child UGLY?! 

Rebecca Rogers
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26 сен 2024




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@test-kf2zv 10 месяцев назад
Cake story: I completely agree. Her husband's reaction actually scared me a little. Either he is NOT emotionally ready to be dating yet, or he's abusive. Or both. That being said, when did she make the cake? Also, couldn't she have tried other grocery stores? But her husband's overreaction, um, takes the cake.
@Joi_to_da_World 10 месяцев назад
I agree. But also is he's going to the store to buy a store bought cake, he could have just as easily looked for Blueberries for the cake at home too. IF the only problem was blueberries...
@BlueAaron 10 месяцев назад
We also dont know when this story takes place. If blueberries are not in season, then the only option is frozen. I don't like putting fruit on/in other food, but I do know that you wouldn't put frozen berries (even defrosted) on top of a cake because they "bleed". The cake would have been 100% fine without the berries. The husband is so much worse than a bad apple for throwing out a perfectly fine cake
@delta3058 10 месяцев назад
I would say crab apple for the story as the guy and the girl is completely right but the way they handed it was childish for both of them
@Gorbytoons 10 месяцев назад
Takes the cake made me laugh
@test-kf2zv 10 месяцев назад
@@BlueAaron See, I assumed - and I realize now this wasn't in the story, so I could be wrong - that there was a sentimental reason, like the daughter loves blueberries, maybe her mom always included them, or something. But he may just be overly particular.
@ameliabrown3987 10 месяцев назад
I'm also a very honest person but I would never in a million years tell anyone, especially my daughter who is clearly mentally ill, that they aren't pretty. This woman is absolutely gross. On a side note, your hair looks amazing
@waterdragon55 10 месяцев назад
I actually say everyone is beautiful I used to think I was beautiful as a kid like 5 to 6 year old and then 8 year old hated myself and thought I was ugly and then in high-school became better and now still am working on it so people need to say to others they are beautiful
@MarshMelo12 10 месяцев назад
I've hated myself since I was 8 and I hate how a look and how my drawings look and whenever I tell someone that they say I need a therapist and more people telling me I'm great
@Madi_C_ 9 месяцев назад
The mother in this situation is not only being irresponsible, but is being dangerous to her child. Not only will this lead to body dysmorphia in the future worse than it already is, but it also could lead to other mental health issues. That is severe mental health problem that needs to be taken seriously. Get her the help she needs instead of bullying her like the rest of her “friends”!!!! This is coming from someone who has had body dysmorphia for years and is only starting to get through it because of a good support system!
@ARSENAL2890 6 месяцев назад
@@MarshMelo12 you are amazing 🤩
@ARSENAL2890 6 месяцев назад
@@MarshMelo12 you should always love yourself
@GuitarGirl_Sophia 10 месяцев назад
I feel so terrible for the girl in that last story oh my gosh. What kind of parent says that to their child??? As a teenage girl who deals with some body image issues, I can’t even imagine how I would feel if my parents told me that I was “average looking”. My heart goes out to that girl…everyone is beautiful in some way!
@MaggieFox45 5 месяцев назад
Can you please explain to me why her mom doing exactly what her daughter said is wrong? I’m just trying to understand your perspective, because to me, the daughter got what she asked for. Honest closure
@GuitarGirl_Sophia 5 месяцев назад
@@MaggieFox45 I just think that the mom could’ve found some way to tell her daughter, while still being honest, that she’s pretty. She could’ve found some features about her daughter to complement. Her daughter is clearly struggling a lot with her body image and self worth, and her parents telling her she isn’t pretty isn’t going to help with that
@HeartFeathers 10 месяцев назад
Cake story: He overreacted and honestly his expectations were too high to begin with. He wanted this new mother to carbon copy the old mother's cake, but it was never going to be her birth mom's cake. The daughter will never accept it as a replacement simply because it wasn't made by her mom. Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but it feels like the cake speaks to the dad's expectations for the mom i.e. she's meant to take his former wife's place. The problem is she won't ever be able to replace anyone; she's her own person.
@HAnnB24 10 месяцев назад
I agree. Putting myself in the daughters shoes I honestly would hate to have a cake made by new step-mom be identical to the one mom made, especially if the daughter didn't know it was being homemade for the first time since moms passing, which was my understanding but I might be wrong. it being identical would be too much and probably sad rather than happy. My parents made the birthday cakes for my siblings and I when we were younger and I loved the time and style/personal touches they put into them.
@interlocution6619 10 месяцев назад
@@HAnnB24 We always discussed whether a cake would be homemade or store bought. Sometimes my mom made hte cake, and sometimes she bought one. It was never a big deal either way. However, if my mom was deceased and a step-mother had tried to copy a traditional cake regularly made by my mom, my response would depend heavily on my relationship with the step-mom. If we had a good relationship and it was explained to me that she was trying to make it because it was my favorite, I would certainly forgive imperfections, and probably thank her for trying to keep my mom's memory alive.If my relationship with her was really good, I would still love any cake she made because she was showing love for me and wanted me to feel special. I am so thankful that was not my experience, and I never had drama over birthday cake.
@janayeyarbrough8074 6 месяцев назад
First story: I can’t help but this the OP intentionally left out details like the blueberries were a really important part of the cake in memory of the mom who died. He could have just tossed it out of anger and if that is actually what happened, and he was totally out of line. But if it was decorated in a way that dishonored mom, or if it was totally opposite of what daughter asked for, then she was out of line.
@ToughBeifong 10 месяцев назад
I may be blind but even I can tell that you Rebecca along with everyone in this community is absolutely beautiful!
@fluffycat2728 10 месяцев назад
This comment is too pure
@stargirl91291 10 месяцев назад
Aww you’re the sweetest 💗
@pxel64 10 месяцев назад
For the cake story it might have been poor planning, but also I can understand why she might not have been able to get blueberries. She could have thought that it was an easy thing to get so didn't think to get them sooner. There is a town about 10-15 minutes from mine that if the two grocery stores that I live near didn't have blueberries might have screwed someone. Since the next grocery store would probably be about a 35-45 minute drive depending on how far off of the highway they live plus it's a much smaller store then the ones I live near and the next ones are over an hour in either direction. In all, I don't think it was about the blueberries. Even if she had gotten them then the pattern would have been wrong, the flavor would have been off, the color wouldn't have been just right, or whatever justification her husband would have come up with. His reaction feels like to me that no matter what OP did she would have been in the wrong and her husband would have gone off on her.
@neesr13 10 месяцев назад
When my then boyfriend and I decided to get married, I told him it was me or my (4) cats, as he didn't want any animals in the house. Forward to today, 26 years later (and about that many cats over those 26 years) and we just lost our last one. She adopted us (we live in the country) and she had Feline Herpes which she contracted in utero. We spent well over $5000.00 over her almost 13 years of life, because we loved her. NOT ONCE did he ever tell me to get rid of her! You do what it takes for your family. Friday, after three months kitty-less, we are going to a shelter to adopt two older cats. Older cats deserve love, too. Please adopt, don't buy. Save a life or three. Love to all the animal lovers.
@Krisarooooo 10 месяцев назад
Bless your heart!! We spent about 4000 trying to save our childhood dog...I would have spent a million...she passed 9 months later but I was so happy to have those 9 months...she was my sister and to this day I miss her as if was yesterday...😢
@neesr13 10 месяцев назад
@@Krisarooooo My condolences.
@eltipidemalaguero 10 месяцев назад
I'll never understand people's obsession with animal breeds. A pet is a pet and they'll love you no matter where you get them from. More people need to start adopting and stop the gross abusive market of pet breeding
@victoriabagwell8426 10 месяцев назад
But you absolutely take care of your animals, this woman obviously does not.
@yarncollecter 10 месяцев назад
Last story: All kids deserve parents. Not all parents deserve kids. I hope her kid knows that she is beautiful in every way.
