
Moving On | The Ancient Magus' Bride 

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Having relived her mothers suicide, Chise is faced with the spectre of her money. She refuses to forgive her but thanks her for making her life possible, along with all the wonderful people she was allowed to meet. She promises not to forget her, but also to move on.
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@StrayWolfPiano 6 лет назад
"I won't forgive you. I won't forget you yet ... " - Chise's gained so much strength and determination that she already seems like a motherly character herself.
@StrayWolfPiano 6 лет назад
Thanks for pointing this interesting one out! Yes, I get what you mean, NoirAngel XD :) The fact that she still doesn't forgive her mother even though this might be their last "encounter" probably shows how much Chise has suffered from her past. It could solely be Chise's way of handling this conversation (and perhaps her character development recently) which made me feel this way. Chise might indeed be a bit weak still... too caring about this incident as just to let go of it. Hopefully, the story will reveal a bit more about how Chise actually feels about her mother after this scene!
@StrayWolfPiano 6 лет назад
This is indeed a topic worth discussing about ... (I will also go lengthy on random stuff :) ) Matthew (the first guy) has suffered for so long alongside his wife. I cannot really recall whether he knew that she was sick the time they got married. But they seemed genuinely lovey-dovey at first. It was only after years of seeing her in bed that probably made him a bit sick. And when he desperately asked Cartaphilus for help, he was probably giving his aid/medical advice as a pretense for toying around with the human species. I don't know how exactly, but Cartaphilus seems to be the kind of person who wants to discover the true nature of human psychology. In the end, it really seemed like he (Matthew) was going insane and kind of in need for her. His view probably got distorted during the years - and Cartaphilus might also have contributed to his final "condition". As for the second one (Joel and the vampire), I believe the vampire did not even realize her own feelings at that time. And when Elias chose to enlighten them on this case (that she already has left her mark on him, ending up with Joel's death sentence), she really seems shocked to me. In the end, she didn't deny her feelings anymore - indeed being selfish. I personally enjoyed these interjections of "failed" relationships because it has something pretty real to it - many marital relationships in the past (speaking of earlier generations) only married for a mate, not a love. This is a practical reason. Also, you could marry into a family of status/wealth or so. As far as this is concerned, practical relationships were pretty much normal in the past and are not uncommon even now. There is this second nuance of love that might apply to your examples better - the love which you feel intently - but you don't know whether it's real or whether your subconscious has forced it on you. This is what happened to the vampire, selfish love indeed. But Joel really seemed to be happy with it since her presence even refueled his purpose in living. As for Matthew, I'm not even quite sure whether he was still sane just before he met the alchemist (Cartaphilus) or already possessed by unreasonable love. My interpretation is that the author tries to work out the challenges of a relationship under exceptional circumstances (your wife being bed-ridden; your beloved/host not being able to see you after your eyes met). This relationship aspect could even get interesting when considering the MCs: Does Elias really love Chise yet, or why does he want to make her his wife exactly? Enjoy her presence? Having a thing all for himself (recall the moment he ran away from home, Chise followed her, and he held so tight to her that he almost got her strangled). Or that time when his jealousy of Stella really shone through - when he would abduct Stella for *his* but not Chise's purposes. Don't know how Ruth plays into this one ... Ruth also lost Anabelle to an accident (is that her name)? It could be that every romantic relationship in this story is kind of twisted, tainted, or the like. Maybe the author didn't want to have normal characters? Respecting these arguments, Ruth and Elias both might be a bit "unstable" as well. They all hurt their partner (Chise) too. I don't know how this will play out in the last episode, but hope that we get a satisfying resolution. Well, humans are selfish and most of the time don't even notice it ... Hope this didn't get too much of a rant ;)
@kamronspencer4910 6 лет назад
NoirAngel XD no it’s entirely possible to move on and still not forgive someone. For instance if some murdered my mom for example I would never forgive them, ever. But at the same time I wouldn’t dwell on them forever I’d continue to live my life and try to be happy again. You don’t have to forgive someone to move past them that’s a very wrong misconception.
