
Most Disturbing Confessions Ever 

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What is the most disturbing thing someone has confessed to you?
#Reddit #AskReddit



19 сен 2024




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@leogol6045 3 года назад
The first one gets even worse when you realize that his wife will never see her dead husband's ring again.
@lethalwolf7455 2 года назад
Worse, the woman thinks her husband ditched the ring that night and will wonder why
@KrinchiD 27 дней назад
So sad.
@renaysari6631 3 года назад
Those guys robbing a dying man, yeah, that happens alot. There was this teacher that worked in the poor part of town, he helped these poor kids a lot. One day he was walking in that neighborhood, and had a heart attack. Do you think those kids he helped helped him? Nope, they robbed him as he lay there having a heart attack and dying. People, not just drug addicts can be evil. Just because someone smiles at you and acts nice doesn't mean they have your best intentions at heart.
@damararemeis488 3 года назад
Same, i work with something like assisted living for ,,Former,, drug addicts. (Its Normal property Management, but the state is Paying for them). You have to grow a big skin. You help them all the time and give them a allowence etc. But you should never expect anything back from them. They might be nice to you as long as i am usefull to them,but as Soon thats not the case. I got nearly stabbed twice, i know in something should Happen to me they Would wait until im Dead, to avoid the hassle. And they lie and cry and Play a role very confincing. They can treaten you and on the next Day be Angry because you dont trust them Anymore. We have a saying that you have to treat them Luke children with a knife. Dont take anything serious they do or say, they dont know butter but at the same time dont ever Show them your back. The sad Part is that i live in Germany and they can get all the help and therapy for free, but they Sure will never take it PS sorry not a native Speaker by far and auto correct in german
@renaysari6631 3 года назад
@@damararemeis488 I understood your comment just fine, don't worry. Your apartments sound like the ones I worked for, state paid. Sadly, there is more crime on those types of properties. That is why I quit after almost 25 years. I got sick of the crime and seeing tax payer money go to that stuff.
@rdred8693 3 года назад
Bad home lives probably. Single mom on welfare, don't care about anything else, no father around
@damararemeis488 3 года назад
Its actually pretty even between foster care, Single mom and (most Orten abusive) full family. But yeah they dont care. Drug users Are usually death by 30. Alcoholis between 40-50. And after 50 they Are most often very jaded. If they survived that long
@damararemeis488 3 года назад
@@renaysari6631 actually I dont See it as a waste. Sure they are never ever be something useful. But if the Support Would stop i they would get the money for their Stoff one way or another. That way they are not going around and robbing civilians or Stores. With Helping them you can avoid at least some Creme. C r i m e.
@Oleanderthal 2 года назад
the blowing up cats one was the one that really bugged me. i can remember being a kid and ofc people heard about people blowing up frogs etc(maybe its a country thing) but when a friend of mine suggested we go grab a nearby frog and put a firecracker in its ass to blow it up i can clearly remember protesting. when met with confusion on his part, i explained how it would kill the animal, or severely reduce its quality of life if it somehow survives(we were like 9 i think) and he just laughed it off as 'just a frog, who cares' but i remember convincing him to not do it, at least not at the moment and around me as it was cruel. how people cant understand the value of life, even at earlier ages, blows my mind.
@billolsen4360 3 года назад
I had a college roommate who was such a sociopath that at age 19, he told me he planned to become a lawyer. I talked him out of it and he's now a happily married soft drink salesman with a nice wife, two smart kids and a sweet doberman.
@Khaleesi_Of_Kittens 3 года назад
He isn't a sociopath. He didn't follow through with his plan. If he would have ignored your warnings, well, that's another story... 😳
@wendylevy9266 3 года назад
What's the dogs name? I'm curious.
@ericajoshfrench2309 3 года назад
@@wendylevy9266 I’d also like to know
@richardkelbie7726 3 года назад
Load of shite
@Grace15271 2 года назад
I don't get the problem with being a lawyer, what was so bad about it?
@Aztesticals 2 года назад
Am a stem major. A grad student taking the same course as me who was working on a second bachelor admitted when we were smoking a joint in the Appalachian trails that he had used his chem degree to make an organic mercury compound (mercury metal is pretty safe and you have to work with it daily for decades to develope mercury poisoning. But organic mercury compounds are lethal with as little as 2-3 drops dropped on skin or in food. But they take months to a year for symptoms to occur and by then it is too late. ) and then applied it to the wine of his girlfriends severely abusive (physically and sexually) father. The fathers Facebook history Essentially confirmed that he had died over a year prior after a long illness that they believed to be early onset rapidly progressing dementia.