@penguinwithafancytophat 10 месяцев назад
thats a really sick line oml
@penguinwithafancytophat 10 месяцев назад
@SingingSophie6512 really good! its like one of those sayings english teachers would use.
@szweetsztuff 10 месяцев назад
As a baker myself, I was absolutely shocked when the husband threw the cake away. While I can see why he may be mad, he just wasted SO much ingredients, money and HER time! You’re right, it was completely unacceptable.
@Mamda07 10 месяцев назад
Same. I bake and it hurt to hear that. I'm sensitive about my baking too and want it to be perfect for people. It hurts when it doesn't turn out or people don't like it for whatever reason. If someone threw my whole cake away, it would be incredibly upsetting. The time, money, food, and the love that goes into it just tossed without a care. Poor woman.
@AltAccount-cb7sh 10 месяцев назад
It's even more than that. The cake had symbolic meaning because that was the tradition the kid had with her mom. The step-mom making the cake and trying to start the tradition again was not only an incredibly nice gesture on its own, it had pre-existing feelings attached to it. Waisting good cake and ruining the sentimental value of her work really was such a jerk move
@asia-rg6wf 9 месяцев назад
I agree. I am also a baker and that is SUCH a big waste.
@joeybaker6699 9 месяцев назад
Im a baker myself technically I really only bake muffins for me and my family but even then I feel the same way it doesn't take long for me to make muffins so I can't really relate but I still understand how long it could take to bake something husband is in the wrong 100%
@renn-taylor 10 месяцев назад
I need an update on that last story. You can't unring a bell but I hope that mom was able to backpedal or apologise or in some way mitigate the way she wounded her daughter's self-esteem. Forget bad apple, she gets a rotten apple from me. The cake story - I don't know why she is being dinged for getting blueberries the day of. In my country, produce can go bad very quickly. I've bought blueberries one day only for them to grow mouldy the very next day. I understand her wanting to get fresh blueberries and depending on where she lives, that might not have been a viable reality. Not everybody lives within 5 minutes of a big box grocery store.
@emilyholland8317 10 месяцев назад
Story #3: BF is rotten to his core! Anytime you make someone choose between their pets and you, expect to get kicked out. However, I would say GF is at least a crab apple for not having the cat fixed sooner and floating the idea of shaving it for a non-medical reason (I’m passionate about these things as an animal shelter volunteer who has had rescue cats in my life as long as I can remember).
@MaeFireflies 10 месяцев назад
For the last one, that happens more often than youd think. My own mother used to, and still does often point out things Im insecure about, or make random comments about me, and things like that. And many of my close friends have had similar experiences. It effects young people SO MUCH when anyone makes rude or disrespectful comments about them, and its honestly so much more hurtful and confidence draining when someone you trust, and someone who's meant to help you in life, and make sure you're secure in yourself makes those same comments.
@Lu13s 10 месяцев назад
Woah... that first story was wild. Good apple for Op and Op needs GTFO of the relationship now. He is showing his true colors. I wish for the best for the daughter. Dad is rotten to the core bad apple. edit: in the town I live in there's only one big store and there's a ton of smaller stores so I can understand why Op was running out of time. If the one big store doesn't have it, the other stores might not.
@ryanap8396 10 месяцев назад
This third story pissed me off so much: my dogs are 13 years old and one of them is having a lot of health problems, issues with her hind legs and has bladder issues. I would never get rid of her or her brother for those reasons
@graceolden7884 10 месяцев назад
“Let’s go apple picking” Me: YEAHHHHH LETS JUDGE PEOPLE!!!!
@Miss-Butterfly13 10 месяцев назад
@neesr13 10 месяцев назад
Me again. I listened to the last one and HAD to tell you that insecure body image is a very real thing. I carry this even 60 years later. My mother once said something to me and I have never gotten over it. I too never look in a mirror or window surface. I hate being photographed. When I die, there will be scant images of my being on this earth. That mother needs to fix this ASAP!!!!!!
@Surfer669 10 месяцев назад
Story Number 4 is very interesting. To give background to myself: I am Chinese. This is important because growing up we get told you're fat or you're skinny or your hair is too long or the clothes are too old, etc. We get told this by parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, step-parents, relatives further down the family tree. When I first heard the story, I genuinely thought "oh wow the parent said they thought their child was average, that's nice." lol only to hear all the negative comments that came after from Miss Rebecca Rogers and the comments to this video. I guess that shows how cultures, parental-rearing and lifestyles different place to place. Oh I was also raise in America same as my cousins, second cousins, nieces, and nephews (they also hear the same things from the older generations in our families). From the older generation's point of view it was to make sure we didn't have big egos and that we looked a certain way for family gatherings. Guess how many of us hated family gatherings (hint: those of us called "fat-boy" growing up).
@rachelstotler4315 10 месяцев назад
That mother's daughter in the last story is gonna end up being a bad statistic in some way or another from bad to the ultimate most horrible way possible!
@erikagehm2805 10 месяцев назад
Story 4: most people are average, yet you knew better than to be that honest. However, you need to get her into a counselor for the bullying and self-respect issues.
@annalea3026 10 месяцев назад
The last story in very straightforward but even I know that if she genuinely was so convinced she had to be completely honest, that it’s would’ve been just as honest and 10 times more impactful to the daughter to have just said “you’re beautiful to me”, “beauty is so subjective”, or even if you don’t wanna say she’s beautiful just say there’s nothing wrong with her nose and she doesn’t look like a bird
@allisonheath2836 10 месяцев назад
Story 4 As a child who was on the receiving end of a parent saying things similar or even worse than that, I cannot stress ENOUGH how much it affected my self esteem hearing things like that even now several years later 😢 YES YOU ARE THE BAD APPLE!
@allthingseducation 10 месяцев назад
I agree about animals. Even when times get tough an organization would rather help you get food for your pet than try to find another home. My cats (one recently died so now I have one) are everything to me! My remaining cat is almost 17! Yes pet people are my people!!!!!
@Randomfox. 7 месяцев назад
❤❤❤ *i agreeeeeeeeeee
@VeggiesbyEos 10 месяцев назад
My old dog, who unfortunately passed in December, would peen herself whenever it thundered. I had reusable diapers for her. I just had to make sure I kept an eye on the weather so would put them on when needed. My current boyfriend was absolutely amazing with her. I seriously couldn't have asked for a better person to be her dad in her last months of life. Seeing how he treated her says a lot about him as a person. We now have our own place and have 3 dogs together ❤
@katharinegutkoski 10 месяцев назад
For the first story: I lived in a town for one summer where there was only one grocery store in the whole town. So maybe OP is in a town like that. Of course, there is always a chance that she just ran out of time but I know that there are certainly places and towns that have fewer supermarkets in the USA.
@avathegryffinclaw 10 месяцев назад
story 3: i have an 18 month old dog that i have had since she was 2 months old i also have a 7 year old cat that i have had since she was about 10 weeks old cats are way easier to look after then puppies my puppy knocked stuff of the table, jumped up on people, had accidents, ran out the door on to the road, pulled on the lead, ran off in the park, chewed and ruined shoes, ate one of my school books cats are much less work and i love my cat if you have a dog and you want to get rid of it to get another puppy you are a terrible person and you don't deserve any animals
@anonymoususer5853 10 месяцев назад
As someone who lives close to multiple stores and not a food desert, I would be shocked if they ran out of blueberries and I would assume the store would have them since I can't remember the store never NOT having berries. I would've been step mom lol
@windyfranks8428 10 месяцев назад
I’m the exact opposite. Even though there are four grocery stores in my town. Because I live in a poor state that also has very little natural food resources it’s extremely hard to find fresh produce if it isn’t in season. Even when the produce is in season it can be hard to find certain foods that are still fresh. Blueberries are not a fruit that can be easily obtained year round in my area.