@daringdarius5686 5 лет назад
@NoirAngel XD Just adding my own spice to the mix, I have had very bitter and awful break-offs with other people. I will never forgive them for the actions they did, so I will always remember what they did, and who they are. I do this so that the next time I see someone following in their footsteps, I won't repeat history, and so that next time I see them, some things are just not worth forgiving. I am a very forgiving person, mind you, but some things should not be done, and that bridge has burned. But also realize that I don't HAVE to be "controlled" or influenced by this memory or person. I can move on. Next time I see someone like this guy, sure I have a heads up, but I won't be paranoid. I won't immediately think "oh, he's just like the last guy". I will give them a chance, but I will also be aware of what happened before. So (imo, in this specific instance:) Chise is making herself aware of the past, and learning from it, but not being contained, or held back by it. By doing this, she is telling her Mom. "I will learn from you, and be better." It's her Mom's fault that she came out the way she did, she can't forgive her for that, but she will learn, get stronger, and not repeat the same mistake. Children are, for all intents and purposes, meant to be better than their parents. You don't have to be successful, just try to be a better human being, and just by doing that, you're on the right path. I think that was the "lesson" here, because comparing Chise to her Mom, you can clearly tell which one is more "correct", if there ever was such a thing. Moving on to the matter of Mathew, I think he was mentally unstable. His wife was his "anchor". Everyone has that thing that keeps them grounded, safe, feel important and needed. To him, it was his wife. For others, they have their friends, family, hobbies, fans, company, coworkers, and of course wife. But all Mathew had was his wife. So when she was ill, and he was afraid of losing her, he was literally losing his "life". Just as Chise realizes she cares for someone else more than herself, Mathew did as well. When he was approached by Cartaphilus, he was already desperate. When he was told to kill cats, keep in mind that he (like most people, especially in this time and setting) cared for humans > animals, and not as equal. Of course you love your dog, but it was (and still is) easy to not think of cats as "intelligent beings", and therefore have "rights". Cartaphilus, telling him he can "save his world" by slaying a cat or two meant everything to him. The first cat was probably excruciatingly painful for a "kind" and "gentle" man like himself, but everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) can get used to doing anything. He got used to the killing and it became normal for him. That with Cartaphilus constantly talking to him and influencing him, I think that he had been "corrupted" and was, at the point we see him, even capable of killing other humans to save his wife. I mean, if you've already killed a hundred cats and know you're doomed to hell, whats one more to the mounds he's already created? Keep in mind, some people will do ANYTHING to save their significant other (SO from now on). Most of us have common sense, morals and ethics that keep us from doing the unimaginable, but for Mathew he slowly turned to the other side (from what I could see) and those restraints were slowly but surely loosened to the point to where they no longer existed. I think that Mathew was obsessed with this wife, and that it was this weakness that caused him to turn. But anyone who has seen their SO suffer for as long as badly for all those years as he had, would do anything to relieve the pain, if only slightly. But it was nowhere near what was apparent near the end. If Cartaphilus had not been included in the incident, she would have probably died, and I don't believe Mathew would have killed himself or anything, merely become a husk of his prior self. You know that old angry guy/woman who used to have a SO in most neighborhoods? They are usually really crusty and irritating? That's what would have become of that relationship. But being in a "magical" world, I think that the author wanted us to see the "extremes" of this relationship. Same goes for the succubus. I don't think she meant any ill to the man, she just wanted to be near him. Keep in mind, in many stories, being immortal does not make you wise or mature. Just older. The Succubus seemed another depiction of "your middle/high school girl/guy friend who's just a friend, but you don't realize they mean a lot more to you than you think they do, and (for the sake of simplifying things, I'm going to say it's the "guy" who is oblivious in this case, and he represents the succubus) the girl realizes her feelings for the guy, but also knows the guy only views her as a friend, doesn't take the first step because she knows it will ruin the relationship, but it also hurts her knowing she can't tell the guy how she feels. That is until either they hook-up with someone else, or some crazy accident happens where one of you is left in the hospital and you finally realize how you feel? It's like that. Except in this case, neither ever hooked up with another person, because in this extreme version of the relationship, they have no way of communicating, and the succubus is LITERALLY hurting the man, but she doesn't realize this because she is so in love, but again, refuses to acknowledge the love. (I've been in this specific position before. It was very awkward for me because I told the girl FROM THE GET GO, I saw her only as a friend. She had a boyfriend at the time, and she told me. Eventually after a lot of stuff happened, she asked me out, and I turned her down. Looking back today, she was (and I thought this at the time as well) an awesome person, but at the time (and even now) I don't think we could have made things work. We were too different, and it would have only been a 2 week fiasco. But, like you've probably already heard a million times, "It's better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all". Oh, that was the second time. (I've experienced it 3 times, Jesus) The first time, the girl was the succubus in the relationship, and I loved her since elementary, but she clearly did not return the sentiment, as she was in love with another guy who never reciprocated the love. When I finally moved on, she realized her feelings for me. We tried to make things work, but she went on to a different University entirely, and being separated by hundreds of miles, we, unofficially (as in in a very awkward, with no talking sort of motion) decided to break things off. (She is the reason I turned the one mentioned above, down) Still don't regret it. The author is bringing up these relationships and putting them in this world. In a world that is as extreme as it is, love is still very much a thing, and important, but as the world gets more complicated, so does love, and he is trying to show us this. When the whole point of the show is love, and Chise trying to learn what it is and if hers is real, the show throws us these, both to the audience and Chise, and we grow and learn "together". That's the point of these scenes. From my limited and small amount of experience of ACTUALLY being IN a relationship, and not the teetering and tottering of "does she like me", "I don't think she likes me", or maybe "I don't think I have the balls to ask her out", all I can say is that: Love is about accepting your SO. The best parts of them, the worst parts of them, and all the while living together (sharing your company). You can be utterly disgusted with each other, and madly in love, and all the while teaching, growing, and supporting each other. Because when the whole world turns on you, and everything has gone downhill, you're SO will have your back. And you will have theirs. And if they don't, you may want to reconsider partners.
