
More Questions Than Answers On Covid-19 Origin | The Mehdi Hasan Show 

MSNBC On Peacock
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There’s renewed focus on how the deadly coronavirus originated. Was it from a lab? A natural occurrence from an animal? And did the media or scientists brush off certain theories too quickly? Virologist Dr. Angie Rasmussen and molecular biologist Dr. Alina Chan take Mehdi through the evidence.
The Mehdi Hasan Show: Insightful reporting and probing interviews that examine the day's events and provide a deeper level of context for the politics of our interconnected society.
Watch The Mehdi Hasan Show on The Choice channel on Peacock TV, weeknights, 7 p.m. ET. Subscribe to the channel for more interviews.



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@scientificfraud5016 3 года назад
dr angela rasmussen is in cahoots with Peter Daszac and still believes in the wet market theory..one more political scientist marking her own homework.
@qwitchyy 3 года назад
This is the first time I’ve heard anyone address the difference between an accidental lab leak and an intentional bio weapon. Honestly thank you, Mehdi.
@daveatkinson1042 3 года назад
I'm horrified that nobody has heard about the difference!! but it's great that you listened and that you pointed this out!!
@ReR7474 3 года назад
If it were a bioweapon it would have taken us by surprise and not 3 months in advance before it got where started the shutdowns. We were warned!!!
@qwitchyy 3 года назад
@@ReR7474 of course, but on one hand you have people who don’t realize that, while on the other you have people who’ll take any opportunity to further demonize China. And by China, they just mean communism.
@tuckerbugeater 3 года назад
@@ReR7474 Have you constructed a bioweapon before?
@spaduke 3 года назад
Just some common sense: A bio weapon lab will not 1. Let people know it's a "bio lab" 2. Locate in the center of a huge city 3. Publish their research results 4. Allow foreigner to work inside
@arentube8123 3 года назад
Scientists like Dr. Chan that spoke up early deserve a lot of credit. They are incredibly brave. She must have worked very hard her entire life to get to where she is and she put it all on the line to speak up and risk becoming labelled as a conspiracy theorist. I think that is one reason why it has taken so long for the lab leak theory to gain traction in the mainstream. Scientists that put forth and support that possiblity are taking a giant risk. By comparison, nobody is going to ruin their career by jumping the gun and making wrong claims of a natural origin. Alina is also right that this should not be about finding someone to blame. This should be about performing research in a manner that does not endanger lives.
@krob2327 Год назад
She’s a chinese asset. Like you
@kbone8137 3 года назад
Dr. Chan has the kind of elegance I truly admire. Don't get me wrong, at times there's a need for brashness to punch through the veil of doubt, deceit, and obfuscations, but at other it requires a sensitivity that calms ones higher faculties in face of the insanities that are running amuck.
@ecofriendly0 3 года назад
No mention of Fort Detrick though, not sure why this is a taboo?
@oscarmensah8331 3 года назад
Science is not settled and shouldn't be treated like it is. The two qualified scientists on this interview don't even agree. Dr. Rasmussen is quite sold on the zoonotic theory but Dr. Chan believes there's evidence of both. The problem is people with vested interests in covering this up have been treating the issue as settled when it hasn't been.
@norman_5623 3 года назад
Correction. Chan doesn't believe there's *evidence* for both. She thinks that the lab leak hypothesis should be *investigated.* It's pretty easy to get a scientist to agree that a hypothesis should be *investigated.* That doesn't mean she thinks it's true.
@pometown 3 года назад
Actually, there is a significant distinction in the quality of the two scientists. Dr. Rasmussen's statements are measured and more importantly are backed by evidence we have found so far. On the other hand, Dr. Chan did none of that. All she said was that there needed more investigation, but she pointed out no specifics or evidence that we should pay attention to. In other words, she shouted out slogans that everybody has already agreed on. One should also know the fact that finding the origin of SARS virus took a decade of scientific studies. Expecting a speedy answer on this virus is extremely unlikely. Bidden ridiculously thinks the CIA can do better job than the scientists. It's purely for political purposes.
@Alexandre5 3 года назад
@@pometown wanting to find the origin of the virus is not a political issue, it's a scientific one. I don't actually see any hard evidence towards either theory in this video, but more a lack of evidence which makes the natural origin appear to be more likely. There might be evidence for the lab leak hypothesis, but we won't know until we actually investigate it properly. And by the way, the best way to disprove the lab leak hypothesis, would be to get better evidence for the natural origin. To me Dr. Chan seems like she is open minded to any origin and genuinely interested in getting to the bottom of it. And Dr. Rasmussen, who is leaning towards the natural origin because of the current evidence, also says 'we need more investigation'.