@ameyvanderslice7171 10 месяцев назад
The third story really resonated with me. Our previous neighbors threw their cat out because they couldn’t afford her anymore. She then went and purchased another small dog. Made us all angry 😡. The neighbor and I both share feeding the cat. Then, they moved and LEFT her here. Whelp, she is now in our house after having a traumatic experience.
@Mamda07 10 месяцев назад
That poor dog too because you know they won't hold onto the dog once some larger cost comes up. People like that don't deserve animals. Disgusting. Thank you for giving that cat a loving home.
@marshmallow4646 9 месяцев назад
I thought he just didn't like animals and the mess they made, but seriously he wants a puppy, this isn't a hygiene/mess issue then because that puppy will pee in the house and tear things up and need to be trained and probably shed too
@300xp4 8 месяцев назад
The third story didn't make me think of him as a bad apple, she continued to berate him for not wanting the dog but he didn't want the cat. He didn't like a lot of things about the cat and having it (seemingly because she never took care of it until he threw her out) he wanted the puppy with the cat and dog, but she said no even though he said yes to the cat. He never wanted the dog to go, just thought he was annoying (anyone can think something is annoying without not wanting it) he didn't tell her to abandon it, just to give it away. He's not a cat person, is that so bad? I blame her for not helping until her back was against the wall.
@penguinbear9432 10 месяцев назад
No but the fact that Apple #2 is getting a puppy CONCERNS me. He finds older dogs annoying, can’t handle the responsibility of ANY pets (I don’t want to clean up pee, the litter box is gross, I hate the shedding, etc) genuinely scares me. People like this think that animals (especially dogs) are ‘easy.’ I’m currently raising a puppy and it’s HARD. To be a genuinely good puppy owner is work and dedication and occasionally annoying or gross. It’s very rewarding of course (I love my pup so so much, she’s perfect) but it’s a lot of work and I don’t think this guy could handle that. Even before the puppy gets old, he sounds like a horrible horrible dog owner and I’m genuinely upset for that poor puppy that they may get.
@cisalzlman 10 месяцев назад
Story 2: the roommate is a bad apple if the role were reversed they would be comiting a crime by opening a package addressed to op.
@PiTheGuyAlt 10 месяцев назад
I’m not really sure the point you’re trying to make here. She’s opening a package addressed to herself. Sure it was a gift for someone else but it was still addressed to her and is her package. Opening it is not only legal, but also a very reasonable thing to do.
@cisalzlman 10 месяцев назад
@@PiTheGuyAlt no I'm it's illegal for the roommate(the one complaining it was opened) to open the package as it's not addressed to them making it legally not their Mail
@BimboCommentary 9 месяцев назад
I'm trying to wrap my head around if the roommate even knows what snooping means. OP ordered it they know what it is.
@curcubeusiiubirea7778 10 месяцев назад
I have THOUGHTS on story three. Because I am a cat Mami of four. Oldest is hermione, 6, Luna, 5, and then Severus and Neville just turned one and I have them since they were little baby kittens. It's so childish the way dude is explaining everything, in my opinion. If the cat is being crazypants, because I understand, I have four. You make accomodations. Simple ones. Don't leave glasses of water where the cat goes, or train them to not get on the kitchen table. I did that by fake hissing lol. They love me and they don't get hair on people's coffee. If the litter box smells so bad, get some air fresheners, a lid for the litterbox, maybe expiriment with different litter brands. And I wonder why the cat is mean. I know specifically my eldest cat, Hermione, is a B*TCH when she doesn't trust someone. She will attack someone if they're being unkind to me. They're a good judge of character in my experience. And cats can do serious damage depending on how often you give them a pedicure/cut their nails all nice. And you've been BEGGING for a puppy. It just sounds childish, dude. First, a puppy is a million times more work than a cat. + you're upset about the adult dog because he's getting older and requires more help? Something tells me a puppy is a horrible idea. Either dude needs to straighten up and apologise, and work all this out CIVILY like adults, or she might need to look into leaving with her babies. It's almost concerning, but those are just my thoughts. Edit: the food thing, awe I understand. One of my kittens tend to uh overeat and then vomit. I've gotten it worked out so he doesn't overeat and throw up. My oldest kitty also tries eating stickers and the packaging to water 😂 Just keep those things closed in the cuppords.
@mikekeenanphd 10 месяцев назад
I have to be honest. I wasn't as disgusted as you at first by the last two stories. But, after hearing your responses, I was a little ashamed at myself for not being disgusted. I always tell my two daughters how lovely they are. I can't imagine answering that question the way the parent did. I am even trying to imagine thinking it, but I can't even do that. I can also try to imagine my two sons asking me if they are handsome, but they don't care what I think about that so it never happened!
@GoJordan 10 месяцев назад
Are you talking to Rebecca or the person who submitted these stories?
@mikekeenanphd 10 месяцев назад
@@GoJordan Rebecca
@jadecat9897 10 месяцев назад
Last story: If your own mother doesn't tell you that you're beautiful, what hope do you have that anyone will ever see you as beautiful? Heartbreaking 😢
@kellienewland 10 месяцев назад
You totally have a point there, but she does call her daughter beautiful all the time, right? I'm sure she means it. Maybe she put her foot in her mouth a bit when she was asked to be objective, but she clearly loves her daughter and is trying to be receptive to her needs and requests, at least in my opinion. No one is a perfect parent, and parenting a young woman can be extremely difficult. I feel like the mom seems very concerned and eager to help with any resources she can offer, i.e., counseling and attempts at one on one talks. Maybe I'm offering a tad too much grace based off of my own experiences, but I feel for this mom and daughter duo. They are both trying so hard to figure it out, and I hope they do end up getting into a good counseling rhythm.
@jadecat9897 10 месяцев назад
@kellienewland I understand what you mean. It's hard being a parent. But how many times do you think she'll need to hear "you're beautiful" to convince her that the one time she didn't hear that wasn't the reality? I think this "small mistep" might be leading to years' worth of self-worth issues and counseling. It's just one of those lies every parent knows to tell: of course you're beautiful! I love you all the same! Etc...
@kellienewland 10 месяцев назад
@@jadecat9897 You’re right, she definitely needs counseling, but I don’t think it’s from her mom calling her average looking when pressed, or at least, not entirely. Hopefully she accepts her mom’s offer for counseling and puts in the work to realize that what her mom had been telling her for years is what is the actual truth: that she is beautiful inside and out, and anybody who goes out of their way to try and make her feel bad about herself is a liar who is dealing with their own crap and taking it out on her. Just because lots of parents complement their child doesn’t mean those compliments are lies. In fact, they’re the truths you’re supposed to rely on when this sort of thing happens. Hopefully, she realizes how much her mom loves her and wants her to succeed in life, and learns the hard lessons that we can only be emotionally hurt if we allow ourselves to take nasty people seriously. Not that it excuses their behavior, but she needs to learn she has power over whether or not she gets offended.
@castroh19 10 месяцев назад
Story 3. I understand exactly how he feels. I get annoyed at my brothers dog. To the point that part of me wishes it runs away. I dont want to be the owner of a animal. However I am not a monster and I would never ever tell him to get rid of the dog.
@shawnhelton7653 10 месяцев назад
Last story: I think I understand this mother. Like me, She seems like a very logic over emotion type of person. If i read you right rebecca, youre the opposite? It can be very easy for us to fall into the trap of rationality our way through emotional dilemas because it is difficult for us to step out of that mindset. Its not because we are being cruel, its just that we dont always recognize when a logicaI and balanced response will make things worse and not better. I think youre right that she mishandled the situation, but think maybe your reaction is a bit extreme. What her daughter asked for and what she needed to hear were not the same, and, unfortunately, mom missed the que.