@ledam2654 2 года назад
So...that guy thought that the appropriate response to his coworker telling him his wife committed suicide was to talk about how he was going to spend time with his wife? Oookay.
@dearest-tulip Год назад
he did ask op what his weekend plans were before immediately trauma-dumping on him, so yeah, any answer op could give would sound tone-deaf. i had a classmate put me in the same situation (i'll share in a separate comment). yes, what happened to the coworker was tragic, but it's not cool to just put all that on an acquaintance without first asking if it would be okay with them.
@mirahshay1833 3 года назад
My aunty confessed to me that my grandad who we always thought killed himself when my aunty/mum/uncles were kids was probably actually murdered by my nana and her own husband's(my grandads) best friend. My grandad was found hanging with his feet on the ground during a time my nana had made sure the kids where all away on holiday. Grandads best friend moved in a week later after he was found dead. Bit dodgy but idk
@creolechicken2.080 3 года назад
@11:15 The older guy she married is still took advantage of her though. Like he married a 13 year old to help her escape but he had kids with her and stuff, did he wait until she was 18 to ever try anything with her? I doubt it. Also the fact that he agreed to marry a 13 year old instead of just helping her escape is so sus1.
@dearest-tulip Год назад
i understand the sentiment, but unfortunately, that kind of thing was normal back then. depending on how long ago OP's story happened, the woman could've been 13 anytime between the 1920s and 1940s. hell, my own great-grandmother was married off in her teens because that was only way a young woman or girl COULD make a better life for herself. all things considered, yeah, it wrong then just as it is now, but that's just how shit was done.
@fireiron369 3 года назад
If I’ve heard right, Priests cannot reveal what is told in confession no matter what.
@billolsen4360 3 года назад
I think they can recount the confession, but can't reveal who it came from.
@Jared7873 3 года назад
Although he wasn't a priest. And it wasn't so much a confession as a change of career discussion. I would have told him he might want to go see his psychiatrist to discuss it some more. If he had confessed to the visiting pastor that he'd molested his sister and the man turned him in, his lawyer might make the case that it was told in confidence to a religious authority (probably while he was high) so was protected. Depends on other evidence I imagine. I'm not a lawyer.
@richardkelbie7726 3 года назад
They can for things such as murder etc but are taught to try and get the person to go to police
@maatnofret1234 3 года назад
I think there might be an exception if they believe someone might be killed or suffer grievous bodily harm, but I’m not sure.
@christianrice9623 2 года назад
God knows what's real, but I asked a catholic priest this exact question over the summer, and he said if a guy walked in and said the priest's mother was in a car with a bomb under it, he couldn't do a darn thing
@diamondpoppa 2 года назад
The seizure like episodes were more than likely non-epileptic seizures (pseudo- seizures). Conversion Disorder is some crazy shit.
@chuckiebrownbfly 2 года назад
Yea. Sounded like what happens to me
@kevinpersaud2949 3 года назад
Anyone who has beastiality stories can really just keep them to themselves. Jeez. Always disturbs me so much. I know its the point of the thread but I just cant
@LateshaRenee 2 года назад
This makes me really disturbed that I live in a world with these kind of people.
@TheFluffyWendigo 3 года назад
I ripped a taco bell fart in an elevator with my bosses onboard before the doors closed. They had another 10 floors to go.
@imjoshhru Год назад
You monster
@leclercmartin3851 2 года назад
As someone who had a mentally abusive therapist, hearing people say that getting help is the only way makes me sick
@woleysmoley3007 2 года назад
Same! My old therapist was very sexually suggestive when I was a minor. He did NOT help me at all and his actions actually furthered my mental illness and delusions.
@iknowexactlywhoyouare8701 10 месяцев назад
Okay well not all therapists are like yours. A lot of people benefit from therapy. It’s not their fault you got unlucky
@emilybarclay8831 7 месяцев назад
Getting a GOOD therapist is good. Literally no one is suggesting people go to therapists like yours
@DixieRect 2 года назад
Didn't understand at first but after googling it up, sudafed (pseudoephedrine) is a cold medication, and if you've ever watched Breaking Bad, you'll know it was used to make meth, so the guy probably had a meth lab in his house which subsequently blew up LMAO
@robertmaybeth3434 3 года назад
ALL those vile confessions if even half are true I feel like i need to bleach my soul to get the poison out now then put it through some kind of soul-wringer like at the good car washes
@gio-gioarmani2268 3 года назад
My father came home from work with a broken wrist, and said he fell down the stairs Suddenly at the same time, my uncle, working the same job, left the place My father confessed months later that they had an escalating arument where my uncle pushed him down the stairs and my dad was able to hold himself somewhere whille falling, breaking his wrist
@CatBehaviourPhD 3 года назад
For the one about the guy with scars whose house blew up coming into the pharmacy…I have so many questions. Does anyone know the full story? Why did he deserve it?? That’s an awful thing to say.