@daveatkinson1042 3 года назад
@@pometown Rasmussen made stuff up, and Chan did not. That might be why you think that. The variants argument is utter nonsense. "classic Sars" evolved way more after it spilled over than SARS-CoV-2 --peace
@pometown 3 года назад
@@daveatkinson1042 It is clear that Rasmussen presented more evidence to support her argument. And all evidence can be found the WHO report written by scientists who looked at the real data. In science, it is difficult to make stuff up because everyone is looking at the same set of data. I raised the issue of SARS just as an example that shows in most instances, finding origin of virus is difficult. You can't set a timetable on it as Bidden suggested. Furthermore, he is asking the intelligence agency to find the answer. What does intelligence agency know about virology???? No thing! All they do is to speculate and make up stuff. Bidden is playing the political game. It makes the US look weak and ignorant.
@dcp2047 3 года назад
Dr. Rasmussen claim that the emergence of convergent evolution variants in late 2020 and 2021 is evidence for a natural origin is flawed. In a zoonotic event, according to evolution, you expect that after the species jump you have an initial period of fast adaptation in which several mutations are selected to maximize the spread in the new species. But, as the virus becomes more adapted, the mutations continue happening but are selected at a lower rate because the virus is already well suited for the new host and the chances that a new mutation increases the transmissibility are smaller. SARS is an example of this. With around 8000 people infected, it accumulated many noticeable adaptations during the outbreak. If the virus came from a passage experiment in the lab (or any sort of similar research work) the initial adaptation would occur in the lab, but it doesn't mean that it will already be the perfect unmutable virus adapted to humans. With SARS COV 2, the initial phase of adaptation to humans is missing. The initial samples from Dec 2019 were already well adapted so two hypothesis may exlpain this: the intial cases after the natural zoonotic jump have not been detected or the zoonotic jump happened in the lab as a result of an experiment like serial passage, or testing in humanized mice. The variants in late 2020 and 2021 have emerged because the virus has already infected hundreds of millions of people. No lab experiment can work with a sample size comparable to hundreds of millions of people to maximize the transmissability in humans. It's nonsense to claim that a lab leaked virus would magically stop evolving when infecting hundreds of millions of people. So her argument simply adds nothing to the discussion and its only purpose is to deceive people without a scientific background. Her ties to Peter Daszk and cooperation with the WIV however pose a potential conflict of interest that may explain why she is using such a deceiving argument.
@GaryVolts 2 года назад
This, among other things, is how you know Angela is being disingenuous.
@oraz. 3 года назад
Alina Chan showed more fortitude than anyone else. We should all be thanking her.
@prammar1951 3 года назад
You are the best interviewer on earth right now, I love how you stay objective and press questions on both sides equally.
@lindawolfe2885 3 года назад
Dr. Chan seems more authoritative.
@oscarmensah8331 3 года назад
Absolutely. MIT and Harvard plus Asian to boot.
@GaryVolts 2 года назад
Rassmussen recently emigrated to Canada. I suspect to avoid extradition from the US with the cover up is finally investigated.
@scientificfraud5016 3 года назад
angela rasmussen is a political scientist who made he mind up early 2020
@GaryVolts 2 года назад
Nobody is saying to shut down all of virology, just dangerous gain of function work.
@z3ro5um 3 года назад
Mehdi is greatest when he can burrow into an issue. His variety show is fine, I just wish we could see his greatest work as well.
@arentube8123 3 года назад
It's funny you mention that because when he mentions that he is not going to be bothered to dig into scientific papers, I thought "Isn't that sort of the problem here?" I think professional journalists should dig into these things a little bit. Journalists that relied purely on argument of authorities from Rasmussen and others, without seeking to understand the science in the slightest are as much to blame for this as anyone else. Especially journalists for mainstream science publications like Nat Geo and Scientific American that are supposed to be reliable. I think these publications that take themselves seriously should be looking at their journalists and editors and ask serious questions about the competence of their employees.