@joleen2509 9 месяцев назад
For the last story my heart is absolutely broken for that sweet girl. She was holding it all in besides showing her insecurities in certain ways, but as soon as she finally opens up due to her parents encouragment just to be shot down by someone who should have been her number one cheerleader. I pray that this parent changes and realizes how much mental health is important and starts to be there for their daughter.
@Theviolentredpanda 10 месяцев назад
Story 1: I know we aren't supposed to insert our own experiences into the stories, but as someone who lives in a very rural area in Kentucky as a child, I didn't know towns could have more than one grocery store. In the town I grew up in, there was only one Walmart in the entire area, the next store was roughly 30-40 miles away, so I completely understand not being able to run to different stores. So we don't really know where she lives or if she could have gone elsewhere, but from my experience I would have never traveled to two walmarts for blueberries
@Hello..614 10 месяцев назад
Story 4: Definitely a bad apple as a girl around the same age as her daughter who is also very insecure to the point I hate looking in mirrors and being on photos. If she really wanted the honesty you should’ve found something beautiful about her. Especially because she is being bullied at school for her appearance and you in forcing that behavior it could lead to dangerous things (trying to change her nose in this case would be an example) I’m very insecure about my self especially my stomach area to the point I will suck it in or skip meals because I hate it so much. If my mom told me it was exhausting dealing with an insecure teenager and says I’m average looking things could get much worse. Also don’t say “Oh well I was a teenager once” that means nothing it’s nice to know people understand and are trying to help you, but don’t compare your life to hers because she’s not you. This story makes me sick to my core.
@katelynncutie8624 10 месяцев назад
When you talked about pets getting surrendered to the shelter. I rescued a 3 legged dog from the shelter and the shelter said that she had been adopted twice and they both surrendered her back. I have had her for almost 3 months and she is the best dog, I don’t know how those people didn’t want her, I love this dog so much.
@Freak_Of_Nature124 10 месяцев назад
That poor daughter in the last story. I completely agree with you. What kind of mother would say that?!?! Everyone has insecurities, so if my mother told me something mentioned my insecurities like that I would go to my room and cry.
@mysteriousman5151 10 месяцев назад
She didn't point out anything specific, she simply said average. The average person has something pretty about them, which I think that some people don't seem to get
@mhwillet 9 месяцев назад
​@@mysteriousman5151I totally agree with you. Being average is ok. Should her mother blow smoke up her ass and lie to her about her looks? That's even worse than kids picking on her. Please show me someone who wasn't picked on or bullied as a child. Kids suck and are mean as hell. They can be brutal.. Being that young and being so concerned about her looks is not healthy. We adults understand that your physical appearance is not forever. We age, we go through illnesses and injuries that can change your appearance in an instant. This obsession over what is perceived as beautiful as not real. If you look at all the media, internet images and social media posts that are shoved down our throats as a beauty standard is crazy! And what's worse is it is all a lie. No one looks like those images. They are photoshopped or have had cosmetic surgery to obtain this beauty standard that could be out of vogue next month? The whole beauty industry sucks and is out there to sell us shit we don't need and in the long run won't make us feel better about the way a person feels about their worth. To me I'm average looking person. I'm not beautiful by any means and I'm okay with that. I believe that kindness to others willingness to listen to someone that is having a bad day, and being a decent person is what is beautiful. Being a real person should matter more in life than some fly by night beauty standard. We need to back the cycle of impossible beauty standards because it is affecting people's mental health. I think this daughter needs help. She needs to talk to someone that can help her deal with her feels and help her understand what she sees isn't really beauty.
@DarthBenneth 10 месяцев назад
#1: I'm leaning more towards crab apple, but that does not excuse the father's behavior at all. It's more like how could this situation have been avoided? Like you said, it doesn't sound like the step-mother prioritized the cake well, so proper planning to make sure she had all the ingredients would have helped. However, if she genuinely could not have found blueberries for the cake for whatever reason, what she should have done rather than going forward and making the cake as is without all the ingredients is to communicate with the father that she wouldn't be able to make the cake exactly how he wanted it. That way they could have had a conversation before the party about the blueberry situation to either make the cake with what ingredients they had access to, or to order a cake with all the ingredients they wanted. At least that way they would have been on the same page moving forward, but again that leads back to the question of whether the cake was a priority. I think just by talking about the blueberry situation beforehand could have prevented this entire scenario, so that is why I am leaning towards step-mother as crab apple because more could have been prioritized before the party. However, given the situation that happened she was very much in the right to leave after the father had a temper tantrum over a cake that still probably tasted really good and still had thought put into it. #3: If you can't handle your partner's pets, then unfortunately you shouldn't be in that relationship. Being in a relationship with someone that already has pets or kids means you are getting the full package. No matter how long you have been with the person, the pets have been with her longer than you have. There is no level of entitlement that is acceptable for someone to ask their partner to get rid of pets. Bad apple, 100%. There isn't a debate here.
@kellienewland 10 месяцев назад
Apple #4: I have a kinda similar story. I was bullied as a kid, but never really about my looks, I don’t think. Except for my brothers, but that’s just kinda par for the course. Anyways, I struggled with how I looked for awhile, and I have asked my mom if she thinks I’m pretty many times. Sometimes she gave a generic, yet truthful answer, but sometimes I would push her on it. I have asked her to honestly rate me on a scale from 1-10. And she gave me a 8 for my natural look, and a 9 when I have decent makeup. And I still don’t believe her 100%. I think the that maybe, the daughter was going to be upset no matter what. Was calling her average a good call? I don’t know. But I am a believer that if your kid asks you to do your best to remove your parental bias for a second, then you owe it to them to do so as delicately as possible. I think this mom was doing everything right with giving affirming answers and suggesting therapy, and maybe she fumbled a bit at the end, but her daughter kinda asked for it. I personally would go crab apple, maybe even good apple, because that’s a really tough spot to be put in and I think she handled it pretty well. I get Rebecca’s perspective, and her suggestion for a better truthful response was great, but we can’t always think of the right thing to say in the moment, you know?
@1ccTooTall 10 месяцев назад
I think I would have given her a huge long hug, told her that she’s beautiful inside and out (the same language as always) and steered the conversation towards why it so important to look “beautiful”? Who decides what “beautiful” is? Is controlling your external image essential when your YOU-NESS is inside and altogether lovely? Whose opinion is important to you? why? And then maybe discuss if there’s a certain feature - such as her nose - that is truly causing bullying maybe discuss a plan/age for seeking plastic surgery. Then another hug. I might even have asked her if I was objectively beautiful (clearly, not!). Does my appearance make me less valuable and important to those around me? Does she love me less when I’m a hot mess? How would she feel if people measured my worth based on my appearance? Good things to think about in this image conscious world.
@kellienewland 10 месяцев назад
@@1ccTooTall Those are all really good, well thought out ideas. I don't know if they would be the first thing to pop up for most people, especially if they feel at their wit's end and don't really know how to have these kind of conversations with people. I believe it takes a lot of time and personal effort to learn how to communicate about emotions with anyone, let alone one's child. But definitely good advice that could probably help out quite a few people in this scenario.
@stormcrucher2668 10 месяцев назад
I say that last person is crab, they shouldn't have said that but they didn't call their daughter ugly and being called average ain't an insult in my opinion
@AnnabethOwl 9 месяцев назад
I politely disagree because she knows her daughter is very insecure and true to compare it to her own experiences- that to me is a no. But then when she uses the word vanity that’s the second no. Vanity normally means excessive pride and being insecure is NOT the same thing as excessive pride. But also I think it’s weird how she didn’t address a main part of the problem- she basically admitted to being bullied and said they think she looks like a bird but in answering she didn’t address the bird problem. Which to someone who is insecure that seems like they’re agreeing that you look like a bird. And to someone who is insecure and being bullied “average” seems like a bad thing speaking from experience. I’d probably go bad apple. No hate though just sharing my opinion! Edit:spelling
@StealthheartDraws 10 месяцев назад
Story 2: yeah get a new roommate. I had a roommate with VERY similar behavior and she evicted me in the middle of the pandemic. The package had YOUR name on it. If it had her name on it, even if you knew what was inside, THAT would make you the bad apple. But no, that was YOUR mail, gifted to you. Good apple
@nicolettepalazzo7143 10 месяцев назад
Oh my god the third story infuriated me. Any man that tells me to get rid of my future pets... will not be my boyfriend. If a guy has that much hatred toward a pet... there's issues. It's ok to not like them but to have this disgust and hatred toward them... it's horrible.