@chemlearner2721 3 года назад
I think It means he was cooking the chemicals into methamphetamine and there was an explosion.
@ezrea9313 2 года назад
Sudafed is used to make meth but it's very dangerous
@joshualopez3260 2 месяца назад
Meth lab.
@deemareedubois3137 3 года назад
I try to stop people from over sharing with me. I had a friend years that told me something that has bothered me ever since. So now I just don’t want to know.
@charlez7 2 года назад
“Fokken prawns.” Omg that reference is amazing lmaooooo
@CapyInDaClub 3 года назад
That holy shit moment when you know the exact details about one of these stories due to your network. Finally happened. Damn.
@suzieseabee 2 года назад
Why would people eat cat or dog food? It's expensive. I spend more on cat food than people food.
@Tokuijin 2 года назад
Some like the taste.
@oldmanaz.6811 3 года назад
You can turn your back on a person but never turn your back to a drug.
@IcySeashells 2 года назад
I put my sock then shoe then sock then shoe. I didn’t know it was weird 🙊
@dearest-tulip Год назад
this happened back in 2017, and my memory's kinda shit: in my senior year of hs, we were having a remedial week for students that missed too many classes and needed to make up for the lost time; i was one of them. a bunch of us were grouped in this large music room to work while the rest of the school was elsewhere or had a free day. since it wasn't a formal test day, we could do whatever we wanted as long as we got the needed work done. lunchtime comes, food gets passed out, and im doing whatever at my laptop while i eat my lunch. this classmate i knew (mutual friend of someone, icr) is sitting near me, and decides to strike up conversation. i didn't mind since i had my work done, so i wasn't busy. i can't even remember how the conversation started when she starts talking about a cousin/niece her mom had taken custody of. at first, it seemed like it was gonna be straightforward, child was mistreated at home then put into care of relatives, but it took a sharp turn when cm described how the child was being abused. without getting into too much detail, the child was basically groomed by her mother to be an irl lolicon and then prostituted. i don't recall how it was reported, or if anyone else involved was arrested, but the mom ended up going to jail. Classmate talked about how she and her mother were having to reteach the little girl how to actually behave as a child, opposite how she was groomed. generally, it's a confession i constantly want to forget, but never can because of how heart-wrenching it was. i don't even remember the classmate's name, and constantly wonder how the little girl is doing since then. why did she pick me to confess to? what do i do with this information? i've learned since then that what the classmate did was less a confession and more than anything trauma dumping, which seems to be common in these confession threads. it always tends to happen during otherwise lighthearted occasions and in most stories, whoever is telling wants to vent but never does it in appropriate situations.
@kahlilkennard3940 2 года назад
When I was around 12 or 13 I was walking my dog when he got loose. I found him eating a mom cat with the kittens either dead or dying. I still think about those cats
@nixonsprguy3629 2 года назад
Doesn't happen often, but that uterus thing left me speechless.
@TheRexTera 3 года назад
The sock and the shoe story is going to traumatise me for years. It’s going to be months before I can sleep again😱
@Richrato 2 года назад
I don’t get it. Can you please explain it to me
@HunterLvyiXIII 2 года назад
@rugalbernstein5913 3 года назад
Running over the homeless guy was incredibly screwed up, but I don't want to pass up the 'friend' falsely accusing guys of rape either. Absolutely hate when women do that, act promiscuously, then refuse to own it out of embarrassment and abuse people's pedestal of empathy/innocence they place you on to ruin someone else's life. It's actually hard for me to decide which 'friend' did worse here because one killed a guy that was already suffering, but the other tried to get a guy to suffer for the rest of his life where he could lose his family/friends/school/job and end up just like the guy that was ran over, falsely accused even sometimes end killing themselves on top of that.
@creolechicken2.080 3 года назад
Lol so all the stories of the girls being r@ped/molested are not worse than 1 false accusation? Those stories didn't move you as much as 1 false accusation? Interesting.
@rugalbernstein5913 3 года назад
@@creolechicken2.080 I didn't make any comparisons to any other post, you're trying to make a straw man argument and I don't appreciate the disingenuousness.