@hasanshikoh 3 года назад
For a few seconds, based on watching a few other shows he's done on MSNBC, I have felt that at MSNBC, *perhaps* he's not permitted to burrow like he can? Otherwise, he's not one to let things go past... Just wondering out loud. No "conspiracy theory" intended.
@sherabite3503 3 года назад
If the USA takes any side, you will find Mehdi on the other side
@traviscutler9912 3 года назад
I don't think it's helpful to rule out anything, absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. Much like how plants are selected or farm animals for specific genetic traits is it not possible that the government of China look for, found and then cultivated a specific strain of Corona? (This would help hide the crime while also allowing for a limited amount of damage) Also, after years of dealing with these types of outbreaks in Asia, China's predictive modeling would show that they would be much better prepared under a dictatorship to deal with an outbreak of this specific Corona then Western democracies furthering the decline of American hegemony and speeding up Chinese communist parties domination of the East? Fauci suggest that the Chinese government wouldn't release this disease into its own population BUT this is also the same government that has over a million of its own people in a concentration camp (Americans profit in China despite this fact). So while there is no evidence to support this theory, there's also no evidence to dismiss it. In any crime it's most important to ask "who benefits from this?" I don't think it's helpful to dismiss any theory as it does a disservice to The pursuit of Truth even if some of it is true or none of it is true. I'm tired of all the self-serving government and media dictating the terms of what's acceptable inquiry or not.
@katemccormick9722 3 года назад
A question that I worry about with the current obsession about origin is: would knowing what the origin is definitively change our response? Would people have worn masks and be more willing to get the vaccine if the origin was a lab leak? If not, then the only thing that could change is lab protocol, not totally insignificant, but once a virus is racing among the population it is not helpful in reducing the amount of illness and loss of life.
@elinannestad5320 3 года назад
Right. Slanging the Chinese is not going to change a thing, it's pointless and worse, will reduce international cooperation.
@GaryVolts 2 года назад
If an airplane crashes you need to know why it happened, otherwise the flying public will all be in danger. Now imagine that the passengers of the airplane are the population of the entire world. THAT, is why we need to know how this happened and clamp down on dangerous gain of function research that puts the world's population in danger. Frankly I've already heard enough: lab leaks happen pretty regularly, there are labs making new pathogens, this is very likely to happen even if you think it didn't happen here.
@climbeverest 2 года назад
Crooked Sasketchwan scientist underplaying lab involvement in the same manner as a market animal, meaning the same thing that she speculates happened in the wild could have happened in the lab, for goodness sake do not rule it out for the sake of humanity
@samrizzardi2213 3 года назад
Between believing and demonstrating there is an ocean
@luddity 3 года назад
Some top experts in the field think it is engineered, so it should certainly be investigated thoroughly.
@sherabite3503 3 года назад
People believe there is God - ask them to demonstrate it. But seriously, demonstration would never be technically possible, China will simply never share data.
@GaryVolts 2 года назад
@@sherabite3503 It wouldn't be hard to demonstrate because they were using western tech. Those humanized mice were supplied to them from the US.
@kbone8137 3 года назад
Mehdi is the kind of television reporter that is keenly aware of how to peel back layers, whether through his own analyses or via questioning of the guests. I really enjoy his work. Plus, i thought the two speakers above did a great job of illuminating the general arguments at play without getting to involved in the politics surrounding it all. Just the facts.
@sherabite3503 3 года назад
Mehdi is un-abashadly anti American. His upfront show - and I have watched 3-40 of them - are super critical of USA but he treats others with kid gloves.
@GaryVolts 2 года назад
Rassmussen was spinning. She's obviously biased.
@sunshinesunshine4563 Год назад
@@sherabite3503 no he is not, he is all about facts, truth and justice. Hope Mehdi will sue you for bad mouthing him.
@justinmiller1118 3 года назад
Dr. Rasmussen seems to have lost the thread
@karen-qm7og 3 года назад
Rasmussen is fear-mongering about "shutting down all of virology" at 12"26.
@norman_5623 3 года назад
She's right. Do you know what gain-of-function research is? Some people are actually saying that we should shut down *all* gain-of-function research. That would shut down a lot of virology.
@karen-qm7og 3 года назад
@@norman_5623 Do you know what the proliferation of biolabs worldwide researching potential pandemic pathogens, in densely populated areas, even means? Virologists with conflicts of interest - such as Rasmussen - downplay these tremendous risks to protect their research funding. We ignore such risks at our great peril.