@ellisonkochensparger4792 10 месяцев назад
I had a cat like Vixie who had acid reflex problems. I don’t know if it will work with Vixie, though her acid reflex was better, still existent, just lessened when I gave her Temptations fur ball/hairball treats. My other cat had hairball issues, so it was an accidental discovery of something that worked. I also love hearing you talk passionately about your cats. ☺️ I miss my cats with all my heart; it was nice having a good memory of them today.
@seeyalaterornever 10 месяцев назад
The only way I can see getting rid of an animal or hurting it is if they are physically hurting you like a vicious dog since there are stories where dogs turn for no reason and attack. Or another reason is if you have allergies since there are some instances where some people has never had pets and don't know that there allergic.
@shayelea 10 месяцев назад
On the cake story: 1) Even if she did only shop the morning of, we don’t know why. When did dad tell her what to get? What does she do for work? How busy is she generally? IMO there’s not enough information to decide that OP should have given herself more time to ensure she had all the ingredients, or to intuit that running out of time means she didn’t take it seriously. 2) Ever since COVID, sometimes things you expect a store to have will be out. (In my area at least, this is still a problem.) When that happens, I’m never sure if it’s an issue with that one store or with the whole supply chain. Regardless of why she was running out of time, IMO it was reasonable to decide that spending an extra 30-60 minutes going to other stores - if there even are any in the area - is not a good bet, and the party will survive without blueberries on the cake. 3) We actually have no idea how the stepdaughter reacted; we only have angry, manipulative dad’s word for it. I’m pretty sad for that OP that her parents have taken the husband’s side.
@turtlebirdrox 10 месяцев назад
For the blueberries, in some places, it all depends on the season. Some stores, especially if you're are in a small town, wont have them in certain times of the year. Also, depends on when this was written and location, there are still shortages on various food items Everything else you said in this video, I 100% agree with!
@ilyymarie5273 10 месяцев назад
The last story is heartbreaking! I would never once in my life tell my kids they aren't beautiful, when her daughter was just looking for reassurance!
@gracemcmillan1317 10 месяцев назад
I love apple picking days! I look forward to these videos so much no matter if our opinions differ because it's nice to see another perspective I usually haven't thought of before.
@SamMooredwhofan42130601 10 месяцев назад
story 1 - dad could have asked "why no blueberries" she could have explained, "there weren't any" and I'm sure if he just asked her to go to another store and get some while he stalled for a bit, she would have happily done so. But dad reacted poorly, wasted perfectly good cake, and ticked off his wife, and is acting like a child. Of course OP left to stay with her mom, I would leave if my (now ex) flipped out on me and threw out something that I spent hours on because there was something that could be sprinkled on top. I agree, OP is good apple, OP's husband is bad apple, red hot moldy bad apple.
@dreamingdragon2455 10 месяцев назад
Story 3 both owners are bad apples the guy for the reasons Rebecca said and the girlfriend because she didn’t spay the cat until it was 3 and that was only because the guy fought for it. Spaying pets is really important and if you ask any vet they can give you multiple reasons why.
@avathegryffinclaw 10 месяцев назад
3 is not old to spay an animal because yoy should only do it when they are at least 1 and it should really be 2+
@dreamingdragon2455 10 месяцев назад
@@avathegryffinclaw I always heard that you should fix your pets after the first signs of heat and in many cats that is usually before they are 2 or even 1 year old. I’m not saying that 3 is to old to spay just that if she really cared about the cat and listened to a vet she would have spayed it much earlier. That is why I think she is a bad owner.
@avathegryffinclaw 10 месяцев назад
@@dreamingdragon2455 we didn't spay our cat until she was 18 months old they need to fully develop first and it is not necessary to spay any animals doing it too young can effect development
@babypoof 10 месяцев назад
For the third story. About 4 years ago, i was driving with another person and found a cat on the side of the road. It was a busy road and we didnt want it to get hit, so we stopped. I ran out to grab him, and the second i came close to him, he started meowing and rubbing on my hand. This cat was the sweetest cat I'd ever interacted with, even over my own cat lol, cuz my cat is skittish around others. This cat just wanted affection and pets. There were no lost cat posters, no posts on facebook or anything. We checked neighboring states for lost pet pages. We found no one looking for this cat, but he was very obviously domesticated, and had grown in a household with ppl. He was taken to the vet, and found that he was over 10 yrs old. He had bladder problems, and had trouble controlling himself. The vet said he was likely dumped. His owners didnt want to pay for his medication to help his bladder problems and didnt want to deal with him peeing everywhere. The person that eneded up taking him got the proper care, and he had no more problems with being on the medicine. That cat lived for another few years. We found him Jan of 2020, he recently passed, June 2023. Its just vile, how ppl will get a dog or cat, cuz they like the idea of having a pet, or think its cute, but then when it comes down to actually being a pet owner, they abandon them.
@SweetLala25 10 месяцев назад
I think for story 3 you probably shouldn't have read it. I knew you would have been triggered by it being a cat person. I am not a cat person so I would have from day one stated no cats. I freaking love dogs though. I adopted an 8 yr old pit bull mix who has a life long health problem. I'm not sure if he doesn't like dogs, I think his last straw was the dog peeing on the bed. The story was mostly about the cat so I think he just let his girl get one because he loves his GF. I lean more towards crab apple and I would recommend him breaking up and starting over, this time making it clear he isn't a cat person instead of letting it go on for 3 years.
@avathegryffinclaw 10 месяцев назад
i am not a cat person but i own a cat i would never suggest getting rid of her
@cheyennemoore8380 8 месяцев назад
You are one of the most genuine, sweetest humans I know online Rebecca. I wish I could give you a hug. Thanks for being you.
@shiori08hachisuka 10 месяцев назад
So, for the third story, I agree with Rebecca only halfway. It seems like there really isn't any compromise on either side of this situation and I think Rebecca's love for her own cats kind of swayed her opinion. He complained in the story about how he had to fight to get the cat spayed 3 years into her life; which would have probably alleviated some of the behavorial issues earlier on. Usually, animal specialists do reccomend getting your household animals spayed/neutered earlier than later for a plethora of reasons. Even though I don't agree with blowing up and kicking the girlfriend and her animals out, she didn't seem to consider his feelings about the smell of the cat litter or the fact that her cat won't stop knocking things over. Rebecca is definitely correct about putting in the time, money and love into owning an animal, however, the girlfriend seems to be a lazy pet owner. Mattresses are expensive so knowing that her dog is elderly and could possibly lose control of his bodily functions while sleeping on their bed, maybe put some puppy pads under where he sleeps or a protective cover over the mattress. There are ways that both parties can compromise and both are being selfish in their own way. I would go crab apple for this one because the boyfriend should not be kicking his girlfriend and her animals out whatsoever, nor should he just assume that getting a puppy would be much better than the current situation. Puppies have accidents in the house all the time. Rebecca does mention that she and Avery take extra care into making sure Milo doesn't chew on plastic bags; meanwhile, it was an issue for the girlfriend to just get her cat spayed. The girlfriend needs to grow up and take responsibility for her animals. There is room for growth on both ends.
