Camélia Che jwhehegsgshssgsbegsdhdbdhshshshsshshshshsbsbdbdbdhdhvdshshdvdvdvdvdvdvdvdvdvdvdvdvdgdvdvdhsrfrrrrvsocfffgfffhz CD wisvshshs. bdeheh. hewhehehwgegegegegeegrvrgeegsgheggdgegethegdegegsgeg÷egeggeegeyeggegevdgdgdgsyhehdvdhsvdvdvdgdvdvdgdvdgdvgstdfd
Nico Di Angelo Violin playin, following the croud ass, more people playin that instrument than people who stop smokin self. I play a viola, so I basically fit the requirement as cool. Sorry, I watched that Cyanide and Happiness clip.
I was waiting for Rudy to do something like this. I'm sure everyone agree's with me when I say "Without Music, Life would be a mistake". This is my favorite video ever. I love you Rudy. You are one talented guy. ❤️
Absolutely true. Tell me what you think.
I was like it sounded so good with all of them before Rudy started playing the piano but when he did come in with the piano I was like OMG music can’t get any better then that
I cant stop watching this, the music sound so inspiring and Relaxing and makes me feel like i wanna dance! I love your Videos Rudy! keep up the Good work!
My God May He Bless all y'all souls!! The talent, the imagination!! You give your parents a hug FOR ME! FOR I AM GRATEFUL TO SEE SUCH TALENTED PEOPLE SPEAK THE LANGUAGE.... OF MUSIC!!
This is so good. I love how you put your love for music, and how important it is for the world, in (funny) video's. I really really really love how you do that❤️Your AMAZING💕😍