@aelipaeli5857 5 лет назад
@NoirAngel XD She said she's moving on and letting go. That means that her mother no longer holds power over her. Maybe it's a religioud thing, but not forgiving someone doesn't mean they are letting then hold power over them anymore, at least in my eyes. In my eyes, some things are absolutely unforgivable. To me at least. Maybe a higher being than I will forgive them, but I wouldn't. But to me, if someone did something absolutely unforgivable, i will never forgive. But I also will not hold on to that grudge, if it makes sense. I will move on with my life, let go of that person pestering my thoughts, but no, I wouldn't forgive. Maybe that is also what Yamazaki was going for here. To break the common "oh if you can't forgive that means you'll never move on and will always be held down by them" myth. Maybe for some people it is like that, but for me, I will be able to move on and not let someone to hold me down without forgiving them. Because some acts are unforgivable. But again, maybe forgivance is jusg a religious thing. Or cultural. Who knows. But my point is that just because she isn't forgiving doesn't mean she's letting that woman hold any power over her anymore. Maybe it's different in your eyes, but this is how I see it. That Kore Yamazaki tells us you can move on and let go without forgiving the unforgivable. Make any sense? Sorry, long comment >
@justarandomweeb4833 3 года назад
Chise is the definition of a character that “moved on” in the most satisfying way
@alejandrasandoval3442 5 лет назад
Chise Not forgiving her mother is one of the most satisfying things I have ever seen.
@OneReallyGrumpyJill 6 лет назад
Can we just all agree that Chise is, like, the hero of the year? Like, the external and internal conflicts this kid went through and the way she changed; come on, she deserves it.
@alterateawful6709 6 лет назад
Ram Kitten think aboiäut what Elias went through, he is just a shadow of a human being(he was human before acirding to the manga)
@starietiger9927 6 лет назад
That's not what the Anime Awards believe-oh I'm sorry. The My Hero AMV Show.
@OneReallyGrumpyJill 6 лет назад
True there. I have nothing against MHA, I like it, but they gave them too many entries. Plus, as far as anime goes, we haven't even gotten to good parts. Real talk, if Chise is not best girl of 2018 or/and best hero, we should really riot.
@egeorgiades93 6 лет назад
Ram Kitten Best Hero Id give it to her for now, but Best Girl will be a tough one. People are going ham over 002 from Darling in the Franxx.
@OneReallyGrumpyJill 6 лет назад
This anime shows issues of depression amazingly, making her struggle believable, making her overcome both internal and external issues in a badass while also making her super cute and sometimes funny; objectively, no one can beat her for those two. I will fight people on this. Her character is like a breath of fresh air due to how uncliche she is. Though, then again, if CR will allow one anime get +3984723 entrees again, it would be hard to win o~o Each anime can have only one entree in one category, simple.
@cerulee 4 года назад
This reminded me of the scene in Avatar: The Last Airbender when Katara confronts Yon Rha. Aang tells her that forgiveness will help her heal, but she can't bring herself to forgive her mother's killer. But she also can't bring herself to murder him, either. So she spares his life. You don't have to forgive someone to show them mercy. Or to let go of your pain.
@Carolinacaveman 4 года назад
Somethng i never been able to understand. Not forgiving someone yet letting go of the pain and not punishing the one who caused it. At that point ya might aswell forgive.
@destroyerblackdragon 4 года назад
Seems kinda harsh to compare Chisa's mom to The man who brutally killed Katara's mom. Besides Katara ended up forgiving Zuko.
@cerulee 4 года назад
@@destroyerblackdragon getting strangled almost to death seems pretty brutal to me
@veveronshade3409 4 года назад
@@Carolinacaveman it's more like you don't let person to feel forgiven while letting go of pain , you might also still keep lesser extent of not liking them because you never forgave them.... I guess something like that .
@kou7191 3 года назад
@@Carolinacaveman It's not really forgiveness if you don't mean it though. Like, if someone does something to me, I can let it go because it's not like I can go back in time and undo it, there's no point in bickering for what's already happened, BUT will leave it clear they lost my trust/respect from then on.
@MrDibara 6 лет назад
:) I find it *_beautifully_* that Cartaphilus' attempt to break Chise only ended up making her 10x stronger... Sometimes, hardship doesn't simply bring you down... *it makes you rise again, harder and stronger...* (yes, I like House Greyjoy, what can I say?)
@Izzy-bq1rc 6 лет назад
MrDibara Yea not the biggest Greyjoy fan but I totally get what you mean!
@duskyeng5407 6 лет назад
@MrDibara 6 лет назад
Coco Spike12 Humpf. :) Wrong, little wolf. *Winter is here.* :)
@herponriki5215 5 лет назад
The saying “what can’t break you makes you stronger” really does apply here.
@coolnobodycares 5 лет назад
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Which is why you should always finish the job.
@chey3996 6 лет назад
In the manga she actually says she loves Elias, not cared for him. I wish they added that into this scene.
@danielpimenta140 6 лет назад
Chey it actually makes sense in this context, since right now she is really mad at him
@chey3996 6 лет назад
Daniel Pimenta ;; She’s still mad at him in the manga but she makes it known she still cares for him (Elias) and needs him regardless of is she’s angry at him. Maybe in the anime they’re saving it for the big moment. 😱 either way this scene was powerful and to see Chise overcome her “curse” was beautiful.
@danielpimenta140 6 лет назад
Makes sense, but well, he just tried to kill a human being, you know?