@pmholli54 10 месяцев назад
I would think average is pretty. Beautiful would be above average, ugly would be below average so pretty is average. The mom said average, not ugly. That being said, knowing her daughter’s struggles with self esteem, she could have handled that better. When I was young, kids said I was ugly because I had freckles. I remember looking at myself and realizing I had all the right facial parts and looked like an average person. That logic helped me believe I wasn’t ugly. I guess the difference is I told myself I was average vs my mom telling me that. I don’t want to take a stab at what kind of apple, but she may want to apologize to her daughter.
@MemilyMisMe 9 месяцев назад
For the first story, I completely agree with everything you said and you matched my thoughts. However, there is one thing. I'm not sure of the relationship between the step-mother and step-daughter, but in the story it said that the step-mom leaving also hurt the step-daughter. I think she is probably still a good apple for leaving, but I just want to bring up that it says it hurt the daughter, even though none of what happened was her fault and she was unfortunately caught in the middle.
@Yearofthebows24 10 месяцев назад
In response to story 3, enjoy this story Mrs Rogers and YT chat: My wife made me go out and get us a cat together. Now I cant imagine our life without the little furball. She was probably a few weeks away from the rescue putting her down and now she lives a happy life with lots of sleep, treats, and pets. Our second cat was put up for adoption and TWO people rejected her. The kitten had just given birth (shes not even 2) and they didnt like how her body changed. One of the couples said they couldnt imagine loving her. The other saw her and said no, even after paying the fee. I reluctantly said we can adopt her and now she greets me at the door every day. Sorry for chopping onions in front of yall, but this is what pets think of you. They love you. Yes, they are work, but you dont just get to have the pets when theyre cute. You get them when theyre old, when theyre sick, when theyre annoying, when theyre sad. And then you give them love and they return the favor for you
@AmazingMelodiesYouTube 10 месяцев назад
My next door neighbor had a cat when they moved in. They threw it out of the house because he attacked their kids in self defense. (the kids were pulling his tail and pushing him down the stairs) I took him in and kept him until he died. A couple years after they kicked him out they got another cat and 2 puppies. They soon kicked that cat out for the same reason. The dogs are also gone idk where they went. I can’t stand people who get pets and let their kids beat up on them. I can’t stand people who get pets and abandon them. They do have feelings too. Stop being so cruel. If you don’t want fur everywhere don’t get a pet with fur. If you don’t want to be committed to an animal DONT GET A PET! It’s literally so simple.
@servicedogchronicles 7 месяцев назад
partner's Old dog and cat story: I have some advice on the whole dog/puppy thing... I've been a dog mom to 4 different dogs, 3 of them were puppies when I got them, and the 4th was 1 year old. If someone is having trouble dealing with an older dog, who has peed on their bed, really think about the responsibility you would be taking on if getting a puppy. The puppy most likely will poop and pee in the house at first until they are potty trained (Which is all up to you to teach them), they may bark, cry, possibly destroy personal things until they learn not to - which takes consistent training on the owner's part as well. Each pup has their individual personalities, so some may be quieter, or calmer, but most pups have energy they need to get out. It's like taking care of a human toddler when they are young puppies, and it's like taking care of a human toddler, and teenager in one when they are adolescence... And they will eventually get older, just like that dog that is in the house now.
@AJDudz12 10 месяцев назад
"for telling my girlfriend to get rid of her cat" oh dude, yer in the wrong place for this!
@CSsmallvillelover 10 месяцев назад
The cake story I completely agree. She had every right to walk out of there. Even if it was poor planning on her part the dad was way out of line with throwing the cake away because at least she made something and she even ran it by him first which was good. Also the step daughter probably would feel bad for her step mom because her dad didn’t even let her try the cake. The story with the package I also agree with. I’ve ordered plenty for other people and put the order in my name and unless that’s the only package I’m waiting on I do open it to make sure I’m not accidentally giving the person some of my stuff. I could totally see if it was ordered in her name where she might have an issue but the person ordered it in their name under their account so they should be the one to open it especially since some of their items were also ordered along with hers. The animal story is just oh my gosh. Who only cares for an animal when they’re young and then abandons them when they’re old? Most people who have animals I would hope they treat them like family. I think that girl should kick him to the curve and take care of her babies. I lost my fur baby a couple years ago and took care of him until the very end and he had lots of messes and stuff too. Poor baby just couldn’t help it and we knew that. I totally agree people that want to just abandon animals when their old should not have pets. The last story, I know her daughter told her to be honest with her but seriously I’ve never met a parent who didn’t find something about their child that is beautiful. The fact that the daughter is bullied about that and the mother is basically telling her the bullies are right that’s only going to make her mental health all the more worse. That poor girl.
@rachelbarrett6466 10 месяцев назад
Apple 3: I am a certified dog trainer and that cat is way less work than a puppy. And my cats are my babies
@avathegryffinclaw 10 месяцев назад
i have a cat and a dog and my dog is a lot of work even after she has been trained my cat barley needs anything idk what that person thinks a puppy is less work then a cat
@Vivian-k2i 10 месяцев назад
As someone who has had a lot of horrible things said about me I know that every time it happens it sticks with you forever
@AudreyandXavier 9 месяцев назад
Story 3: uh, puppies are not potty trained. Also most (not all) 11 yr old dogs do not want to interact with puppies. They are seniors and puppies push boundaries. Also for the cat litter box, can they get a robot one to help clean up right away to reduce the smell? Finally, there are health conditions in older dogs ( UTI) that can lead to them peeing without them knowing. A friend also has her dog on meds to help her not have accidents due to a medical condition.
@frankiep984 8 месяцев назад
Pet story: the first dog I had was a mastiff/ boxer mix. When she started getting older she was diagnosed with hip dysplasia. I was telling my neighbor about it and he literally asked me if I was going to keep her. I was literally shocked because he also had a dog. Sometime after that he re-homes his dog and two weeks after that he had a new dog. Then he had the audacity to tell me he missed the first dog. I will never understand this behavior. My dog lived another two years taking med for her pain when needed but eventually passed away from cancer. It’s been two more years and I still miss her every day.
@am1ka.m1ka 10 месяцев назад
i feel like the lady in the last story is the type of person to go "oh sorry, i just have no filter!!"
@12jeromydraws 5 месяцев назад
The second story I agree with. My grandma orders all my and my siblings gifts off Amazon, so naturally she’d have to open them to make sure she wraps the right ones (we each have different wrapping paper to avoid confusion)
@amoryerenhouse5535 10 месяцев назад
My opa had to surrender his dog a little over a year ago. It was super hard for him and he tried everything for him to stay in the family, unfortunately though, none of us were in a position to take him. The reason he had to give him up was because he was starting to lose his balance and had to walk with a cane and because he apparently bit a few people in his Philly apartment building. So he made the hardest decision of his to surrender him, we did/do everything we can to support him
@linklein7270 9 месяцев назад
Having been a child who was told I wasn’t pretty left me with no self esteem for a very long time. My mother woukd always introduce me as her oldest. That was literally all she knee about me. She could speak volumes about my siblings. My mother was a narcissist. There were instances where my siblings felt similar to how I felt but they were few and far between. And somehow she would twist those times around making it my fault she said those hateful things to my siblings. Her response to other people was that she was just being honest, that I needed to understand about myself. The go to was that I just needed to stick to my own kind. She could never tell me what “my own kind” was. She and my former husband would constantly talk about ways to make my life hell and later say she was just going along with him to avoid making him mad. It’s taken time and therapy to get past most if the hurt. There are some things that I still can’t let go of. I am still working on accepting and letting go. I hope this young woman’s mother realizes the damage she’s done and really wants to address her own issues so that she is able to truely love and support her daughter. She can start by addressing the bullying at her daughter’s school.