@creolechicken2.080 3 года назад
@@rugalbernstein5913 What straw man argument am I trying to make? I was simply noting the observation I made. Multiple stories of girls being sexually victimized by men, but the only one that sticks out to you is the one where you perceive the man to be “victimized”….says a lot.
@Strout1791 3 года назад
The title: :( The background music: :D
@marcusdaniels6635 3 года назад
that District 9 comment caught me off guard
@toffeefeathers 3 года назад
Had to do a mental double take for that one lol
@ericajoshfrench2309 3 года назад
Never trust a addict as far as you can through them comming from a ex addict I don’t think I would of ever done somthing that low
@UpUpDnDnLtRtLtRtBAStart 3 года назад
Dvmn - the one with the twin brothers and trip down the stairs. That hurts.
@journeyinspirit 2 года назад
17:53 that’s also a trauma response.
@ChevyisBetter Год назад
22:56 my ex-girlfriend's father shot two of her dogs cause he found them to be annoying and just an overall nuisance. Then she saved a piglet and had it for a year until he slaughtered it. Now she's got a dog again and I'm checking in every now and again, cause he never tried anything when I was around and I still have feelings for this girl honestly. Edit: and it doesn't hurt that the dog's cute
@alisterfolson Год назад
I must be getting older; at first these videos were interesting but now just disturbing. Even if the stories are fake I know that somewhere out there truth is stranger than fiction.
@Meela9088 3 года назад
I love how there’s a couple funny ones
@kingghidorable931 11 дней назад
I was drinking with my former best friend one night, and he told me that his brother had murdered someone in a road rage accident, abandoned the car and burued the body on the side of the road. I had hung out with his brother many times including after this incident had supposedly happened. Definitely freaked me out and I no longer associate with them.
@jstrahan2 2 месяца назад
6:20. 'Antisocial Personality Disorder', commonly known as being a sociopath.
@odd_1.out_ 3 года назад
My momma said my cat had a heart attack from running too fast when he ran outside but when I was 12 she told me she actually tan him over
@crzzyy 3 года назад
Those ppl who were robbing the dead guy were just looting, smh *(This is a joke)*
@milorules2729 2 года назад
*Dark humor gang* 😎✊
@afrikasmith1049 2 года назад
Stealing from a dead body in a Bethesda game: 😃 Stealing from a dead body in real life: 😐
@rebekahsearcy8986 9 месяцев назад
The story about the guy liking little girls wearing g-strings made me sick. He is a sick, perverted, bastard. He can rot in hell. I am studying to work with children between 2-8 year olds.
@LateshaRenee 2 года назад
So he confessed that he might have killed a homeless man when he was drunk driving, but he confessed this WHILE DRUNK.
@ravendawn9480 4 месяца назад
At 19:30... I literally just got down 10ish secs beforehand putting on sock, shoe, sock, shoe 😂😂😅
@readjordan2257 3 года назад
10:58 maybe that was a police sting and you were the person of interest.
@cartwrightworm1317 Год назад
A former coworker said her older brother raped her as a three year old. He eventually committed suicide. Later, her mother tried to commit suicide right in front of her. My coworker became an alcoholic.
@cartwrightworm1317 Год назад
I forgot that she was bullied in high school for being bisexual.
@emilybarclay8831 7 месяцев назад
@@cartwrightworm1317well if there’s ever someone justified in being alcoholic it’s her. God damm
@creolechicken2.080 3 года назад
@9:03 is how a lot if not most men think. They would do things like that of they truly truly believed they could get away with it. There are even studies that touch on this subject.
@ulrichenevoldsen8371 3 года назад
Project much?
@creolechicken2.080 3 года назад
@@ulrichenevoldsen8371 Lol are the studies touching on this subject also projecting?
@ulrichenevoldsen8371 3 года назад
@@creolechicken2.080 I have never seen such studies. Easy to say.
@creolechicken2.080 3 года назад
@@ulrichenevoldsen8371 My university even did one lmao, they are there. Look harder.
@ulrichenevoldsen8371 3 года назад
@@creolechicken2.080 well I am sure some human studies class did one and all the simp males agreed to being dangerous predators. But uni is not real life. Not all or most men would do that sort of thing. Also you provide me with evidence. You made the claim. I am not going out to look for something that will confirm your bias. I bet you I could if I wanted, find studies that say you are not correct.
@natecloe8535 Месяц назад
Someone once admitted to me they voted for both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden.