@chey3996 6 лет назад
Daniel Pimenta ;; True he did, but the manga clears it all up. :) they just released the newest chapter this morning.
@elpopman2055 6 лет назад
Daniel Pimenta yeah he did try to kill her friend. So she is still pissed at him
@TimberlakeTigerGirl 5 лет назад
I can relate to Chise in so many ways. My mother recently passed away at age 60 due to liver failure from alcoholism. My father, sister and I tried so hard to get her to quit drinking alcohol and get help. We had moments where she did quit for a bit, the longest was 3 years. But she kept falling right back into it. Her alcholism was the main reason why my father divorced her cause he couldn't handle what it was doing, namely to me and my sister. My sister, after a brief 'wild girl' stage, also went with him during high school because she couldn't stand being around her. As for me, despite my father and sister pleas to leave, I couldn't bear the idea of leaving her by herself, worrying about her safety. I did have moments where I did leave for a breather when it became too much, but I always came back to her. My sister only came back to reconcile after she had kids of her own, as she did want them to know their grandmother. But she was adamant about not leaving the kids with her for long periods of time alone, as she has gotten drunk even in the morning sometimes. Her health took a downward spiral starting last November when my aunt, her eldest sister, died of cancer. She started drinking worse than she ever had to the point that, right before Christmas last year, she had to be hospitlized for alcohol poisioning. She was in a coma for three weeks, and they weren't sure she was gonna make it. My sister and I, even our father, were praying nonstop for her to make it. Call it a miracle or a coicidence, but on Christmas day, when I went to visit her in the ICU, she woke up from her coma and actually spoke to me, albeit only a few words. Come early January, she was released from the hospital and placed in a rehab facility, then sent home when she was determined to be able to function on her own. They made it vividly clear that she couldn't drink anymore because her liver was no longer capable to repairing itself due to her excessive drinking. Then come late Febuary when she had to be hospitalized again for extreme dilerium. She had not touched alcohol, so we were all confused as to what was going on. When she was hospitalized the first time, they ran tests and thought she would be okay as long as she didn't touch alcohol anymore. But during the second hospital visit, they ran different tests, and came to a horrid conclusion; the damage was done, and she had a year left at most. Her dilerium was actually the beginning stages of death, as I was told that people who are dying start to lose touch with this world even up to half a year prior to passing. I'm not lying when I say this; I was extremely furious with her and actually screamed at her after I told my mother was dying. I took years of pain that I kept locked inside, and threw it back at her. I yelled at her about how we kept telling her this would happen, and demanded why she never heeded our advice, and her answers only riled me up more; that she was an adult, she can make her own choices is what she told me. Prior to going into the final stages of dying, when she could still comprehend words, I told her that I may never forgive her for what she has done; not only to me, but to my father and sister too.
@larryANDlaurent 4 года назад
i am sorry for your loss and the suffering you may have endured.
@commonart3222 4 года назад
that is quite an story
@spriachumkongwisawamit7548 3 года назад
I am Sorry for that
@sattelyte5316 3 года назад
i may fall into alcoholism after realising it was a possibility after my mother told me. she has had time to adjust but i have not. i do not wish to bring children into this world but i am very depressed. it is a way of coping that im sure i wouldnt retreat to if i had/have children (if i have children i would have been probably forced to)
@Evee545 2 года назад
Yours is similar to mine, but different. Im currently 18. Mom and dad got married cause they were pregnant with my sister, they loved eachother but mom became depressed after she gave birth to me so 3 months later she left and her alcoholism increased. Leaving the 3 of us alone. They didnt get a divorce since they dont have money for it and cause they dont have lawyers. Few years later we met her, thought she was a normal mom but then we saw her drinking, getting drunk and that's when me and my sister learned that our mom wasn't like any other moms. Years pass by, we developed issues because of her, kept on getting arguments with her, called the cops on her, and cause of those unhappy memories with her we didnt want her to be in our lives anymore. We just wanted her gone. Despite her trying to reconnect with us, we didnt accept it cause the memories we made with her were still affecting us. I think 3 or 4 years ago, she got in a coma because she took xanax and drank it with alcohol. We visited her at the hospital, it was uncomfortable but we visited her anyway. To this day, she's still in a coma but they put her in a medical reduce coma cause I think everytime she wakes up, she freaks out like always. I learned that the reason why I was so harsh with her and wanted her out of my life was cause I hated her, i couldn't easily forgive her for everything that's happened whenever she comes into my life. But I want to try again with her. Idk if she'll make it out of her coma but I still want to try to start over with her.