@ThatOneDude822 10 месяцев назад
Unpopular opinion, but Im between good apple and crab apple for the last one. 1. She didn't call her daughter ugly. She didn't even say "you're not pretty" or anything along those lines. She told her she's average looking (MOST of us ARE!) AND FOLLOWED IT UP with saying there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, and still tried to make her daughter feel like she shouldn't be ashamed for looking average. 2. Her daughter asked for the truth and told her not to sugar coat it. Don't say that if you aren't prepared to hear an answer you may not like or want to hear. I'm astounded by how many people ask for the truth, and then get hurt or offended by the truth. Be prepared for any answer you may receive if you demand someone's 100% honest opinion. Side note: sometimes people just have kids that are just average. The parents don't have to think otherwise just because it's their kid. Now I do think mom could have elaborated more, which is why I'm on the fence between good and crab apple. Like you said, she could have pointed out some specific features she finds pretty. I think the conversation would have been more helpful if she said something more asking the lines of "overall you're average like most of the rest of us, and that's not a bad thing at all, you should be proud of how you look. And your hair really stands out to me, it's beautiful! What do you say we go get our hair done together this weekend and then go get lunch/see a movie/SOMETHING." That probably would have been a better response. She's being honest, but also points out average isn't bad, addresses her daughters feelings by saying she has nothing to be ashamed of, points out a feature she does find beautiful, and finds a way for them to go out and spend time with each other taking her daughters mind off of the bullies, all while doing something that will highlight one of her best features (her hair, in this example). If I had to choose I would probably go good Apple, as I think she truly thought she was helping her daughter and didn't intend any harm.
@ActingAFoolForYou 10 месяцев назад
That poor girl but I have worse story than that. I worked at a garden center as their bookkeeper/office manager for many years. They had many crazy customers, but one day this woman was preaching to customers against their will. When the manager confronted her she sorta stopped for a bit. However she was picking up lots of items to buy and it seemed as she had a shopping addiction when it came to paying she had to put everything on several cards. She kept talking after she had paid and bothering customers. Her family including her husband had been setting in a hot car waiting for her the entire time. One of her young daughters got out because she needed the restroom. She fell and scraped her knee pretty bad like stiches bad. When my store manager asked if the girl was ok the woman said oh her she's stupid she does that shit all the time pay her no mind. My store manager took the girl and cleaned her up and gave her water and a snack. We got her to leave after that, but she came back a few more times and even shop lifted. She did similar things at many other local stores even pulling a pistol on the people in a habitat restore. Eventually she was arrested and the kids are I guess with their dad or at least someone less crazy.
@c.a.fontaine1074 10 месяцев назад
My rabbit has peed on my bed multiple times, destroyed my notebooks, bit through my chargers but I'll never get rid of her. Animals are destructive, animals have accidents, people not willing to deal with these things shouldn't be allowed to own any animal, I agree with you 100%.
@MargaretFlood-lg9ky 9 месяцев назад
In the third story, some one needs to tell this man that that puppy will be peeing much more than that old dog
@remuslupin1199 Месяц назад
Story #4, this is a good time to teach your kid that everyone is beautiful in their own way. Someday someone is gonna love her nose despite its size.
@emilysnow7406 10 месяцев назад
I love your videos, and agree with you on the first story. He through all of her hard work in the trash. This series is so fun keep going!!!
@AshleyAmbrose94 10 месяцев назад
my friends and i open things from etsy/amazon to make sure it's not broken/missing something inside, then we give it to the other person if it's a gift. we even re-wrap it because etsy products often come prettily packaged with candies or stickers in them, but we don't want the other person opening something only to go "oh it's broken..." it's just our way of double checking everything's good to go
@potatoesdeterre 10 месяцев назад
That guy in the third story should NEVER be a pet owner. When he said that the cat was bad me, someone with a cat who is a little annoying (I have scars from him chasing me up the stairs and lunging at me and he likes to pee on whatever furniture my dog steps foot on) I assumed I could sympathize with him. But I cannot understand how he hates a cat just doing regular cat shenanigans. After that, I assumed he was just an animal hater, but now he wants a puppy? Like what is he going to to when it’s old like the other one? Or when it wakes him up as a puppy wanting to go pee? This guy is a walking red flag
@NessieLoveNessieLife 10 месяцев назад
This comment would be completely the other way if you were a dog person. Maybe you should think of the fact that your going to be incredibly biased if your a cat person before giving your opinion. I can smell the bias through the screen.
@potatoesdeterre 10 месяцев назад
@@NessieLoveNessieLife what do you mean? I am a dog person. I own a dog like I said in the comment. Also the second half of the comment is about how the op is a hypocrite for wanting a puppy but hating an old dog.
@NessieLoveNessieLife 10 месяцев назад
@@potatoesdeterre It put the comment underneath your comment when I replied to someone else wtf.
@TeganStinner 10 месяцев назад
If the dog pees in the house a lot get those fake grass pee pads, but that may not work if the dog doesn’t feel stable on the pee pads
@jacobkleinsasser5658 10 месяцев назад
1. As someone who has lost the love of their life, I totally understand what he is going through. And on a day like that the last thing you want to do is have any mix ups because he is already dealing with A LOT of emotions and a tiny thing can push him over the edge, and since it was a birthday it was obvious it was coming up. The cake ingredients should have been ready long before the day actually came. And if you couldn't find anything, then you need to immediately let him know. And figure out a solution from there. That said, he flipped out WAY too much! I can very easily see being frustrated and upset, like I said I lost my love too, and even though it has been years I still get worked up on days that were important to her, but that doesn't justify treating the step mom, who is trying her best, like that. She was kind of a crab apple for not preparing and unintentionally throwing in a surprise, but she was totally justified in leaving, so good apple. 2. Umm... That's not her mail... It's your mail. It may contain something for someone else, but it's still your mail. 3. I'm not a cat person, but I do love dogs. Anyway, I totally agree. 4. I can't add much, totally agree.
@T1MB05L1C3 10 месяцев назад
I agree with the decision on story #4. But that said, I wish my family members stopped lying to me about how "handsome" and special I am, when I am in fact, average looking on a good day and not that special.
@entertainmentlife430 10 месяцев назад
1. Good apple 2. Good apple 3. Bad apple 4. Bad apple
@alisakvasha3088 6 месяцев назад
The cake story is ringing so many bells. First off, the cake for a step-daughter is not about perfection, it's about the gesture. All we know is that the late mom used to bake a cake, but was she a professional baker? So she dies, and now the dad is substituting the cake mom made with a professionally made one. Not only that, but he expects the same professional quality and preparation from his new wife as in a professional bakery that usually has contractors that provide the supplies - WHAT? Secondly, she has already put enough effort - getting the flavors, the filling, the icing, making it, putting it together and decorating... That takes a lot of time and effort, and all is being thrown away just because of missing blueberries. It's like getting a new car from your spouse and throwing the keys into the river because you wanted a different color - it's that level of entitlement. He should have been grateful for the interest she has shown, in finding out the details and making steps in building a closer relationship with the step-daughter. But instead of apologizing for his outburst and unacceptable behavior, he is guilt-tripping her that she ruined the birthday. If there is someone who did that, it's him. As of the third story... Can somebody call Jackson? This guy needs some professional Galactic insight that he is a jerk, not the cat. The third story is a doozy.... As a person, who had been forced to be in photos when a kid, I formed a negative relationship with a camera: rarely do pictures show me the way I see myself. Kind of like, I like myself in the mirror, but I hate almost every photo of me, since I do not control the angle and perspective. So I kinda get the kid. On the other hand, she demanded info from mom on what she honestly looked like: don't say the usual "you look beautiful inside and out", tell me the truth - I really think that she was asking for whatever came next. Now to the mom: her intention was to see if her daughter would consider going to therapy so that she has a safe space to talk about her self-image and build up her confidence, which is a great thing, considering her daughter's attitude towards her reflection on every surface, but she was side-tracked by this "honesty" question. I agree, she should have responded differently. Rather than saying that she is "average", she should have said something along the lines of: "Do you think my nose is too big for my face? No- That's what I thought, but for your information, at your age, I had a big nose too. Look, you are at the age when bodies grow and change, and some features might develop sooner than others. Your nose happened to be first, but don't worry, your face proportions would even out shortly and you'd forget that anyone made those comments. In the meantime, I love you not for the mere image, but for the beauty you radiate from within. I get that your peers might be mocking you for your current appearance, but I don't want your mirror reflection to defy who you really are"
@YourLocalCashier-84 10 месяцев назад
I love your videos, they make me laugh every single time lol. I also like to watch these videos and see others confessions.