@luddity 3 года назад
There are reportedly 11 biolabs in the US currently doing gain-of-function research. Accidents happen. Life finds a way.
@karen-qm7og 3 года назад
@@norman_5623 Richard Ebright, molecular biologist and professor of chemistry and chemical biology at Rutgers, asserts that such research "serves no practical purpose. (It provides no actionable information for preventing pandemics, combatting pandemics, developing drugs, or developing vaccines.)" (Twitter).
@norman_5623 3 года назад
@@karen-qm7og You can't cherry-pick your favorite biologist who agrees with you. Richard Ebright is just one biologist. If you read all the scientific literature, like Science and Nature, you'd see that: (1) Ebright is in a minority (2) Scientists have been arguing over gain-of-function research since 2014, they decided it could be done safely, and they established rules and procedures to do it safely. (3) As Rasmussen said, without gain of function research, we wouldn't have the SARS (and other) vaccines. Before the vaccine, we had 600,000 deaths. Would you want to give up the COVID-19 vaccine?
@melval4135 Год назад
How did this age? The more I hear wet market the more racist it sounds.
@pacoshuman7642 3 года назад
The answer lies in Ft. Dietrich...this is why the U.S. government has closed it. You need to look here before anywhere else in the world.
@naturestuber5787 3 года назад
My favourite anchor😊
@krob2327 Год назад
Yeah we know he’s an asset for Qatar
@sunshinesunshine4563 Год назад
Typical of the warmongers Amerikkkan regime always blame every Country around the world except themselves.
@tomsawyer9403 3 года назад
I wouldn't mind spending a few hours in the lab with Dr. Alina Chan.
@krob2327 Год назад
It was a bio lab but medhi s Qataris handlers keep telling him to say it’s racist
@oneofakind5668 3 года назад
These people are just taking lime light of gates..
@oneofakind5668 3 года назад
Stop treating the weeds like idiots.
@scientificfraud5016 3 года назад
Alinia was shouted down...let her speak
@krob2327 Год назад
Medhi has issues with women shall we say. I hope more speak out
@sonarbangla8711 3 года назад
To be able to pinpoint the origin of covid what is needed is to search all the caves where bats live, test all the animals, which is not what the US intel is focusing. SARS and MARS took of months to pinpoint a bat and a camel as the origin, covid-19 might take years. Most labs are not open to investigation. Choose your options, when no one is cooperating.
@GaryVolts 2 года назад
China has every reason to find the animal host but has come up empty handed. You know they would have pulled out all the stops if they really thought that was the case.
@sonarbangla8711 2 года назад
@@GaryVolts China isn't looking for animal host, they are party to 'gain of function research', banned by Obama and Fauci hired Wuhan lab so Trump and Bill Gates would earn money. China got the knowledge of Ebola, HIV, SARS, MARS vaccines and much more.
@GaryVolts 2 года назад
@@sonarbangla8711 They looked so they could provide plausible deniability to the people that are convinced it was a natural spillover event and that it's just a matter of time before it turns up. Of they hadn't at least looked, then it would have been even more obvious that officials knew it was a lab leak.
@sonarbangla8711 2 года назад
@@GaryVolts Job of the officials is to start with Obama's ban on gain of function, that is what made Biden to recoil from blaming China or Wuhan or Fort Betrick. In other words, US handed China a biological weapon akin to Iraq's WMD, however wise that was.
@GaryVolts 2 года назад
@@sonarbangla8711 Its obvious that Fauci disagreed with the ban on GoF research. This is why he unilaterally resumed the work. It looks like he was so desperate to have this dangerous work done that he ended up handing dangerous bioweapon tech to the CCP who played along to get access to the tech but then flubbed it and caused a pandemic.
@johnlee5423 3 года назад
David lcke knows the truth
@bensheikho9381 3 года назад
Bill Gate?!
@groupflix Год назад
Can't stand this Mehdi Hasan. He is completely biased. He has had to eat his words many times.
@allahdino2796 3 года назад
Let scientists decide about virus origin!
@daveatkinson1042 3 года назад
if you can trust 'em ;-)
@dcp2047 3 года назад
Even if some scientist with conflicts on interest? Scientist are also humans and what we should ask is that the conclusions about the origin are achieved through the scientific method, not blindly accepting the opinion of a scientist because of its position. The scientific discussion needs to be open, transparent and checked from outside to understand if the arguments from a scientist are supported by the evidence or it is its own opinion affected by conflicts of interest.