@mvl209 5 лет назад
Chise is the best. She's overcome a terrible past and become strong. She is selfless, kind, and warm hearted. The perfect person to look up to or admire. I've dealt with depression, and I've had many times when I wanted to jump off a roof. I have countless scars from cutting just to feel something when there was nothing but emptiness and hopelessness. If I had seen this show earlier, things might have been easier to push through. At the same time though, I'm glad I watched this show when I did. Chise reminds me that whatever past I had and whatever struggles I've went through are what led me to become who I am today. I still struggle with my depression sometimes, but Chise will always remain a hero in my heart, and thinking of her helps me push onward. I'd love if there was some way to tell the creator how much of a positive impact her character has had on me. Also, Chise is best waifu 😁❤️
@yoruanduri3206 5 лет назад
Totally agree. Best girl ♡
@GamingFoodie 5 лет назад
@sapphirezx315 3 года назад
I couldn't agree more
@alanmellado938 Год назад
This anime is such an emotional journey, and this scene is one of the best. Chise has become so strong. "I wont forgive you, but i wont forget you yet" it means so much. People usually praise forgiveness but forget one important thing "you dont owe forgiveness to those who hurt you, specially if were the ones who were suppossed to love you" forgiveness must be for yourself not your abuser, it comes when you are ready to also forgive yourself and forcing forgiveness it can make such a worse damage. Because no matter how guilty the person who hurt you may feel is nothing compare with the pain the victim had to endure for even years. I cam relate to that with my own father, even if you love them you dont have to forgive them and its fine you move on and leave them and the pain they caused you behind.
@danielpimenta140 6 лет назад
Can we all agree that Nevan's voice is just too beautiful and awesome?
@Huskydude1997 4 года назад
YES! love you Bro, stay safe!
@white0thunderwhite0thunder71 4 года назад
Shoto Todoroki could learn a thing or A LOT from Chise. Stop trying to forgive a person for doing the unforgivable, just accept that it happened, turn your back from this person and their selfish reasoning, and walk away because no matter what happened before as long as you keep putting one foot in front of the other there will always be people there who can help you reclaim the humanity you have lost.
@alanmellado938 Год назад
Totally agree, I feel they are really forcing Endeavor redemption arc when he doesnt.deserves it. I mean, he abused and neglected his kids for more than fifteen years, lock his own wife after causing her a mental breakdown, and only started to realize what he did to them after the object of his obsession (all might) dissapear , not even his own son death (touya) stopped him from continuing the abuse and i really dont like how the fandom now is really praising him for just "not abusing" his family anymore, i mean, acknowledge and apologize for abusing your kids is the bare minimum you own them... THE BARE MINIMUM...and now mainly because Hawks idolization of him all the fandom is like "uhhh but he is sorry, shoto should forgive him and Touya is the one at fault"...😮‍💨 I mean that mean doesnt deserve neither praise or forgiveness no matter how talented as a hero he is. And i really find disturbing the relationship that the fandom has with him and Hawks 😔
@@alanmellado938 Yep. Ditto on all points.
@jordangreene8125 Год назад
@@alanmellado938 As much as I understand your sentiments I do disagree. I don’t think Endeavor has done just the bare minimum when it comes to his redemption. Endeavor hates himself for what he did to his family (as he should he was terrible) and can hardly stand living with himself for all the horrible things he’s done. There’s nothing else for him to do except beg for forgiveness which he also does. I think it’s realistic to just sometimes forgive people but I also think it’s realistic for some people to never forgive their abuser. Both situations are okay and both situations happen. Endeavor does deserve his redemption 100% Also it think it’s important to note that the whole Toya situation is not entirely his fault. Touya also had issues and so did Rei.
@pandapower3076 Год назад
​@Alan Mellado Lol. Characters have done way worse in anime and gotten a redemption arch.
@bananatiergod Год назад
Didn't it take him time to forgive him though? The only one who seemed to let him in rather quickly were his mom and sister.
@deltacotpiggy4171 5 лет назад
My mother abandoned her family over a man. I felt sorrow and anger bc she never said goodbye and I never made her happy. I told her that I loved her even though I can never forget her painful actions she made. She wished that I was never born deep down I knew she was a lost...broken women.
@GamingFoodie 5 лет назад
I know it's not much but this internet stranger sends you a hug
@deltacotpiggy4171 5 лет назад
@@GamingFoodie Hopefully I can do animation video about her.
@DarknessHashira Год назад
she sounds like a pathetic excuse for a mother. she doesnt deserve your forgiveness
@sapphirezx315 3 года назад
Chise Hatori One of, if not the most admirable, yet relatable female character in Anime
@KanaHyoshi 6 лет назад
Soooo I hope she gets her other eye back because that is a very lovely shade of green and I'll be sad if she is stuck with Cartaphilus's eye forever.
@cussundriakneal9904 6 лет назад
@starietiger9927 6 лет назад
Cussundria Kneal I KNEW I WASN'T CRAZY!! I NEED THEM TO UPDATE THIS MAN!! How'd the anime catch up to the manga..
@MrDibara 6 лет назад
Starie Tiger I heard the manga had a lot of dialogues and chapters that took some time yet didn't REALLY move the plot onwards. So my guess is they decided to either skip them or just make very brief cameos about them. Remember that Winter scene where Chise Elias and Ruth were collecting ingredients on the woods, but then they suddenly hide because a centaur-looking god passes by with a pregnant goddess mounted on him? Yeah, people told me that that was originally a tense scene where Elias made this whole explanation on how old gods are immensely powerful and also umpredictable, and should you end up upsetting them, even by accident, their punishment would be too extreme. So it was best to just avoid contact with them, to prevent the worse from happening. EDIT: (I finished bedore I finished, I'm an idiot) Well then, that was left out in the anime. Like, just a passing moment. I wonder if, maybe, they couldn't bring those storylines back until the manga has gone forward? But the problem is, if they do that NOW, anime only watchers will think they're adding filler episodes. XP Man! What a mess!