@Rebecca.Rogers 10 месяцев назад
Glad you like them!
@YourLocalCashier-84 10 месяцев назад
wait a second, I watched this video, and I agree that animals are family members, not to be kicked out because they're too old. BOYY, IF YOU TALK TO MY DOG, MY CAT, MY PIG, EVEN MORE DOGS, GET OUT. Thank you for listening to my opinion.
@hauntedtank7575 5 месяцев назад
When we adopted our dog she had heartworms. We didn’t give her away, we accommodated to her medical needs. We couldn’t let her outside and run around, and we had to give her medicine. We still give her medicine every month so the heartworms don’t return, even though she’s been heartworms free for about two and a half years. That guy is just awful. 😞
@Beachbaby011 9 месяцев назад
Story 2: Literally the roommate is delulu. Like what?😂 Good apple 100%, and also 100% concerning because the roommate seems delulu. They should really pick their battles and be mindful.
@KansasNotTheBand 10 месяцев назад
i can't believe the mom in that story got fed up with her daughter's lack of self-esteem and "everyone is bothered by it" and when her daughter asked if she was pretty the mom's response was basically "yeah, pretty average" like, what??? she needs help to bring up her confidence, not blunt honesty even if she did ask for it! like Rebecca said, this isn't a kid asking if you think they'll make it to the NFL where you go "i think if you practice really well and commit to that goal then you definitely might!" this is a kid asking their mom about their looks. obviously you can't say "well you _could_ be beautiful with some foundation, concealer, blush, mascara, and lip gloss" but she needed reassurance and you didn't give it to her. rule of thumb: teenage girls, especially in the early teen years, don't actually want honesty when they ask if they're pretty. they need validation to become comfortable in their own skin. again, as Rebecca already said, you couldn't find ONE thing to compliment your daughter on????? even at my worst times of feeling bad about my appearance and all i wanted was to have my feelings validated and wallow in misery, i never could get my mom to tell me i wasn't beautiful. we all, especially daughters, have moments of "well you're my mom so you have to say that" and my mom would always respond with "i would say that even if i wasn't your mom." my mom really _is_ a very honest person and mostly won't hesitate to tell me if she thinks my makeup is too heavy or a color washes me out (she once told me both that my makeup looked like i was going to a nightclub and that what i was wearing made me look super pale and that the combination made me look like a vampire "but not the hot kind" lol). but whether she's saying it because she's my mom or because she really believes it, she always tells me i'm beautiful. especially when i have a hard time seeing it for myself.
@shannan7613 10 месяцев назад
I live with four dogs (15yo with dimentia & half blind, 11yo who is blind, 8yo with a chicken allergy, 2yo who can't control his bladder) and I would never chose an SO over them. These animals rely on us for everything. Their needs come first, even the ones that aren't mine.That's how this whole "pet" thing works. If you live in the same home as an animal, you are responsible for their care, end of story. The guy in story 3 is such a montser.
@RhyperiorRanger 10 месяцев назад
It is apple picking day. Lets go.
@jessicacharlton7347 9 месяцев назад
I hate that guy who made such a huge ordeal over his girlfriend's cat and elderly dog, but had the audacity to even think about getting a puppy! Wtf!? Puppies take so much work to care for and train properly! He wants to add another needy animal to this household!? What a selfish idiot! I'm also disgusted with the girlfriend for even thinking about shaving her cat just to please this sorry excuse for a human being! Who thinks it's okay to shave a cat just to prevent shedding!? Some people just shouldn't be allowed to have pets. I also hate that person who told their very insecure daughter, who is being bullied, that she actually isn't beautiful, and is just average! Wtf is wrong with people!? That poor girl deserves better! She's not "just being honest" either, because beauty is subjective. How can you not find your own child beautiful!? Some people shouldn't have children.
@tommywhaley777 10 месяцев назад
The third story made me so mad because I have an old dog. She recently peed my bed, but I still love her . I can’t imagine wanting to get rid of an old dog because of that.
@TheDarwinProject1 10 месяцев назад
You might try famotidine for the cat's acid reflux. My late cat had that issue & that's what the vet put her on, so of course, talk to your vet for dosing. Also, slowing down your cat's eating might help. If it is wet food, you can put it on those silicone dog licks. If it's dry food, you can put the kibble in puzzle feeders or a slow feed dish. You can try adding lower pH foods to her current food or get gastro health treats. There are even cat milk supplement treats without lactose or even kitten milk supplements you can soak her food in. You can also ask your vet if new meds or other clients have found solutions or someone at an organic pet food store (they tend to know more about pet food). Hope you find something that helps! I have GERD myself & know that vomiting can cause serious upper GI, lung, & dental damage, which I would hate that sweet kitty side kick to go through longer than necessary! My oldest late girl cat had a similar personality, she was my bridal gift & bday gift, yet she loved my ex husband & later an ex boyfriend, but was always heart broken when they didn't want her at break ups.
@Mamda07 10 месяцев назад
If your dog starts having bladder issues when sleeping, they do make doggy diapers. I just purchased some for my older pup. It happens and the dogs aren't happy about it either. They know they aren't supposed to pee in the house but they can't help it. Help them help themselves where you can and dont get mad. You'll regret your anger later when they aren't around anymore.
@Duckter_Grey 10 месяцев назад
I really don't agree with your verdict on that last one, the parents didn't call her ugly, she just said "I think you are average looking as most people are, and there's nothing wrong with that." And that's a really realistic sentiment. And I like that the parent offered reassurance and saying that there is nothing wrong with being average looking because yeah, most people are average and that shouldn't ever be an insult. Yes some people are going to be prettier than others but for the most part everyone is basically on the same field here.
@josiejohnson2679 10 месяцев назад
THE ANIMAL ONE MADE ME SO ANGRY earlier today I was on this website i do for school and I had to read a passage about how our pets don't actually love us and blah blah blah. I hardly even read it and got most of the questions wrong, which looking back that's not good but it was for me because I have an old cat and I cry easily...
@PaulaRoederer 7 месяцев назад
Story one, the husband's behavior was unacceptable, and abusive. I can see him being disappointed that there were no blueberries, but not irritated. He never took the trouble to make his daughter a cake, but hers wasn't good enough?!? He threw his own daughter's cake in the garbage, but SHE'S the one who hurt his daughter?!? He is absolutely in the wrong. I also don't agree with saying she "didn't prioritize the cake enough.". She volunteered to make a cake and decorate it herself, which her husband could never be bothered to do. She was under no obligation to make it exactly the same way her mother used to, and if I were the daughter, I wouldn't want it to be. I would have been happy my stepmom made me one at all. I completely agree with you on the rest of the stories. Last story, the Mom is one of the bullies.
@FateDefied 10 месяцев назад
Your well wishes make my day better. I struggle with the feeling good in my body thing as a nonbinary person, so this week's well wishes especially make me smile. Thank you.
@johnclaybaugh9536 10 месяцев назад
For the first story, lots of mistakes were made, and mistakes don't necessarily make someone a bad apple. But when dude threw the cake away, that was wrong. That was third grade behavior. And I can imagine the situation escalating. Getting out of there for all parties to calm down was a smart move. I don't even no if the relationship is salvagable but the moment the cake hit the trash can it was time to exit, at least for a while.
@starshifter1 10 месяцев назад
i feel your pain with the cat. My older cat is in a similar situation.
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