@iononcantomascrivo 2 дня назад
Disturbing, indeed
@dominicguye8058 2 года назад
Wow, so much rape here 😠
@teelesynclair5902 8 месяцев назад
I'm a recovering drug addict, not all addicts are like that. That's just a bad person in that story
@kayleighandselina9246 2 года назад
Poor kitties...
@soulsharts 2 года назад
The confession @ 14:51 it almost sounds like the computer voice almost laughed. "side of the in-he-terstate"
@courtneypepper5798 3 года назад
I knew a guy who confessed in small detail, that he beat the Crap out of a “ child molester “ and threw him down a a abandoned well to die. Didn’t talk to him much after that.
@OrangeHook52 3 года назад
Sounds like a cool guy
@GR1mGripper 3 года назад
Good for him, I want to be friends with him unlike you
@MetalQueerSolidTwinQueers 3 года назад
Nice guy
@Neillan 2 года назад
If that story is true, I'd know who I'd be friends with lol.
@CallMeNevermore 2 года назад
Why? He's a hero.
@halcyon3116 2 года назад
😵😨 jesus the twin one, ring , and cat food, RED FLAG that guy from the dating site i hope to god she called FBI!!!! so sad the 80 year old, glad she got to have a good life at least damn these are awful
@Bassmanhill84 19 дней назад
For the 1st story : Great. More addicts making the rest us normal users look bad. Trust me. Not all of us addicts would sink that low. Trust me
@Species710 3 года назад
These are all the norm. Reddit should ask people to report who hasn't been raped, etc. and take a poll to get a percentage of the world.
@destinyelle7120 2 года назад
If people didn’t report the tapes why would they report it to Reddit 💀
@marksimmons5872 2 года назад
“Wow that’s so tragic” - everyone on Reddit after seeing something obviously tragic, apparently
@morgan512 Год назад
Is it just me or dose this first confession sound like the first chapter in jojos bizarre adventure?
@dearest-tulip Год назад
au where sir joestar dies in the carriage accident and dario brando happily robs him and leaves jonathan for dead. no stone mask, no vampires, no stands, the end.
@spaarm 2 года назад
That first one Jesus christ
@SilentEcho9194 10 месяцев назад
😅 That they're not a "true Texan". I guess for some, that's a very serious problem.
@jbilotta 2 года назад
Boy, I keep secrets to the grave but damn I've got some.
@Marcopolo9 3 года назад
I was not ready to listen to the stories in this….
@pameversole5886 3 года назад
I don’t wanna go to hell but I couldn’t help but crack up at the crazy cousin!! I tried so hard!! Damn you, crazy cousin !!
@bangtan_otaku4681 3 года назад
7:30 I had seizures like that when I was younger I'm 16 now it was called epilepsy
@zoey5400 2 года назад
My cousin has bad mental illness some times it gets so bad that she gets aggressive trying to runaway. And I help my aunt babysit my 2 cousins and grandma. Older cousin is 15, youngest cousin is 6 and grandma is handicap, weak body and 60+ I told my family if her mental illness gets bad when I'm there and she gets aggressive I will protect the youngest cousin and grandma and I will lock her up outside in the patio and I will call the cops on her. I will tell the cops she has mental illness and take her to the children mental hospital
@Dualbladedscorpion7737 3 года назад
1:25 Wait there's an actual real life Murderhobo?
@ricobuttonpusher7061 2 года назад
Thumbnail wins
@zerohasnovalue1681 3 года назад
I bet 80% of these are faked by a 14 yr old?! Funny though
@itzthedodo2586 2 года назад
Can people pls use another word other that crap. omg it’s so annoying.
@richardvargus7443 3 года назад
Bottom line. Whoever kills me gets my shit.
@Repomidnight 2 года назад
Never trust a drug addict.
@cocobrowny 2 года назад
18:34 Onision?
@scramble7673 Год назад
the comments are more concerning lol
@family2guy2 Год назад
Honestly hard to listen to with the music. Doesn’t fit the content, no offense. Interesting stories tho
@roddmatsui3554 8 месяцев назад
@ScarlettNightNyx 10 месяцев назад
Ngl i laughed abit on the first story...
@lawrenceo7372 2 года назад
What does TLDR mean
@angelsweetness3 2 года назад
Too long didn't read lol
@lawrenceo7372 2 года назад
Cat food is tasty tho. Helps you fall asleep fast
@isaiahdove1631 8 месяцев назад
I’m really embarrassed to be a human. This was a lot .
@destinyelle7120 2 года назад
I’m sorry but 4:44 , just because some guy told her to fuck off, she then decided it’s still a good idea to drive him drunk or did i not understand
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