@daveatkinson1042 3 года назад
@Augustin Santiago think about the fact that Tariq Aziz and several other Iraqi officials repeated the same story under interrogation: they were intentionally faking a WMD program because they thought it would be a deterrent to the invasion. Page 7 of Eisenstadt's article from 2005. The scientists have already been caught lying through their teeth on this: Daszak, Andersen, and now Rasmussen. Variants evidence of natural origin, my a$$
@daveatkinson1042 3 года назад
@Augustin Santiago sure they need an audit, but why the tap-dancing fuck would you think that SARS-CoV-2 would be in there?? We definitely need to subpoena the journals they submitted to, the grant-funding institutions in the US, and the scientists themselves. b7A FOIA exemption on Daszak's e-mail to Fauci tells me that might be already happening.
@michelaser 2 года назад
@scientificfraud5016 2 года назад
Wet market!!! Angela u r a QUACK
@Ktranphoto 2 года назад
She'll do anything to protect her interests, pockets, and dear friend Peter Daszak. Look at her twitter, she's a clown.
@michelaser 2 года назад
@Xarai 3 года назад
i dont care about its origin only the cure
@daveatkinson1042 3 года назад
what about the next one? If this was GoF versus natural spillover, we've got a totally different priority.
@sumarianprince 3 года назад
You are an idiot 😂.
@balisuncocoyt 3 года назад
To know the origin is to also know how to better manage the cure.
@lindawolfe2885 3 года назад
To know the origin is to reduce the potential for another pandemic.
@Xarai 3 года назад
@@balisuncocoyt so by ur logic I got shot, we tended my wound its healed but if we know the origin of the shot we could completely reverse the damage. I also got the flu, by your logic we could completely eradicate the flu
@olivierblanc6372 3 года назад
Interview Li-Meng Yan, Chinese virologist who compared and studied sras family and mutations... covid is artificial. Bring in the right experts plz. That research paper is public
@truthseeker9958 3 года назад
SARS-Cov-2 was detected in sewage water in Barcelona, Spain on March 12, 2019 (Reuter). Mysterious flulike outbreak killed two and sickened over fifty residents at Greenspring Retirement Community in Fairfax County, Virginia was reported by NBC, CNN, NYT……between June and July 2019. Why the sudden feeding frenzy of “Lab Leak” theory? Why now? All from a Wall Street Journal article written by Michael Gordon, et al?
@michelaser 2 года назад
@michelaser 2 года назад
@mohamedbarry6810 3 года назад
Covid 19 from pork meat.
@randomcheese1719 3 года назад
I kinda like Mehdi when he's not spewing anti-Semitic lies.
@planeexplainer5938 3 года назад
Talking about Israeli atrocities in Arab lands is not antisemitic you know well Arabs lands does not belong to Israel Arabs are rightful owners
@randomcheese1719 3 года назад
@@planeexplainer5938 no they aren't and even if they were, guess what? They don't own it now. Nothing they can do will change that. Israel is way too powerful, and they will never let the land go. It's time to accept reality my friend.
@planeexplainer5938 3 года назад
@@randomcheese1719 the fact that you are powerful does not make you the owner of the land that is legally and morally not yours under any international law or standards the fact Arabs and Palestinian are suffering is direct hypocrisy of USA and western powers who are supporting Israel against Arabs nations
@randomcheese1719 3 года назад
@@planeexplainer5938 what land are you referring to? Because Israel is a sovereign nation. Do you recall the Balfour declaration? Again, Israel is a sovereign nation, which will not change, ever.
@planeexplainer5938 3 года назад
@@randomcheese1719 maybe you should refer to ( UNO ) resolutions on Arabs occupied lands illegally by Israel I suggest reading the background information on the illegal occupation of Arabs land to have a better understanding of occupied land including Jerusalem my second holiest place on earth
@sanjay7pisces 3 года назад
One of the rare Mehdi Hasan episodes where he hasn't brought his religion as a bogey to play victim!
@alexanderclaylavin 3 года назад
I watch this show often and have not witnessed that. I like Mehdi Hassan for his critical analysis and when I disagree, it's an honest disagreement. I have not seen him play any subject positioning games.
@michelaser 2 года назад
@michelaser 2 года назад
@michelaser 2 года назад
@michelaser 2 года назад
@michelaser 2 года назад
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