@reanisuii 6 лет назад
In the anime it does change bck
@DarkScarlettVixen 5 лет назад
Spoiler She keeps his eye. The curse in his eye keeps the curse of her arm in check. At least, that’s how I understood it when I was reading the manga...
@set9034 6 лет назад
😭 Please protect this child's smile!
@Zikerrock 6 лет назад
"Chise, I don't feel so good."
@Hino_Has_Trauma 6 лет назад
@specialgamer0072 6 лет назад
@Hino_Has_Trauma 5 лет назад
@specialgamer0072 5 лет назад
@@Hino_Has_Trauma 😂 I'm sorry
@thatonequietkid4905 5 лет назад
Damm! I knew someone was going to say that! XD
@wolfgirlsurvivor925 4 года назад
In the anime I like how her eye changes from green to silver color that C is what I am calling him to long for me to spell. Gave her to conteract the dragon curse and to keep it in check. I like that touch
@elliewilliams8371 6 лет назад
She has become a strong women and I'm glad she's finally moving on
@laurenevers8644 Год назад
A strong "woman". Women is plural.
@Ravengirlify 6 лет назад
The anime has officially caught up with the manga. Now she needs to get back to Elias and tell him that she loves him. I hope the last 2 episodes are good cause the manga is so slow as F*CK!!!!! I hope it's true we get another season.
@bloomy2121 6 лет назад
Oh please just don't make it an alternate ending because that would fuck everything up
@Ravengirlify 6 лет назад
Kiiro Aki the manga just updated so I AIN'T SAYING JACK!!!! 😊
@linwoodvalentine7693 6 лет назад
Omg thank you!
@Ravengirlify 6 лет назад
Rinzler Proxy go to Kissmanga.com and type the Ancient Magus Bride
@ChoppedCarrots1 6 лет назад
The cliffhanger on the new chapter though O_O I have a feeling it will be the same cliff hanger for the last episode of season 1 of the Anime. Well I'm hoping it is because then it's more likely for season 2 :)
@thegrinningreaper8016 6 лет назад
Wow I honestly wish I could deal with my deepest and darkest fears like that...I had one ex who I could never forgive or forget..same with what my mother has done to my dad...
@marcojacinto824 11 месяцев назад
Before I watched this I believed it wasn't possible to really move on unless you could forgive everyone that hurt you. But it really is!
@nikispade1350 5 лет назад
I'm gonna be honest I was sobbing at this man. Her growth is just so powerful and moving
@xMika_ 6 лет назад
I’m so proud of my girl
@TAB00 2 года назад
Best character development that I've seen so far
@Gold6240 Год назад
Such a powerful scene... Does anyone know what the ost is for this part of the episode? I can't seem to find it :(
@chaikajpeg2842 Год назад
Kotringo -- Story
@yeeetmcdonalds203 6 лет назад
1:42 when ur in class and bored so u try to draw but u can’t get the eyes right
@zeroizanagi 4 года назад
I haven't seen this anime yet.... But I have a feeling there's gonna be a LOT of feels.....
@burningice15 4 года назад
I pressed pause a lot to “keep my composure”
@King_of_Blue-Eyes Год назад
That is real growth!
@rainbowmane3233 Год назад
I wonder if Chise will see her dad and brother again?
@fabiola925 5 лет назад
Damn these are some real feelings for an anime 😩
@alsinakiria 6 лет назад
@Crunchyroll please read your description. Chise does not confront the specter of her mother's money
@Santhippe 4 года назад
That's about enough, Thanos. Show yourself I just want to talk.
@d.v.3314 6 месяцев назад
Chika’s quiet acceptance at the end is so sad. Of course she wanted her daughter to forgive her, but in reality she knew it was never going to happen: what she did was unforgivable.
@jorgeae6728 2 года назад
1:49 se me salió una lagrima en esa parte
@KeewiiIllustrations 5 лет назад
2:15 *Mr stark I don't feel so G o o d*
@MsBluebot 4 года назад
For real?
@zakurowolfalphasilverwolf 6 лет назад
I don’t know why I’m sad about this 😭
@leelthelful 6 лет назад
so freaking sad
@goldi1084 6 лет назад
Anyone know the song?
@kidyuka 6 лет назад
Goldi “Story” song by Kotringo
@axelclaussell7124 5 лет назад
Kidyuka link please?
@sabinadaviatakdal 6 лет назад
This makes me feel things...
@roxanacrisan4253 5 лет назад
What is the name of the song?
@Le_petiteprince 4 года назад
Story- kotringo
@roxanacrisan4253 4 года назад
@@Le_petiteprince thanks 😊 😊 ❤️
@Dachusttin Год назад
I would love to know the OST's name during this
@chaikajpeg2842 Год назад
Kotringo -- Story
@Dachusttin Год назад
@@chaikajpeg2842 TY SO MUCH!!! Was looking for it for so loong, ty!
@sojournme8058 5 лет назад
Where i can watch these episodes?
@teodorholmstrom2791 6 лет назад
The spectre of her money?
@patriciablopez 3 года назад
I just wanna know what happened to his father and brother
@origamipein18 5 лет назад
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, excuses almost killing your own baby. :(
@reanisuii 6 лет назад
Will there be a season 2?
@Le_petiteprince 4 года назад
Yes in late 2021 or at the beginning of 2022
@reanisuii 4 года назад
haku yesssss
@melinapena3534 6 лет назад
Como se llama la cansion
@melinapena5912 5 лет назад
Yo también quiero saber
@stephaniarodriguez3682 5 лет назад
"Story" Kotringo, pero no sé encuentra completa
@itisme2522 5 лет назад
S2 pleeaas
@GamingFoodie 5 лет назад
yes please
@1992Sonikku 4 года назад
Does anyone know the name of the song that play throughout this video?
@Le_petiteprince 4 года назад
Story- kotringo
@QueenMizu 6 лет назад
Was this a nice ending or naw?! Like her mom didn't seem happy at all with that
@joycekoo6597 6 лет назад
Mizuki Koneko-chan but I mean wasn't that technically the "mom" in her head, not her actual mom? So it's not like her actual mom really was sad or happy, it was just the one inside her head? Idk
@OneReallyGrumpyJill 6 лет назад
It wasn't really her mom, it was a dark image of her mother in her mind that, essentially, represented her depression and bad memories.
@QueenMizu 6 лет назад
Oh ok thanks you 2 😄 I kinda skip out on the episodes cuz I don't like the English dub and can only watch clips of the sub so I didn't know that was just her imagination of her mom
@Sterling_LE 6 лет назад
Mizuki Koneko-chan Try kissanime
@sorell9861 6 лет назад
Mizuki Koneko-chan or 9anime.ru
@kryhyd 4 года назад
@Cococrash11 3 года назад
Awesome The Ancient Magus' Bride Video.
@seanriley1445 2 года назад
This kinda looks like an interpretation of conquering a Jungian shadow or something. (Just starting psych and it rang a bell, am I right?)
@cottonmills4280 5 лет назад
I thought she was listing them off Alphabetically. I got excited. What’s wrong with me.
@huh2340 6 лет назад
A cursed arm and a eye.... Need Ragna the Bloodedge's Bloodscythe.
@ZickAzmi 6 лет назад
Damn it Thanos
@sudenaz3548 4 года назад
don't forgive bad mothers
@destroyerblackdragon 4 года назад
That's harsh she had one moment of weakness and regretted it.
@sowiwiody3681 Год назад
​@@destroyerblackdragon she tried her damn best, didn't you see? She snapped after reaching her limit due to immense stress and cosntantly losing jobs. Yeah, she did something horrible, but she gave her all to Chise for who knows how long. Everyone has limits.
@grettaclarkson6511 6 лет назад
What about the succubus lady?
@destroyerblackdragon 4 года назад
You mean the leanan sidhe?
@V49in100years 4 года назад
Can anybody tell me the name of this ost in the background, I can't seem to find it.
@Le_petiteprince 4 года назад
Story- kotringo
@V49in100years 4 года назад
@@Le_petiteprince thank you
@omarbarragan7373 5 лет назад
Someone knows the name of the flowers?
@GamingFoodie 5 лет назад
Poppy! It's the same flowers she remembers when trying magic for the first time in Angelica's shop in episode 2
@jasmineben7593 5 лет назад
I feel like Chise should have forgiven her mother, it wouldn't condone what her mother did but it would have given her permission to move on from her past, because her past was brought up way to much during the series cause she couldn't let go.
@kamronspencer4910 5 лет назад
It’s a misconception that you have to forgive the person who hurt you to move on you really don’t. Think about it this way if someone murdered someone important to you would you ever forgive that person? No but you’d still try to move on with your life and be happy again this is the same. Chise does not need to forgive her mother for the trauma she inflicted on her to still be ready to move on from it.
@ithaquathewindwalker968 4 года назад
@@kamronspencer4910 well actually sometimes yes, some people do forgive family members for killing other family members and some don't, honestly it doesn't really matter as long as YOU are ok with either one
@kamronspencer4910 4 года назад
Hollyleaf the vampire cat I mean yeah obviously some people forgive i was mainly just saying though that you don’t have to forgive someone to move on
@ithaquathewindwalker968 4 года назад
@@kamronspencer4910 I know, just saying 🙂
@ithaquathewindwalker968 4 года назад
@@kamronspencer4910 have a good day/night
@Pandallum001 5 лет назад
@paigeb628 6 лет назад
@johntumahab323 5 лет назад
That is a contradiction. If you haven't forgiven someone, you haven't really "moved on" past them, now have you? That being said, it's her own decision. Anyone else in her shoes would probably never be able to forgive their parent for that. It scarred her mentality and left her in a state of arrested development she's only now starting to progress past (and still has a ways to go), and that's not the sort of thing a single year of a different lifestyle is going to change. Even a lifetime may never change it, and understandably so. Nevertheless...I can't help but think. Does a person deserve to be hated forever for a moment of weakness? If so, I think you could say she should hate Elias far more.
@CistudeSuisse 5 лет назад
I thought I was the only one with this opinion. Glad to see someone else thinking the same. I find it kinda cruel to not forgive the mom, since she did regret her act and since she is already dead anyway. Ok, her suicide may be a sort of way to abandon Chise, but it is also a sort of self-punishment for what she has done. I'm not saying that strangling your child is ok xD just that she was mentally exhausted, she had a moment of weakness that is understandable (again, I'm not saying it's ok to be violent). I'm glad at least that Chise understood that her mother suffered and that she did what she could at that time. And glad she is now able to live for herself.
@johntumahab323 5 лет назад
@@CistudeSuisse On top of all that, it wasn't even entirely her mother. True, people are ultimately responsible for the choices they make, regardless of temptation, and they have to own up to it, but she WAS being tempted by another fae at the time.
@yoruanduri3206 5 лет назад
Actually, you can move on without forgiving someone. Chise doesn't hate her mother. She loved her, but resented that even after all, she was left alone behind. She understood that her mother did everything she could until she collapsed, but trying to kill your daughter, along with saying that she should not have been born... is not something you can really forget or forgive. Chika's suicide neither. But, considering that staying in the past didn't resolve anything, she decided that it was time to focus on the future that lied ahead with the people that gave her hope in life again.
@rebeccajohnson7599 5 лет назад
I remember a time when I hated my mom for all the bad things she did. I was justified in my hatred, and yet I never moved on from it. By the grace of God I was able to finally forgive her. And you know what? All the moments of sadness I feel, all those nights I'd lie in bed remembering everything that happened, the bitterness I felt, all gone. I haven't seen her since we left, and still do not approve of what she did, but I no longer hate her. Even if a person never apologizes for what they did, I think forgiving them is a good thing to do, though it does not mean you have to continue associating with them. It's just a means of really letting go. That's the lesson I learned, and that's my two cents here.
@Animefan1803 4 года назад
The only part of the story i really don´t get is her lifespan thing. I mean it is said that she´s not going to live for long and yet they´re kinda just chill around without doing anything about it.
@kamronspencer4910 4 года назад
Elias was trying stuff slowly but surely.
@Le_petiteprince 4 года назад
After she got the eye from Joseph ( Joseph is immortal) chise also would be immortal
@Animefan1803 4 года назад
@@Le_petiteprince So she really became immortal? Ah who cares, i ain´t following the story for the plot anyway. It´s just a comfy chillax story.
@Le_petiteprince 4 года назад
@@Animefan1803 that's cool and yes she did became immortal also you seem like a cool person
@Animefan1803 4 года назад
@@Le_petiteprince If you say so mate. Ain´t really care about being cool. Just wanna be comfy and chill
@user-gq1dq8cv7r Год назад
@joelbrich2538 Год назад
Hot damn
@user-gy7ot3um7m 2 года назад
@aliglimmer6071 6 лет назад
I bugs that she didn't forgive her mom and moved on. I mean what happend to "live and let live" part.
@AngelSky008 5 лет назад
Ali glimmer I don't blame her at all for not forgiving her and it's about time that we got more anime characters like this who are not "door-mats" and not always "forgive and forget". Her own mother tried to kill her, stated herself that she wishes she never gave birth to her and then killed herself in front of her own child leaving her all alone. Some people go through bad things in their lives that they simply can't forget them or the people who caused them. You can move on from that experience and still not forgive that person. It doesn't make you a monster it just shows that you are human.
@sowiwiody3681 Год назад
​@@AngelSky008 true, but it's not like her mother wanted it. She gave her all to Chise for who knows how long. She snapped after reaching her limit due to immense stress. That doesn't justify her action, but she was a victim as well. Show me one human, who will never reach psychological breaking point.
@mythmakroxymore1670 5 лет назад
Won’t forgive? That’s not motherly. Mothers forgive despite wounds, as long as efforts of remorse are shown.
@nightmelody777hiatus2 5 лет назад
land of drugs? xD Where she was?
@joeyperez447 6 лет назад
Ive kept away from this anime because I don't like older man-younger girl relationships. But is it even about that?
@lunarwarrior1614 6 лет назад
Joey Perez Not even sure of Elias is a "man" even, haha. However, to answer your question, this anime isn't really about the romance aspect. It's a fantasy more than anything.
@dragonfighters9683 6 лет назад
It's how you look at it. Like how some mystical creatures work like how 10 human years for us Is like 2 years for them, I'm just giving a theory. Or that if the creature is 100 he is grown up, I'm guessing that alias is I don't know how old, something like 100 years old is not old for him but for us humans it is. I'm just giving a theory I don't know either.
@MrMilkyCoco 6 лет назад
He acts like a teenage boy trying to act adult. Hes a monster that doesnt have an age but clearly the mind of a young teenager.
@scaredstiff7176 5 лет назад
+Joey Perez I think their relationship (Not necessarily romantic) was supposed to show that not all people can be labeled for what role they have in someone's life. Chise regards Elias as a father, a lover, and a mentor. The relationships she has with many people reflect that. Something as simple as the word 'friend' could not capture the true nature of the relationship. It is super deep and touching. I recommend watching it!
@victoriasnead1662 5 лет назад
In the show they portray him as a young teen. Every one seems to talk /treat him that way. He is just a big beast of a guy.
@Baze08 6 лет назад
What is the song ? OST ?
@kidyuka 6 лет назад
Kenzo Arrabito “Story” song by Kotringo
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